Other urls found in this thread:
Turkey still cooperates with USA? Even after Erdogan claimed, that USA is behind that coup? That's a little bit strange to me. I hope the turkroach doesn't want to stab Assad and Putin in the back.
Is… is it finally happening Holla Forums?
New is fabricated shit all around, always hard to tell what is really going on
What potential outcomes does this present? Anything major?
Sometimes I'm glad that I live in a slavic country. We ain't clickin dat shit nigga.
This was the "safe zone" area discussed back in February, which is ironically right where the operation is taking place now. It is designed to prevent the Kurds from linking up to the town of Afrin which is that isolated Kurd pocket.
Also there is some Turkroach tomb there with a former roachking that they like to protect.
Roaches using war with (((ISIS))) as an excuse to deal with the Kurds
Here are some pics. Looks like they have Turkish tanks and professional soldiers being supported by local Turkman infantry and technicals that are more irregular.
The Middle East is really going to Hell, isn't it?
Looks like halfchan insider was right, everything's coming along nicely
It's always been a violent, war torn shitpile…. it's just getting a little worse.
Jesus source on the pics? Or these new or old, how can we verify that this is taking place right now.
I thought Turkey was getting all buddy buddy with Russia since that whole coup fiasco. Wouldn't this kinda piss Putin off? Or is the Syrian army not involved in this latest kerfuffle.
They may have a Russian go-ahead, since Turkey has begun to distance itself from NATO.
If Turkey begins a military action directly towards the Syrian State, SAA can't stand a chance.
Poor Assad. He has fought against Islamic monkeys for half a decade, only to be shat upon by turkroaches who have supported said islamists the whole time.
I can see three things happening with this happening
My waters tell me that two might be true. EiwADogsCunt get`s support from the Ruskies, he gets to kill the Kurd's and take in large swaths of ISIS territory (previous Syrian) and he may crow himself king roach.
Russia gets to dictate what happens and the mushits get suppressed by a mad man as they should.
I would hope that You`reADogsBum starts shit with Syria and is a big meanie to the Ruskies as well as NATO which will result in the whole of the ME getting glassed.
Things I have gathered from twitter:
1. US special forces are involved
2. US is providing air cover
3. Turkey is going to have a direct land border with Aleppo and thus Syrian regime positions again.
4. Local irregular units are participating
5. Turkish Tanks are visible conducting operations.
here is another livestream but it is a facebook steam sadly.
Various places on twitter.
I don't think Putin will sell Assad to the Erdogan, not after all this shit. But he's probably willing to sacrifice the Kurds instead.
Man this years been a real blast
I hope you're right. There's no honor among politicians.
At the end of the day, Putin engages in realpolitik. Which would be more important as an ally in the middle-east, ex-NATO Turkey or militarily and economically exhausted Syria?
For those interested in this war, come check out the syria general sometime.
I'd like to have more discussions in there.
CNN turk livesteam
Honestly the Kurds deserve this after they started shit in Hasaka against the government forces, now they have something else to worry about and might be reminded that their presence is at best tolerated by all parties in the region.
thread theme
shit vid fam.
I watched the whole thing
Syrian foreign ministry just denounced Turkey and said its violation of Syrian sovereignty
What the fuck is going on
I don't get this, isn't there a law preventing army from entering your country? Does Assad even asked the turkroach help? How is this not be considered as an invasion? What the fuck?
they are justifying it by saying its "self defense" because some isis rockets landed in Turkey.
basically pulling an israel
It is considered an invasion. That's why everyone is going nuts
I can see it now, they gonna pulled what the US did earlier, limiting russian action by being near the warzone
what's with the armbands
Anyone else's RT.com showing "Server not found"?
downforeveryoneorjustme is telling me is just me, but my connection is obviously working…
#Syria Color codes of Turkish backed op. in Jarablus. Red armband for Al Hamza div., blue for Faylaq & Zenki
Biden is also in Turkey right now to "improve relations", he landed a few hours ago. Is this related somehow?
RT works just fine for me.
Wait, so this operation is approved by Assad? what's going on here?
the US and a bunch of other countries are also unlawfully bombing in Syria
Are we ww3 yet?
I don't have a handle on Iran, are they closely allied with Syria or is it a loose alliance? Would they get pissed if Russia threw Syria under the bus or would they not give a shit?
This is literally the quiet before the storm.
Americans get prepped for a brutal civil war.
Isn't the Biden one with the nuclear launch codes?He also went to Balkans recently, particularly Romania when all that talk about moving nukes from Turkey started.
Something big is going on.
i think they don't want israel/SA to dominate the region so they help Syria any way they can
mostly geostrategical
All peace is only a ceasefire, ALWAYS! I just dont want to live in fucking fallout tier shithole, its bad enough as it is.
t. Balkanfag
Yea, i heard rumors that some of the nukes have been transplanted to kosovo, not confirmed by anything tho.
It's gonna get worse, remember father Paisios?
Looks like we're getting there.
Pic is a post from some reporter that likes to post on Godlike Productions.
So are they only hitting ISIS so far?
now streaming RT in the happening bunker
Yes, also baba Vanga said something similar, iirc.
well shit. This might escalate horibbly.
I wonder if Russia actually stands behind this shit or did the Erdogan play Putin like a fiddle.
Turks already captured a few villages:
Turkish F.M Çavuşoğlu: " If YPG doesn't retreat to the east of Euphrates, Turkey we'll do what's necessary"
They're entering with FSA flags, as depicted in the third pic here.
so they'll be fighting assad and the kurds?
Right now its looks like one big FFA
fucking shit i hope so.
im goddam tired of the suspense
Theorizing here
this is exactly what israel wants then, destroying any syrian state structure and dividing the country into different zones that all hate each other
The middle east in general is fubar.
Russia will be completely destroyed and occupied by NATO and China once this is all over.
that's how the war has been from the start. same in Iraq. The whole thing devolved into a full-fledged race war pretty quickly
bretty plausible goy
to be honest ive stopped keeping track of the shithole that is the ME.
I know
ISIS is mossad/cia
Syrian Iran Russia being friendly is bad news for ZOG
I know Isreal needs a nuke or ten real fuckin badly.
Muds are cancer and need a cleansing
beyond that it doesnt really interest me
guess Yinon plan is happening then
Syrians have a decent portion of the population that are white, they're all on Assad's side. Rebels are exclusively Arab, in some senses this is a race war as well.
thats part of the reason its such a shitstorm that i couldnt really care less about.
