And thus began my swallowing of the black pill which inevitably contributed to my road towards radicalization.
ITT: times your power level slipped
Other urls found in this thread:
What kind of brown person are you?
Where's the rest of the fucking barrel, like the front sight?
I am of French, German and Ukrainian descent.
I live in a cucked non-freedom country, so it's a deactivated one from the USSR that had half of the barrel sawed off.
Just say mystery meat, it's quicker
day of the rope when?
I'm proud of muh heritage, any self-respecting white man is too.
literality chuckled
You should've expected it in all honesty.
Not saying it was justified, but to give the nigs such ammo is naive my man.
what heritage is that lmao
there's no Ukie-Germy-Frenchie fests
what would it be, a croissant stuffed with borscht and deep fried into a schnitzel?
Just pick one, fam.
It sounds disgusting yet intriguing at the same time.
So you took a picture of yourself in fatigues, wearing a hat from a candidate you cannot vote for, holding a gun that no longer functions, came to Holla Forums and thought it would be a good idea to post it?
I appreciate the enthusiasm, but wew lad.
Perogies go very well with schnitzel, and Ukrainians love sauerkraut, so there's a lot of culinary common ground between Ukrainians and Germans.
The French side of my family isn't France -French, they are Quebecois.
Unfuck your shit, swarthyfag
If only Wal-Mart banned everyone from their stores that shit business of cheap material goods could collapse.
I'd be torn between Ukrainian and German.
Please understand it is the only way I can feel like a big guy. I'm being 100% honest. Being red pilled in Canada is literal Hell, I need some way to feel like I'm a member of some militia.
Please, some sympathy. Right wing Canadians get fucked up, psychologically speaking, after a while of living in this cesspool.
God tier
gas yourself
Literally 25% French Canadian, and everyone in my family who is Quebecois (my maternal grandmother's side) is right wing.
Isn't there ways of actually buying guns in canacuck? Just get a mossin works better than what you have.
Yeah, but you need to go through years of certification and training to get a gun here.
I fucking hate it. I want guns.
They need to get their PAL and then something something
Problem with things like the PAL and things like FFLs are that they give government agencies a nice list of who's who
Although you claim to be of European descent, you don't really look white to me.
You look like some kind of arab/nigger/native-american mix.
This too. I don't like government lists.
Probably due to the beard. But trust me, I'm 100% white.
You come off as a little bitch.
Have some agency, nigger. If you don't like your reality, fucking man up and change it. Get out of that shit hole pozzed country and make your life great.
You say you're white. Okay then fucking act like it. What are you doing to improve your situation?
I'm not saying don't get your PAL and get a gun, I'm just saying that if the government decides to they are probably going to take it away.
Don't know enough about Trudystan's gun laws but I doubt you can get a few 80% lowers
Working on my degree, and then possibly moving to Switzerland or the USA depending on the upcoming election results.
Those seeds fade. They only found it funny because it's edgy. They'd oy vey just as much if they were to seriously confront Holocaust denial.
No, stay where you are Ausländer.
Get it it would at least be worth it to be able to get some range time. Still a fun healthy hobby even if you could never use it to overthrow your shit government.
Also shave.
100% true story
He's bringing the long gun registry back that Harper scrapped, so that.
A couple weeks ago some farmer in Saskatchewan shot a good for nothing native trespassing on his property, and now the natives are trying to throw a BLM style chimp out in Canada (mostly the prairies, where I am). Since Trudeau loves to whore himself out to natives so much, and also hates guns, I could see him as using that incident to further clamp down on guns.
Would you prefer me, or more of those Albanians who infest your country?
Yeah I'm shaving it off tomorrow. I can go to a range where you can rent a gun. Even after jumping through all the hoops, the best I could hope to get is a hunting rifle.
Yeah that definitely sounds like something that happened within the realm of reality.
We are full
honestly it seems well within the realm of possibility
It's 100% legit. I think you would be surprised how many people hate jews secretly. I also live in the deep South, so I'm sure the probability of such an event is much higher than in other parts of the country.
Idk man just the whole "laughing about Jews needing to be gassed" part sounded kind of phony.
I'll get my gibs goddammit!
Memes aside I am fairly well educated, speak English, French, and passable German, and will be a contributing and law-abiding citizen.
In what, pray tell?
My grandfather killed a lot of people with a "hunting rifle" during WWII, and I'll do the same in WWIII.
But you arent Swiss
He would fit right in here.
I reluctantly agree. I had a great time in Poland and met a lot of really decent people, but pierogis taste flabby and bland to me and I really wanted to like them :(
Genetic trash confirmed.
Doing a BSc in immunology, applying to medical school. If that falls through, I'll try dentistry, and if not that, pharmacy.
I'll probably still get a hunting rifle, it's better than nothing. I just wanted something with a bit more power, you know?
Most hunting rifles pack more punch that an AR or AK
Quebecois, surname Volant, from the mid 17th century.
Lutherans, surname Richter, great-great-grandfather fought during WW1 with Germany.
Orthodox Christians, surname Velychko, not a Jew in the family (region family is from got Pogrom'd fifty years before they immigrated to Canada).
They lack the mobility of many other guns, which is a big positive aspect of a gun in my eyes.
Thanks for that. I need to do more research on guns, propaganda permeates the atmosphere up here regarding guns.
The swiss hate us germans and don't want us coming over to work. You think they'd be happier with some north american mystery meat?
What you need to do is lurk more, mystery meat.
Off your high horse now.
Grinds my gears that people shill for trannies now.
lurk moar
One thing is aborting a baby and other is offending someone! Good thing you leave!
I know one bitch of a cultist who deny me entering into her house(to meet her daughter, whom I know for years) because God hates it, but she had an abortion. What a fucking hypocrite bitch
Maple Snake didn't bitch as much as you you cannuck faggot.
i make racist and jew jokes with my normie friends all the time
but i can't taljk about it seriously, not yet at least
i hope that i'm at least normalising them to the ideas
I thought that was a shooped pic of Omar Mateen.
He's a big Canuck.
For you.
I spy with my little eye
4chan peeps
Most of them still believe the narrative, best friend is halfway redpilled, mum don't care, younger siblings trust my intelligence thankfully.
You could call it "Mystery eat".
Look, I live in this country too. What province are you from? Unless you're from the northern territories, go get an illegal gun if you want to be armed. Don't be a cuck. Also, don't be a goddamn PRcuck. Spout your views, tell others of it, and only be careful so far as you have to to avoid legal repercussions. Being a dishonest and limp-wristed faggot puts you in the same territory as any shitskin to the rest of us.
Underrated post.
you look like a fucking jihadist, shave your beard and fix your disgusting middle-eastern brows you retard
get a REAL gun
stop wearing a hat for a candidate you can't vote for, stop following whatever is "hip" you fucking retard
or just kill yourself, that'll make it easier for yourself and for everyone around you
Seriously my power level is so high these days that when I'm hiding my power level it's still to high for normies. But also I don't give a flying fuck any more if someone gets triggered. I am trying to lead with example and I am noticing that people around me who were afraid to speak out do it more and more. Anyway a short story:
I'd have made a fuss, literally been like "this fatass parent asked us to look for her son for her instead of doing it herself like a good parent and when we said no she screamed this shit, we didn't even say anything, we wish she'd just go away."
I live in a nigger area and talk sense, I rarely get shit because people usually believe me even against their own kind. I can reason well under pressure too, and thanks to years of online debate talk down any deflections.
It's taken years of sociopathic lying back in school to get other people to leave me alone and I still have the skill of layering lies upon lies, that combined with sociopathic logical reasoning and being pretty but young looking is killer.
I now only do it for lulzy apolitical goals instead of insecurity, in fact I consider it immoral and won't lie to freinds and family. The internet and strangers I'll probably never meet again though sometimes, but only out if curiosity really.
I have not read anything sounding as autistic as this in a while.
wew this is some "I'm a special snowflakes and because if I lie it means I am a sociopath" bullshit if I have ever seen it.
Because self diagnosing isn't a tumblr/sjw thing and saying that you are mentally ill like it is something to be proud of is sad.
It's like seeing a guy with a missing arm saying how much better life has been since he lost that arm.
also this site isnt a resume for who is the edigest and "best" at debates.
Anyone who starts a sentence like this cannot possibly be a man.
Op is a faggot
This right here. Oh how I wish for such an oppertunity. I've only talked about the terrible economic impact of food aid with friends and family. I remember arguing with mom while visiting my family about the rice bowl(catholic change collection for starving animals) and how it is destroying their farmers, thus the rest of their country, keeping them in a poverty trap. She actually relented on this. Now if only I can get her to drop her support of pissreal.
I said somebody was chimping out at work.
I don't give a fuck period. I am the most unchained person around.
Also OP your trigger discipline is fucking shit.
I thought revealing your power level meant sieg heiling in front of everyone? Everyone who chooses to talk politics with me will get to know my stance on refugees and islam pretty quickly. Am I being too obvious?
what the fuck is this thread
Another stupid thread
"I'm a little bitch who is scared of everyone! Let's talk about times you are a stupid little bitch and Trump is braver than you even though he's running for the Presidency of the United States in front of the entire world""
You can't give a fuck. Truth to power is its own reward. But one of them is probably listening, how you carry yourself and dismiss their shaming speaks volumes. Showing with knowing smiles and disregard of their views draws respect.
You're being too American.
We now greet eachother with heil hitler
Go to /k/ nigger. Your lack of gun knowledge is horrible. YouTube gun channels also.
Germany is one of the most genetically diverse countries in Europe, and still it pales in comparison to the mongrelness of North America.
Keep dreaming, mystery meat. that isn't white at all
wew more infighting
on a side note heres a vid we can all enjoy
for the no fap guys i apologize and for the guys who hate porn click on it, as porn its pretty shit, as entertainment its priceless
You’re a degenerate half-breed who looks like a fucking amishman.
The Amish are mostly white, user, this guy literally looks like a dunecoon with a jihadbeard.
Man, your face looks like all of your male ancestors were cucks. You definitely look semite.
You can tag along in the race war, but don't reproduce.
Only cucked faggot cowards "hide their power level".
Let's see….
Why are you such a fucking baby, OP?
Why do you need to support a false consensus that you don't agree with in order to retain friends that you shouldn't have?
I almost said that Serbia wasn't total shit when I was talking about the Bosnian War.
Glad I caught myself and reminded my peers that Srbe should be hanged na Vrbe.
My turn.
When I saw I'm pro-life, I mean for healthy whites. Other races can take care of themselves, if they can.
I really don't understand why more people don't see this.
Only degenerates have abortions thus nothing of value lost
Could have been worse
Double dubs confirm this story. Nigresses love white guys.
That's more of an origin story.
The times I've revealed this i've lost friends.
Most consider me to be racist and have disowned me. I felt bad about it at first but I honestly don't care.
A burger
With that said, I'm surprised that the Green Party isn't NS as fuck. You think they'd have green armbands with swastikas instead of being socialist faggots.
Yeah it always really confused me the few times I went along that they were talking about faggots, tranny faggots,open borders, global government, xenos and other non environmental things.
