Insane Soros puppets to form EU army and attack WN Russia

We can’t do without joint European army

The creation of a joint EU army is inevitable, Czech Prime Minister Sobotka told a gathering of Czech diplomats in Prague, citing terrorism, the migrant influx, and a “new aggressive Russia” as the main reasons a NATO-like military structure is needed.

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It won't do shit, the slavs in EU won't fight Russia, you would see massive desertations. Sobotka is a faggot who sucks Merkel's penis, nobody takes him seriously. Zeman is the important guy.



JUST LIKE SOVIETS WERE APART OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WEST (even though they were the pretend enemy)


No, Putin is the only serious opponent for Soros. Russia is the only counterbalance.

Essentially this

Doesn't mean you have to like Russia or think of them as saviors.

Will you stop with this fucking meme? Russia isn't white nationalist. Had it been it wouldn't allow for all these centralasian muslim shitskins to live there.

Also this tbh, OP - They are far from "WN", just because SOME of the things they do are based.

And you have to go across these slavic nations to do it.
Dream your dreams EU commies.


Putin is playing the same Jew World Order game that Stalin played. They pretend to be an enemy (cold war) and magically all this funding to fight the enemy goes to destroying the West instead.

You fucking plebs make me sick. It's like talking to Baby Boomer cuckservatives.

You want Putin to be a bad boy and feel a connection to some savior. But he's just another Jewish owned Stalin playing the SAME FUCKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

lol yeah "fight Russia", im sure it not to fight nationalists in europe..

sometimes, it amazes me how stupid people, people that call themselves redpilled. i thought one part of being redpilled it not to be naive. (((they))) have zero fucking interest of russia. the country is falling apart, this whole "russia stronk" meme is just thanks to putin and killing a few kebabs with superior weapons in syria. not trying to shit on them, but thats the truth

nato, EU army etc, all about fighting nationalism in europe

Didn't I just say he wasn't a savior your overly-defensive autist?



Stalin purged them. Putin removed oligarchs. Fuck off shill.

Putin is the enemy! He's working for (((Them)) just like Stalin did, as a fake bad guy. Get it through your tiny brain!

kys shillboys.

If Russia somehow isn't White Nationalist, then why does she:
* Support and fund National Socialist/Fascist/White Nationalist groups across Europe?
* Ban anti-White NGOs?
* Remove kebab?
* Jail or kick out (((oligarchs))) and (((journalists)))?
* Support Middle Eastern countries that fight (((Israel)))?
* Allow citizens to own and carry guns, unlike any other country in Europe?
* Fight faggotry, alcoholism, smoking, drug abuse, atheism, feminism and other forms of degeneracy?
* Promote traditional gender roles, non-pozzed Christianity and healthy White families?
* Give free land and housing to Whites seeking to escape the pozzed hellhole that is the (((EU)))?
* Wish to re-unite illegitimate Eastern European "nations" with their rightful ruler and create a pan-European WN superstate?

They lied to you slav

You've convinced me to bump.

Would you call China white nationalist? Or Syria? Or Iran? It's certainly anti-globalist and anti-zionist but Russia remains an imperialist, multiethnic shithole and Putin certainly has no problem with non-whites living there.

Look at this, he doesn't even read posts.
He might as well be a bot.

You've instantaneously outed yourself. Putin is no savior, and he isn't fervently active against kikes and works his own interests. But you are a shill.

They are NeoCons of Europe you idiot. They fund:

EVER FUCKING HEAR OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

…and yet another Soros puppet fails to understand Realpolitik. How typical.

So you saved a Hitler meme Ivan. Now we know you're not having a discussion. As soon as you start that "they are the same shill!" bullshit we know you've given up.


Strange, I could have sworn I made discussion worth responses and you have copy pasted responses at the ready ripped from when you did this on 4chan.

We may as well just be calling realcucitik at this point.

Putin is a Soros puppet. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!

Just like "ISIS"rael. They never attack their real (((enemy))).

No one buys your bullshit you filthy Communist

Just tell me what bullshit it is that I am selling?

Tell me. Read my posts, slowly. Retard.

Fuck Russia and (((Putin))) and fuck OP

Have a bump user

Oh another American with no knowledge of international politics blindly supporting jewtin, hardly a surprise at this point

Fuck off commie

1950's era fear-mongering isn't going to work, CTR-faggot.

So since certain people are looking for "discussion" in this thread. I will be one to attempt to re-rail it, despite OP's fatal mistake of calling Russia White Nationalist, a very retarded and misguided idea.

This thread shouldn't be shilled about Russia, what should be talked about is Merkel's gay faggot EU army being raised up by Estonian, Czech and other national soldiers.

Wasn't there supposed to be a bunch of Africans and shitskins planned for this big army force?


You CTR-faggot warmongers sure love your conspiracy theories. Can't blame you since you work for a UFO believing seizure granny.

I'm getting that vibe too, but this thread still has potential for information.

Hows it going OP

Man, the kikes really hate Russia, don't they?

How's it going CTR-faggot?

