Baltimore placed under Total Ariel Surveillance

This is absolutely incredible. I am on the one hand highly impressed with the technical ability presented here, but painfully aware that such a tool in the hands of the wrong (((people))) would be devastating to put down any unrest.

> The system was built around an assembly of four to six commercially available industrial imaging cameras, synchronized and positioned at different angles, then attached to the bottom of a plane. As the plane flew, computers stabilized the images from the cameras, stitched them together and transmitted them to the ground at a rate of one per second. This produced a searchable, constantly updating photographic map that was stored on hard drives. His elevator pitch was irresistible: “Imagine Google Earth with TiVo capability.”

> Individual recognition, however, wasn’t the point; any dot could be followed backward or forward in time, which opened up all sorts of investigative possibilities. (bloomberg)

Other urls found in this thread:

reminder that the massed persistent ISR used in "GWOT" was called the unblinking eye:

>The Unblinking Eye provides an opportunity to learn about the network in action and how it operates. It is long dwell, persistent surveillance directed against known and suspected terrorist sites or individuals. The purpose of this long dwell airborne stakeout is to apply multisensor observation 24/7 to achieve a greater understanding of how the enemy’s network operates by building a pattern of life analysis. This is an important concept and has proven itself time and again with hundreds of examples of successful raids.

Should have made myself more clear. The term "unblinking eye" is the exact military term they used. It's not just a metaphor.

My post here is from the paper, "Employing ISR: SOF Best Practices". Google it. It's uploaded to a .mil site, and the paper can't be archived, so you'll have to download it yourselves.

The "dot" stuff in the OP is also to do with nodal analysis and vehicle/entity follows.

>Nodal analysis is spatially connecting relationships between places and people by tracking their patterns of life. While the enemy moves from point to point, airborne ISR tracks and notes every location and person visited. Connections between those sites and persons to the target are built, and nodes in the enemy’s low-contrast network emerge. Nodal analysis has the effect of taking a shadowy foe and revealing his physical infrastructure for things such as funding, meetings, headquarters, media outlets, and weapons supply points. As a result, the network becomes more visible and vulnerable, thus negating the enemy’s asymmetric advantage of denying a target. Nodal analysis uses the initial start point to generate additional start points that develop even more lines of operation into the enemy’s network. The payoff of this analysis is huge but requires patience to allow the network’s picture to develop over a long term and accept the accompanying risk of potentially losing the prey.

>Vehicle follow is tracking vehicle movements from the air. These are important in illustrating the network and generating fix-finish operations. A recent Office of the Secretary of Defense study over a multimonth period found that vehicle follows were important to building pattern of life and nodal analysis. 7 Vehicle follows were surprisingly central to understanding how a network functions. They are also among the most difficult airborne ISR operations to conduct and often require massing of assets to ensure adequate tracking.


Reminder that the future is video related. Cyberpunk totalitarian death squad cops with UNBLINKING EYE ISR manhunting violent warlord street gangs who dindu nuffin.

I'd have to chase down the source, but I swear I read that cops in NYC had a similar system to this using CCTV. Again, fascinating but terrifying.

This should end well.

The whole world is a lie, OP.

Found it.

> When a license plate reader sends an alert, analysts at headquarters communicate the information to cops on the street. With the push of a button, the DAS system's dashboard can geo-spatially map each location in the city where a plate reader has spotted the car in the past five years, said Jessica Tisch, the NYPD's director of counterterrorism policy and planning, who demonstrated the dashboard for Reuters recently. (reuters)

I grew up modeling, r/c, electronics, programming, guns, combat strategy, later it, .. what recipe do these ingredients produce.

Have a bump because I'm too tired to tell you to kill yourself for that title.

Aerial. My shame has been noted.

It's not true Cyberpunk though. It's trash punk. As good as it was, that was one of the film's weaknesses. To be fair however, they made the best of it.