I would bet lots of those white-ish syrians in the west are muslims, therefore i cannot trust them. Theres no white Empire with a ministry of HuWhiteness to screen out the good and bad ones and then crucify the ones who dont leave Islam behind yet. so in my eyes its easier to just not give a fuck and keep them out of white countries
They're mostly Coptic Christians.
Everything calls peace. Shalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him –then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-colored hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly.
Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and moved forward into Italy. Thereafter three armored wedges immediately advance with lightening speed in the north of the Danube over West Germany towards the Rhine ñ without preliminary warning. This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars clog the roads ñ if they had stayed at home or not used the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on high-speed motorways and other fast motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see the Danube bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air.
I see three spearheads coming. The Russian does not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr-district, where the many furnaces and fireplaces are. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhr-district.
Is that a Turk-roach flag I see waving on that pole?
How old is the white population there?
which i would be fine with. thing is, unless there is a massive paradigm shift, and whites wake up and become incredibly cruel to our enemies, i still wouldnt trust them. Normalfag aluhas that snackbar themselves are usually mudshits, but ive seen lightskinned ones too.
So unless we are prepared to make a disturbing example of any who cross us, some shit that would make their beheading with a dull knife look boring blood eagle, I still wouldnt turn my back to them.
Not sure really.
the levant was lightskinned before the arab expansion. not nordic or anything, but definitely something an american would consider white
I'm not saying that we should be letting them into our country, I'm saying that we shouldn't just be apathetic to Israel using proxies to kill off a bunch more white people.
What are they going to do from that far away?
I don't know if this is a blessing or curse
Just feed them alive to pigs.
Thread theme?
Sorry to burst your apocalyptic bubble m8, but the Ruhr district won't be targeted by anyone anymore. All the industry moved away from there and the only thing that's left there is lazy shitskins leeching off welfare
and Assad's Alawite Shia sect are psuedo-Gnostic
I wouldnt be suprised if i meet syrian fighters in the coming years. im not going to be all to /comfy/ during the RaHoWa
Doesn't matter, shit's gonna be fubar.
I'm not too familiar with Alawites but I know there was an email leak where he and his people were cracking jokes about burqas.
So they obviously aren't what we typically think of as far as muslims go.
Very interested to see the international reaction to this invasion.
My guess would be the us are letting turkey attack as way of apology for the coup.
Yeah, probably Arabs since too many people are apathetic and Israel will have their way. People don't give a fuck about our race being genocided as long as its not happening where they live or in a major European country they recognize the name of immediately.
thats all well and good. but where does it end? do we start fraternizing with "moderates"? how do we know someone is really an alawite? im not going to be a fucking scholar of differing opinions on how to worship a pedo goatfucker who lived 1400 years ago.
If they are more stable and reasonable that other mudshit varieties, then sure we can use that to our geopolitical advantage. but it would sure simplify the fuck out of things if we didnt have to deal with muslims at all.
so what are you going to do? yell really loudly on the internet and people will start caring about the unity of race? You sound like some libshit whining about the cause of the month. Europeans cant even get their shit together long enough to agree that there is such a thing as a white race. Or that slavs are white, etc etc
the reality of race will only reawaken in whites minds once the coming violence shows them the truth.
so until then, shit down, chill out and get gud so you can make stronk white babies when its all over
It worked a couple years ago when the US were about to invade Syria over Assad's supposed chemical weapons attack that turned out to be a false flag from the rebels. If US sentiment hadn't turned heavily against it it still would have happened.
we pushed the scale a little bit sure. im not saying Holla Forums has no power, but the US not invading syria had way more to do with the growing war weariness of the goyim than anything else.
Holla Forums helps here and there, but the whole mem magic thing has gotten to some peoples heads. we guide the raft downriver with a few nasty bumps now and then, but this ride is only going one place by design, over the fucking cliff.
we're here to shitpost with others who see the waterfall coming and are trying in vain to prepare our anus' accordingly
The raft going off the cliff ends with both you and me executed as terrorists, its better to prevent that.
New map of Aleppo.
how are we going to poof away the massive atom bomb of an economy we are sitting on?
How are any of the racial problems facing whites going to end peacefully?
are the mexicans, muds going to self deport just because trump is elected? will niggers stop chimping because a republican is elected to office?
shits going down. and if they catch you for being a "terrorist" you havent been taking into consideration the consequences of free think and preparing accordingly
WTF are you smoking?
everyone gets destroyed but greeks
guy was greek
Well, it's pretty plain to see what's happening here. (((They))) must have like a population density map for whiteness, and they're picking off location one at a time.
Good luck, light-skinned possibly-white Syria chan!
They're attacking ISIS, moving on Jaroboulus sprecifically.
Antiquity. They came from Lydia (Asia Minor) into Syria) when the rest went to Europe. They were Scythian.
Kek. Tests must be done to see just how white they are. What % white must they be, to allow for procreating with a possibly-white Syrian qt3.14?
Nah, Turkey gets to keep Kurd lands and nobody bats an eye.
Then suddenly Kurds get removed, and NATO has an excuse to invade Turkey like they did with Kosovo.
Remember, the Kurds are being groomed into shiptars for the region.
honestly I think king turkroach will ignore assad and do his best to eliminate the kurds instead
Kurds are claiming that Roaches are targeting them and ISIS.
Roaches claiming that it was with US permission and they were promised rapid missile launchers.
I'm sorry what happened to the thread I made about the Turkey Op in Syria? I made it about 10 hours ago, and had 10 times more detail in the OP post.
You chose to prune my thread and keep his shitty information? He never even mentioned the US Kurds were approaching Jarablus either? Its a race to capture the town before they [US Kurds] do.
Full operation. As in Turkey infantry, air force, artillery, and turkey-backed rebels. I really hate seeing my thread get pruned and a shitty user's thread where he didn't know you can't red text in the subject field.
Obviously, Syria government never gave the okay for Turkey to invade their territory under any means. That's what the border mile wide buffer zones were for.
So the coup was organized by the west then? And now erdogan is giving a giant fuck you to the west by aligning himself with Russia?
For real nigga? Did this happen?
Not sure if related, he just went to Serbia as well
Great E Michael Jones video on geopolitics and foreign policy history that lead us here:
sorry for being an idiot, but roaches are now part of team usa going against assad, iran and russia?
There's only self-interest, and people who happen to align with your self-interest.
kurdsupporters get fucked :D
keep dreaming zlato
Happened a couple days ago. the Kurds were idiots to do this, it just antagonized Turkey which is why we're seeing this today.
