First Camp for Transgender Kids to Open in Australia Next Month
Summer is for beaches, ice cream and, now, transgender camp.
>“Makeup 101,” “BDSM 101” and “Paganism 101.”
First Camp for Transgender Kids to Open in Australia Next Month
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Calling it right now, this is going to be a dream land for pedophiles and the like.
Cuckstralia at it again
I hope someone does the same shit to the members of that camp as Breivik did to that one multicultural camp.
Meme for Breivik 2.0
This is the shit losing Christianity to Paganism has done
When larping as a woman wasn't enough.
“BDSM 101”
I want off this ride
Wait a second…isn't Roddam a jewish surname?
paganiggers btfo tbh lads
I thought this had to be a fucking joke, but their facebook (
Wyrdo's should fear bog.
Honestly, not surprising coming from progressives.
What is it about neo-paganism that attracts faggots? I know my JC paganism club is literally filled entirely with faggots.
Fucking kikes ruining Anglo-Saxon paganism, get your shit out of my goddamned Australia
What a strangely female way to look at something like that. it's almost like he was a woman in another life or something…
More proof that it's literally just a repressed sexuality club.
Pagan here. Just kill me lads. They are doing the exact same thing as they did to christianity with our ancestral religions
hei min hvite venn
You know LARPagans have been sufficiently BTFO when there's not a single "christcuck" comment itt
its funny because the Asatru Folk Assembly basically just used the 14 words
So while you are right that it is full of faggots and I'm sure whats happening in this summer camp is run by faggots, they are not all faggots.
Paganism in a vacuum is fine I guess but at the moment is absorbing all the faggots that want to rebel against Christianity, but find atheism too mild and satanism to extreme.
Disturbed by the number of non-whites in Reyjavik, far from London/Berlin/Moscow levels of alien occupation but still pretty disturbing considering how cold and remote Iceland is.
Way less ice than I expected too.
why don't we start a religion around the works of Tolkien? it combines the non-cucky parts of christianity and germanic mythology, would be perfect for us
This tbh. There is an anual event in my town in Scotland. It's mostly a medieval thing but the viking larper guys get together and set up a little "re enactment camp" where they show off their stuff and have pagan ceremonies and shit. Anyway I went down and literally all the women with them were mail order brides from fucking thailand and phillipenes, dressed in traditional clothing and wearing mjollnirs.
but the kikes hate Tolkien you haggis nigger
Pagans in slavic countries are still uncucked and nationalistic, being cucked doesn't have anything to do with religion.
Cernunnos frowns upon these shenanigans
well alright, no finwëism
More like Degeneracy Camp.
Not just correcting one wrong with another wrong but with a whole slew of wrongs at once.
Would be more humane to just euthanize these poor souls. Compared to living in crippling depression and eventually an heroing.
why the bloody hell would there be a viking group in fucking Scotland? makes about as much sense as a group of Muslims LARPing as Mongols
Why do neopagans follow the Norse pantheon when there's much more information on the Greek/Roman pantheons?
Because they're entirely preoccupied with the aesthetic qualities of religion, nothing more.
I'm from Ayrshire and apparently this area was occupied by Vikings briefly a centuary ago. That gives these autists enough reason to sperg out at larp at festivals
well yeah, the Norse myths are generally more attractive than say the Celtic myths, that's why there's a soldiers of odin in ireland instead of soldiers of morrigan
I think that's really sweet. I don't hate these people either, I want to be kind to them and end their suffering.
sucks dont it
our traditions and ancient rituals are totally ignored by these people but they still end up associated with the LARPing, fairytales and the lapsed/degenerate protestants that make up wicca, neodruid and pagan orginisations
Might be a long shot, but do you know of any online resources I can look some of that stuff up with that is at least moderately non pozzed?
Is this a "Summer Camp" or a "Concentration Camp?"
If it's a Concentration Camp I'm OK with this.
Sounds like a plot of a Sleep awaycamp reboot
you can look up Celtic Reconstructionism if you like
of course it attracts pozzed types but those types also tend to move on pretty quickly because they place strong emphasis on historical accuracy over personal feelings/delusions
they organize festivals and promote celtic language study, music, dance and martial arts
theres practically no such alternative for anglo-saxons though as that just gets lumped in with nordic/germanic ones
what a shame. oh well, I guess I'll look anyways. Better to have a scrap of something than nothing at all, maybe.
sage because it will be spring in australia, not summer. get it right next time you cunt.
heres a yank complaining about the Celtic Reconstructionists
and his narcissistic recommendations because his fee fees got hurt
It's probably just a bunch of landwhale Wiccans.
They're divorced from any actual traditional or ancestral practices, but pretend to be pagan because they hate 'evil patriarchal Christianity' and want to worship a mother goddess instead.
Pagans are called LARPers here a lot, but Wiccans are the real LARPers. You may say that pagans LARP as Norsemen/Celts/whatever, but Wiccans LARP as pagans.
And somehow they manage to fuck everything up in the process.
Gardnerian (initiatory) Wicca is supposedly better, but not by much (it's basically a bastardized form of Crowley, from what I've heard about it). At least it doesn't pretend to be pagan.
hahaha, was literally just reading that one lad.
Fucking cucks, when will they learn.
event description
*Guided Mediation ← moderately degenerate
*Clothes swap ← severely degenerate
*Sexual Health ← moderately degenerate
*Paganism 101 ← extremely degenerate
*Free Hug Team ← moderately degenerate
*Make up 101 ← severely degenerate
*BDSM 101 ← for KIDS !!!!1!11!one! degenerate beyond measure
the fuck
so this is a class that involves instructors wrapping tape around girls chests and putting things down their pants
And for boys literally grabbing their junk and taping it to their anus
ooh, oooo kayy
it should be in the "severely degenerate" rating then
it should be in the literally fucking molestation by degenerate perverts sections
yes, that's the one
bdsm 101 is worse, because of the porn that will be shown, and the asking for volunteers for demonstration, and the choice of safewords, and the making a kid cum on stage for the other kids and the pervs, and the ensuing orgy…
'n' take me koala back, Jack
Take me koala back
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac
So take me koala back
Altogether now!
