Burqini ban

Have the French done the right thing, or are they being assholes? Discuss please.

frogs have finally done something right for once, now they have to give us back flanders

They need to start deporting people.

Banning burqinis will achieve fuck all in the long run.

I will never put my dick before race though.

If they don't like it they should fucking leave.

They've done their first step in the right direction. First they ban burqas, then they ban the wearers.
sage for shitty op that doesn't deserve it's own thread


They don't ban the wearers, they make them take their burqini off. There was a pic of it in the dailymail iirc.

They should ban Islam, not its features.

They would never ban a nun from a beach **not that a nun in a habit would be dumb enough to sunbathe*. They're only doing it to piss off muzzies. They did the right thing, and you're a faggot for even questioning it.


More like fool the populace into believing something is done about the rapid islamifaction of western Europe even though it's only retarded bans of swimwear.

It isolates already rabid fanatics and a dangerous ideological group who shouldn't be there in the first place.

It sets a dangerous precedence for future policy. Leaving Muslims in France with their current demographic trajectories means in 100 years time they'll return the favor and ban whatever clothing they like, along with banning everything else. To which they'll just say: "this is democratic. We set the rules now."

This doesn't factor into progressives, liberals, and other faggot-tier ideologies long-term visions, because they can't see beyond the fog of smugness and status signalling that clouds their decision making.

All around, it's a stupid fucking move that is like sticking your finger into a giant leaking dam that is ready to bust.

Where do you think you are?

What is the purpose of this thread?

-"Discuss plz" OP that provides no useable information OR his own opinions
- Implies that Islamic clothing is somehow acceptable in a Western nation

They'll do exactly that anyway. There is no point in walking on eggshells around Muds.

Fishing for free content.

Let it aggravate them. The more hostile they become, the greater the need to deal with them.
If nothing is done, they conquer by birthrates alone without even lifting a finger.

It's possible. But I'm not sure it's just that.

If even an user on pol asked if it's too much of a dick move, you can imagine what normies are thinking. The French are getting a lot of shit over this ban, because it looks like they're picking on innocent little old ladies.

tl;dr, it's too much trouble and controversy just for the sake of creating an illusion

Watching sand Negroes getting shit on by the French government makes me hard.


Whatever pisses Muslims off is good.
Whatever makes Muslims feel unwelcome is good.

There would be no walking on eggshells or stomping on them, if they weren't here in the first place you dumb faggot.

The point isn't to respond with "hurrrr muh PR, we should act like idiots to them."

My point was, that they shouldn't be here. Every single policy decision they make while still being here – whether that is left/liberal banning stupid shit, or right wing "who gives a fuck, people who disagree are muh PR" – makes things worse. No matter what happens if they stay here, it fucks us. The ultimate end should be: everyone not part of European haplogroups should be gone. If they don't leave off their own accord, they should be forcibly removed with force and men with guns.

There should be no other discussion on this. No bullshit about accelerationist responses, like this garbage;

No half measures. It's a binary decision. Either they should be here, or they shouldn't be. Anyone that suggests working inside the first disjunct, like yourself and 90% of Holla Forums should be shot fucking dead as traitors.

This user gets it:

it's a slide thread

Statist cucks, when women start using swimming suits like those for surfing or diving they will ban it too. It's not state buisness who is wearing what. BTW it's great protection from UV. Goverment coused problem by importing those people to Europe and instead removing them they fight with symptoms for PR gains.

Well, then we all know what to do, right?

Best of luck with your NatSoc revolution then.

And what's your solution for banning Islam while the current socialists are in power and the FN will not be able to win the next 2017 elections and probably not in 2022 either?

It pisses off Muslims, which is always fun, but ultimately it solves nothing. Making them dress like French people isn't going to turn them into French people.

Pissed off muslims = violent attacks on kuffar
Violent attacks on kuffar = public support for kebab removal
Public support for kebab removal = politicians willing to address the islamic problem

It's what fails to see.

This, a hundred times this!

Still waiting for that solution 26b97d….

Meant as an answer to

Except we have Nice and Paris and other smaller attacks the only thing we got in exchange is a burqini ban. It's clear to see that these are asymmetric exchanges.

This is a way to make the mushits seem like victems.
Everyday that they are in our lands our people suffer. Not only are our people killled, raped and robbed by them, but the health of our children suffers. Because the mudshits are so inbred the children are born with many defects. Our resources for childrens health is going to ahchmed the retarded kebab, White children are suffering because we are allocating resources to keep shitshit retards alive.
Thousands of genetic defective shitskins are being kept alive, we should use those resources to help sick White children.

White kids die so that the brood of inbred skitskins may live
let that sink in

When it comes to races then there is no equivalent exchange. White`s gain nothing from the other, only suffering and misery and exotic foods and cultural festivals, how lovely.

We could be a space faring society now, free from many ills that plague us. Instead we waste so much on these sub-humans.

Of course they have, the burka too, was banned in muslim countries for the benefit of society, so if they can do it we should too

And the right is beginning to rise in France. The more these attacks happen, the more people are going to vote for someone who is going to address the issue, and if not, perhaps even the public will take matters into their own hands.

Except they'll never hold anything other than mayoral or regional roles since the double election thing always results in electoral bloc voting against FN in the second round. It's sad but true. The last election was supposed to be Marine's but she got Jewed. I have little hope that the secluded hamlets will overpower the racial bloc voting juggernaut that was just imported into the country.

