Anatomically Modern Humans are said to have walked this earth for approximately 200,000 years. Contemporary historians would have us believe that civilization has only existed for no more than 10,000 years, at the very most.
What the hell were we doing in those other 190,000+ years? Why didn't any of those humans build civilizations, like many distant human populations around the world did in the most recent 10,000 years?
I think it is common sense that there must have been civilizations in those earlier years of humanity. Historians will protest "But where are the pottery shards". I don't know, under the sea perhaps. But their theory has a huge fucking hole in it.
Are we to believe that our brain hardware did not evolve to the point that it could create civilization until the past 10,000 years? That sort of timescale for the evolution of civilization-capable human brains would totally throw a wrench in the (((modern anthropological))) assertion that all humans across the world are using the same brain hardware, since many populations of humans have been seperate and evolving in totally different environments for far longer than 10,000 years.
(((Modern anthropologists))) would have us believe the brain hardware has been unchanged for many tens of thousands of years at least, and only our brain software culture is new. But civilization arose independently multiple times. The idea of pre-Columbian contact with the New World is widely ridiculed by (((modern historians))), but there was civilization in the The Americas that had no cultural exchange with civilization in Africa/Eurasia.
If Civilization is a cultural meme, it is one that has arising *multiple different times, independently'' in the past 10,000 years. Why should this cultural meme arise multiple times in the past 10,000 years, but never before then?
Either we're not all operating with the same brain hardware I think on Holla Forums we all agree that is the case. Or there should be civilizations arising before 10,000 years ago. Probably both are true.