Because most places do not have standards for pagan practice. There are many different kinds of mainstream versions of Christianity for example and each one has a community of people which are nestled into a certain moral standard of living.
These beta cuck faggots that you are talking about could not fit into any. So since there were not pagans around, they made up their own bullshit and projected it onto Odin.
Unfortunately for these fucking losers, real paganism is making a comeback. Operation Werewolf, Wotan Jugend, The Wolves of Vinland and other such groups are bringing back that old time religion that would have flayed alive such degenerates.
Why is is larping only when whites do it?
I've been talking about this for years. It's got everything you need for a powerful religion.
bdsm 101?
thats just fucked
though tbh this manga would do far more to educate them and do significantly less psychological damage to them
well it would just be another 'new age cult' and it would still get pozzed quickly
yeah basically
thats why groups like the Celtic Reconstructionists are so vital, they're the only ones who try to stick to the books Commentarii de Bello Gallico for one
as far as i know too they actually are family oriented and involve activities such as these
I guess that just leaves Buddhism then.
Why don't we just take Christianity back from the cucks?
its easier to form something new rather than take back something espoused by 2 billion cucks or third worlders
You can't just 'invent' a religion though. Only weirdos will follow it.
Christianity is the truth.
Things like this should be shown to everyone. If there's one thing that can wake someone the fuck up, it's kids being given BDSM classes.
no you can its easy
and its not invented if its thousands of years old its been around a while
dont just shilling for conversion like always
Tolkien was born barely over 100 years ago.
Also, use your fucking shift key.
That's not a sentence.
Starting a religion is easy, back in my final year of high school I got some people to worship me by calling myself the god of "madness, alcohol, blood, and sex"
Obviously most of them were just going along with it for laughs but a few of them actually seemed to take me seriously.
Missed a *start lad
And im obviously not talking about Tolkien
BDSM-camp, at a kid's camp?
Are there really parents who is going to send their kids to this? The should be shot on site. And have their bodies burned so they don't spread any diseases.
I've seen this shit IRL. Reproducing with a person for the sole sake of getting a green card? Makes me sick. What a great way to bring a new life into the world! I'm sure that kid won't be all screwed up later in life!
Will the real Anders Breivik please stand up
I repeat
Will the real Anders Breivik please stand up
We're going to have a problem here
Aaesthetics are important.
Read this book.
It's a modern take on ancient ways.
The person I replied to literally said "why don't we start a religion around the works of Tolkien".
He's not wrong, he's just in the wrong group.
LOTR is barely 60 years old yet you have every bethesda RPG and black metal band referencing it, it's got a huge following to make a religion mate
He deserves the bog, not praise.
If you have an IQ north of 70, Jack Donovan's books will not appeal to you. It's literally a treatise on right leaning 'muh feels' arguments. I bought 'The Way of Men', worst book I've ever read and I agree in the general precepts he describes. He's also a fucking fag, sad I didn't know that before.
user, please.
I love identity politics
We of demographic X must isolate ourselves as much as possible from the rest of society. But they are the bigots
What? "Muh feels" are never brought up in his books. What on earth are you refering to, Chaim?
Oh… and here I thought it was about how to properly pack clothes and supplies for camp… fuck me.
What he never brings up is any sort of scientific backings to his claims or references to other materials that might agree or disagree with his viewpoint. You are either supposed to take his arguments at face value or not. I was very unmoved by his 'humans are pack animals who do best in groups of less than twenty' without then explaining why other than vague references to the size of tribes in the olden days. I agree with the general idea he's put forth, but it's just immensely lazy writing. I would recommend right leaning books.
Listen, you will find autists, cucks and other degenerates in EVERY religion. Instead of letting these losers decide what's right for you, choose a mythos that inspires you to be great and YOU can become the new standard.
In the Germanic pagan sense, "White" referred to someone who was innocent or bloodless, as opposed to "Red" people who had killed in battle. They probably mean something more along those lines than along racial lines.
Take that, Tenisha,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
It doesn't matter how old the religion is, it doesn't even matter if it's true or not, what matters is that there is truth IN it.
Wait, saying that Donovan's a faggot equals keyboard-warrior NEET wannabe-natsoc? How the fuck does that add up?
Is the implication in the picture that anyone who is living a TRVE HYPERBOREAN LIFESTYLE is not posting on Holla Forums at all?
Is it that posting on the internet about wanting something/wanting to do something clearly means that you aren't getting/doing that thing?
What are you trying to say?
Celts had a similar system
the innocent were legally still children and couldnt marry or own property/land while the 'blooded' were legally men who had all the legal rights and protections of men
and women were treated as girls until marriage and only allowed to get married after menarche
I'm drunk
I'm saying that while you are complaining about Donovan being a faggot, he is an accomplished, author, artist, power lifter and key member of a predominantly white tribal movement.
Who cares if he likes to fuck men. He is against liberal LGBT identity. He's made himself into a great man and has inspired countless others. I have no problem overlooking his one small "fault".
Chess isn't SJW approved because its male centric and the queen is supposed to die to protect the king, as well as other atrocities such as requiring intelligence and strategy and white pieces going first
But he did bring up Dunbar's number. The rest just seemed like common sense to me. The smaller your group, the more time you have to spend with each individual of that group, therefore a stronger bond.
I think you have a severe case of Cognitive Dissonance
Men are also smarter than women so it's oppressive in that respect too.
