Is National Socialism right wing or left wing? It is after all a form of socialism and it is revolutionary rather than reactionary; so shouldn't it be left wing?
Is National Socialism right wing or left wing...
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It's centrist, deal with it.
Neither, research the subject first, than ask questions.
I did research it, and it the link i found said that NS is left wing.
You could say it's left wing in the economic terms of being socialistic, but it's not universalist like Marxism: it doesn't want to spread itself everywhere. It's particularist as it confined itself to the Germanic people.
Being particularist as opposed to universalist means exclusivity, eltism and being exclusionary. This is diametrically opposed to leftism which wants to include all, legislate for all and bases it's practices on absolutes that apply to all.
Another kike
third way
Right Wing died when Jews took it over, OP. It means Jude-Christianity now
So you’re retarded, then.
Have you ever been to college before?
Doesn’t exist.
It's a left wing ideology. It literally has the word socialism in the name….
Is National Socialism a part of fascism? I thought they were seperate things. Fascism sees the state as an end in it self, while NS only view the state as a tool.
nice response. You shills lose to Holla Forums because you're not intelligent, honest, or funny
Economically they are simulare = anti-usury and allow capitalism as long as the State says it's "fair trade" (as in pulling your business license if you sell poison {Monsanto} or fuck up the environment or conduct usury scams). Other than that it was free trade.
Culturally, NatSoc wanted to save the race and we can see why now. This is the only "socialism" aspect, also a culture of no class structure but still wealth, as in: your value is based on your virtues within the race, not on your ability to buy politicians or people.
While Fascism was more about the culture of Rome.
To who? Obama
It's third position, dumbasses.
How can you not know that yet?
Nazism is socialism with a traditionalist, pro-white bent, as opposed to regular socialism which is all about destroying the family and morality and lifting up degenerate scum.
I'm not a NatSoc btw. Just explaining the difference.
It's neither, NS despises the right as much as it does the left.
It's know as the third position, look it up.
It is neither. Left vs. Right is a fallacy designed to keep us from thinking outside of a kosher friendly context.
Depends on what you base it on. The left vs right dichotomy on top is quite accurate if you base it on equality vs hierarchy/tradition.
Political illiterate.
Informed, though unable to structure a satisfactory refutation.
implying college is anything but Marxist brainwashing
Kek. It does, numbnuts.
Political illiterate/shill.
Lurk more, newfriend.
You really corrected the record, friend.
Close to truth, but you're still missing the key ingredient.
I chuckled.
NatSoc/Fascism != limp-wristed American lolbertarianism
You're on the right path, but you didn't explain why. Pity, you were close to hitting the nail on the head.
More retards…
Another tard.
For shame, Holla Forums, for shame. An entire thread, and not one of you non-shills gave the correct response. It's 11AM in Yurop, so it seem the American side of the board is awake and about, which would explain the large number of corn-fed lolbertarian morons who think their 3rd position bullshit has anything to do with NatSoc.
The correct answer: National Socialism is explicitly right wing because it bases itself on rigid, natural hierarchy. Right-wing ideologies and ideas are ispo facto hierarchical. All organizations with order about them will always default to hierarchies (lest they break up and cease to be an organization), but left-wing ones are horizontal, whereas right-wing ones are vertical, ie., the former is amorphous, progressive, and chaotic, like a blob of water, whereas the latter is rigid, structured, and entrenched, like a steel pillar. Leadership on the Left is on an ever-accelerating vector towards more extreme forms of Leftism, whereas the true Right can go nowhere, ideologically-speaking, since anything further to the right of it is an abyss. Which is to say, Nature is the ultimate Right, and there exists nothing beyond it. This also ties to the Left's hatred towards racial-realism, meritocracy, hierarchies, and virility. To simplify, the Left is antithetical to Nature, while the Right is synergistic and synthetical.
So no, the fact that your egalitarian, woman-loving, negro-tolerating 3rd position garbage leans right-ward from the Center does not mean you're a right-wing ideology. In fact, I'd say centrists and 3rd position ideologues are MORE left-wing than left-wingers themselves, since a centrist is in denial about the very thing that keeps him chained to mediocrity - worship of inferiors.
Nationalsocialism is a worldview, not a political ideology, which means it could potentially be both.
Yes, even though it says socialism in the name, you could have nationalliberalism, for example.
jfc…rein in the tism, user
Forgot to write that this is the reason why Leftism worships tyrranical, horizontal hierarchies, while the Right exalts vertical ones; the former can always expand leftward, while the latter has its back to a metaphorical wall. For the Right, there is nowhere to go but up, which meshes nicely with the truth that life itself seeks ways to perfect its own creations, and homo sapiens is simply an imperfect bridge towards homo apexis and its representative in the form of an inviolable Overman.
Should've added that it's not worship, but tolerance. Suffer not the weak, the flawed, etc.
Kek'd hard. You're funny.
We're on a carpet-weaving Laosian exchange forum; there are no non-autists here.
