Further reason to not support Hollyjew and their bullshit. A mixed race Mary Jane who was traditionally a red head. I'm sorry if you actually enjoyed Superhero movies to watch your childhood burn.
Further reason to not support Hollyjew and their bullshit. A mixed race Mary Jane who was traditionally a red head. I'm sorry if you actually enjoyed Superhero movies to watch your childhood burn.
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't Stan Lee a kike?
Looks like DC comics is less pozzed and brings better memes.
Sure he did…right after her "audition."
DC just spent 4 or 5 years learning what Marvel's just finding out: pandering to whiny fucks who don't buy comics doesn't actually sell comics.
Well atleast he took a black spiderman and a partially black mary jane watson and not like most jews a black protagonist and a white woman.
Fuck jews.
Comic fans were easy to conquer.
They are all fat, out of shape, cucks.
They usually end up marrying fat blackboons because it's all they can get, and it makes them feel superior in their leftest ideals.
They rolled over easy when the third wave rolled in.
remember peter parker's bully, Flash Thompson?
this is him 10 years later
feel old yet
"Look at me I'm a quirky trans woman who is into video games, comics and maymays." Most of these people give a shit about comics, they just want to ruin it like they did with vydia.
They replaced him with a pajeet. wat
Using shocking shit to sell comics isn't the issue. They've been doing that for decades.
This issue is making it normal.
what's the matter user?
doesn't he threaten your masculinity?
are your undergarments moist with fear yet?
I wonder what Jew told them to pick Italian names.
The Flash has been replaced with a trans chink.
Don't be surprised about the things you'll find on this ride.
Race doesn't exist, goy. Take your ignorance elsewhere.
kek this is disgusting
(((Stan Lee)))
Stan Lee created the character and can do whatever the hell he wants to with it. When you create something, it is yours.
You'd know that if you ever actually made something, some true OC.
I find that more upsetting than MJ, to be honest.
And why the fuck does Flash look like a homosexual drama fag instead of quarterback?
The goyim are truly retarded.
Steve. Fucking. Ditko. Look it up, faggot.
Stan claimed the credit, but had little to do with making Spidey the sensation he is today.
Why they don't go full ape like JustJusters and StarWars the force #woke once for all? this chick can be considered white in the shitty neirbor with i come from.
Spider-Man was created by Ditko. (((Lieber's))) only contribution was the name.
Are you shitting me? I love that movie. God, is not sacred to these fucks?
pretty sure Stan Lee stole it from Jack Kirby who died with no money.
No, Stan stole plenty from King Kirby, but Spider-Man was Ditko's.
Because it's current year.
Anyway, unfortunately this isn't going to end like CISbusters because everything Marvel shits out on theaters sells like hot cakes. Only a capeshit movies industry crash due to consumer fatigue can stop this.
The flash look like Elliot Rodger
Either way - Stan Lee is a nigger.
It's the cast of the upcoming Spider Man movie.
That twitter user is saying that the cast will be iconic, akin to The Breakfast Club's cast.
It won't bomb, but this will be looked back on as THE Marvel film that began the slow, inevitable death of capeshit.
This might be that bridge too far…but it probably isn't, I'm sad to say.
Oh, thank you user, I was really raging.
Mix it up ya stupid goy.
Looks like Rajinda is trying to get (you)'s
Dubs confirm.
Between having niggers and Asians in the Thor movies, comic book movies are gonna slowly decline.
And I liked Mary Jane. I love redheads.
Oh okay good.
I like how we both posted pics from that scene.
You forgot the FantasticFour with the negro torch
Oh yeah, and Aquaman in the upcoming Justice League film is a Samoan instead of a blonde.
Oh shit, I remember that movie. He HAS to be a kike or at least partially kike, I clearly remember his nose being fucking huge.
My bad, I meant Marvel as Marvel/Disney movies, not other studios movies.
ALL of DC's tv shows promote race mixing.
Supergirl as shown, with nigger olsen
The Flash made Iris a nigger.
Arrow has a coal burning marriage AND a super smart nigger faggot who's gay married to some non nigger. While the arrow marries some jew. Which is only a thing this last season.
The time traveling one had an episode where the team nigger got a date with some white chick in a small town in the 60s. In addition to formerly superman wanting to fuck the nigger egyptian chick.