No I don't. Some guys are fat, some guys are alchoholics, some guys are fags. It's a quirk, nobody is perfect. You can't just take one aspect of a person and make it his whole identity.
Not that I mind the shift, but what does paganism have to do with an abominable camp that teaches BDSM to children?
It has a Paganism 101 course
Fuckin this
BDSM 101 I can understand (unfortunately) but I thought these types were against all religions.
Paganism is a lifestyle, goyim
They aren't even against Islam, whose followers would behead them. They just love anything that, in their mind, one-ups Christianity.
Summer camp for degenerates?
Great concept, just needs some showers and ovens…
which is why they chose paganism 101
because through this they can indoctrinate kids into wicca bullshit
specifically this offshoot of their cult
it specifically promotes bisexuality and gender-fluidity
Because nobody actually believes whites are dumb enough to follow some primitive banging sticks together religion
LARPers BTFO once and for all.
Pozzing for Odin?
Breivik 2.0 when?
That's fair. I, however, disagree. I think that he's written a few largely irrelevant books about masculinity (irrelevant even when compared to other 'Alt' or 'New' Right authors).
I was unaware of him being an artist, but I think that it's irrelevant to our movement unless he's using it as propaganda.
His accomplishments in powerlifting are even less relevant than his art.
I also think that, despite his rejection of liberal 'LGBT' identity, he is a harmful influence on the Right thanks to his faggotry and the fact that he is a relatively well-known voice (even if his books are irrelevant content-wise, his name means something to people in this movement).
Yeah, some people are fat, some people are alcoholics. Here's the issue. You see those things (along with faggotry) as negative quirks, right? I think that faggotry is worse than that, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that he sees faggotry as something that's fine.
He doesn't see it comparable to alcoholism or being overweight, he sees it as something that is perfectly acceptable, even if he rejects liberal LGBT identity. He is also very keen on getting people to accept it.
This weakens the stance of the Right against sexual degeneracy like the shit that this thread is supposed to be about.
I don't particularly want to turn this thread into a homosexual-hate dump, but if you want some proof of it being a negative influence, I can provide it.
I'm not reducing him into 'the faggot'. Of course he is more than that. What I'm saying is that because of his faggotry (and open promotion of acceptance for it), he is harming our attempts to reject degeneracy (as well as promoting something harmful).
Has he accomplished more than me? Definitely.
Has he accomplished good things? Of course he has.
Does that excuse him from any of this? No. I can definitely criticize Jack Donovan about these things.
Anyway, I think we shouldn't spend this whole thread arguing about Jack Donovan. The 'bog' comment was a joke, after all.
sure, because so many females are good in che.. shit, actually nearly all the best players are men
found one
Maia Chiburdanidze
though its funny to find that they have a womens grandmaster championship and a seperate mens grandmaster championshio
i didnt know male muscle mass gave you an advantage in moving pieces on a board
Men dominate the professional chess scene, just like they do every single other sport.
What did you hate so much about The Way of Men? I thought it was great.
Gee, I wonder why (((they))) would have come up with ways to make native European religions look pozzed and cancerous? Surely not just to make christcucks post D&C marks in this thread, that's just a (((purely coincidental))) side effect.
Kindly kill yourself.
No, you degenerate weeb faggot, your jewpanese comics are not a viable source of (((education))), though you are correct in that they teach degeneracy.
Why not take back paganism, the religion of your ancestors instead?
oh wow user i am amaze what an astonishing feat he's accomplished at lifting weights #wow #whoa
Fuck off back to /fit/.
just saying this 'comic' is much healthier alternative to show kids what BDSM is rather than being at the mercy and 'education' of a pedophile in a dress with a cock mutilating fetish
You sound like an insufferable skinny faggot who never stops whining. You might just be fat, though.
I assume that you have a family a job and planing to bring white children to this world then Yes you are doing a far much better job than him.
sage for shitposting
Because it's a primitive, dead religion that boils down to "kill animals = gods give us stuff". I mean the fact that it is polytheistic tells you all you need to know about how retarded it is. Only the africans and indians actually believe in that anymore
Man, good thing I was completely in the wrong attacking one of these indoctrination camps. Good thing they've proved me wrong.
Man, good thing Breivik was pro-fag, otherwise he might have waited, flown to Australia and attacked this totally degenerate summer camp instead.
He's gay, but he understands masculinity better than 80% of dudes today. His books don't have much to offer for men who were raised well, but most boys today didn't enjoy that privilege, raised by single mothers or pussy fathers.
His ideology boils down to
Nope. That's funny but no man, that's not what it boils down to.
>this is a movie series, not just a one-off
There is nothing wrong with this series, and I suggest Holla Forums watches it.
go home, chaim
"Crazy" is redundant. The Sleepaway Camp series is a bit awkward to watch after the twist as the girls playing "Angela" are hot. At least they are real girls though. The actress in the sequels is actually Bruce Springsteen's sister, Pamela!
The Greek Gods were a bunch of degenerates. If you are going to worship something, it should be higher than you morally, not lower.
The Norse Gods on the other hand had very strong morals. Even Loki was honourable.
A fudge packer can never understand masculinity, never mind preach about it. Sure he probably gets it more than flamboyant queers and numale cucks, but he still can't really understand it. His idea of the ideal masculine future is a bunch of musclebound warrior guys "no homo" fondling each other's balls and fucking assholes in an environment devoid of women.
He's fucking deranged and you shouldn't read his stuff at any level past the superficial. Ass bandits should not be permitted in WN movements.
I hear what you're saying man, but he's not a faggot like Milo, he's just gay. His books don't talk about being gay. They just talk about being a man. I wouldn't take relationship advice from him, but he has a good grasp of masculinity.
