Brit/pol/ #1162: Purge the traitors edition


Does Brexit mean Brexit?

""""British""""" woman stabbed by Muslim in Australia

Other urls found in this thread:,_1st_Baron_Ironside

First for getting >>>/fit/ and finding a 3d waifu!

You can practice on Slavs first.


Why lad?

What help do you need?

5th for the best career in the world

I promised that yesterday I would change things for good, forcing myself to do things(excercise, cold showers, nofap etc), I'm going to do it and I'll never give up AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH

What are the chances that girl was a another pseudo-intellectual on her gap year bleating about open-minds and experiencing diverse cultures?


Start with a diet. Pic related.

Keto is actually pretty good. Though in the beginning I couldn't stomach all that fat tbh


Just enjoy a nice meal lad.

Lads I suddenly realised this morning that over the period of the past 2 years I've forgotten how to smile. Like I have to make an effort to fake it every time and it feels unnatural because i'm so used to glowering at pakis and niggers and depressing news. I look at old photos and I look naturally happy now I look dead behind the eyes in every photo of me. I want to have that back. Anyone else know this feel? I honestly never ever noticed this before.

My breakkie yesterday.


I don't know. There is plenty of humor on the alt-right.

I've just never been a smiley person tbh. It doesn't have much to do with my emotional mood since I'm only rarely sad. It gets annoying because people ask me what's wrong even when I'm happy.

morning lads

Oh don't get me wrong, I love coming here for the keks but it's very different to being in public with normies and having them point out how miserable I look even when I think i'm putting on a happy face.

Here are the links I was going to dump

British QT murdered by "French" man as he shouted Allahu Ackbar

Migrant Dies in Brawl at Calais

(((Owen Smith)))) wants second EU referendum before Brexit deal happens

Richard Branson gives Labour delegates 20% discounts in response to the train fiasco

Kikes sold weapons to Argentina at the height of the Falkland War

Ok, I get what you mean. It is more difficult to laugh with the normies when you know the truth.

Good links. Thanks.

Good morning. You woke up in the Narnia on acid.

Why did you put echos round Owen Smith's name? The Welsh only look like Jews

Our country is the most beautiful.




No I didn't tbh

kek lads

I'm going to eat 4 burgers and some peas for breakfast

is this good enough?

He's married to a jew

how do you even get to that lighthouse?

Source? Elizabeth Wood doesn't sound like a very Jewish name

she has the brackets

Narnia on acid is a tryhard forced meme that isn't gaining any traction. Time to find a new dead horse to flog.

haven't even heard of it

Based on literally no evidence that I can find

Yanks get out.

There's an american actress with the same name who's married to a Jew, but that's all I can find. Think it's a false positive

he met his wife when he was 16 at school in Wales.

Fucking hell, whilst healthy, there is no art involved in that lad. We're not fucking Danes or Swedes ffs.

Those are some nice conifers and those ferns are quite lovely.


Imagine if the London SWPLs dream came true and London became independent

That's a gay looking dish tbh

Just avoid
Fast Food
Snacking between meals

And have
3 Solid meals a day
Regular exercise

Not that complicated lads

Dunno lad, there seems to be a lot of shame from losing your capital to the xenos

We'd take it back some day m8, after the rest of the country was sorted out.

West Midlands Police have their Most Wanted on a flickr account

What a time to be alive


What about those of us trapped in London?

if memory serves there is a tunnel that leads underground going to that lighthouse, it's near isle of wight i think.


For the greater good tbh user.

Why do Spanish women always look a bit dazed?


ehhh… is all those siestas they take ehh….

they are a lazy race

diverse blessing

She was a half-chink lad

Tanned with white skin tbh


I've been to Latin America before one of the whiter parts and they all just seemed a bit out of it. Makes fucking one of them a bit odd tbh


That's depressing. Can't even afford a proper website. I also noticed there were no pajeets.

That was kinda shocking. Scrolling down and suddenly afro-nig appears.

tfw she's always high and the sex is terrible because of it

Why must you mock me god?

Bored lads, #bookielife

Your gums are probably not being cared for well tbh, or you brush too hard likely both

Probably because you're having sex out of wedlock.


Youve already put your willy in her
Youre going to have to marry her m8

Prepare for normies

it's pretty sexist
only two women! Romanians btw
clear gender bias against men in policing

lad, ditch the stoner.
they only drag you down.

you can do better

I never said marry her, lad. You're having premarital sex with a degenerate, surely god does not like this.

We must work harder toward sending more worthless cunts to prison.

thanks for posting your video, adam.
are you getting paid in for your views yet?
it's hard to make it as a pundit.
it looks like Gords is incredibly more successful than you.
that must be a bit depressing


I was thinking about this, user.

Do you lads not think the whole problem with us lot is that we aren't ruthless enough? That we're too kind, merciful, basically humanists (against all evidence or reason) in temperament?

I keep thinking of that meme with all the flags yelling ">le anglokike" "gib malvinas", "muh potato famine" etc., and it's like… if we were even half as bad as they say we are, wouldn't they just not exist? Do they know what the Romans did to upstarts?

I don't think I could ever convince someone into understanding what I mean but I'm genuinely starting to believe the British Empire died from excessive kindness.

One thing about yanks I like is their drug laws, if you live in a very (((diverse))) neighbourhood, you can just plant drugs on them and they get 3 years.

It died from too much debnts lad

Doesn't even have to be diverse tbh, plant drugs on those who deserve it.

we're too civilised


Meth is a terrible drug. It feels good, but if you allow it to take control of you, you're done.

Only another 6 hours and 40 minutes until I can go home lads!

Wasn't that Hitlers critique of the Empire. Too much desire to be legitimate.

The Empire collapsed due to the UK's advantages declining and overspending

Morning News

BACKPACKER KILLING: British woman stabbed to death by knifeman ‘chanting Allahu Akbar’
>A BRITISH woman has been stabbed to death by "a French man" who was allegedly chanting “Allahu Akbar” during the attack.

Brexit: Owen Smith opposes Article 50 move without vote

Remainers 'blinded by Europhilia' to new opportunities says ex-Thatcher press guru

Is that what you meant by 'ram-packed', Jeremy? Corbyn mocked on Twitter after Branson released CCTV footage showing empty seats on train despite Labour leader's claim that he was forced to sit on the floor

Calais: One Dead, Several Injured in Migrant Brawl


What's wrong with that.

Honestly lads when you look at our state funded trains and private virgin trains, it's obvious which one is better.

I've stopped lad, I swear. I've even made peace with Jesus.

>always very popular, lots of girlseven though he was a fag too

Nice lad

it's a shame, but tbh it feels kind of nice when sticking to your moral compass pays off

b-but there was a vote
on June 23rd
we were all there

didn't count lad :^)

Referendums are only legitimate with the right result

Filtered for being a racist tbh

Why has the left wing of this country done a 180 and now supports the EU?

Students who live EU gibsmedats and old fogey marxists with dimentia
Do not lose that Falklands article lads. Although it was obvious before, this is solid proof that the jews have been actively arming Britain's enemies for decades.

This should be very useful for combating all the Breitbart-tier zionist "nationalists" we see these days. Fuck Israel tbh.

Mornin' lads



Wouldn't put it past him tbh, afterall guardian is his favourite paper

She has officially gone mad


desperate tbh.
this is the SNP's final shot at independence



Looks like the EU commission is going to try and drag these talks out as long as possible and make it as untenable in the EU as possible for Britain. Dicks.

The feed the globalism they claimed to hate 10-15 years ago.

still worth it

Being for globalism is being left wing these days.