Consider the following:

Even if the American public is outraged by this and get legislation passed banning it completely…

The advance of technology will only make this easier and easier to do. In 20 years, any backyard hacker with a few drones will be able to pull this off. We can ban the government from doing it, but they'll still likely have the technology mothballed ready to roll out during civil unrest. And anybody else will be able to do it too.

Now imagine the total surveillance that will be possible in 100 years from now. Where does it end?

Technology was a mistake. Butlerian Jihad now!

being a luddite really is the only way to preserve white culture isn't it
gas the transhumanists.

Ludditism is insufficient. Ned Ludd smashed the looms, but history made a fool of him.

Our existing technology must be smashed, and to prevent it's recreation, we must engineer a strict religious code against the development of new technology. I fear this may not be possible until humanity learns the hard way the folly of our ways.

is this the part where i mention a popular prehistory theory is that ancestors we didnt know we had actually were actually at our technological level, but destroyed the technology for some unknown reason?

Please consider this excerpt from a book many of you may have read, The Blank Slate by Stephen Pinker, 2002.

This sort of technology is not the focus of the book, he only mentions it in passing. In this passage, Pinker relates an anecdote where (((Joseph Weizenbaum))) warns young computer scientists that they should refuse to develop voice recognition and processing software, because such software would undoubtably be used for oppressive total surveillance.

Of course nobody listened. The technology was developed. Pinker practically gleefully declares that (((Weizenbaum))) was wrong because the technology has found many mundane uses. He ignores the obvious, that (((Weizenbaum))) was undoubtably right that it would be used for surveillance.

(((Weizenbaum)))'s criticism was not sufficient. Warning people of the dangers was not enough.

Why might a kike warn against this technology, that would surely be useful to (((them)))? This is a guess, but he's probably one of those jews that takes the Holohoax seriously, and he foresaw this technology being used by future Nazis against the Chosen. But that doesn't make him wrong, this technology is a threat to all of us.

More context for that excerpt:

Anatomically Modern Humans are said to have walked this earth for approximately 200,000 years. Contemporary historians would have us believe that civilization has only existed for no more than 10,000 years, at the very most.

What the hell were we doing in those other 190,000+ years? Why didn't any of those humans build civilizations, like many distant human populations around the world did in the most recent 10,000 years?

I think it is common sense that there must have been civilizations in those earlier years of humanity. Historians will protest "But where are the pottery shards". I don't know, under the sea perhaps. But their theory has a huge fucking hole in it.

Are we to believe that our brain hardware did not evolve to the point that it could create civilization until the past 10,000 years? That sort of timescale for the evolution of civilization-capable human brains would totally throw a wrench in the (((modern anthropological))) assertion that all humans across the world are using the same brain hardware, since many populations of humans have been seperate and evolving in totally different environments for far longer than 10,000 years.

(((Modern anthropologists))) would have us believe the brain hardware has been unchanged for many tens of thousands of years at least, and only our brain software culture is new. But civilization arose independently multiple times. The idea of pre-Columbian contact with the New World is widely ridiculed by (((modern historians))), but there was civilization in the The Americas that had no cultural exchange with civilization in Africa/Eurasia.

If Civilization is a cultural meme, it is one that has arising *multiple different times, independently'' in the past 10,000 years. Why should this cultural meme arise multiple times in the past 10,000 years, but never before then?

Either we're not all operating with the same brain hardware I think on Holla Forums we all agree that is the case. Or there should be civilizations arising before 10,000 years ago. Probably both are true.

When are people going to realize that Iraq and Afghanistan were practice for US civil unrest?

Do as I say, not as I do as always.

Basically yes. But his concern was still correct, no matter his personal failings. This sort of software is undoubtably being used across the world, just as he predicted.

It doesn't. It only gets worse and worse. A technological charnel house of incomprehensible misery and emptiness. "They will want to die but they will not".

Personally I plan on drinking hard enough that I won't live to see the worst of it.

What actual solution could there be? Is our fate certain, or can we avert it?

pic VERY related

Of course. If you follow the military you'd know that historically a lot of inventions and techniques happen in the military then later get transferred and refined by the civilian world.

