Job Search General

I am about to be released from the military, I have 4 years experience as a net admin and my CCNA and Sec+. How hard will it be to find a job?

Also Job Search General? I haven't seen one and it might be useful?

You're better off than most but it's still pretty bad. Applying for a job now means taking a personality test on some meme social network like indeed and hoping you make it through the filters. All pleb tier jobs go through staffing agencies now.

I get that. But even if it goes through staffers its a good sign that they actually want to call you right? I've had a few phone interviews and a Video chat interview already. If I reach that point then that means I'm doing something right, right?

see if you can get some leads from one of your bosses/higher ups if you're not already gone. They'll usually know a guy

old boys club and all that

Well I'm looking for a specific area. But they did hook me up with some people I could contact. I just happen to have a place in mind for where I want to move.

I have A+ Net+ and soon Sec+ but no experience.

Where do I start? Am I fucked unless I get an in? I'm trying to get started in a work from home tech support to get experience.

I would say getting a Junior Help Desk position is all you're really qualified for tbh. You want to take a job that gives opportunity to gain experience in other areas and start working on specific certifications depending on what you want to do.

Networking-CCNA, CCNP

SysAdmin-RHCSA, RHCE for linux; MCSA, MCSE for Microsoft

Security- I'm not too positive but maybe a CEH, CISSP, CISM, OSCP?

And start homelabbing for training. Get that googlefu honed and start getting yourself some experience.

I wasn't replying to the OP dude. I was replying to the post above mine.

s-sorry user

Its ok man. We all make mistakes. Still love you.

Call backs are good just be weary of begin hired on as a temp. Last two gigs I had in IT kept me for about 2-3 months. Suddenly pay could go down without notice and we'd be training our replacements. They'd call you the next day to say they didn't have any work for you (because you just trained your replacement) but to stand by the phone. The last time they forgot to call me so I got told walking out the door at 2am at the end of my shift.

Do no believe any manager blowing smoke up your ass about full time. I know people that got hired on as temps. years ago that still aren't full time. If anything they're getting rid of full time employees that aren't management and replacing 3 temps. with 1 who works for less.

Hopefully things will improve under Trump but that remains to be seen.

Just to add to this. I have a friend that made full time and is now a trainer. He's been in that position for a few years now. He's said in the last six months he's noticed a sharp decline in the type of people the staffing company is sending over. Basically, lots of niggers that can't read and obviously use/are addicted to drugs are managing to pass the drug tests. It's a simple spit test that is easy to fool so either the niggers have gotten wise to it or they're just passing people through that fail it (it goes right in the trash after they give it to you).

This particular company seems to be doing this to fill the minority quota. The work force was mostly white males until last year. Now it's about a 50/50 split between men/women and whites only make up maybe 1/4th of the work force. Not trying to go full Holla Forums it is just what I've observed.

Is it really that bad out there? Can they really get away with telling you they are going to hire you full time and then fire you after 2 months?

It happens constantly especially at places that hires temp workers seasonally. They'll work you 7 days a week on little sleep to meet the Christmas/Holiday rush all while tell you

At first they'll cut the obvious slackers. If you make it a few weeks you start thinking you're in the clear. At that point you start to notice people that supervision doesn't like for petty reasons (gossip) start to get the axe. Then after they're going they hold a team meeting and tell you

A week later you notice really good workers aren't coming in for their shift. When you ask about them you're told not to worry about it and it's none of your business. Then they start sending new hires your way to train and tell you

So you train him to show you're willing to train and are a good worker. You spend one or two nights walking this guy through doing your job while also attempting to do your own job. Your personal performance goes down because the guy you're training is slow as fuck and using your account to do his work until he's in the database. You're off somewhere doing someone else's job because they're training someone themselves.

Once you're used up you get laid off with no notice and no real prospects. This usually happens right as things slow down and you're supposed to be getting your well earned break from the 7 day a week grind for several months. Jokes on you though because now you're unemployed.

Things are really bad even if you've got a decent education. You don't even want to know how hard it is for an honest worker with a high school diploma to get his foot in the door anywhere. If it wasn't for the good ole boys network I'd be starving at the moment.