This century will be about the world going nationalist or globalist.

Globalism has nothing to do with the political or economic left, these people are retards.

This is the most confusing thing about the whole brexit debate for me

i remember the WTO protests in 1999 that were all about stopping free trade agreements
now the left want them?

Isn't communism based on getting rid of the nation state?

The group identified as "left" aka the majority of idiots that just repeat what they hear and live according the way they have been taught are, however, quite keen on globalism, though.

Passing cosmetic similarities don't mean idiological similarities.

The nation state, the family unit, the religion, the culture, everything that would prevent sweet, sweet equality of mediocrity and gray gooishness. Except for the state, because we're gonna need some intellectuals :^) to actually ensure that this happens.

Lad we're at a point now where advocating for a nation state is considered horribly right wing.



Fucking Leech, his days are numbered.

this million dollar extreme competition was a mistake

Israeli treachery against Britain made possible by the US continually funding Israel

Get a load of this cuck
He was "a government lawyer"….

Is he just putting up flyers? Hard to tell what he's doing because of the retarded editing

The Times is honestly no better than the Guardian tbh

he wants to be in MDE i think

good luck my lads
ron paul was right
the happening will be rising in magnitudes every year now untl america falls

Deus Vult

so, what made brit/pol/ full of leftist cucks?


yer mums fat ass tbh


If by "yer mums fat ass tbh" you mean Muslim invaders raping your women and children while your government makes sure you cannot rebel, you are correct, Percy. Well played, indignant conqueror of the seven seas.

"Theresa May Will Make The UK Great Again"

It has diet soda in it as well.

Diet confirmed bullshit

turn your proxy off cunt

Total nazis!

Who's best lads?

French are not fucking having it

who /woke/ here?


Proxies are for cucks who lives in countries with governments that hunt them down for saying mean things on the internet.

He looks like he has aids, is he a fanook?

Death to super national organisations tbh

Canada Australia UK and NZ should all be one country.

TRT spend 45 minutes talking about Gordon from this point on.


Ever thought of taking up some sort of hobby, lad?


absolute losers tbh


ha! looks like gords is on the rise
he'll make a living off this after all

balls lad, thats all you need to raise

stop using alarm clocks tbh fam
you dream nightly no matter what

What's the fucking point? Talking about a 0 influence lolcow won't improve their failing shitshow.
It's shit.

They are rightfully our land

Might makes right, faggot. Conquer it if you want it.


Justin Turdeau defends the burkini
….Canada full cuck ahead

Fuck off. You're as bad as these 'FREE MOVEMENT WITH AUS/NZ' cucks.

How much money do you lads think Gord makes off his videos and shit?

lads is she a hapa or what?

she's clearly a quintessential of some kind.

Already have and will do again


Just you wait m8

I have a job, but not really any hobbies tbh. I used to but not anymore. I use my free time browsing online or watching stuff I've torrented. I am off today so haven't set the alarm. I was just dreaming - tacked on to the end of an unrelated dream - briefly about my morning routine, and about a fear of Shariah May Jewing us all, which is very real. Sheesh, didn't expect to have my subconscious scrutinised after posting this.

Smh tbh fam. I have fun dreams all the time.

I don't see the relevance of this to my post.

I'd like an anglo trade deal with some immigration perks like longer visas but fuck freedom of movement or having to dictate policy to them that's just heading for disaster.

at least archive lad

Kek. Trust a guy who actually fucks asians to be so much of a cuck that he halves the last name with his wife's child.

Together we could become the world leading superpower we deserve to be.

That episode was probably their best I've ever heard. The Gordo sound bytes they kept dropping were hilarious

The best bit was probably Ghoul talking about having to drive around a 500lb+ morbidly obese black woman who couldn't walk in his ambulance while his also obese paramedic assistants fed her cookies, and he slowly begins to warm to the possibility of crashing the ambulance and killing everyone inside.

Free movement for white anglo's would be great. Most normal people in the UK have relatives in one of if not several of those countries. The British diaspora needs to be reunited after our period of globalist wankery. Together we are strong, and we are very lucky that we have several nations on Earth whose populations assimilate completely into ours and vice versa, and who share the same values, language and even head of state. Most nations don't even have one other country where that is possible. I don't mean within generations, I mean a white ozzie can come to the UK and immediately fit in and banter. It's great.

He gloated about £8 a month last time I checked.

Although didn't his amount of subs increase by 50% over the last two weeks?

Defintely happa. The double-barrel name means cuck Dad, whose wife wouldn't take his name

I think we should try to further intergrate them together as one, so we may put ourselves back and make us a true world power again. I don't see what's wrong with them having free movement they are our kin

Free-movement is purely ideological and short-sighted. And I say this as someone with a New Zealand passport.

Yeah in an ideal world I would only have white anglos in our countries but that's not how it works user.

When you allow freedom of movement you're letting in all the chinks from Australia and all the Frenchies from Canada.

Wouldn't work tbh

Ok so he's probably making £12 a month. Lel


hey lad you need to be a man
my father was sparse and not really around but i learned how to be the man
it took me a while
all those losers in upper grades and my years trying to force a social hierarchy
but my natural assets, my healthy and height led me to the truth
their degenerate ways helped repel me but the truth was working in unknown ways
back in 10th they tried to make me meet gays in a god damned christian school
i had the option to opt out and did without failing the class - i imagine its terrible these days there are no options

the relevance to your post lad is this:
politcians are weak
they are liars and cucks
they cant handle business so they go government
the corporates and the politicuckians are the same numale weakshits
you can defeat them
do not chase $$$ and digits
seek health and wealth based on nature
you will find true beauty and your undeniable path for this world

So? White Anglos are the vast majority in those countries, this way we don't lose them to the chink invasion etc.

top left 1 is best one, i don't know what is wrong with the lads in this pic.

It means you could be a psycopath, count yourself lucky though because some dreams are horrible and disturbing

I'm thinking long term.

Why is free-movement purely ideological and short sighted.

If you're against free movement for anglo-whites in canzuk you should be against free movement with Scotland, Wales and Norther Ireland.

Honestly I think I'm too caring to be one but I mean I could be if I really think about it

Since I've started nofap, dreams often become wetdreams. Annoying tbh

Lad I'm not going into politics. I have a criminal past that could be used against me. That is if I wasn't just Halal'd in the street. I'll leave it to brave men like Farage.


the chink invasion is real
why do you believe anglos are the only answer
the problem with your post is that you write "white anglos"
you arent on reddit here you are on pol
just write fucking native anglos you pussy beta bitch
you cant be african anglo or dark anglo or any of that shit
nationality is genetic not your passport or your government relationship

I'm sure Aus and New Zealand would be more than happy to have our pakis swamping them

you scared of muslims my fellow europeans?
you need to drop the emotional ruse and go forward by your natural drive
to conquer, to settle/colonize. and to leave your mark on this world

Okay lad misread my post for the third time, whatever.

Maybe we could start an exchange programme

I see where you're coming from lad but the super white-people utopia idea is an implausible and unrealistic one. Most whites don't give a shit about demographics and the larger the state, the more likely it is to be infiltrated by shitskins. This, and the fact that England would continue to be more and more crowded as people flock here, even if they're white.

Is a large city or a small rural village more likely to be loyal and communal?

You have your answer.

your emotions overtake you

This is just larping now, no logic.

Freedom of movement is a jewish/communist concept that is there to devalue the nation state. No ones stopping you from emigrating to Australia user, you just have to be willing to do the legwork.