Fucking idiots.
Beat you to it ;^)
You're a fucking idiot. The whole left-right way of thinking is a fallacy. Political ideologies and world views are what they are, nothing more and nothing less.
Define left/right-wing
Dude nice. I didn't look through the entire thread
Fuck off, kike
Spectacular refutation.
Lolbertard pls go.
They're representative of deeper truths - something your deracinated brain obviously can't process.
You're a dipshit. Go back to cuckchan
Read those
Why so triggered? What nerve did I hit?
Suicide is a good option for you.
Assuming I'm some lolbertarian because I point out why left vs. right is bullshit is pretty retarded too. For this level of thinking I recommend two places:
Or just
Centrist economically
Far-far-right socially
kys lolberg scum
you guys are retarded.
This place really gets on my nerves sometimes.
Let me spell it out for you, since you're unable to connect the dots…
The modern left-vs-right political shitshow being a theatre for the plebes does not mean that the ideas which which it originally sprung do not have merits. Furthermore, the 'Left' and the 'Right' are ideological wrappers used to ensconce a set of ideas, both with the purpose of quicker dissemination among the unenlightened masses and easier delineation from those non-entities which oppose them.
Do you understand now?
Oh boy, you're so fucking wrong it's not even funny. Regarded as left-wing? By who, Trotskyists? Not everything boils down to finances, you goddamn Homo Economicus! And capitalism is left as fuck, since it gives primacy to wealth acquisition, more often than not disregarding blood. Read a fucking book, you clueless retard.
NatSoc is a subset of Fascism. How fucking new are you?
Christ almighty, I wish all the americans would fuck off… You morons can't see beyond your bread-and-circus kosher paradigm.
from* which it originally sprung
choose one jewboy. its pretty much the end game for a healthy, functioning society.
but omg its so oppressive, taxation is theft blah blah blah. even the founders put down the whiskey rebellion because they realized a reasonable amount of taxation is required to build vital social programs, like a fucking military.
This place has really gone to shit since Trump
It's one user being a dipshit.
left wing is of female, which is for subhumanity and communism
natsoc is of race, which is of male and thus right wing
And if it doesn't fit in that wrapper it gets tossed out or *made* to fit. It disregards or destroys anything that doesn't fit. It always has.
I do agree on National Socialism being a subset (or application) of Fascism though. There is a list comparing the two floating around but I don't have it.
Pretty much this.
American, pls go.
Last time I checked, every single capitalist country had a central bank, and the only one that didn't was Hitler's Germany. Check and mate, friendo.
I don't support Trump for the same reason I don't support robber barons and jewish parasites, but to say that Fascism isn't the grandaddy of NatSoc ideology is just disingenuous. FFS, read a history book, you mong.
A loose and incomplete definition, but you're not wrong.
Just makes me sad to see what this place has become.
You're conflating WWII-era authoritarianism for baseline right-wing ideology. The country was at war, and Hitler did what he had to to keep control while patching up a nation surrounded by countries hellbent on its destruction. That doesn't excuse his other mistakes, but neither does it invalidate the premise that National Socialism is just one aspect of the greater Right, which itself is just a set of memes, like any other ideology. You also had Pinochet and Franco, among others, each with their own unique flavor. What they all boil down to, however, is the enforcement of rigid hierarchies, and a doctrine of blood and nation (at least in theory - in practice, it always degenerates into something else). Economic models do not automatically make an ideology 'Left' or 'Right', despite what lolbertards may think.
There are entire books written on the topic, and you're invoking some fucking list? Are you serious, nigger?
Are you actively trying to shill and derail, or is your brain so addled by GMOs and corn syrup that you think you're being serious?
It's right wing. The socialism part is to stop kikes having too much power and becomes a lot less objectionable when it isn't just a system for subsidising racial disability.
Pretty much agreed here. Since you allude to an older version of right vs. left would you care to direct me to where I can see more of what you are thinking?
But this…
Just about everything has been taken to its base elements for easier digestion. This includes Fascism and National Socialism.
Give me one please
im talking about nazi germany and national socialism. giving an example of how early america realized its idealistic constitution didnt work in reality is probably what confused you.
I've always thought National Socialism should simply be called NATIONALISM. When applied honestly and faithfully, nationalism will always seek to benefit ALL law-abiding citizens, economically and socially.
This is why installing it in America atm wouldn't work. There are too many ethnicities and with too many loyalties to outside countries. Hitler understood this, that's why he drove the kikes and the gypsies and the poles out of Germany. He knew true nationalism wouldn't be possible with all these unloyal groups.
To say that National Socialism is a brand of fascism is equivalent to saying that veganism is a style of cooking; the statement is not technically incorrect, but is intellectually seditious by placing the focus on effect rather than cause. The simplest way to understand the key difference between fascism and National Socialism is to inspect the essence of their rhetoric:
Fascism: If we work together, we will have the power to achieve any goal we want. (It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do. – Benito Mussolini)
National Socialism: This is our goal. The only way to achieve it is to work together. ( They are inspired by the feeling that they have a mission to fulfill, and we might just as well egg them on a little. – Adolf Hitler)
The only relation between National Socialism and fascism was that both were countermeasures to the capitalist-communist dichotomy, which accounts for their political alliance.