Apparently they've been hijacked by socialists and a lot of the older guard has been purged.
A lot of these people are either tumblr tier students/young people or middle class types just looking to signal.
If there was ever a third party to subvert to some NS cause, it'd be the Greens. Talking about the Third Reich's environmental policies can do wonders.
Being in a 98% white country that has only ever had religious conservatives in power since the countries foundation, based norn iron I've been able to get away with a lot of shit, mostly at school though since the people i'd hang around with nowadays are pretty redpilled.
>state that almost no women should be in politics thatcher was good tough due to having care based moralities vs justice based moralities
>only time i actually got punished minor talking to
Wasn't really letting my power level slip so much as it was deliberate but i remember my history teacher, chill dude but bluepilled on the kikes, doing the spiel on why we must remember the holocaust, evils of Germany, etc.
(red cross numbers vs auchvitz death toll, 300'000 vs 1500000) dunno if this actually works out but it works really well since to deny the accusation would force a normie to claim either the red cross are lying or auchvitz is
(was hinting at Russia's rape of Germany)
I secretly hope he knows more than he let on and just didn't want fired
what the fuck, that lack of trigger discipline is truly disgusting (thus sage)
praise kek
I'm always showing my power level. I've done it so much I think people assume I'm aloof/joking. I get called racist/sexist all the time, but people really don't care.
I think it's because I'm tall and attractive, and can get away with it. Not to mention self employed, so the threat of having my livelihood destroyed is non-existent. The one time a girl actually got upset when I told her black women are gross, I just got up and walked away, and she came and apologized to me a few minutes later.
Because there seems to be no repercussions for me, I also like to use a woman's inherent narcissism against her. One thing I always bring up is how "white features" are so much better, e.g pink features, light hair/eyes. White girls love idolizing non-white celebs and I always destroy them when they do. I even got a girl to dump her Mexican boyfriend, and in confidence, she told me it was because she realized her kids wouldn't "have the same features" as her. She hooked up with a weak beta male white guy too, all to keep her aesthetic genetics alive.
Every Holla Forumsack should lift and dress well if they want their ideas to be receptive to the general public. If you look like pic in OP, just keep your mouth shut, you aren't doing anyone any favours.
Tell niggers they're niggers:
Had to sit down with professor in office that day. Told to tone it down but he "understands" my oppression. He says he likes me and doesn't want me to go to "sensitivity" training.
Nu-male professor tells me to "just play ball" and finish the semester.
"Just play ball." I couldn't believe it, but I finished the semester OK. Grades were good. Nu-male didn't want any issues, wanted to get tenured eventually.
Is this an actual fucking thing?
Yes it is, see my post:
jesus is the guy in the second pic alive after this shit
jesus christ is it possible for the skin to grow back
this. I don't know what with the edgeshit in the rest of your post, but you can easily 'defuse' situations that rely on public perception like that by simply staying calm and civil and playing ignorant. Everyone will just assume it was an unprovoked chimpout from another crazy niggress that you just happened to be on the receiving end from.
Works with SJWs too. If you accidentally trigger them and they start trying to bring a crowd in, just play dumb. But be sure not to do that self-pitying, self-debasing act you always see in some videos of people instigating leftists and then acting all persecuted, speaking with a whiny voice and adrenaline running, repeating "but I didn't DO anything," that's just pathetic.
found the pic on gogle, was some poor japanese guy back in 1999 who experienced a metric fuckton of radiation (17 SV) during an accident in fukushima
83 days.
This was back when I was still a degenerate but also reasonably redpilled
Fucking why. Why even bother with these people.
Unless that pic was a fluke, you're a filthy wog.
Compare yourself to pic related, if you don't look just as white side by side with this pic then you are a wog
I have dark hair and hazel eyes though, but I'm a white mutt. Do I still count?
No this looks obviously like a white person to me.
I think if he shaved his neckbeard he'd look less muzzie.
Not really.
Who's the other guy? Pentti Linkola?
I hate university lads ;_;
Then leave.
There's very little economic benefit left, it's just debt with no realistic hope of a high paying job.
Just stand up right now and say
…And then give a crisp third reich salute and walk out.
What are you gonna do, lose out on lots of debt for no reason while taking up valuable years you could be working, saving and investing?
Oh no!
I thought you were an ISIS member.
Maybe he's at sea but I haven't heard a word since then but he posts on Facebook. I was a groomsman for his first wedding and he's not a shitlib. I don't know what's going on.
Just his wedding. Not his first. On mobile and not sure how that got in there
Inshallah my White brother.
Fucking A!
Can't tell with the shark-eyes and beard and hat, looks Armenian>>7235250
Damn, Sanders went from muh diversity to "literally Hitler" in seconds
It's funny, because this isn't true at all. The problem is how this lot of people uses the planet, not that there are too many of them. Plus, dense cities produce pollutants at a higher rate than farmland, so the logical step to solving our problem is to evenly distribute everyone.
Also I'm in the top 1/14th of people that will live if the human population is actually reduced, so I have nothing to worry about.
Ao how mamy fedoras do you own?
More like nigger discipline.
I recently met some fag who I heavily suspect is a kike. Biggest liberal, Hillary did nothing wrong, and keeps talking about shit like gun control is good and minimum wage is great even when I told him that companies are turning to robots. Whats other then lurking around threads the best place to get info and shit I can use against him, as many topics as possible?
Is that agot? euphemism for the BBC you fucking fag
What do you mean vindicated?
What changed after Paris, and what was the mood like after you said this stuff?
How did that go down?
HOLY FUCK user! That gave me one hell of a shock of realization. Powerful stuff.
That image is fucking gold.
I read Pentii's book and he came across as based in parts but still wanting to court leftists.
Based Ted is all good though.
The man who broke MK Ultra.
This is another picture of me, so let's stop with the divisive banter, ok?
Also, my nose isn't a non-white nose. I'm the least like a negroid, mongoloid or semitic nose.
Arab as fuck
I told my best friend the jews were at fault, he's a psychotic return of jesus christian, he just got quiet and left.
What did that other guy say?
They got something after Nebuchadnezzar died and his son, Amil-Marduk, like a cuck, handed the kingdom of Babylon over to exiled Judah king Jehoichin.
Abdul, we dont want ISIS in the USA. GO away.
and you are none of these.
25% German, 25% French you dumb faggot.
Fucking kill yourself, leftycuck. The Palestinians are just another shitty brown people that deserve to be cleansed. Fuck both the kikes and Palestinians. They both deserve to be eradicated.
You desperately need to shave that terrible Allāhu Akbar beard. Then you need to get yourself a Remington 770. And fucking lurk more.
50% Ukrainian
you look more white in this picture, but you should really shave. You look like a muzzie
Alright, now I'm really considering shaving. I want to look like the white man that I am, not some shit skin.
You have to go back
One of the founders of Greenpeace quit, because half the shit they started doing had nothing to do with the environment. He also joined it to stop shit like atmospheric nuclear testing and sewage being dumped in the sea, but it started talking about (((global warming))) and how it needs to be solved through massive taxes on successful (white) nations. I don't think he was full 14/88, but he was on the path.
Also I beleive there IS an eco-friendly Nazi party. I think one of the lower-scoring mass shooters was into them. Eric Weise, I think? I can remember he used to call himself NativeNazi and posted about how the Indians ought to stand up for themselves and not sit about being drunken degenerates.
Should have dropped them pills anyway. Much like the black guy in the other thread, the more enemies the jews have, the better.
You have a unfair dismissal case there, user.
Ok user since you need us to hold your hand for you.
Social media is going to be your number one friend here. Everyone has one. You can find just about everything about someone just by looking at their god book because theyor their family/friends post it themselves
Secondly find a good and trustworthy site that can do background checks, might turn up something good on the family.
Thirdly cozy up to them. Get them talking, appear interested in their social life. If he does drugs or some such you might find out the dealer.
Get any and all dirt you've dug up together and hit with it all in quick succession. If he's out drinking making a fool of himself show his employer, if he's doing anything illegal at home call the police. It's not hard
Yeah dude. In the first pic I thought you were some Turk
Including mattress girl the evidence supporting the theory feminists have a higher chance of having a rape fantasy than average is looking more and more sound
With that beard you look like a kebab 'enriched' a Greek in your ancestral past
Holy shit OP I burst out laughing, amazing.
Leave it to an American to be obsessed with whiteness.
t. Southern Europe
If you read the thread you'll notice he's actually Canadian.
I know, I meant American as in the continent.
How else would I say it?
North American.
I was going to say that, but I also wanted to refer to some people in South America. Oh well, it'll do. What does the USA have with confusing names and adjectives?
Like Hispanic and Latino, shouldn't it be mestizos and castizos or whatever?
Sure you did, chaim.
Why the fuck did you even go to "Counseling" to begin with?
You did nothing illegal, you should be required to do anything, you should have called them all "Niggers" and kept going to class.
about a month ago I went an on autistic rant about fags when I was already irritated over something I fucked up at work. The words just started spewing out and everyone stopped talking for a few minutes and then carried on a different subject like the shit never happened.
Dude, never post your pic on the internet, you WILL get trolled for it.
hang yourself from the next willow tree
Every time I talk to any family member I on purposely reveal my power level, my mother is pretty redpilled on leftist bullshit at this point but refuses to take the gospel whenever I try to convert her. My 10 year old brother is close to me but they literally brainwash kids these days at school and it's absolutely terrifying listening him parrot the shit they tell him, I can't seem to get through to him either. Even more terrifying is the fact that his grades are absolutely abysmal along with the schools, it's almost like all they do at his school is brainwash them on global warming, multiculturalism and sodomy.
I think normies are too timid to begin to contemplate for themselves the demographic effects of abortion. And it's not something the judeomedia and judeoacademia allows to penetrate their thick skulls. I'm not sure if it's just to avoid racially politicizing the issue or to block the realization among whites that demographics is destiny. Meanwhile, Juden and libshits are counting down the days until white marginalization, but we can't say the fewer blacks around, the better.
theres not enough difference between a buck and man, they all die the same
Top waste of time, lad.
You could have a better chance explaining how CPU lithography works to your grandma.
Yeah that's a nice blogpost you got there you giant fucking faggot but how about you stop holding down the trigger you dumb sand goblin looking fucking shitskin.
Make sure you're hot next time and play with that trigger while inspecting your bore you giant faggot, it's not suicide if your lust is for peace, not death.
Bcome an hero and for fucks sake record it, don't worry about stopping the camera.
I read in a book that there was supposedly some US nuclear scientist who fucked up bad, got a critical dose of radiation and had his own death filmed. US army supposedly has a copy of the video, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find a copy of that video.
Just interested in seeing how the radiation sickness actually works.
That's only half the story. They kept him alive long after he begged for death so they could study him and how the radiation was absolutely destroying his body and organs. His skin just fell off in chunks and his organs were suffering massive failures, but they kept that poor bastard alive through artificial means until they couldn't anymore. His last weeks were pure suffering.
really more revealed myself as racist than my power level. we didn't get into Jewry or politics.
