THIS IS IT: Hillary to give 'Alt-Right' Speech


This is our opportunity. Grab this lion by the ears and we can ride it to the election.

I know the alt right is a bunch of loosely coordinated, self-centered e-celeb douches but, here's how Hillary's gonna pitch this: "The alt-right are a new form of European Nationalist Style of political movement their ideology is dangerous, racist and should be ignored! Also Trump is literally Hitler don't vote for him unless you're an anti-semetic bigot who wants WW3 and Holocaust 2"

We can't let her have this narrative. It works too well on normies and Hillary can't be the one who introduces people to these new ideas.

The speech is Thursday, the dumb bitch gave us time to prepare and counter. WE HAVE THE INITIATIVE. Our strategy is four fold.

1. Roll out a twitter campaign that provides normies with a reasonable introduction to the alt right. #justaltrightthings i.e. being a pro-working class republican #justaltrightthings or protecting American sovereignty #justaltrightthings

2. Frame the story as Hillary, the establishment and the media just not getting it because they are too old and old fashioned. Ex: Using a computer to talk about politics #justaltrightthings or setting up a Gmail account instead of a personal server in my bathroom to send emails #justaltrightthings

3. It's imperative that we get media members to discuss this before her speech. We need to turn her speech from attack to advertisement. It's imperative to get traditional media involved. This speech and the media onslaught that will surely follow ir will be aimed at Normies, we have to get to them first. Sean Hannity should be a goal he's based enough to give us some positive coverage and would be open to wrecking Hillary's strategy.

4. When she invariably calls the alt right racist we need to frame this as old fashioned. EX: Alt-right is racist… yawn… heard that one before #justaltrightthings

This could be huge for garnering new support from people who are just hearing about the alt right/ alternative ideas generally for the first time. I know a lot of you think the alt right is too cucked. Maybe so, but they wouldn't be getting a speech if they weren't making an impact. We need to rally around the alt right over the next few days to wreck Hillary's narrative.

This is a huge moment in the election and could be huge to push the pendulum. You NEET cunts better do your duty.

Other urls found in this thread:

But we are racist you stupid PR cuck


Just spam twitter with funny racist shit and Hitler quotes.


We're fucked.

You are forgetting the most important factor, IRL action. No amount of shitposting about her emails/treasonous acts appears stick (does not mean we should not dig even harder)- but it does mean we should also strive for more effective tactics.

Hillary has a physical/mental ailment that can be taken advantage of with the greatest ease. If a few anons attend her event in Nevada and get close enough, some shouting and strobe lights should give Hillary a stroke. I have RSVP'd to the event, which you have to get in order to get in. The Clinton campaign does accept everyone who RSVPs, and not everyone who goes will get a chance to strobe her.

If you are from Northern Nevada/California come take the greatest chance you may have in your life to change the fate of this nation. This applies to all her future events as well.


Reported and global reported. Blow your brains out.

I wonder how many of these threads are posted by Kikebart interns?

Thanks for the bumps kikes. I never said to go out and say anything we don't believe or change beliefs at large. I'm suggesting that for two days we utilize a strategy to bring more normies into the fold. And yeah posting funny hitler Memes can certainly be a part of that. Im suggesting that part of that strategy is shaping the narrative about it as such: only uptight old people don't get this stuff. That normalizes the harsher topics that are currently outside the overton window.

Or, you know, you can keep D and Cing until Hillary calls us and everyone who doesnt like watching blacks fuck their wives racists bigot misogynists. Cause that'll surely solve all our problems.

And you are an idiot. OP is somewhat right (if slick in his delivery). This can be turned to an advantage and move the Overton Window further right than it already has.
Either way I'm betting that Assange is going to dump something dramatic the day before her speech after the little "visit" he had the other day that will drown out anything the cunt has to say.

Check the catalog, Lion-O

I made a separate thread to specifically discuss strategies to counter her speech. Obviously, the mods can decide if they find this redundant, but I find this to be one of the most important moments both in this election and in the general movement in which we find ourselves. Whether we use the strategy outlined here or not, something needs to be done to counter Hillary's speech and it needs to be done tomorrow. I hope you nigs all tweet some media sources asking for them to discuss this at least.


Fuck off op. No more hiding. 2016 is coming to an end.

This actually is leading me to believe that while 2015 was "the current year" and liberals pushed massive amounts of their bullshit into the public view, it failed.

Now 2016 is the year they are attempted to fracture Holla Forums from within because of our success destroying them. They are trying to use the alt-right in order to do this.

These are the death throes of the cucks.

They are already dead, even though they don't know it yet.

I think this is the wrong approach; I think the better approach is to make us/the alt right seem ridiculous and NOT SCARY, especially since cucks like (((Rick Wilson))) have already laid the groundwork for that response.

Just imagine it; Hillary asks Trump to disavow Nazi frogs, Breitbart, Holla Forums, 4chan, and the alt-right on Thursday, then Trump responds (something like):



bonus points to this approach:

I don't think there's even a need op, they've tried to play the racism card against trump so many times that it's lost its effectiveness.
At this point if shillary isn't opening pickles jars she's digging her own grave with the last ounces of strength she has.

I have a job, an evening job, but a job nonetheless






This is just going to embolden us even more.


OP here. Today is our day. Get on. Twatter and ask big personalities to discuss a counter narrative.

People like:
Paul Joseph Watson
Stefan Molyneux
Mike Cernovich
Chuck Johnson
Alex Jones
Joe Biggs
Gavin Mcginnes

Anyone else you think would have an impact. I know list is all good goy alt righters

Don't forget journalist and old media types too.

I liked a lot of the ideas even ones that contradicted me. The most important thing is that we do something today before the speech.

We are literally National Socialists you fucking kike shill.

