The migrant influx into Europe is bigger this year than last year...

The migrant influx into Europe is bigger this year than last year. The EU learned their lesson from last year and haven't allowed human waves to build up because the optics of it was a disaster. They're shuffling the migrants around using mass transit and dispersing them this time. There's a media black out of it too but it's happening now with even larger numbers of them coming in.

Other urls found in this thread:

We know user. They are flying them in from Syria/Turkey at night, people who track the airline radar sites say they come in every night, ironically enough most of them come into Cologne airport.

We all know this user.

Whatcha sliding, rabbi?



well fug

Wow you aren't kidding, I just checked and the vast majority of planes coming to Cologne's airport at night (by that I mean after midnight) are from Turkey.

what's ironic about that?

it's the city where the new year's rape fest occurred

but OP is absolutely correct to state that turning the 2015 summer invasion into an obscene theatrical production like it was the greatest moment in human history was a massive, and indeed fatal misstep

Then it isn't really ironic, is it? It's no surprise the city that receives the most rapists has a rape fest.

yeah i thought it was a suspiciously quiet summer


Where can we track this, just airline websites?

So why doesn't somebody go there to take some photos?

being white in a European airport after midnight is illegal.

why should i care? you eurofags dont even care.

yea? then how many fires did you light last night?

When I went to check if what is true and airline radar sites actually do track planes filled with our rape-happy friends I went on flightradar24, clicked on Cologne's airport and looked at arrivals and after midnight a (((suspicious))) amount of flights come in from Turkey. They don't even hide it, I went on Cologne Bonn Airport's official site and even they aren't hiding it.

Get a big ass lens.


That is the purpose of Holla Forums afterall. Online we are a force great enough to strike fear in the (((elites))). Weaponized memes is 21st century warfare

Gather photographic evidence you faggots and spread that shit as much as possible.

To add to this, I feel like the kikes at the EU made a secret deal with Turkey to start shipping mudniggers into Europe, and continue with the plan to eliminate the white race.
I didn't hear anything about that deal with the "refugees" between Roachland and the EU coming to fruition. Especially after Germany recognized the Armenian genocide and after the attempted coup.

Fucking hell. Yeah there's a buttload of them: Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Istanbul, all in a row. In daytime hours there's maybe one flight from Istanbul once in a while, but what takes place after midnight is insane.

Thanks for the website. Something really needs to be done, Germanbros need to go there, wait outside and take pics.

Can German anons go to the airports and get photographic evidence? Without irrefutable proof they'll just be labelled "racists" and "conspiracy theorists".

it's happening in the States too, they use UPS or FedEx planes as a disguise


just to give you an example

the contrast is so extreme, you wouldn't believe it if you didn't experience it

to give you a better image

i'Ve seen more niggers in my day to day life in the last 6 months than in the first 25 years of my life

i am not exaggerating

also I forgot

german women pushing around half niggers are fucking everywhere

I'm in the UK and can confirm although living near a city the increase hasn't been as bad as your rapid one but it has still noticeably increased


this two

Probably club culture.

I fear for the future with so many mixed children.

And the men?

also its different types of niggers

the niggers you used to see where the kinds with the round faces, big noses, kind of like the type you have in the US

the type you see everywhere now are these disgusting somali type niggers with their filthy hairlines

and more these super darkness jungle niggers who look like they came out of a africa child soldier documentary

what men, german men?

Yes, have they given up on women or are they paying for the nigglets?

Our best bet at this point is a second holocaust. Hopefully the americunts wont come and ruin it again.

`thats because you had niggers since the 60s 70s

most of europe and germany did not

The Hegelian response to what's going on is obviously genocide. As for America invading. With what? It doesn't have the demographics it did in the 1940s. America is a glass cannon and isn't capable of conducting serious warfare anymore. America would burn in flames internally the second gibs are rationed.

they are going to work and pay for the niglets
make the test yourself when you're in germany in any major city

weekdays from 5-8 am hop into a subway

wait 5-7 hours and do the same at 12am+ and note the difference in the people

then 3rd, take the same subway at a thursday, friday, saturday night and count the germans

America will likely have a civil war, fought along racial and political lines instead of north vs south. Hopefully the whites win, or else the world will literally be a dark place.

Are there any stats on the number of mulattoes/mixed breeds, friend? I'm not doubting you, just a burger who wants to fully grasp the situation

I don't see this happening. Nowhere near enough whites that are actually racially aware.