Turks are out for themselves but right now they are attacking the Kurds and ISIS, not Assad as Assad doesn't really have any forces in that area. Doesn't mean they won't though.
did he died?
Ducks can fly user.
What, the duck? I expect it took off once it realized it was falling.
I've definitely answered this before last time that pic was posted.
thanks now I can rest easily, knowing the guy likely survived
Reminder Turkey is white and the reason K*rds and Israeli Secret Intelligence Services are now being removed from Syria.
Erdogan + Putin saviors of the white race.
Did you even read anything? It clearly said Turkey launched a military operation against ISIS held city Jarablus. Turkey is known to be against anything Kurdish, and it so happens the US-Pentagon backed kurdish forces are closing in on Jarablus (meaning they too are fighting ISIS). Now think, this means Turkey doesn't want the Kurds to take hold, and it also means Turkey is finally confronting ISIS. Double win for Turkey.
sure mate they white
perfect timing
whiter than your average american mud
you having part nigger dna
That's not Aleppo you fucking nigger
In fairness to the guy it wouldn't be the first time that
is code for
though maps make it clear that they're in fact attacking ISIS and with FSA have nearly taken the city.
Yeah, I'm too used to looking at Aleppo that I said it out of habit.
Are you upset m8? didn't mean to hurt your feelings…
yeah no nigger
That's funny and all meme man, but Turkey actually does have a tank division. They are using it as artillery if you didn't see the pics posted. You know what you just said is exactly what I saw in a 1930's movie about freemasonry. They were in their secret meeting (in France IIRC) all claiming that Germany had fake cardboard tanks powered by bicycles and they believed it. The main character who was the French Defense Minister got so angry knowing there were actual thousands of tanks being built. Video is the movie. You are a faggot.
Turkey is one of the most mongrelized places on earth.
How can cockroaches stand a nuclear blast but not some light banter?
germany RED 45%
turkey RED 15%
these are kurds
not even trying to troll
these aer typiical eastern turkey/armenia facial features
K*rdistan is one of the most mongrelized places on earth, and K*rd eastern mongrels skew the statistics.
The only real difference between Turks and Greeks is slight east asian admixture in Anatolia from the original Turks. Otherwise they are identical.
It's happening!
this is a typical turkish face
also its not true that turks overtook kurdish lands
turks have been living there longer than kurds
eastern anatolia became flooded with kurds after the ottoman invastion
turks were there already before 1070
This is unfortunately correct, today's greeks and western turks are almost the same.
don't hate
we turks are EUROPEAN
If this guy had green skin and spiky ears he'd be like a real life goblin. Imagine fighting a group of them with medieval gear.
No shit. Turks are just islamized greek anatolians.
Turks are removing ISIS, in case you haven't read the thread.
Hey angry Turks here; do you think the Russian cyber-intelligence invented and spread the "Turkroach" meme back when tensions were high?
Looks like it, user. One detail that pointed me in that direction was that the Kurdish militants betrayed Erdogan, as he used to fund them.
We'll leave the EU when you'll join it.
Does someone have the video of a turkroach being talked, and then starts babbling furiously?
You haven't paid attention at all during the Syrian crisis, have you
Turks have been buying oil from and generally been buttbuddies with ISIS.
The current "removal" is a ISIS withdrawal and Turkroach backed militias occupying the area in their wake.
the meme seams kind of forced
but im not sure if its just chan culture or an outside actor
I think you missed the US backed attempted coup that took place, Turks seem to be pivoting towards friendship with Russia.
That was back when they were on the (((US))) side. They don't have to back terrorist sandniggers anymore.
Are you fucking serious?
No really, are you that deluded that you think the Turkish "coup" was anything else than Erdogan falseflag to get rid of the Gülenists?
That's low even for a roach.
But they are terrorist sandniggers themselves. Erdogan thinks himself as some pseudo-caliph of the region, and most of the Turk population supports him in that.
They are distancing themselves from the US, but only to achieve more autonomy in their foreign policy.
As long as we get rid of the Islamic State, we can all find a way to live in peace eventually.
Of course, ripping ISIS out by its roots means ripping up Israel, too, since that's where ISIS started.
Means what I have been suspecting for a while. Russia & Syria has won the political war. Turkey and the US have dropped the ISIS project some time ago. You could say there are three wars now.
Wants to puppet Syria, tried to do this with ISIS with support from Turkey but ISIS has been near defeated by the Russian and Syrian armies. ISIS turns out to be a pain in the ass for them.
Wants to keep the current Syrian regime and Syrian borders.
Afraid of kurds starting their own state, dropped ISIS because it's no longer profitable. Most likely is there with unofficial Syrian consent to remove rebels, kurd or not.
Its possible that you're right, I'm not seeing any pictures of dead ISIS members from this.
There were several Greek colonies there, but it is possible that they were white folks even before that. So, waaay before the Roman era.
I'm confused.
which ones are the good guys?
So are these regions under the control of the FSA then? Will they be able to launch attacks on government-held parts of Aleppo from there?
B-but surely Socialist Union of Europe is good for you?
Red, Assad's forces, the Russians, and Iran.
Everyone else is a Jihadist, a moderate Jihadist or Marxist Kurdish narco-terrorists
thanks, fam
I think the original population was non-Arab farmers from the south and Indo-European (Aryan) horsemen from the north. That would have been what the Hittite Empire looked like.
Also reminder that oaths and honesty were so important to the Aryans that even their kings would be slain if they broke sworn oaths. They had a badass sect of warrior monks loyal to the God of Oaths who would hunt down anyone who broke them. Contrast that with our current politicians.
wow look its the meme leopard now we can finally see euronigger tanks get BTFO by milan ATGM and all their LARPing against the abrams go to hell
My sides.
Thanks for the hearty chuckle.
Have I predicted that accurately?
not really euronigger will just muh monkey model as well tbh
also nice shopped image of a t-64
How much is it possible to improve the old concept of the shaped charge penetrator?
maybe making a cluster weapon so you can get multiple strikes at once to defeat muh cobham euronigger meme armor
Is this a rhetorical question?
Fucking lots is your answer. Tandem charges, improved explosives and force vector, improved range, electronics countermeasures. Do I need to go on?
Requesting more info on this. Google yields nothing.
Try searching for Hittites, their culture and oaths. I can't remember where I read it.
Ah, damnit you fucking cocktease, don't post cool shit like that if you can't source it.
LARP or real deal?
christian Syrianfag here
all of this is basically correct and I couldn't have said it better myself. Syria has to be cleansed
Thank god, I was gona x out of it when the fun started anyway.
