Knowing You're Small

You know I've always had this concept that while I may not be the tallest guy, the brightest guy, the more handsome gent, the most athletic player. I've always had this notion that there would be SOMEBODY for me. And I've lived with that notion since I can remember wanting a girlfriend

But the older I get the more I realize the bigger picture and the bigger picture is:

Seriously? Really?
In what way or world are we living in where most men can delude themselves in thinking they stand a chance when literally millions of guys like this are fucking all the women. They get to fuck like 10-15 girls while I can't get any pussy

And I know I'm small but this is fucking pathetic that I can see a picture like this and literally start crying because I'll never have a girl give me a shot as soon as she sees my dick. Will probably tell me to GTFO and lock the door. Have to stay a virgin forever like a fucking LOSER!!

Other urls found in this thread:

What's the point of even trying to talk to girls if guys like this are walking around?

The sooner you know that 3DPD are PD, and worthless for the most part, the sooner you can get on with your life, or kill yourself, and get demon bitches or something.
stop making threads like these, faggot

TBH size is irrelevant to whether or not you succeed. You're either getting her, or not, usually that's decided before she figures out how big you are.


That's what rape is for. Real men rape women, especially in the ass. Are you a faggot who can't properly rape a woman, or what?
Let me show you how to be a real fucking man, OP.


I feel the same OP, I'm 31 now so basically a wizard. I always beat myself down and notice women don't care for me or i get really bad ones i cant respect hitting on me. I only have three choices, the first being getting a girl that already has a boyfriend. So basically I make her cuck the guy she is with. I hate this because I feel another guy can dot he same thing to me once i'm with her and if shes this weak to new guys then shes a massive risk. Also if men just fuck other men over like this then why should i defend or support anything but myself? The second are women who are used up and have no one to help them or support them. They live off the state but if they do any wrong or fuck up then the state comes for them. They are desperate by then and will hook up with anyone. Thing is they are not sorry about how they became who they are today. All they care about is reliving their past… Final thing is staying alone forever and just amassing wealth like i have been. I don't know what to do with it all… I think in another ten years ill invest a lot of it in advancement of robotic companions. Why should i spend it any other way? No one has helped me so why should i help them? You will most likely end up like me OP but at least we will have no worries about being homeless.
Maybe…We can see our companions complete in our lifetimes but if not at least we can have a fix for those like us for the future.

if it makes you feel better I have a larger than average penis and I'm incel

it really hasn't done a whole lot for me, I just don't have to be embarrassed by it when I first whip it out

also, I knew a really attractive woman that liked small dicks as much as average or large ones. She said they get super hard and, like, twitch inside of her? and hit the right spot


Maybe you should hang yourself from a 6 foot ceiling.

Don't worry dude. I read a story on reddit sorry about a Norwegian with a one-inch "micro-penis". In response to a question, he talked about how sex was for him, implying he got laid at least once. If he can do it, you can do it. Girls just want to cum - focus on eating pussy and fingerfucking. Read the kama sutra. Indians have small dicks too, and they literally wrote the book on sex.

This tbh. By the time a girl sees your cock she's already committed to touching it. While your body is basically stuck as it is (besides work out stuff) you can always develop your personality to be more attractive. And lets be honest, the kind of girl you want is one that loves you for your personality.

Just get a hooker, OP.

Might as well do yourself a favor and end your suffering, m8. If you're not 6 feet tall, you're better off 6 feet under.

5.5in master race reporting in.

Confidence and poise > dick size, it just so happens that most guys with monster dongs also happen to have those two things as well. Most size queens are whores and not waifu material anyway, everyone knows their waifu would love them for who they are.

All these anons advice will never help you because they are the "lucky ones". Sex comes easy for them and not for us. They treat it like nothing and you can tell they have no clue what you are going through OP. Just focus on your self and become happy without a women. Remember, men like us may not be lucky with women but we are lucky in other things in life.

Bullshit. It has nothing to do with luck, if you're a robot then fake it till you make it. Don't abstain from it just because pussy isn't falling in your hands whenever you walk out.