Why not make movies centered around black characters? Why not introduce new positive black characters that aren't a buncha softcore blaxploitation archetypes?
What's wrong with blade? Blade was a pretty cool anti-hero, and he was black.
Because making new moves is hard and requires effort. Hollyjew is done with working hard when they can just shit out a remake and launder their shekels.
Wesley Snipes was in jail for tax evasion for a while. And the third movie was Really shitty.
Second one also had white vampire chick as his love interest.
Oy vey goy, Atlantis was always in the Pacific.
Mayans tend to have huge beaks.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a part of good casting not only finding an actor who can play the part, but also looks like the character they are supposed to portray? If you cut that out you are spoiling it for fans of that character who want to see the realized in a different medium… but whatever. Maybe this will be another Ghostbusters.
You forgot Jessica Jones
Depressed you white woman fucking random niggers in bars.
I mean I can understand Aquaman being a Samoan, but (((they))) do this shit to get rid of whites. The Flash in the movie is played by a Jew queer.
Spawn II may still be happening, and Panther Kang is scheduled for release in 2018.
Comic book (and Star Wars) fans will eat any shit Disney throw at them.
Remember they were fine with Marvel resurrecting Agent Coulson.
While a race mixing whore who should be sterilized if not killed, Jessica Jones is a marvel character. Who, until recently, haven't been pushing the race mixing as hard as DC in movies or tv. The second season of that Peggy carter show stopped her from being with average white guy and had her all hot for the nigger scientist At least in the single episode I watched
No, they didn't, and Spider-Man was invented by a gentile.
Yeah, I couldn't get into Jessica Jones.
It's basically comics designed by feminists and it shows. The main bad guy is basically an evil CIS white male who mind rapes her which is just a proxy for her father/white boyfriend.
Also, she was a totally unlikable character that I had no interest in.
Strangely enough Netflix hasn't said it was a success or not.
I don't think it did as well as Daredevil.
Superman was created by Jews. He was just the big mascot, but he wasn't the first.
Wait, really? Is that the series?
aren't red-heads a sort of minority already?
Yes, happened in Agents of SHIELD.
Kill yourself.
You need to try harder.
too bad they haven't made a good live action anything in decades
Yes. Guess who the bad guy on the team was? Did you guess the straight alpha male white guy? Because that was the one who did was.
They are, but they're white so that means they're evil. They're the best though.
what? no way! fuck these bastards, they're going down!
You're the one who needs to kill himself, faggot. See my post at
I can't wait for spics to fully take over LA. At least they're openly hostile.
That is definitely true, and the only redeeming factor here.
So this twitter butthole can't distinguish between the breakfast club and the brat pack. An easy mistake to make but I sure hope hollyjew doesn't get any ideas. Hopefully ghostbusters taught them a lesson.
comics always had raceplay, but no one cared about it back in the day cause they weren't "red-pilled" aka overly sensitive, professional victims
Before Disney shekels:
After Disney shekels:
Ezra Miller is Filthy Frank's (George Miller) cousin. Filthy Frank is a Jew.
Guys, take another look at the user and then at his pic. It's being tweeted by Faggot Flash Thompson and he thinks HE and his gang of shit are that iconic.
He's probably referring to capeshit which was a jew "invention." And then when those filthy goyim tried to get a piece of the market another jew (((Fredric Wertham))) went and made a big stink to congress about muh children and only two companies to survive were (((coincidentally))) owned and run by jews.
They're trying white man/black woman this time, as if that ever works. Spider-Man is being played by this guy, presumably until he dies at the end and the nigger replaces him.
I'm pretty sure it was written as a Miles Morales movie to begin with.
Oh I see what you're saying.
ps no saverino this is my meme, kike
I remember overhearing two cucks complaining about Spider-man being played by "a boring white guy". I shot them such an angry glance; not sure if they noticed.
She's octroon or something, so it's not as huge a leap as if it was Keke Palmer or something, but the thing I find horrible about Zendaya is that she's got a figure like an HB pencil.
Holy ravioli! Three minutes in hollyjew with a comic book role and this cunt thinks he's God damn Anthony Michael Hall or somebody
Same thing moron
Retelling of the hero myth sells which is why it is produced. Because white people like hearing the hero myth being retold again and again, it is in our blood. Capeshit is just the latest iteration of the heroic myth.
I'm not sorry. You capeshit motherfuckers ruined film.