Brevic is a goyslave traitor that deserves to be flayed.
If he really wanted to stop the marxist kids he would have killed their masters and lead the kids on the path of righteousness. Instead he simultaniously murdered white kids and demonized those that want to save them.
Unless he's sought treatment and now cured, he's a fag.
I'll hang you and your family personally when the day comes.
Breivik killed a shitload of people who would have grown up to allow more bullshit in his country. He knew that just shooting shitskins was a waste of time, because there's infinitely more trying to get in. But by killing the enablers, he attacked the problem at its root.
aussi breivik pls help
Homo shit shouldn't be tolerated or accepted on any level. I'm getting fed up with all the "he's not a fag he's just gay" excuse that "reasonable moderates" always bring up to defend their favourite pet queer, as if that wasn't the same god damned thing.
His brain is broken, user. He is ill. You are being misled.
I'm not denying that. I'm saying that the books he wrote are good entry level shit for bluepilled and feminized boys.
Needs a brevik treatment.
Cmon aussies i count on you.
I'll flay you myself, keyboard warrior.
And are you so stupid as to think he attacked the root? He didn't! The marxist kids were nothing more than foolish whites brainwashed by the real root. If he was loyal to Norway, he would have targeted the jews that turned those children into marxists. The professors, the TV people, the bankers, the politicians, the camp organizers…
But he did not, because he is not. His loyalty lies to Zion and Zion's work he did.
His actions achieved no real strategic advantage, and he didnt come close to finishing the job. He turned a bunch of nation killers into martyrs for glorious secular humanism.
The camps continue. Arbeit macht frei.
Do you have any evidence that Breivik is a Zionist?
I agree, I don't think his actions had much lasting effect, unfortunately. Although we'll never know, one of those that he killed could have been the anti-Hitler.
Weren't pagans the ones throwing people into bogs?
Try me subhuman.
Because he prattled on about killing the problem at its root then go on and attack that which any retard could tell is not the root? It takes a special kind of stupid to think that inconsistently.
Didn't he also speak positively about Israel and the jews in his manifesto? Amyone got a .pdf of the manifesto?
That's precisely the reason I referenced the bog.
Fucking hell, when I rage few things come off coherent like they should.
I agree, traitor subhumans like you should go first.
Maybe he weighed the odds of killing more than one prominent banker before being gunned down, and decided that killing a bunch of future far-left politicians would have a greater impact.
its also good when you consider why people would be sacrificed in a bog
Men's chess is hardcore, women's chess is more of a hobbyist thing
Hardcore women chess players compete in the men's league
Do you think these future politicians are difficult to replace?
It's hilarious that leftists advocate beating up mentally ill children. Why is that even a thing for kids or teens? Mutilating their genitals wasn't enough apparently.
Liberals are only good at rationalizing bullshit.
more pedos on the leftists side
Why can't fags do anything tied to their identity without it becoming a public orgy or child fetish parade? What the fuck is there to have "pride" in there?
Their identity essentially is a fetish parade.
That's why this shit keeps getting more extreme. A degenerate can't get off as much just by being assfucked anymore now that it's acceptable. What's the next step? Cutting off his dick and wearing dresses.
Didn't he come out as anti-Jew after the media shitstorm? Not saying what he did was the right course of action, but I seem to recall it being a tactical decision.
Supremely underrated.
I still have fond memories of the camp, but can't imagine how possed a tranny camp would be if a christian camp was already that bad.
oh really
Here's a picture of a transgender camp from 1933.
Jokes aside, the Golden One actually has a perfectly fair opinion on homosexuality.
I don't really care what two consenting adults do in private behind closed doors especially considering we live in a time where BDSM is being taught to children. The former not a priority to me, it's not even on my radar. Personally I don't even see it as good our bad it's just "neutral". It's the LGBT propaganda from the left that I worry about more because it makes sexual taste into an identity, encourages promiscuity and effeminacy.
If you really want to see what's hurting men the most it's effeminacy. Most men are not gay but how many have you seen that are effeminate. I would much rather be allied with a masculine gay man than a feminine straight man.
How do you separate Greek men from Greek boys?
With a crowbar.
Jesus Christ that presentation and facial expression is so disturbing. I might have to check this film out.
Sorry for the typos I just woke up.
That guy has a cool body, but his face is weird, like it's too long.
You have no idea just how many there were, how many there will be and how many there are now. There are plenty of gays in WN movements. They just keep it down low, sometimes they even sack up, marry a woman and have kids.
They might have a special "friend" they visit every now and then though.
Plenty of people would also say that we are sick in the head for caring about our race. In fact, far more people in the west would say that there is something wrong with us than something wrong with gays.
I once watched one of his videos on my laptop when my room mate came in. He just stared at the screen in a weird way for a couple of seconds and said: "You've changed". Then he left the room.
Gosh user it almost sounds really cruel when you phrase it that way.
I too wish he would put on some clothes sometime.
basic bitch, moderate fence sitter opinion with no moral judgment either way. It doesn't matter that he says "public" expressions of sexuality are bad, his opinion is the kind of opinion that allows deviancy and degeneracy to grow in a culture. His opinion was the dominant opinion in the 1950s and 60s, allowing for the sexual revolution which, eventually, led to the mess we're in now.
why does anyone listen to this fag enabler?
"The only thing I will not tolerate is a homosexual who is a homosexual. Thats one of the biggest enemies. I'd rather gas queers than anyone else." -George Lincoln Rockwell.
Slippery slope fallacy. People with opinions like the Golden One are not to blame. It's the narcistic, screeching flamboyant faggots that are to bame. "EXCUSE ME? THERE IS NOTHING I HAVE TO HIDE THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY SEXUALITY BLA BLA BLA"
Well, there's nothing wrong with taking a shit either but I don't do that publically.