I may be a bit black pilled but I don't want to succumb to unrealistic optimism simply because it makes me feel good.

Well there is always Civil War. People have been predicting that it'll kick off in France first and I think it will. The elections are a pressure release valve if they go well for FN but if the coalition just block FN it'll piss off a lot of people. Couple that with the looming financial crisis (I know we like to predict it every year but eventually the Can can't be kicked down the road anymore), more terrorist attacks and the world going down the shitter I think we're going to start seeing some serious shit.

Right but if they lose another election things are going to be a lot worse to the point where it's unlikely that it will get better. A guy I know from France has an African girlfriend and gets upset when I say nigger. Anecdotal but I'm sure not that uncommon. Frogs have the worst of the post colonialism what with teaching all the nogs French.

FN will still probably show some gains so they'll be able to maintain the loyalty of the people voting for them, I don't think the anger goes away, it'll just intensify. Sort of an Accelerationist argument but we'll just have to wait and see.

Well even if the anti-islam side of the civil war is made up of Civic Nationalist its still a step in the right direction, I feel a bit dirty for saying that but its better than nothing.

However I'm not sure how Civic Nationalism could survive a civil war that cuts along ethnic/religious lines, things would get fucked fast. While the sort of weak cucky men aren't the type of people who will be fighting in a Civil War. Not to mention that migrants who have dual citizenship will probably GTFO out of a France in Civil War.

This. You can't be upset if after you import sand people they practice sand culture. Ban sand people and sand culture will go with them.

irrelevant gesture that tries to show that government is still in control of everything an everything works perfectly while citizens are dying every day to muslim atacks. But hey, they cant wear burkinis so they are totally stomped right?

On its own, no. But it's one step toward getting rid of them, and you're a blind faggot if you don't realise that.

This is how cleansings start. This is how white genocide started too: one small measure against white people's interests, but ok not a big deal because it doesn't remove white people immediately does it? then another step, and another, until eventually you found pol.

Anything that signalles Muds "They don't want us here" is good. Problem is, most are too stupid to understand those signals and just view it as ebul whitey hating on noble Islamic Culture.

Nope, it just showcases how fucking weak they are that they will allow the authorities to placate them with this placebo instead of going full kebab removal.

They already think western society wants to destroy Islam (if only). A lot of them think Nice and other attacks are staged and used as pretexts for westerners to hate Islam more.

What this ban does is make it more difficult for muslims to operate in western society, only a little bit and slowly, but it's getting there. Frenchies, even those who are otherwise liberal, are asking for deportations already within their families and circle of friends rather than openly. There's no place to go but up from here.

Nah not really.

Here's something else to consider….Why are Muslims still living in the west in the current in the first place? Why aren't the returning to their actual countries? After all, immigrants hate everything about the west including the weather, the architecture, the food, the local people, you name it!

True, but that wasn't my question. My question was why are still living here not why they came.

The answer is super simple. They're still living here because of money. Regardless wether they leech off the system, work honestly, work honestly and leach, work illegally or whatever, no matter how you cut it they make more money here than they would ever make in their own countries, no matter where, no matter when, no matter how.

This is important to understand.

So you have a balance like situation, on the one hand you have all the "nuisances" such as the weather or the local people, on the other hand you have the money.

The second either the money factor gets shut down or the nuisances get to big or both is when Muslims will pack their bags and fuck off.

Because Islamic doctrine is incompatible with Western ideas of self-determination. It's the result of low intelligence, low impulse control and no concept of responsibility. You can see this perfectly with Turkey right now: Erdogan acts like a fucking nigger AND thinks everyone else is just mean to him.

This. And this is also true for any (((minority))). Unless someone has a real hardon for another country, nobody is going to move from their homeland for anything other than money, and the comfort that comes with it. Get rid of money or comfort preferably both, and nobody will have any reason to stay.

kill yourself

What about Gypsies that come to first world countries to steal?

Absolutely. There used to a video on youtube in which an old kikess explained why not all jews move to Israel.

The reason was that first of all they live more comfortably in the west as they don't have to work manual jobs (unlike in Israel where some kikes have to be farmers, craftspeople etc as the country wouldn't function otherwise) and because there is no mandatory 3 year military service.

France was right, op, was lame. Today? Today was an uninspiring day.

Banning burkinis will only piss off the immigrants, providing further incentive for them to fuck off back to their home countries.

Notice what I said about how

Gypsies don't have a homeland, which is why it's easier for them to be so mobile. They're a tougher nut to crack, but there's nothing a little ultraviolence won't solve.

A few heads skewered on a stick would get the job done. It's not like the french haven't shown a propensity for violence before. Anyone for breaking out the guillotine again?

Honestly, it's another misdirection scheme. all of the battles fought by french right are aimed at the minutia rather than the bigger picture.

In the grand scheme of things, Burkinis don't fucking matter. What matters is getting those without french ethnic ties the fuck out of France altogether.

Make up your fucking minds, frogs.

Bleach + Ammonia == Chlorine gas
Cholrine gas == a very slow and painful death.

Mixing user's recipe will literally kill you.

You're a fucking psycho.

[1] banning mudshit garb is the right thing.
[2] the French will always be assholes.

They need to quit Algeria, and kick the Algerians out of France. But they never will, because of [2], above.


No shit, nigger.

Yes and?

Go back to reddit.