"Hey, Bob. Want to watch my new bluray of Citizen Kane?"
"Naw, man. I'm just…I'm just so fucking upset that they're making an Iron Man 4!"
>>>Holla Forums
I'm sure Sony and Marvel feel the same way, and I also think that's why we heard so many rumors of Morales being the main character this time around, because he was supposed to be. Then Sony saw how it divided people and they didn't want to screw up their potential cash cow so they kept all the casting but just made Miles into Peter. Hell, look at Peter's new best friend. It isn't Harry, it's a fat Asian. Guess which Spider-man has a fat Asian friend and dates a mixed chick now… or at least she's one of the numerous chicks he's into?
So Harry Osborne is a fat fuck chink? Son of a bitch, I just want to tell and experience stories without all of this multicult shit. Fuck it, I'm gonna write my own stories.
The moment colorful capes turned to drama and edge they were ruined. A guy in a bat suit fighting a clown wasn't meant to be super dramatic, it was meant to tickle you and deliver a little slapstick action. Of course, certain comics have accounted for this, such as Watchmen, but repurposing characters meant for humor and fun to be dramatic and "human" was a terrible choice and cut out everything that made the characters great in the first place.
That's the best way to handle it. Make the content you want because chances are that if you want it, others want it too.
this mother fucker knows what's up.
Also, checked
"Hey Bobby Jr, you're a great actor, been in some good movies. What's next on the horizon?"
"Oh I'll be dressing up like a metallic faggot for the next 15 years because that's the only thing that makes shekels entertaining these retards."
"Sorry I asked."
That's Ganke, Brown Recluse's buddy.
You…do realize there are tons of films every year that never touch on superheroes, right?
Yeah, I'm gonna go with a light, Narnia-esque, Eurocentric fantasy.
Also, it's funny how awful of a character he is.
Miles Sue is truly the worst.
I've been needing the read the Narnia books for a while now. I'll probably start them once I finish the New Testament.
That's missing the point. The money and talent all gets sucked toward capeshit. I like the odd superhero movie but it kills the investment in kino.
that image is just another way of normalizing Nigger-Man, you know that right
Movie will probably flop
Supergirl is doing poorly critically but the (((Producers))) want to keep giving it money
Comic will sell like shit
Want to have some salt?
Do this: >>>Holla Forums453623
Full-blooded blacks fucking hate mulattos, get tumblr and the SJW brigade involved and watch the fireworks.
I thought he was just freaking out over this white liberal bitch.
I have yet to reread the last four books. I'm gonna do that after the Gita and Tom Sawyer.
Waifufags will not let this slide.
Much of MJ's appeal is her being a beautiful sassy red head, and this ugly mulatto girl won't portray that.
So this is the guy eventually getting the Venom movie, huh?
I enjoy most of the Marvel movies. The comics are just cringeworthy SJW stuff and I can't touch them in good conscience. Looks like that crap is finally beginning to bleed into the MCU.
First major sign of it was in Age of Ultron when Whedon went out of his way to make Captain America the only white man in the team that was left at the end. Second sign was the Jessica Jones series on Netflix which was heavily pozzed.
I don't have a problem with black heroes like Luke Cage and Black Panther, but I hate when they take established characters and change them. They may drive me to drop the capeshit for good soon.
Don't forget to check out C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy. Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength.
Jews never create. They steal and destroy. You need to lurk more, nigger.
Oh, I won't!
You forgot about Hawkeye though.
What the fuck is Spider-Man: Homecoming?
Spider-Man is white in their latest film?
They can't be replacing him with this already, surely?
I don't even go to the movies anymore, I'm sick of capeshit and hebrew propaganda.
Does anyone else on Holla Forums watch any movies anymore?
Even "full-blooded" American blacks are usually 20-35% white, mulattoes are typically +65% white. Famous female mulattoes like Zendaya, Alicia Keys, and Halle Berry are especially hated by blacks, because they inherited their white mothers' facial features and are actually somewhat attractive.
Why do we exist, just to suffer ?
black man + black woman != black man + white woman
hang yourself idiot.
The Flash was co-created by a Jewish writer, John Broome and the artist Carmine Infantino, who I think was Italian.
I didn't need to know that user
Sorry, two white men. And two black men (Falcon & War Machine) and an android (Vision) and two white women (Scarlet Witch and Black Widow).
