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Even more retarded than the fart in protest.
Libtards will continue to embarrass themselves whenever they try to make a point
Fucking leftists accuse their opposition of being stupid or uneducated but they always pull this infantile shit. I gotta safe space for these people: they're called asylums.
This is very disgusting, your society is very filthy. I am not even american, but I feel very ashamed for these girls. They are ruined, and will have to be killed, I doubt their brains can be rewired back to normal.
How many of these idiots are taking on student loan debt to parade around with dildos over a handful of others that will actually legally carry?
Gas Austin and Gas universities. Sanders wanted to finance this with YOUR money.
I just want to say that I really dislike the people born on this world and that many of them need to be erased.
Where have all the heroes gone
Did they ever get the flag down? I stopped watching the march after an hour of them sitting under the flag.
Why does every liberal seem to own a giant, cartoon-sized dildo? Has anyone ever seen a liberal with a normal-sized 6 - 7 inch dildo that's within the realm of real human anatomy? I figured all their holes are stretched out to clown-car capacity from cramming themselves full of all these horse dildoes.
I'm pretty sure sex toys aren't exactly cheap. Especially those big ones.
oh man this is gonna get fun really quick
We should organize a few anons to do a similar 'petition' where you sign up each person doing this so you can 'deliver it to administration' when in reality they just go on lists.
I'm not sure. Maybe another user can give that info. All I know is that they basically sat around angrily waiting for someone to cater to their needs, a liberal hallmark.
How long before someone makes a working gun that looks like a dildo?
All it takes is to hollow out one of those big cartoony rubber dongs and stuff the gun inside, leave room for the handle and trigger on the balls
They kept demanding for someone to get a ladder while sitting in the road.
I was laughing my fucking balls off.
I remember there being some glorious bastard that made an AR that literally shoots dildos as a response to this.
told ya texas was fuckin trash.
Didn't they do an anti-gun farting protest at one point? I distinctly remember the retarded "Good guy with a fart" slogan.
I begin to understand Breivik's rage.
Texas lost its 'best state' title with the Rato vote. They might get it back if they vote him out in two years, but until then they are Florida's bottom bitch.
Not to mention they went fucking full progressive stacking about who should have an allowed opinion on the flag.
That a white male suggested they should move was literally rape, and some tranny got triggered because why the fuck not.
They have a demographic issue too though. I think of New Hampshire of the best state, but it is just my opinion. No state is head and shoulders above every other state.
Whatever happened to the primary challenge?
No, they don’t.
The ironic thing is, if you actually did what their signs say… pull your cock out on campus in front of them and demand they kneel and suck it for some fun, they'd accuse you of rape and then call a cop with a gun.
Do you realize how many spics are in Texas?
They always go to sexuality. No exceptions. Their sexuality is their whole persona and it's disgusting. These fags can pout and scream all they want but no one's giving up their guns.
Take a look at the san antonio demographics.
Republicans won the last election by two fucking million votes.
Fuck off, retard.
Yeah. That guy was trying to be productive and someone told him to fuck off for not at least being gay. That incident would be great for the public to see
i hope a school shooter is stopped by one of these concealed carry people on campus after a new high score is reached in the liberal arts wing
But the response is to carry clocks. I thought I read that wrong at first. What the fuck? Why don't they just tug up their shirts and flash their holsters triggering the shit out of the transPTSD war survivors
Okay, but that doesn't refute my point. Sure Texas is a solid red state, but that doesn't take the spic levels into account. Remember, there is a serious amount of illegals that are not accounted for. I assume Texas will be much better off if Trump throws them over the Rio Grande. Maybe Texas will me Made White Again soon
Where do you live? I'm aware of the demographic issues of Texas but the federal government has literally forced the state to stop enforcing the border.
The liberal trend of being childish and overtly sexual simultaneously is probably one of their more disgusting tactics
Texas is 40% Hispanic.
Liberalism is just a big "FUCK YOU DAD! I DO WHAT I WANT!" and then go crying back to daddy when they meet an ounce of resistance.
Purge Laredo and the big cities and TX will be fine.
I don't really understand why they have to be mutually exclusive
It literally fundamentally refutes it, shill.
I explicitly discussed that.
No shit, fuckface. How about you have an actual point?
Is this the best shilling money can buy?
I have a HARD ON for gun culture
Blow your brains out, shills.
I’m curious why we haven’t co-opted BLM to support our cause.
