Huge Earthquake in Italy
BREAKING: Shallow 6.2 quake strikes #Italy, strongly felt in #Rome – reports

A strong earthquake has struck Italy. It measured 6.4 and was centred near the city of Perugia. It was felt around 100 miles away in Rome.

Last time this happened it was around 5.9 and 300 people died.

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Any possibility of a Tsunami going down the Mediterranean and hitting the Eastern Shore? :^)

God is disowning the heretical Church.

RIP in pepperoni Bootbros
I will be making pastas and pizzas once in a while in your memory


He is coming to drown the mudslimes and shake the earth for all!

please nigger, get some nepali flatbreads and don't call it a pizza.
also who's ready for the ring of fire to wake up tomorrow?

I'm waiting for a >>>/fringe/ guy to tell me this was foretold in some ancient prophesy detailing the destruction of the city of seven hills.

Daily reminder that earthquakes are the geo-psychic remnants of cut-down, ancient world trees like Yggdrasil.

Take the oak pill.


this is not a happening kys


I remember we had a thread with Gematria with some sayings about Donald Trump and the like and one of the numbers was about an earthquake that struck somewhere along the Mediterranean between Italy and Byzantium. Is this it?

Italy, how do you let a 6.2 earthquake damage structures let alone kill people? 6.2 earthquake here is just an alarm clock, I was rocked by a 7.9 a decade ago or so and literally nothing happened.

They sometimes use a different scale in Italy to measure smaller quakes. Sounds a lot but really not. Also some of the buildings are nearly a thousand years old.
Earthquakes are common as fuck in central Italy especially in summer. I lived near bologna in 99 to 2000, the earthquakes were almost continuous during July and August.

inb4 humanitarian aid meant to go to earthquake victims will go to rapefugees, leftist label victims as racist and all hell breaks loose

What the fuck is going on? 6.2 is absolutely low energy for a quake. I can't believe the damage. There should be cracks in some walls and shit falling off shelves, not collapsing buildings.

Do Italians, who live in a geologically active area, simply fail to build earthquake resistant structures?

The descendants of the ancient kangz and queenz (n shit) are gonna kill whitie and reclaim Rome.


Winter-chan is announcing her arrival.

Finnfag here. Care to tell me how winter is related to earthquakes?

Most of the damage these earthquake cause happens in isolated villages, where the infrastructure is thousands of years old, areas filled with ancient ruins (i.e. fucking Rome, Naples and anything in their surroundings) and wherever mafia finds it easier to control and exploit the release of building permits and use chinese-tier materials.
Problem is that Italy is nothing BUT places like these, so anything stronger than a light breeze will make the whole region collapse. The footstep of an american tourist could pretty much level the entire Latium.


38 deads so far, hundreds missing


every city have seven hills depending on how you define hills

I have difficulty feeling sorry for a civilization that has had 2000 years to prepare for this shit.

Some of these structures date back to Rome, the historian and culturalist in me wouldn't dare take down some of the architecture that has been raised for centuries.

For Italy that would suck as much as the cunts in France ripping down the cathedrals for parking lots.


heard there was another aftershock today that sent some more buildings down