I recently saw Sicario, a pretty good film about some dumb slut working for the FBI/DEA and a badass avenging lawyer who kills mexican cartell drug lords.
There is too much talmudvision out there, but drama is one of the least pozzed genres because it shows the real world and not some imaginatory perfect future written by a yehudim, where race-mixing, drug abuse, polygamy, fornication and anti-family values are the norm.
If you look for good films that where made out of reach of the yehudim look for foreign films or atleast the ones that aren't hollywood blockbusters. Chinese investors put a lot of money in Hollywood and buy studios, which is bad for america but the films are often made in a way so that chinese audience can enjoy it and it's allowed by their political leaders. So you won't see much degenerate things in future movies since chinese aren't buying the jewish cultural shit.
She's a Jew.
And 'Winter Soldier pissed me off more because Cap was literally the only strong white male fighting against HYDRA.
Scarlet Johansson isn't actually Jewish. There was a threada bout it a while back.
And here's yet ANOTHER film to avoid this year. I really cannot wait for China to buy out Hollyjew from the kikes and fix up our movie industry.
You think they would have learnt from fembusters that appealing to SJWs DOES NOT WORK. Let the movie bleed.
He actually spoke out against replacing peter parker with miles morales a while back.
this is disappointing
Her mother is jewish
Her mother was Jewish and she advertises Sodastream.
Meh, I'd fuck her. I really wanna impregnate Liz Olsen though and make white babies with her.
That looks pretty good
It's a damn shame they destroyed vidya.
I only play pre-2008/9 games.
She looked better before the surgery.
extremely disturbing
Sicario is the only good film I've seen in the last 5+ years. Would recommend.
Just listen to this.
She's 100% jewish.
Mother descendant from Polish jews.
Also, her pre-op nose is jewish as fuck.
You think they hired her because of her looks?
It's rare to succeed in Hollywood not being jew.
Hey, let's check the superheroes girls:
I'm sure this is just coincidence.
Dirty, dirty jews.
Stealing our noses.
ScarJo without the nose job looks like the kinda girl that smells, but not too bad, and would be willing to smoke pot with you and fuck all day. Like, I can see her in a tee and pajama bottoms with a serious case of the munchies, eating peanut butter Triscuits after you fuck her for half an hour.
Gal Gardot actually doesn't look as soulless as a usual Jewess.
I honestly think I am, even though apparently I don't "have" it.
yep, downloading it now.
It's ok to have dissenting opinions.
It encourages discussion and allows us to test our arguments and convictions.
The problem isn't the girls themselves but the people who doesn't allow non-jew aproved material to be added in the media.
I agree that with or without surgery/makeup they all look good and worth a talk.
What a passive aggressive little faggot. I hate chain emails and group texts so damn much.
that's autism friend
aside from the nose zendaya looks white, she's not even full black she's a mulatto, so it's not that bad
Sounds pretty normie to me.
I would've liked to see Portman wielding the hammer…
Breakfast Club wasn't fiction!! That's why it worked!
I hopes this flops as hard as the fembusters did.
Don't forget this talentless cunt.
Old movies are still good. For recent movies you have to stay away from the Jewood and it's still difficult to find something good.
with all fairness here.
kat dennings has a pretty great rack.
You mean hated by female niggers.
Jewesses always have a great rack until the bra comes off.
they look fine to me
Chubby Jew whores only deserve to be fuck toys for Aryan men.
My brothers.
facial features are awful but as far as bodies go she's on the upper ring. Better than most of the 50 something sacks of meat they parade around on TV like they're sultry babes.
i'd dump a load on her jugs regardless of kosher content. You'd have to be faggot not to.
Her face is actually alright for a Jewess, but then again I'm a horny austist who wants to hate fuck this one Israeli bitch that I know.
The Kike Play-Doh Nose squad has sawed on that Bitch like a tree stump at a lumberjack contest.
I just accept that i'll probably never settle down at this point. I'm already 30, the pools been fished clean now. Either I go with a desperate chick who'll likely rob me or I swoon a teenager with booze and get put on a watchlist. I just want a woman to make me pancakes in the morning for fucks sake.
I don't even bother trying to "hide my power level", such a fucking retarded concept. If you actually care about your political ideology you don't need to hide it from anyone. I just straight up told my family I thought the holocaust was a joke and they accepted it, hell my brother agrees with me.