Harrow on the Hill
…where Churchill went to school
Diversity! We need it

Stop trying to radicalise me lad. I am not even behind 7 proxies yet. Only 4 this morning. I was lazy.


do wetdreams count as breaking nofap? If not, my record is 29 days.

And then we just abandon them and act like we have the same relationship as we do with France or Germany?


I don't get it, are they latinos or asians or both?


What did you do lad?

I originally typed white but then I remembered >muh white race so I added Anglo, chill lad tbh

Never said anything about a utopia, I just want Anglos ruling the world again
You're implying they all want to move here, it could be the very opposite

None of that warrants free-movement, mate. Just because XING PING BONG from Melbourne can't move to my Sussex village on a whim doesn't mean we've abandoned the Aussies tbh.

Flips are just latino asians.

The amount of Chinese is offset by the amounts of Anglos there imo

Wow Fiddy must have fallen on hard times. Why would such a wealthy rap-star ride the underground???

OY VEY!!!!

Beauty and the Baker is Channel 4’s first Hebrew language TV drama as hit Israeli show arrives in the UK

also, the current system in Aus/NZ favours Whites more because you have to be a qualified worker and not some third-world slug that shits out children for a living. That means that those places won't be swamped by Abdul and his 62 wives moving to down under from Birmingham.

i can not chill my lad
i consider all posting here to be redpilled (with a few shills for le USAdf and maybe IDF and RDF) I can not chill when you say anti white shit

No they don't typically. Its not something you can help

andul almost never has more than 4 fucking wives
stop being a cuck

When white countries revolt against globalism as will inevitably happen and nationalism becomes mainstream, we should work as hard as we can to anschluss Ireland and CANZUK into one Imperial Federation, as we should've done a long time ago.

I think free movement that isn't specifically for Anglos only is dogshit.

I originally used the word "White Anglo" not because I was implying there are Black Anglos, but because I wanted to distinguish from say, Poles or Lithuanians living in Canada or NZ.

iktf. I spend all of my spare time on online things or reading books

What's a decent hobby with the potential for meeting qts?

Chinese migration to the UK is already growing, don't need more of it tbh

Also, has anyone else noticed more eastasians in UK adverts? Normalisation probably

Top Queer - Pozzed In The Park
I can see a new show here
t. Danny Cohen

I agree but that wouldn't happen right now, maybe one day but I think it'd be making the best of the situation.



he was hoping to be on her radar long enough to stick his cock in her, now he'll never be able to.

Austria is more white then we are, so what if we get a few more chinks in return we get so many more Anglos I don't think it'd be too bad. Also hopefully we are changing our immigration system after brexit

Is Holla Forums pro labor ?

how did you find this btw?

her FB is locked down

school me on your ways

Did you mean Australia? They are less white.lad

So much is wrong with your post I don't know where to even begin lad.

catfishing on dating websites


Top cuck. Surely the only good news is that more Aussies will turn against Muslims? Normiebook is bluepill central.

By pointing out my mistakes ???
I see that Corbyn is popular here
+ i am not from here i am leftypolfag

Wanking in public tbh

Bunch of dafties.


White nationalism lads, not even once.

I did my bad, where you get that info from? I did a quick google and it told me they were about 90% white

That's Only Fools and Horses m8

Might be confusing them with Canada actually

Think you are there are like 70% white iirc


She had it coming


Utterly baffling.

C-calm down lad it's only banter…


The ancrestral visa is already the UK's most generous. Aussies can just use that to get here

Joining the EU is what made us abandon the Anglosphere. Hopefully we'll set up a trade deal that favours it tbh

Is it larping to want the ROI and UK to unite

Alright lads, so you support Scottish and Welsh independence then?

And Mercian independence? Cornish?

The UK is an artificial creation of different Whites, I'm sure you guys want to dismantle it.

It is lad smh tbh

That might happen if the EU collapses tbh

Yes, obviously.


I don't want any sort of United Ireland, lad

No lad, it's only natural to want a United Kingdom of the British Isles. Our separation is the work of marxist jews tbh.

I hate niggers so much. I would love nothing more than to invent a plague which only targets blacks.

that's pretty leftist tier logic lad, been listening to too much Dickie Spencer I think


Actually I agree now lad you've won me over. All these people are fucking larpers.

Wanting Canada Australia and NZ to unite makes me a leftist. Wew.

If you don't think uniting the British people's under one flag is a good thing, you can fuck off tbh. You can think it's unlikely or impossible, but saying that it's leftist is just autism.


Retard that's not what I said, you using false equivalencies is a leftist debate tactic

We can't exist in isolation.We cannot compete with 450M Yuros by ourselves.

A white nationalist, or "globalisation 2.0" bloc involving CANZUK would be absolutely based a viable rival competitor to the EU and China.

Talking of larpers…

If the US eliminated their niggers, perhaps by sending them to "holiday camps", they'd be like Canada with all the progressive social democratism that comes with it..

Niggers were a mistake.

No lad don't you understand CANZUK and UK uniting is le american white nationalism. Canadians are just the same as Estonians or Romanians. Some fat neet on brit/pol/ told me so.

Look, we are perfectly happy with very, very close ties but this whole united country thing is very french tbh

Talking about uniting or not with any country is LARPing, regardless of how desirable it might be

Nice strawman logic, Larpy.

how did i do

The countries already have the bantstamp and have accepted the Queen as their head of state, don't know why freedom of movement makes this any better lad.

Also we all know when you say "British" you mean white people you WN shill

hmmmmm, where have I heard this before?

You heard it 400 years ago when England and Scotland's Kingdoms united and created the world' greatest empire. The legacy of that union exists today in the far corners of the world, in NZ, in Hong Kong, in Canada.

As Anglos we have shown we can dominate any continent, no matter how inhospitable.

Just because the EU has failed in it's goals doesn't mean all unions are doomed.

Yeah lad I mean just look at Europe. No country can ever unite with another, or seize anothers territory, history has ended.

But the UK is a large porous block of whites?

Have some consistency lad.

Those countries at the moment are on track to becoming Independent republics. The commonwealth has zero meaning, Canada already scrapped the flag and NZ narrowly avoided the same. It's just a matter of time until the Empire falls apart. It's been falling apart since 1940 and we've only been growing further apart. Sorry for wanting to integrate closer and form a bond with the nations closest to us. Somehow that's good within the UK but when it comes to outside the UK it's bad, don't really get your hypocritical logic lad.

hmmmmm, where have I heard this before?


I like him, some people here don't. The majority on cuckchan brit/pol/ love the Tory party and we hate it. Virtually none of us are going to vote for him.

Read these to get a vague idea of where we like and dislike him:

And the Larping continues.

The world's changed you moron. Face it, le super epic empire of whites will not happen. Localism is what will defend whites, not globalism.

Anyone have a list of Corbyn's policies that will put off white working class voters?

Empire's dead lad, get used to it.

Best we can do now to hold onto Anglo superiority is to create a trade deal that favours native anglo workers. Even if they all become republics doesn't mean we have to stop working with eachother. Hell Ireland is practically in the UK already with freedom of movement and being able to vote in our elections.

All of them

Ayo mang das racis

Localism is what makes city states so weak tbh lad

Localism won't delivery you oil for you car or your plane. Localism won't deliver your minerals and raw materials you need for your manufacturing plant.

What do we do, buy these things on the open market, from the lowest priced Arab seller, or pay a slightly higher price and buy it from our kith and kin?

BTW Sandniggers understand this and created a price-fixing protectionist cartel named OPEC.Why shouldn't they have followed your ideology and each state created their own oil price?