Hi, welcome to Holla Forums
You must be new here.
This isn't Facebook or Reddit. We don't care what you look like or who you are.
We care about your ideas and what you have to say.
Also, is that "AK" you have in working condition besides the barrel being cut? As in, is the receiver intact because the receiver is what is actually considered to be "the gun" of the rifle.
You really should shave. That beard is the same the Muzzies get or Amish get when they are married or whatever the fuck it is for.
You're pretty much the Holla Forums Shaun King right now.
should have double down on your racism
should have just rolled with it
Niggers are more racist than any other race, and think that EVERYONE is as racist as they are
If you are outwardly racist and calm with it they will be friendly with you because they know you aren't a cuck and they respect a man with balls rather than a cuck
2016 is fucking CRAZY.
They also think they cannot be racist. actually met suh nigs. luckily tey were beaten into a coma by other nigs lol.
You should have said - "because it was perfect" or something like that.
Seriously, how do you people have such shit-tier people skills? Most of you are smarter than anyone i know.
this is my second go at college so I don't give a fuck about any of the social aspects. I'm trying to get some money skills going and nothing more. Every time I engage with people I regret it.
I hope those are some abscure as fuck skills you're learning. Social skills go a long way in any career.
ya. there's a programming club I need to join. joining a club is not something I would ever do. but, I'm getting old and I need get some money piled up and not live like a tramp. so, I guess I'm gonna join a club.
not something I though I would ever do
good man, we need more like you
People are calling you brown, but you'd probably look fine if you didn't have a muslim neckbeard while holding an AK.
>17 years old, living with parents in San Diego
It disgusts me to no end that I came out of these people. I want to raise my sister to be a strong, self confident, beneficial member of my race but my parents seem dead set on the opposite of that: a weak willed child who can't handle the slightest insult, be it in the name of self improvement or not, and refuses to listen or consider any opinion she doesn't like or understand. These "adults" are the kind of people who believe that illegal immigrants "do the jobs white people don't want to do" and "enrich our culture" and are voting for Hillary because she's a woman. Just nuke California seriously. This basic shit is considered "revealing your power level" here and I could get fucking disowned if I showed my real opinions. Why are people so weak?
sorry for blog post I'm just really fucking angry
Today I was talking with a bunch of coworkers because we were slow and it wound around to race relations.
A 16 year old girl upon hearing that we all agreed that the way things are going is another race war and the segregated states would be a better alternative asked me if that was right.
"Is it right to segregate people because they are different"
Proceed to talk about race and crime statistics and link to iq.
"Yeah bUT it could just be because of their socio economic status"
"IT'S not because at all levels of income whites are smarter even our poorest whites are smarter than the richest blacks"
"Well yeah but that's because they have been like poor for so long" she counters
"What do you mean?" I asked inwardly smirking.
"Well they have been so disadvantaged for so long we have evolved differently"
"So you are saying that whites evolved superior intelligence"
"Well i.. uh, but that's not a reason to segregate"
"Then what is. There are three groups of people and Asians want to live with Asians, blacks with blacks and when whites are alone and honest with themselves behind close doors even they want to live among only whites" every coworker looks down and a few agree.
"I'm not saying it's bad, but people already self segregate the only reason why we oppose it is because we have been told our entire lives that it's bad and people who suggest it are evil. Im suggesting it and even I have a part of me saying that about myself. But nobody wants our current state and we only go along with it because we are told the alternative is evil even though deep down everyone knows it's not."
"Yeah but we shouldn't kind them" another says
"I'm not saying that, by all means we can help them"
"But they need help" same person
"If our people go extinct their won't be any whites left to help blacks and Asians hate blacks. We have to secure and existence for our people. What you are saying is the white man's burden. Now, as a christian I have no problem helping others and I don't want them extinct but our people have to come first.
It is on our backs that humanity is carried and it is on our backs that blacks have even gotten as high as they can. We need to preserve our people. Or do white children not deserve a future."
"… look I agree with you," same guy, "it's just, I can't hate them"
"IT'S not about hatred of them, it's about loving ourselves instead of beating ourselves for feeling guilty of being superior."
"So you want a black america and a white america separated? Wouldn't that make both sides feed present hostilities?" Same guy
"Our present situation is already feeding hostilities as it is, you said it yourself earlier we are on a path to a race war, at least the alternative gives our people time and without constant strife tensions can cool but there are three people's on this planet and only a future where whites are dominate do the other two have a future. Blacks will cause our extinction and if not then the Asians and the Asians will annihilate blacks for Africa's resources"
"I don't like it, but you are right."
Girl from earlier frowns but nods and her boyfriend agrees with us.
Not the entire convo but how'd I do.
This was mostly testing the waters and trying to show them ethnic nationalism doesn't equal hate. I also spoke about how theirs a reason why when whites were landing on the moon we were constructing buildings for blacks to live in instead of the mud huts.
We also all engaged in shit lording like
Ironically telling one another to check their privilege and how we should feel guilty for inventing almost everything etc.
My power level never slips, not even here do I let it all out. If I did you would think of me worse than normies think of pol…
Because not all of us are turbo autists who can't handle having friends with different opinions. It's not like arguing about politics is essential to every friendship.
i trigger my lovely wifey for sport. she's coming around though.
try us
Oh do tell? Indulge us.
A dog born in a stable is clearly a horse.
There may be sandnigger citizens of Germany, but they will never be German. Just like calling a mongrel OP born in Canada a Canadian.
I was proven right in the most direct and tangible way possible about the migrants.
I dropped the course soon after and got lucky enough to get a relatively less pozzed professor in the replacement class. The Proud Slut bitch kept on giving me poor grades on my papers because she didn't agree with my thesis statements or arguments (i.e. she didn't allow room for any intellectual dissent,) so I had to do something to save my GPA from her. As for the other students, most tried their hardest to avoid me after that. I think I set their shitlord alarms off a bit too hard, even though I hit their cognitive dissonance hard at the same time. Christcuck Carl would try and condescend to me since he now knew that I harbored "unchristian" thought. The mudslime bitch legit seemed scared of me. Probably thought I was going to go full Serb at any moment.
The worst thing is when you have a deep and meaningful conversation with someone close, redpill them and answer all of their questions, and they agree and seem to have changed their minds, but when you talk to them days later they act as if they never talked to you and parrot their old, basic bitch mainstream views on the issues. Make me want to go full day of the rope when I realize how brainwashed some people are namely my entire damn family.
In Burgerland, their demonym is "American" which means American citizen of any colour. Any European or bleached shitskin is called "white", which includes the rampant miscegeny with injuns (who are called "Native Americans" despite not being first on the continent let alone native). Hell, many of our govts call any non-African, non-oriental a white, such as for crime stats or census.
"European" refers strictly to people who live in or citizens of European countries. Europeans are cast as pansy socialist (an evil bad wrong word here) weirdos hippies and sex & drug addicts, in contrast to Americans who hate sex and are shabbos goy, and are fundamentalist psycho christcucks. Europeans are cast as not "us", Europeans are "them"; the thought that we share ancestry seems to not click, as the burger thinks himself a world apart and somehow cut from a different cloth.
Terms such as Italian-American refer not to dual-citizens of both countries, but rather their ancestry; and it gets even more complicated how that hyphenation can be used, or what ethnic groups are allowed to use it and how. And different organisations and populations here use it in different ways, so you have to have context to figure it out. I don't know why a person can't simply identify of themselves as German (by blood) yet an citizen of USA; but if you tell someone here, "I'm German" they assume you're a foreigner, a German citizen, who doesn't belong here. It's almost as if Americans don't want to have any identifiable ancestry…because they think stopping short at being an "American" is all they need, and anyone who identifies differently needs to be beat up and kicked out.
It's really fucked up how burgers are conditioned to think of such terminology. I wouldn't be surprised if the kikes are behind this, just as they are behind the whole "melting pot" bullshit.
How does the Statue of Liberty kike-penned poem go? "Fuck Western history and traditions. Flood us with your lazy, your criminal, your genetically defective, your clinically retarded refuse, and every shade of poo. Ignorance is strength! Freedom is slavery! Diversity is monolithic!"
It is not without truth the belief that Americans are ignorant as shit, and half-judaised, half-negrified. No sense of, and a seeming hated for, roots.
cremate your parents NOW
I wonder what percentage of people in your general age group are more receptive to our ideas. It seems to me that less people in mine, 26, are that way.
It's not hateful, it's what you want your sister to be able to be. In point of fact, they are far more hateful because they think being white is a bad thing. They hate themselves and their children for it.
kill yourself
Personally, I think the reason why segregation didn't work is because both were in the same geographic areas. That is what led to hostilities, when the white versions of things were better. The black man should have to have all of his own things, and not be able to blame whitey, and acknowledge that the IQ gap is real. That is the only time it can be worked on, but that's their job not ours. Today they honestly think it's because we have racism voodoo that they don't do as well.
Not bad.
Now I'm laughing even more than I did when I read that sentence.
That's because anyone who isn't Anglo is supposed to LARP as Anglo, because that's what 'assimilated' means. Get the fuck out if being required to be Anglo-American pisses you off. We made this country for us, and it's not our problem you Germans never made a satellite country.
It's good to live in Russia.
Lad… You aren't from Ulster are you?
talk to people, maybe they are closet Holla Forumsacks like you
The 1st picture shows that jews can't even jew correctly. I prefer the standard shotgun grip on a shotgun. While the government shouldn't have any say in what weapons a white citizen can own, this is just laughable.
I'm pretty open about my views but I say it in a happy/fun enough manner for the uninitiated to think I'm only joking. Every now and again someone does come along and says he's glad to see another person who also cares about the world.
I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to the day I can take off the mask and reveal my thoughts without any filters.
Burger here.
American to me means white and most whites here will admit as much behind closed doors or between the lines of what they are saying.
and that was the day I started hating Jews and niggers. Now i'm going to start school at a different community college but this time i'll just avoid all contact and run through ASAP. Free platform of ideas my ass.
Back to your containment thread, britfaggot.
Oh god I think you're right
The devil is in th details.
Non-Europeans will never know what utter scumbags the gypsies are. God, they're disgusting.
This gives me hope. Keep doing you, glorious user.
o> doin God's work soldier
it hurts me to type this but we're on a chan and no one has said it yet.
you have to have sex with your sister
Any of you guys been in similar situations?
Didn't really manage to do much more with it besides point out that South Africa is now an absolutely fucking terrible place to be, when it used to be quite nice and the conversation kinda died there and moved on. Could still feel the glares from the lady, though. Looking back, I should've argued my point more thoroughly that I see the apartheid thing, but if all you're ending up with is awfulness then what's it for (I'm not about to sit there and argue apartheid is a good thing with a bunch of people I don't know that well).
Thankfully it didn't really have any consequences.
I honestly kinda wish they'd pushed further and tried to argue it so I could drop some red pills on South Africa. I find the story of the former colonies are some of the best redpills available.
Its in their subconscious ya' dummies.
Didn't tell you that.