OP here
I agree. These posters aren't even trying to understand where I'm coming from. Women can sense I have a small dick
fucking look my way when I walk outside. They don't talk to me. They can see I have no bulge in my pants and they immediately get turned off. Which hurts my already suicidally low pride to even lower depths. I think I just need to forget about women. I'm just one of the guys who wasnt born lucky. I cant get a woman even if I tried

Yeah. Totally not luck how you were born with a big dick, strong facial features, and the height to impress any girl that walks by. Took a whole lot of skill to grow that tall and have a girthy, meaty cock huh?

you're the reason why im such a loser. you and people like you. fucking kill yourself you unapologetic Chad fuck! im done with stupid assholes like you who dont even consider that guys with small penises have literal ZERO bragging points when it comes to women. they detest us almost as much as we detest ourselves

YOU are the reason im deciding to not even try to talk to girls anymore. Because you perpetuate this bullshit mantra of yours as facts and it fucks over the rest of us men who cant get laid. I hope you die soon

Are you kidding? I'm in the same boat as you fucking faggots. I'm trying to tell you what works. Did you even read my post? It's obvious now you aren't looking for real advice, but instead trying to instigate a self pity circlejerk. Nut up you moron,I just told you a man with a one inch dick can get laid, and have a positive experience.
Read it again, faggot.

Sad. You should just cut it off and become a woman so chad can stuff your inverted cock tube.

It's not about that.
Pussy will fall in our lap later in life but it's used up. It's pussy you and people like you have fucked so many times it's useless now. Imagine if i gave you a brand new thing, it can be anything but its brand new and your the first to get it. Now lets say i give you something that's been used over a thousand times by everyone and even multiple times at that but you will be using it now. You feel cheated like you got the bad end of the deal and you did. Men like me and OP cannot play the game of leftovers. We would rather not play or find a new game a better game that will let us win at least.

Men like them have it good now but in the end they are stuck in this endless circle. Their whole life is focused on women so much so that without them they would be nothing. They are driven to accomplish things by women and getting to fuck them every day or week reinforces their mental stability. When they get old or if they stop getting pussy they then turn into drunks and deadbeats. Men like us will grow past the need for women and have a lifetime of rejection so in the end no one can ever control us. Build wealth and power, then help change the world so it benefits men like us.

I'd also like to point out how autistic and childish your attitude is. You don't deserve to get laid. Your ancestors are frowning at you for being such a little bitch.

Truer words have never been spoken

I feel like you just "get" this whole topic and what we are trying to say. Thank you

Now I just feel bad for the guy in pic related. You gotta feel a little for this guy tbh.

So your like us but you get pussy? We are men that don't get pussy and are not lucky. You are lucky because you got pussy… You are not like us.

It's easy to get anything with wealth if you want. But getting something with standards… that's a whole different game.

Running around fucking any women because it feels good is not childish?
That's not your choice to make. Can you imagine if Nikola Tesla had a wife and children? Just think how much his kids could have taken after him. But in that time in the big cities where he worked the women where pozzed.
If you believe in a afterlife then i don't think his ancestors would give a shit if that afterlife is eternal. If not then who gives a shit what they think, they are dead.

Most chads will never understand how they help bring the end of civilizations by hording women. They cannot comprehend that if only 20% horde the food and let the 90% starve then they will have to tend the fields, they will have to fish the rivers, they will have to govern and they will have to develop new things. The funny thing is they think they can. They think they can just pick something up when all they have known is how to put something in.

Holy shit this is rich. I'm 27, had only 1 gf, and haven't had sex in years. I haven't been talking to women at all because I have other problems. I'm far from a Chad. I was honestly trying to share what keeps my hope alive. This board wasn't always like this.
Here's hoping you die without replicating your genes.

So you only fucked once?
Thats what you get for fucking and dumping like a chad. Should have held onto her and settled down.
Women do? If not then you don't have anything to bitch about.
But if i do that then this world will become whining little bitches like yourself.


I didn't "fuck any woman because it feels good", I courted a girl for a year before I got my dick wet. i was a fucking gentleman autist. I had flowers delivered to her in class. I made chocolate copied strawberries. I am exactly like you, just less of a butthurt fairy. In socially inept, ugly, scrawny geek. You're just trying to put the blame on fate instead of yourself.

I dated her for a couple of years, and I was a supreme gentleman. Where do you get off making these assumptions?

What a small outlook you have. So if i break into your house and take valuables then its your fault and you should blame yourself for not having a good security system? You sound like a cuck now and wont even proclaim an enemy that is taking from you.

Did you fuck her? If not then you can move on and find one that connects to you unless a chad gets in the way. But never lower yourself to a chads level. I know many older chads and their life is pure hell. I cant bring myself to help them even tho they want to "hook me up" with a used rostie. It's sad, like a hobo offering one of his left shoes for a swig of your high class booz.

chocolate dipped. Fuck.