Nothing I can do about public interaction, frankly it doesn't interest me. I tire of conversation quickly unless its about my autistic interests.
tbh fam I don't think my genes are worth preserving
Now it makes sense how he's been able to drag so many celebs into his show.
Literally connections
I'm sorry to hear that, user. Have you looked into kidnapping? JK
If I was going to make a kinky rape dungeon I wouldn't discuss it anywhere, especially not a fucking surface web image board
[citation needed]
Faggot, at least get your facts straight.
To get a quality woman, you have to be a quality man.
Right now you are pathetic, but all the information is at your fingertips to fix every single problem you have. In fact, you could probably find all that on Holla Forums alone.
No lie, Hollywood is the only place I've ever seen a Jewish grocery store on the same street as a strip club
Trump didn't get married until he was 31. The median male age at first marriage in the US is 29. Don't waste time, but you do have a lot more time than women do.
This. Trump is 70 with a 10 year old son who will ascend to the throne as Barron I. Trump of the American Imperium.
I want to punch her in the face.
Not only is she uglier than most hollywood actresses.
She's clearly jewish subversion.
They honestly believe that white people will ALL fall for this.
Truth is.. only the stupid blind ones.
I tried to warn you.
And normally that would be enough for me, but she is so pathetically bad at her job (actress) that I can only assume she's got a well-connected dad.
This is the future that was chosen for us.
If they kissed and went topless the show might improve a bit more.
This is her dad.
His twitter is kind of amusing.
I believe in Bigfoot too.
And I understand his connection to his dog. I miss my dog. ;_;
Jeff Smith
It is fam.
I can literally feel the pain.
Isn't that a meme at this point.
The movie will do hilariously bad with blacks then. Trayvon Jamal Tyrone won't want to see a white man "fuck his bitch".
First major sign was the black nordic god.
Also I thought Venom is Eddie Brock.
They do it because they know, deep down, that nobody wants to read a comic book about a nigger. So they try to change white heroes into niggers in hopes that people won't care. What they don't realize is that if they make all the heroes niggers, people will just move on to new, white comic book characters, from other studios if they have to. There's a whole world out there beyond Marvel and DC, and they'll get a fuckton of money if more and more iconic heroes get niggered.
Completely unrelated to the Comic Book conversation? Anyone have nudes of this house nigger? I just looked at the ape from earlier today and christ almighty.
Yeah, but they already did that. Flash Thompson is tacticool Venom.
Non-nigger black people should have the sense to avoid diversity quota cancer
They'd go berserk if Storm was turned into a white woman or Batwoman into a hetero woman.
Also, Angel & Black Panther are kinda boring but War Machine was funny & interesting.
why are we looking up this family again? twitter.com
Because it's Kat Dennings' (real name Litwack) family?
She's really bad at acting…
Whenever I catch her show I can't stop watching her tits.
They already did Spider Man movies 5 times too.
im just gonna dox i guess
I'll probably have a whole family tree if i try
Registrant Name: Philip Litwack
Registrant Organization: Philip Litwack
Registrant Street: 189-10 37th Ave., Apt. H
Registrant City: Flushing
Registrant State/Province: NY
Registrant Postal Code: 11358
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.6462419581
her sister is an extra jewish version of her
Dude, how do you do that?
I'm a Sergeant major in the Right Wing Death Squad
I just saw someone posting about an actress i never heard of who had nice tits so i started digging
Cultural cleansing precedes ethnic cleansing. Can't let the goyim have white male role models to look up to even in fiction!
This is also why Ironman is played by (((Robert Downy jewnior)))
funny how the sister got a nose job and not her
Fair point. Maybe if there weren't any goyim involved we'd just get the same shitty movies made over and over, shot for shot, with all the characters played by interracial porn stars.
Just because you are 30 doesn't mean you should date 30 year old women.
The dating prospects for 30 year old men are actually pretty good
white people are a minority. redheads are practically extinct.
what is flourishing like a bacterial culture, are niggers, pakis, chinks, and Arabs
2 billion chinks
1.5 billion pakis
900 million muslims
untold number of negroids
Sorry, I'm a fucking freak.
Failed to mention Iron Man.
I don't even remember the last movie I watched, I think it was the wolf of wall street since it seemed like a fun flick,
Sadly, that was Whitewashed of the kike MC and replaced with a White gentile villain, naturally.