Kill yourself

Jewtin busts nationalist gig in bolshevist russian dictatorship

Jewtin's pact with pissrael

By senior Soviet officials, I was already informed, that the Russian Patriarch immediately after outbreak of hostilities with Germany had begun manufacturing amulets and religious icons and a handy encyclical to spread the message of the rebellion against the German invaders (…) It was a smashing success not only within the circles of the russian orthodox church clerical sphere, but among the midst of the people aswell.
It distinguished itself from the ususal monotone soviet propaganda and brought through the appeal to a religious patriotism an original touch in the anti-German propaganda of the soviet state.

General Kornev, head of soviet delegation in Yugoslavia, confided that the Soviet Union seriously had considered at the moment of greatest distress to promote the orthdox religion as an ideological sustainable stimulus for the soviet union, which it then did until the end of the war.

- Milovan Djilas, "Conversations with Stalin"

Where did I ever say anything about that? Enjoy your thread either way Ivan I look foreword to the coming defenses of the largest Mosque in Europe and the jailing of ethnic nationalists.

Attacking Isreal directly and explicitly is a sure way in having (((democracy))) imposed by an (((American-led coalition))). You know that, CTR-faggot.

Makes sense why you want Cankles. Since Russia won't attack, you want (((us))) to do so on behalf of your precious pissrael, right CTR-faggot?

Out of curiosity, which kind of anti-Russia spammer are you?

* A bored shitposter who does it for free
* A self-hating white cuck who gets a boner from slandering the only WN state on the planet
* A commie jew fuck
* A jew-loving neocon shabbos goy
* A Soros-funded D&C shill
* A jew-controlled "nationalist" from a fictional European state squatting on rightful Russian territory
* A loathsome homosexual poz pig butthurt over Russia's anti-degeneracy laws

or some ungodly amalgamation of two or more of the above?

lol, are you braindead, CTR-faggot? You just called me a communist a few posts above. And now you're trying to memory hole it, like your bosses at CTR are trying to cover your warmongering granny's Parkinson's?

Enjoy your shekels, CTR-faggot.

please point it out I never used the word communist in a single post until this one.

What a surprise, a previously commie nation still holding the same sentiment of fascism the rest of the Europe/American world holds.

Nobody other than OP's gay post about calling them white nationalists has been shilling Russia as a savior, save yourself the breath and try to make this productive about Merkel's EU army, or just fling shit at eachother that works too.

Have a bump, OP. Can't have ((( and ))) and other CTR-faggots shill the place up, like they did yesterday.

Why don't you read my posts before throwing me in the bucket, user.

Fucking retard.

Not even the UK has gone as far with censorship and blocking access to information as Russia. They ought right banned this website for fuck sake.

Good job you finally checked my ID, hopefully that resolved the persecution complex over me calling you the dreadful "C" word.

Did you really expect that much out of a tor poster.

Hey, user, calm down. It was a simple mistake. In case you weren't here yesterday, these faggots were spamming their pro-Cankles propaganda all day.

Yeah that's because they're retarded Russians.

OP seems to be one of those "Russia is white nationlaist" people but I figured this thread could be useful, these people excessively "defending" their thread has ironically killed it themselves.

Yeah well, I tried. Best of luck to you defending your thread to the point where no content can be produced. By the way, Russia certainly isn't "white nationalist", but you don't have to scream at each other because of that minuscule fact. I for one still "like" Russia in their friction against SOME kikes but I am not foolish enough to call them anything more than what they are, which is self-interest and playing on both fields at all times like they always have done.

This thread was supposed to be about Merkel's EU puppet armies despite OP's misguided categorization.

The CTR-faggots shill for hill, so they've switched tactics,

'Cuz America doesn't pull that shit, right?

Why does it have to be either/or

Why do these people want a war with Russia THIS bad?

I have a suspicion, that (((they))) have a deadline to destroy the white gene and that deadline is very close. That's why they are panicking and acting illogically from our point of view (letting millions of shitkins in Germany, while at the same time planning to send Germans to fight Russians? - that's just absurd). WW3 would be the fastest way to kill millions of whites.

Mods sure buried that thread quick they usually just bumplock though, they must really be worried about all those Jewish connections coming to light.

Don't provoke the Eastern Europeans. You never know where they are lurking.

It is a good thing Russia is not WN. It is RN, Russian nationalist. Technically I could accept Germanic / Slavic nationalism, but if you see no problems with that, you're retarded, and if you agree with it, good. Real Panslavism/Pangermanism has never been tried.

Because WN is a retarded meme to integrate EU further.

Doubt it.

Your boss, cankles, though, that's another story, CTR-faggot.

Any of the EE "nations" aren't real and never will be. They're confused lower-class Russians who were coerced by echobergs to adopt made-up identities and artificial gibberish languages. These clueless fools and their kosher "muh separate identity" LARPing proved to be an effective D&C tool, which is why the echobergs continue to use them to prevent an actual pan-European NatSoc state (headed by Russia, of course) from emerging.