Hey man, how's it going?
Are you in the army or some militia?
Can you expand on more which areas in Syria would you consider "white", as in more resembling the European phenotype?
The Yazidis, for sure.
what the fuck is going on?
And it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down tumbling down.
Videos gone
This. Excellent examples of the common Turk. My sister had a roommate from Ankara her sophomore year and her family albums looked like a Weekly World News trilogy of a litter of dog-faced boys.
He provided two.
So Turkey is supporting Israel now by destroying Syrias government and "going after ISIS?
That's really weird the url changed.
It's a Free For All. Expect the unexpected.
You're forgetting that fucking China also wants to get involved on the side of the Russians. All we need now is nukes to start flying around.
This guy has been right about 2 world wars, the rise of communism, Chernobyl, the history of South Africa, aids and more.
Does the land turkey is taking offer any strategic value for getting into Europa?
I live in the United States. My family is from west Syria, which is pretty white and lots of people in west Syria/ places closer to Lebanon identify culturally more with Europeans/French unlike those in the "wild west" parts. Many people the better parts of Syria speak English, french, etc and consume European goods. This entire conflict is essentially about those who want the Syrian identity or a larger pan-arab identity like with the Ba'athists. The Syrian conflict is as much about nationalists against those seeking a larger arab state as it is about race and religion.
Assad isn't 100% right on that matter. He isn't necessarily trying to make sure the people leaving come back or stay in the country, especially those who don't care for him now.
Poland Russia and White Russia confirmed for Aryans
The next 24 hours are going to be tense. Russia could very well start to bomb or attack Turkey. We are in a fuck-huge game of chicken with a Russian bear that feels increasingly boxed in with missile defense shield. Obama is trying to escalate this as quickly as possible before his term is up and make sure the region gets carved up even more.
I'm honestly expecting that the first blow will come from the US side. Remember that guy in charge who said how "recent Russian artillery fire hit too close to our camp, and we'll return fire if we feel threatened"? Even though the Russians were shelling ISIS? And how American soldiers shouldn't even be stationed there?
Yeah, the next 24 hours are going to be insane.
The question is whether the Turks have been sanctioned by Assad/Putin now that the Kurds are hostile to Assad or whether the Turks are anti-Assad. We'll understand soon.
Erdogan was blaming the Gulenists/US for the coup.
What the fuck? how many sides are in this conflict? Some of them dont even deserve to be there. I like how the US force aren't in the image as if we don't know they're there already.
I don't think Assad actions the Turks to move in at all. It's in fathomable to me actually. I saw a pic of a guy claiming the FSA was riding with Turkish vehicles – to me that indicates the Roaches want a Assad free Syria. They also will move to destroy Kurds too.
Didn't we find out that the turkroaches were selling Isis oil to Israel?
Yes. That's what leads me to believe the whole "invading to take out Isis" is bullshit. I think it's just to push back Kurds, bolster the FSA and Take out Assad
YPG and k*rds refuse to back off
No he wasn't, there's no sign at all of a thaw between Turkey and Egypt. If anything things are worse now since Egypt's current government is the product of a military coup while Erdogan (supposedly) put down such a coup in his own country.
Anons who aren't straight outta plebbit know that shitposters have been trolling with this "my dad works for nintendo" crap since early Holla Forums.
The Turkroach also sided with the (((rebel))), if anything, they're throwing ISIS under the bus to proclaim the (((rebel))) as a good goy.
No they aren't working together holy shit. King Turkroach wants Damascus for himself. That's what the coup was about, ending secularization in Turkey, and supplying ISIS money by purchasing its oil.
Turkey is helping the coup right now!
They came to Syria under the banner of FSA, the so called "rebel"
No, it was designed to keep Kurds from controlling roads so Turkey can continue to receive oil shipments from their ISIS allies. That's up in the air for now but likely Turkey will go back to that status quo if they feel like ISIS has taken their punishment and learned their lesson.
On the other hand if ISIS goes full retard with more terrorist retaliation against Turkey this could blow up, and they're very likely to do just that.
It happens. If you've got the information saved (you should), just repost it in this thread.
top kek
But they are, listed as dark gray.
literally the first result for "hittite oath"
He gets it. Also you forgot to add, greater Iarael influence through a destabilized pan Arab Middle East
I see what you did there
Despite everything that's happened Turkey is still somehow in NATO, if that doesn't tell you anything about how shit NATO is…
Part of me think this is a huge cleaning ops to destroy any evidences of Turkey involvement with ISIS.
Does Syria actually (not UN Zionist reports) have WMD, whether Nukes, chemical or biological?
WMD is a meme
But indeed they had supplies of chemical weapon
No nukes and most likely no biological weapons either. They might have chemical weapons but no clue if they still do.
Erdogan personally controls every media outlet in his country thanks to his recent purges. But even as powerful as he is he can't just ignore 50 people being murdered at a wedding. He has to make ISIS pay in blood for PR purposes.
It's pretty much an undisputed fact that Turkey has been buying oil from ISIS, the Roaches themselves know it better than anyone else (but they'll pretend they don't if you ask them)
US is the black and green user.
Wmd may be an overused neocon term but CBRN is no meme
fuck off
Never forget the jews are also turks. DNA testing proved it.
Are you going back once the war is over?
you have to go back
thread theme
Turks didn't overtake Kurdish lands, Turks overtook Armenian lands.
Armenians had their ethnogenesis around Lake Van.
kurds just got backstabbed 1940s poland style tbh
Kurds are commies.
retarded commies, its funny to see the Holla Forums thread defend their stupidity. Russia would have at least let them try their commie shit that's doomed to fail whereas the US is committed to stomping it out everywhere.
What do you expect from a cold war relic? Modern approaches to modern conflicts?
friendly reminder that generals in ww1 still were using napoleonic tactics in the opening phases
I havn't seen it posted in the thread. This site is good for watching the action in Syria
Reminder that we have a Syria general.
I dont get it, even after reading the thread I dont get it. Maybe ive finally grown numb to happenings
This is how i know the west is fucked up
Ba'athists have a strong nationalist bend.
One could say they are national socialists .
But I really don't give a shit what they do in their own country, and unlike every other faction in Syria they have absolutely no ambitions beyond their own borders.
Don't forget to spread these pics:
UnderArmor endorses this but shoot a zebra and they pull their whole line of hunting gear? Fucking faggots.
Is this what the EU nations take a "political" comedy? Even the Daily Show isn't that hamfisted.