First Story
Second Story
Nice slide
Third Story
Fourth Story
Fifth And Final Story
I didn't include the Orlando attacks since nothing of value was lost. I'm glad the sandnigger who did it died but i'm happy there are 49 less faggots degenerating my country.
Good thing that most of us here aren't libtards then, as they're the ones who excommunicate others for having different opinions the most often.
If your "friends" can't handle your opinions when you simply voice them then why bother being friends with them if they'll just abandon you at the drop of a hat? That's most people nowadays. I'd rather have someone I can freely talk and disagree with and know they'll have my back than someone who is only a good friend when I blow smoke up their ass.
Here's mine:
I didn't even get to talk about the muslims vs. fags debate since Orlando just happened and it would have been relevant, and the cuck immediately got assblasted at the thought that some populations may just not like or get along with another population. You can't reason with some of these lunatics straight from university.
Yesterday some co-workers were talking about Bush being buddy buddy with Saudi Arabia when the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi and wanting to know why. I told them how they're an Israeli satellite state, the House of Saud, that they're a cover for politically damaging Israeli operations, etc. Right as it was coming to the point where it begged proof, I segued into talking about Mossad agents being arrested and released for celebrating and videotaping the attacks, that they had bug-out plans and tens of thousands of dollars in cash, and a van that tested positive for explosives. Opined a bit on the Israeli "art students" that had access to engineering levels, then rounded off with a "that's why we really went to war; Israel wants to expand and needs destabilized neighbors to justify it. Just look at the latest Hillary mail dump. We destroyed Syria for the same reason."
I was not met with disbelief, but a sort of simmered anger.
I think I seeded some Anti-Semitism. Feels good.
Jesus fuck. Summer HAS to be almost over right? Hitler would tell everyone on this board to settle the fuck down.
They just stared blankly. Low energy class. Professor gave me a A- "Interesting perspective"
Nice try kike
I don't give a fuck about them. I grew out of it. I just like pushing people off their moral high horse. If they push immigration on my people while pretending to be Holocaust victims i will to theirs
I was not always right wing, but being snuffed by professors for questioning isreal and seeing the US liberal media ignore the whole conflict is the mother of all red pills when it comes to the Jew.
Oddly i learned about the Jew before i did Muslims and niggers
I knew this would be the response. No, I'm a mayflower-snob. Let me put it another way that you might understand.
The 'first principle' of an 'American' is the WASP. We created the nation "for ourselves and our posterity", which means for myself and my children. The deal was that other "white people of good moral character" could come here and assimilate to being an American. Which, again, means WASP. This is why the Anglicization of names occurred because that is part of the process.
This is also why what the definition of what 'white' is for America matters, because that is the the definition of who is considered genetically able to assimilate without too much damage to the locals. Who is able to become a WASP.
This is the reality of what Teddy Roosevelt is talking about in this quote. It was for people to adhere to the first principles of being American. This fact is often lost in our circles. It's extremely important, because it colors what 'loyalty to the American people' means. We must add the proper context ourselves because "man is created equal" never meant niggers.
What I'm saying is that in being here, you are complaining that non-white groups have a distinct in-group preference, and hate anti-white whites because they have a distinct out-group preference to non-whites. What you don't realize is that you're doing the same exact thing to us. You're creating a different in-group, and you only care about the WASP second or third, Germans first. Including Germans in Germany. It should be the American, the WASP, first second and third. Then Europe in general, including the British Isles, because they're not American. The entire point was to have the entire country the in-group, and if you had what you wanted this would still not be the case.
This is also why the Greeks should not be offended when I call them non-white, because they are simply not close enough genetically to come here and become a WASP. I still think they should be helped as they are European brothers, which is not the same thing.
I do pretty well with openly wearing my power level.
You can literally say anything you want to anyone as long as you have decent social skills. Don't be a retard.
The point is that even if you identify yourself to an American as English or British, they'll view you as a foreigner or non-citizen. One of "them" (part of the outgroup). You say you're an "American" and nothing further, because Americans hate recognising ancestry. It's strictly semantics, lad. Americans don't know what their own country was intended to be, and most Europoid types here aren't English these days. They're mostly Irish, Scottish, and Mediterranean trash. The ones who straddle the line between almost human and fully subhuman.
Fucking autist.
Gypsies truly are a special breed of community disturbers. I've had more unpleasant contact with gypsies than niggers in my life, and I've seen and interacted with quite a few of both. They've infested my city like roaches, except actual roaches would b. At least niggers here are decent enough to fuck off to their own ghettos and get out if they need to work.
Shit, fucked up the post.
Except actual roaches would be a refreshing exchange for these specimen.
Nice datamining thread kike.
Gas yourself.
She got really butthurt about me saying that but seemed to forget about it after a few days.
I get along with both of them pretty well and they both respect me, the female is a welfare queen but the male is pretty based for a typical normie-nig. Just the other day I started redpilling him on LBJ and the Democrats.
I think most nigs, like most people, are pretty smart individually. It's only when you put them in groups that they act like subhumans.
Like some other user said, you can say whatever the fuck you want to anybody as long as you have social skills. Give me 20 minutes alone with somebody and I can figure out their own power level and how to effectively redpill them fully if they need it.
You got me hooked nigger, spill the beans
These facial profile things are dumb. Same as the image suggesting you could tell your race by the shape of your toes. I just took a pic of the side of my face and it looks nothing like any of these (probably like 99% of people.)
Something odd happened to me at a Milo event.
yea deep throating Trump cock will surely make Murica great again, and 10/10 QTs lust for your dick.
Aryan trueblood
Race war naow!
Fucking fat piece of shit filth. You couldn't unscrew the lid from a bottle of lube before Jamal raw dogs your asshole…talking about race war smh.
Help me.
nigger detected
maybe you should post some gore you faggot. try to scare me off.
Just buy an SKS, we have hundreds of them.
It's funny cause he's kind of a cuckservative (he literally told me that Dems are the real racists lmao) but he's cool and actually pretty redpilled. Knows about Soros funding BLM and shit
is this what college is like? nope. i am nope'n right out of that shit.
NEET here, you fucking people cannot convince me that college is worth it. There is no fucking way I am paying anyone any amount of money for a product like that. What a fucking joke. College is just another racket for the goys, who the fuck pays to be brainwashed? What the fuck is wrong with you? As a consumer you have rights, why don't students understand this? Sensitivity training?
Let me fucking explain this to you. You go to a store, pick an item, and exchange money with the merchant in exchange for that item. In college, you have to build your own item, and you can only use the pieces they sell to you how they want. Imagine going to walmart for lego technic, and being told that you have to buy a pink duplo set (electives) in order to receive the full instruction for the technic set. Does walmart send you for sensitivity training when you tell them you are there to buy a white bicycle instead of a black one? But wait, there is more. Imagine halfway through your lego set you want to use Mindstorms, and your lego car has to be transferred from walmart to toys r us (community college to MIT lol). The problem is that toys r us doesn't take all of walmart's pieces (credit hours). So some of your lego car frame can be transferred to another store, but the engine (calculus 1 & 2) doesn't transfer so you have to rebuild it. Why can't you get a return for the parts you cannot use? You payed for a product, good or service. If the service was training but your training didn't count anywhere else, were you ever fully trained? Well either way you payed for it, now go pay for it again, onlg at $700-$1000 per credit hour.
When you are in a store performing a business transaction, do the employees detain you and punish you? Do they dominate you and order you around? Schools are clandestine authoritarian hellholes; they are brainwashing centers. Businesses function nothing like schools, real life in all of it's unpredictability and complexity will never be as vulgar as the subversion of modern academia. Campuses are their own nation states; they write and enforce their own rules and enforce them without question.
$$,$$$ credit hours, porno, drugs, kikebook; it is all the same racket. It's a fucking scam. Thousands of dollars and thousands of man-hours for nothing. For what? Because the student doesn't understand that they are the customer? I would laugh if it wasn't so terrifying. The entire education institution is a fucking ponzi scheme levelled at high schoolers who have no idea that they are being fed complete bullshit. They will waste thousands of dollars on credit hours that are completely fucking useless and serve no legitimate academic purpose. No matter what your dream is you need to be educated, you need to pass through that gate and so your need is product demand. They sell the problem, they sell the solution, they sell the fear and the hope by the hour while good men waste their best years arguing with Allen Ginsberg 2.0 about the fucking oppression olympics.
Sure there is always the STEM argument, but you people go through all that and still won't know who Albert Kikestein stole general relativity from. You won't learn the truth about the Imperial system and it's intimate connection with the tetragrammaton. You won't learn about radian based math and how it invalidates the necessity of pi and every equation that desperately relies on it. Why pay for that? if you cannot learn it alone then why aren't courses on youtube?
If pol is going to talk shit about NEETS it better realize that pushing people into kike brainwashing centers is not going to help them, or anyone besides the academic (((investors))). Post your STEM reading list, post a textbook pdf or torrent, fine. But don't ever fucking tell NEETS to go to school for kikes so they can then go to work for kikes, so their heads can be filled with make-beleive kabbalahkike science, math & history. Fuck everything about that.
why don't you go be a subhuman nigger somewhere else?
you format like a redditor too.
College is not the only way to educate yourself or specialize in a high value marketable skill, and tbh as much as I hate brainwashing from a systemic and societal perspective you are making entirely too much fuss over the required core credits which are pozzed as hell but whatever, no worse than dealing with diversity hire HR cunts in the future.
Fuck that teacher and fuck the school system.
Those were 5/10
nah bro
This is what I mean. Does walmart suspend you when you assert yourself during a business transaction? Schools are fucking corrupt and the way their business is facilitated is criminal. They have nothing to do with education. Even Stanford and Berkeley are fucked, they let the students design and teach their own classes. The teachers host sex parties and orgies at their private residences and the entire district just watches this degeneracy unfold. The entire thing is a fucking scam.
i honestly dont know how american families get this way
im european and i take notice when my parents or family members start to get pozzed so i discuss it with them and nip it in the butt before it gets too far
is family dead in america? it seems like your culture has degenerated to the point where blood ties mean next to nothing anymore
i go to uni but id say the uni campus is in stage 3 of the 7 stages of being pozzed
i do a science degree and ive only ever noticed one pozzed professor and that was in the sociology department and he was literally just indoctrinating students into marxism
all my real science professors are pretty cool, one worked on a biological weapons program in the USA and with some Soviet defectors for the WHO on measles eradication while another likes to tell stories of how he ended up in Antarctica for 21 weeks studying whale migration patterns and how after the 1000th can of tuna for breakfast, lunch and dinner the team had all come to the conclusion the food they all missed the most was cheese and how this was related to nutrient starvation
Your father is the zionist occupied government?
Now you're getting it.
Except if you read what I wrote, you'd know that is the point of the word American. Saying English is being foreign, because you're specifically identifying as non-American. Doing that is not a census question.
So we should ignore it and call niggers equal? I was pretty sure the entire point of this venture is the restoration of the nation. MAGA, as it were. This includes all the old definitions.