The slippery slope is real. If the last ten years haven't taught you that, you haven't been paying attention, or you're a leftist.
see: mainstream media articles trying to legitimize bestiality and incest in the weeks following the gay marriage ruling
also see: the entire lgbt movement, which has been one giant slippery slope, getting progressively more and more degenerate since the 1970s. At least, more and more public about their degenerate behaviors.
Is the BDSM thing actually legit?
what would the class even legally consist of?
i fucking hate my country…
It's funny you mention that user, because I was thinking about the power of aesthetics just yesterday. It was the this graphic on the cover of Dononvan's book that got me to read it which led me down the path of right-wing politics. The image conveyed so much that I never even knew that I yearned for. I alwasy liked Third Reich propaganda graphics but this was fresh! Contemporary! New! Now I have a whole folder of graphics and images from Nationalist blogs filled will inspiring imagery.
tl;dr pictures are cool
Wowee zowee.
He considers himself an Odinist National Socialist now.
These camps seem to always be fucked up. I too went to a Christian camp, unfortunately we were sharing it with American History X types. Thankfully that negative experience did not turn me off of right-wing politics.
I don't think you understand what a slippery slope fallacy is. Where does the slope start user? It starts with having sex with a woman in marriage. Then it goes to having sex outside of marriage, the casual sex, then sex with men, etc. that's why it's a fallacy. With that way of thinking I could place the starting point of that slope just about anywhere.
this is how a woman argues
the point the guy was making was that things are getting worse, don't be such a faggot.
That's what he says, but it could just be a form of misdirection. He mentioned that sort of thing in his manifesto.
I don't think you understand the fallacy, faggot. It's not slippery slope to identify that sticking your head in the ground and ignoring cancer allows it to spread.
You can easily define where the slop starts: poopdick. There's no excuse for men fucking men. It's degenerate, unhealthy both for yourself and family. They need help, or to be removed from society.
You're trying to force a strict, universal definition of where degeneracy begins and ends when all that's relevant is that faggotry is degenerate and must be shut down.
Faggotry is not fine, behind the bedroom or in front of it. Kill yourself.
Your religion shouldn't be about what aesthetically pleases you, user. It should be about what beliefs you align yourself with. I'm not one for the whole I am inherently flawed and I can't fix it thing from christianity, so I'm not christian.
lol paganism is like the Christian word for goyim. Calling yourself 'pagan' is nigger tier.
hurr durr wow user you really showed me. Sorry I pointed our why his argument was wrong. Next time I'll be a good boy and just believe your every word.
EDGY. Ok, the next time you see a hard gay like Mr. Donovan. Go right up to him and call him a faggot right to his face. Make sure you're using the same kind of language that you're using now. Be really aggressive and smug about. Later when you've mended your broken bones come back and tell me how it worked out for you.
Might is right. If somebody is stronger than you, like Donovan definitely is, becausely only "extreme edgy coolguy" keyboard nationalists type the way you do, then he can do what he wants for the most part unless it is so outrageous that a large group is actively out to get him.
that's not what i expect you to apologize for
i expect an apology for purposely dodging the point the guy was making, instead of going "you said that incorrectly"
you faggot
"Love is love, CISscum!"
"These are getting worse" is not the point he was making. "Things are getting worse because people have opinions that are different than mine" is the point he was making.
Why don't you go back to DeviantArt and write a blog about how nobody understands your neo-nazi genius. Seriously I feel like I'm talking to the DA Nazis all over again. I'm guessing you're still in highschool?
i dont write blogs i write obituary's
Quoting Hot Topic t-shirts isn't cool, user.
you insult like a woman too
a lot of false assumptions
Please, just leave. This place is not for you. Try Gaia Online or Everquest or whatever kids are dicking around with nowadays. Come back in a few years when you're at least 25.
hey man whats going on, are things all good at home?
Prole is the word for societal riffraff. Calling yourself "proletariat" is nigger tier. Remind Holla Forums of that any time.
At any rate, lack of barbarism has played a major role in leading us into the mess we're in so maybe it's good to embrace the terms "Pagan" or "Heathen." We're gonna need a bit of that mentality.
And reminder, Muslims look upon all of us as Kafirs regardless of what we believe. No matter what, if your religion is derived from the jews (like Marxism is), everyone who doesn't practise it will be considered subhuman in some regard; even some Christians look upon other sects of Christianity with disdain. There is simply no possibility of harmony: it's just another excuse to make war and blot out distinct peoples along with their culture.
To be a heretic today is the greatest virtue. Simply look at orthodox thinking in this world – the dominating worldviews – and try, with lucid eyes, to consider them healthy and graceful.
How the fuck did they get away with that? Were they an immigrant?
Not that bad as long as it was just adults no kids.
Surely they'd stop that just the same as if it was a boy?
Why weren't they the ones on her side?
my sides
So, in your opinion, homosexuality is an alright thing, if kept behind "closed doors"?
It already exists: it's called Catholicism for fuck's sake.
(not the limpwristed modern kind)
Fuck no to embracing the term "pagan" it's been completely coopted by fucking degenerates. People need to use their own terms for shit damnit.
Thouh, Heathen is a bit better. it originally just meant the equivilent of redneck, and still des, lol, but rednecks with an understanding of their heritage, all the way back to the days of the allfather, rather than praying to a kike on a stick.
That's like saying Nordic Paganism and Orthodox Christianity are the same. Some common themes but definitely not the same.
How long before a "trans-age" 50-year-old pedo who identifies as a little girl gets in?
There is a gang of bikers who are called "The Pagans". They refuse to change their name because of degenerates. Heathen is also fine but I don't think we should let the left decide what we call ourselves. THEY should be the ones to change.