Every one knew a decade ago that the war vehicles and hardware would eventually make it to civilians before it even started to. When you see how much the military over invested and happen to be a conspiracy theorist it isn't hard to see where that's going.

On the plus side, fuck all this surveillance shit. Kind of UN level paranoia. In a realistic situation the UN would be useless as any occupation force and mass surveillance would be useless in a massive mob environment. At best it's great for keeping an eye on your own units, little more.

As far as as a tech solution to fight tech (Butlerian jihadists won't like this solution, tech-comm NRx might): CRISPR/Cas gene editing.

Lots of applications, including biowarfare, which:

1. Could be used to coerce and deter totalitarian globalists, especially targeting rival haplogroups.

2. Will eventually be very widespread and easy to use. Plus a lot of the science will be more solid then. Imagine using findings from thermal biology to make you and your friends adapt to extremes of cold and heat so you can fight as guerrillas from your desert base or Alaskan mountain range.

3. Nearly undetectable as far as WMDs are concerned. Offensive applications are indistinguishable from defensive/home DIYBIO applications. Good opsec should keep you secret if you plan to go full biopunk.

I think there's time before we cross a line we can't come back from. Nothing has occurred yet that outright dooms us but we are nearing that scenario, the truth needs more exposure, all the truths. The more people there are who are even a little misaligned with the hebrew/collectivist mission and line of thought, the greater the chance that some final crisis can be averted.

This technology can squash rebellions before they even start. It will be able to follow every person at a riot home. Death Squads could take them out in the middle of the night, one by one.

Fuck the UN, just consider an American federal government under the control of some future tyrant like Clinton. Advanced social models applied to social graphs (harvested from the population by luring them in with the carrot of "social media") could identify likely co-conspirators before they even make contact with the resistance.

If this seems outlandish, consider what was possible with technology 50 years ago. Compare that to today. Consider what that magnitude of advancement could make possible 50 years from now.

A genetic warfare equivalent of MAD, to maintain the peace? That's an interesting idea. I'm not convinced, but that's worth further consideration.

Even if you didn't use it as coercion/deterrence in the WMD sense of the 20th century, still has applications for making counter-globalists and localists biologically enhanced.

Faster, smarter, longer endurance, adaptation to heat/cold.

All these things matter from the tactical level to out-thinking the totalitarians at the strategic level. This is probably a major reason why the western elites (as opposed to the Chinese) have cracked down on gene editing. Gotta keep us all stupid. Imagine a bunch of super-soldier Holla Forumslacks with 200+ IQ who organized in secret swapping their gene editing scripts on Taiwanese manga forums.

It's not just those wars. Have you ever wondered why ISIS was allowed to capture so much US equipment? Remember when Iraqi soldiers were ordered to retreat and leave their equipment behind by a US-installed Iraqi general, even when they had every advantage available? One of the goals of ISIS- not a major one, but one nonetheless- was to get the public used to seeing images of burning US tanks and transports on television and in the media and at the same time arming ISIS to further their destructive agenda.

btw, does anyone have that screencap of a soldier talking about taking the biometrics of Iraqis and handing out food+water if they complied?

You and me both.

Coming soon to a DMV near you!

>Please swipe your finger here if you want food+water your drivers license renewed.

Interesting. The British in Northern Ireland had a similar but cruder ground based system in the 1990s. They had a series of desiguised cameras attached to trees etc. After a car bomb attack they would look through all the footage they collected, following the car bomb teams back to their houses and farms. This allowed them to build up intelligence on people and locations and later carry out further bugging operations, recruitment of informers, arrests of bombmakers, seizure of arms and ammunition and other equipment, and sometimes lethal ambushes by the SAS.


cheese aint alone anymore

By your logic we should have had rocket's 10.000 years ago, because the people who made them today would have been the same people 10.000 years ago.