The Happening itself could be about to begin. Buckle up, this ride is going to get crazy.
I hope you anons haven't procrastinated on getting your happening gear together.
(Checking tekrar eden integers)
You for real kardeş?
Come on, its pretty funny
Pretty much identical variation to greece..
I call upon Kek to grant this proposition dubs.
The syrian general really ought to be sticked(and the op edited) rather than this thread
You need to go back.
t. mutt who knows the reality of the situation.
guess king roach decided to follow up on his claims to have a war with assad.
the leaked tape of a year or two ago was true.
What tape, double dubs?
I'd rather not be, the shitposting would ruin the thread.
It's funny in the sense that I saw the punchline but that joke has been done to death. Ironically by US based cartoons. It short, I get it. It wasn't that funny but I get it.
some guys in turkland recorded king roach having a conversation about wanting to get into a war with assad's regime.
I would've linked it in this thread but it was on my old PC, I don't have it anymore. Surely some fellow-autists such as myself will remember the thing I mentioned.
found it i guess. Cba to read all those transcripts but this is obviously an invasion to further their own interests like every party that is involved now.
someone please give me a basic run down of whats happening
Obama wants to start world war fucking 3 because Trump.
burgers why did you elect this half jew half nigger
Voter fraud and good goyim
It's literally nothing. Our Navy is completely cucked. I bet you they don't even have bullets in those machine guns
I'm at work but this is the best post in the bread. What do they state is the overarching goal of this attack?
how so?
that's incredible desperate, did his masters really allow that?
Samson option motherfucker
Watch the fucking footage of the navy boat getting kidnapped by Iranians and then giving up vital information– it was a national embarrassment. How did you miss that? Not to mention the trannies and fags all over the military now.
oh yeah those guys were total fags. the whole "I'm sorry we were wrong" shit.
I hope most of the navy isn't like that. because I just joined
>because I just joined
I'm so sorry, you might die from a Russian anti ship missile.
HAHAHAHA you're fucked user. I just got out. The whole Navy and almost all of the US military is a fully anti White marxist shit hole
well fug
They were fucking wrong though, they were in Iranian waters without permission.
Tell us more, user.
I know, but they should have kept their mouths fucking shut and not sobbed and cried on camera
They memory holed it. Now claim they never said that.
Yeah, the crying was funny to me but probably less so to Americans.
Pretty much only Infantry units and special forces units have any semblance of a warrior culture left. The rest of the military is complete garbage
I thought it was funny too, but more embarrassing since those fags represent my country.
Looks like they're pulling another false flag.
#BREAKING Syria regime launched two chemical attacks, IS used mustard gas: UN repor
No it's not. Infantry and ground combat units are HEAVILY white. >90% easily and most off em are conservative rural people. The problem is Obama has done such a great job of demoralizing and gutting the military of white guys and putting dumb niggers Hispanics women in charge it has driven smart whites out in droves.
What remains is a hyper expensive, left leaning, stupid dysfunction of a husk.
Ok that's a big deal. Boots on the ground
Boots are already on the ground, the US has stationed some troops there.
Obama defines boots on the ground as soldiers on active combat
The turkroach has no self preservation instincts.
I'm not a refugee but I've always wanted to go back when I'm older. If Israel being a "democratic" country in the middle east could have spread democracy, it would have happened fifty years ago. All the middle eastern countries could benefit from less good people leaving them.
No. The Syrian forces are Syrian rebels.
Biden issued a statement that it's important that the border be controlled only by Turkey, not any of these factions.
Useful tip: if your parachute fails to open, find a goose or something; it will help you down.
does anyone actually buy this bullshit?
I-is that you?
Will you be in my adventuring party? I can't promise dragon slaying, but I can promise lots of gypsies and kebab removal.
My point entirely, they're doing what they did 2 years ago where they claim that Assad used chemical weapons to try to excuse further intervention. Expect this to be all over the news in most western countries.
Does this mean we have casus belli to remove Turkroach?
Who is we?
At most Russia has one now. The riots may intensify to the point they can't be contained.
Why contain them?
welp that's disturbing
Could we see WW3 before November?
I am almost certain that's what they're going for.
Of course, how else do you think king nigger can impose marshal law so he really can become king nigger?
You do understand Israel existing is one of the reasons democracy failed so hard in the middle east and drove it to fundamentalist islam right?
Of course, Which is why all the smart/wealthy Christians up and left. Full fucking circle.
just tell us faggot
I can't wait for another 9/11.
Holy shit, SUs spotted near Allentown PA
somebody fucking get Ramirez.
It's just some Trump shit again, how is this pertinent?
It's a meme you dip
I want cuckchan to leave.
Please tell me Russian planes are above US skies.
allentown pa here, nothing happening
what would you die for?
lmao i love these things
how are they gonna pull the parachute thing without arms kek
I don't care if it's pozzed, I don't want to be part of Russia.
A semi-balanced life where I won't have to worry about subversion poisoning my children.
poor gondola
Good goy
what music is this
are we going to die like this because the kikes want more shekels
Don't forget to leave any hooknoses alive. They are white as well!
my waifu, of course.
What am I supposed to do? Let mongol hoards rape and murder my American Volk?
50 liras have been deposited to your account.
I did not want a war, but Obama is making it happen, when war comes, I will defend my Volk.
Still better than being raped by domestic nogs
why are you using the english word anglo
german word
you don't have a "volk"
For the 14 words.
I think I heard it in Company of Heroes but I might be wrong.
why not use a nigger word
you have more claim to a nigger word than to a german
since your "volk" is 15% nigger
My gut says that brit/pol/ is having a cheap giggle.
do you think gondola feels feels?
he(it?) looks so calm
You are scum, European, we have a culture here, you would not understand because you don't live here.
The white people here don't live around the niggers.
Holy shit, you just scared the fuck out of me. I live in an emergency only fly zone (flight for life) in the US, several military bases within 200 miles of me.
I just heard what I think is several sonic booms.
all i need to know about your culture is watch your culture exports
and your exports are 90% nigger
nigger nigger nigger
meet you on the battlefield
hope we can fight the kikes together
I had a feeling you only knew of America through what the TV spews out of it.
Fix'd. :^)
Jews aren't white you stupid fuck, they are an entirely different haplo group.
How about not doing what your ancestors did in WW2?
Turns out there's just a thunder storm rolling in
It's the calm before the storm.
Nothing like cherrypicking your opponents and allies, eh?
41,628 airborne troops
15,326–17,200 casualties
rest in peace gondola
Are Japanese white?