Always remember:

Not supporting Russia/Putin = anti-White D&C shill

The EU is working on that very thing right now

I keep trying to tell you this if the EE slavs see this they are gonna have a field day. They already had that during the Soviet Union days and no one liked it. Poland fucking hates Russia, Serbia couldn't be arsed one way or another, if Russia rearranges Serbian borders again it's gonna be another war because serbs are just fucking animals, Macedonia is still gonna be retarded as always and Bulgaria is gonna do what she always has, go right in-front of the huge shit canal, open it wide, and then proceed to dodge the entire river as it pours down completely only to step in a puddle of piss later, and then not paying for the cleanup of everyone who got shit on them.

Not assassinating someone really means nothing. You have to consider if they'd replace him with someone less predictable. An enemy you understand is better than a new unknown one waiting in the wings.

Russia is anti-nazi because it's a necessary part of their national mythology. If you look at their policies they're fairly national socialist. The immense Russian territory is governed for the primary benefit of the white muscovites. Immigrants are allowed but on strinctly controlled basis.

Russia isn't exactly pro-white but they're far more pro-white and pro-national sovereignty than any other state on earth at this time. This makes them Ally #1 in our cause.

We need allies. Anyone who doesn't understand this is an idiot or D&C.

nigga pls, I laugh at the retarded ukie Jewtin memes as much as anybody but given russian demographics we will see the Golden horde rise again before anything

To subvert the EU. A weak EU means a strong Russia.

Not because they are anti-white but because they are anti-Putin. He does it for himself.

He only removes the ones that are violent against Russians. Meanwhile Moscow is full of Muslims who follow the law. There are other nationalities that are Muslims and aren't removed at all.

Power struggle. He wants to stay in power and he will do anything to reach his goal. Since Russia isn't a western democracy he also has the means to do it. Basically the same with the NGO's.

Syria fights a civil war, Iran didn't engage Israel directly. Also weapons business is lucrative and he can expand the Russian sphere of influence through arms deals.

Kikepedia article: Guns may be acquired for self-defense, hunting or sports activities only. Russian citizens can buy smooth-bore long-barreled firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules. Rifles allowed after five years of ownership of a shotgun. Handguns generally are not allowed. Short barrel rifles and shotguns (less than 800 mm) are prohibited as well as suppressors. An individual cannot possess more than ten guns (up to five shotguns and up to five rifles) unless part of a registered gun collection, guns that shoot in bursts and have more than a ten-cartridge capacity are prohibited.
Carrying permits are issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. People who acquire firearms for the first time are required to attend six and a half hours of classes on handling guns safely and must pass federal tests on safety rules and a background check.Gun licenses are for five years and can be renewed.

Three of these (fags, atheists and feminists) are part of his political opposition, the others (drug, alcohol, smoking) must be fought because they have a severe effect on Russian society. Decreasing the level of these also decreases national healthcare costs in the long term.

Meanwhile abortion rate is very high in Russia. They also need birthrates to keep up their social service system or else many people will starve.

That's propaganda to subvert the EU. They also denied refugee status from a German family who escaped to Russia from merkelhell.

He wants Soviet Union 2.0 without communism. Maybe the return of Tsarist Russia would be a better example. It wouldn't be WN at all, since Russia is multi-racial at this day. Also

TL;DR Putin plays the superpower game and he plays it well. But he doesn't want some "white paradise", he wants a superstate with multiple races like the Soviet Union was with complete Russian (not even slav) hegemony. His subversion of EU can be useful but he is no friend by any means.

More like 6 feet under Stalin with a pickaxe in his head. The others are correct although some of them (i.e.:Yagoda) were also executed for treason during the purges.

So anti white is anti Putin?

Thank you for correcting the record

Reminder that Russia employs hordes of online shills.

I would like to point out that while it might be true that Russia uses online trolls, the (((media))) also conveniently paints anyone who disagrees with the establishment as a Russian troll.

Are you critical of EU? You are a Russian troll!
Are you against immigration? You are a Russian troll!
Are you unwilling to support a war against Russia, a war that you have nothing to gain from? You are a Russian troll!
And so on.

They're literally just trying to meme it, no real action has been taken FUCK YOU and your misleading titles you faggot OP.

Like that camo, are they part of the MineCraft army?

You are retarded.

Russia isn't real and never will be. They're confused lower-class whites who were coerced by echobergs to adopt made-up identities and artificial gibberish languages. These clueless fools and their kosher "muh separate identity" LARPing proved to be an effective D&C tool, which is why the echobergs continue to use them to prevent an actual pan-European NatSoc state (headed by the Third Reich, of course) from emerging.

Always remember:

Not supporting the Third Reich/Hitler = anti-White D&C shill

Pro Russia slavs in EU don't go into military in the first place because there is no other potential enemy other than Russia and those who do want to join must pass strict background checks. The military in ex-soviet countries hate Russia with a passion and dream of killing russians during their sleep.

Poland and many slavic states existed before Russia you filthy kike

Also, gas yourself bolchevik.

Need this thread on front page