It's not autism, because I'm recognizing what other people are doing. It would be just as damaging to have a German nationalist, an Irish nationalist, and Scottish nationalist surges within America wanting independence. We should only have an American nationalist surge and one in-group.
You obviously weren't here when that Croatian guy was talking about how his people are coming in and acting exactly like the chinks or the curry niggers and jewing the WASP just like everyone else.
Except if you already know they're going to try to do that ahead of time, then it won't work.
That said, I do agree with the premise that anything can be learned by yourself if your IQ is above 120.
Leave it to the Jewnglish to misinterpret everything that doesn't fellate them.
Modern Americans don't know that their country was intended to be Anglo. Sure, they insist on speaking the English language; but not because England, but because that's what my dad and peers were born into. Just like a good christos semite slavecuck.
The reason why the different European ethnic groups don't war against eachother is because they've been brought to bear a lack of identity of ancestry. They've been ingrained to hate identifying as German, Nordic, etc instead of the sterile, plastic "American". The nigger-tier races like Irish, Scottish, and Italian will never give up their faecal pride. Nor the English their jewish demigod dreams. Btw, how are several centuries of jewish admixture in the royal family treating you? Do you jack off to Cromwell every night?
As far as I'm concerned, you fully judaised Angloniggers have betrayed the entirety of the Europoid peoples and sold your genes and thus souls to the kikes' false promises. Your once-great island must be cleansed, fully. You're all kikes in your false superiority complex.
Great job!
the demon core?
I have triplet little brothers who were charged for assault over complete bullshit.
One of the triplets was having issues with some uppitty nignog athlete in the locker room after every gym class. He would always threaten my brother and tell him that he was going to fuck him up. Of course he would do this with all his "boyz" which were three other pavement apes on the basketball team.
My brother would tell them to fuck off every single day. After two weeks of this he told his two other triplet bros what was happening and they confronted the lead basketball american and told that savage to leave their brother alone or he'll have to deal with all three.
So sure enough the next day my little brother gets jumped in the fucking locker room by four nigs. He called his triplets brothers and they came down to the locker room and then all three went out to the lines of buses that were filling with students because the classes had ended.
They then found the nigger bus got on it. And beat the ever loving shit out of the king nigger and two of his cronies.
The state of illinios charged my brothers with first degree assault and evoked that they participated in "gang activity".
The school pressed the charges.
My brothers were facing up to 1 year in prison as first offenders and they are minors. And each of my brothers needed separate lawyers. I'm from a blue collar family. We're not poor. But we're not rich. You need to be fucking rich to go to trial in this nation. Getting three trial lawyers would have potentially lost the house my dad spent his life working for.
Forgot to mention that the judge threw out all evidence of an altercation occurring in the locker room before hand for unknown reasons. He just wanted to know what happened on the bus but not why it happened.
They took the plea deal.
One of the stipulations on the plea deal was that they needed to write an apology letter to the king nigger.
They wrote it in Gaelic. And called him a fucking dirty monkey throughout.
I didn't need to redpill my brothers. The state and the school system did that for me.
Yeah, that was it.
The entirety of humanity who learns English learns British English. You must be a chav to be this lacking in self-awareness not comprehend the rest of the post.
Does your family need legal, financial, or other assistance, media coverage, or methods of vengeance or vindication? I can help get these things snowballing. I've helped out here before. I nailed that sheboon cunt in Rowlett, Texas, for one. I've gotten other anons in touch with local help who fixed their situation or protected them.
no they dont
as an Englishman who's traveled the globe I can say with conviction that the pan-global English is degenerated american English
true British English only survives majorly in Britain
even in the commonwealth colonies its more like Americanised British English where all spellings and pronunciations are excepted
You mad people say guh-RAHJ instead of GEHR-ehj? I've noticed path-of-least-resistance English is commonly accepted alongside real English, and it's no surprise which one wins out in practice among the layman.
Maybe it's because I'm an Alsatian-Dutch faggot that I can give a shit about true English, as well as Old, Middle, etc of yours and other languages. Doesn't matter, you're ignoring the meat of the discussion just like an untrustworthy kike. Just how your disgusting "nobility" and officers and command have treated others throughout the last several centuries, adopting your own code of subhuman taqiyya against all others, thinking yourselves having divine right to swindle and murder and rape as you please.
Either way, you britfaggots need to clean up your literally jewish royalty and your shitty, nigger-tier, genocidal attitudes towards other Europeans. Regain some fucking integrity and honour. You know, it would really suck being an island in a decade of hard times. I can't imagine being on a stripped island, blockaded, full of kebab, not enough sheep to fuck, at the end of the day only little muslim girls once all the ammunition was used on their fathers.
This is your traitorous people's future. Don't worry, your monuments will live on as the lebensraum of the Germanics who didn't lose their way unlike your Angle, Jute, and Saxon miscegenating cucks who bred themselves out of existence for the promise of power that never came.
lad im not mad you were just operating on false knowledge
also wew pretty autistic sperg out there
we literally want nothing to do with you
its the benefits of living as an island nation, blessed with bountiful waters, fertile fields and a decent climate we never had to leave our shores or land driven by hunger like the norse or the germanics
please look at the history of Europe and see which european nations we invade and try to stay/colonise/govern
just to be clear its only France, and that was while we were being ruled by the French Norman Plantegenets who were descended by blood from Charlemagne via Princess Gisela and had legitimate claims to the throne of France
if you look at my peoples genetic history it shows not much has changed in 11,000 years
the Angles and Saxons in England and the Vikings in Orkney were the only invaders that left a significant genetic impact
cant say the same for most of Europe though
we're a very old nation and we've weathered every storm that came to our shores
we'll survive this too but i wouldnt say the same about an upstart little republic slowly being reclaimed by the north sea tbh
Anyway, I find it hilarious that he's using British events and terms in reference to me in spite of two entire posts of what makes 'American' unique.
Also, keeping British English alive is your job. Though I have seen the confederates use some more British spellings from time to time.
No, you're just trying to tell an American what America is. I'm telling you that non-Americans can find the exits noted. It doesn't matter if other Americans don't know what American means, that was the point of the public school system and is something that needs to be fixed. The idea of a "sterile plastic American" is anti-American propaganda designed to get actual Americans to accept immigration of all races and religions and also as many marxists as possible. They then claim a "nation of immigrants" and that there is no 'people' of America. This is all intentional. They do this is France and the UK as well calling them "nations of immigrants" in the same exact way.
yeah sorry im really tired been at work all day and was hungover from the night before too
lad i do its just internet typing you know?
i write in cursive script in British English by hand I dont really see the point in modifying keyboard speak though
Oh, you're that Dutch faggot.
Yep, I figured that out just now. Your hatred of the English is so far beyond what you claim. As I remember, you hate Americans in exactly the same way, which means you have no leg to stand on when it comes to what 'American' means. You don't separate the American people from the washington elites, and it seems you're doing the same with the UK its people and their crown.
Well hopefully the current invasion doesn't leave any impact, it's just too different.
I'm just telling you that lamenting that British English is used by only so many people isn't something for an American to do anything about.
Ah, that type of writing I can't read because my schools never taught it. I have gotten better at it as a result of looking at older information here and there, however.
beyond what you claim in the opposite direction. If anyone is a genocidal maniac toward other people of European descent it's you.
I used to lament it but now I get a sort of sick thrill out of being able to comprehend my language on a level no foreigner ever will be able to
its like that saying that only 1 quarter of the entire english language is widely used around the world
I cant read old English because I've made no effort to learn German at all but its great being able to read middle english with no problem at all compared to other members of the anglosphere or foreigners who seem to find it quite difficult to decipher
I know the history of the jews of england
small population in Norman england until Edward II expelled them
we had no jews for 400 years until the traitor and regicide Cromwell invited them back in for shekels to fund his religious genocide against his own people
and it wasnt until Wilhelm III or William of Orange as we call him, who invaded England with the help of the protestant Grand Marshal of England and took over our nation that the jews petitioned the monarch to establish a bank
William of Orange our only dutch king sold our country to the jews so if you're dutch you can sod off swampnigger
people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones
That is awesome, and I'm glad that's something that's happened.
That is pretty amusing. That said, this is what Vox Day would call (((Churchianity))), just in case you care.
I dunno what Dutch faggot you refer to. I grew up in Holland and have lived in USA the past decade. I'm well aware what the Jewnited States was intended to be, but it's not what it's become.
I have a great uncle who's lived in USA for decades and he has never experienced different. At what point does it become a public education problem, to say that one is French or Italian, and be viewed derisively for stating so and it not being understood it's blood not national allegiance?
Yeah, I intend to read the entire KJV at some point, and that is going to be seriously difficult to do. I've already read some passages and it definitely lives up to that. It's too bad that's the only unadulterated version.
Don't worry, he'll keep it up.
While the Dutch ruling class at a point greedily invited the kikes in, about like every other Western power at some point, at least our royalty didn't interbreed with them to the point that foreign dignitaries were confused for semites, and we didn't genocide the shit out of other Europeans on multiple occasions. Ever noticed how your queen looks a little…fishy, and beady-eyed? Rather a snout? I suppose this is the board to enshrine WW2, but jesus christ what is it with your hatred rulers' of the Deutscher? Is it a case of your only rival at the nation-state level? I just don't understand that, and perhaps I'm assuming that the British peoples share the opinion of their front niggers like Churchill who openly hated them and wished for their eradication.
I'm not sure if you really understand your history or its relationship to others or just have that natural English pompous attitude that your own shit either doesn't exist or smells like roses.
Welp I'm way too fucking drunk to carry on. We'll shitpost again. Cheers and good night, m8. Sleep well.
The stories I have from my time at seminary would make your ears bleed.
Everything from getting a bunch of students safe spaces (Women Only classes! PoC only classes! History classes that didn't teach history that was 'triggering' and often started with ''I say this as a white privileged male')
Being told that we inherit the 'sin' of racism, slavery etc.
Being told that the jews are god's golden children and should never be hated (Yet they worship Luthor and then hate on Luthor's Jews and their lies)
And of course 'muh feelz > everything'
Post-christian ethnic cleansing, I meant. Not getting into the christian systematic destruction of European institutions, histories, and peoples. Nor antiquity.
Fin. Night, all.
The one who argued exactly like this a few months ago. I did manage to divert your (his?) genocidal rage long enough to have a discussion about the Boers.
If you're really not the same person, this says something about Dutch culture.
Yes, La Raza, ISIS, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, all kinds of people are here and claim to be 'American'. Not an argument.
The term "Judeo-Christian" came into use right before the 40's. The 1965 immigration act happened 50 years ago, so of course that's what he's experienced. We've been subverted for some time. Again, this is the point of this movement. This shit is seriously AmRen-tier subject matter, it's not this hard to understand.
Right back to the very beginning? Did you miss my comment about this not being a census question? A census question specifically asks you for you heritage.
When you approach someone and say "I'm a Frenchmen" you are implicitly telling them you identify with and will defend the French, possibly even in Canada, over other Americans. This is not something to be 'educated away', it is intentionally the point.
Also, have you seriously never heard someone use this phrase "I am of French heritage"?