Both of the posts you're replying to are me.
Look, if Danny DeVito can get a woman, you can. It's frustrating, it hurts, you're going to have failure and pain, but it's not impossible. Being a defeatist doesn't help anything.

Danny DeVito is a rich celebrity. If you are an ugly midget with no money that has autism and posts on Holla Forums, chances are you will never get laid. What a horrible analogy.

Danny DeVito has cash and fame. He pays that bitch a lot and i bet she fucks a chad on the side. I know hes a big cuck.
Thats apart of life, but that's not the problem. The problem is building some one up and letting them have hope when its not possible for them. They should instead build happiness for themselves without the need for women.

See Chads want all the rosties and thats why they shame men like me. Thats why men like me need to make our own companions. This is the only way Chads keep the rosties and us unlucky ones become happy.

You accidentally made my point for me. Danny DeVito worked hard and became famous. He's a bad example because of his level of fame; you just need to be financially secure. Most women care about security than physical attributes. It's not easy, and some people are born to lose, but OP was talking about dick size, and I think that matters a lot less than success and personality.

It dose not matter if your rich when all the women have fucked chads. Most good men just get leftovers now.



Yeah it's true, most women these days are slags. I have a few women in my extended family that are good people, not whores, are good wives; so I know they exist. Being a part of a healthy community is key if you want to find the few good folks that are out there.. Church is one of the best ways.

And you know that because they told you right? They tell you everything about them and their past.
Women go to church to find a "good guy" and forgive their shit past.

I have a nosy family. I know about my recently divorced make cousin seeing prostitutes. I don't know everything, but I know a lot. There are good women, just like there are good men. And gen Z may just bring is back to the 1950s, apparently they're red pilled. There's always hope.

male cousin

So you want a 30+ year old to hook up with gen Z? Because if not then you have a whole lot of single men that need companionship. If they only have used up rosties as an option then they must build a companion.

Hey,I mean it was socially acceptable in the past ;)
All I know is that there are unique minds out there, and you never know who you are going to meet. You might just get lucky and find a great Aryan wife. There are Ayn Rands and Lauren Southerns (bad example I know), but to attract them you have to be great as well, and the mind is more important than the body.

You sound like a bitch. Men only understand cold hard facts. Like "Fishing by the pump station is the best place to catch catfish because of the worm pipes". You see, i gave a location and why its good to spend time there. I dont say "Just fish where ever and you will get lucky". Only emotional dreamers and women say that shit. Give advice thats realistic or stop building up hope for people like me. Let us focus on fixing our situation by building a companion or stopping the degradation of our society by fixing the chad and stacy outbreak.

You guys really wanna know how to become attractive to girls?
Get fit, get big and strong, get really rich, get really handsome, get really popular, and get really well groomed.
There you go, that simple. Women are simple minded creatures and will go after men like this.
No gaming, no proposing, no small-talks, no online dating, no relationshops, nothing. Just women coming after you.

Chads have it simple because they're attractive to women. It's a simple concept, really.

What are you like, exactly? You seem fairly articulate, if a cunt. What makes you so awful, besides your attitude and your small dick?

Hey, this guy gets it. Us peasants have to compensate for our lack of fleshy fortitude with humour and financial wellbeing.

Also, I'd like to point out that I told you to try and fish by the church. I even gave you ideas for bait.

women are incapable of loving other people, they're only capable of loving what you can do for them.

This is why we should just let the chads have the Rosties and men like me should just build our own Companion.

I don't want chads leftovers. I want a real women and not something that can compare you to all the men shes been with. This is why i have a hard time finding some one. I do have a lot to offer. I have multiple properties and houses i outright own. But i have to be careful of the gold diggers. Most women dont like me at first but once they find out what i have they start talking to me. I then think "wow maybe i should do the same shit to them and just tell them i can just pay for some good looking slutt". So i can't respect women who are around me most of the time.

The place where women think they can go to be forgiven of their past? The place where they try to act and hide like they are not damaged goods? Church is not like it was meant to be, its ran by cucks now.

Do girls really act that way? You absolutely, just know that they know that you have a small dick?


You see, that's why women with damaged goods go after weaker and frailer men with more money later on, the hunk doesn't want her anymore. Alpha fucks, beta bucks.

If God saw how the church was today, he'd be fucking pissed for sure. It's not like it used to be.
Men were supposed to be the leaders, not the women. Church has been ruined by newer gynocentric values.
Don't go to church for women. Actually, don't go anywhere because women suck everywhere.

You do know you can go to a poor country and get a virgin wife to racemix with. Get yours fast before feminism wins.