You do know making assumptions isn't an argument. :^)
could there be anything sadder than your life being sacrificed for the mistakes other people made
you think those 17.200 airborne were the ones living it up in the 20s?
like today
all the women causing this
enjoying their dick carousel and tindering
and we're goign to be the gondolas jumping into certain death for nothing
I already told you why jews aren't white you're an idiot.
But according to DNA there is white blood in them. So are you going to kill everyone that only has 100% white blood? Is there a threshold? Are you so brain dead that your action without a plan will go off without a hitch?
Thanks for correcting the record. :^)
Actually the jews are a very incestuous bunch which is why they are a completely different haplo group. Any european DNA is slim at best. Calling Obama white would make more sense as he is at least half white.
more likely this
was his mother jewish?
Best year ever Holla Forums it just keeps getting better and better and better. I can't wait for war.
haplo group doesn't mean shit, all it means is where your fathers fathers father etc came from you could be 99% white and have a non-white haplogroup
Yeah this thread's getting shilled hard.
C'mon, man.
Haha you fell for the shill bait. Debating whiteness is shill fed bait 101.
Anything that opposes the eternal jew and brings back traditionalism
It can even be Islam, whatever, west is lost anyway
He feels
my fave
what parachutes, friend?
This webm and song is making me cry
Its better than current degenerated western culture
Turkey is at war with all of the Kurdish forces. What will happen when Turkey confronts the Kurdish front? US soldiers are embedded within the Kurds, what length will the US go to protect their ground troops?
Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook yesterday
Think months ahead. If Turkey somehow gains ground, even a mile into Syria, the Syrian forces will have to decide: take territory back which will lead to confronting Turkey, or if Syria decides to reclaim, they must fight, and Russia may be required to support via air.
If the US (Kurds) begins losing ground due to ISIS retreating, Syria reclaiming, Turkey buffering, the US (Pentagon sector) must make a decision to either abort the entire Kurdish conflict or confront all of these nations with ISIS gone.
If the US decides to hold their ground then a confrontation with Syria is inevitable. Inevitable escalation, this means US air strikes to defend the Kurds. Either the Kurds (still backed by the US) stop claiming fronts SOON and draft up a nation to be sent to the UN, or settle for an increase in escalation with who the hell knows what could happen.
I'm guessing Syria will be balkanized.
Turkey gets a piece, Kurds get a piece which becomes Kosovo for the region and a training place for future ISIS clones, and Syria gets what remains. If you don't like it, you can go to war over it.
Common fail
So the US and Turkey are openly provoking a war with Syria, Russia, China and Iran.
If WW3 kicks off it the fault of a nigger.
Most sensible and level-headed prediction so far tbqh
Middle East will then devolve into endless terrorism and warfare.
Israel is creating a literal hell on Earth
they are airborne gondola dont you see they are in a plane :D
No, the nigger is just a pawn.
Are we in world war now ?
Popularity: Bottom 30% of words
Simple Definition of world war
: a war involving many nations of the world
Full Definition of world war
: a war engaged in by all or most of the principal nations of the world; especially capitalized both Ws : either of two such wars of the first half of the 20th century
I can see it being segmented, but highly doubt any Kurdish area would be an ISIS hotbed.
It's really on the Pentagon's hands, not the President's, since the Pentagon is the only reason the Kurds are being supported.
What I'm worried about is if this still holds into the next President, will the Pentagon and CIA be purged? Won't the CIA keep funneling weapons and the Pentagon still give direct support? How can their approach on interventions change with Trump?
you forgot the most likely outcome
US has dropped support of the kurds
Yes, but they don't have any parachute backpacks. They're being sent to their assured deaths, like we will be when WWIII kicks off.
so they jump out of the plane and land on their long legs :D
yeah I would watch the end of the world
imagine seeing a huge comet coming onto the earth
You are right, the US said something today about how they will not support Kurds west of the Euphrates river (Jarablus is on the western side of the Euphrates river). I can't find the source.
My thoughts of the future in northeast Syria aligned with this guy's, I just read it.
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mom but I’m literally in shock from the Turkish invasion tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is America letting this happen? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want YPG in power to fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought we were winning in Manbij???? This is so fucked.
of course gondolas feel
I don't remember this from Genesis's discography.
the VR one gets me
what a fucking sad life
Iran used to have a sizeable Aryan population around the time of Zoroaster.
Chill out, go to google earth and look how close Jarablus is from Turkey's border town Karkamis. (Karkamis, population 3000, border checkpoint town with Jarablus) Literally .3 miles of road from Karkamis to Jarablus. See this picture? They are on a hill east or west of Karkamis and all they had to do was move over the hill and are practically in Jarablus.
There is no 'invasion' of Turkey moving in Syria. As much as we know now on the internet, Turkey is holding Jarablus.
Also as much as we know, Turkey only intends to not let the Kurds hold territory that will touch Turkey's border. Turkey doesn't want to have Kurdish country touching their border. Syria will end up enveloping the Kurdish country, and Turkey will border Syria. You know what I mean right?
Its pasta
I figured it was, but whatever.
Better than us right now tbh
Seriously, they would have to recruit almost every healthy male 26 and under before they would come to my age group, and I would have a medical exemption by that point Cock too Sore
you think if youre not getting drafted youre gonna be able to shitpost on Holla Forums? lmao
lol my great grandfather got drafted at 40 and fought in operation cobra and killed 18 year old krauts he died later in the battle of the bulge, oldfags get drafted though
Pure speculation ahead, but I think this is a solid pre-happening:
Working assumptions:
Turkey is likely just securing their border, which is their right. I think Turkey has been in bed with ISIS to some degree, and maybe gotten and STD from it just like every other middle-eastern/north african and overseas government.
Should Assad fall, Syria will become another Iraq. It technically is already, but it is just Assad stopping every foreign power from slicing up Syria as they see fit. This is also the reason I believe Turkey won't go too far beyond securing their border - they want a destabilized Syria to expand Turkish interests. If Syria were to become a Turkish colony, then Iraq would eventually collapse to Turkish rule as well.
Without Turkish intervention in Syria, I fully anticipate that:
This isn't even factoring in the risk that ISIS will create their own Saudi Arabia, which will be shit for everyone.
I fully expect that Turkey will secure their border and just wait. They can't take action against the Kurds because the know foreign eyes are on the Kurdish forces at the moment, and they have a lot of support in the west. If they do try and remove kurds, they'll be accused of armenian genocide 2.0 and, at the least, be heavily sanctioned, at "worst" best get gangraped by both the bear and eagle.