The roots go down to an overrating of Fascism. Blind to all disillusioning experiences of the First World War, Hitler seemed convinced, at least until 1943, that the will of Mussolini had made over the Italian people, had lifted them to a new level. – Alfred Rosenberg
Fascism itself was not National Socialism, contrarily to what so many haters of both seem to think. It was a political — and economical — system; not a more-than-political creed; and it inspired a Movement of practical and immediate — of time-bound — significance, not one of cosmic scope. – Savitri Devi
Hitler is a spiritual vessel, a demi-divinity; even better, a myth. … Mussolini is a man. – Carl Jung>>7237937
You're either a turbo-autist or a shill. Not sure tbh.
I'll restate because you're latching onto tangents and getting confused.
The difference between communism and national socialism is universalism vs particularism. As communism wants to spread itself everywhere and national socialism simply wants to create a political order for germans (NSDAP).
Socialism can be regarded as left and capitalism can be regarded as right-wing because in socialism the state intervenes on the behalf of it's citizens and in capitalism each citizen competes against eachother for their own advantage.
Communism, ie USSR is universalist socialism in the sense that it is a state that is trying to intervene in the lives of every human - the end goal was to have the entire world communist. National Socialism is particularist in that it only intervenes in what it considers citizens, ie germans etc.
If the left is to be considered egalitarian, non-competitive and all inclusive, then the right is hierarchical, competitive and exclusive. Socialism fits into this as left-wing and capitalism fits in as right-wing.
Therefore, National Socialism, in so much as it is socialist (in an exclusive, particularist fashion) CAN be said to be left-wing.
My point here really is to undermine the right/left false dichotomy because capitalism can easily be used in a universalist sense via globalism by outsourcing jobs or selling properties to foreigners; the only distinctions that should matter are the universalist/particularist, or more specifically nationalist/globalist; whether an ideology serves the interests of the people of the nation or the international clique…
I fucked that up a bit but i think the message get across
Completely fucking wrong.
While Spengler leans toward the Action Française and Fascism as the new style of politics, he ridicules the same will in his own folk. Spengler does not grasp what Hitler has done! This man recognized that he must position himself in the midst of the people; he must create a people’s movement, give the disillusioned a new faith, set a new goal. Supported by this people’s movement as a force, he could gain political influence that otherwise never would have been possible. How a foreign policy in the possession of this force would have been conducted, has been understandably not much discussed; that it would have had to be very cautious in accord with the situation, would not need to be stressed. It is certain however that in domestic policy other principles would have been established than rule today.
Already in this question Spengler shows that characteristic shape-shifting of thought-processes that begin with one assertion and end in a completely different one. For, after rejecting the Jeunesse dorée, after agreeing with the Fascist principle, he praises the “astute youths” among us as “our future,” as “youngest Germany” etc. And now Spengler should ask himself after all in which camp these “astute youths” already stand today!
— Alfred Rosenberg
Nationalism is just the natural form. The natural progression of the tribe basically. Where you look after your family and the family connected to your family and so on and so forth, which in the end turns into your fellow nation. That's why people say extended family and that is why some more clever anons here are claiming it doesn't belong on a left or right wing scale, because it plays directly into the democractic games of the jew, which in the end divides our people up into groups who don't trust or help eachother out for the betterment and well-living of the people.
Nationalism is neither and still both. It's the idea of doing what's best for the people. Not what's best for the economy, or some made up ideology about social-living or shit like that.
No. First go and read everything by Spengler, Sunic, McDonald, Evola, good chunks of Nietzsche, Junger, Gottfried Feder, and then you can spout opinions while pretending you know what you're talking about.
I'd call it Common Sense.
It isn't. It's an outgrowth. They're not the same. Why is that so hard to grasp?
Except that's not the main, or most important one.
Wonderful logic, my American friend. You're probably one of those people who'd also privatize firefighting units and police precincts. The only people that folks in a capitalist system compete against are each other, since the elites have everyone by the balls. In well-executed socialism like Hitler's Germany (despite its other flaws), the state works for the betterment of all men, not just those that hold the reins of power. Toiling away for capitalists is the definition of slavery, especially since they make use of universities, patents, government funding and every social strata of human capital in order to run their businesses, while the people working for them - and subsidizing them via proxy - get crumbs. Your entire premise is flawed because you're farming it in a socio-economic window, instead of stepping back and looking at it through the prism of national advancement. And because life tends to self-organize into ever more complex forms, the only way for a race to ascend is for the collective to work together, in unity. Ergo, capitalism stifles true progress since it retards advancement.
If Left = regression and Right = progress, and if Life = progress, then Life = Right = advancement.
