How do we challenge the domination of the universities by Cultural Marxism? How do we bring back the core values of Western Civilization?
Cultural Marxism
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by sharing Leslie Jones' hacked nudes.
Kill Christianity and replace it with Naturalism. Because as long as we allow the Right to live in a world of delusion, there will be no one on our side. Just delusional idiots claiming their false virtues and slave-morality
Right wing death squads. Concentration camps.
Pretty much all academics will need to be killed. Those in high value tech and science fields will be allowed to live in prison-labs to continue their work for the Aryan Reich.
Yuri bezmenov explained it. You have to repeal or reform the anti-discrimination laws. Title 9 reform would be a fantastic start.
That will never happen. And Concentration camps were a lie.
That would be a great idea – in the 1980s when Yuri mattered. Now he's old info and no longer relevant.
They will just fire them for another reason.
Fire them because they are already in total control. That's why it's out of date
first off, this would happen after trump wins the general election
encourage the masses to not go to college, and to go get high-school diploma-requiring jobs
at the same time deport every single illegal immigrant, H1B visa holder, and H2B visa holder and all of their families in america, so that there are high-school diploma-requiring jobs for white people to get
then purge the leftist faculty(especially professors) of every single university in the USA, and shut down all of the suspected diploma mills, and because women are more susceptible to leftist propaganda than men are specifically remove them from the college faculty too, but only the leftist ones and the self-proclaimed feminists who for whatever reason don't identify as leftists
additionally, remove every practitioner of judaism from the college faculties, and ban every single leftist student groupexcept the environmentalistsand every single pro-judaism student group from every single college
only do the stuff to colleges during summer break and/or winter break, so that theres time for the colleges to recuperate or whatever
if students have to wait an extra 4 years to get their degrees, then thats too bad
this would not be done to all colleges at once, and all students who are working on a STEM degree or doctorate at a college that is having its faculty purged is given a free transfer, with all of their credits, to another college of their choice that isn't getting purged for a while or has already been purged; the expenses for their moving and for their room and boarding would also be paid for as well, and would be paid for by taxpayer money, though not at a state county or local level
as an exception this would not apply to some students in some pre-doctoral technology and/or engineering fields, Holla Forums may be able to tell you more about which ones would be excluded
furthermore, all banks and other entities that loan money would not be allowed to give any loans for pre-doctoral academic purposes; such loans could be given out exclusively by the government, and will not be allowed to exceed $2000.00 at a time; the costs of any unpaid and overdue loans would be subtracted from that $2000.00
additionally, there would no longer be racial penalties or handicaps allowed for the SAT or other such tests, and colleges would not be allowed to adjust the required SAT scores accordingly
this of course would also mean that people getting STEM degrees would actually be able to find jobs too
furthermore, the costs of all textbooks, no matter what, that are sold in the united states would be hard capped at $30.00, not subject to inflation
its just a bunch of paper and ink, and maybe a laminated cover too
there would also be a purging of leftism and of judaism from all oft he textbook industries, and common core would be abolished and banned nationwide
and if the textbook industries can't stay afloat because of that, then well im too not sure what to do about it
The same way Cultural Marxism got where it is today: be mouthy about it. Don't be a minority or a silent majority. Speak your mind, condemn marxism publicly, when it's relevant to do so, and use logic, reasoning, and examples to back up your arguments.
You won't convince a degenerate to change their mind, so don't try. The purpose of this outwardly expression of what you sincerely believe in, is that others who also think this way stop being quiet about it. Because as Trump shows, there are way more people who think like you than you might pessimistically believe. And you'll find these people anywhere: on reddit, on twitter, on tumblr, on kikebook. But if they think they're alone against a mob, they won't speak against it because people have an inherent need to be approved of by the group.
While this happens, the marxists arrogantly think they run the show, and they naturally project that image, and everyone thinks that they do also. This is the vicious circle that needs to be broken.
Once you start speaking the truth and encourage others to speak their minds too, a la Trump, the notion of who is a majority starts crumbling. This is how Western Civilization started its tumblr, there were doubts about who really had any cultural authority.
And after decades of being pushed down, I can tell you conservatives will take domination like it's hot bread. They have a lot of indignation stored up, and they're just waiting for a social context in which they can give vent to it in safety. Watch the kikes run then.
After this everything else follows naturally: patriotism, Christianity, even democracy will do its job in working in favour of those who speak out, and speak out the loudest. Fortuna audaces iuvat.
This is how we got the sick society we have today, and this is how we get out of it.
Not that other methods also wouldn't work. But this is something you, as a single individual, can do. If you are steadfast, calm, and well informed about what you're talking about pick your battles if you have to the worst thing that can happen is you lose some cuck friends.
One more thing. Just because I listed those sites doesn't mean I was talking about just online "public" stuff. I mean in real life, first and foremost, but also online.
What does "naturalism" mean in this context?
kek, meant to type tumble. Freudian slip
There's no academic or "clean" way to get rid of these fucks, because they are quite literally immune to logical arguments of any sort. The only way really is mass death for all the cucks
This. I'm a third worldfag (as in newfag, not an actual fag); and our universities aren't so pozzed yet; there's feminist teachers and numbnuts feels people but if you stand up for and articulate your beliefs you WILL reach people; fight for justice and truth, always, even against awful odds.
Abolish academic tenure. Force these worthless fucks to actually do some research and publish something to justify the protection of their privileged positions.
You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's exterminate the neighboring tribes like they do on the discovery channel.
whoops, forgot the pic
To add to this, it's important to note that dialectic doesn't beat rhetoric. SJWs get absolutely demolished in rational arguments, so they've learned to avoid them like the plague. When they switch to mockery you need to be ready to mock them right back.
Vox Day talks about this in video embedded.
Rhetoric doesn't persuade. How many SJWs have been turned away from their ways with rational rhetoric? Fuck all.
Furthermore, rhetoric doesn't even persuade the audience. The appearance of winning the argument has far more influence on which way the audience is swayed than who was using the most rational arguments. If you can use rational arguments to appear to be winning, you can sway the audience, but it is the appearance of winning which is actually doing the persuading, not the rational rhetoric itself.
If only this were true. Rhetoric doesn't persuade rational thinkers, but most people aren't rational. Most people are irrational, and the right emotional appeal will persuade them more than facts and numbers.
Those laws are literally the teeth that enforce PC. If you don't get that, and think Yuri is irrelevant, may god help you millenials.
I'm old enough to have friends who own businesses. They hate PC but must pay to enforce it because they'll get sued if they don't.
Yes, let's all help the jews do what they've been trying to do for 2,000 years.
What a dumbass you are.
How about we FIX Christianity instead?
And you do that by exposing the jews as the children of the devil,, and ripping the OLD TESTAMENT out of Christianity altogether.
Jesus, speaking to the jews in John 8:44 -
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
segregate men's university and women's "university"
give trade schools the respect they deserve
make clear the distinction between education for academia and professional work, ie higher education vs trade school
Wrong. They got their way through entryism. Nothing more, nothing less.
Second pic meant to be this. Modern day Yale, everyone
Or, simply remove the jew from all positions of power and influence.
Then all of these problems will solve themselves.
Persuade the audience, not the debater. Read Hammer of the Patriot:
If you don't dismantle the institutions they put in place, their damage will remain. And if you don't put up institutions to immunize their cancer, they will return.
Yeah, well. Lets start with the basics first.
Get rich, pick a uni, donate shekels.
Stop giving them your money.
The Left openly announced their strategy back in the 60s: "March through the institutions", i.e. replace the people in positions of power with their own. We need to do the same.
We simply create our own universities and instill our values in them.