Pro-Palestinian activists storm past security during protest as Israeli speaks at King's College London

Muslim sisters kicked off easyJet plane after passengers make Isis claim


wew. Go away Clegg.

Just stop. You sound exactly like a lefty.

Just stop user this is embarrassing.

Lad that's what you are arguing

Labour is a commodity, like any other. How is it not?

KYS faggot.

No you seem to think that we can only be little england or BIG STRONK WHITE ANGLO UNION

There's an ideal middle ground between the both of them lad.

I'm saying a Little England mentality will protect us, not MUH SUPER LARPY EMPIRE OF ARYAN WHITES.



I never will lad. It wasn't destroyed by two world wars it was destroyed by labour and conservative governments who abandoned a good thing for no good reason through laziness and malicious incompetence, as well as those typical fucking perfidious yanks interfering with a smug sense of moral superiority. Saying it was because we were bankrupt is a fucking lie many of the nations we used to own ended up completely self sufficient and rich after they left. It's so sad lad.

We just barely scraped having our country absorbed by a federal europe. We need to get our own house in order before Anglo Union tbh

I get this weird feeling Owen Smith wants to be Jo Cox'd…
Labour Leadership Contender Owen Smith Will Block Brexit Talks If No Second Vote

Well this is awkward…

Britain blocked EU army but idea forges ahead with EU intergration speeded up aboard £2 million pound meeting held on an aircraft carrier

I don't understand what the fuck hes doing, more than half the country voted for leave and a big chunk of them were labour voters.

It's true though. The only part of the Empire that made money by that time was Malaysia. Postwar governments abandoned the empire because they thought they could maintain similar influence but much more cheaply with the Commonwealth (which turned out to be wrong)

That's because ruling a country is much more expensive when you're opposed by an armed resistance movement.

The man is somehow even more incompetant than Corbyn.

I've no idea why he's even running in the first place, he's a literal who by Labour standards.

I really hope Corbyn attacks him on this.

1 third to be exact

Every bad thing that happens in the EU seems to only drive them for further federalisation kek

Well goyim I guess that means we should have a centralised economy in Brussels

Well goyim I guess that means you need to surrender your armies to us!


r8 my social response at work lads

>cut him off, 'yes i will be like that, because if you think you can disrespect me by literally telling me i can't do certain overtime but everyone else can, don't then backpedal asking for my help when everyone else lets you down. You want to tell me to do one, then I'll you to done as well.

That bastard. No one ever does OT on tues night, I was originally offering but he told me the same thing as fuck off. I'm the only one that did any OT so now he can enjoy being short of hrs when i'm not in.

Corbyn is a force of good.

He's unelectable but at the same time keeps the sycophant Blairites in check.

It's just so autistic, I'd expect a play like this from the Libdems because it would probably get them some more votes. But a main party, alienating half the voting population and a third of your voters, hes autistic.

I refused to comply with an order from LGBT UK police to bent over, spread, and let them poz my neghole. I got 3 years in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison on an unknown Island I was only told was British overseas territory. It was awful. I went so mad I ended up pissing into icecube trays I found and letting them freeze by the cold open window as it was snowing, and then I'd carve letters into them with a shiv I made of my toothbrush. Then I played scrabble with myself all day every day. Until the weather turned and the pieces all melted and the room smelled of piss. It was at that point I tried to fashion a rope out of my bedsheets to hang myself, when the door opened and they said I'd finished serving my time.

Could potentially bite you in the arse, but at least you stood up for yourself.

So Rhodesia with it's industry and net exporting of wheat wasn't making money? The country that could afford one of the best militaries on earth while under sanctions from half the world?

We didn't only abandon parts of the Empire, we actively worked against them. Where did we get the money to send warships around the world to blockade Beira if we were so bankrupt? All to stop some fellow Brits having their own country?

Why did we give up the UAE which shits out oil? Or Yemen or Oman?

The truth is it wasn't economics that brought down the Empire, it was ideology. Maybe that was unavoidable at the time, sometimes you just can't avoid the mass movement of history, but it was still a tragedy.

Did you know yanks were ecstatic when Clement Attlee gave India independence? Calling it a victory for democracy?

Labour seem to be the party of Autists first and foremost.

Whats annoying is that the entire patriotic working class branch of the Labour party is only represented by a handful of MPs


And who are those handful of MP's?

The only one I can think of is Kate Hoey.

I'd actually quite like for this too go through, would turn them all to ukip.

Knock the cunt out and tell him he's a cuck then wave a noos at him and snarl "Day of the rope muthafucka…."
You should then be the new manager by morning tbh

kek, why are you even here?


That's a false equivalence and you know it.

He's a filthy ex BBC globalist cunt what do we expect tbh

Throw a cup of boiling sugar water in his face just to make sure

Oh he knows I'm the best worker they have, i'm not worried. They need me since no one else at work matches me, and few can do fri, sat, sun and mon as a fulltime contract longterm. He's just a wanker who thinks he can always get his way.

It's like, don't ask me at the last minute to do a night no one wants to do, right after saying I'm not allowed to put my name down for said night.

How fucking dare he tell me I can't do certain OT but everyone else can.

He's trying to stop Brexit. He has the MPs support. He has the Lord's support. He has the media's support. He can just say we live in a representative democracy, this is how we do it, and unite the Labour party behind him.

This is why Corbyn needs to win.


Hannan's autism.

Kek, I definitely felt like doing that


And to imagine I once thought this cuck should join UKIP, they've all shown their true face once Brexit happened.

Good on you, lad.

Not really. Who gave a fuck about the EU in 2010? Now they are public enemy no.1.

All because of the efforts of one brave Farage.

Who thought America would elect a nigger president in 2004? Who thought Trump would stand a chance of winning in 2015?

This should give you pause for thought because the unthinkable is becoming thinkable.

Makes sense why he's been getting so much coverage by the Beeb lately.

Fuck tons of people lad, they were always labelled as racists and nut jobs, they never had a voice to speak for them like Nige.


Like half of the Parliamentary Tory Party, the second largest party from the UK in the EU parliament (UKIP) and a considerable proportion of the Electorate.

a lot of people?

Not to mention it was an issue thats fucking divided the party for decades now.

Free Trade has benefited the poorest the most?



Dear Massi, I am put off by mother-in-laws dirty habits

I must point out that you are a guest visiting her home.'''
You have gone into detail about your mother-in-law's habits that she exhibits when she is in her own home.'''
>As much as you disapprove of your mother-in-law's antics, understand that she is not doing these things to antagonise you.
>If someone pointed out such things about your own parents, or about yourself, you would certainly feel hurt by the scathing words.
>Try and take a softer and less judgmental approach towards your mother-in-law.

Nah lads, Euroscepticism was a fucking fringe issue, it only started gaining traction in 2014 when UKIP started getting loads of media coverage during the EU elections. The entire Labour party bar one or two MPs was pro-EU, they can only be selected if they are pro-EU.

The underlying forces that enabled Euroscepticism to be revived from the ashes was that we didn't have an enemy, and all in-groups need an enemy.


"it's dey culture fam", the post.

Can't let facts get in the way of the fact that UKIP already had 2.5 million votes in the 2009 European Parliament election.

In the eyes of the establishment they were a fringe movement.

And we all know the establishment hate the people

hahahaha mussies are so fucking butthurt

Enoch got fringe'd the fuck out, lad. He had to leave the Tories and join some irrelevant Irish party just to remain in the HoC. His legacy was that he made it impossible to be anti-immigration, for 40 years, until Farage's affable manner and his position against mainly-white immigration (from the EU) made it palatable enough for the media to OK his message.

