Murdock Murdoch

How come faggots and gashes never told me about these guys? World Peace is great but these vids are great too.

Isn't this what all the "I want to make Holla Forums media or art or anime" threads were trying to get to?

you're super late to the party here, you can't even see the videos that jewtube removed of his

probably because its cringe as fuck

Sam Hyde and his degenerate stoner groupies are the least funny thing on the electric jew. He is as redpilled as Milo Yiannopoulos the Greasy fucking Greek kike.

Yeah that's why OP is the one trying to get those clickshekels.

You're late shills

Late like your abortion

Anyone watching Bill Orielly and Megan Kelly? They mentioned Holla Forums twice now… Not by name but works

Your mom wishes that was you every day. You ruined her life.

…and unsubscribed

Your videos featuring feels guys and girl are shit. Go back to your roots.

That is you kike. That's why you have an ugly body. Or is it because you're a kike?

MGTOW is the enemy of our race.

I don't care, I'm not them. I thought it was a good video.

Our works are all that matters anyway, we don't want the attention.
All we want is libshits and media to self-cannibalize while we laugh hysterically and play with the blood.

The fucked up when they went full cringe putting themselves in the vids. They peaked with episode 15.

My suggestion has nothing to do with gender. The dialogue is boring.

ecelebs are not allow. except sam hyde wobbly-h'd thefakesunwoman and incoonfy, so his shit doesn't get deleted. this is a no eceleb zone.

TRS I know that's you cut it out

Speak English.

This. Episode 10 was also excellent.

He's an edgy libertarian larping as a National Socialist.

And he killed off WLP.
"We used Pierce because he represented the more extreme version of the movement […]. We killed him in the end because I DON'T think violence will help us in our cause."

Yeah, that's cuckchan friendos for ya.

What's wrong, Schlmo? Finally realize the "jews rock" sketch wasn't genuinely praising jews?

Anyway sage, this shit looks fucking retarded.

You already bumped the thread you idiot . Your sage does nothing more than signal your newfaggotry.

They have their moments.

I liked Vampires.

That was the first and last video I watched by him. Pure cuckoldry.

I want to know though.


Disregard my post, didn't think the quads woukd actually end up here.

It stops the second post from bumping as well, faggot.
Keep trying.

Sam Hyde has named the Jew several times and admits to being a channer. Sam Hyde is literally a channer that happens to have a tv show. Milo is just controlled opposition

Watch the episodes. 1, 10 and 15 are the best. The Halloween special and the ¡Yeb! one too I guess. Anything else is shit.

Hwite Knights and They Sleep, We Live are both really good. The Last Son of the West and Hold Back the Knight are still their best.

Forgot about Son of the West. Pretty good as well. Don't remember the others.


Hwite Knights kind of plays out like a sitcom, but there's some really good lines in there. I have a buddy who's nowhere near natsoc, but he's in love with it all the same. (he might be autistic or something though)

Thanks. Have a MAGA

That's why she had seven more children after me?

You first


They're cringe.

It's about making politically incorrect humor, numbnuts. You're being the typical butthurt leftist that hates fun.

Sinead fuck off


We all know you hate a quality e-celeb since nobody likes your cringeworthy shit sketches you do with that faggot Kyle Hunt.

These guys sound like faggots.

You are a faggot = projecting

What a fag. I hate the alt right.

It's a shame Murdoch Murdoch turned out to be a fag-loving alt-right /r/the_donald-tier retard

Trump has been pretty cancerous for ethnic nationalism as it is. He is a Trojan horse that ends up dumping a bunch of civic nationalist patriotards in our territory.

Trump is a kosher kike who's softening what were all his best policy objectives.

He's there to lull whites back into sleep for four years, then they'll continue with their white genocide agenda when he's out of officr


Kill yourself

So you finally googled Moonman? Go post on NPR's forum you disgusting numale piece of shit.

Cringey shit.

Murdock Murdoch has some misses, but they're pretty damn good overall. I especially enjoyed the episodes "Shills" and "Last Son of the West".


they gassed him in the show because he justified the murder of innocent people.
fuck kikes subhumans and all of that but I would never exterminate innocent white people for no good reason. we aren't commies you edgy cunts

What do you expect. All non white deport by the end of 4 years??? You have think bigger than that.

We are. Global race war. You're the ones thinking small (we will just vote and everything will be fixed xD).

You're right, we shouldn't vote. Trump is a waste of time. All 500 of us should just charge into the streets and start shooting niggers.

we will have robots soon

we just build them their own country with their own robot slaves and they can fuck off

none of them want to work anyway

we need to steal the lefts gibs thunder and just paint a new idea of the future, one where they get EVERYTHING they want, just not in white countries

how ebin would that be though

This is silly.

Alphabet has the best robot tech at the moment, and they're the most leftist company in the country. Most tech giants are Marxist and will sabotage any kind of "robot-gibs" attempt from the right.

It'd be pretty baller, but it would also destroy all the progress we've gained over the last few years.

well then we point it out,

You not thinking big enough, "kill all the shitskins" is exactly what the left and NWO wants, so why don't you just join them????