But because of Turkey's reluctance to give a shit about ISIS until now and the real possibility of a Kurdish state in former Syria, I believe that Turk interests are only really to prevent their actual sworn enemies, the Kurds, from gaining independence.
Also know that a Kurdish state would try and extend into Iraq, since they historically belong there as well. Not so much Iran, although Kurdish history is there as well, because that's a different kettle of fish
Don't think you've been paying too much attention. They had a ceasefire essentially with Assad saying they'd be given autonomy but then a couple days ago the Kurds attacked Assad's territory that was only loosely defended because it was far away from the rest of his territory. Then this today. I don't think Assad will give them a second chance.
This is the music if anyone was wondering.
Arnhem Knights from Medal of Honor: Frontline
Turkey is kebab but at least it's not jew like Trump.
Shit bait aside, read the fucking OP.
Their doing it for Israel.
honestly I probably just go and watch some leaves blowing in the breeze and feed some squirrels corn on the cob with peanut butter
If hillary wins, i might actually leave the country. Sell all muh shiney metal, donate muh funs to a friend burger of mine and move back home to ukraine, because ww3 is certain at that point and I'd rather die fighting alongside my hohol family
But I'd stick around till at least inauguration to see if i can get in on dat civil war
TRUMP 2016
You know, I noticed something
National Socialism.
Literally everyone hates kurts and wants to see them breath in some sweet chemical weapons. Top heh.
Its the Turks and Iranians fault, if they had given the Kurds a homeland there wouldn't be all this shit going on.
Don't you mean awesomely user?
Clearly it means Hitler was the wolf of the german people
I will also check your ID
Selective service is for 18-45 year olds you retard
Plus women are no subject to it
are now*
Lol if you are fighting for America you are not fighting for anyone's volk. Maybe Israel's
"stop citing laws for we are carrying swords" t. pompey to the men of carthage
Very nice taste
Holy shit that's right women are subject to the draft now.
This was the plan all along. The white race is so screwed holy shit. Who could look me in the eye and not say there is a collaborated effort to kill us?
False attack report. It was ISIS forces (Isreali Intelligence)
this is what is going to happen, screenshot this if you doubt me
>American normies never giving a real fuck that Zbigniew Brzezinski armed the Taliban/started Al-Qaeda against the Commies and is an advisor to Obama, who literally did the same thing in Syria that he did in Afghanistan (with the next of [email protected]/* */ and [email protected]/* */)
>[email protected]/* */ confirmed by burgerland normies to be a crook
>FBI does cool stuff, and actually makes it nearly impossible for anyone to be, I'm with her.
The multitude of ff that will happen are going to be the make or break for the normies of the western world, and will severely push Trump, Stein, or [email protected]/* */ into majority popularity.
Polls are nearing a SOLID 60% for Trump. The establishment wants it to drop down to 40% to secure their candidate. THEY DO NOT WANT TRUMP TO BE POTUS ~ THEY WANT US TO BECOME ISOLATIONIST. Increase the amount of pozzed normies. More migrants from the middle east. Refugees. Immigrants of central/south America.
Trump will globalize the country more than the establishment will, but towards a Conservative/Eurasian alignment. This isn't what (((they))) want… looking for us to sink. Trump will save the country from sinking and will purge this country. If he becomes potus… the ff attempts and actions will be outrageous. Normies love a good ff-op.
It was Franck Pourcel, I'm a huge faggot please rape my face
A Jew?
nice dubs
Son, this implies that Turkroaches haven't evolved at all. Rest of the world is doing just fine. Also
Nigga you have down syndrome so bad you probably have up, left and right syndrome too.
Hello DarwinCuck
It doesn't have to be ISIS, but another form of attack dog in the region. Something that you can't fight back at without starting a new war, and something which the US can build new bases in with the support of the government.
Again, similar to Kosovo. Kinda like when the KLA moved over the borders a couple years ago, attacked Macedonia, and blew up some Russian gas lines. Similar shit will happen here: Kurd army will go to Turkey or wherever they need to, attack Russian assets, and then retreat back. Meanwhile NATO or the US has a base set up there in case shit goes wrong. You can't attack, because you're attacking an independent nation which has NATO bases in it.
They lost nukes in Turkey? Great, they'll build a new base in Kurdland, and move the nukes there. Even closer to Russia.
Would be funny if Russia just said they'd glass Israel if anyone tried to shoot a nuke at them. Basically a reverse Samson.
It's not closer to Russia.
Usually write short stories for Holla Forums. First webm for WWIII
Let me know what you think.
There is a literal Syrian National Socialist Party in Syria right now, it's the largest political group after the ruling Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party
Was WWI a giant free-for-all for the Congo?
That's very interesting, because there have been major (memoryholed) wars over that region ever since WWII, killing over 10 million total. They (the west via proxies) were fighting over the Congo's precious mineral reserves that were unique and essential to modern computers and technology.
BONUS: Orthodox Church approved national socialists.
They're real bros because they said they won't do anything to destablize the baath's during the invasion crisis.
Isn't China now investing there like crazy?
I want to believe
also, checked
have we reached the promised lands?
Nobody likes an attention seeker user. If it's worth the praise, it will receive it.
Also, a vast amount of people viewing threads are lurkers.
7/10 webm, not bad.
He will go from high 50s, to low 60s % IF and when the cee,eye,aye approved leaks are leaked. Normies will start to see her more and more as the corrupt person she is and her probability of become the next potus will drop significantly.
The variables:
These are EXTREMELY unlikely scenarios. But the possibility is there, although slim.
95% chance that the agendas will set out this this path -
not (although nice dubs bubs)
Based Assad will prevail.
fucking roaches
The J stands for Jews, right?
RT live stream in Jarablus
question to you burgers here
how come in all the video footage of the most dangerous US/BRIT WW2 operations I see there are no niggers involved?
all the soldiers are white
I though the niggers wuz kangs and helped defeat nazi germany?
tbh i assume, like always, the majority of draftees were white
they probably brought in the niggers in after the fighting was done to occupy europe and enjoy looting and raping
Why does the Leopard 2 in the back have the deep wading snorkel/turret mounted? That's so the tank can drive through water deeper than the tank is tall, they're in the fucking desert, why do they have the deep wading shit mounted?
Laws are only for the little people, user.
They repurposed it to a roach throne because they are fucking savages
war HAS changed. Instead of regular armies fighting each other, its just several different groups of terrorists and small cells being controlled by several different groups/governments.