Economic conundrums are secondary to all of this, and so is state intervention. If the state must intervene and control society in order to produce FTL engines and 200 IQ ubermensch, then the state should do so, because that is true progress for on the species-tier scale (ie. for Whites). I'd let the State fondle my balls on a daily basis if it meant getting Mars habitats and bioengineering, and I'm personally the most rigid anti-statist imaginable. Freedom is worthless if it leads nowhere.
This is exactly what I wrote in
Wrong framework, wrong definition, wrong conclusion. The left-vs-right question is a matter of racial unity, advancement, and true progress, not the fleecing of society by an ideologically incestuous clique of well-connected robber barons. I know you've had HURR DURR CAPITALISIM GREATEST!! drummed into your head from an early age, but try to step back and understand that a system which puts an individual ahead of the collective is in no way efficient, let alone optimal. And the only reason people think it's good is because every other alternative was pure and utter shit… everything except National Socialism, which is why it was aborted by your capitalist-loving faggot friends in the West.
You just proved everything I said above.
Good post, I agree with most of what you said.
Personally, I'd like to rebrand Nationalism into Tribalism - is it good for us, and our kind?
That kind of mental filter is exactly what the White race needs, now more than ever.
Which is exactly what the kikes have been running with for the last 2,000+ years.
Civic nationalism is a cancer, and one to which Tribalism would never succumb.
As for the Left-Right divide, yeah we can get a bit autistic kvetching over its definitions, but it's all in good fun.
We can just look at you list to see how clueless you are. Fucking Spengler, Sunic, McDonald, Evola, Nietzsche, Junger and Gottfried Feder. Are you even trying? This is what's making me sad. You act like you know what you are talking about and spread disinformation and that's what's ruining our board.
I'm asking for your source, not to spoonfeed me you faggot. Either sauce or suicide.
Sunic alone is enough to make you understand why everything you've written so far is bullshit.
Now I fucking know you're a shill. GTFO, faggot.
What source, you mong? That Left-vs-Right is some kind of kosher conspiracy? That fascism is the ideological basis of NatSocs? Read Feder's manifesto and choke on your idiocy. Or just eat battery acid, you dickless fuckwit.
Terms rightwing and leftwing have been outdated for a long time. It's a false dichotomy.
If you are a legit newfaf then read the next thread and lurk more before making another shit thread.
Are you retarded or just autistic? Left wing or right wing is a meme
Nothing against either Sunic or Feder but you are just throwing around fancy names to make it seem like you know what you are talking about.
Stop pushing this retarded meme. Putin is a left-wing faggot, despite being a nationalist and natalist. If he had balls, he'd execute every corrupt mafioso, bureaucrat, general, and oligarch, and right before putting together a de-toxifying plan that would free the nation of its non-White elements and all-pervasive, malignant, endemic, cancerous exploitation of its workforce.
Your pearls of wisdom, in chronological order…
How much are they paying you per post? I swear, you shills used to be a lot more crafty just a few years ago. Are you perchance a diversity hire? ;^)
Kek. Eat a bag of kosher dicks, you double-digit mongoloid.
Even if I wanted to eat a dick I couldn't because you are already choking on them all. Where did you get the particular idea that you did? I'm betting it's out of your pozzed ravaged ass you stupid nigger.
is not a retareded meme , any people with decent political knowledge and more than 100 iq can tell how retarded left wing right wing is , Politics ideologies cant be discussed using an arbitrary term. and that political spectrum is flawed.
When you define a political ideology you shoulde define different aspects of it.
is a individualistic or collectivist ideology?
what valor are represented by the government or leaders of the movement? Utilitarian, Egalitarians? Nationalist ones, a different one well define it.
If its a democracy does believe in the republic? is a Direct Democracy , Presidential Democracy or Parliamentary Democracy.
What movements were originated from the movement did had predecessor or maybe a proto version of it?
14 responses in this thread? Okay then.
Triggered? No, but you are speaking out of your ass. You keep trying to fit a distinct worldview into the false left vs right dichotomy. Of course I'm going to call you an idiot when you do that.
Your entire post boils down to defining an ideology/movement not across a single linear axis (as in Left vs. Right), but draping it across additional ones. What you're saying isn't wrong, but the difference between your version and mine is just a matter of degree. If we were arguing math, you'd say that we should bring in the y and z axis, instead of relying just on x. Again, not wrong, but it's superfluous. Yes, Left-Right is a bit stifling if one wants to describe things, but it gets the point across. Once an ideology is classified either as Left or Right, you can dissect it further into as many sub-divisions as you want.
3rd position LARPer pls go
Meant for Faggot#1
Meant for Faggot#2
Yeah, being intellectually honest is definitely shilling.
Its quite left wing. Its a collectivist ideology after all.
The devotion reeks of shilling. I suggest you fuck off if you have nothing but the air of your ass to offer.
Neither, it's a 3rd position.
It had both right and left wing portions of the party, then Hitler purged the retarded lefties.
