If you let the enemy choose the field, or force you into a field that is not advantageous to you when they would otherwise have to fight on your terms, you are giving them additional chances to defeat you that they would not otherwise have.

Other urls found in this thread:




I'm actually reading 48 Laws of Power right now. Interesting shit

And useful beyond historical military applications.

Having someone declare something publicly increases the chance of consistent behavior at a later point. This is because humans are wired to be consistent in how they act, as that is seen as more "stable" and "sane". This was often used with american prisoners in communist china. The prisoners were tasked with writing some positive aspects of communism and negative aspects of capitalism. They would then be tasked with meeting together and reading what they had written. This caused an underlying change in them as several of them later went on to become communists to follow through with their perceived public behavior to maintain an appearance of "consistency."

Most modern colleges now require you to take courses on socially marxist subjects such as "privilege." Both the act of writing something down and stating it publicly increases the chance of compliance toward the subject written/discussed.

Strange, that has never worked on me. You sure about this one? It helps remember but not necessarily agree with.

It more pertains to a certain percentage of the average population. The fact that you're HERE posting right now means you're a rare outlier. So a lot of the basic stuff that is used on the common idiot probably doesn't work on you.

Great job not being a sheep!

I only wish I could save more others. It is constant work.

Here's the pdf, I recommend saving it:


Video synopsis by HagbardCeline

Bumping with literature


Download each folder/file at a time if you don't have a Mega account (the whole folder is over the 10 GB limit)



After you finish 48 laws and finding ways to practice it daily I recommend reading "getting to yes" to red pill normies

= Edward Snowden

= Alex Jones

Normalizing bad info to make it seem consistent in the public's eyes

You would think Trump knows yet he still softened his immigration policies to appeal to mexishits

it's nigger tier macchiavelism. don't bother reading it, you can just listen to 50 cent narrating.

or you could consider it to be better than courtly suggestions

Have fun losing

have fun relying on the same tactics as rappers who have to make up words because they cant learn the ones that already exist

what are you even talking about (thanks for the bump)

Pretty smart, OP.

This is good, too.

How did he do that?

there's an audio version of green's book narrated by half a dollar nigger

so what?
if niggers started outting jews that wouldnt make jews any less kikey

actually, i made a mistake. green and 50 cent wrote a biography together, inspired by 48 laws called "the 50th law"…makes it even worse, though.

you mean two quarter coon?