drunk, bored, entertain me
Drunk, bored, entertain me
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You're being drunk wrong.
why don't you entertain us and post your boypussy
drinking alone and didnt have a lot of booze
We're all real bored
what are you, a girl? get out
Anyone have any rare terrys?
bost benis
I can normally handle a whole shit ton. Its just that my sibling wouldnt buy it for me, so I took some of the shitty beer they had.
I had planned to drink a lot of whiskey
please go back wherever you came from, tumblr posting underage tripfag
My, the projection issues are quite prevalent in today's youth, I observe
You could be playing treasure cruise so you could stop being the one mihawk on my friend's list with 0 sockets.
I cheesed my way through Mihawk. I used like 20 gems to get him. So trying to get him again is damn near impossible
your "boyfriend" put his huge cock in my mouth last night, karen. Y'know, the "boyfriend" that told you he was saving his virginity for you and told you he didn't want to be with anyone one else? when you find a guy that doesn't beg to be with me instead of you let me know, sweetheart
Have you ever Googled Bookchin OP?
Yeah I did that my first time to. He's still my best slasher captain, I just started farming him since I got Sakazuki.
Been feeling kinda depressed recently tbh. My phone sits in the drawer all day and drains nearly to 0. Then I've been going to work a lot too.
Really busy and unmotivated. When I wanna play vidya, its for my youtube channel
Post channel.
I have nothing original to post
Thank you. Will proceed to flag your shit from multiple accounts until it's taken down.
I love you. pic unrelated
oh no. Im scared. I really am
don't be a dick to the guy
My channel wont be taken down from that. Im really not worried
wow you sound like a faggot.
LMAO. fucking nigger
what else to expect from a tripfag?
He is a gay tripfag so it's justified. Also the channel looks really shitty so nothing of value will be lost.
If you really weren't worried then you wouldn't have replied.
How do YOU sound? Huh bitch?
not gay. Im bi
meh. pretty drunk so Im more open
well I think he sounds cute
Why don't you do political videos? I wouldn't mind listening to that..
If you were REALLY drunk off of that shitty beer you wouldn't acknowledge being more open
I should get some and drunkposting
i sound like a man.
eat a dick, retard. do you have gout? you snort a lot in your latest video. jesus fucking christ, you're a sperg.
Excuse me m'lady?
Would doust like to jettith back to my place and poppith in a blu-ray?
didnt have quite enough
He's a cute user it's true
Holy shit, you're DSP junior.
yeah sorry, had too much kush and heyron lol. Its some really fire shit my man. I can hook u up hmu
Fucking kek who's even dsp
How much have you drank?
Anyone with a title "MY MENTAL STATE" deserves all the support we can give 'im.
Best luck to you!
you sound like a more depressed Broteam, enjoying the conker videos so far because I never played it. not too shabby/10
you're samefagging
where do i begin…darksydephil. gout man and soap salesman. best youtuber on the planet. watch this for a peak into the legend.
This has to be the most autistic game I've ever seen.
5/5 ragequit though
what else would a weeaboo rapper with gout play?
lmao, madexx, you're really pathetic.
there's always this dsp gem
you're really this retarded? he's a cow. OP is very similar to him.
can we hear your rap, please? i won't make fun of you
I exist as my own separate individual thank you. Also maddex disappeared i don't know where he went think his internet died.
He's very meh imo
How is op like him
I just want to see OP's nether regions
like, not responding to discord/skype chat? holy shit this is getting funnier by the second.
The second and fourth ones are me. Can't screenshot tho
Yeah vc on discord. He just vanished.
And I have drawing books full of bad worthless art. He's a cute
so not samefagging. he's getting his e-buddies to call him cute on Holla Forums. what do i call that? faggotry? what's it with namefags and homosexuality?
Fuck yeah.
Oh fuck yeah.
I don't know that other user but I just call him cute cause I like to. I don't know. I've had my roll with girls too
This, I like how he sounds like he's kind of a sad boy but he also avatarfags with his waifu showing his sensitive side. its cute and I really wouldn't mind seeing some nudes.
He doesn't like to post himself so I doubt that would happen. I haven't even seen his face. Hope to meetup with him though.
kek. jesus…this is fucking pathetic.
Nothing new
Just wish you loved me
Are you that brony travisposter posts sometimes? if so you are kind of qt
I'm not a brony i just posted with them in their circlejerk. They're interesting people. thanks fampai I appreciate it
This song keeps me entertained