My ears are already bleeding. Why are you doing that? It sounds like time to try and find a real Christian seminary, assuming they exist.
"With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people–a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence. " Justice John Jay Card
this whole sentence makes no sense
no european monarchs as far as I know interbred with jews
and I dont understand why you would consider princes of the realm being used as ambassadors
your english is so roughshod its difficult to read tbh
oh I do
I just dont care about the continent
Britains history with the continent is you invade us or start a fight and then whine like babies when we eventually beat you at your own game
every time we get dragged into war in Europe its because we end up getting involved in god forsaken treatise and guarantees of independence and what not and then some eurotrash decides to violate it and we have to honour our agreement
they already took the plea bargain.
Not much left to do now.
Thank you for the offer though.
We should have made the Presidential requirement to be a Natural Born Citizen of Natural Born Citizen parents.
It shut them up which was nice.
america should have had a white america policy tbh like australia instead of letting every Hans, Ivan, Lee, Mario and Tyrone into the country willy nilly
We did! 1790 Naturalization Act. That's the first thing I brought up when that guy started bitching about how not open the term 'American' was.
shave the neckbeard
I hate this the most. I had an English teacher very recently that assigned books specifically about 'oppression' as literally the only subject matter.
After putting in a few well thought out essays and getting shit for no discernible reason, the prick actually sat me down and told me about 'historical privilege'. I shook my head and told him point blank that if this is a conversation he wants to have, I'm perfectly okay with that.
He basically just said the same thing 'shut up and stop trying to learn, this is a university, not some learning factory' (embellished).
So I half assed some barely relevant topics after learning the dean's office wouldn't back me up and got an A.
my bad, pic is supposed to be named "Hero", wouldn't have to deal with this shit if only McCarthy knew and named the jew.
Thia is why I don't post political articles on judenbook anymore. I know its gonna be spaghetti everywhere. Compromising attitudes and typical leftyfag faggotry rustles my jimmies good at this point.
The only time this stupid cuck bullshit gets posted is when the shills ramp up their game. Is this CTR or rick wilson? I cant tell the difference anymore.
When you witness a birth of a new meme
But it was worth it Im sure
That was genuinely funny.
The thing is I live in a based white country. Pretty much everyone here is a nationalist.
America History X is a pozzed movie.
t. visegrad-four citizen.
Put that edge away before you hurt yourself, user.
How fast were you going?
20 km/h to fast in a 50 zone.
They will realize soon enough.
But all that feel good kikery is negated when the shitskin kills Daniel. It proves all the ebil racists were right about niggers.
And they, along with media and school convinced me to believe them. mfw i'm the re-redpilled one.
Requesting that RT video in Baltimore where the niggers come up to the female reporter like a horde of jackals and eventually one of them coons steals her equipment.
The NS religion, and according to Hitler himself it is a religion, is just another branch of the same tree that the Jews, Hindus, Communists, and others all sprout from. And are used to control the people.
The current nationalist reaction is just another Heigl dialectic to create a synthesis offer to the people who think it is too extreme.
To truly win vs those who pull the strings behind the veil all the people need to take personal responsibility for themselves, their families, and their communities.
This is just a small part of what I meant by too pol for pol. Each of those points must be researched by the individual so that they stop letting others think for them.
All I need to know to filter you and trash your already retarded opinion.
And into the trash you go.
Wow that was fast. Can't stand the truth I see.
Also before Helena Blavatsky there was no written evidence, I would love to be wrong here, of a master root race called Aryan. Also the society she founded has some interesting connections all over.
be me, have tweet shown on FOX news…some of my friends know my handle, now they all know my power level
Aryan is a archaeological & historical misnomer for western Europeans anyhow. There were and are remnants of Aryans. Modern day germans are not them. Recommend me some books. You sound interesting
Outline key ideas and concepts help ya brothas out.
I was coming out of Home Depot to pick up Materials and tools for a construction job I had bought a couple of two dollar scrapers and gave one to my coworker,he said thank you your generous I laughed and said yes as generous as a Jew. Suddenly a random white guy starts laughing his ass off and sticks his fist in the air.
It's not always bad to reveal your power level.
He was already after commies. The media was already subverted as well, and most bluepills think he was evil because they controlled the schools as well.
You can call the expansion of pills to those beyond blue and red dumb. But this isn't remotely what 'black pill' means. It's not nigger cock. It's becoming extremely pessimistic, just like the white pill is uplifting.
If you want a quick read that has verifiable and cited sources that starts from the modern area read William T. Still's New World Order.
But to get a better overview with less rereading you need to start a few years before that with Plato and Plutarch for some ancient background. Then start digging into Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, ISIS Unveiled and others. Next should be writing by Aleister Crowley and the OTO. Then move on to writings by Manly P Hall. And read about Mormonism, Joseph Smith, and The Order. Each of these will branch off with even more literature that will send you down such a deep and treacherous path it can take years to sort through, I know it did for me.
When reading any of these writings please remember that each author has an agenda and a target audience that is often already dead so don't forget the appropriate framing.
Good luck on your research.
Reading writing by not be writing by…
Theosophy. Really for one to understand the connections you need to do your own research.
Can help you get started but just read what she and her society wrote about. It can blow your mind when you start digging.
How the hell would you know?
Though that reminds me of that zipperhead dad and his kid in France after the theater shooting. Telling them we have the best weapon of all, flowers.
Did he Oy Vey on air?
Does anybody actually believe this shit except braindead retarded normies?
The internet is full of fantasists and not one extremist has been motivated by posts on 8ch.
I'm also 17 and I've been on Holla Forums since around middle school because I found out about halfchan from people who were scared to go on it. After I actually went on it and saw what it was like, no other website really sated my lust for memes like a chan, years passed, and I ended up on Holla Forums after I got pissed off at luggage lad.
Sorry for the blog since it's barely relevant. My best friend (18) browses 8/pol/, I'm working on converting one of our normie friends to Holla Forums with the end goal being getting him on Holla Forums if I can by linking him to Holla Forums and /k/, boards that fit his interest and telling him not to make posts. Our other friends are becoming slowly redpilled as well, one of them has been openly talking about how he hates niggers for about a year now and he's not kidding at all.
I would say that some young people are receptive but there are definitely many people who are just unsalvageable, they've spent so long making bad decisions and wholly believing leftist rhetoric and blatant government lies and they're just so dug in that they can't handle anything else because it would mean the horrible state of things is their fault, including the failures in their own lives that they were taught to see as achievements to protect their ego. Individualism is cancer.
Again, sorry for the blogpost, I just wanted to maybe help provide a little perspective for your wonder. And rant a lil bit ;^)
Wrong. I have never in my life heard someone in the US classify themselves as "Italian-American" they say they are Italian since being in the US and having an American accent from anywhere in the states makes it a given that the person is an American. Only the dumbest people need further explanation because they can't pick up on cues or just generally think.
No one really cares about you, I'm just biting because I can. You're probably already filtered by most of the anons in here for being such a fag. I know I filtered you :)
Not a single normie in America has even the slightest conception of this place being an "Anglo" country; they don't even know what common law is.
Something which has help immensely in the muddying of the waters is the injection of 'Caucasian' into the vernacular
You're full of horseshit, user.
You have to go through an 8 hour course for your non restricted license, and a 4 hour course (which covers almost the same things) for your restricted.
It's legally required and if you get a good instructor, they'll go over the laws. The laws for guns are convoluted as fuck, but just apply some common sense and you won't have any trouble with the law.
You can get a mosin in Canada, no problem. Canadian Tire sells them.
I've actually done this after hearing a co-worker call someone a jew - And the reply I got was "Seriously?". I explained it was a joke and we were cool afterwards.
This happened about two weeks ago. I wasn't sure if it was the Hitler in me trying to get out or a light autistic fit. Probably a little bit of both.
Well said
Can you upload the film please, unless you're worried about someone doxxing your friend or something :^)?
I wouldn't post pictures of myself on Holla Forums
and never let your beard grow thicker than your moustache, unless you want to join isis
I have the same surname Velichko, But I'm white
As an actual answer, I was only ever going to get anecdotal evidence, so that's fine. I was wondering that because in your same general age group, the new non-nude playboy is growing in popularity as seemingly a counter-reaction to degeneracy. These things are somewhat related.
It's also good news, because getting a baby boomer redpilled doesn't exactly help birth rates.
This guy doesn't have one of those, he specifically said he's from Holland.
So what? They also think Islam is a valid religion here. Like I say later, it's the first principle of what 'American' means. It's no surprise that American simply carried, since that is still what assimilating to American culture and language meant until it was subverted. Not everybody is going to learn the philosophical base for everything.
Fun night. Probably the closest I'll ever get to living my germanic heritage. I hope I live long enough to see the end of the age of decadence and that it ends soon enough that I can enjoy it for a good while.
Second image is about a radiation victim, it's not a skinned nigger.
That sounded fun as fuck.
I would say that this is true at least 75% of the time.
When you talk about IQ and they go "muh soshoekonomikewl/geographicool rayzoons" counter with "Russia has terrible geographical conditions, Russians have been uneducated serfs (slaves) for ages yet they are a world power. Africa under the same conditions is still stuck 4000 years ago."
You could have won that argument with this, instead you lost it and made up a good ending to feel better about it and look good to Holla Forums.
always - vid related
Pretty well said for a "light autistic fit"
Hitler would be ashamed
Hey, i need to inflict self-harm some way to bear this decadent time.
I didn't pay for shit though, i got sent there by the government.
I didn't say you paid shit, I said HE gets paid.
Trust me, you could tell your psychiatrist that you want euthanize all jews and create a white ethno-state and he would just nod and smile.
Not here lad. You said that shit to him, and you'd be sent to jail for hate speech in the blink of an eye. It's not my first time with a psychiatrist, and 3/4 went into autistic leftist crybaby mode the moment i mentioned terrorism.
There's surprisingly a shit ton of Ku Klux Klan chapters across the Eastern United States. Granted the chapters are filled with either FBI Agents or it's just a White Protestant country club.
That's nice, you might actually have a based psychiatrist then. My experience so far is that none of them actually mean the shit they say.
Nobody on planet Earth will ever care about the first amendment and the Constitution except white Americans. That's how it is, that's how it was and that's how it will always be.
I don't know if this counts or not but
Hows that Holla Forums?
tldr; my power level slipped and I was rewarded for it.
Good job, but the correct response is to drop a class like that, and go to the department head and/or the dean of students. Your complaint is the class environment is physically threatening and you fear for your safety.
Make sure you video record at least one such chimpout in your direction before you drop the class. If you don't get exempted from that requirement or offered an alternative course for the required credit, you threaten legal action. Make sure the dean or department head sees a copy of the video.
If they question the legality of the recording, you wish them luck in court. Assuming you don't have the time to find a pro-bono/contingency civil rights attorney, prepare to transfer to a different institution. Put the video on youtube and post it everywhere.
Most liberal administrators are very arrogant people and only respond positively when you're twisting a knife in them.
