Does Holla Forums believe in a after life?

does Holla Forums believe in a after life?

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fuck I hope there isn't, but there is I want to go to silent hill

Silent Hill's sucking right now

What's wrong with an afterlife?

the silent hill of silent hill 2

your brain is the generator of consciousness, after your brain is dead, then your consciousness goes away. It is the most likely thing to happen.
I find comfort in idea the dark, unthinking state of death.
The problem with the afterlife is being aware forever, the problem with reincarnation is I don't fucking want to go through this shit again.


you wouldn't be aware.

The weird thing about it is that when your in oblivion, time doesn't exist. One moment your out, the next moment your awake again.

That's why you woke up in birth after an infinite time has gone by. When you die, only two possibilities exist, you wake up, or you don't wake up. And since time is infinite, infinite things can happen, such as you existing again.

People may be afraid of not existing, but what I'm scared of more is burning for eternity. That's a million times worse than just snoozing forever.

I'm certain that YOLO is a lie. We live in a multiverse, as science tells us. There are likely higher forms of being than even human life. Life is a test; perform well with what you were given, and you move up - perform poorly, you move down.

This is what gets me. The inter-scraping spectum of the universe knows no bounds, it just keeps glading by with you not existing anymore. Death scares me shitless.

In some faiths, evil souls are discarded and nonbeing is the ultimate form of punishment.

hmm… maybe I will awake up in silent hill after all, but I still hope for nothing

then their followings haven't thought about it in any great degree

The thing is though, you probably aren't really your physical body/brain at all. You're most likely something much greater than that. I think the fact that you are only aware of certain parts of your brain while only being able to control other parts kinda disproves the idea that you're only your brain. It's more likely that you're a spiritual being in a temporary human life.

When you die and leave your body, you might have the choice to reincarnate or just simply observe the world, according to new age beliefs. You don't have to immediately reincarnate anyways.

I'd be more terrified by eternal suffering than anything, truth be told. When your completely oblivious, darkness doesn't exist. Nothing really does, actually, just a perpetual state of rest where you will never be bothered at all.

I find the eternal nothingness more boring than anything else. It's like a movie with no closure or anything, just an abrupt ending. But I'd rather be bored than be in agony.

Or you might rest for billions and billions of years more, until the universe goes through the bang again and come back when many billions of years have passed again. Could be another possibility.

well, even if that happens, it won't be me.

Well, it will still be "you", I guess. But what you will be will be far from what you once were. You won't even remember what you were doing in your past life, and you'll be a different person for sure. It'll be as if you never were before.

that won't be me anymore then a parallel version of myself will be me.

Eh, you never know. If God doesn't exist, then your life was a result of randomness. The way the universe plays again out could be random, and what you are born into would be random again.

I am deist. Hard to believe if there's a after life or just cease to exist.
I believe in God(s) but does it concern our afterlife if we die? We'd throw away robots and build new ones. So maybe it'll be the same to us.
Just stone thinking.

To put this into perspective, think about this.
Silent Hill is an amazing franchise, but it once was nothing more than an idea in a man's head.

Everything is here. The stars, the planets, the galaxies, the everything. You are fully aware of a small part of this massive universe, thinking, perceiving, and remembering. You are even aware of the fact that you are here, you are aware of the self. But existence was once just an idea in God's mind (if he's real, of course).

Some spirits probably just choose to lurk moar than to live life in a vessel. They're the outsiders that watch a shitty forum congregate IRL.
