Is there an image like these for lefties that will link a giant wall of text (that may have no point in it at all) as a rebuttal instead of constructing their own rebuttal that will address your point?
MS Paint Warfare
First one has the right art style. Now all we need is some hook noses.
It's just as easy to make your own. Pic related, it's OC hot off the press just for you user
thats my first oc pls no bully
It's kinda shitty tbh. I do see what you're getting at but it took me a second. aint no leftist got time to stop and think about why all dem funny symbolz
wtf these aren't even funny like what??
Yeah OP didn't specify the subject so I did my best with what I had. Maybe I'll try some variations tonight. I'm more of a research guy, this kind of rhetoric-based assault isn't my thing.
sage for off topic
i think one of the most important and obvious things is pointing out double think.
Brit/pol/ pls go.
here you go OP, fresh from the meme machine
I'm not sure why I haven't saved more of these.
I wish I had a printer, I want to just litter college campuses with this shit.
anyone else get a Doug vibe from some of these?
I love Counter-Signalling memes.
The problem with 90% of these is that they are too complex for the average "normie". If you disagree with the points being made in these pictures, you're just going to scroll past, because most people are too lazy to read long winded, ironic paragraphs insulting them. OP's second picture is perfect because it is short, sweet, and to the point. The rest are too convoluted to be anything other than in jokes, which is fine, but people try to use these specific pictures to "redpill the normies". It isn't effective.
OC, plz no bully.
that first pic
I'd just like to point out how great so many of these are.
Shitty OC. People just spamming this and hoping it sticks? Just as bad as Hillary is a spider.
Here's Common Cuck
Insisting that these people are fringe is naive at best, delusional at worse.
The fact that you can be a bug chaser and have people defend you in the current year shows what kind moral state we are in.
Actually the aztecs in mexico did have writing
The incas in peru and bolivia didn't tho
I know you think you're being witty but Common Cuck does exactly what you're mocking. If you dare call him out on anything, he either labels you a fag or a faglover.
They are fringe, you stupid fuck. Fags and furfags and traps and weirdos aren't mainstream. You just think they are because you fall for Jew propaganda like a good little christcucked goy.
They're not mainstream in towns yet, but they are very mainstream in universities, urban, and metropolitan areas like Austin and San Francisco.
CF lives in California, so I can see why he sees the poz.
Can confirm as a fellow Commifornian. This state really is the worst of the worst though and I don't think it's really fair to judge society as a whole based on what's going on in San Fagcisco and big name universities.
I don't think that post was necessarily defending CF, but rather trying to rationalize why he is the way he is.
I know these will bristle some johnnies among the fanbois, but who the fuck cares.
Meh, that has become unfortunately true.
please kill yourself Holla Forums, these are not even memes they are just faceberg-tier trash comics.
this is the most cancerous forced meme in months and btw ms paint is for kike cocksuckers, install GIMP at least.
10/10, this entire thread.
I concur. More memes like this