Thats fucking awful. I cant wait to start!

Its funny cause me and my friend were just talking and he was saying that I'll have an advantage because I'm a shitskin. I'm far from liberal but shit a mans gotta eat so I'll ride my privilege if I have to honestly.

Where do retards like you come from?

Yes. I see it happen here several times a year. They post an ad saying they're hiring. They hire someone, 2-2.5 months later that same position is being offered again. The cycle repeats. I don't know if this is the same for every country, but here, if you are under 3 months, they can fire you without reason.

I tired bringing it up to a local politician who's response was "WELL YOU KNOW THERE'S 500 UNFILLED POSITIONS JUST LOOK AT THIS LINK". Said link lists 10 jobs, some require something esoteric, and one clearly said the job agency was looking for someone to go work in China for 10 months out of the year. Fuck you too Mr. Politician.

Anyways, I would make a habit of looking at what places are hiring every so often and making notes of which ones seem to constantly be hiring.

This is the telltale sign that you're about to get replaced. The second this happens and I'm under 3 months of working there, I find a way to quit without burning any bridges.

You fell for "You'll get a good job if you go to College/University" meme too?

I'm a very fortunate that I have very understanding parents who know what's going on in the employment world. My mom one time was unemployed for 6 or so months, so she knows everything is shit. My dad is no longer with us.

Her and I worked out a deal though, I'm to do all the house work, yard work, and meal planning, and I can stay here. I'm also to research investment options, and fix her computer when it fucks up.

You have to abuse every angle you can to survive. Tell women to give the illusion that they may be radical feminists by just changing their appearance while out. A woman I know cut her hair short so she looks like a bull dyke so she could get a job. Her employers don't suspect a thing.

Your in a great spot if you want to work govt or "cybersecurity".

1. Go to a place that's filled with govt (Maryland, DC, Colorado)
2. Become a contractor.
3.Have them pay for your CISSP.
4.Get 6 figures easy. Computer knowledge not required.
5. Go get an online military friendly degree (don't worry UMUC will give you a masters in cybersecurity without having to take higher than algebra)
6. Make 150k and avoid working as much as possible.

Source: Working in the DoD and that's the backstory of most of the higher ups.

Please realize that jobs are very area dependent and your clearance/sec+ is worth more to the govt than a college degree but worth nothing to a company that doesn't have those two things as a hard requirement. Repeat that for CISSP, its not a good cert but its a hard requirement.

Oh yeah and people skills> technical skills because the guy who yells at the smart nerd gets paid twice as much as the nerd.


This. The real computer elite is systems design and language design. Computer security is like that younger kid who always tries to look cool but ends up being the stereotypical retard(clear distinction to an autist mind you).

Please don't characterize any subject as you've done. Computer security is a real mathematical discipline just like systems design and language design.

Of course I'm just exaggerating but what you're referring to as computer security is cryptography. Cryptography is the most mathematically demanding of all CS fields I would venture. Computer security is the research of software security which means implementations. Implementations don't require nearly as much math as the original theorems, proofs etc. although mathematicians largely overlap these two discipline.

I'm not an expert in any field just a passer-by looking to incite good discourse..............................................................................................................................even if through bait........................................or provocations................................................................

I never though about it that way but I can concede your distinction about computer security and cryptography. You don't need to think about computer security when you study cryptography. When you study computer security, it is non-sense to ignore cryptography.

infosec here
I feel like we can go one of two ways:
Breaking into the latter seems impossible. Do I have to win a Cicada 3301 challenge to be considered sentient? Should have just got into programming while the going was still good. If I cut my cock off maybe I will at least be able to fill a diversity quota.

Whats the problem with going into programming nowadays?

I'd be starting at the bottom again and the last few years will have been basically a waste. I shouldn't complain, other people have it way worse. Just wish I knew how to advance in Infosec without having to suck a dick.

Go blackhat

Sucking dick I think is the only way. Every CISSP i've ever worked with (3 in total now) has been technically incompetent. At my last job I had to install Windows in a VM for one because they couldnt even manage to do that. I've watch them boot up Kali Linux VMs, and stare at a webpage instructing them how to run nmap. Not that I run nmap enough that i've memorized all the arguments, but for fucks sakes there is always --help and a fucking GUI nowadays too.