Pic related

I am not a forever alone, but I will agree with you on the focus on yourself part. Life isn't about pussy. Find a passion. Pussy feels awesome and all, but it is nothing to be a mopey bitch about not having and relationships come and go, they aren't forever.

Don't forget about them, just stop obsessing over them. They can smell desperation, just be confident, nigga.

It'd be nice to have those values back, but with today's more laid back attitude

You're are slightly right, but mostly just retarded.

I don't want to racemix but the chads keep pushing it. Funny how NatSoc bitch about racemixing but support multiple wives like white women are plenty int his world.

Virgin neets get out. This here is a normalfag board.

I don't give a fuck about racemixing. If you would turn down one of the girls I just posted, you're gay. No biggie, just don't pretend to be straight.

Are you into bestiality?

It's okay to be gay.

Faggots in denial, it's sad yet kinda funny

I would impregnate that first ebony goddess until my dick can't anymore. We all love chocolate, maybe not above certain flavors but good chocolate is good chocolate.

Exactly. I prefer a girl with a different skin tone than my own personally. It's exotic.

are the black men fucking white women into bestiality?

It's not the white people who are subhuman, user.

Man, you prove that you don't know shit about the world, your desperation reeks of entitlement and naivety. You think everyone thinks alike, that girls are measuring every aspect of you, just you. Have you actually tried improving mentally and physically? Do you think Asian women care about your dick size? You want it all because you're young and horny, wait until you get in your mid-thirties and you'll realize that you're chasing something you're not willing to give the commitment for.

I will never understand superiority complexes.

Probably because you're inferior.

They all have Caucasian facial features, the last girl looks like she's covered in some kind of dark paint.

It'd be like describing color the a blind man, but there's just something so emotionally enriching about knowing you're categorically better than everyone else.

Yea, but they are still a different color than myself. I don't want ghetto bitches.

Like a special snowflake?

The reason why white people "feel superior" to black people is because they, as a demographic, haven't given us a reason to think of them as equals.

Sub-Saharan Africans are uncivilized, and actively destroy outside attempts to move them being the hut dwelling hunter/gatherer stage of development when left to their own devices.

Black people who grew up in the US commit crimes so frequently that they are responsible for more than half of all crimes committed in the country, even though they represent less than 10% of the total population. They also attack each other so often than a majority of black deaths are violent deaths that occurred at the hands of other black people.

Black people who don't act this way are the exception to the rule, and are often looked down on by other black people because they have "forgotten their roots" or "betrayed black culture" by wanting to act like a decent human being instead of a nigger.

tbh I wouldn't listen to anything this faggot has to say

This is one of them demoralizing threads
You have to go back to your promised land, schlomo

Kinda.. but it just shows a very valuable lesson: do NOT post your picture on chans if you're not willing to deal with the consequences

I agree with all of that, but I will always treat a person I meet with respect regardless of race or sex.

What I don't understand is when people take pride in being part of a collective.
Not even going the hyper individualist route. You can love the communities you are a part of. And it's probably healthy for society.
But getting any feeling of self-worth from that is something I don't get. That comes from personal achievements at least for me which explains why I'm constantly feel worthless.
You're average person didn't build civilization. It's a select view who were frankly too exceptional to ever be fully accepted by the masses.

my dick is probably the last part of my body i'd consider changing.
its a thick 8 inch with nice fat balls and all the girl who saw it were drooling over it

Technically what you say is true but the same goes for men as well, once women give up the pussy those top 20% and whatnot will go looking for younger and more fertile women which leads them back to the 80% they vowed never to interact with

Basically ignore bitches and find a woman who ACTUALLY cares about you and doesn't see you as replaceable or temporary, let the vapid cunts alone so they can die unfulfilled lives with their wine and multiple cats.



Any woman that would care for any of us is either
(A) a single mom
(B) Old roastie wanting to settle down
(C) Underage therefore illegal and not worth the risk in 2017
(D) Is a "good girl" in person but acts out sexually online and is a chan whore or social media whore
(E) Is mentally retarded or has social phobias. If so, good luck even meeting her

>I mean, getting a girlfriend is everything I've ever wanted, I'll finally be confident and strong and any other good trait that I didn't have to work for.
>Women don't know what they're missing, I'm the good guy and everyone else is going to cheat… eventually… because relationships usually don't work unless the man acts like me.