Enoch Powell was ostracised and so were lots of his supporters.

Was just using it as a reaction image lad, But as said, they alrady had 2.5 million votes in 2009.

Enoch wasn't fringe. The vast, vast majority of the British public supported him. He was destroyed by the occupation political class against the actual wish of the British people.

The EU elections are an opportunity for the electorate to take a free hit at the establishment parties. Make no mistake about it. UKIP got 3% of the vote in 2010.


I think a lot of them had died out or emigrated since 1968, of if they stayed moved out to their strongholds in Essex and Kent.

the generations since then had been indoctrinated into the pro-BBC multiculturalist "Britain is a nation of immigrants" message.

no respectable person would have said Enoch was right by 1997.

Honestly I wouldn't want India back tbh, biggest mistake we ever made

Neither do i tbh, i want the rest back though.

b-b-but muh glorious empire

a small glimpse of what kebab munchers are setting themselves up for

>In 1996, Francis A. Boyle, a law professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, wrote a report commissioned by the New York-based Irish Famine/Genocide Committee, which concluded that the British government deliberately pursued a race and ethnicity-based policy aimed at destroying the group commonly known as the Irish people and that the policy of mass starvation amounted to genocide per the Hague convention of 1948.[fn 7] On the strength of Boyle's report, the US state of New Jersey included the famine in the "Holocaust and Genocide Curriculum" at the secondary tier.[fn 8]



We should never have relinquished a bit of it. We should be regarded as the top caste, all have land and servants there, and only the most worthy servants should have ever been allowed here, to serve.

Any ideas where this lake is?

Scotland I think

India would have been fine had we not just handed it to the EIC to run. They turned it into their own personal plaything and pissed the locals off.

If you speak to any Indian above the age of 30 they still have a lot of respect or the Royal family.

Still don't want them here though.

tfs no qt excessive make up ISIS supporter gf

cuckland somewhere I imagine.


Struggle to see how this is a bad thing.

You pretty much have to be mentally ill to find yourself actually homeless these days.

How do they know that 25% of homeless people are fags? Do they count the amount of hobo's with "Will Suck Dick for Money" signs?

Lads you've got to install the coincidence detector extension

Reading stuff on Wikipedia you can see all the Jews.




Anyone wanna try and crash a Jeremy Corbyn supporters meeting like the man, the mountain, the legend that is Sam hyde.

Didnt read tbh, is that the burkini woman?

You know what this will bring?

Death to places like this.

We'll get a swamp load of edgy leftists and it'll dilute the place and everything will become like 4chan where even Holla Forums doesn't enjoy photoshopping Syrian children any more. Referring to the user that posted his edit of the dusty child sitting on the dead child and getting a poor response.

Honestly normies are degenerate cancer. I've really had my eyes opened in the last week.

I don't think any mass movement can work. The mass we have to work with now is trash. At least back 50, 60 years ago the mass still had some moral character left. It's all gone to shit.

I honestly don't know what the way forward is lads. We can't run out and build small communities because eventually the brown degenerate mass will come for us there. We can't fight it with local politics because in many ways the cities are lost. Perhaps if we can get the towns and villages on board soon there might be enough for a fight back.

I really don't know lads.

One thing I do know is that Westminster and all the established state apparatus' needs to burn. Preferably with the apparatchiks in it,

The aeroplane ones.


What ones are those? Im not paying attention to any of this shit

Did they get chucked off a plane?



This tbh.


Who actually claims to be "alt-right" anymore? Didn't it die after about a month?


Honestly, Joe Owens is right, the only way we're going to save our countries is through a mass movement.

I'm alright with as many people as possible supporting ethnic nationalism at the expense of the post quality on a Filipino image board

This is about actual politics, not your hobby.


Except Joe hasn't even been espousing Ethnic nationalism.

He's literally been talking about the Civic meme because he thinks that mass won't go for ethnic nationalism.

It's not about it being "muh secret club" you faggot. It's about the dilution of ideas.


If you're a NEET then you have no excuse to expand your mind by helpings of the brilliant and true morality man Roger Scruton.

What he says about how during the 70s and 80s he couldn't speak at British universities without being shouted down or threatened with violence by lefties, yet he was able to speak freely in communist Poland, there is something fundamentally wrong with our country. Complete lack of freedom of ideas, thought, expressions in academia. It is little wonder we have a country so ardently leftist when the academic centres are hiveminds for socialism.



He sees UKIP as the best way of accomplishing nationalist goals.

This is about accomplishing goals, not your intellectual hobby. What matters is keeping Britain British, not ideological purity.

So it's not about the super secret club, but the first thing you think of is what will happen to Holla Forums? Just face the fact that you're a hobbyist

"Keeping Britain British"

What does that mean to the mass then, lad?

The massive import of leftists into these spaces is no different to the mass import of immigrants that this country has faced.

that post time,

I'd love to pay for them to fly out and join ISIS.

The two women would get raped to death and that twink in the middle would also probably get raped to death.

Ungrateful little swine. They'll always undermine us no matter how well we treat them.

Greatly limiting immigration, which is an incredibly popualar policy

I genuinely don't understand what that sentence means

I call bullshit
That's one of the main things they are taught in their mosques, it's literally beaten into them if they can't recite the koran in arabic.

tired of adam wallaces POPERY to be honest

How are they meant to integrate when they come in such large numbers.

It's a standard talking point when it comes to immigration.

Catholics could recite parts of the Bible in Latin without understanding it, lad.

who /traditionalisttranny/ here?

Did you mean who /esoterictrapphilosopher/ here?

Here's a winning strategy for making the UK 100% native (or indistinguishable from such) again within an ideology palatable to the normie masses of Britain.

Firstly you have to understand one simple principle. If policies create a de-facto ethno-state Britain, it is irrelevant if de-jure we are still a non-racist country.

The last and final thing is just simple economic incentives. Remove the push and pull factors with regards to mass immigration. Stop bombing their countries, stop offering them benefits, start giving them cash if they go home. Stop giving people

I sincerely think that with what on the surface looks like a "Civic-Nationalist" party, that a none-white person could sincerely vote for, could make Britain an ethnostate.

Idk how you deal with the wogs and pakis already here though, or create laws which discriminate against none-whites without explicitly stating so. It would require a jump in the normie masses psychology to where they would accept laws which discriminate based on race. Maybe that change will come in the next few decades thanks to the worsening situation. I think making that a Trump style government making it implicitly clear that they are pro-white without explicitly being so would convince a lot of them to just leave though.

TL;DR co-opt ukip or wait for civil war

This has nothing to do with Catholics or Christianity.
It is about that cunt lying that he can't speak and read arabic. Arabic isn't a dead language, it's still used. They recite it, because they are required to read it. To be able to read the korean in arabic they are required to understand the language.
Unless they aren't really Muslims and just virtue signalling as such.


internet was down and I had to go outside


Too long read tbh. I'll read it later. No bullies

Catholics don't believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God though, unlike Arabs

Who /wantstorestoreAngloSaxonecclesiasticalboundaries/ here?






A moslem telling lies?! Who would ever have suspected they'd do something like that…?

Pretty good tbh. Might have to wait for a bit of a rightward shift to openly espouse the last policy, but it's definitely plausible. The thing to remember is that starting with just more 'civic' policies like stopping immigration can be the prelude to further right policies later, rather than the end point.