#justaltrightthings i.e niggers, mudslimes, kikes, feminists and race-traitors ought to hang from a rope. If it ain't White, it ain't right. Hail victory!

No. America is shit and needs to be destroyed. If alt-right stands for perpetuating the American cancer then it is worthless.

I only hope someone in charge notices and cuckson gets suicided because of it

This kosher alt-right meme is so toxic.


Literally problematic, right SRS?


pretty much an lazy umbrella term for anyone who's not a Commie or GOPe dick gobbler

Why are you all worried about Leftists 'winning' when you literally can't do anything to help the alt right (or people with even a modicum of your shared views) except post frog memes and in-fight.


No, like a controlled opposition meme to keep you goyim safely corralled and away from the evil antisemitism.

I honestly can't figure out anymore what the Jewish term 'racist' means. All I know is that it's an insult, kinda like when niggas used to say "yo momma!', right before a fist fight. The term 'racist' has been so overused, and has become so nebulous, it's meaningless to me anymore.

Is making fun of other people racist? Personally, I don't think so. I make fun of everyone, regardless (and because of) race, sex, sexual orientation, height, weight, disability, cultural origin, and for any other reason that might be funny. So what? People need to relax and poke more fun at each other, rather than take themselves so seriously… or not. People who take themselves seriously are the most fun to make jokes about.



It's not really about 'helping' them. Hillary is going to cement her narrative, and the average person isn't going to become as edgy or elitist as you are overnight.

So you should probably put forward an easy to swallow counter-narrative.

Or don't, it's always a bit funny when people like you get all black pill and wonder why frog maymays and seekrit club shit doesn't get them the results they want.

It's no skin off my nose, either way.

Fuck off with your shit.

I could care less about the pr ramifications, but yeah, turning this whole thing into a positive is a good idea. Hopefully we can manage that. I'm not sure what the average persons reaction to this place would be, but I get the feeling it might be more positive than you think.

I'm very curious how the Alt Right will position itself.
If they don't name the jew they've already lost and will become another cuckservative movement.

First laugh of the day right there.

What the hell are you even talking about? The JQ is one of the pillars of the whole deal.

I agree, everyone is equally worthless in my eyes. =)

I want Hillary to win because I am not a cuckservative clown. I want the USA to die because it is the biggest blight on the white race that has ever existed. And kosher nationalism of trumpfags isn't going to solve that problem.

That and the "Alt-Right" is like 3,000 shitposters.

I mean a fucking presidential candidate is giving a speech about 3000 people, when there is 1.2 Billion people threat of radical Islam openly gunning people down.

Absolutely haram.

Just shows you how right we are that they will use us as the boogieman to push internet censorship.

LoL you dumbfuck, as if the USA will go down willingly. Electing Clinton means war with Russia and I sure as fuck don't want to be drafted to go kill some motherfuckers in Siberia, kill yourself idiot.

You want the USA to die because it's the only way you can feel superior to people of both camps. People have homes and lives they would rather salvage than be pessimists.

What I like to call 'reverse broken window nationalism' is retarded, and throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Kill yourself retard

They would do everything they could to prevent the average person from hearing what pol has to say. That is their key on every issue. They only package the side they want taken. The other side will be staged with an ugly mascot spitting out red herrings, straw men, and guilt by association.

Good. That along with amnesty for beaners will be the end of the USA. Good riddance.

You'll hang first man

This is correct. They know that information cannot be refuted. How are you supposed to refute cold hard facts like, for example, Muslim rape crime statistics in Europe?

And Breitbart, no matter how much people here may bemoan about it, report this, and you don't need to be on Tor to find it. Anyone can find it.

So when you can't refute info, what do you do next? You cut down that info, because if you cut it down, that stops the average person from even thinking about opposition. It's classic Orwellian. It's a form of newspeak, through the press. One press, one ideology.

If Hillary should win, then the next Republican candidate will be a Democrat behind an elephant symbol, and he/she won't be elected anyways.

No, it's becausr the USA is the biggest tumor in world history. There is literally nothing salvageable here. Best to just flush it so real nations can finally recover from the damage the USA has caused.


You'll hang first.

You posts reek of butthurt teenager. I'm sure communities like RopeCulture and Autismmarch are more to your speed.

Do you want to save the white race or do you want to save the USA? Because the two are mutally exclusive.

OP is not saying we should deny it, that is the last thing we should do. No we should just dismiss the rhetoric as "this old shit again" and "you have been making these accusations for the past 40 years and we are sick of it" or "meh everything is racist these days so being called a racist doesn't mean anything".

PR cuck is apologizing or stoping creative endeavours for fear of bad press.

using something to your advantage, like lessening the lefties powers by laughing at how their overuse of slurs made it meaningless, is not


i don't have twatter; someone who does please do

She is going to go after a non affiliated group of people that disagree with her politics?????????????


the alt-right isn't even a real thing. Its a made up group of internet personas and E-celebs, and then after that its random normie who is user posting.

Obviously she must have been cut very deep by this small show of resistance to her brain washed party line.

Alt-Kike = Alex Jonestien

We are not the Alt-Right

We hate them

They are the enemy!

Don't give a fuck. Libertarian here and I enjoy nazi company. They are the balls libertarians need to remove kike and kebab. Every day shitlery says racis and bigot. No one cares anymore and she needs to go to prison.

just in case there is fall out and they shut us down
Where do we re-group

The only proper response is to accuse her of being homophobic since the alt-right is a primarily homosexual movement.



I believe that she will try to ban lolicon if she becomes president because that would be a backdoor to shutting down most imageboards.

Hi Common Cuck

You faggots lost the right to pretend the Alt-Right isn't gay after Dicky Spencer attended Milo's "Twinks for Trump" party.