I wish there were any

i've been trying to find them for the last 2 years but there's nothing

I wish there was a birth statistic with ethnicity of mother/father but theres nothing

there was one for the UK
where for example for polish women in the UK 20-25% of the children they gave birth to, were to nigger or sandnigger fathers

and you have to realize, the niggers are only 5-10% of the population

As an American, that's my job to fix.


If the whites lose America there goes all its military capability. For a country to conduct warfare the first requirement is that it has a population willing to fight and die for the country. If it doesn't have that there's mercenaries but mercenary armies always fail.

In that kind of situation the US will be so busy holding the diversity together by the seams that conducting external warfare is unthinkable.

My honest guess is that if whites become racially aware, they can't lose. Maybe some sections with high nigger percentages, and many cities would be temporarily lost. Whites have the firearms and intelligence to take the country back. We just have to overcome the jewish conditioning bombarded on us since the Fed came to be

I'm never letting britbongs live this down when they start their "60%" the next time.

You bothered to look at your own domestic birth rates friend? :^)

Yes, they are shuffling tactics.

Could you provide links with specific search terms for routes? Some collages of routes and history maybe?
I know of Flightradar24 but don't know where to start.

This is deeply disturbing, yet not unexpected.

I live in a medium to big sized Dutch city and the amount of sandniggers grew absolutely huge over the last 2-3 years, it used to be like one in fifteen and now it seems like 1 in 5 people is a sandnigger, and that's without even discussing ages.

The foreigners are nearly all around 20, whereas our population is graying quickly.

This. Also, is there any info on number of passengers?

Also, Germans please provide tourism statistics of the last few years in general + income from Turkey.

I could compile some statistics tomorrow.

this is genocide and they are not even denying it anymore

year ago they were crying about ebil raycizsts noticing that most of the "refugees" were grown men, now they admit it and with a straight face say the solution is even more "immigration"

you don't hear anyone talking about them being a economic benefit anymore either
we need to raise taxes and take out more debt to pay for it all, now blanda upp goyim

They are desperate. They know they fucked up too many times, and their dreams for NWO are fading. False flags and martial law is probably the last ditch effort to maintain control

You lads know what to do.

I've just started using it for the first time myself, after this user said that people found them coming in from Roachland I just went here:

Then I clicked on arrivals and departures, what you can see if you're cross-referencing them is that the planes coming in from roachland in the early hours go back to Turkey almost immediately (after about an hour and a half or so), which struck me as extremely bizarre, so I decided to click on one of those flights, namely this one.

As you can see, this flight is scheduled in early hours to arrive EVERY DAY. Now this wouldn't be so strange if it was a plane to London for example, but this is some random roach city and not the fucking capital of one of the most important countries in Europe and to put things into even more of a perspective, London flights never depart or arrive at such weird early hours and there's way many flights from and to Antalya not to be suspicious.

I'm an Eastern Eurofag and it's getting late here so I can't really do much more at this moment, but I'll dig further from now on.

not buying the stupidity cop-out anymore
(((they))) know exactly what they're doing

I doubt everything is going to plan. I think Trump wasn't planned for, and Jeb! was supposed to lose to Shillary. Now they are going all out to stop him.

When it comes to Europe I think you could be right. Nationalism is on the rise as people are seeing the massive immigration and the EU failing in general, but maybe the kikes want that so they can finish off nationalism once and for all.

I don't know. Whether the kikes planned everything that happened or not, they still need to go.

Anyone got statistics on the current year?

The deal with Turkey is that every time we send an illegal immigrant back to Turkey where they came from we must accept a refugee from one of their camps. Ie. illagal immigrants get swapped with legal immigrants one to one.

So every immigrant that makes it into Europe illegally means one immigrant gets into Europe legally.

I wonder if they just send the same guy back.

german gov admitted that they are flying in refugees

they claim its the families, of refugeeess that get their asylum request in germany accepted

of course they are lying

why else would they bring in thousands every day in the middle of th night

fun fact
try too book a ticket for one of these flights from turkey to cologne you listed

flyign home from holidays in the middle of the night seems to be very popular

majority is booked out

flights from cologne to turkey are not
but the other direction is

these flights are booked out or close to, unttil the end of octobre

holiday season is over in germany in a few weeks

and nobody is flying home at 4 am

this one flight is a boeing 737-800 that can take about 200 passengers

How can i check that, or can you post something that confirms this?

talking about this flight

try to book one from Antalya to Cologne
on this website

just noticed
the repeating 4 am flight
is not even listed on the page

you can only book flights in the "normal" holiday return hours of 11 pm 12 pm at midnight


Germans who work at Cologne airport (the few White ones) were leaking it to the press until Merkel finally had to deny it ("nothing to see here, of course we'd never lie to you") and the German press dutifully shut up about it.