Can you pass a SSBI? If yes then you're set for government work.

No more government work for me. Fuck all that noise.

that's what I mean, it's so flooded with retards that it's hard to stand out as someone who can handle themselves without digging through ASM to find exploits in IIS. The number of infosec people I know who can't even manage to pass CISSP... why security? Go into networking or deskside support where you belong.

The whole infosec industry is a joke. People that get into it either want to be cowboys and find exploits or sell people a false sense of security. The most you can do is follow current best practices which means that the jobs of these "security professionals" amount to reading things and having an opinion. The guys looking for exploits are pretty smart but they're almost always just going to find more exploits, because finding bugs doesn't stop people from writing them into code in the first place.

That's what makes infosec a good career choice. There will never be an end.

Any ideas for a Holla Forums job? I live in a small town with a few computer repair shops, but those are just owned by neckbeards who work alone in a stuffy shop reinstalling Windows or building someone's gaymer PC. I'm completely willing to do that work, just not in sweatshop conditions. I'm thinking about starting my own out of a cheap building I can get through connections, or working out of my car and undercutting them. Just gotta draw in customers somehow.

I am looking for mostly offline work, but I'm not totally against the idea of stock trading and cryptocurrency trading and all that shit. But I'd prefer something I can do out of home, since I've spent every waking moment of my conscious life on my computer since I was born.

grats user, you've already got on the higher priority list on govt. jobs

as guaranteed by the govt., employers, all veterans are given a higher place on the employment totem pole over standard american citizens. you've got an easier path waiting for you.

t. son of former fed. employer

learn learn, opportunnity will come by itself. Repairing computer is the lowest kind of job you can have in the field of technology. Mainly because it can be done by high school drop out. You should just trow yourself in programming 8 hours a day for a whole year.

You're in a pretty good place. Don't necessarily settle for the first offer you get, look for something you really like.

Why should I hire you when I can hire Pajeet for 1% of your salary? And he will be working 80 hours a week, and faster than you. IT and dev etc should be outsourced immediately.

Forget crypto-trading. What makes you think you'll outgun whales? You might as well spin your roll on roulette.

Keep doing online courses and grinding knowledge. Every day you haven't done a unit of something is a day wasted.

Industry in my city is a joke.

I started off as a temp for an entire year, they kept dangling that carrot of being hired only to lay me off.

Get hired on to a different company as helpdesk/tech support. Find out the sysadmin doesn't know shit. Our networking guy couldn't configure the cisco router and had a contractor come do it.

Memo in our breakroom "Now hiring, H1b contractors. Starting salary 100k".

What the fuck. I've made a mistake, IT is a shit industry.

I-I... I don't know... omg

Sounds like you're an AEGIS tech. You should be getting employers falling all over themselves to throw jobs at you soon. If not, it's only because they don't know you exist yet, and basically anyone you ask for a networking job will happily hand one over to you.


There are no jobs in Republican Amerika, only hunger, despair, and death.

Shit, I meant "I want to work outside of my house" not "I want to work out of home."

I'm basically just working on programming and electronics every day. Won't open a store if it's that low in the tech field..

Good luck.

Boomer pls, I've worked in enough fast food/retail positions. I'm kinda done with struggling just because it's what I'm supposed to do.

Maybe you can all help me out. I fell for the trade school meme and got an unimpressive diploma of computer support. I also have internship experience but no certifications. Now I'm looking for a job in the IT field. If I could go back I definitely wouldn't do what I did but I'm here now. Anyone have any creative suggestions for types of work I could be looking for? I've had a few interviews for level 1 tech support but nothing beyond that.

This is the worst advice.

Ignore the boomer "work hard and prosper lol" shit and look at the people who are successful.

The people who are highly successful generally skipped steps and got fast tracked somewhere. The bottom rungs are usually filled with people who will never get to the top.

Why the fuck would you do helpdesk, computer repair, burger king, or other shit when it doesn't even add to your resume.