People were calling out Spencer as a faggot back when he was still on good terms with TRS.

Since the 'alt right' seems to be the preferred choice for the normans, I don't pretend like Milo and Dicky spence are the epitome of the group simply because they are important figures. A lot of cuckservatives were neocons without knowing who Bill Kristol's dad was for example. Hopefully we can forget them both soon.

Who gives a fuck about the alt-right. They are a bunch of cucks who won't name the jew. NatSoc all the way

I would say you're wrong about that. While they are still relatively bluepilled on JQ, they are more open to the argument than say a neocon. In essence, we are the jihadis of the far right while the 'alt right' is our version of 'moderate muslims'.

The Alt-Right is really only the preferred choice for reddit, and without Spencer and Milo, it would still be packed with faggots.


Yes my fellow old fag we shouldn't care about anything outside of Holla Forums's pol board they're all cucks

That's how we push the narrative rightward

The funny part is many in the alt right browse this board, believe me… I heard them admit it.

So, we let normalfags browse our secret NatSoc club. This is all hotwheels fault for bringing reddit on here.

We must really be kicking her and her (((comrades'))) asses in this election.

Spencer is an opportunist, as is Milo. I don't give a shit about either of them.


stopped reading right here

So this is proof that kikes are pushing the idea that we should have nothing to do with the alt-right, yeah? The only reason *anyone* thinks Milo is some kind of spokesman for the alt-right is because he was able to get in early while being attached to breitbart. Holla Forums can have almost total control over the alt-right's message, and these kikes want us to throw that away in favor of staying on Holla Forums signal spiraling about how much we hate everything.

It's hard to balance our own internal purity tests with what's best in the short term. I understand the concern, we need these people to remind us that too many compromises are a problem.


I get it, sort of, but no one needs to compromise their ideals to take advantage of this. I think OP has a decent enough balance, but if someone wants to do it's not like anyone else can tell them not to.
Purposefully characterizing the alt-right as composed entirely of the parts that are most distasteful to us and using that as a reason to not engage this opportunity is suspect. I generally am pretty skeptical of large scale shilling, but we know CTR is around and is aware of us, this seems like a tactic I would push if I were them.

Yes, but what's distasteful to you needn't be thought of in that way. Instead of hating all kikes and spics, you can espouse that you love and prefer your own people instead. It's extremely easy to lose ground in our battle, so keeping a portion of us right wing jihadis is very healthy because it lets others take more extreme positions (overton window pushing) while 'still not being as bad as those pesky Holla Forums folk'. Our gas the kikes race war now types provide their own benefit.

Unless we're able to take control of Kikebart and outnumber them on plebbit, that's never going to happen.


No I mean the people in this thread focusing like a laser on some irrelevant figureheads who are mostly being propped up by our enemies and using that as a reason to dismiss any association with the alt-right are bad tacticians. I totally agree that having positions that range from "all traditions matter, white traditions just matter more to me" to "14/88 RWN" is important.

Why do we care about reddit? Reddit will do as reddit does, that's not a worthwhile battleground to get sucked into. A couple subreddits are friendly to us, but the high level moderators are against us and we can't really deal with that. Twitter is our best ground, but Breitbart etc. comment sections are free fire zones and we're doing well, to the extent that left wing websites are getting rid of comment sections in large numbers. We have Hillary Clinton attacking "us" directly, if we can hit back at all we're punching so far above our weight it's hard to imagine. She and her advisors think they can get rid of us as soon as they bring their guns to bear, they just haven't bothered. We have a chance to burrow even further into the presidential race with this and sit there like a blight on her campaign.

I would agree, but I'm a little more pragmatic than some of those on this board.

Posted to the_donald already

The Alt-Right is a reddit movement.

TDS was right about this board. All you get is this no true scotsman bullshit and if you do anything other than post here, you're just a shill. Maybe it's time to branch of from Holla Forums and this board "culture" in general. Or maybe somehow purge all of these (1)s that jump in and discourage action.

Have a courtesy bump, OP. Worth a try.

Nah, it wasn't like this before this election and the Trump phenomenon. If you only got here recently I could see how you'd have that view however.

Stop blaming Trump for this. The people causing the problems are trying to shut Trump down.

I didn't blame Trump, but without Trump we probably would have still been that seekrit club we were since the exoduses. So much obvious shilling/shitposting has left us unable to criticize Trump in any way because anything less than pure zealotry would be spun against Trump as 'internal infighting'. It's really annoying that we haven't been able to have the luxury of criticizing Trump's policy positions as not being extreme enough because to do so would hurt Trump when the world is already against him. I'm hoping that post-election we can begin to criticize his policy compromises again.

The Alt-Right shit was never really embraced here, or even on 4/pol/ for that matter. Reddit is the only place it thrives.

Halfchan loves them some 'alt right', get real. It's reddit in imageboard format, there is no daylight between them.

Fuck off, this is about people calling you a shill for wanting to actually do things to help Trump win other than posting about it here, not your personal grievances and bullshit. You are a shill, obviously and you need to take your ass back to Renegade.

Do you even want Trump to win, faggot? Disassociating yourself from the implicitly pro white identity Hillary is going to publically attack is not going to help anything. I've heard enough of this no true scotsmen bullshit. This is the kind of faggotry that neutered gamergate.

Do some searches on 4plebs, it gets shit on pretty hard there.


GamerGate was always cancer, and a lot of the blame for the Alt-Right being the fagfest it is today is on you retards. But as far as what killed the "movement", a lot of that was the "muh pr" autism that OP's post reeks of.

They've been calling Trump a racist for this whole election cycle with no real impact. This won't be any different.

We play a game of whack-a-mole with the feds. Migrate from chan to chan like nomads.