But you can still track the flights coming in from Turkey each night. And so far, Greece has only sent about 400 total back, so the entire thing is bullshit.

If the EJew doesn't collapse very soon, Europe is done (it probably already is).

After New Year's, if there were one city in Germany Mutter Merkel wouldn't want to overload with rapefugees, common sense would seem to dictate that it would be Cologne.

apparently, I either lack common sense or Merkel just doesn't give a fuck anymore since the papers won't report it anyway.

I'm not even sure they're listed on the arrivals, just keep radar24 or the other one open (right around now actually 0230-0430 local) and track the flight paths of passenger aircraft from random cities in roachland to Cologne.

cologne is just where they land
they get shuttled around in buses in germany after landing

even in 100 people villages

When do you start fighting back?

how am I gonna fight the police?
the whole law system is against us

if a rapefugee attacks you and you hurt him while defending yourself you get the punishment

they can rape, and get no punishment

the whole system is against us

I'm guessing it will happen when there's an economic collapse or crisis and the gibsmedats stop.

Start assassinating rapefugees with knives late at night, then leave their heads somewhere for display.

Cause one of these.

Burn it all down.

Civil war.

Or there will be nothing left of you.

great idea
ruin your life for killing one mohamed
while 10 more mohamed come to germany

I think the Jews might get their comeuppance when they start imprisoning large numbers of us for "hate speech."
when prisons in the UK/Germany are 85% White, suddenly the prospect of going to jail won't be so bad for many who have nothing to lose anyway at this point.

Unless you can get others to join you, you've already lost.

it's in the UK paper "express" from 10 aug and a few others, I'm on mobile and don't think I have enough power left to archive it…

they admitted it
but they claim its family reuinion

if so, why hide it, why fly them in at 4am

look at this shit. 4 of 6 flights are from fucking Turkey? All at night…so full of shit.

Because they are more than likely not families, they will be yet more military aged me.

If these flights were full of women, children and the elderly then it would be a great propaganda asset for them. They would probably fly them in at peak time and pay actors to emotionally embrace them.

These will be military aged men that would be liable to go on a rampage if they were in a first world airport at peak time and mobile phone footage of “refugees” robbing duty free and grabbing at every female in site would NOT be a propaganda asset.


The boldness of the lies piss me off even more than the actual lies.
So Antalya is such a popular "resort destination" that 2 full airlines from the same company are both leaving at 2:50 AM…oh, and one leaving 5 mins prior to that on a different airline, same airport, and one an hour after?

Treats us like we're retarded.

Looks like the XQ118/112 do occasionally have some seats available for sale.

It is a very busy flight for such an odd time with it only having 0-5 seats available per flight for the next few weeks.

I wonder if these are actually bookable.

It would also be interesting to take one of these flights if they were genuinely available to the public. I don’t know who would insane enough to step foot on Turkish soil at the moment but perhaps a Jerusalembart journalist could be convinced to for the story. They could meet some very interesting people to interview.

I'd bet every cent I have that it's actually Christcucks helping these rapefugees.

that's fucking sad

people reported that in sweden too, shitloads of white on non-white micegenation

thats what I meant

it is very popular
but no one on holidays takes home flights at fucking 4 am

it just does not happen

the flight you screenshot is 112

the 4am 113 is not even in the list

people used to call me a shill when i said this on pol
they said i was demoralizing or a kike

but it is fuckening happening

Still sure they are up to something. 6 flights in from Turkey, all from 12am-5am, and they are filling up 2 at the same time?
The next step is to check where all these "Antalya" tickets are connecting from, has to be either border towns in Turkey or from Jordan.
I read someone tried to get photos of the "passengers" and they didn't exit from normal terminals but went right to waiting buses.

a while back someone here on 8pol posted photos of stockholm he took. it looks like NYC. non-whites everywhere. the white men are all faggots (literally homosexual) and the white women are all either fat or fucking non-whites

sweden is gone

that's the thing. Germans on holiday with kids…why would they exclusively be flying back from 12am to 5am?
I want to see what flights connect there (and where from) in the hours before.

Ever wondered why almost exclusively MEN came to Germany over the Balkan route?

Where were their women?


yep, ship in all those men's wives and kids on planes in the middle of the night, then your 1 million turns into 5 million overnight. and they're all in their 20s. native germans in their 20s are already outnumbered. and the german army only has 250,000 people. once they let them join the army germany is fucked. the non-whites in the army will stage a coup. mark my words

I am sure they are, just because there are tickets listed for sale does not mean they can actually be purchased.