We need more like this, but larger images without watermarks.
Let me guess, reported for intl?
So yes, reported for intl. That was easy.
It's from the state government.
Those projections also assume half the immigration observed in 2000 and 2010, so it's actually worse.
So… kike media. Thanks for confirming. You were already proven wrong.
So the reported for intl christcuck sperg is a texas-boo. Interesting.
you are all retarded
Can we please start a rumor that every single college is affiliated with the KKK or something? I can't think of a more deserving fate for the "cocks" side of this so-called debate to try and face down BLM armed only with a dildo.
Reported for intl.
The thread is degeneracy and the shills are everywhere. Who gives a fuck.
Is this some sort of filthy innuendo song about pussy and…I dunno, dog balls?
It amazes me how these people can explore new lows on such a constant basis.
If I wouldnt know anything about firearms and would run into this protest I would have no idea what its about.
After someone explained to me that a Glock is a firearm and that they shouldnt be worn on campuses, I would ask what that has to do with dildos, vibrators or anything. Just because it rhymes? Are they mentally handicapped?
Whatever you say buddy. I'll leave you to your fantasy world.
German version of Old MacDonald budy
You guys don't know Texas very well. Even if Texas went Trump in the primary, this shit would have happened anyway. Let me break it down for you:
Last but not least, all major universities are pozzed to hell and back because of Frankfurt school's involvement in turning major universities - which in turn spreads to all others - into cultural marxist factories. UT is super old, and like the cancer cultural marxism is, it had a trickle down effect. Austin is pozzed so much that it's both a liberalism base of operations, a major university city, and is the target for many (((globalist))) corporations.
This isn't even the worst problem with Texas. Let me also remind you that LBJ relocated many holohoax survivors in Texas (Operation Texas) because his family's church was crypto-kike that taught little LBJ that the jews are meant to be literally worshipped. Texas may have started as a german immigration state way before then, but after the jews were refugee'd in, things changed. Amarillo is where most of the mudslimes went and now actual Amarillo people are moving out. Because of Bush, it's got way too much friendliness with Saudi Arabia. It's no wonder that the jews want so much control of Texas. They want to ride the backs of Germans no matter where they go.
well that sounds like the typical dumb approach that women and cucks would use. it doesn't make any sense or address the real issue at all.
Feels good man
It's a dystopian kind of feel.
I like my assumption better…especially with the tits on display.
You really think its just one guy who finds you faggots and shills insufferable? How deluded you must be, I pity your pathetic efforts.
You have to keep in mind that these are often women or manlets that we're seeing in these pictures. So even an average sized dildo would look fairly large. A lot of guys are actually quite pessimistic about their own dick size (likely due to looking down at it) so they don't realize just how large an average dick can look like.
I did look up dildos on amazon though and saw an 11 inch dildo can cost about $27.
We've come so far as a society that dildos like this can be so affordable.
daily reminder this isn't a christian safe space :^)
We're gonna need more gas.
How empowering.
But owning robot women is sexist.
How do they even breathe if they are this stupid?
Austin has been the blue bastard child of Texas for a long time. Not only that but it's received the Californian plague the worst due to SXWS.
Austin went from a whacky destination to borderline San Francisco in a handful of years. Many of the natives have left and it's become concentrated shitlib.
The greatest argument for abortion is the libtards who lobby for it really need to be aborted.
Doing my classes online this semester was a good idea.
Austin in particular has a huge issue with demographics. Nearly everyone throughout the state that wants to go to college will go to Austin as it is the main 'college' city and they also have a large number of illegals. So you have a bunch of ignorant kids that are often far away from their parents which allows them to behave as ridiculously as they want, illegals that want as many gibs as they can get their hands on, and in addition to this you get some tech workers from places like San Francisco who want to treat the area as Hipsterville.
Leaves quite a few of the white kids a bit shocked as time goes on and they're unable to get any work in the area due to illegals and hipsters.
Minor thing that is a little entertaining though is how you're allowed to have your kids go to whatever public school you want them to, so long as you can ensure they can get there (like by driving them every morning). Which helps ensure that many of those progressive white parents don't have to have their children go to school alongside all the mudskins.
Everything gay
That's assault, brotha.
Funny but,
I find hard to believe these people actually enjoy sex, they seem to engage in it out of pure boredom.
Read that as
cocks not gooks
oh well.