Problem is they also want you dead, you have to fight two fronts, the shitskin invasion and the NWO commie system.

I'm not going to take "big plans" from a guy who can't detect obvious sarcasm.

t. someone who didn't get world peace

No, he got it. He's just shilling to undercut support for our newest propaganda arm.

WLP claimed 90% of the planet were sub-humans who should be exterminated, and would probably do it himself if he got power.

I'm sure you shouldn't have a problem coming up with a citation for that then, Moshe.

And Hitler wanted to kill everyone that didn't have blond hair and blue eyes.

Wow, how fucking ignorant is that… I guess you don't know about how the Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht allowed people of many ethnicities into their ranks. Like the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS which was pretty much all compromised of Muslims. Or the Free Arabian Legion made up of Arab volunteers or even the Indisches Freiwilligen Legion der Waffen-SS made up of Indians.


Did you really not get his sarcasm? It's one of the silliest myths about Hitler and no one really knows where it came from exactly yet everyone has heard it at least once in their life.

I dont watch anime but do you have more of this?

E celeb thread?
E celeb thread

Wondering why nobody mentioned Blink 1488

more Blink 1488

murdoch murdoch is a "gentle" way to get normalfags on our side. You can't even imagine the success I've had with just the "reddit cuck discovers Holla Forums" video. You guys would seriously whine about the reincarnation of Hitler himself if someone gave you an outlet.

Look up Crackerz - Whites with guns its pretty dank


It's from a Nipponese game my man.



Is "cringe" the new "autism".

Not too long ago, "autism" was the word of choice for you Tel Aviv -posters to try to smear or discredit something that had an impact.

It's "cringe" now, I get it.

I wonder what the next one will be when you're found out once more.

cringe is a distinctly normalfag term. They like to watch cringe compilations on youtube.

Agree, their OC Nat Socs are autistic as fuck, very difficult to watch any of their videos that actually involve them, disagree that they piqued though, embed related is pretty good, its just when they put their self inserts in is when things go to shit

How's your first month in Holla Forums?

cringing at your autism tbh


I didn't imply that.
I implied if you're gonna LARP, make sure you can back it up. A simple principle people ought to learn in these parts.

easy way to spot non channers.

Cringe has been a Holla Forums thing for years now. There used to be frequent cringe threads going back to pre-GG. I don't know if they are still on thing, I haven't been on Holla Forums in a long time. I think it was popular on cuckchan /r9k/ too, and I am sure on a number of other boards as well.

Also autism has been a chan thing for for about as long as cringe, probably longer. It would only make sense if the JIDF derivatives try to adopt our nomenclature to attempt to fit in. How new are you faggots?


Cringe threads were a regular occurence on 4/b/ for years before that

I remember watching this the first time. I fucking weeped. Thanks for the onions again dammit.

Episode15 was the pinnacle point of global alt-right propaganda.

Even The Lion and With Open Gates are not as feels-jerking as that piece of poorly animated meme-spouting parody.

so edgy
So basically you're a root less cosmopolitan globalist who just thinks the whole world should be white. You probably read turner diaries for the first time and are now all psyched up without stopping and thinking.

It shouldn't?

this, I remember cuck/b/ having cringe threads and YLYL threads as far back as 2010. I am almost sure it was bots doing them, because they never added new content from what I recall.

Gas yourself.


The first time is the best time.

Impressed by your self-restrain but what exactly are you trying to say?

No you faggots, I just don't give a fuck about the rest of the world, not my problem. As long as my country is white I really don't give a shit. If Europe decides full colonization/extermination again, I don't care one way or another. But this "HURR NO NATIONS NO BORDERS JUST ONE RACE, THE WHITE RACE" shit needs to stop.

Good fucking goy.

Sounds like you're afraid of the white tide, kike. Perhaps you should look for some change in the parking lot to calm down.

How about we take our countries back first, we don't even have those anymore. How the hell are we taking the whole world when all white areas are being flooded as we speak? Also isn't that Nationalism? Caring about your Nation, People, and sovereignty? Not interfering in other Nations decisions? Sounds like Hitlers plan if you ask me.

I'm literally scared of the cringe so much I can't play it.

Fucking hell what is that thing?

I like the Murdoch character skits.

Don't want to sound like a defeatist but my country is a pathetic shadow of her former self that had fullfilled her duty to mother Europa too long ago. I would honestly be eager to sacrifice millions of my countrymates just to ensure the survival of the White race and consequently the betterment and glory of humankind as a whole,especially given my compatriots' current degenerate state and that's even considering that I DO view my country, our culture, our language and our history as the most important ones the world has ever seen.

Are you gonna post a source for that claim you made about Dr. Pierce or not?

Pierce is as national treasure and while it's sacrilege, its funny as fuck and humor is the best way to administer Red Pills tbh.

It was a joke that one person was against Pierce. That's why the group breaks up

The video ended with a kosher Ben Garrison who only gassed "Marxists", and I think some autism about the (((NAP))).

Lolbergtardianism needs to die.