See, this is what I mean. I voted for Trump in the primary, have a ton of his memorabilia in my room, have spread the benefits of Trump since day 1, and I'm still a shill because I would enjoy the luxury of giving Trump the ability to push his positions even farther to the right. You people are fucking retarded mongoloids devoid of nuance. I don't even think you understand what I'm saying or, for that matter, what you're trying to convey. I'm not black pilling about Trump and I'm the guy who always calls out black pill shills, but this knee jerk reaction you just had to my extremely mild criticism of this Trump phenomenon is indicative of my point that we have attracted a lot of sub-80 IQ posters who think their opinion matters.

This may even be the straw that breaks the camels back. If this is a big final "muh racism" push, it's failure could strike a major blow against people being scared of being called racist.

We may not see the effects immediately, but the seed will have been planted. By next year, we could start seeing an upswing in casual racist jokes and shit like that.

Not really. We are better tacticians than you. You want to latch on to a controlled meme and give it power. We want to kill the meme before the kikes can use it to round up the goyim.

You can look at the tea party for example. This was a forced meme created to box in growing dissent against liberal government. The normies bought into this controlled "tea party" meme which gave form to that dissent and allowed it to be targeted and neutralized.

We instead want to be formless. Don't repeat the same mistakes.

The only outcome of this speech will be more people, including those who might otherwise become jew-wise, flocking to Kikebart. That's it.

You faggots are just like the autists who sperged after the "Emma You're Next" (or whatever it was called) thing on halfchan. I wish I saved the screenshot.


Exactly. They want to funnel people to kikebart so they can stay stuck in the swamp of good goyim impotent cuckservativism.


Just when I thought the mods couldn't get any dumber… They do something like this and TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES

Once they realize what the real alt right is they will beg for "trump style" civic nationalism, multiracial, christcuck shit back immediately.


Exactly. Apologizing for that only grants her legitimacy.

I think what we ought to do is use the inevitable backlash from this speech to aggressively redpill people. We should staunchly, without apologizing, and without beating around the bush, defend and clarify our views. I don't mean lash out at these people, rather, match their emotional involvement - don't let yourself be angrier than they are.

That would be a good way of baiting leftists into being even more openly anti-white. And that's good, because it will scare more and more white people over to our team.

This. It's too early to convert this potential energy into political energy by selling out. Best to keep focusing on swelling the ranks of people amenable to an uncucked message and prepare for the day we force this upon the weak majority

Not to be a shill, but "childless single men" are the most dangerous demographic. They're the ones who cause civil unrest and insurrections. Adding on top of it "masturbate to cartoons" make us sound deranged and unstable. When next to pictures of waifus making smug, it's hilarious – but I think a skilled persuader could still make us sound as dangerous as we actually are using this label. I hope I'm wrong.

this is so fucking retarded it's unreal
normies have no fucking clue what or who we are and they understand nothing about memes
to most people her speech will sound like gibberish

wtf is she talking about, frogs? what is this?

He said
The sarcasm couldn't have been more palpable.




Christians have then lost the right to pretend they're not gay after the queen james bible and the monetary troubles regarding all the literally pozzed pastors and priests who regularily molest boys.

And every fucking priest and pastor is the founder of the local idea of faith for the people living in that area.

Right now it's kikepedia and a Washington Post hitpiece. Alphabet will always stack the top results against us, though probably not the whole page…

She's just going to talk about Kikebart and Dicky Spencer, but pretend they're all anti-Semitic extremists isn't stead of kosher faggots. If we're lucky, somebody will fuck up and mention Daily Stormer like that nigger did a few months ago.

The rules of Christianity come from the Bible, not from pastors or priests.

The Bible also says that anyone who alters God's word will be accursed and doomed to hell. The sodomite-friendly Bible is anti-Christian by Christianity's own standards.

Alt-right on the other hand has no official standards or rules. It was popularized by kike faggots like Milo and Spencer and Donovan, and the whole movement is filled with faggots and degenerates. Go to any alt-right forum, subreddit, or on twitter, and all you see is faggots talking about wanting a trans tradwife, sucking tranny dick, pozzing negholes, etc. Most of the alt-right are disgruntled ex-liberals who have zero appreciation for traditionalism. A lot of them don't even name the jew and instead opt to make fun of the "crazy tinfoil 1488ers".

Sounds like a lolbertarian convention. What are the alt-right forums?


Cowards like yourself will be shot.

What does TRS think about fags?

Live it. Love it.



Why is everyone so terrified of her namedropping Holla Forums? Is this not what we've been preparing for? We know how to handle the potential onslaught of newfags.

Stop being this clearly afraid. If you fear them, they win.

Sons of England, of America, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship; but it is not this day! An hour of wolves, and shattered shields, when the West comes crashing down; but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!

They could discover the location of our leader, Sam Hyde.

It begins

Got the day of work tomorrow for damage control and counter narratives. This going to be big.

I agree with this, and what you said about criticizing Trump. However, after Trump wins, we will be free to do that all we want. I've tied myself to the Trump moment until the election, after that all bets are off, whatever happens.

1. Stop shouting, we can hear you.
2. They're going to find whatever (((google))) wants them to find.

They're lolbergs LARPing as fascists. Why do you think Pinochet is the only "fascist" any of them like?

Decent explanation

Wait, what

While this is true, normies don't know that. Normies believe that we are all impotent and uncharismatic, meaning that we shouldn't be a threat to anyone. Hillary doesn't have the persuasive ability to redefine that fact.

burned out Catholic detected.

There is certainly an unusual level of co-ordination in the media in the lead up to this speech.

This is different to their regular narrative spinning in the wake of some Trump comment or the other. There is a deliberate build-up of narrative before Hillary's speech this time. Time magazine went to the trouble of briefing its readers on what Holla Forums and 4chan even are before this. Ground is being laid to support the apparent content of Clinton's speech.