Your lack of intelligence is showing.
You sound like a jew to me.
You're trying so hard to fit, it's almost painful to watch.
friendly protip: when we want to insult each other, we use words like 'faggot', 'nigger', and 'kike' - we don't call into question one another's intellect in the manner of limp-wristed pseudo-intellectual leftist butt-plundering ass-pirates who OD on virtue signaling while fluffing up their wife's bull
Well you misread by post entirely or just didn't understand it. You currently have 2 options:
1) you are autistic
2) you are retarded
At this point we're participating for the sake of the lurkers. Point for point…
The main difference between communism and it's opposition is that communism was devised as a means for jews to mobilise and motivate the lower portions of a society against the rest; in order to provide a power base for jews to rule the goyim by dividing the different classes of societies against themselves. They saw the French Revolution, noted the resentment the lower classes had for their aristocracy and exploited that division. Simple con, they took that model and made communism.
Communism is international in this sense because this sort of class war does not recognise borders, whether political, racial or whatever. It's designed to be global - ie universalist.
National Socialism was designed as the antidote to this in that it unites the classes of a NATION or PEOPLE together and against harmful outsiders like jews or other foreigners that want to enslave or exploit the people.
National Socialism is particularist in this fashion as it exists to defend a particular group against universalist subversion and d+c.
That's exactly what I'm doing, but your either too autistic or retarded to understand it, seems like.
Nationalist=Particularist=working for the advancement and betterment of your race/people/nation/group - exclusively.
Capitalism and Socialism both facilitate globalism and the enslavement of the people to foreigners, if misused in a universalist fashion - eg if giving charity to africa, if allowing chinese to buy up property, if allowing the country to get into death to international banks. The system of universal inter-dependency that is globalism/universalism is the hostile force here.
You don't disagree with me, you just don't seem to understand what I'm saying, because I'm trying to construct a framework based on the concepts of universalism vs particularism that these ideologies represent, in an an effort to explain their opposition, while I think you just got triggered by the word "left" in my initial post.
The real red-pill is the realization that the right and left are 2 factions in the singular party of the establishment. The actual opposition "party" does not exist nor does it have political representation in the current system.
A way of looking it in the way I've been describing it in my posts is that universalism has 2 faces: capitalism and socialism. While particularism has 1 face: Nationalism.
What I'm saying is that both capitalism and socialism are tools to serve the People, nothing more - and certainly not the reverse.
That absolutely retarded , Mussolini Fascism was based around corportaivism yet its really hard to pin down whatever it was a individualistic or collectivist ideology for example. Proto Fascism had different Ethos yet the movements that originated from Proto Fascist can be pinned down to the left or right in the spectrum.
How do you view bonapartism for example or plato republic. is universalism inherently leftist?
How do you deal with bipartizanism and the inherently centrism and demise of any ideological purity under democracy?
Left and right Doesnt get any points a cross, is a divisive tool used by democracy to create the us vs them narrative. No one in a honest intellectualy debate about politics will use left and right in order to define any political philosophy or ideological doctrine using such a wide umbrella term.
Depends what your definition of right wing is but…neither. National Socialism is a full declaration of war on entropy via the single most important resource of a nation, racial stock. Race is infinitely more important and fragile than the issues most capitalists/communists argue over. Those are two sides of the same Jewish coin powering miscegenation and materialism.
Yup, you got me. Correctly articulating the worldview of National Socialism is me trying to fit in.
I think this is called projecting.
Holy fucking shit is this thread hilarious…
I've managed to trigger so many amerilard lolbergs ahahahhaha
Just reading through your buttblasted posts is making me visualize fat cheeto-stained neckbeards soaked in soda and piss, pounding your doughy fists into the keyboard in fits of spergish rage
I ain't reading all that crap. But your pic makes sense, so I won't label you a retard.
Pat Buchanan pls go. And it's CORPORATISM, you illiterate monkey.
Bonapartism: egalitarian, leftist
Platonism: aristocratic, rightist
No. And here's why:
You outlaw democracy, and put control of the nation-state in the hands of groomed children who martyr themselves for the People. Essentially, employ the Ablest Men.
It sets an easily-identifiable and broad frame, which most people need to orient themselves.
A knife is bad only if it's used against you. Otherwise, it's just a tool - unthinking, unfeeling, inanimate, and neutral.
An oak is a plant, before it's a tree. Plant > tree > oak. Surely, this isn't too difficult to comprehend, is it?
Backpedaling is the first sign of imminent defeat. That's not in the Art of War, but it should be.
Left and right wing is enlightenment politics. Like others already said national socialism/fascism is third position because it doesn't fall under enlightenment politics.
It's "collectivist" in a completely different way, with a completely different goal, from socialism or the "left".
The whole left-right thing is bullshit to begin with, and only serves as a way to stifle debate and divide and conquer. National socialism is about recognizing reality as it is, and doing what works to achieve the goal of survival, prosperity and greatness for one's genetic stock. It takes the right-left political divide and throws it out the window.