My point was that Tolkein was intensely Catholic, and his works have to be interpreted within that context.
No time at all I'm guessing.
you're thinking of Catholicism
protestants don't believe in original sin and the like
Despite the fact that every time it has been accepted, "so long as it is done in private", it has spilled out into the public before long? It is like the myth of the good jew, or the good black. You can't reasonably argue that a disease, if left untreated, will not spread. All you said to my original post was "Well, you're arguing that there is a slippery slope, so you're wrong. You can't pinpoint where the disease started, so treating it is wrong."
No, it isn't a reasonable opinion to say that homosexuality is okay, "behind closed doors" in any way. To paraphrase Codreanu, if you allow a swamp to exist in your society, mosquitoes will appear. We have seen this demonstrated time and time again throughout history with more than just homosexuals.
Lets take a man who is often propped up by the right as a "good gay". Milo. The man who often brags about how much black dick he sucks. I'm sure at one point, people said "well, Milo keeps it behind closed doors, and he agrees with us politically." And look where we are now. Those same people still love him, despite him being a massive, public faggot.
If you can't see that diseases spread if untreated, I'm not sure if there is anything left to say to you, or any other adamant homosexual enablers.
That's true and I'm glad you brought that up because it's important but the LotR took a lot of inspiration from pre-Christian Europe. I really feel like it is it's own thing. A LotR religion would probably have aspects of both Catholicism and Nordic Paganism.
user, it's not the flu. Faggotry does not spread like that. I've been around plenty of faggots and I'm not even slightly gay. What you should be worried about spreading is tolerance for weakness and effiminate behavior.
As long as Milo is not sucking men off in public I don't see it as that big of a deal. Milo is far, FAR from perfect but he's a pretty great guy and a very powerful weapon against the left. He's made solid, original arguments against gay marriage, he has stood up for white rights. This faggot actually got away with saying that Jews control the media. Unbelievable. The absolute madman actually said it. I can't help but to respect him.
yes, but to a Catholic pre-Christian religions basically foreshadowed the coming of Christ.
Back to /jp/ you fucking weebcuck
I don't label myself as anything but I know I'm a heretic to most people out there.
Kill yourself, Chaim.
Pick one.
Go back to /liberty/, Holla Forums, freech, or whatever other shithole from whence you came.
You sound incredibly gay.
Does it make any difference? I mean a lot of people see Gandalf as Odin. He's not a negative character by any means.
Those aren't arguments, user.
Think about it. You're willing to excuse extremely degenerate behavior from a race mixing half jew, just because he has the right opinions on other issues, and you aren't alone in that opinion.
People with far less "extreme" views as those who frequent Holla Forums are willing to make the same exceptions for much less. People on the left are not only willing, but welcoming to faggots who act like faggots in public.
The more people see faggots in the public sphere, the more they are sympathetic to them. The more people like you are willing compromise on "what you do behind closed doors is fine" just allows them to gain more sympathy from the lemmings, until, over the course of a generation or two, we get to the stage we are at now, where criticizing homosexuals makes you a social pariah. This is the only reason Milo can get away with the "based" things he says, because he's part of an "oppressed" group that has more social justice points than the people he's critical of.
Don't forget that his response to black lives matter was "They're just mad because I fucked all of their brothers." And you respect him.
There's no way a Jew isn't involved.
O, a Jewish smear campaign. "Paganism" isn't a proper name, they might as well call it "Goyimism" and it'd have the same effect.
Filthy Hooknoses are so terrified of Europe's Old Ways they start strawmanning it, but this isn't going to work.
Look how they fear nature religions:
"If we throw in some Paganism we will alianate the nazis from one of their own main components. It's genius! "
My girlfriend loves BDSM and she's not Jewish or a trap.
This is what you and so many other Holla Forumsacks do not undertand about people like Milo, Donovan, Golden One, etc. It's not just because they have similar opinions like mine. There are tons of people who have similar opinions like mine on Holla Forums. It's the fact that these are successful people are who striking hard against the modern world IRL. We don't have to be gay but it probably wouldn't hurt for some of us to learn how to emulate Milo's charm and quick wit or Donovan's physical discipline. Anonymous posters are not on the same level as the leaders of the kulturkampf.
Is your girlfriend who is into BDSM a child tranny in a summer camp?
My point is there HAS to be a -Berg or -Stein involved in this Aussie camp. There's no way it isn't so.
I'm glad to see this again, it's one of the most eye opening articles I've ever read.
No, but she got into it from being spanked by her stepfather, and he was white too.
Every double-barrelled name I've ever seen belonged to cucked individuals or to bitchy Hooknosed Jewesses who have a cuck hubby.
If you accept people like Milo as your leader, you are accepting that sucking black cock and sodomizing men is an integral part of your "kulturkampf". If that is so, I, and many other like me, want no part in it. Find a real leader, like Rockwell, Pierce, Buchanan, etc. Or become the change that you want to see. Allowing yourself to be co-opted by a t-shirt salesman and a couple of homosexuals obsessed with the male aesthetic is worse than defeat, it is treason. "If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it."
Why not both? You think Rockwell, Pierce and Buchanan were men without flaws? Why can't I apply what is useful about these men and disregard what isn't?
how do I get there? fuck I gotta buy a plane ticket right now
I want to hear how you propose fixing sexuality in the West.
Do you see White Men who seek traditional, SUBMISSIVE wives from say, Thailand as deserving death like homosexuals?
How do you propose keeping White Men from going the Homo or imported Thai wife route due to being sexually starved by the very large number of irreparably damaged and degenerate White Women?
Do you want to know how Islams draconian treatment of sex-starved men has turned out?
You're going out with a filthy degenerate.
please tell me, what fetishes are degenerate and what aren't?
give me a list
Not degenerate.