Australia was a mistake


I'm sure they can, at least some basics. Also, materials from ISIS are in English and several other languages.

Exactly lad. America didn't become non-white by opening the floodgates and saying "Yeah we're gonna make Texas 90% black and mexican".

They said, "We're going to pass this small act covertly on immigration laws and it won't affect the demographic makeup of America at all"

It was a slow and gradual grinding process.

You have no idea how racist I have become in the last year. Anything is possible.

Honestly we can just forcibly deport foreign criminals. If it was good enough in the 18th century, it is good enough now.

fucking australia

Sounds good.

How do you counteract the all pervasiveness of the media though?

A lot of Nige/Ukip's time was taken up by firefighting media bullshit be it all out lies or purposeful misrepresentation.

Fucking hell, I am never moving to Aus. that would give me a heart attack just the sight of it. I'm coming out in cold sweats just from the pic alone.

Thank goodness it's an island on the other side of the world.

just smack the bastard with a hammer, stop being such a poof

And they say we contribute nothing, smh

Neither are venomous

No wukkas mate

Yeah, no thanks lad, I'd rather just nuke the bastard from orbit.

i dont give a fuck i aint going near it


Big ass spiders make places more interesting.

I've travelled quite a bit and one time in Fiji I went to the toilet in this Shack house in the dead of Night with an oil lantern, closed the door and there was a spider as big as my hand on it.

And then another time in a part of the new Territories in Hong Kong I was going through what was basically jungle and there was cobwebs filling the path that I was pushing away with a stick. I turned around to talk to my girlfriend at the time and caught a spider web in the face. Then to my right I saw a massive banana spider eeeeeeeeee

Who /thinking/ here?





Yeah this is good. The future of UKIP is up in the air right now given the ongoing leadership election, personally I think Diane James or Etheridge will win but I think James will given she's taken the position of all but destroying the NEC. Don't be gaslighted by the media taking glee in shitting all over UKIP and pointing to poll numbers. Poll numbers that mean very little given its 3-4 years until the next GE.

If UKIP does follow through with the idea Nigel and Arron Banks had to go far more grassroots in terms of members having a say over the party then a lot of these policies and ideas could get through IMO.

And if UKIP does destroy itself, then there'll be room for a new party, which Arron Banks has all but said he would help set up if UKIP is no longer fit for purpose. Don't be blackpilled by the decline in momentum following the Brexit vote, this was always going to happen since we've scored a significant victory.

Or there is always Civil War ofc, with Europe getting extremely fucked then a lot of dual citizenship immigrants will just leave (funny to imagine parts of the Third World could end up being safter than the west, but thats the world we live in right now).

We're playing a longer game than people might want, but its what we got to do. Right now I think we need to engage in more metapolitics to make Ethnonationalism more popular amongst right leaning Brits, showing the realities of white genocide and displacement is probably the best route for this. Before I was ever going to Holla Forums I always thought the idea of White Brits becoming a minority in their own country was wrong but I never thought about it that much.

Are you me? That same exact thing happened to me, I was near the coast over looking a nice beach, really picturesque apart from all the spiders and webs crossing the paths, which I didn't notice at first, and I have a very real fear of the fuckers.

i will remember this line, thanks!

That's not even the worst one

think that one day she will be giving blowjob to lads


I want both




Serving British Soldier Arrested On Suspicion Of ‘Preparing Acts of Terrorism’.

London’s Scotland Yard has announced the arrest of a 30-year-old soldier in Somerset in relation to Northern Ireland linked terrorism.
The unidentified man was arrested this afternoon at 1220 by officers from the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command and the Avon and Somerset and Devon and Cornwall Police. A statement from Scotland Yard stated officers are also searching a location in Devon

I just want a healthy children and a faithful wife tbh.

me too tbh.

"Remember to never have children, goyim!"
"Looking after a baby is a lot of work and there's no payoff, why not go enjoy the club scene well into your late 40's!"

It was amazing because normally there wasn't any spiderwebs there but there had been a massive rainfall and the pathway pretty much turned into a stream and lots of spider webs had appeared, because of the moisture in the air for some reason.

Another time I went into a small cupboard bathroom and close the door and there was a gecko inside there with me that started freaking out and running round and round the walls all around me. I was high as well so it was pretty freaky. Back in England now I don't give a shit about any bugs and spiders having encountered all this crazy shit in the tropics.

Why didn't we annex these Islands?

Italian bricklayers confirmed for shit

I bet they don't even earn 100 million an hour

Too drunk on their crap wine probably

Our country is the most beautiful.


My friend is proudly boasts of how she doesn't want children. I'm just waiting for her to hit menopause and get that sweet, sweet regret.

nice pics though



Colonials were a mistake

Yeah it'll be delicious.

Sorry lads but I like tight Asian girls. I may have to go back to Asia to find a wife someday I do like white women but they're predisposed to be more belligerent and crazy. Wanna find a nice Island Girl from a poor country doesn't feel like she has so many options and isnt corrupted by Western greed. Paranoid of going through a messy divorce to be honest probably will never marry… had girlfriends didn't make enough effort to hold onto them, lonliness is such a drag



I feel like slav-posting, so I figure this is better.

Amazing coastline.

What are these people thinking? Not only do they make a big decision like that without really thinking about it, but they deny their parents grandchildren. Why would we think this was a good decision?


It's a myth, East Asians are as materialistic and consumerist as they come. Have you seen the queues outside Selfridges on boxing day?

so the sky does exist over the brecons

Who else /stokedfortheSMBL500/?

Same, it's part of the problem with white women, they are complete slags, they think fucking around is attractive. They think they can talk, act and be like men and still be attractive to men. Then they're surprised when men have had enough of their shit, and marry an asian woman who 9 times out of 10, respects their husband, is good in bed, isn't fat, doesn't bloat out as soon as they're married, is repectful.
I don't care what the lads on here say about how Asian women are trash, but as far as I'm concered, white women are complete cunts, they casually cheat, they stink, they're ugly, and they're fat.





When did everything go so right?

Proper hyped, maybe I can earn an extra £100,000 a week


This is the most idiotic idea you can come up with. If you really feel the urge go civic for a night and you will see that the Chinese (Asian) girls are just empty shells of human beings.


Edward Skidelsky is Jewish btw. His father is a left-wing economist who nevertheless wrote a surprisingly fair biography of Moseley

That's great!

stop posting pictures of where i live lad

That's like 5% of your life expectancy lad



It went right the moment you started.

wew. I really don't get the obsession.

Will it be live on the Sky YouTube?

How are girls where you live? Any good?

I could do it in less, but I'd like to avoid as much loose skin as possible.


White women have the loyalty of an alley cat.
Chinese womens are great in bed, kind, respectful, keep themselves in shape. Compare that to white women, there are entire shows dedicate to their degeneracy during the daytime. Jeremy Kyle, this morning, Loose women.

i have no idea, if i find it out ill let you know


they may be thinner now, but wait till they're out of their 20s

Take it slowly. I don't have any loose skin. Drink plenty of water every day.

Hello mister Wu, how's the laundry business going?

Who controls the media?

I know about Asian girls because I lived in Hong Kong had quite a few girlfriends. And yeah they have that western material culture. I think maybe Thai or Indonesian women make good wives, in the traditional sense. I would love a good Celtic goddess of a woman, I guess I'm just paranoid about modern women in general.


I would never marry or have kids with a xeno, but you're right about British women. Nothing will change until they're publically shamed for having children with niggers, fucking them or acting like tedious whores etc. Just like you should be shamed relentlessly for all those fucking slitty eyed gooks you fuck.