The content will be predictable enough, but my only question is: Why, and why now?

If Clinton is truly leading in the polls, why go to the trouble of explaining a fairly obscure and really very difficult to categorise online phenomenon to voters? Why take the risk of offending voters or stirring a debate on free speech or tarring trump supports in total at this juncture?

Something tell me this is less a political strategy from inside the DNC, as it is a narrative being pushed on the DNC by the media itself. Via think tanks, insider connections, etc, the media has pushed Hillary – or at least her handlers – to attack the "alt-right"/internet Trump supporters. The media tail is wagging the Hillary campaign dog.

I say this because I don't think Holla Forums or the_donald or any other internet forum is having a significant impact on swing voters. They're not here, they still don't get their news from the internet, and there are far better ways and talking points to reach those voters with than attacking the alt-right. For God's sake, how do you explain the Happy Merchant and Baneposting to Middle America?

No. I think the media has pushed this. And I think it's as simple as too many journalists having been triggered too many times by too many NEETS on the tubes. The media like to think of themselves as saavy game players, but in the end they are failed communications graduates who got where they are by schmoozing and tweeting and have no sense or idea how politics works or how to reach the electorate. And Hillary is too zoned out on meds, and surrounded by too many lackeys to disagree anymore.

I don't think they know what they're doing.

DS put out an article about this

This should be our position as well. "The alt-right" as a term is meaningless, what matters is making sure that normies can't avoid the fact that there is an intellectual right wing vanguard on the internet far more radical than any mainstream movement in this country in the past 100 years or more.

Very interesting theory. Either way I think this speech plays into our hands, as long as we reach out and take advantage of it.

Makes sense, especially as the media may very well be replaced by online movements such as this.

I remember Cernovich and Molyneux agreeing they'd not trade their twitter feeds for any amount of TV time.

Andrew is legit cringeworthy. He talks like a 12 year old Holla Forumstard.



The media fear people like him.

He'll replace them. If they can shatter him, they will.

The tail wagging the dog is a very good theory.

The jewish media doesn't fear him, he's pushing a variation of their kosher narrative in the alternative media.


I don't see this particular speech any more important than any other shit happening in the world. The one point you do have is that we should preempt it as well as connect it to the truth in a way that social media allows. This castrates the cuck politics.

You must remember to be more than about votes.
If we allow the right to become nothing but voting campaigners then we have lost already and white genocide will continue accelerating.

Cogent rumination.
Bready gud. Wapo editors have their task cut out for them. Trump has not published his tax records. Jeff Bezo will never publish his either.

CNN segment on the AltRight from today.

Fox News segment on the AltRight featuring Jared Taylor, Milo Yiannopolous & Ann Coulter.

Also featuring the happy merchant.

There's a resewn the alt right is difficult to nail down.We have a wide range of opinions, we don't always agree with each other, but what binds us is simply a love of free speech and a distaste for authoritarian language policing

There I nailed it down for you

And just think, Holla Forums believes that they're rebels but they'll never have Granny Liesalot whining them on live tv.

Sure Shlomo

The kikes sure do love promoting Jared Taysachs.

I wonder why?

cant tell if you're too stupid to understand what is going on here or just shilling for some anti white idf or another
hes preventing himself from being lynched by the media

This is our chance to shift the Overton Window folks. It really can't be repeated enough. Use your meme magic. Let's win this before it even starts.

God dammit, Cernovich.

Taylor is a known philosemite with direct links to the ADL.

And he isn't only that way in public, Gavin McCuck told a story about how he was complaining about orthodox kikes, and Taylor (who he's friends with) said they were "admirable" for preserving their culture.

uh huh
you're playing divide and conquer my good semitic friend
i dont believe what he does 100% but he sure as fuck is closer to what i think society needs to know and hear than what is portrayed in typical cuck media of the MSM

He's shilling for jews because Jared Taylor is a literal shill. Jews have had kosher white nationalism set up for decades becaise they knew there would be an inevitable backlash to their white genocide project.

There's nothing to divide. He's a shabbos goy and most of us are anti-jewish.

“If they don’t name the Jew, their message isn’t true.” – A.K. Chesterton.


preserving white culture and rejecting leftism is not part way towards the objective?
id rather introduce him to a clueless bluepill than to show him a 5 minute video that gives him a full view of how white genocide is happening
most will just flinch and run away pretending it isnt happening without an introduction

Thing about Taylor, Jonestein, etc. is that their purpose is to co-opt anti-establishment sentiment and thirst for esoteric information and then purplepill their audience so that for example Jones listeners despise the Globalist "nazi's/saudi's/bilderberg's/etc." and get sidetracked and misled at the last minute. They are great as entry level redpills, but then attempt to subvert that. For reasonably intelligent people who don't listen and follow them religiously however it is bullshit, Jones was a good intro to the redpill when I was 13 and I later managed to connect the dots enough to realize most of these globalists or their proponents were in fact (((globalists))) and if not for Jones and people like him in the first place I would not be likely to have started on a path to the red pill. They have limited use, but their strategy is to hope that more people than not fall for the subversion than realize the realities of the Jewish question. Same thing with Molyneaux, Breitbart, etc. and their followers, these people are about 80 percent redpilled and incredibly useful to us if they can be just be given that slight push towards the JQ. Kevin Macdonald is also incredibly useful in this way even if he believes in the holohoax.

At that point you just go full armed resistance. Internet censorship is on the same level as gun confiscation; civil fucking war right fucking now.

Can most of us at least agree on David Duke as a trustworthy ally?