It's simple, Schlmo.
not even.
Being a homo child rapist is definitely on that list.
She's a woman, of course she's a degenerate. Most women fantasize about being raped or get off by calling their boyfriends 'daddy'. Only wanting a smack is pretty wholesome.
They were men who did not embrace their flaws, and did not advocate that other people engage in those flaws. Its foolish to think that any man is without flaws, but that man's response to his flaws defines his character. Milo's response to his flaws is to flaunt them publicly, talk about how great at sex black men are. He even admits that homosexuality is his a choice, giving him no real excuse for engaging in it. Donovan, on the other hand, writes lengthy books to justify his "quiet" and "manly" homosexuality, rather than admitting that it is a negative part of himself. To rationalize and justify your flaws is insanity.
Not necessarily. I don't think a man who wants to import a custom made, mongoloid wife has any place in an ideal, white society. He ought to go live in Thailand, if thats what he wants. Let them deal with him as the problem he is.
The answer is a complete restructuring and redefinition of our society and culture. Consumerism and materialism created women who aren't worthy to find a good man, and men who are too weak to find a good woman. To give a simple answer, removing communist, jewish, homosexual, etc, influence from our schools, churches, and media would be the only way to accomplish this. It is the societal systems that have been polluted by those negative influences that have cause the irreparable damage to white women, and to white men. When a new system is in place, rather than suppression sexuality altogether, as group such as Mormons, puritans, and the Amish do, or have done, it must encourage an objectively healthy view of sexuality. One that encourages monogamous procreation within the confines of marriage, between healthy, white men and women.
There is no simple solution, nor an easy one. The mess we're in will take generations to truly fix, if it can be fixed at all, without a complete reset.
These are the worst, the most harmful, and the most disgusting, even when fictional.
It's natural for women to be into rape-like scenarios.
They are only in those scenarios when MEN LOSE. It's the ultimate humiliation and the surest sign of defeat because women cannot protect themselves.
Any boy can look like a girl at 13. You just want a kid in a dress.
Depends on how unhealthy it is for the practitioner.
What do you mean? Rape is the woman losing and being humiliated.
It's the final humiliation because all the men are dead or surrendered. Fuck off.
So in 50SoG, which man is the female reader getting off to imagining has lost?
Your claims fail at the first example, even apart from making no sense at all. Why would women fantasize about men losing? Pure nonsense.
No, you faggot. Mohammedans are not right to rape and kill white women. Feminists are not right to murder babies. Communists are not right to starve millions to death.
And how are they stopped? Do we talk to them? Beg them? Suggest that they stop? No. We use might to stop them.
No shit you fucking retarded gypsy. We are not right solely because we win fights, but because we fight righteously.
Your argument is "This queer can beat you up, so you're wrong."
I'm done here.
Romans 1:27-32.
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
No, the argument is that a queer can beat you up so either become stronger than him so you can set the rules or suck it up. This has been the only true law since the dawn of time. You're Jewish god has no authority without the sword.
mfw I live in this degenerate shit hole populated with bogans and liberal morons
Get you Semitic babble outta here Christcuck.
Go orally prep the 'godly' nigger bull on your wife's son's behalf. Maybe Pastor Anderson will perform the interracial marriage your Christian daughter has with fellow Christian Jamal.
The Jewish God is Moloch you stupid fuck. They worship an entirely different deity.
Anyway, you can bet that pedophile crimes will go down at this camp every single summer and they will fight tooth and nail to silence the victims and sweep the whole thing under the rug. They'll be touching little girls and boys private parts in the binding/packing and BDSM classes. I would also be very worried about what the +MORE category means. Are they going to teach 6-year-olds how to use Grindr?
The God of the Bible, YHWH, is the Jewish God you lying filth.
Moloch is YHWH's other name, one of many: Yaldabaoth, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Elohim, Allah, Demiurge, haShem, Jehovah, Adonai, Tetragrammaton.
You bow before a Semitic demon. Yeshua ben Yosef was also a Hooknose.
Meant for
104.10 And now I know this mystery; that many sinners will alter and
distort the words of truth, and speak evil words, and lie, and concoct great
fabrications, and write books in their own words.
104.11 But when they write my words exactly in their languages, and do
not alter or omit anything from my words, but write everything exactly,
everything that I testified about before; then I know another mystery:
104.12 That books will be given to the righteous and wise and will be a
source of joy and truth and much wisdom.
104.13 And books will be given to them, and they will believe in them and
rejoice over them; and all the righteous who have learnt from them all the
ways of truth will be glad
how to spot a jew
Sorry, your Jewrat Desert book isn't an argument.
Cuck getting impotent rage at being called a cuck.
Sorry, but you worship a Jew.
I guess the Tasmanians are going to burn the buildings down again. Tasmanians are religious so why did they choose Tasmania? It is not a safe haven for the trannies. *facepalm*
Rolf is a legend and celebrities have fooled around with and fucked "underage" groupies of the opposite sex ever since celebrities, groupies and unnatural government-created age limits, that are far too high, first existed.
Look at all the celebrities they've arrested and convicted (or smeared after death in the case of Jimmy Savile, even going so far as claiming he was a necrophiliac) for "historic sex crimes". (i.e. accusations made about incidents that happened decades ago, many of which were only recently "remembered" by the "victims" and if you look into them many are bullshit like "He touched my knee and I've been traumatised ever since!" even if some are about actually having sex or kissing & groping although I'm willing to bet that any non-consensual claims are lies.) They're talked about all the time and used as propaganda.
Now look at the case of Ian Watkins, lead singer of The Lost Prophets, who was arrested and convicted of recent sex crimes and those crimes were actually RAPING BABIES! He was news for a day and the MSM haven't really talked about him since. Ask yourself why that is. Maybe some of you will finally be fully red-pilled about the war on (especially male) heterosexuality.
