How much do you relate to him Holla Forums?.
NHK Thread
Not at all. He has friends. He's just a failed normalfag.
No one cares
Pick one.
Hes basically a normalfag that one day became a hikki so hes not very relatable to actual shut ins.
He didn't even know about internet porn or video games for fuck sake, the neighbor was a more relatable character and the anime should have been about him instead of the normalfag.
way too much
never had a girlfriend
Pick one.
He only had two friends so hes more of a neet than a hikki.
I was neet for few years and used to have vivid imagination and be passionate about stuff and i have anxiety, so i can relate to him. I know this feeling when after long period of lonelenes your head starts to drift into delusional world.
On other hand i am much more closed person, than he.
But still i like this character a lot
I relate to his MGTOW friend more.
Except how he immediately buckles for the first succubus who tries to manipulate him.
His voice is weird. He sounds 10 years younger than his character portrays.
That's because he's voiced by a girl. I think it might be the 40 year old chick who does Naruto. I would have used the subbed clip but I couldn't find it.
uninstall life
You mean like 98% of mgtows, and the rest of you lot?
Yeah it sounds like her, which makes this a shit dub.
Resistance goes up with exposure. The divorce-hardened MGTOWs are more likely to turn down the roast, but we have an innate weakness that must be overcome somehow.
The fact is we are fighting a long and difficult battle for male sovereignty against nature and we need massive R&D programs to get our antiroasty technology up to snuff.
Sad shit if you really hate all women because a few are bad.
Oh, you're a woman…
Well, since women aren't really people, I'll just use your posts as an instructive exercise for my fellow males here.
Do you see how this roastie just singled me out and shamed me for sticking up for men? That's because women–yes, ALL WOMEN–are soulless, callous snakes when it comes to men. It's their nature to deceive, eat, and devour us.
When you're no longer of use to them, they'll twist the knife in you and move on. Their love is a facade.
Only males are capable of actual love, i.e. loyalty, and cruel nature has given us the weakness to project our own qualities onto women. But they are empty vessels. Simulacrums. They don't see as you see or feel as you feel.
The solution is to find a method to satisfy our desire for real love, the love that only we can experience and know exists, in ways that don't lead to our abuse and exploitation. That is the meaning of male liberation and, as I interpret it, the ultimate aim of MGTOW.
Join our just cause, brethren. No longer should we suffer the world on our shoulders and the thankless recriminations of the roastie menace. With sex robots and artificial wombs, no roastie will direct a male sovereign again.
He should join the beta uprising.
Not all English dubs are bad you fucking weeb autist.
Doesn't she also do Sunohara on Clannad?.
Great post user.
well that one certainly is
This one is.
Outlaw Star's is legit great.
Probably one of the top 5 dubs ever.
I didn't say their weren't good dubs, personally DBZ/Funimation produces some of the best dubs in the anime scene, then there's Avatar/Korra.
Fucking what?
Funimation's dub is absolutely awesome, sorry but that's exactly how Goku. I will admit that Sunrise fucked up Gundam Seed with shitty voice acting.
You do realize that the story happens in 2001, right?
I guess I can technically agree, but it just seems like I'm always hearing the same set of VAs from series to series, with little variation in performance. I've never actually watched DBZ because it's fucking trash.
This is true for japanese dubs, especially if you watch shonen, look up Rie Kugimiya, she's everywhere but talented.
It's just alright I've heard worse.
That wasn't as half funny as you expected.
Confirmed woman. All women have a terrible sense of humor.
too much tbh
Kill yourself
no he's voiced by a man
I used to more. Though I'm still a lazy fuck like Sato.