I faced a witch-hunt situation in college about 20 years ago. This kind of pro-active response on my part saved my bacon. If I were a young man in your position, I would drop out and go to trade school on a master machinist career track. I'm a programmer now but I'd rather be able to design circuits and engineer/build high-tolerance gas compression equipment.
I used to reveal my power level since I was around 10 years old, not on the Jews of course, since I had no idea that they amassed so much power.
It was mostly on social liberals and sexual deviants. Sometimes on communists and strikers.
Story time:
That all was when I was around 10-12 years old, now I don't reveal my power level too much, or if I do it cautiously.
Sorry lads, I got suspended from school so much times because of my political beliefs that I learned my lesson. Now I do it quietly and just on individuals. Sometimes I talk in public, but only when I've previously assessed the situation.
Fuck private schools, specially the "tolerant" ones like Montessori.
I moved to a "Gifted" (only around 25% were gifted) public school afterwards, much better.
our maple niggers genuinely make your nig nogs look like trainable and useful animals in camparison
Its called right of conquest.
Besides, its a fonvenient concentrsrion
Laughed immediately
I don't know how you fuckers do it. Maybe I just don't give a fuck anymore.
thanks Soros
His name was Hiroshi Ouchi. As said, he died after 83 days of pure fucking agony. I can't believe how fitting his name was for his death.
Was the Stasi running your school user?
Also, dubs checked
So you're saying that people should have to lie about their opinions in order to keep their friends?
That we should allow or even encourage the leftist plague to suppress even the impression of dissent, when (((they))) already control the media and most social networking platforms?
That anyone needs friends who will "excommunicate" them if they have the "wrong ideas"?
you're fucking right I'm triggered
Fuck off you greasy Greek. Go back to pounding boys in the ass, your culture is degenerate.
Not a single thing in that enormous spew of verbal diarrhea could even remotely be considered accurate or true. Next time you Euroshits want to spout utter bollox, try making it at least mildly factual.
How are you doing tonight Shlomo?
It's incredibly easy to tell you're a dirty anti-white kike shill.
Whoops, I was looking up Bible translations, and that's not what you meant at all. You meant this shit:
Sample of Wycliffe's translation:
Actually I don't have a problem reading that. Hearing it might be difficult though.
I was talking about something like this:
Reading the words are fine, but I have no idea how you get that paragraph of shit out of that. The basic point of that middle english passage was more clear.
I ran into this comment on kiketube, and that's why I looked up the mentioned bible translation
+John Smith " Exodus 21:20-21Young's Literal Translation (YLT) 20 `And when a man smiteth his man-servant or his handmaid, with a rod, and he hath died under his hand – he is certainly avenged;
That's is how the argument ended though
This is not really much of a power level revealing, but I will tell this story anyway.
It must be a Quebec thing, my mother's side is all Quebec french and they all look Italian or Spanish. My father was born in Germany and is white as snow, I'm just as pale but even with those genes I get asked if I'm italian or Lebanese often.
I got my coal-burning whore of a mother to hate jews and regret having gotten a half-nigger child(not me).
I genuinely don't know how she hasn't killed herself yet. The amount of regret she has must be insane.
share it hear then I've never seen it
You don't need to expose yourself, but if you have those points, post them.
You got me right in the feels
But IIRC in the movie's internal logic, Daniel dies because violence is a downward spiral of revenge killings, not because of any fundamental incompatibility between white and black groups in shared space.
sheeeit man
You're speaking English in a largely Anglosphere audience. The intended function of that word 'white' is something that measures genetic similarity to us. Frankly, ANY English word is the same thing, because a language bears cultural concepts within its words. It only matters what we think it is. Go back to anthropology 101.
Mediterraneans are not the same thing as WASPs. You can see this on any DNA chart. I'm simply not denying reality.
This is also what you Greeks try to do in reverse twisting OUR language when you start bitching about nordicism, which is laughable.
So was Persia, and then they got mongoled and turked. They weren't WASPs then nor are they now, no matter how they've changed.
No one suspects a thing, since I'm not white.
You guys are missing out on a lot of potential allies just because you want to be inbred.
Apparently you don't even understand the first amendment.
The blind lead the blind yet again.
A couple of times but here it goes:
Another time:
Ah Croatia. Any rapefugees?
if only
Sorry, I'm not going to fuck you.
I'd certainly hope not, because then you'd be a faggot.
We seem to really like grandiose language which doesn't mean what it says at all.
Like when someone says "The Magna Carta was the greatest achievement of mankind when it was signed."
That wasn't a hominid achievement.
That was an Anglo-Saxon achievement.
For Anglo-Saxons.
They still call Milo a 'Racemixer'. Point still applies.
Besides, I'm still not following how the goal of avoiding genocide would be helped by…. racemixing.
Shit, should have posted these.
Sounds like it's some weird interplay between alpine and nordic features.
You avoid genocide by not declaring literally everyone else your enemies, for a start.
You don't have to mix if you don't want to. Just don't kill those of us who had no choice in their parentage. This is my home, and my father's home, and his father's home, and so on and so forth, and I'd be just as keen to battle someone who wanted to take me from it as you would. I'd also personally argue that genetic diversity is the cornerstone of evolution, but I may be biased, since I'm from a long line of indiscriminate intercourse.
In any case, don't let your delusions of superiority lead you to underestimating the skill and manpower that brown people can muster, if you choose to go the "kill them all" route. Keep it to niggers and kikes, and everything should pan out just fine. I'm telling you, you've got a decent amount of allies that you're forsaking over nothing but pride, and you know where pride leads.
Milo is full on degenerate, but he can stay as long as he's an agent for the correct team.
Fuck off with your 'walmart-gets-to-choose', ancap.
Literally babby's first understanding of the first amendment:
I accidentally referred to obama as king nigger while at work.
Not relevant, I am who I am, and this land is mine, and it was created by my ancestors for people like themselves.
In other words, if purple aliens show up who have twice the IQ, this place still isn't theirs, and I wouldn't mix with them because it would be an inherent betrayal of my ancestry.
This is absolutely a rationalized point rather than a rational one.
Racemixing was never a feature of evolution, because tribes would fight and keep to themselves. Besides the raping of course. The only places where racemixing was involved in this are places like Kurdistan which were old mediterranean first, then indo-european. They had civilization. Then the racemixing from mongols and turks and so on happened, and all these places are today invariably shitholes. I can't conclude that this is a good option based on that.
The goal is still the same no matter what. That goal is to at least return to 90% white, and prevent conditions that are on the current course to 0% white. Declarations of who is or is not an enemy is always individual-level, not group. White Marxists are not allies just because they are white.
That's neither your nor my decision. It depends on leadership, the people involved and so on. Personally I have no issue with Master Chim for example because his message on tribalism is still useful to our goals. But this evaluation is not relevant to the goal, nor the group level. Rules are not based on individuals or exceptions.
Kike concept. Don't be proud of who you are or what your ancestors accomplished goyim. Your country is just another country and nothing special. Now pay us for the holocaust!
He is currently a useful tactical gay jew. People might read some of the things we have read because of him.
That shit is over. Before it was communists, and we upheld principles that are explicitly our own. We said 'I don't agree, but he has the right to say that'. We said 'McCarthy was evil, because he was violating our principle of free speech'.
Here we are today. Dying off. America holds 1/4 of the white/europid race on the planet today. The average age within is 57. Because we were nice to an outgroup.
Talking within some business should have to allow us to speak by the same token to follow America's principles. They do not. Which proves it should never have been extended in the first place.
It also means that it will be pre-emptively cancelled in the future. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to emigrate. No immigration ever.
I've seen only 3 niggers in my whole life here, and that was at the sea. The only non-whites you can casually see in bad places are gypsies, whom everyone hates. Fucking gypsies.
Are you trying to say Croatia is not based?
Ako ima Hrvata ovdje, dajte da vas pitam za koga nam je glasati na sljedećim izborima?
Ja sam razmišljao o Živom Zidu jer nevidim niti jednu bolju opciju.
Možda nisu savršeni no trenutno su najbolji izbor, koliko mi se čini.
Also blah blah blah, ostracism.
No, that is an image showing what New York used to be like. Today Jew York is less than 50% white. I'm pretty sure the 'Never Again' was saying that the kikes will never allow it to be like it once was ever again.
I can't read that without translator. It strikes me as strange that your word for 'against' has 'pro' in it. Top kek 'noseći' is 'supporting'
Also, why is nothing ever done about them? They seem like the most hated untouchables anywhere, but they're just allowed to cause problems and steal land.
I'm sure those aliens wouldn't have much to gain from you either, so I wouldn't worry about that.
I see you're one of those people who are prideful in things they had no hand in, and I find that having conversations with those types is largely pointless, so I wish you good luck maintaining the fantasy you're so deeply entrenched in.
I've been saying for decades that extremism would be our end. I wish I could have said that I was delightfully surprised that we didn't fuck things up this badly, but as you said, here we are.
Well, here you are. I don't have much in the way of sympathy for muh white genocide. Just the other side of the extremist coin. I regard people like you in the same way I regard mudslimes.
See: people that would probably have no qualms in murdering me.
Gypsies have nothing on the Chinese. Just you wait and see.
Oh, I misinterpreted the image then. Sorry.
It's a question for other Croatians about the future party candidates. I said I'd like to vote for the libertarian Living Wall because they have many many statements that are in line with NatSoc except for a few personal freedom things and the other parties are basically puppets for other zogs. Living Wall is proudly saying shit needs to change, especially the (((banking))) system.
"Pro" doesn't mean anything in Croatian so it's only weird from the English perspective. "noseći" means carrying, "podržavati" means supporting.
I will never understand why they are still in Europe. Nobody fucking likes or wants them. They have been hated throughout history. It's probably because they "don't have their own country to return to so they are allowed to be parasites everywhere else :)", as many people like to say. I'd just launch them back to India where they came from. Or just, you know, get r i d of them.
I don't recall ever hearing of "the good old days" when it comes to Kiketown. Sounds like bullshit to me.
That's likely a very cherry-picked photo. In fact, I bet you can find a street just as appealing today, but you're likely comparing it to the worst one you can find.
Because perspective is something people around here have.
Not the point, and obviously you can't understand that. The point was never pure materialism. That was what the communists were after. Right after they took the heads off everyone who was successful and disagreed.
You must believe in the 'random souls' theory. Where 'I was lucky to be born in this place'. No, heritage is earned, by the trials of those who came before. Haiti is a shithole because they slaughtered all those capable of civilization, just like the commies in Venezuela. They never tried improving themselves or the land. Just because you come from a mixed heritage does not invalidate this.
How is 'You're welcome to fuck off' extreme? I don't want to kill anybody. I'd rather people just went to their own corners. It is clear that having immigration was always the problem, and there is nothing to show that it was a useful thing to have other than for cheaper labor.
Those very same communists we were calling McCarthy evil for noticing were only here because of immigration. Besides, commies would only kill themselves after the left because their positions are not feasible.
Many were actual soviet agents who led those locals receptive to those ideas. If that immigration wasn't there, then neither would the control of our government. If that had never happened, I doubt either of us would even be here.
