Isreal Sold


In 1982!!!

During the Falklands War!

Freshly released documents from foreign office show that Isreal sold arms to Argentinians for the war, allying themselves AGAINST the UK - which had given the jews the land of Isreal only 30 years prior.

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it's like you know nothing about their history.

joke's on you brits. great idea, that balfour declaration!


Nothing personal here goyim, bussiness is bussiness.

Maybe the British shouldn't have tried fighting a white nation then.

So did the french. But we don't go hating them now do we. Oh, hang on…

(((Could have been any nation)))

If thats true (and the trip dubs incline me to believe it) then Israel is truly the greatest ally of whites


It's funny because it could be german bait, or dutch bait, cause the britkikes have fucked so many white countries.

wtf I love Israel now

At least they were arming a White nation.



That's what you get for giving the kikes their own nation.

Every Argentinian has noble teutonic blood seizing in their veins. They are the true heirs of the hyperboreans.

The Argentinian military got busy throwing leftists and other degenerates into the depths of the Atlantic ocean and all they asked for in return for doing the world this favour were a few windswept, boggy, sheep inhabited rocky islands near Antartica.
But NOOOOOOO, fucking Great "Nobody is allowed to take over the world except us" Britain wouldn't allow it.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Sovereign soil is sovereign soil if we don't defend it the next invasion will our island. It sets a poor precedent.

Jews backstabbing Whites for profit?

Obviously a lie, you filthy antisemite.

Well that ties in with the USS Liberty 'incident'

The gaza flotilla raid.

The secret cargo of El Al Flight 1862 that crashed into an Amsterdam suburb

Not to mention 9/11

Pretty sure there are numerous more 'incidents' but my mind is a little rusty.

Someone have anything to add to the list?

fucking hell what a bunch of cunts. Britain also stopped foreign aid to israel in 1999, I wonder if it was related

Look at how the kikes pay you back you stupid britkike shabbos goys

You mean like exactly what's happening right now that modern British leaders are encouraging instead of combating?

Off topic but are torpedo bombers still used by any military today? Are jets able to launch torpedoes from high altitudes

Patria disaster

>At the time of the sinking, Patria was carrying about 1,800 Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe whom the British authorities were deporting from Mandatory Palestine to Mauritius because they lacked entry permits. Zionist organizations opposed the deportation, and the underground paramilitary Haganah group planted a bomb intended to disable the ship to prevent it from leaving Haifa.

Vela Incident

>The most widespread theory among those who believe the flash was of nuclear origin is that it resulted from a joint South African-Israeli nuclear test.[1][2][3][4]


amazing…the Jews selling a bunch of different people weapons and then sitting back, counting shekels and laughing while they kill one another.

Surely, you lie user…

the record has been corrected

so, chileans were in the good side

Greatest ally.


Bump for holy christ, new evidence (((Israel))) intervened in anti-white matters is getting slid to page 2 and beyond by slide threads by drive-by OPs, niggers, and obvious FBI agents creating an entrapment thread.

Just pray that this thread gets stickied.


fucking Holla Forums, step up your game newfags

those retards would have won but they did not arm there bombs for low insertion, so they flew under antiaircraft fire and dropped bombs on British ships that never exploded.



I was just about to say.

PIGS. PIGS never change.

lmfao is there anyone more cucked than the anglos

I call bullshit on that chart.

I mean I usually pass as irish/german but those filthy slovenians were anything but aryan. They looked more spanish than me.

Argie here, we where fucked during the Malvinas/Falklands war our leadership was a drunken fuck that wanted to conquer malvinas because he was unpopular, he tought that conquering the islands would be easy and that the brits wouldn't fight, and when they brought the power of the british fleet we where fucked in the ass.
Even if we somehow we had won conventional warfare Tatcher would had tried to nuke us.
The Falklands may belong to the White British people that live there, i don't care about the islands, our country is shit now.

thanks for these, nice dubs too!


Quinessentially aryan.

oops goy, dont worry the next one will be okay, and we will give you a discount


And that's supposed to be a bad thing, OP?.

It's like you know nothing about the Bernadott assassination, the King David Hotel bombing, the Lavon Affair, or any of the murderous kikes regularly attacking and betraying the British at every turn.

Israel just signed defensive contracts with Honduras. Keep an eye on that future shitstorm.

Chilean here, where is my whiskey and thanks?

The problem was that drunk tard threatening Chile before the war then attacking brits… this is not how you do a war.

You probably encountered Serbs from ex-Yugoslavia. I'd say it's even more than 50% considering most people I know personally don't have brown eyes and it in general doesn't feel like every second person has brown eyes.
Your nation on the other hand really is mongrelised, every year there's plenty of you faggots on student exchange here and I must say, everyone I saw clearly had a bunch of shitskin genes in him.
Also, the funny thing is that my gf and her friend told me that everyone of you is boring as fuck and wierd to talk to, lel.

If anyone here is doubting the stereotype of them being lazy niggers, I can tell from personal experience that it is pretty much all true. There was one Spaniard in the same uni course as me, and it took him months + assistant's help to create a relatively easy
Database in Oracle that took the rest of us ~1 week. Some say it's heat that makes them lazy, but I say it's their shitskin admixture.

millenial with 0 knowledge of history detected

It's interesting when countries declassified information because they know they will get away with it.

Back in 2000, peace loving Canadian paratroopers went into the Congo to start violence and destabilize the region so Canada could sell its mineral Coltan over the Congo's on the global market (particularly to Japan for the PS1). They declassified the files 6 years later because they knew nobody would call them out on it.

Israel would not exist if it weren't for the Brits.