It's more him failing to be able to get a white girl, so he lies to himself to justify his race mixing tbh.

And yet those shows regularly get enough viewership to continue it being profitable in ad revenue alone. This time, it can't be just blamed on the jews, it's also the disgusting habits of white women.

Top kek, enjoy your second hand clap from your wife, she'll enjoy giving it to you after she's been

Has there been any investigation into how much of Clinton's base is voting purely to stop Trump, hatred of his "tone", desire for a woman in office, etc?

Because I suspect the dividing line this election is between those who support Trump on issues and those who disagree with Trump on issues, and "Hillary supporters" are the ones holding their noses.

Don't point it out, it'll upset him!

2 of the houses next to me have a few kids and its so fucking annoying

they sometimes ride their scooter next to the window and its a huge deep sound aaaaaaaaa

Say it aint so

Just get >>>/fit/ and you will get them!

Literally everytime with you racemixing cucks

And the worst thing is this is a similar story with most fags that go yellow

I meant your loyalty to your race, but I see how that could be misunderstood. You just have to find one that isn't. Pic related, Varg's wife and children.



Im actually so fucking excited about this donald trump farage meeting lads

I'm tempted to sit up all night watching it.

There are kids here too and there's one with a scooter that does that. Are you that fat lad with the huge truck that lives a few doors down from me?




beat them up and plant and leave an antifa flag

When is it lad, tonight at some wee hour?


not joking
they are cute and prudes tbh
the townie girls are complete disgusting slags tho

No lad I'm barely 9 stone


Sky News just says "tonight", but doesn't specify if it means night here or in the States.

I'm not a paedophile, lad

RIP Moustache 2016-2016

I think it means some program in the US.

Better be our tonight time, i have fucking work at 6am tomorrow.


But it really suited him….

This is complete shit, and it sounds like you haven't ever even met an Asian women. I know quite a lot about this because I have beta friends with Asian gfs.

They're not respectful at all, they're completely materialistic and whine all the time for money and presents.
If they are loyal it's only because of their relavtive lack of options; when they think they can upgrade they'll dump a beta for a relatively less beta guy in an instant. I've even seen one friends Asian gf start getting off with a random chad in the middle of a night out.
Even heard that they're awful in bed not that that's very important, but you brought it up and just lie there passively so you're basically just jerking yourself off inside of them.

You're a fag.
Pics related, you an user took of you from skype.

Yeah you are.

to be fair he shaved it because he knew the media would call him Hitler(Hitler had a moustache).

We live on a magical Island with orcs wrecking havoc in London, Rotherham, Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester, and most major cities.

Looks like a 13 year old girl

That entire posts screams that the only contact you've had with asians women have been through your beta friends in England.
Top cuck.

No I am not a paedophile



ive been there lad
drew a painting or some shit of it

I stated that in the first line, lad.



it was some bender who posted here

So you're admitting the only contact you've had with asian women have been through your beta friends? Thought so, cuck.


I don't even have Skype

Ents are going to kick off soon enough.

Wouldn't get away with it lad. Besides, they're actually nice. The problem is more my Mental Health Issues™ (All Rights Belonging to the British Broadcast Corporation). But gosh darn it are they loud as fuck. Had to shut all the windows and put rubbish Metallica album on with headphones to get their mundane chattering out of my head.

My friend's asian ex-gf accidentally peed on him once during sex

We clearly have a mental link to Stefan, lad.

We are his chosen.


Only way to make women great, or at least better than their current state is to turn them into ash

I stated that in my post. You're right, I've never fucked an Asian. Am I supposed to apologise for that?

And yet anons have posted evidence that they've talked to you on skype on the irc, stop lying you faggot.

Not an argument

How the fuck does that happen?

Fuck off you gook-fucking cunt.

Gone into a long day dream about the hot sex Ive had with Asian girls. Seriously lads just go live in Asia for a bit.

Yeah you are, you're saying you know about them, but you've only ever known about them through third hand experience through 'beta cucks' top cuck lad.
O am I laffin'


I like how the women at the end are completely repulsive.

Think it's based Sam saying that he can understand where that attitude comes from even if it is insane when taken to its logical conclusion.

Get a nice tradgirl tbh

No idea. According to him they were just banging and suddenly she pissed everywhere. He's supposedly very well endowed though so maybe that had something to do with it?

You get really hateful and angry when you hear noises or people speaking, lad? Sometimes it makes me pretty stressed myself tbh

I fuck chinks not gooks, you can't even insult me correctly lad.

The asian girl I shagged a couple of times farted during sex. She said it was just a vagina pomf but I could tell it wasnt because I could feel it on my ballsack

I'd suck her penis

That's grim lad

left hand side looks good

Sorry I spoiled your yellow fever fantasies, m8

Maybe he pressed down on her Uretha or smthg?

Great in bed

Only in a traditional sense though, right lad?

Remember, lads, you are stronger than women and it's not like they can break out of chains anyway. There's always a way to keep them from degeneracy and divorce.

Of course, I'm not gay lad

Get coming up soon lads

Feminine cocks are implicitly white tbh lads

^ THIS lad is sloppy seconder from
B L A C K E D. C O M
he's proud of it too.

Gross. Filtered.

Being anti-trap is being anti-white tbh


top kek

Yes, according to Adam Wallace, having a fuccboi if you're an Emperor is TRADITIONAL

reminder that the female of the species is more deadly than the male

Go away Louis Spence

Just when it interupts me cleaning tbh. I think I make a mistake and everything is contaminated and it drives me mad and I must repeat everything again. Whether it be cleaning a cabinet or my hands after a piss or anything. Just spent like 30 minutes washing my hands several times and trying to shut their noise out.

Kind of want to get killed in a terrorist attack tbh. Can't commit suicide because that's a heinous sin.

filtered you back tbh

We can't beat women anymore we aren't Muslim.

Filtered for being one of the most pathetic posters we've had here in a while

Oswald, pls go


That looks at the type of spider I nearly walked into once

Is that a bug eating bird brains?

Are we going to get the get?

You can't handle it can you lad, that's how beta cuck you are.
Go suck off your white trap penis.

same, lad. Doing chores makes me so fucking mad and I can get pretty rude to mummy if she interrupts me tbh.

Don't want to die though, tbh. Not for nothing.

Nobody has to know, lad


It would be Traditional for people like Adam Wallace to be abandoned by his family or even killed.


If we do, it'll be for the IMperium


Homophobia is a Jewish meme tbh. Traditional cultures in touch with our EVROPAN essence like Greece or Rome were pro-pederasty



This is the benefit of Farage stepping down as leader.

If he hadn't done so he'd be accused of campaigning on his own and dragging his party through the mud by attaching it to personal opinions which are unrelated to UKIP policy, but now he can play a role in the American presidential election, associate with nationalist parties in the EU to push new referendums, and provide commentary on politics without the whole of UKIP breathing down his neck.

If you think about it you all know Duncan, O'Flynn and Evans would all be stamping their feet calling him "toxic" and "divisive" if he hadn't resigned before appearing next to Trump or attending the RNC.

Nuttall taking the position would have been the best outcome but at least we get to see Nige being his own adivisor for once.

did they actually make them take it up the shitter?

Of course lad, it's just kike d&c

Obviously nothing to do with Islam




Make sure you don't go giving her any black eyes mate

Wew lad.

It's overcast here.




Why live?