Also, do you think we are ever going to see any celebrities arrested for, let alone convicted of, "historic drug crimes"? Don't hold your breath. (Unless I could ever do anything about it.)
No, it's spread like the AIDS. See this video:
It's also spread via cultural marxist indoctrination in the MSM and even schools of course.
This is a very strange criticism. I feel as though, with your reasoning, the entirety of the field of Philosophy might as well be disregarded because it too, doesn't attempt to claim any kind of scientific backings or references and just claims certain things.
If you're looking for scientific proof, what do you think of the philosophers who to argue that free will does or doesn't exist? Is there a scientific proof one of both sides has presented that has successfully convinced you of their argument? It's very strange to me that you think it's pathetic for a person to just outlay their perspective on life.
i thought moloch was something the hebrews made up so they could start shitting on the Phoenicians
Moloch is Ba'al Hammon, a storm god. and was never worshipped by the jews
the phoenicians would sacrifice a son from their aristocracy to Ba'al Hammon in times of crisis, most usually a drought but when the Romans started winning the Punic Wars they really stepped it up
he may have been worshipped by the israelites early on when they were polytheistic but they stopped when they starting following the north arabian war god Yahweh that spread to the Levant from camel traders trading between Ugarit and Arabia Major
wow, is this the thread were paganfags finally admit the religion isnt some impenetrable paragon of white culture? Is this where all their pointless shit slinging at christians over the exact same thing takes its karmic toll, allowing for self reflection?
Probably not.
this reminds me of that vice documentary "how larping saved my life" where there was this landwhale tranny who accidentally admitted that being trans is just taking larping too fucking far.
how is it not the jews when its the above as mentioned
Nigger are you implying Jimmy Savile and Ian Watkins were innocent?
wow, is this the thread were christfags fialy admin the religion isnt some impeetrable paragon of morality ad white culture?
See what a stupid argument that is?
I'm not pagan myself but you can tell these people are neo-pagan wicka LGBT loonies.
Extract from “Grundrisse” (1942) by Julius Evola *Against the Neo-Pagans*
Further on neo-pagans
No, I'm saying I believe Jimmy Savile was probably innocent of most of the accusations and the ones he was "gulity" of were either totally consensual or just fooling around that both sexes did with each other in those days and to some extent still do but it's more risky due to all the SJW bullshit where you risk a girl accusing you of rape if you so much as smile at her. An example of one of the accusations Jimmy Savile was "guilty" of is goosing a 19 year old (so she wasn't even "underage" let alone a child, AOC is 16 here in the UK) on live TV in the 80s. Here's the video of it. As for Ian Watkins, judging by the evidence he's totally guilty. My point about him is that the MSN don't really care about actual celebrity child abuse like that, they'd rather demonise the totally normal attraction to young adults, especially older males attracted to female young adults.
There are no gay Christians because homosexuality is against scripture meanwhile pagans had no moral code just bunch of folklore and old tales about gods and bestiality.
Nobody would fool around consenually with this man, user. Especially not a child. I mean don't get me wrong, it's good that you are questioning the official narrative when it comes to things like this considering the culture we live in but look at this man. Just LOOK at him.
Uglier celebrities than him have girls all over them. Also I'm talking about the true scientific definition of young adults, which is anybody who isn't pre-pubescent. Children are pre-pubescent.
Because neo-paganism doesn't exist.
Paganism can mean any of hundreds if not thousands of religions, people who say they are pagan don't have a religion they just make shit up.
Ever heard of bog drownings.
That's the traditional odinist Germanic punishment for homosexuality and other degenerate sexual practices.
Yes i heard of bog drownings they were rare and had no religious pretext.
To inject degeneracy into Christian places so they can weaken the religion. Their end goal is the destruction of all things pure and heathy.
By the way, it's very likely that the reason Jimmy Savile and similar celebrities are being smeared is that they refused to be left-wing puppets.
odd if you ask me, sounds christianized
bog sacrifice was common among celts as a way of 'sending the unfavoured to the underworld'
the deformed and cowards would be sacrificed by killing them and casting their bodies into the bog to send them to Toutates
criminals were hanged and gutted before being tossed into the bog while the deformed theres evidence of them either being drugged or abducted and sacrificed
That infographic on serial killer eyes comes to mind for some reason.
google for females you fucking faggot
Don't tell me what to do.
In the long run, girls should marry right out of high school.
What is particularly "submissive" or traditional about a Thai prostitute?
What about virgins from Philippines?
That's moving in the right direction, but why not virgins from Nebraska?
fucking faggotry is what it is
I would have given my left arm as a teenager for a summer camp for trans kids, so this was sounding good to me until I got to "BDSM 101," and then a part of my fucking soul died.
Leftists can't even make a queer kid's summer camp without fucking it up.
Sooooooo, if I sign up for this, could I just run around BDSM 101 then start violently beating everyone there but just claim I'm into extreme hurtcore and they should check their privilege?
tasmania is pretty much 99% white. naturally they're targeting the whitest state for degeneracy smh
Do the classes also include "How to be a fuckin derro 101"?
Tasmanian aborigines were completely exterminated. Faggot leftists bitch and cry about it, but do the tassies have to deal with abo reparations, welfare or cleaning up after them? NOPE.
It's almost like… there's a lesson to be learned here…
You might be right. If all Jimmy was doing was running around banging 16-17yo girls, then he dindu nothing wrong tbh.
I was thinking of doing something as a Joke but it looks like it's Tasmania
At least they're not afraid to destroy the summer camp as this is not first small happening but many happenings!
Well some meme site said it so it must be true.
(although I have no idea WHY the fuck it still exists)
I mean its in the halfchan sticky