That is accurate. I've personally be with a dozen or so women, though I don't do that anymore. It lacks intimacy, sincerity, or any other feeling. It's just a game with no winning. An activity between work and sleeping with no benifit to show for it beyond bastard offspring or disease. More so a challenge to subject someone you care nothing for to consent to activity.
Charles Whitman would not approve.
This is… par for the course. I don't expect much from these people. It only gets worse from here on out.
If dubs, leftists will decide to publicly waddle around in pools of cow dung for some future cause. Salon will have articles about how brave and noble it is.
These people admit that everyone who participates is breaking the campus code and Texas state law.
No person or organization will distribute or display on the campus any writing or visual image, or engage in any public performance, that is obscene. A writing, image, or performance is “obscene” if it is obscene as defined in Texas Penal Code, Section 43.21 or successor provisions, and is within the constitutional definition of obscenity as set forth in decisions of the United States Supreme Court."
2nd pic
have to admit that was a little clever.
If dubs, the libs start doing public bukkake at their protests for reasons only understood by them.
At a glance it looks like a gay pride parade. Looks like that retarded movie is being used to make a movement that is even more retarded. What movie was it again?
equality through taking dick
white women take dick and white men do too
the only problem is that having a penis is literal rape
so they use dildos instead
I can't be bothered to do the research right now, but I am willing to wager far more people in the US die yearly due to STDs/complications from STDs than gun violence.
The entire premise of their protest is retarded.
If you think this is bad, just wait until liberals pass laws requiring that as a lesson in diversity white schoolboys must be provided to migrant men during sexual emergencies. This kills three birds with one stone: increasing diversity, increasing sexual tolerance and understanding of sexual orientation, and reducing the rape rates of women.
if only
What about Glocks and gooks ?
smh tbh fampai
well to be fair i'd rather own a dildo than a glock. i have children and them finding a dildo is a quick uncomfortable explanation while with a glock i have to live with the constant worry of it blowing my fucking house up.
They are all whores.
Fucking students, get a life! And a fucking Job!
angry negro-saxon detected
There's a reason there is a safety on a gun.
I hate when that happens.
Would you consider UT Dallas leftist?
How could it not be? It's in the bureaucratic capital, where all the leftist texans move to.
As an Aggie I'm going to use this shit to take the everliving piss out of UT when I meet them at the race next weekend
I find solace in knowing that most of these people will die in the coming happenings.
I don't know about that. Most white libshits live in nice neighbourhoods far away from the people they pretend to love so much. Well, until those people start to invade.
As others have mentioned, these leftists are paying beacoup Bernie bucks to be on that campus. I think it's a great counter-protest by bringing awareness to how they are wasting their time.
nice trips tho
Look at the fucking track marks on the tranny's arm.
Why no onaholes?
Not so much in Austin. I lived there for two years. Right next to the main campus, there's a street know as "the drag" which is full of these street kids called "drag rats". Lots of drug dealing, gang related shit, needles on the ground, people smoking crack in alleys and shit, but also all the rich white and asian kids going to UT. It's a fucking weird city.
Because 2d connoisseurs tend to keep their stuff private. Plus those are probably sexist or whatever. Kinda wish I had one even though I don't fap much.
The world has gone insane again with hedonism. This always happens before it ends which at least means it won't be too much longer before things turn around… I hope. We may live to see its end.
When will we go into the streets and bash these commie fuckers' heads in?
Berkeley in SF is like that. When I was considering it we took a wrong turn like one block from campus and there were a bunch of feral niggers pissing on buildings. I decided against Berkeley.
Onaholes? THAT'S RAPE
I like your optimism.
0/10 needs improvement
I try.
A better title would be "Sexual Deviants protest second amendment rights at school campus."
Friendly reminder Kira literally didn't do anything wrong
Implying UK universities are the not most cuck in the world
Didn't this fucking happen a year ago? Is this one of those bot-created "recreate an old thread post by post" things?
(((Purely coincidental))) I'm sure.
I'd be completely OK with the State of Texas completely defunding the entire UT System period. Those fucking little brats are playing with their dildos on my nickel and I'd rather pave roads with it and them.
But user, are you saying the RWDS won't be mobile? Tisk. Tisk. I'm sure there will be quick and speedy home service and quite a bit of "community" outreach.
Plenty of ditches to fill, plenty of lightpoles to decorate.
sorry for the double post
No it was on this evening's news. They are protesting a NEW law that just went into effect Texas Schools and Colleges conceal carry friendly.