We need a journalist on this. A non-white one at that who wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb at Antalya airport/ on the flight.

if they get their asylum requests accepted
they can bring in their families

you know 1 guy on average has 4-8 siblings

this applies to his sibligns, and his parents, AND GRANDPARENTS AS WELL

knowing arab documentation

they probably just fake stuff and bring in 30 people including all their cousins

and once they get citizenship they are free to move around through any EU country in the schengen area. including hungary, which is how you know viktor orban is just a lying snake pretending to be tough on immigration to hold off jobbik. unless hungary leaves the EU orban can't stop these people going into hungary.

i assume they get taken to the airport by bus

once in germany buses take them around germany

thats the thing i noticed most

to not make them appear too numerous they really decentralized it

every german town has a quota of sandnigs that it must take

as i said
even 100 people villages take in 1-10 of these guys

im not exaggerating when i say since 2015 there is not a single town city or village in germany left withut refugees

It is a never-ending cycle. Once you accept one it can go on forever.

Doesn’t even have to be fake. A bribe can get you genuine documentation in most 3rd world countries.

agree…someone who could pass a Turk and show up at Antalya at night claiming he "missed his earlier flight" and trying to pay cash for a new one.
If they say all 6 flights for the night are sold out..also, if you look at the diff airlines ("pegasus," "onur," etc..) they all seem like they are owned by same company.
I know "Germanwings" is budget branch of Lufthansa, but the others haven't heard of.

not sure about hungary

because these people DO NOT want to go to hungary

they want to go to sweden, germany

thats it,
maybe the UK if they are niggers

thats the thing


for the repeating 4 AM flight 113 you CAN NOT BOOK TICKETS

go ahead and try

the flight is not listed, yet it is flying every day at 4 am

Now add in the 500,000+ Africans the Italians have picked up since May that none of the press will touch.

if you assume the german gov made a deal mwith the turkish gov

then logic decides that the turkish gov would us turkish airlines to ship the refugees to germany

it makes sense

all of these are turkish airlines
pegasus, onur, sunexpress

How do you think Merkel lives with herself? Well, she has no children, what does she care? She'll live out her life in a villa in Monaco, just like De Klerk did after destroying South Africa.

for example the 10.000 people town I know
took in around 100 to 200

this town like most german towns is mostly older people

out of those 10.000 the younger population is maybe 1000

now to these 1000 they added 200 nigger men
and they planned to add 300 more this year

this 10.0000 peopl e town bought 4 houses for
500.000€ each for the accomodation of these 300 refugees

think about this


10.0000 people live there
their whole tax income is probably 10 million or something

true, they only WANT to go to sweden and germany because they have all the gibs, poland and hungary have no welfare so only people who want to work go there. hungary actually recently cut all it's welfare payments in half, there was an article on it recently.

Lets not forget about the gigantic amount people who enter with student/ short stay visa's that simply never go home and are hidden/ illegally employed by other members of their own race.

And if this demographic of people are caught (which is rare as it takes a huge amount of effort for immigration departments to even get permission to apprehend them) they can still claim asylum.

shes power hungry

when she was younger she was a commie supporter
she will lick anyones boot to stay in power
she hates germany
she speaks fluent russian

i assume for the destruction of germany
she thinks she ll get a nice job at the new NWO
in theUN or something

there are rumours she bought a huge estate in south america to flee too once shtf

They get paid by the State Department

Lutheran Social Services or whatever the fuck is called is responsible for importing so many Somalis up north.

So they're not even doing it out of some flawed ideology they're on the take from the feds.

She will probably come near Argentina or Uruguay(because they are the comfiest countries), not too far from where i live. Would love to exchange some words with her.

note they use the back exit

not the one connecting to terminls

meaning a bus will take them

why bus?

so theydont have to run through airport terminals and might be seen

I assume the bus directly takes them to another bus that ships them around germany

never trust a politician who doesn't have children. they have no stake in the future

This is true, Lutherans did in Minnesota and Maine in the US.
Right now, the Jesuits are trying to do in Malta with niggers, and if this pope doesn't die soon they'll get their way (though this pope will probably be replaced with first nigger pope).


i have no doubt that they bring the nigs to minnesota on purpose

they specifically picked the place with the highest nordic germanic ancestry

that would be the last straw for me. the roman catholic church, the oldest and most powerful institution in europe being taken over by a non-white. that would be the perfect globalist symbol for a future non-white europe.

all of the whitest states are being targeted for ethnic cleansing. they don't put the refugees in detroit or chicago, they put them in tiny all white villages in rural wyoming or north dakota

fucking unbelievable

somalis are even for nigger tier, disgusting
the most disgusting type of niggers

they are the result of arab men fucking nigger women

Still will never understand how so many people in south carolina voted for basically an open fag.
With May, Brits are getting what they deserve. The people who won the vote were too afraid to take to the streets and protest/make demands because the Jews might call them "racist."