We'll need to check to see if there's a sudden rise in searches for his name after that episode gets official aired on Friday

trump's already ahead of us brothers.

the whole "hillary is a bigot" from today's rally is YUGE bait and the media is falling for it (again, and HARD)

By calling her a bigot he has pre-emptively tricked the media into criticizing their own racebaiting tactics.



There is no other "right" than racist one. Cuckservatives are not right wing.

They've been calling the Republican party as a whole racist for decades. Why should anyone take these people seriously?


If Jared Taylor is controlled opposition then he's doing a terrible job.

Can you give a single example of something he has said or done that helps our enemies?

Because he's probably helped to redpill thousands of whites on black crime and race realism in addition to serving as an articulate and intelligent representative of white nationalism and white interests in the media.

So what negative things has he done that outweigh the good?

Another AltRight segment from Fox News yesterday.

Dude, fucking Ben Shapiro just needs to die and go away. I can't stand his whiny voice and absolute lack of honesty or any form of integrity.

that's fucking funny

I want Hillary curious how the average personal media is shitposting about Trump since day 1, and you need to removement than say a neocons of Europe?

And justaltright. That as a primarily homosexual movement is they're not engage than posters.

the amount of non entertaining autism on this board is reaching critical levels.

user are you out of your mind? Maybe you have forgotten what regular folks are like outside of your basement but keen in mind most people find chans to be absolutely deplorable and terrifying.


Cernovich tweets to get a reaction.

what is a troll?

God damn this fucking Wiscuck, FUCK

good anons, remember this when we are shown to the world tomorrow

We are the Hun. The Cimmerian. The Umman Manda. The true political barbarians.

The enemy will come as they have in the past. In legions, packed together as nice columns. They will enter our digital steppe and we will ruin them for their arrogance of associating themselves with the frontier people of the "alt-right". This is our Kek-given land.

And as surely as the Eurasian tundra has stopped armies, so shall our constant redpills, Pepes, infographics and chinese cartoon girls stop the shills dead.

Donald Trump is not of our people. He comes from the alt-right frontier. But he will enrich us; certainly more than legions who come into our sacred places. We fight not for him, but for our way of life that could end should these "civilized" fools succeed. If we succeed, their way of life will be burned into the mud from which it came

They strike at us because they are weak. They know their palisades will not hold us forever. We can hear the fear in their voices as they talk of us.

Remember anons. We are just simple anime masturbators. We have no power to persuade or shape the political discourse :^)

Think there's an element of retaliation to this for BTFOing CTR?

Yukari best girl. 10/10 would hunt juden with.

You are not going anywhere.

Why are so many of you shitting on the idea of good PR? Good PR is good, being liked is good. Being cool and looking good is good. Why are you shitting on the Alt-Right? As far as Normies are concerned YOU are the Alt-Right.

Being a bunch of belligerent, smug, charmless idiots is not going to get you anywhere. All you fuckers talking about NS is the only way and not needing good PR are not going to start the race war. Forget whatever delusional Turner Diaries fantasy you have because most of you talking this way are not going to do jack shit. Oh the Alt-Right is gay, Tribalism is gay, Libertarianism is gay, etc. each of these groups are doing much more then posting Pepe memes and shitposting about how edgy they are.

tl;dr Grow the fuck up, Holla Forums

your next line will be "take your meds"
gas yourself PRfag.


Hearty kek.

fuck off.
Agreeing to the label "Alt-Right" is agreeing to being under the leadership of Breitbart, Alex Jones, and Milo. They are the "leaders of the Alt-Right" after all. Is that what you want? Some faggot e-celebs claiming to represent all of Holla Forums?

exactly, this is what KILLED gamergate

What is this, fucking reddit?


we should never have even been called fucking gamergate, we should have just been anonymous faggots fucking destroying the vidya-luegenpresse.
adopting a name, taking to twitter for anything other than relentless shitposting, following faggot personalities and actually taking them seriously. all fucking shitty ideas, never do it again.

Oh here it comes. Little late though, you usually appear around 50-100 posts.

uh gamergate won, there were fags at EA with
shirts this year at e3
Every eceleb who stuck their dick out over it has retreated to a point of
just like Holla Forums :^), bunch of contrarian hipsters.

if gamergate had won there wouldn't have been a fucking E3 this year.

Seems like she is walking straight into a no-win situation that she created for herself.



Halfchan is already on the warpath. They're expecting the shills to come in full force following the speech. We should be on our guard too, as they'll most likely attack us in force as well.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Jap admin sacrificed 4ch/pol/ just like the moot did. Expect new Exodus.

Cernovich tweets to promote his shitty ebooks.

nah hiroshima doesn't give a flying fuck.
I hang out on /qa/ occasionally and he loves Holla Forums because we drum up controversy and "make 4chan fun"

I think I've read a post of his that said something akin to 4chan not being about profit, but about fun.

yes, and it was asked in reference to axing Holla Forums because it might drive away potential advertizes.

If they get him by the balls there's not much he can do.
4ch/pol/ mods aren't to be trusted either.

I have been thinking something in relation to this.

Why haven't we subverted the alt-right yet?

We should forge the alt-right into our image, and force out all the (((alt-right))) as the outsiders.

We could take OP's strategy and then say Holla Forums views and philosophies with an alt-right label, thereby subverting them.

We have the numbers, and the capability. I do not understand why we haven't made the alt-right into a synonym for Holla Forums yet.


Alt-kike crap is gay

Fuck that milo

The rule of continuation of the species comes from biology and faggotry is intrinsically incompatible with 1488.

The ultimate truth of the right that cannot be altered no matter how many fags claim to be that homosexuality is the last stand of white people.

They are liars in the face of the universe.

Also, to reiterate, since it's actually the truth:

It comes from the people.
Just ask all the illiterates from the middle east who are read the quran and have to take what they say is in it at face value.

