Thanks Bendis!
Venom is on the cover, but he's not in the comic!
Nothing happens. That's it, that's the comic. People talk, nothing happens. Worth 4 dollars for sure, m8.
Bendis does it again!
What will he think up next?!?
Groundhog day where the same issue can be released with slight variations for two years.
It's like in the Brave New World, where the Controller is saying that creating something out of nothing is true skill, when he talks about a writer writing stories without any meaningful content in a world where nothing really happens.
So is Spider-Man gonna kill not Trump?
Oh God
We really are living in it
Is there a not-Trump? I imagine the writer's pool at Marvel will be so booty blasted by the election that they will just not mention the president in any comics for the next 4 years, that or they'll pretend the president is still Obama.
What is Brave New World?
If it is a comic about someone making a whole comic about superheroes without action and just speaking I'm going to feel sad and disappointed about this world.
It's a book, kind of like 1984.
It's a utopia book by Albus Huxley, sort of an inverse future world of what George Orwell imagined in his Nineteen Eighty Four novel.
The day is FUTURE and people are no longer born, they are grown, cloned and modified to fill the needs of the society. They are separated into classes (alphas, betas, gammas…) with different occupations, intellect and physical appearance. Each is conditioned to be comfortable with what they get and to have a distaste of other occupations (Alphas have it rough, I wouldn't like to have to alphas' work. And Gammas have to wear those ugly khaki suits…). No families, no real relationships, EVERYONE BELONGS TO EVERYONE, so it's fucking all around. Women are taught to perform emergency abortion massages in case the pills don't work. Kids are taught to fuck at the earliest of ages and the concept of death is trivialised at that early age as well. Learning is discouraged, old books are forbidden, religions does not exist, the closest things to God are Controllers a.k.a. Fords (derived from Freud). Nothing new is created, everyone is cloned, content is regurgitated, everyone is happy and under Control.
And if you're ever feeling down or uneasy for whatever reason, well… there's always Soma…
Well, NOW you have my attention!
It makes me think of that whole "When not on screen all characters need to ask ''"Where's Poochie?'" thing, only with Miles as Poochie.
What the fuck does "Heavy Door" mean?
Also, are we finally building up to "Sam is a horrible monster just waiting to happen", because that's the only way he'll ever be interesting.
BLACK. I get it, Bendis! The police will shoot him because he's BLACK!
They venerate Ford, as in Henry Ford, creator of the assembly line. And it's Aldous Huxley.
My bad.
But I'm pretty sure they said it derived from Freud, even though Ford makes a hell of a lot more sense.
If anything, we're living in a weird hybrid of BNW and 1984.
Honestly, this is kind of the issue that Bendis excels at. It's pure dialog based, nothing really happens, but you get short character moments. Moments that might not advance a character, but help set up who they are in relation to eachother. The opening with Kamala and Sam is cliche but cute, Bombshell and Goldballs have a scene that starts out okay but becomes one of the WORST Bendis conversations about poink or whatever… I mean, holy shit, what a terrible page. Even the youtube cunt comes off as a proper cunt, but one with a sincere love of Spiderman (and in a Spiderman book, having people who are basically good people but also assholes is a grand tradition). So, yeah, if you're NOT tried of all of Bendis's tricks, this is honestly one of his better issues of late. Honestly, Miles Spiderman is probably the ONLY book where it feels like Bendis is putting real work into. If he only wrote ONE BOOK instead of FIVE, I wouldn't mind his contribution to the Marvel U nearly as much. So, while I can say this is a solid issue where nothing happens, he puts out so many shit issues where nothing happens that it doesn't redeem him as a writer. Hell, there is a thread with two of his Iron Man issues, and they're both significantly worse than this.
I honestly didn't even read this comic. I only downloaded it to see Venom. Thus the thread title. I couldn't give less of a shit about Miles or his supporting cast.
Is that supposed to signify something? I can't even tell with these fuckers anymore.
Hahaha… imagine people going to the store and saying "Holy shit, Venom!" and buying it.
This misleading cover actually makes me think the end of CW2 was thrown together last minute.
Pic related
In reality, I think we have a mixture of both. And that Orwell's dystopia is the end goal, with Huxley's distractions being the means or transitional state.
People spy on each other with social media.
Wrongthink is punished by social shunning and shaming. And prisontime in some cases.
From what I hear most people in USA are on some form of a drug.
The sanctity (and necessity) of marriage is evaporating with everyone having "an open mind".
Workers are getting paid less and less.
News are manufactured.
Comic books about nothing are being written.
CTR existed.
Indoctrination college courses exist, as well as Common Core.
Feminism dehumanizes women.
Diversity and cultural sensitivity reduces people to their race and numbers (brown good, white bad).
I think that end goal is control of the population and preservation of power by certain groups. Huxley's method is the default one in most of western world due to availability of resources, and because generally carrot works more efficiently than the stick when it comes to control. Just look at animal training and positive reinforcement when raising kids.
