I just found out my qt. Nipponese girlfriend hates niggers and kikes about as much as I do

I just found out my qt. Nipponese girlfriend hates niggers and kikes about as much as I do.

What good news did you hear today, Holla Forums?

i found comfort in knowing i'm not the only one who lies about having nip girlfriend online

She is marriage material

some guy i know just became blind LOL

Damn right. She likes American pop music and dislikes Donald Trump because he "hates Asians," but I've been slowly feeding her redpills and she's all like, "Really???? I didn't know this!!! I'm sorry, I'm stupid:("

Given a few months of patience she'll be the perfect wife.

sounds like she's a retard. she probably hates them because of superficial reasons
and what to it? you're a race-mixing faggot. why the fuck would you care if she's another stupid attractive bitch. i mean, for crying out loud, she listens to american pop music and she "hates the jews and niggers". how fucking retarded are you?

If your standards are low enough to fall for white women, that's not my problem.
She doesn't listen to nigger music, she likes Taylor Swift and a few other popstars. I recently talked her out of Justin Bieber insanely popular over there for some reason by explaining that he's just part of the kike machine and make money from young girls.

Other than that, your English sucks and I can't tell what point you're trying to make. Probably some salty Ricenigger from Japan


man, your head is far up your own ass.
>'and few other popstars
that high standard of yours really shows, huh?

Your low standards mean nothing to me, user.