Sure, in the west this is not as bad, but the point still stands.

If I were to put you in a truman show like enclosure where the queen james bible is all you get then that is what you will think the bible is.

Stipulations about the authors going hell or not.

It will be what you believe the bible to be.

Wow, least intelligible post in this thread.

They always forget how homosexuality fosters corruption and cronyism as well. Degenerates are never upstanding men and homosexuals favor their own kind in disgusting ways obliterating merit.

Half/pol/ is temporarily memeing Shillary as the evil Nazi we support. I kind of don't care about that either way.

I don't think we really need any strategy. Just practice Holla Forums fundamentals and turn it up to 11. Holocaust threads, nigger hate threads, fag hate, Jew hate, you know. Our bread and butter. Center ourselves and use our momentum to turn the invading hordes around our axis.

And if this turns out to be an overblown threat, we still red-pilled some normalfags, shared some Pepes and hated some filthy heebs.





Also I hate THIS-posters, but this.

Capture them in our gravity and pull them around our axis. If Holla Forumswere not ideologically superior neither we nor shills would be here. Take comfort in knowing you stand in the light of heaven and can never be moved or shaken ever again.

user's post from half-chan illustrating my point:

Daily reminder Hillary is the Aryan Savior of the white race


Heil Hillary! The only choice for the white race

I'm more expecting an influx of shilling minutes before the speech.


This is actually a good idea. We should push this on twitter.

Holy fuck I just checked the altright hashtag on Twitter and they're dead. The whole thing is overflooded with faggots, jews and normie trump supporters saying the altright was never racist. You should have listened to Holla Forums, faggots. This is what your big tent bullshit got you.

You could have prevented this.


I kind of feel like a Muslim being told I don't want to bomb people.

its way worse than just that too, i am trying to take screenshots but there is just so much bad shit its impossible to get all of it

You legitimizing this is the problem, as well.
I don't care what these faggots say and I am "alt-right".

If you have roaches in your house you combat them, you don't run away.

If degeneration of the movement is bad and something that should not be happening, and therefore you decry that these people are degenerating and tainting it.

How is telling the alt right to dissolve itself because of faggots any different?

How does a faggot claiming to be the alt right degenerate the alt right more or less than someone who wants to dissolve it?

Both result in the shrinking of the group.

And, by virtue of that, the degeneration of the movement.

You can't move shit if nobody is there to push things around.

Should the right split apart eternally?

Cause there will be ways for degenerates to latch onto any movement.

Sometimes even with leftist state funding.

Considering Holla Forums doesn't want anything to do with them anyway, is there a problem? They're doing Holla Forums's work for us when it comes to distancing away from cuckservatives.

Even if you don't let them into your group.
They can still use the media to shout louder than you and make the general population think they're genuine about it.

The alt-right is like a meme. no one knows who started it, everyone is co-opting it. its just a force that has many faces and many interests. Holla Forums is alt-right , TRS is alt-right , Stefan molynuex is alt-right , Milo is alt-right.

all of these entities have widely differing opinions, and that is where the beauty lies.

The Alt-right is just the hatred of Leftists and Globalism




Another movement ruined by kikes.

Hello 8/pol/, TRS Expeditionary Force reporting in.

Let's dominate the discussion. We'll see you in the trenches.

fucking hell i don't know what is more cancerous these screenshots or your computing habits.

Probably the latter, this computer isnt mine and i usually only browse Holla Forums on mobile. The problem is that my phone wouldn't let me upload 5 pics at a time so I switched over.

Sauce on the manga?

I'm not much for Twatter. Are words like nigger kike faggot banned or filtered? What % of 1488 should I release to call out kikes while still getting exposure?

Any techniques? Dropping lots of hashtags or responding to more popular retweets or what?

Newsflash: Anti-white racism is rampant on college campuses, the workplace and any place where an "empowered woman" can hold ground. i.e. almost everywhere. Ever heard of affirmative action? Don't you remember that minorities can get grants because of their ethnicity? Doesn't that sound mighty fucking racist to you?

Asked the same question myself recently. It's called Mein Kampf and I found 4 chapters easily. I assume more exists but haven't found it. Also filthy kikes liked the author if jewgle doesn't lie.

*Kikes kiked

This is a stupid move on her part. It's esoteric and petty and centered around Trump. She's off message of why you should vote for her and going down a rabbit trail. She's building intrigue among normies and all Trump has to do is say disavow and shake his head in disdain. Don't be scared of this desperate horseshit, you should be fucking laughing. OP is making a mistake trying to "reclaim " the mantle of a label who's premise is that nationalism and American pride is fringe. If anything we should start using something like "populace right" or even "popular right." I have no intention of ceding the ground we've won and pretending like Trump didn't just beat the shit out of the whole game. We're running shit now and it's time to start acting like it.

Pop-right, I like it. It will be the pop-punk to the alt-right's indie-rock.

Can't tell if OP is a shill or just a massive PR cuck.

Kill yourself.

Being anti-racist is always gonna end in your group losing if your opponents are racist.

You are doing what the right has done for the past 6 decades you fucking moron.

If every ethnicity but your own does ethnic advocacy you will simply die out.

Genuinely can't tell whether you're a fucking shill or a cuckchan faggot.


It's an interesting evolution but truth is that Spencer basically did start it… and this is kind of what he envisioned.

Funny thing is, he also kind of abandoned it for a time, but suddenly, more and more people adopted it as a generic label and now here we are.

You shitfags can shitpost all day about how the alt-right is this and that, but I myself was finally pushed over an edge when my European cuckmedia complained about how in the US is that guy and this guy and the other one. This is the way the world works. If they are afraid of something, it works. Before that, it is just banter in the background.

