Lewandowski: Trump's Chicago rally 'not a safe environment'

>"As a campaign manager, wouldn't you want your candidate saying some of these things directly to the people he's supposedly addressing?" Anderson Cooper asked.
>“You know what's amazing to me, is no one remembers Donald Trump went to go have a rally in Chicago at the university," responded Lewandoski.
>"And do you remember what happened? It was so chaotic, and it was so out of control, Secret Service and the Chicago Police Department told him you could not get in and out of that facility safely, and that rally was canceled. And you showed the footage many times of the individuals who attended that rally. Donald Trump had that rally booked," Lewandowski said.
>“That is a black community. He went to the heart of Chicago to go and give a speech to the University [of Illinois at Chicago] in a campus, which is predominantly African-American, to make that argument. And you know what happened? The campus was overrun, and it was not a safe environment," he said.
The Hill: archive.is/TUImB

A refresher on what happened in Chicago:
A good firsthand account was posted on r/The_Donald: archive.is/5SVs9

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?hl=en&q=you are such a tease&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlQEJiRn-H1AlvCwaiQELEKjU2AQaAggKDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIoyxPCE9Id0x2dA8UIzBPWE8kToAPGJ8QnxyfGN7Y0xTe5NNU0xDfWNBow1O2_1-YH6sqbm5z_1_15LHY1mBHaMApy-rdG5YNf9kvBttv7qS1tsX2uE7Z9giyaSV3IAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgSagWB7DA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHq9u1pdnOAhWKKB4KHZNMCXsQ2A4IHCgB&biw=1680&bih=971

no shit

ooga booga its theer culture dont be raciss

Clearly, it was the white supremacists instigating the violence.
Trump Rally at UIC is Too 'Dangerous' For Campus, Professors Say



contributing nudes of a Trump slut

the protesters were retarded and didnt know the difference between flying a flag at half staff and upside down. Chicago also has needle collection boxes at train stations in because heroin

you do realize that it was a archive link you tard?

Reminder that protesters were given "room to destroy"
Second City Cop Blog: archive.is/c75Ra

You browse that fucking cancerous sore which has latched itself upon this board and has attempted to fracture us with alt-right rhetoric and bullshit. Your post is still nothing but a greentext of a (((media))) article, disproving
nothing that I claimed.


you do realize im not OP

It was one of the better first-person accounts of that event, and was resyndicated by multiple conservative outlets.


my bad, still doesn't change the vitriol I have for anyone who imports reddit culture rather than exporting Holla Forums culture

Uh, Chicago is not as safe environment, especially on a weekend.

Thank you; I hadn't seen those before.
Is embed related real?

whats next, 9gag?

google.com/search?hl=en&q=you are such a tease&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlQEJiRn-H1AlvCwaiQELEKjU2AQaAggKDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIoyxPCE9Id0x2dA8UIzBPWE8kToAPGJ8QnxyfGN7Y0xTe5NNU0xDfWNBow1O2_1-YH6sqbm5z_1_15LHY1mBHaMApy-rdG5YNf9kvBttv7qS1tsX2uE7Z9giyaSV3IAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgSagWB7DA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHq9u1pdnOAhWKKB4KHZNMCXsQ2A4IHCgB&biw=1680&bih=971

Oh no, you caught me. Totally swiped it off that dank website, which is verified by your Jewgle search. dank is a 9fag meme, you wouldn't get it

probably, this city is full of niggers

an example of the type of environment from which this shitshow arose:
'Blacks know well what they have to lose under Trump
By which they mean being bussed to vote, and voting 3 times because it's Chicago
Oooga booga where da unarmed wyte wimmin at?

What the hell is this formatting? Reddit?

Having been there, it was pretty easy to tell it was going to be a shit show from the beginning.
Bernouts like to think they were all stealth and shit, but they stood out. Especially since they all looked homeless and smelled of weed.


total shit. he should have said, after noting that Trump did what he did, "so democrats don't pander to blacks for personal purposes?"

total fail

Ah yes, I always use dots when I greentext, forgive me oldfagmaster I didn't know that's what 2004era Holla Forumstrads used

CNN expects Trump to speak directly to a crowd of people they know are mostly felons?




in b4 the Ropeculture retard calls Lewandowski a jew


Stuff like this makes me glad that cuck Bernie got BTFO and all his supporters lost their money.

sage for off topic post


With Jews, you lose. No exceptions.

does that sign say something on the other side or is she just ripping apart a trump poster?

I believe it says something.

oops, meant to reply to

the protestors came in with trump signs with anti-trump shit written on the other side, that's how they snuck in.

possible though they grabbed her by mistake because i don't see anything on that one, unless the cunt used a fucking pencil and you can only see the shit up close

actually if you slowly replay the second time the sign is ripped up it, you see something but it's hard to tell. the tall fat ginger had "fuck trump" written in blue on the other side of her sign. since the two cunts seem to be friends the actions looks justified overall.

These are their genuine beliefs. Black supremacy is the normal stance for blacks.

Not true; there were no signs allowed into the venue, and any signs other than official signs handed out inside were sneaked past security.
Quite a few protesters had Rosa Parks/Malcolm X/MLK shirts on.