They are a little too edgy for my taste.

Sieg Heil you fucking faggot

These guys have been making videos for a while now. I agree that the videos are pretty good and even feels inducing.
Some of my favorites are Episode 10, They Sleep We Live, and Trudeau's Diversityathon which has been removed sadly but there are mirrors on Youtube thankfully.

I made a bunch of MAGA edits of Eugen. I hope you like them.
If you want more just ask.

Is that suppose to be funny? Nothing original.

This is awesome, thank you.

Top tier. It's like a comedy program for pollacks.

Funny and moving.

Their first video. Savage.

It's pretty obvious ((where)) that myth came from.

embed related.


I don't think I've ever seen genuine shilling to this extent.

I hope this is bait and no one here actually likes this cringey shit.

This is worse cringe than cringecomps on jewtube. Holy shit, is this made by the same memers who think along the lines of "hehe russia vodka funny, cheeky breeky right"? This is terrible. I hope whoever made this killed himself in a violent suicide.

I like their stuff. Best videos imo are Fatherland (before audio was taken down), Hold Back the Night, Last Son of the West, and When My Brothers Finally Wake Up. Their other ones are various degrees of entertaining but these were more serious ones that I found moving. I even bought one of their shirts because I like their content.


Kek, so did I. Not sure if I'm going to wear it often, but let's give the bad goyim some Shekels.

time to leave kiddo

Don't forget to also listen to "the merchant minute" and start it all off with the Holla Forums classic "the goys of summer"

Dude, Sam Hyde would smoke you. Go be a little bitch somewhere else.

yes, it's cringey as fuck
but honestly, I like their OC adventures and get a few laughs off some lines and animations
just sucks they are shit animators and shit vo's, they have enough good ideas to actually make something if they gave a shit

Honestly, I think their shit is cringe. If they improved their production quality it could be brilliant, and I actually like the idea behind it, but that doesn't make it any less cringe worthy when the show looks like it was made by a 14 yo.


They killed off a character who understands that we are going to have to kill children.

Im good.

I watched a few videos and they're boring as fuck.


embed related

Not terrible, but buy an ad next time.

It's like you idiots never seen any right leaning comedy. Compared to most stuff out there, Murdoch is a god.

I suspect the main reason you faggots don't like his stuff is that you lack any self-awareness.

I know what you mean. Search "Sam Hyde stand up" on Youtube instead for better results.

source on that bitching workout music?


Does anyone else find these Murdoch videos slightly cringeworthy?

They're not God-awful and have a few good moments, but I would never rewatch.

Yah no, sorry, their little OCs with Ms paint tier features over wojack and blatantly stolen stock images don't impress me, like I said, its much better when they aren't involved, which they weren't for the longest time, as far as I know they started out like everything else as a one off episode and then just snowballed to that embed you linked, im sorry user but their little self inserts are autistic as fuck, they only good videos they have are the ones that don't involve them, embed related



Jeb on suicide watch really is their best work.
But it should just have ended with jeb hanging, that end sequence was unnecessary.

If you like those, you will probably enjoy SyeTenAtheist as well.

One of their best Natsoc Wojak videos.

From the vid:

Hey there kids! Did you know? IQs range from high to low. At the top, I got news, are the Ashkenazim Jews. At the top. 110. Champions of diversity. And Marxism?
East Asia's next up on the list. They got an average of 106. Honorary Aryans. Anime. Mecha.
Hey White boy. Here is more. 100 is your IQ score. MASTER RACE!
Arabs are the next in line…

Not bad. That's a pretty savage portrayal of the cucks.




I dont want to watch this. It has no teeth. The creator doesnt realize we are going to be genociding jews.

this is Holla Forums after all and autism has always been an integral part of our artistic expression.

they are attentionwhorefagging and they are letting a woman into the limelight ergo it will become full cuck in a matter of months tbh

This was excellent, good move bringing back Pierce. Also Taylor Swift gets naked in it so that was nice.

Why can I only download this with ADP? I don't want to install a converter MM, can you fix that?

But wouldn't you agree that Dr. Pierce would be be better had he been a jewish faggot who hated feminism instead of a 1488er?


New video, titled "Meme Magic" in webm form. I had to split it up into three webms if I wanted to maintain a watchable quality.



I guess there's a reason you were attracted to a Murduck Murdcuck thread.


[spoiler]Wow I just realized I can't count.

please forgive my shitty spoilering

i think he puts the "alt-rigth" in a bad light

pretty shitty tbh, watch Bill Orielly or alex

Hello fellow channers, I am not a shill but I just came across this MM site. I can recommend episodes 2, 7, 12 for Holla Forums tier edginess. Or episodes 3,4,10 for mild edginess.

So c'mon and donate some shekels to these amazing creative white artists.

Do you guys think Murdoch-Chan is a legitimate NatSoc waifu or just some random camwhore they're paying to do voiceovers?

thank you user. can I get a webm of the part with the cure song?

Any pics of Murdoch-chan? I'm curious to see if the goods matches the voice. Plus I need some context for my faps.