I actually do recall something similar happening before though
It did, and I remember a thread about it too, this was planned last year for fucks sake, a year of planning, what did they have to do make a bulk order of dildos?
Why can't one enjoy both cocks and glocks? Have they not met the pink pistols? Granted, said group was founded by a lesbian, not a gay man, but still…
Seems to be plenty of nu-males in those pictures too.
Not on a Glock.
Why are the toys so big?
Do they really fit the vaginas?
At the expense of its elasticity. You can be sure that a feminist has a loose vag because of the dildos she stuffed in there.
3dpd not even once.
A bit of photoshop would turn this into a #dicksoutforHarambe demonstration
That is gross! They don't seem to be aware that they are literally asking the people to hate them because they are deranged annoying idiots.
Someone here is in denial. Just like the rest of you amerifags. You are fucked, we in EU are nowhere near your white genocide levels. And you have guns. And do nothing. Big warning to us to not count on having gun rights, but to fight with other methods.
Why are leftists so obsessed with dicks?
I want to remix this with Komm Susser Tod. I was listening to it when I entered the thread and it fit perfectly.
I swear these people are mentally ill. Maybe it's just because they've never worked a day in their life. It's one thing to be a politically ignorant normie, but another to actively shill for marxism and feelspolitik.
What will these masses do with their lives? If things go the way they've been going, there will be massive social and economic upheaval before they ever get a chance to use their worthless degrees. Even if they make it to looking for a job, what are their chances of finding one? They're all competing for the same useless positions.
No wonder they shill for welfare programs and higher minimum wage. Somewhere deep inside they know they're going to be working the picture buttons at a fast food restaurant.
Burn it Holla Forums. Burn it all.
That is because they are stuck at the oral, anal, or phallic stage of the Freudian maturation. Since progress cannot be made to further stages all of their thoughts circle around their oral, anal, or sexual activities at all times. It's as simple as that, really, and all of the leftist women therefore have the biggest case of penis envy possible. It also explains why they hate healthy reproduction with such a fiery passion. Their mind is completely incapable of comprehending it on any level.
Sure, but he was absolutely right about pic related.
This renews my university's long standing hatred of the university in Austin.
I hope one of these days that city will succumb to some super STI plague that will hopefully kill every degenerate liberal but never expand to other cities.
FTFY fam
All of us Aggies should just do a takeover of Austin. It's not like the liberals would be able to effectively retaliate.
Thanks a fucking lot yanks
Look at what I found at my uni I'm in Aus
If an argument is correct then it is correct. This is an an eternal tautology that is always logically sound. It never matters who is making the argument if the argument itself is right. Critical Theory and Marxism teach otherwise. Freud, whatever the fuck he may have been, was right about what I said he was right about.
Leftist progressive liberal types are stuck at an early stage of Psychosexual development and are doomed to never progress to a point where they can understand healthy, civilized reproduction. They either kill their genes off through degeneracy or have 9 children with 8 different baby daddies.
You know that this is true so don't deny it and defend critical theory or degeneracy, please.
Freud was just making shit up as he went. Psychoanalysis was a Jewish cult, not a science.
you're never going to get any cocks if you keep this up
I just got here and already I'm considering College Station.
I live in LA. This city has more people than your continent. A lot of them are black. Be glad all you have to deal with is one obnoxious lecture.
Nigga my father teached me and my sister how to safely handle weapons when we were barely able to write and read.
Also, there is a reason why gunsafes were invented
We need him to cleanse the school again
I got triggered when I noticed the AnCom black/red flag.
My parents did something in between. They taught that it was dangerous, but not how to use. I never fired one until I was over 20, despite knowing where they were. They literally just sat there for decades, just being cleaned from time to time.
Probably not a concern. Most leftists keep sizable dildo caches. My freshmen year at university, the first week actually, I was shocked to encounter in the student union a table full of dildos. They were holding a dildo raffle.
user thank you so much for this. It is something I did not know I needed in my life until I saw it.
Enjoy some titties.
What does the hashtag even mean? Is it a protest of literal fags against guns? The only reason I see for bringing up cocks is because it rhymes. In which case they might as well have rhymed fun with gun or Socks with glocks maybe then for once these hippies would wear socks.
tl;dr, yes and no. jewish cult? no. heavily influenced by freud's own worldview, as an upper-class jew living in austria? definitely.
having said that, of course he fucking made it up as he went along. he basically built the field (drawing from some prior resources of course, but freud largely codified it). say what you will about the man, but he got defensive mechanisms right (projection, denial, displacement, sublimation, reaction formation etc.) and while the particulars of his theories have, for the most part, been refined or replaced outright, he nailed it when talked about the interactions between father/daughter and mother/son and how key they were in the development of a child.