Get off from out brit/pol degenerate





I always imagine that a group of 3 sand wogs attacks a shopping centre while I'm there. One has a gun and the other two just have machetes. I am sat at a table next to the subway bar thing eating a sandwhich when it starts. The guy with the gun starts shooting people around me and I dive behind the subway counter for cover. Then I pick up the knife used to slice the bread that the shot subway employee had. I peer out from where I'm crouching down and see that the one with the gun has his back to me as he is shooting someone already on the ground in the head. I quickly creep up behind him and start sawing into his neck and he panics and flails his arms around and tries to wail but it's only a gurgling sound as I've got half way through his throat. Then he sinks to the floor and dies. I take his gun, an AK47 (which is why he couldn't manoeuvre it to shoot me when I had a hold of him behind, the strap was quite short and it was awkward for him). I think go shoot the other two with machetes who've been hacking at and chasing people and have beheaded someone. Then the police show up and see I've saved the day, but they get a command over the radio directly from Theresa May that I am to be shot for being racist and interrupting the slaughter. So the police shoot me in the heart with precision. I slink to the ground and die. I fall into the nothing peacefully, with no last words. I daydream about this daily, and have for several months.



Lads how implicitly EVROPEAN am I?


Lad you've got a problem tbh

Don't be anti-white, lad.

why would you want it to end like that, lad?

Bet Nige shaved it off as soon as he got ale in his stache.

This thread has disgusted me beyond belief.


The only problem is that the ladyboys were Thai, if they were EVROPEAN mongrels (like any good american tranny), you'd be fine

I feel disgusting for typing any of this

Never have trips lied some much


just want to cuddle her tbh

Any particular part, lad?

Was really hoping to respond to this with >(1)

But with trips and 8 posts, I guess maybe you're right.

Disgusting, it would be an amerikike


I had a friend that did the same thing in Thailand. He's British Welsh but has often spent Summers in France so naturally he supports France during the World Cup and we fell out during Brexit.


17ºC in the north lad. Sitting outside with a cup of tea. Bloody lovely.

Lets see if it works. Whos placing bets on American?



I don't know tbh lads. Might have been because my abusive aunt I lived with made me watch torture and murder vids online out of mexico and the middle east when I was a kid. She was a man hating dyke because she got raped by her father and always talked about wanting to behead someone.

Lads, how can we even reconcile Christianity with racial nationalism?

As a Christian, I wonder why the Bible leaves such a major topic uncovered.

what has happened to this thread


I can't think of a shitpost tbqh

People took racial homogeneity as a given, it's not seen that way any more.

Eh I don't know what the Chink posting is about but the WN is for faggots is a long established Brit/pol/ meme.

Especially since Spencer shilled against Brexit.


Bricklaying, lad.
At a certain point, bricklaying ceases to be about the money.
It starts to be about absolute power.

I'd kill myself instantly if caught doing something so embarrassing

My favorite MoonMan

Literally kill all homos tbh.


Following London's example, the Scotcucks pozzing up the place again. Just when I think we're making some progress in uncucking, more shit like this happens. It's draining. The Eternal Scot just can't stop himself from opening his asshole and taking it. London is an Islamic colony at this stage, what's Scotland's excuse?

Don't fall for the university meme

Whoops tbh

Thanks m8, will do.

>adding a rule to stop the "muh feelings" of all four mozzie officers

Braveheart lad

you might not need to


Next week I'll have enough to buy Zambia, soon us bricklayers will own the world.

That wasn't me. Haven't been here for weeks.

This. Politics is well and good, but cosy imageboard communities with their own rules and etiquette are not the domain of normies – look at what's happened to halfchan.

Stop it Tyler you little git. We need to meet-up again lad.

Based Hadrian tbh lads. I hope none of you take this seriously.

I recommend the whole podcast. Good for the gym.



Just look at those fucking clowns in the picture. A woman peeler is already bad enough, am I meant to take these fucking shitheads seriously? They've got a towel on their head with a fucking racing flag lining, that their stupid fat shitskin faces pop out from like some kind of potato.
I'm expected to treat these laughing stocks as Officers of the Law? What the hell is going on in this country.

For her


Oh well


Based Evola.






And again.






Just wait until we're expected to let them pray in the middle of the street during an incident.

Well, I'm glad the get shitposting is over.


What a waste.

Not very magical tbh.


What kind of higher sphere of bricklaying are you in lad?

Filtered tbh

missed by a long way.

it's not


Three is a magic number, lad – do you know not of Hermes Trismegistus? The Trinity? The Three Magi?

Pretty esoteric tbh. :^)






Why did a country as comfy as Armenia have to be bullied so much?

We should've given the whole of east Turkey to them tbqh. West Turkey to the Greeks.

I hate the look of him more and more as each image of him is posted


she is a lovely looking woman

honestly that should all just be nuked and made into a parking lot for based american strip malls




Please write more.


EastEnders and other TV shows to be monitored for diversity in new scheme

they are a russian satellite lad, post ww1 we were too busy funding the bolsheviks in their genocide of the slavs and securing based israel for the based jews to stand up to the kemalists, after all lad gallipoli was revenged by allowing the turks to take zero responsibility for the war lad.



>gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity





Yeah but at least they're not unhappy about it. They're very pro-Russian iirc.

nobody reads books anymore lad, its all a waste. movies are all remakes now, there is no creative expression anymore since that might lead to a change in thought from the status quo lad, can't have that tbh. everything must be reiterated with wogs in it now lad. macbeth needs to have niggers and wogs in it lad, MAKE OTHELLO MOVIES EVERY MONTH FEATURING CONGO NIGGERS IN IT LAD even though othello was supposed to be a algerian tier wog man since "dark" meant dago until the 1960s AND HAVE 2 AND A HALF HOUR SEX SCENES FEATURING A GENETICALLY PURE NORDIC WOMAN

>a "Creative Diversity Network" project
>funded by its member bodies

Hope none of you pay your TV licence, if so you are financing you demographic replacement on the telly.


nothing wrong with being a servant lad, its the civic 1789 shit that made people think being a vassal or a serf is somehow evil. "free-for what? asks zarathustra, when you threw off your slavery you threw off the best part of yourselves" –kraut mustache man

read up lad, its all true. if you don't think that the based city of london wasn't balls deep in fucking throwing away the sacrifices of our ancestors for jew shit you are probably some faggot civic Holla Forums cunt who comes on brit/pol/ to push shit memes

good pic, someone with a skill could change it to beeb and channel 4


What the fuck?

Why is our government so fucking soft with these kikes and their crimes against our boys?

Because most of our MPs are either jewish or have jewish ancestors and strongly identify as jewish.



Lads, this thread is one of the worst, if not the worst thread you've produced in a while.

t. GCHQ.

It's not that you aren't ruthless, it's that you autists don't respect other traditions.

Come on lad, that's obviously not true despite the massive over-representation in Parliament.

Because there's a massive pro-Zionist lobby (just look at how many MPs are members of friends of Israel groups) and if you say anything anti-Israel you get anti-semitism inquiries launched by your party against you or (if you're not leader) kicked out of your party.

New threado, laddos

even when the empire existed we never competed as one country, be proud of our legacy around the world but lets not have the same mindset as eu cucks


Mummy… someone… please make a new thread..!

one on the right likes to shit himself in nappies on a webcam

and btw youre a disgusting faggot


Lad i think you're both disgusting faggots.

Made the flags blank, someone add the UK media images.

Jewish MPs represent 8 million Britons, despite there being only 300,000 Jews in the country.

Time for quotas.


Thank you lad, I was scared for a moment there.

Idk man it looks like it fell into place

Np lad.