This isnt WWIII, its just another round of a shitty proxy war.
also, king nigger will use BLM events to hold onto power longer if he can.
they are??? when did this happen?
they are
but this is never going to happen
no women are going to get drafted into a major war..
the law will be forgotten once the war starts
map update
ISIS i am disappoint
Mehmet plz go. You'll never make full/pol/ like cockroaches.
So much for gender equality.
If you can see it is current year. …. oaths voided!
yeah, what a great ministry of communications.
what a shit game tbh
I do not get this meme still, are you people posting Oathbreaker ironically?
hi kid
kek can not be bought by either side. he does not care for either one of them as he doesn't give aqshit about worldly matters. all that matters, is the roll of the dice for the game. people always fall for the same bs: praise kek? what a bunch of bullshit. you may well praise your new god, the fake golden calf. but first, you got to deal with the coming war. not many will be left after that anyway….
Them shitting on Earth Defense Force was the final straw. Mark the kike deserves all the shitposting he gets. Sage for off topic rage.
yet the same cunts
despite never having played any of the classics when they came out, claim to LOVE them
these cunts were not even born when FF7 or OOC came out, yet they act as if they are experts on these games
they are not true gamers like us
they are just following hypes
if in a week one of their faggy youtube ecelebs makes a video praising Medal of Honor front line
the same cunt trying to shit on it here
will claim how much he loves the game
how he played it with his father growing up or some shit
They can't seem to grasp that there is a subset of "gamers" that would rather burn down every game that was made past 2007 and just redo it all over again.
>tfw listening to DDR megamixes to remember the good times during CURRENT YEAR
this is what I played with my Dad
Best Dad
>mfw I moved away at the age of 16 to escape the cholos and to this day I feel like I abandoned him and left him to the metzos
New Syrian War General for those interested
I wouldn't doubt it.
the north is getting ready
That kind of porn belongs on redtube
lots of .mil shit on that channel, but in the end it's more or less the same tech crap with different names, with a few serious exceptions not shown ofc. no country would show those
Noice. Looks like it's time to check liveleak for brand new videos of roaches being blown up
I would die for my kids, my wife and to wipe both Islam and Marxism from the very universe itself.
nigger I was born in 90
I bet you believe in 6000 years old as well.
Those are some ugly Turks.
Ok, so whenever I think I have the war in Syria all figure out, something new and seemingly senseless happens.
After going back a bit and trying to figure out what has been happening, I have arrived at a plausible explanation of what the fuck Erdogan is doing, why, and what the possible objective is.
As we all know, over the past two months or so there has been a resurgance in the offensive by the government, as well as SDF.
1. Government forces nearly succeeded in surrounding Aleppo, the main point of contention, as well as the biggest single drain of men an material in this war. It has been the main focus for both the SAA and the FSA for almost the entire duration of the war, and victory for either side would have rather decisive consequences - possibly marking the beginning of the end of the seemingly endless war.
2. SDF has been slowly but steadily wrapping up ISIS positions, completely eliminating their foothold along most of northern Syria, reducing them to a single major supply route to Turkey, and pushing past Euphrates. This continued advance poses a serious threat of ISIS being cut off, therefore eliminating resupply from Turkey, as well as potentially creating strong Kurdish positions along the entire Syria-Turkey border. (See: Kurdish vector).
Seeing the situation as is, it is completely understandable that Turkey would pick this moment for a direct intervention, with the following goals:
1. Stopping the Kurdish advance westward. This is supported by the FSA giving the SDF a 10-day ultimatum to evacuate all positions west of the Euphrates (See: FSA vector)
2. Securing a second front for the SAA forces in Aleppo. ISIS seems to be under no direct Turkish control, and their involvement in the battle of Aleppo has been pretty much nil, instead focusing on the battles with the Kurds in the east. Therefore, replacing ISIS in the north-eastern Aleppo province, or at least securing a corridor for FSA forces would make sense as a way to relive Aleppo.
So, in TL;DR: Turkey is invading to stop Kurds from going too far west, and to relieve Aleppo.
I guess we have to come back to this theory in a month, and see how accurate it was.
I misread, the actual time is 3 days
The game was ok. I liked the fact that you went behind enemy lines and did solo missions but I have at least 5 other WW2, ps2-era games that are similar and did similar shit.
Unless Holla Forumseddit has changed isn't that what those faggots are? "GAME INDUSTRY MUST DIE SO MUH 1985 MARIO GAMES CAN BE MADE AGAIN" or some faggot shit like that?\
And they were all Medal of Honor games
Anyone with sense is that way, new games have been dumbed down and are pozzed as fuck. Also Holla Forums definitely leans conservative even if most aren't full 1488 so I wouldn't call them reddit
Nigger, what?
Someone should add latin "frater".
White only in terms of skin-color. Americans use "white" as a synonym for "european". If they're from the levant, they're not european and therefore not white by american standards.
Seem white to me or at least what I consider white. Every time I look at them my brain defaults to thinking they're white.
Wrong thread for this.
whats this from?
The mystic jew is real!
Oy vey!
its a new show like pimp my ride
but this time its about == MAJOR LEAGUE SWAGOUTS ==
k, whats it called?
seach the catalog for MDE world peace
my brother, someone here wants to be redpilled. sometimes we need to deny the instinct to shitpost.
swag-out bro its on HGTV, what you don't watch tv or something?
Could someone screencap please?
I'm almost 40 and can't into computers properly.
This sounds correct but I wonder if the Turks will openly engage the SAA or if they'll only enable the "FSA", probably the latter.
Do you think Turkey is working purely in its own interest or does this reflect a greater allegiance to NATO/US? Erdogan was openly blaming the US for harboring Gulen but some other anons claim that has been memory-holed in Turkey.
open wide grandpa here comes the airplane
I don't know anything, I am just presenting an alternate hypothesis to the anons claiming this must mean Turkey has gone over to team red. Any more precise predictions are full of shit until the situation becomes a bit clearer.
Friday,August 26 2016,
Turkish PM declares 'total war' against terrorism after Cizre attack
Another possibility, considering the lack of Russian response and the false flag, is that Turkey will create an FSA enclave on the Euphrates, which will then be used to attack the Kurds. Then they can settle something in a peace treaty with the government, having massively weakened the Kurds' position.
The meaning of nation has been diluted on purpose. Western Turks are calling the eastern Kurds part of their "nation" when actually they're only both part of an ephemeral political entity called "Turkey".
"Nation" from latin "Natus": to be born from; race/kin/tribe.
Nom nom nom.
Thank you.