In the West, Orwell's brutal methods are largely reserved for ones that are not content with distractions and likely to rebel, or as a temporary last resort before population can be controlled and then slowly eased back into being complacent due to distractions. Surveillance is used both as a means to keep tabs on ones that can be disruptive and to learn better ways to control populace with circuses. Meanwhile, people's dissatisfaction and anger gets directed towards issues that are either irrelevant or can aid agenda of those in charge - with feminism being the prime example.
Places closest to Orwell's vision, like North Korea, and in the past the Soviet block and China are/were full of miserable people who desperately want out. Government's seemingly total control is only superficial and fragile. Sooner or later, mobs start to rebel and whole thing crumbles. Soviet block was overthrown by masses and China was forced to relax their regime due to both internal and external pressures. Chinese still flee to the West at first opportunity. Meanwhile their government is desperate to stop their brain drain and puts a lot of effort to attract foreigners, and in matter of time will limit Orwellian methods in favor of control through pleasure.
I am now picturing a shallow political comic of a coin toss. One is Brave New World, the other 1984. The coin is called Reality.
I am so tired and want to sleep so badly, I don't even care how "babby's first social studies course" that sounded.
ah the Bendis speak prevails once more.
Oh fuck thats the chick who called Miles a Kid of Color and is a tumblr feminist.
You actually read it?
What an absolute madman!
I'm amazed by how little interest or hype Civil War 2 can drum up, and we read it here FOR FREE. I mean, shit, it's an entire Bendis event, and it feels like it will never end. They should just never publish the last issue, but have it constantly referred to in canon. I hope they never let Bendis head an event again, but I'd prefer if they just stopped churning out events as if changing the status quo every few months "keeps things fresh" instead of just increases reader apathy.
The fucking Tsum Tsum book is better written than most of Civil War 2.
No I just saw those panels on tumblr.
Is it good enough to storytime?
It has some moments, though only 3 of 4 issues are out so far. At the very least it's highly readable, and makes decent use of an old, minor villain (meaning he's not immediately murdered to fill pages).
Okay, but see, that might be interesting as an artistic endeavor, though it would need a good payoff or clever use of variations (also, maybe a single year, tops). I hear the Haruhi Suzumiya anime did something like that, but I don't know how well it was received.
It was received pretty poorly. Airing the exact same episode over and over again just pissed people off and if I recall, KyoAni had to apologize for it.
did this really need to be emphasized? would anyone ever actually think she was referring to the holocaust? What is text in parenthesis supposed to mean? are we supposed to believe this chick speaks in afterthoughts? mumbling "I'm sorry not racist" after every sentence? why the fuck is it 2016 and some 17 year old girl so sensitive about something that happened before her mother was born? is that dude wearing a pepe hat?
Yes. I thought that was very much the type of character she was.
So is this how the younger generation actually is or is the marvel staff just projecting on them the need to cry out "I'm not racist" like a beaten slave trying to appease an angry master?
It's sad and pathetic either way, a depiction of a generation so beaten and abused that they constantly have to virtue signal and be on guard that they don't trigger someone with inadvertent racism lest they get the lash again.
Or is this how Bendis and the marvel staff wants the world to be?
The fact that Bendis puts parentheses around dialogue meant to be said at a lower volume rather than just have it be in a smaller font annoys me to no end.
They have conflated Freud and Ford into a single individual.
Someone should storytime the Muhammad X issue of Superman.
I wonder if Muhammad X had been a villain who continually played the race card in the same way, if Superman would have been too paralysed by white guilt to fight him.
1984 was a mixture of both when it came to the plebians, party grunts though didn't get the bread and circuses
Remember how Glenn Beck said that Trump's tan looked like cheeto dust and to demonstrate dunked his his head in a bowl of mashed up cheetos? Turns out the left loved that but they have a hard time telling cheetos, doritos and nachos apart.
She's a weird one because, despite people assuming Bendis is the biggest SJW around due to this crippling white guilt, as far as I know her obsession with identity politics when she found out Miles was black was portrayed as bad. But maybe that's because she's not black, because in a more recent issue Luke Cage told Miles that him being black spiderman was "important". So either Bendis is flip flopping on the topic, completely insane, or he's actually trying to examine it from different angles a bit. As much as I dislike Bendis overall, I know that THIS is the only book he's really trying on, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he honestly just wants characters to have different attitudes that he sees around, and there are people like her who would fetishize Miles being black and virtue signal during a regular conversation. So I don't think she represents the entire generation the way, for example, a cop shooting Riri in the head without warning could be seen as representing all cops.
Reminder that miles is only half nig
Broken and then fixed again.
BRAVO user
Money doesn't matter, when you're in the tribe.
They know people who own the money, who know people who make the money. When you roll with them, you could walk around flat broke, and get shit for free. You've just got to be in the right place, in the right time, and stab backs to ensure their existence.
Think of it as a pyramid scheme.
It's mocking that video where Trump was eating Mexican food and saying nice things about Mexicans, trying to demonstrate that his problem was with illegal immigrants, not Mexicans as an ethnicity.
Oh, was it really the exact same each time? They didn't change anything or take advantage of the time loop, Bill Murray style?