How do you not understand that the very society you count yourself part of and are proud of must involve whites? What if the DNA forming your brain were white in origin, even if other features aren't?
I already said that I wouldn't. I would only embrace actual extremism after the white population is more than halved. Because my children will also be white, and they will be in danger. You're likely intentionally misunderstanding me for tribal reasons. Again, see Master Chim.
Otherwise you're telling me that you want to kill me because I'm not mixed, which is far worse than the mudslimes.
No problem. I was just showing how America once was, and that I will likely never see that. Even if I retreat to someplace in the middle of nowhere, the vibrancy always follows. White people are not allowed a safespace because they are white.
Good luck, the (((banking))) system is likely the hardest thing to fight.
I used jewgle translate. Do you have root prefixes like that in your language?
They did flee from Islam, but that doesn't make them everyone else's problem. Maybe we should establish a nationalist movement for them. Inside of Pakistan.
No further questions, your honor. I rest my case.
Have fun in Ireland or wherever the fuck your people came from.
That's just because the Chinese aren't as stupid. If we weren't continually cucking they couldn't buy our land.
Again, immigration. That place was originally a Dutch colony until the English made it theirs. Ashkenazi jews had nothing to do with it until much later.
Only the "goodwhites" would find such a feeling, but they get shuttled around and never see anything wrong because they don't look out the window.
Do you even want a better situation?
Good, really don't give a shit for people being dumb asses.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Your claim of allegiance is only contingent upon me racemixing.
When did I say that?
It's amazing how they got such modern clothes that far back in the past. If I didn't know better, I'd assume that was within the last century.
Jesus Christ.
Two things. First, it could have been Jamal the father.
Second, we know genetics have a role in political outlook, vid related.
We don't exactly want those people to have kids, and they're doing it to themselves.
Didn't do Enoch cause he wouldn't have been as well known
Because that's how you're acting. I told you that my children will be white, like myself, like my ancestors. Your response was essentially that I must be purged as least as much as Islam.
Do you even know who Master Chim is?
I was showing how white it was. Ashkenazis only started arriving around the time that was taken. Right before the motor car was popular. They weren't there at all until then. You were trying to say that it was always as it is now.
Do you even history, bro?
I've been slipping more and more recently.
Sounds like you just hear what you want to hear, which is why I didn't want to talk to you anymore in the first place. Severe case of woman brain.
Just going to point out these two gems you let out in the same breath and fuck off to a less reddit thread.
This shit literally writes itself, folks.
Which is hilarious, because Germany had plenty of Alpine people at the time I have no idea of what the numbers are now which are not Nordic by definition.
I'm pretty sure eugenics were practiced in Sweden up until the 60's or 70's, they only became 'horrible and inhumane' after that.
Well, there you go. Sweden used to be based I guess.
I was actually trying to have a real conversation with you. I checked everything you said against what I now know, because that is the only reason I am here. I'm always challenging what I know.
You were only signalling, and ignored what I was saying at every stage.
You will find me to be among the most fair here. Others will simply attack you for being a shitskin.
I don't know if you can't think because you're a babyboomer or what, but it's definitely something.
I'm amazed, because today their signalling is measured in the number of grenade attacks in malmo.
It's cars set on fire nowadays. About 2 weeks ago, they'd had 76 cars set on fire in the cities since July 1st.
Ironically the only death from the grenade attacks was a Somalian kid from England. That was in the news all for about an hour, only cos everyone knows the perps wouldn't have been white.
Cue car on fire with
That's great.
"Socialism is the philosophy of fail, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy"
Winston Churchill
Because I have seen it here before, vid related.
That has a name: balkanization.
I think it was because you saw a fucking numale faggot.
You have to believe
There's a saying in Croatia that goes "nada umire zadnja", which means hope dies last.
Ye it can't do the job properly because you can't literally translate everything, sometimes it misses the meaning of the sentence because it's different from the literal translation.
Maybe they should flee from us now.
This is why the West is dead. Struggle and sacrifice are not appreciated as tools for growth anymore. "I like it so I deserve it now" is a virtue, and any suggestions, no matter how gentle, for someone to NOT act on impulse is seen as "oppressive".
This boomer hands-off parenting style really pisses me off. I see it all the time and everywhere. It is just lazy parenting dressed up in virtue signalling language. "Be yourself", "do what makes you happy", "follow your heart"… it makes it easy for parents to do next to nothing.
I have to be honest, though. Your sister is an awkward 14 year old,… how is she supposed to act to make you happy? It's better that your sister likes loser cartoons than getting shitfaced and partying with Chads all the time. Your rant makes it seem more like you're embarrassed by her than genuinely concerned.
I think there must be some pheromone that activates once a large group of black people gather that causes a chimp-out.
Sounds like you tried to swat a fly with a buick. A full-frontal rhetorical assault is not usually recommended when arguing with a woman, especially your teenage sister.
I understand your frustration, and it sounds like you genuinely care about helping your family get better, but your tactics are obviously ineffective
Your outburst could be considered a moment of weakness too, user. I get what you're attempting to achieve and I respect you for it, but you gotta hone your persuasion skills. If she knows it annoys you and she feels wronged by your actions, you've given her a compelling reason to keep the weeaboo shit up.
Good luck to you.
I'm going with autistic fit. That was a good line, but that chick wanted to fuck and you dropped the ball.
I thought that picture was Paris, under Nazi Control.
No thanks, just a burger plox…
Hah faggot, my uncle (American) moved to Switzerland like 2 years ago.
What's that?
plz user
Looks to me like you said that here
Huh, I thought this thread was gone.
Noted. Tireless until victory.
Well done.
I will, requesting pic of those ideals on the left side and on the right side it answers affirmatively and shows identitarian ideals and symbols.
Not that one.
i hope for your sake that isn't a self portrait
I would be pretty sad if it is as well.
whoa talk about a hot headed jig
It is. He also mentioned some family history.
OP is a filthy sandnigger with no trigger discipline.
No wonder these cunts throw rock at each other in gaza, they're fucking hopeless with firearms.
I didn't know ISIS supported Trump. :^)
Slowly we are getting somewhere lads.
Learned my lesson to never jump the gun and assume everyone is open to anything remotely controversial that isn't covered by MSM.
However I still don't fucking get how in spite of overwhelming evidence and testimony people refuse to accept that intelligence agencies used narcotics trafficking to subsidize operations.
made my giggle, good job. Im jealous of you anons with redpilled parents. Must be so cool when your dad or mom lifts the veil and shows you the dark secrets of the universe. My mom and dad berated me half the time.
For most normies, the truth is whatever the MSM says it is, and anything they didn't learn in grade school isn't real history. And the stuff they teach in schools is unbelievably pozzed, of course.
I remember learning in middle school about how "white people have no culture". Unless people's parents correct them, they tend to grow up passively believing it
Kill yourself mixdrace waste of shit.
How the fuck did you get a MAGA hat? Is it a counterfeit?
I wouldn't say my power level has been slipping, but I have been spreading the word. Courage, boys.
Now is the moment we press the attack.
Use whatever strategy you think will be effective. Go subtle, go loud, but get Holla Forums ideas out there. Memetic warfare is in full effect and every one of you is a soldier.
What the hell, I thought you guys were allowed to have shotguns and rifles at least, you know with living next to fucking grizzly bears n sheeeit.
Yesterday I told my sister that I wanted to get a gun for my 21st birthday and you could have sworn she busted a stomach ulcer or something. Does that count?
Retard! i scam gullible morons like you for internet ad money. easy money, keep it flowing
As a Canadian, i sometimes imagine that i view the USA the same way that the USA views Mexico. I like to go to the USA for vacation but i would never ever want to live in that shit hole
Calm that edge there Shlomo, you're too obvious.
at least its not a fucking nigger
Funny, I feel the same about you.
Yeah, because Beverly Hills and Manhattan and South Beach just can't compete with Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie and Regina. Defrost your brain before you queef out such nonsense you Canuckistian turd. 99% of what YOU 'think' of America comes from your Commie CBC.
Stephen Miller is an enigma, I don't get what his endgame is. He's a Jew that grew up in a liberal Jewish family, but dude is the most anti-ZOG anti-NeoCon policy guy I've ever heard.
What the fuck is a Holla Forums card? Just a rare pepe or something?
He realized the right is coming back to power, and is getting in on the shekels early.
post it faggot
Shave the beard, grow a stache instead. Should help.
That is precisely what it takes for me. Once I recognize that's what I'm seeing I can't do anything but agree.
This triggers me the most, because the opposite is the case. No history learned in school is true.
This is something about Jewish nature that not a lot of people get. They have no metagame stretching over the centuries.
They just side with whoever they think is winning (on a large scale, like Muslims versus Christians, but also on a smaller scale, like a succession war) in the hope that they'll get a seat at the victor's table, because sitting under the protective umbrella of non-Jewish rulers is the only way they've been able to survive as wanderers for two thousand years. The reason they keep getting expelled is because they sometimes pick the wrong side. And while a ruler might seek reconciliation with a portion of his own people that's gone full retard, there's no reason why he should extend the same tolerance to a bunch of self-interested wanderers who tried to screw him over just months earlier.
Isn't that second pic of that Jap who accidentally got covered with super radioactive material?
Damn it, this is what I get for not updating the thread constantly.
You had the thread open for almost 2 weeks without updating?
This has been a service announcement from your friendly RWDS.
Hahaha fasen user
Fick du några bordskompisar sedan ändå?
Hade inga bord en gång, vi var i en gammal idrotshall så vi satt på läktaren och käkade .Höll mig avsides större delen av den dagen, blev lite taskig stämning så att säga.
OP here.
I'm actually really white, guize. See how white I am?
Great one, user. I fucking love when "intellectual" adults get BTFO by clever kids.
fucking kek
For the record, everyone and their mother knows I deny the Hall of Cost, I don't hide it, but I'm usually not that forward about it.
It all turned out well in the end, she moved past it within an hour.
i said "jewish lies" at work and heard literal gasps and then silence.
i also jokingly said my girlfriend "knows im a kkk member and shes ok with it…" and everyone got quiet.
some of them think im just being funny and started talking to me about how awesome donald trump is and the others just dont talk to me at all.
i cringed
this isnt jewbook. Also shave your weird fucking beard you strange man.
this. Boomers in a fucking nutshell lad. Can't tell you how many times i've had genuinely engaging, drawn out conversations with conservative boomer relatives redpilling them on various topics. Ends the same way every single fucking time, they eventually completely agree with me "wowreallymakesyouthink.jpg" then the next day they turn on fox news and it all goes right the fuck back to square one as if the conversation never even happened. I've given up on even trying, boomers are a lost cause anyway.
And thus a new pasta is born.
Fukken saved.
The song is called Fortunate Son.
As I understand it, it is relatively easy for Canadians to get permanent residency in the US. Go to US, join military, get military training, wait for the Trump coup. Win.
Post list or it didn't happen.
wow, whta idiots
just should have got 2 to do it, and then everyone pertends it wasnt them
the perfect crime