God in Heaven

Ok guys, tipping fedoras aside, how can you still believe in God?
Don't you know that clouds are made out of gas. If God was sitting on a cloud, would he not fall down?
I heard people say, that God is not sitting on a cloud, God is in a parallel universe, in space, on another planet, all around us.
Don't you just make shit up at this point?


Name the place in the bible this is written.

Don't believe in god, but do read the bible for the sake of lore.

Well, where is he sitting then?

no thx

a place called heaven which i guess is in another dimension, the same place I guess the UFOs go when they vanish.

The kikes from yesterday are extinct. Completely different group of people.

You are free to remain ignorant though.

Why do you think your fantasies have anything to do with reality?

Job 22:14

'Clouds are a hiding place for Him, so that He cannot see; And He walks on the vault of heaven.'