The American conservative right are just as retarded as the political left in my opinion, with their adherence to a slave religion and pathological focus on individualism above all else - as if that could ever achieve anything besides make ((the few remaining organized collectives))) in society stronger in comparison.
Firstly, as this thread proves, there's no real true interpretation of what National Socialism, on Holla Forums.
Everyone here has a different interpretation of what National Socialism truly is, which side it is, why it was made and its relationship with fascism.
This is only made more confusing because some people say that Hitlers National Socialism was inspired by this guy and others will say it was inspired by this guy.
I'd say that it doesn't matter how you believe National Socialism should be interpreted and how it came about, as long as you hold the same ideals and views it entitles.
NSDAP party program is the only real source of how National Socialism worked in Germany.
Thanks for proving my point
I've managed to trigger so many amerilard lolbergs ahahahhaha
Just reading through your buttblasted posts is making me visualize fat cheeto-stained neckbeards soaked in soda and piss, pounding your doughy fists into the keyboard in fits of spergish rage
Pic related is you after 19 posts
Individualism should be above else. Its what drives most people on the face of this earth. And in a free market, people can only enhance their individual position if they do something which makes life better for the society as a whole.
Individualism is a meme. The only way it "works" is under a very well structured society. Otherwise it would be freedomism (not sure if there is a translation of the word I want to use). You not only need a well educated person and not in propaganda or some meaningless facts for a test, but in how to rationally think and that requires to extend to tell "this good, that bad". And even that is not enough if the person does not learn self-discipline. In fact you might not be that very well educated, but knowing to not give into certain things and hard work for others can be enough to make you into an okay person. You need a society that culturally has the right "bad thing, good thing" and it also is being very harsh when someone doesn't confront to them otherwise people will not only fail to learn self-discipline and basically the good way of self-discipline, but the so called unwritten rules will start changing because society is not enforcing them through ostracisation and generally looking down at people that don't follow the unwritten rules. But that again means being taught something exact. Sure there can be some form of freedom beyond that, but it is far from being able to do whatever you want just because you are that kind of person or whatever.
Now THIS is shilling. You have no source and it's proven.
Also, nice amerifat/yuropoor divide and conquer. You couldn't be more obvious if you were trying.
Yeah no, you're a fucking retard. Private industry can take care of that, they always took care of that. Churches did it, charity orgs did it, you're a fucking nigger commie faggot and you've been tricked into being a commie faggot because MUH VOLK.
You act like as if there was no welfare or medicare, people would just die. When that money isn't getting ripped out of the pockets of people, they will donate by their own volition. People do that anyways today, even with being taxed for socialist kike programs.
Those unwritten rules are enforced by society. You dont need some all mighty socialistic state fucking you in the ass for that.
There is literally no point in you being here. Go back to >>>/liberty/
nah fam
Yeah, go fuck yourself you socialist kike.
"The relative ease with which a young communist could be converted into a Nazi or vice versa was well known, best of all to the propagandists of the two parties. Many a University teacher in this country in the 1930’s has seen English and American students return from the Continent, uncertain whether they were communists or Nazis and certain only that they hated Western liberal civilisation."
You are just sperging retards and should keep to your own special board. >>>/liberty/
Nah, they can stay. Someone needs to get BTFO
Have some economics 101. Time for bed now.
If you dont hate western liberal civilisation you dont belong here >>>/liberty/
Sad to see Holla Forums has actually been infected by the socialist kike. Might as well be Holla Forums at this point.
When it comes to the most obvious difference between Socialism and National-Socialism is that the one is used as propaganda to make people to do ruin the current ruling class so they can become the rulers, while in the other the people are making the state to work for their life ideals and within the country. So don't just meme "But socialism!" especially when no one mention it or was arguing about being pro-NatSoc or not. Yes, the OP aside, we were talking about a single concept here - individualism. And even in a society with no government, but a strong societal way of things the unwritten law becomes an absolute with punishment that can be more severe even than the bureaucratic one of a government. Even if everyone in the said society is educated and born intelligent enough to understand the positives of the ideals of the said society effectively there is a hive-mind going on and everyone is being forced to have many specific ideals, therefore there is a limit to your "individualism."
BTFO:ing people doesnt help our cause.
National Socialism is what it sounds like, a Nationalist spin on Socialism. The Germans saw what the Communists were doing and put their own Nationalist spin on it.
WW2 at the core ideologies came down to International Socialism (soviet union) vs National Socialism (germany).
Yes because crony "capitalism" filled with shitload of regulations is totally the same thing.
Yeah, keep on wanting welfare, so you can pay for Jamal to keep robbing and rioting, so you can pay some dumb fuck single mother, so you can subsidize fucking dysgenics. You are a socialist kike, get the fuck off Holla Forums you kike. >>>Holla Forums
The individualism im arguing for is not the i can do whatever the fuck I want without consequences type. Its simply the idea that individuals, when left and given the freedom to make their own decisions, tend to do so more effectively than government bureaucrats. Also, that its morally imperative to provide people with said freedom and liberties.
