When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums?
When are you going vegan, Holla Forums?
When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums? When are you going vegan, Holla Forums?
When are you going vegan, Holla Forums?
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get out
Watch the video, meatcucks. You're going vegan one day, whether by choice or not, veganism is your fate.
I'm eating a chicken sandwhich from Chick fil A right now. It really is delicious. I had leftover chicken tenders for breakfast and I'll probably have more tonight after working out.
In short, never.
The Paleo/Keto diet is the proper diet for a man.
Veganism is for faggots or streetshitters.
1 Timothy 4
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Your god is my bitch. Meatcucks will hang on the day of rope.
I examined the evidence and facts about human nutrition.
Fact: the healthiest human diets include some meat and animal products.
It's a fact. You can jump up and down and scream about it, but it won't change science.
I just ate a bacon and egg sandwich courtesy of my waifu.
Well it might not be optimal, you can live a perfectly healthy, active lifestyle eating nothing but animal products, even more specifically you can eat only animal carcasses and be perfectly healthy. It goes without saying that the body of an animal contains everything that your body needs to survive. However you cannot live by bread alone, and when asking whether vegetarian/vegan diets can be healthy, look no further than India.
I have beef jerky being made in my dehydrator as I write this
I dont care that this little girl killed giraffes and zebras and shit, just like I dont care about cows, chickens, and pigs being killed in the "never ending holocaust"
Stop lyin, nigger.
Why are faggots like you doing in Holla Forums??
After we eat you. We'll be so traumatized from consuming jewmeat we'll never eat another animal again
What the fuck nigger? Those are considered good carbs by paleo/keto fags
Explain your hypothetical scenario in which most or all of the world's population is forced to stop eating meat and animal products.
Only sweet potatoes are keto-friendly
I'm gonna eat delicious animals for the rest of my life and there's nothing a pathetic cuck like you can do about it.
why the fuck aren't these shitposting threads banned on sight
Enjoy the colon cancer and the limpdick, flesh faggot.
Girl may or may not be mentally ill and I don't really agree with big game hunting, but let's be honest here. Veganism is also a mental illness.
T-thanks Doc?
but meat tastes better
if animals felt like being killed for food is a bad thing, they should have done something about it when we were still inventing spears
the current year
still drinking the carbonated jew
Says the cuck who is addicted to hemoglobin.
If you eat meat, you don't care about health. May as well go all the way.
More like strongest manlet in the world. This tiny sandnigger is nowhere near the top. And he made all of his gains while eating meat anyway.
Smell doesn't count.
So do you think this veganshit that shows up every few days is being payed or for free?
Out of all the cringe-y people out of the world, vegans seem to have the best cringe. What sort of pussy can't stand meat?
why is he drinking shit?
Grasshoppers are tasty, m8.
Also, posting pictures of fit vegans doesn't make us think that being vegan makes you fit. Plus it's probably harder to get fit as a vegan than a normal person.
I've also killed many farm animals so I'm okay with killing animals.
Have any facts to back that up?
Also veganism gives you a higher chance of heart disease.
The lack of webm is disappointing
when monsanto can genetically engineer kale to taste like steak.