Iraq and Afghanistan were testbeds for first world population. Wait for iris, fingerprints, voice and DNA database. 24/7 survilance and behaviour prediction. You cant pay without chip. They call us cattle and it is not metaphore. If we dont revolt, we are lost as civilisation and forever cattle of jews.

It's a long tech stack to climb before you start making rockets.

Where they climbing a tech stack at all 10,000+ years ago? Did they form complex societies with role specification, or where they all hunter-gatherers?

(((Mainstream historians))) would have you believe that Gobekli Tepe was constructed by hunter gatherer tribes, because according to their whig history no civilizations should have been around back then.

They were using aircraft instead of drones? Wouldn't that be incredibly expensive to have multiple aircraft in the skies at all time? Why not use something like a blimp even?


Baltimore is now a Panopticon


what happened to OP?

did he get Hillary'd?

They have had this for awhile, I remember a video awhile back.

It hits 7 square miles at the same time and can recognize you by your shoulder and walking pattern.

They also expect 30,000 of these across the USA. So literally, total surveillance.

There wasn't much more for me to say. Hillary is probably more mad about me for digging up names in the Clinton bodycount trading card thread.

also a reminder that every smartphone has a gait sensor than can tell people apart with ridiculous accuracy

Maybe it was too turbulent for a Civ. to reach critical mass.
Maybe the memes stayed isolated by language barriers, geography, tribal grudges etc.

At what point does a Civ. meme become self sustaining / protecting, and then go on to spread?

Can total surveilance bring true freedom?

If you can prove where you were at any given time, who you interacted with, and what you talked about, then you could always prove your innocence (provided you weren't doing anything wrong.)

No because the state will ambiguously define and constantly change what is "wrong"

That's the main issue I see when extrapolating too.

but you cant do that and expect humanity to be fine in the long run
for all you know, in only 100 years a mad scientist secretly living underground will make flying nanomanchines that secretly replace every neuron in your brain one by one, very slowly, and he'd be able to mass-produce them

once hes completely replaced the brains of 50% of the world's populations or people begin to catch wind of it, he'd flip on the mind-control switch

you aren't gonna close the can of worms user

seems like they need a lot more of it considering the overall situations there now

already happening–give dhs your biometrics and you could qualify for bypassing airport screening

Technology isn't the problem, it's the kike at the switch. By all means, NatSoc Germany was a highly advanced society, and up to the war, it was a halcyonic ideal.

Ha! It took me a minute.


About a year ago there were several news articles about a set of "radar blimps" moored around the city. They eventually made some lame announcement that the blimps failed in their radar duties. Probably because they were doing 24/7 surveillance instead.

They count niggers (erectus, heidelbergensis, and friends) as humans. I don't believe civilisation is only 10ky old, and that much of our history has been buried or destroyed. It's the neanderkike way.

Still wouldn't stop (((them))) from having accidents though.

True written language (encoding an entire language not just conveying a message) only developed between one and three times independently. This was a required technology for modern development of any society. It was non obvious and many brilliant men lived and died without even pondering the impact something like this could have.

Sumaria, China (arguable), Mesoamerica (probable)

Without technology to advance and colonize the stars, what's the point? We'll just keep doing the same shit until an asteroid comes by and destroys the Earth, or the Sun explodes.

if you dont live in the south, you are fucked during the happening. trees literally everywhere even in cities, moderate weather compared to up north (you yankees will freeze and die in snow). out west is wide open land prime for constant aerial surveillance. the south, particularly appalachia is where the white race makes its stand.

What? Everyone knows that winter belongs to the whites. We handle the cold better than any other race. The north is our natural environment.

We Asians fare extreme cold even better, but that's beside the point.

Winter is the domain of the higher races.


Without harsh winters we would all still be running around in rags killing small game with spears. The cold forced us to adapt a higher degree of abstract thinking skills or be killed. The people of the north had to plan around a winter to survive it.

This is pure fiction.


1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS. World's highest resolution video surveillance platform by DARPA

The video included in the article is not in the mirror. YouTube link provided instead.

Care to backup your claim?

Holy sheeeeeit