As you should, but individual examples and anecdotal evidence can't erase over 100 years of facts that have been thouroughly documented. It's always desirable to rise above, but black people as a whole are unfortunately barbaric.

the last part is true though
if women kept their legs closed we wouldnt have Chads with 3 kids by 3 different women

then they think all men are bad when in reality they are just big time sluts

dating is about what you have to offer vs what she has to offer.
if you get shit women it maybe because they don't think you have enough to offer and dating you would be a bad deal for them.

fix yourself and you'll get better women.


Whites are too, if you count enslavement of indigenous and Africans.

you just dont seem to understand

you will ALWAYS be left with the leftovers and women who cant get who they really want. they will settle with you and maybe even fuck you. all while thinking of "him"

you stupid piece of shit

It goes both ways, men cheat as well. Maybe the women you're referring to have been hurt so many times, that they just don't want a stable relationship. Perhaps they get jaded and act a certain way until the meet the right person.

Nice try Holla Forums. Blacks were already slaves to their fellow blacks in Africa before they were sold to jews and shipped to America

Slavery has gone out of style as western civilization has moved away from the "might makes right" mentality, but Africans and Middle Easterners are still doing it, even though they've had just as much time as we have.

The chads don't always get the girls first, chad can't be everywhere at once. He can't impress everyone, and if he's a whore then he'll miss out on a lot of women who don't go for that type.


Because nobody here can even get a gf let alone get a girl to cheat onhim with. Plus, we have beel songle for so long we know what not to do (i.e. cheat) because we dont want to lose the only thing good in our lives if we had it

you stupid cunt. you keep talking and spewing liquid shit and keep proving my point

thats bullshit tho.
you're lying to yourself to feel better about your failure.

Chads have an edventage but they don't hold all the keys.
sure most women would rather have a 10/10 Chad just like most men would like to have a 10/10 Stacie, but in most cases that doesn't happen.

Already knew that, whites shit enslaved blacks for years. Whites tortured blacks even after slavery ended, blacks were used as test subjects during the 70s by the CIA when cocaine was reintroduced into black neighborhoods.

OMFG just get out of this god damn thread
take you and your stupid bullshit out of my thread

you literally have no clue what you are even talking about you cocksucker

How can you even prove that?
You'd be surprised how sex and overconfidence can ruin a person's character, plus alcohol, lots of alcohol.

This is what i've been trying to tell this guy.

I do. Fantasy is very appealing to the weak-minded. Attraction is relative, not everyone likes the same face/body structure. I'm guessing that the girls you want simply aren't attracted to your body type and you're misconstruing that as a personal rejection.

God I love not giving shit about women, or having sex for that matter. Sure, I probably couldn't lose my virginity even if I wanted to, but I don't care, I've never cared, I don't ever think about it – and it's so blissful watching you insecure brainlets squabbling over your dry dicks and blue balls, like it's actually important.

No shit, they were bought to be slaves not equal citizens. They still had better lives than they would have had as slaves in Africa
Citation needed
Also had a white president murdered. Those damn white people, am I right?

Nobody is going to give a fuck about how shitty women are in 30 years when we have commercially available companion robots and CRISPR-assisted artificial wombs.

I see women dating total losers that sleep with other women on the side. In the end the women get dumped then they go "looking for the good guys". You dont notice this because you get women easy but the women who have been used resent men. But if you flirted with them they would start the whole being used thing over again because your a chad. Knowing this, average guys can never trust women.
Total misconception. Women will sleep with whatever is trendy at that time that they where influence by the media. They are social creatures unlike men.

Market didn't decide this, jews did.

Only chads cheat
So it's ok to let them be whores and damage themselves untill they "change". You sound retarded.

Thats a lie. Each men has their own flavor of looks they like. Women go around the norm that everyone thinks is hot. Once the social circle think they are out of style then women drop them. Chads always change themselves for women. Chads are easy to manipulate in that end.

Thats why we are here and not in the arms of our girlfriend…
Like a chad that women love to fuck.
Thats why my friends who are chads have high medical bills from partying it up when they where younger. I don't take them traveling with me to my different vacation homes because they have to drag around all this medication and are always feeling ill.

Except for women, they like whats trendy at the time.

Ever since i hit over 30 ive had wealth land in my lap. I can live as a NEET if i wanted to for the rest of my life. But all this luck and bucks still wont provide me with a good women. Even a women who is poor and in dept wont date me because its like a force stops her. They flirt with me in odd ways like embarrassed of what they are. I was rejected by women from the start so i don't care now that used up old rosties want me. I know they don't want me but my lifestyle that chads cannot provide. This is why good men should never accept a normal girl. Normal girls have been fucked by chads and now feel entitled to your better lifestyle. Chads will try to shame you into taking over their leftovers because chads cannot support multiple women. I feel good having the power to reject used up rosties now and i fear what would have happened if i listened to the chads.