WOW WOW not even in a million years did I think leftists will embrace themselves on this level.
Putting cocks on their shirts and flags.
It parodies itself.
They are parodying themselves.
Rome is burning.
Lets watch the leftists freak show.
Post the best(WORST) content from them.
Was it this Spring or last Fall when the Infowars crew covered the CocksNotGlocks protest in Austin and the protesters couldn't even formulate arguments they were just making fart noises? If someone has that video please post it.
Every leftist argument in a nut shell.
Leftist behavior 101.
t. UT graduate Civil Engineer
OC pic
Since they don't have guns we could literally gig 'em.
also, the aggressors look way to light-skinned
Make sure you hand your CV over to trump and tell him you're willing and able to build that wall.
Thank god. If I may suggest one thing to the UT staff: ban these faggots they are making you look bad. Besides if uni kids are gonna protest they can atleast make it look smart. Holding cocks and shouting is not an intelligent protest.
In way though this protest looks good for our side. Its like we memed it.
Like one of us put together the entire operation because how are you supposed to look competent and intelligent while waving dildos around?
Sort of like #PissForFeminism
problem is its spreading lad
Live and work in LA to.
Our company becomes more and more multiracial each and every month. Fucking Pajeets can't even do the job once the fire the white guy who's an expert at it.
FML, no gun to go out with a bang
Feels good man
the worst part i find is their insistence on strategic pausing in their speeches for emphasis nvm the fact they never use it correctly or overuse it to the point where they sound asthmatic
If such an event did go down it would be their group of degenerates vs just one person, if you even attempt to fight back you'd get lynched immediately.
My inner Breivik is punching, kicking and screaming.
This face, this is what a lesbian looks like.
Trigger Safety.
I can't wait until a mooslum beats someone to death with one of those.
Fucking faggots
How can you stand to live there?
Niggers, spics and libshits all over the place + concrete hell hole that's crazy overpriced.
Condos downtown all have security guards cause aggressive bums and niggers would take over the building otherwise.
It really is a shitshow.
As far as I know they did not. Those flags were part of the municipal effort to show 50 state unity for the convention and as such the authorities weren't going to allow a bunch of smelly faggots to remove them.
They sat there for some time and then they started arguing with each other over who was in charge.
It's nothing some Cossacks with whips couldn't solve. Real physical pain works wonders.
Please save us, Charles Whitman
They are out and open about the fact that they cannot gobble enough goverment cock. I cannot imagine how retarded these people really are for going through with it.
I can't believe I'm seeing affluent kids wandering about in public waving dildos around to protest concealed carry. It's mass retardation.
I just remembered that this group did another event a while back and infowars did a video about it. Vid related.
Why do these people always act like repugnant children with their bathroom humor? Do they think acting repulsive by carrying around sex toys is clever or witty of them?
This needs to happen. The only way this will stop is a mass triggering that results in a Self-Defense case.
Gtfo faggot. Freud was debunked as nonsense decades ago.
This is what it looks like when women try their hands at politics. The only thing they're good for is sex, so suddenly everything has to be about sex.
Idiocracy is becoming a reality.
It's got what plants crave.
Lol they even feed the babies cause it is what they crave.
I want off on this ride please? It's too wild.
What happens when somebody invents a gun that shoots dildos
Because they're led by kikes and fed on jewish media culture, and jews love dick and fart jokes. For all the "Jewish comedians" out there there's like, two who don't rely on toilet humor.
Jews are disgusting. I swear that they aren't human.
Freud had decent ideas on the subconscious but literally everything else he wrote was bullshit.
Glad to see liberals continue their tradition of showing their mature, sensible side.
Then we're all fucked, literally.
The ringleader of this "protest" is ==Jessica Jin==, who claims the primary target is (((cisgendered white males))).
This is comically hilarious!
This thought has passed thru my head fairly often these last 5 or so months, with increasing frequency.
I truly do not view these things as human anymore.
While I do recall something similar happening about a year ago at one of these pozzed schools (UT is definitely a possibility), this one is recent. My judenbook feed was filled with this story and the subsequent people making fun of the blonde with a BBC dildo.
I think /k/ already came up with that.