The Jews have got a beef with animals. It is the duty of all Holla Forums browsers to be aware of the fact that veganism is the only truly redpilled and anti-Jude diet available to you.
Watch the video before commenting.
The Jews have got a beef with animals. It is the duty of all Holla Forums browsers to be aware of the fact that veganism is the only truly redpilled and anti-Jude diet available to you.
Watch the video before commenting.
Vegans should be burned alive and used as fertilizer tbh
Do you think refusing to learn new information is redpilled behavior?
Kill yourself.
What new information can you possibly provide that evolution hasn't already answered?
If we weren't meant to take our energy from meat, then our digestive systems wouldn't be perfectly tuned to digest them.
Various kinds of meats are part of the perfect diet to keep the human body in peak condition and that we most efficiently derive energy from.
Veganism is a fucking mental disorder on par with flat earthers and marxism.
Reminder to buy bio-meat from a local trustworthy farmer. (Find one on the countryside if you live in a urban area)
Might have to cut back on meat-consume because of the price, but it generally tastes better, you directly support the local primary-sector & you don't indirectly pump yourself with ShlomoCorp Chem-Cocktails
you think that a kike would encourage somebody to eat pork? makes no fucking sense, eat a dick you filthy commiefornian cuckold
The Jews fuck with our food because of the additives and how they alter the animal's natural lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with consuming a diverse diet as long as you get it fresh and not contaminated additive shit.
Fish > Chicken > Beef > Any other mammal > Pork > Bugs > Plants.
But since you love trees so much, I'll be sure to hang you from the highest one I can find.
Black people are less scummy than you. How does that feel?
Watch the video.
I'll stick with nature, kthx
No you fucking idiot. You have been tricked by hippy faggots. Man has been eating meat sense man has existed. Vegans are ALL physically weak unless they use Steroids. You are nothing more than a degenerate hippy.
No, and no way you faggot
Bro this entire thread is bait. Hide and move on.
Fucking this, meat Is an essential part of the human diet. People certainly shouldn't be consuming it at the rate average westerners do now, but that also depends on one's size and workout routines. I've been doing weight training for a few years now, there are maybe dozen vegans who I have met that lift, of them the only ones with decent builds were on steroids and often other PED's. Veganism Is not natural.
The older I get, the more I think that the Midwest is the best place in the country.
What do you have against flat earthers, roundie?
Maybe you need to take the disk pill and break free of the bonds of Jewish brainwashing.
You're living on a flat plane, deal with it.
I think veganism is just the opposite extremism to how much meat we consume nowadays (because the fact is that we eat way too much meat), just like MGTOW is to Feminism.
I used to eat a lot of meat as well, now I eat it only 1-2 a week and I have a lot more energy and feel much better than before.
For all self proclaimed diet masters out here: yes we are designed to digest meat, but not the amount we consume right now. Our ancestors didn't eat that much meat, not even close.
Yes and no, Vegan shills are actually gaining a large fallowing in the weight training "community". Even The Golden One has gone vegan, he's an obvious roid monster anyway though.
You are weak-minded and irrational. Just as every beta herbivore out there.
I dont really want to get into this argument because I dont have all the facts but I think im seeing a lot of meat eaters getting defensive and justifying their addiction.
Recently, because im fat, I followed the diet that pen jillette did to lose all that weight. It was essentially all fruit and veggies with beans and unrefined grains. No animal products and no added salt and fat. Yeah im losing weight but the best part is the clarity of mind and the way its positively changed my mood, attention span, memory and just general mental well being. I dont call myself a vegan because I'll still have some meat maybe twice a month but you really ought to look into eating a mostly plant based diet.
everyone in this thread who didnt call OP a slack jawed faggot is a slack jawed niggerfaggot.
Eat red meat to be a goddam sexual Tyrannosaurus.
Eat Vegan to be a limpdicked homo
People who don't eat meat act really strangely.
I'll stick with meat thanks.
Can you guys at least try to be with the board political theme?
This, I'm seeing better results in training, Hitler didn't want to create more vegetarian oriented country for no reason.
Nah, I like meat.
I'd rather stay healthy.
Watch the video faggot, it is political.
Meat cause erectile dysfunction this is fact. Vegans have bigger dicks.
If it burns over open fire, I eat it…
Wonder if kikekababs are kosher or not?
Burned um…
you can survive on a 100% pure meat diet(there has been a study on this, perfect health) but cannot on a plant diet without supplements, check mate vegans
I know this is bait like most vegan posts, but posting on the offchance we got actual vegan cucks here
For how long, shithead? You can survive on a 100% feces diet too. The question is how sustainable it is.
Fuck off numale. Have some sage.
The only thing wrong is the way they inject them with all sorts of shit and raise them like they aren't living creatures.
For a lifetime.
Are u saying it's not kosher fucking kike?
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/fit/ here
First and foremost veganism is a fad, meaning its literally a meme, and if you look at the kind of people who practice(cucks) it you will undestand the nature of it.
Secondly, a man cannot even develop properly without meat, let alone train.
A vegan diet creates defisciency in vital amino-acids, minerals and fats found only in meat and fish, so you have to take supplements right from the get go unless you want to die.
Second of all, you cannot get enough protein without eating enormous quantities of food but more importantly: ALL major protein sources and protein replacements in vegan diets are HIGHLY estrogenic (tofu, soy products, soy proteins, peas beans, seeds quinoa).
Meaning all of them are extremely unhealthy for a male to consume in big quantities. Notice how all vegans are weak sickly nu-males, except those fitness channels of roidheads who ate meat their whole life and switched to vegan 2 days ago so they can reel in hipsterbux and sell their shit.
Last of all, the biggest spike in brain development in human evolution was after we started cooking and eating meat as our primary source of food, due to its caloric and nutritious density and effisiency.
I am sick of shills like this, they spammed /fit/ every day with this trash for a few years now and convinced some poor desperate fatties to ruin their life most likely.
If anyone here is legitimately arguing for this shit, rather than trolling or being payed to post it, then you are a joke. I will give you 20$ if you last more than a minute fighting me.
forgot to sage, but hopefully I stopped some undecided readers from making a mistake.
As of now, humans still need to eat other animals. It's natural. To are carnivores, predators, and eating other animals is how we support our relatively larger brains.
Veganism is stupid, and so is this attempt to use reverse psychology by the OP.
I'm not vegan but that's one of the stupidest things I've heard here. You can get everything you need without eating meat. I'd like to see you eat nothing but meat and stay healthy for more than half a year.
The problem both vegans and people like you are not looking into is over industrialised bullshit they're feeding us with. Both meat and especially veggies you usually get from stores have depleted nutrition value and are sprayed with chemicals, that's why I grow my own shit and buy meat from local farmers who feed their animals with good food.
Also, meat is overrated and most people eat too much of it. A lot of diseases like cancer are the consequence of it.
I fucking love consuming animal products