Maybe that's why I picked up anime since I didn't want to watch Whites being replaced by noble negroes or bashed by hamfisted kikery.
Just finished it…. 10/10. Bet the critics and journalists hated it. I loved how the two main characters were constantly put in there place where as most movies would have them either come in and be right all the time, or quickly learn the ropes and show the older people how it is done.
is there any particular vidya that sort of feels like this movie? I'm really wanting to play something similar now.
By the power of being Marvel's favorite. The new big thing is having him hook up with other Marvel favorites… such as Spider-Gwen and Gwenpool….
I wish I was joking.
If you still haven't reproduced by 40, freeze your sperm. Men never lose their fertility, but fathering a child when you're 45+ massively increases the risk of the child having mental and physical disabilities.
Many young women have a thing for distinguished older men! You're only 30, now's not the time to give up.
No way…get him away from Gwen!
you should see the cover or him and Gwenpool. It looked like a porno cover… though it wouldn't surprise me in the least of the people at Marvel got off to that sort of stuff.
Sorry for the messy post. About to go to sleep and posting from my phone so autocorrect sort of ran wild.
Stan Lee is a cuck, I saw some pins during Comic Con of two hands holding each other, one black and one white. There was some gay sign next to it saying he wants blacks and whites to live in harmony and calling for unity or some shit.
Oh I have to get off. This is too depressing. We need to create our own superhuman comic. It is not funny at all!! 😱
Yeah, the tits are nice, but the face and personality are that of a 40-year-old septic tank.
puke pic related.
Sometimes god is really cruel
Not really, since it's hard to find vydia with such a serious plot. In most cases it's a story about some cookie-cutter hero that becomes stronger etc. Most games that have a serious story are story driven. But I play S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl atm and all Cheeki-Breeki-Gopnik-Slav memes aside, it's a pretty good game with a stern & gritty atmosphere and a very good story. Can't think of others atm, but I know a lot of films that have a similar serious plot like Sicario.
Yeah that bothered me. After I saw the movie it made a little more sense since Heimdall just guards the rainbow bridge Bifrost, and humans like the Vikings would have never actually seen or interacted with him like they would the other gods. Although I can see why it bothers asatrufags, but then the whole concept of their gods as comic book heroes probably bothers them.
Collider cucks and tranny discuss: "Mixed race people are the future! She's beautiful!"
Yeah Stan Lee swindled Ditko (a Slovakian) out of the credit for Spider-man and also swindled the brilliant Jack Kirby (who was also a Jew) out of credit for most of the other Marvel classic characters.
You really see how little Lee had to do with those characters when you look at the inane characters he's come up with in his later years, like Ravage 2099, Stripperella
Heimdalr is not just the guard of Bifrost - He is the literal God of Whiteness.
He's the literal manifestation of White in the actual mythos; That the Yid scum made a Nigger play him is top-tier insolence.
Also, fuck the comics and that Jewish film.
They already made Black Cat a slutty whore too. Please don't ruin her any further either.
Dont know how much is true because it Patton Oswald but I thought this was funny.
Fucking degenerate. You don't belong here.
you must install gentoo
(((Stan Lieber))) promoting diversity? Why, who could have foreseen that? To everyone butthurt about this, you have to remember, these characters were never American to begin with. They are Jewish super heroes, and the Jews can pozz them up however they like. It's when the Jews try to force authors to pozz up their work, like what happens during game localization that I get really furious.
Noooo! Et tu, Filthy Frank?
Lieber didn't create shit.
She looks way worse in video compared to stills.
Next you will be saying that Filthy Frank directed Mad Max.
They do look rather alike though
Yes, we are. When I'm ready, I'll find a red-head to make fashy and have fashy red-headed kids. It triggers me when I'm reading historical stuff and entire races of red-heads are mentioned. Like when Thracians are mentioned.
"A fragment by the Greek poet Xenophanes describes the Thracians as blue-eyed and red haired:
…Men make gods in their own image; those of the Ethiopians are black and snub-nosed, those of the Thracians have blue eyes and red hair."
Everywhere where we were a majority, we've been completely wiped out.
At least her butt looks good.
I refuse to click on this.
Are people on the comments fine with the cast?
you could say i was a comic book fan.
but i quit after one more day.
fuck the senile old bastard. he didn't invent nuthin, he only stole what others made. akab - all kikes are bastards