Please help

Ok so common theme here i ain't even kidding.
I'll just post this as proof. (i obviously edited it all into one pic)
In any case she stopped replying after that last line. kek.

I was hoping you guys could help me by giving me your redpill videos about killary and the bernie the cuckaroo.

I only need those awesome videos i've seen here.
The compilations people made about bernie followers destroying shit and beating people.
Also there was one video that was posted to youtube and taken down almost immediately about exposing hillary comp.

Help me ultimately piss of my sis so that she'll block me lmao.

learn to research

Fuck off shill.

Also to non shills. i did check the catalog. the videos i speak off are kinda old so most thread were pruned by now.

Also most of these videos are in webm form due to the fact that youtube deletes shit.

Defoe'd my sister long ago for being all "Welcome Rapefugees".

I suggest you do the same.
Nothing of value will be lost.

Your sister is a massive retarded faggot, but you did a shit-tier job explaining why Trump is good.

You could explain to her that this election is about nationalism vs. globalism. Then you could get into the differences between the two ideologies and how only bourgeoisie cosmopolitan billionaire elitists promote and benefit from globalization. You could also explain how flooding a country with illegal immigration kills labor demand and keeps wages stagnant and how, again, this only benefits the 1% elite. Throwing out illegals and securing the border will help the dying American working class.

Instead you just kept saying the media doesnt like him therefore he must be good. No wonder she doesn't respect you.


Oh i did it was in the 1min and half long audio message you see. but i doubt she'll hear it.

just kill yourself right after voting

Arguing with a woman is always pointless.


This woman is my sister though. And atleast she's not a coal burner. So.. Its atleast worth trying towards redpilling her.

Sister or not, she's a woman, and women are not capable of rational thinking. They are overgrown children that must be made to follow. Arguing will them gets you nowhere. Harsh truth, but there it is.

well in any case ive found a few on hillary but i CANNOT find that webm that had all the violent sander followers and riots etc..

Why don't you just go back to that kike loving rule 3 having greasy fucking greek supporting cancer board the_donald and post your questions there? Seems more your speed because you are too lazy to spend any measurable time digging and call others shills for pointing that out. Guess you don't even understand what that word means.

? what

Welp in any case i ended up doing what said and blocked her after getting insulted 300 times and me not insulting her once…

Hmm its quite embarassing to have such foolish family members. Fuck.

nu uh. You're the shill. Shill.

Also, you're a faggot and should probably kill yourself. Pic related is what I honestly think you look like when I see posts like yours.

You fucked up with your explanation but she also seems to be a huge tard who resorts to personal attack every time she doesn't get her way. Just trigger her for the lulz, tell her she has to go back maybe she'll grow a thicker skin. But one thing you can expect and should prepare for is for the time she'll confront you in front of your whole family and out you as an "ebul drumpf supporter", explain calmly that the only one who benefits from mass immigration is the 1%, talk about criminality and the illegals importing their shit drug dealing culture and watch this video for good argument for rekting feminist and all of their kin. Don't judge the vid because it's Gavin Mcinnes, it's pretty good.

never attacker stance , but on offensive

you should have just ask "why?" and remain on offensive, not sperging all out on jews and degenerates

you dumb autist


OP here requesting thread deletion… Thanks! :)

Holla Forums here requesting ban for OP.

hilarious though