The night Brexit won was first time in my life I had hope for the West. Should have known better. May has no opposition, Labour has been in open revolt for 2 months now.


about cologne airport this month

compared to the same month of last year,
the incoming flights this month are +18%


meanwhile tourism to turkey dropped for obvious reasons

can still get good, cheap land in Maine if you get away from Portland and Lewiston.
If I had the shekels, where I'd go.

official german gov page


Whats that, someone we didn't vote for?

It had nothing to do with any Brit that all of May's opposition mysteriously dropped out and left her the uncontested leader of the party.

There should have been a riot when they announced Farage would have no role in the Brexit administration.
Seems like all Western governments understand these days.
"people have the right to draw Muhammed."
(they shoot dead 14 leftist edgy assholes)
"OK, no Muhammed cartoons."

Before Vice turned into SJW cucks, they might have looked into this sort of thing.
It must be costing them shekels, who could read/watch that trash?

So…. wasn't their a story about them training these bastards in military style camps? Are they planning on taking you boys out when the time comes with this Middle Eastern/African army paid for with your tax dollars?


asians are going up too you know

as bad as the situation in europe may be, america is much worse. only 3 states are over 90% white

Britain is a police state. People get locked away for years on end for making one liner jokes on Twitter.

Any white person rioting would be crucified and the percentage of people willing to martyr themselves for a cause is never high in ANY society.

We voted to leave the EU, which is more than anyone else has. People aren’t standing up anywhere. To single Britain when we have at least taken the first step is absurd.

15% 6 years ago and I presume for some moronic reason that does not include "hispanic" people.

More than enough to rule my cozy Minnesota town dream a fantasy.

Not really "singling out" Brits, just when Brexit won, the faces on the Sky news cunts were fucking priceless.
I really thought something was changing finally. Instead the Jews just moved the goalposts.

It was only ever the first step in a very long and arduous journey. One that everything rides upon, a literal battle of good vs. evil the result of which will either usher in a new golden age or block out the light for good.

Don’t be disheartened, it happened. The first domino was knocked down and it has allowed us to keep hold of some hope.

Imagine if it hadn’t of happened.

Get a fucking grip. Yes he was, groomed for years, vetted.

That faggot should have been gassed for pacting with niggers.
I get angry just thinking about what he has done to his country.

God damn you could practice bullet penetration in their skulls all day long and never feel bad.

When are you going to start fighting back, WHITE MAN?

I think cratering the runway and/or burning those who are facilitating the invasion in the streets is an option too

also, do people know 60% of the Syrian females in Turkey right now are pregnant?
I'm too afraid to have kids given costs of \living now and what uni will cost in 17 years, and these fuckers are just popping them out and Germans will end up paying.

Friendly reminder that Germany supported the Ottoman Empire in its war with Russia and, had it not, Turks would not exist.

This is why European ethnic groups don't need to mix but need to stick together and prioritise those closest to our own race over those that will give us an advantage over each other.

It was fun banter when the shitskins were powerless, but now look at these problems.

How do you fix Northern Europe's 'being fucking shit' problem?

Lots of StG44s

Incompetence in leadership should be punished by death every bit as much as malice or treachery. Basically I agree with you but even if you could be wrong it doesn't fucking matter.

No one in Northern Europe seems willing to do it and, not only that, the government will be actively opposing them at every stop.

When will you remove this 'racism is bad' or 'prioritising your own survival' is bad meme?

I don't know. I'm not sure I could start the fire here in the USA user, best I can hope for is the race war happens and I can protect brothers

Yea, the same is happening in every larger city in the country. It's not just Hamburg, Berlin or Munich, it happens even in minor cities (less than 100k people).

It may not even be a lie. Remember, these people on average all have 4-5 kids. Now calculate the numbers when they include more distant relatives too.

user, any idea what's going on in Bavaria? Last month, there were 5-6 attacks there. Nothing major (compared to Nice) but odd all concentrated there.
Heard a rumor that there are pamphlets going around claiming Bavaria has best gibs me.


According to rumors it's in Paraguay.

i dont think ther are going to be too many attacks

the refugees live too well in germany

they are enjoying the sun and sexuallly harassing women

the attacks will start once the money runs out or they are expected to work