It's funny because if you say "sex robots" then the chads and staceys will freak out and cry about what a loser you are and how you cant get a normal women "As if we could ever get any women anyways". But as soon as you say "Companion bot" they get confused at what that is. It's because they have no clue about companionship.

No one checked these evil will all be cursed with micro benis.

Exactly. Why should I feel pride for something I was born with? I didn't do shit to be proud of. I have accomplishments to feel proud of already so I feel no self worth because of the color and sex I just so happened to be.

I highly doubt that. While they may have had less access to technology in Africa, that doesn't mean they were miserable in Africa.
Are the people living in tribes in south America and Africa right now miserable?
sharecropping wasn't a thing? Lynch mobs? Jim Crow? This is actually just stupid.

I agree with you 100%. Blacks should leave white countries and head back to the utopia that is Africa. Whites should just be left alone so they cant hold back the strong black man. We should start a movement to return all black family bloodlines back to their native land.

For anons who use a cock pump and jelq, what do you recommend?

fuck you OP


They can't profit off the labor they put into this country, even if it was in shitty conditions?

You are fuckig idiot OP. All this whining abot GF and sex is bullshit. Sex is totaly overrated. You may think you miss alot, while watching porn. No. Porn is stupid setting for losers like you to make money. Real sex is totaly overrated. It never be this ecstasy faces, loud moans. Few minutes of stupid Frictions thats all. Dont trust me? Get yourself a hooker, i mean normal bitch, not some gross gator from backstreet. Find hooker site from your sity, find bitch with good Reviews ,An affordable price and get to it. You will see, There is nothing special or sacral in this act. Girl are always will try to use you in thier own way. Nothing good comes form thy cunt. Fucking bitches use it to manipulate you and when they see that from you nothing more to get, they just broke relationship. Never bother yourself about not hawing GF. Stop concern so much about useless cunts and take care of yourself. All good stuff comes from the man, fucking cunt never did nothing useful for the world. So Stop concern so much about useless cunts and take care of yoursel you fag.

I have an eight inch cock with decent girth, but am still a virgin. Life can be pretty funny, yeah? But guys like us, we're the celibate monks of our time. It all becomes easier when you find something more important to you than plugging meat holes. Figuratively, try to find your monastery.

Not forever alone, but I agree with the finding something more important than poon. It means nothing and comes and goes, find a passion.


Cunt slave

Seriously, learn to have sex and you will get over your insecurity.
Long dicks are only good for fancy sex positions.

When you said head, I realized I have a pretty thick tip.

I used to be average… But now I'm shrinking, and it's scaring me.
It has gotten to a point of physical discomfort.
I want to go back.

I'm sure I've seen this thread before, though slightly different.

sorry I didn't win the genetic lottery Mr Chad

I love the negress. I have had sex with 2 and the first one was obsessed with my white cock. The 2nd was as well, but she loved being humiliated and punished as a slave to her master. Oh good times.



You're right about chads. If the shit ever hits the fan in this world, very few of those at the top of the current social order are going to be the least bit useful.

http ://
(She is actually hot though, tbh)


user i want to know something, does your dick get super hard or is it at best somehow soft?
Mine gets rock solid at 6 inches.

Consider the alternatives:

Learn how to use your hands.

I wouldn't mind losing 2-3 inches if it meant having a normal foreskin.


Being circumcised is so much worse than having a microdick because you can't even pleasure yourself to the same extent as someone with a microdick thats intact, I feel for you.

Be less of a faggot, a good looking body scores more than a good looking face.

but if he started working out he wouldn't be himself anymore

Yup, he would be a better version of himself, i believe that was the point all along

Funny how that works innit, I thought "muh love is blind"

it's not. only naive idiots think that.

More like


You dumb fucking retards need to stop crying and learn how to make your dick bigger if it bugs you so much - it's actually rather simple. pegym.


I'm 7 inches and not a day goes by that I don't think about offing myself

Give us your daily routine.

don't do it

he wants to fuck with you

you are so focused on dick, maybe you should try one you stupid faggot.

>thinking women want to get cervix slammed over and over again
Turns out average length hits the G spot just fine, and doesn't leave her internally bruised. You're going to need another excuse why you're not getting laid, user.

Don't take this from OP, user