If you are new (non time related) dont post.
If you think im just posting random pictures you are absolutly wrong. Im blowing you the fuck out without you even knowing it. Same goes for aef295
No your not, you're ousting yourself as the Holla Forums shill you are.
No, but it is funny
You have people rooting for welfare and free healthcare, and pass it off as "nationalism"
Yeah, now that you're discovered as a lefty shill you're gonna post some influential NatSoc heads to try to distance yourself from that fact.
You're terrible at your job. Go back to trying to making a socialist paradise in Detroit with Jamal and Deshawn.
Watch a JooTube viddy on American NatSoc. Faggot.
Is Holla Forums always this cancerous when it's late night in europe?
Oh, a fucking yuropoor, should've known better. No wonder you fucking love sucking the tits of the socialist state, paying high taxes, while getting simultaneously assfucked by the government. >>>Holla Forums
nationalism is right wing, socialism is left wing
natsoc is perfect middle ground, but I am still against it because socialism is inherently jewish.
Hitler was a good leader, but ultimately got played by crypto-kikes.
Also funny that you should mention taxes. Here is a quote from Feder: "The main goal of the National Socialist state is: the state without taxes."
Unbelievable, I can't decide whether you're new, dumb or both.
Eventually they will be dealt with. Until then we build our strength and prepare.
You think societies and states were created by some higher power? A group of individuals banding together is stronger than any individual, and thus ends up dominating them. Call it free market, call it natural selection - it's one and the same. Group strategies outcompete pure atomized individualism. The other political confrontations are about different types of group strategies working to dominate each other. If individualism was superior or even sustainable, it would exist in practice - it doesn't.
Probably the main reason why Jews keep pushing libertarianism on the right, and socialism on the left is their penchant for atomization. No nations, no groups, just an amorphous mass bound by adherance to a political system.
In this kind of environment a tight knight, highly ethnocentric group like the Jews will absolutely dominate, as there isn't any competition.
Every ideology that isn't branded as heresy and made practically illegal is controlled and possibly created by kikes.
Jews don't care whether you're a libertarian or a socialist, they love it when you're trapped in their little artificial ideology.
They do start caring when you start realising that there is only Nature's Law and that every right needs to be earned and maintained through struggle.
There is both collectivism and individualism in nature, they work best when they're in balance. One can just go for a walk and observe other people to confirm that.
Just finished a summary of the Fascist manifesto. Read it.
Fascism is not left wing in nature because it supports a free market. The thing is that the free market is limited by the government so that it doesn't get out of hand like in America.
Right wing = nationalist.
Left wing = anti-nationalist.
National Socialism is nationalist, so it's right wing.
Economics has nothing to do with it.
You annoy the fuck out of me, so I'll join in. I've read your posts, and you haven't made one argument in which there is a disctinct evidence that NatSoc isn't an extention of Fascism. All you do is complain and call other idiots, while acting like you know some higher truth about NatSoc ideology. Which you haven't shared with us?
You act like a shill, d&cing fascists and NatSoc's, and i ask you to leave if you don't have any real arguments.
Left/right dichotomy is D&C to set us against each other. The two real opponents in the political scene are the nationalists and the globalists. End of thread.
These Beaverfag-tier condescending and overcomplicated sentences reek of bait. Can't believe you guys are falling for it.
The American educational system, ladies and gentlemen. Gaze upon it in all its glory!
English isn't even my first language, and I'm still a thousand times better at it than you. Honestly, put some lead through you skull and spare the genepool from further degeneration.
You can act both ways politically. The left-right paradigm is stupid anyway. I can enact right-wing policies towards other countries and outsides and I can enact left-wing policies towards citizens.
But user, that just makes you a retard.
Implying anyone in this thread is interested in discourse. It's all shit-flinging.
This, tbh.
Not him, but no one on this entire planet gets fucked harder than Americucks. You fuckwits have been at constant war for the past 50+ years, and what can you show for it? A bankrupt nation, full of crumbling infrastructure and swarming barbarians. You morons work like horses so your elites and kikes can live like gods. Yurop is getting enriched because it has no guns, and is under the ZOG's boot - what the fuck is *your* excuse, my deepfried burger friend?
Ackshually, hwhite brothers liberated us after beating back the ebil nutzis. And they and their friends decided that after glorious liberation, Europe doesnt need gun rights.
More like 100
NatSoc is Center-Right economically
NatSoc takes the only few good parts of Leftism and applies them to a Socially Conservative Nationalism ideal
I don't wanna D&C, but Amerifriends are blind as all fuck.
They could've been kings of the solar system. Even a mediocre people would've conquered the entire globe with the resources and opportunities providence bestowed upon Americans, but no, they handed over their nation to the kike, and murdered Europe in the process.
Fuck all of them. I don't even hate them, I pity them.
They made their bed, and now they're lying in it.
Look Jews sneak in by pretending to be us Even pretending to be Christains to get in and Assimilate until the take overand then they elevate themselves and their kind to despose of
You can't blame them for Kikes sneaking in, but now we know the way the Semites like dealing with so if we can remove Kikes and Kebab Because Kebab do it too but in a slightly different way because they don't look white we have the means to make sure they can't do it again
The truth is only the truth, m88. Nothing D&C about it.
His shit was meant to be spread on sites like Imgur as a gateway to redpills, you fuck.
I've been living this nightmare for so long that I can't even imagine what a normal, sane world would look like. Man wasn't made to live like this… like an animal, being fleeced for decades on end, while traitors and fifth columnists dismember his entire civilization.
Watch and wait as the US horde starts frothing at the mouth. They've drank so much of the jew's koolaid that any mention of their pathetic non-exceptionalism triggers them harder than a KKK member at a watermelon market. I despise America, not because it rules the world, but because it doesn't rule the entire fucking solar system. They could've been gods.
Well don't give up, we're already having small victories that are pilling up more and more, the window getter oh so ever closer to us as each day comes, despite the ambition of the Political Establishment and it's Cronies at the MSM
This would be true 99% of the time, Schomo, but once in a blue moon a real candidate shows up, and his name is Donald J Trump.
absolutely left wing. No way around it.
Really m88?
No liberal democratic piece of shit will ever rule the galaxy. The Germans and Brits laid the ground work for rocket science. Commies and amerikikes never advanced beyond that. Fuck, we cant even know for sure if they ever landed on the moon because of how much bullshit is surrounding the myth.
Can be planted by any controlled robot. Fuck, they could have just attached the mirror on a landing platform.
amerishits have never been "gods" or anything.
They were founded as a nation of filthy puritans, then tax dodgers and degenerates.
Gods, heh. What a laugh.
Did I ever say you shouldnt vote for Trump? Find me a quote.
This is why the world laughs at you.
Nah it's basically Socially Conservative but does have some left wing economic aspects but even economically it's more right wing than Sweeden
But they had their shot. Especially after Paperclip. They could've done anything… but they chose to sell out their nation, people, and future. Sad.
Second pick seems to imply.
The copy will never be as good as the original. You know that right, lad?
So just stay at home on Nov8 and just wait for hitler?
They didn't chose this, their fate was stolen beneath their feet by a group of those Jew who change their shape to suit their will I mean this metaphorically of course
And are you hoping that Trump would keep the current facade alive?
You burgers are really fucking dense arent you?
Look the Kikes know that it could be a even bigger problem for them if they steal the election than if Trump wins
Exactly right.
The thing that makes national socialism so revolutionary is that it understands systems are never as important as the people running them. A perfect system with incompetent uncaring corruptible folks running it won't last while a very poor system can work wonders if the men are stalwart and creative.
Character and breed will always trump ideology or bureaucratic rulebook.
Jews wouldn't have been able to do that if they weren't so fucking rich from the nobles in europe enabling them for centuries. We caught your parasite disease.
It's third position. Utilizes practices form both the left and right.
You shills really are pathetic. You've resorted to saving NatSoc pictures to demoralize Trump supporters so they don't go out and vote.
To Hitler the term "Socialism" had been perverted by the Marxists and the Jews
Yeah, and cucks want a world where everyone just gets along and farts rainbows. Thats not going to happen.
Name one thing in fascims spiritual foundation (with back up from an actuall facsist) that is the same as a NatSoc and name one thing in fascims material foundation that is the same as NatSoc (thier common enemy is not similarity in this case).
When you have done your research you will find that they have alsmot nothing in common execpt some political policies.
But his claim is actually backed up by maths.
This. When did Holla Forums get so many politically weak users? Newfags are good, so long as they lurk before posting, but the first dozen or so replies are complete shit.
Come on user, no need to still accept bullshit Christian beliefs. You shouldn't be embarassed of your mother. Sure women have less neurons in their brains, are unable to control their emotions like men, and generally firm in support of their beliefs but they are entering men's fields and trying to do our jobs not what they are meant to do; which is raise kids.
It is a revolution of both reactionary and progressive ideals.
Wanting newfags to lurk before posting retarded shit does not mean I want echochamber. NatSoc discussions used to be top quality around a year ago, and now there's plenty of newfags who know nothing about the subject, posting dumb shit instead of doing their own research first.
You're asking the wrong question, so no one can really give you a correct answer. This crude image is a slightly better way to understand politics along a visual grid, though ultimately that's always going to be limited.
In marriage, not casual sex
Another low IQ, retarded subhuman mutt,
Quote me when I said that people shouldnt vote for Trump.
You dont even make sense. What are you babbling about?
Fuck off Moshe
Well if women are married and having lots of legitimate kids there would be no slutshaming. You can't get rid of it but this does reduce it.
We both have our problems and we need to deal with them.
Its neither wing