I always thought of Alex J and Molinö or the zero-jewdge and others as funny entertainment, as they never would become a threat to the status quo. I read, listened and watched them since 1999, basically since I am on the web, because everywhere in forums, comments and places like slashdot the libcucks complained about them. I never ever expected them to become center of an election. A Swiss gratis commuter oriented paper complained a little (because fags are actually under protection) about Milo, then it exploded into their faces. Probably that one article pink pilled 50k Europeans in one strike. The comments under the online article were pure gold and mostly directed at the journalists for being suddenly torn apart between their own bullshit and fake outrage.

Now please focus on Shillary and oust her finally out of the house. She shat on every carpet. I don't like her.

Hmm, where have I seen this before…

There's always a lot of confusion surrounding the alt-right on Holla Forums, Heavily exacerbated by shills on both 4 and 8ch.

So the question must be asked and answered:
What is the Alt-Right in relation to Holla Forums?
The answer is quite simple.
It is our Ideological breeding ground.
in the mass sense, It is comprised of nationalists, ideologically exiled conservatives and young republicans that don't buy the status quo.
All of these demographics will willingly take the redpill when presented in the right format relative to their base ideology.
The underlying thing that ties everyone in the alt-right together is anti-globalism, pro-ethnonationalism sentiment.
It was never co-opted. we merely co-opted republicanism.
Always remember that the truth is on our side. they will eventually say the fourteen words without meaning to.
To quote Harry potter and the Fuhrer's book,
It all starts with the word.

I keep hearing that alt-right doesn't buy into race though?

I don't pay much attention to it myself.

Just spam the hashtag with A. W. Mann comics. Make em swallow the redpill.

Hitler dubs confirm, David Duke is our greatest ally.

So the "alt-right" is… Ted Cruz and the "popular right" "populace-right" or "mainstream-right" Is Trump. I know white people like to have the cool unknown band but we're not an "alternative". Trump is nationalistic and he beat his opponents. We're the thought leaders. We need to reject the forced-meme that we're fringe. The Overton window is official moved and we should start projecting that we're in power now because we are.

yes, one should always remember jewish question

How ever labeling someone "our enemy" because they don't name the J in public is somewhat stupid. Just getting people to think critically has the potential to let those "cucks" and "reddit cancers" who come here truly radicalize.

There is no need to always blame the jew outloud. It's still too touchy a subject and many reject opinions of that kind right away. I see myself as an example. Long ago if someone had tried to shove a huge red pill down my throat at once I would have fleed. It must be slowly fed. It's better to talk about problems like FED than the few people behind it, the normies will see the pattern themselves if they are exposed enough.

One does not see in the dark right after the lights have gone out. One must adjust to the darkness.

never change Fox

Could only find a Russian version, luckily I could read Russian, so that would suffice.

hmmm "Pop-right." My internal whiteness and anti-normie sensibilities make me want reject anything that isn't underground, because I generally equate "popular" with "fucking retarded" but I think it's time to get over it. "Popular" is exactly what needs to be portrayed in our politics.The right needs to be on the cultural cutting edge.

Use images over words, go for popular hashtags. Expect to get filtered due to being a new account with their "quality" coding. Have fun trolling bitches and don't waste time worrying about exposure. Have fun instead.

Who fucking cares? My advice? Worry not what alt-right is, and instead worry about actually getting shit done. This is the same strat these cunts have used to defeat GG, and if you don't pay attention, it will happen here too.

There is no alt-right, it's full on wag the dog tactics. Even this recent Biden thing may be a distraction.

The two biggest alt right websites are the Stormer and TRS, both of which have a laser like focus on the JQ.

If you look at the facts, Holla Forums, Hillary is just a better choice than Trump. Hillary has a consistent record of trying to secure an existence for our people.

Hillary supports increased access to abortion for black people. Anyone who opposes that is a JIDF shill.

Three people confirm that Hillary has named the Jew!

The black man intuitively respects Hillary's Aryan strength. When given the choice between Hillary and a (((socialist))), they made the right decision.

“I am adamantly against illegal non-white immigrants.” Aren't we all, Hillary?

Now JIDF shills argue that she's for refugees. It's true, but it's only because mass immigration is redpilling the white man. When the time comes, I have no doubt that Hillary will be leading the charge in RaHoWa!

And now, Hillary is going after that (((alt-right))) that we all hate. She sees that we're in a bind here and that Milo Kikeopoulos is trying to co-opt our movement, so she's taking the time to help us out.

After she names the (((alt-right))), we need to come out 200% behind her and explain why she's the candidate that white nationalists should support!

Popular right is excellent.

It's kind of like with the Bolshevik vs Menshevik thing, with Bolsheviks meaning "of the majority" which then became a self fulfilling meme as more and more people flocked to them.

Anyway, when will Shillary's speech take place?

Who doe they consider alt-kike, anyway?

lul, he can't help shitting on his own bible.

Fuck that. We're just the right. Be as amorphous nebulous as possible.

Even better, call it normal right, say our followers are normies and that everyone not on our side is abnormal.

Is this bait? It's pretty good bait, if so.

Dude, what is meant by "Forget about your PR." is that you shouldn't let your opponents accusations of bigotry drive the discussion. When you "work on your PR," the entire discussion becomes about whether or not you are a bigot. This is a losing proposition. Instead, attack!

Remember, if the whore mentions us we always have to fall back on.


The alt-right masturbates to Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow.
Of course they buy into it.

More importantly, their core tenet is ethno-nationalism.

Well you really should. Like it or not, we're "alt-right".

Yes, the name is gay as fuck. There are people in the movement I don't like, and there are jews always ready to co-opt it if we cease our counter-semitism for a second.
But our opinions have never had this much mainstream exposure. Exposure is not favorable of course, but Trump has really shown as that any publicity really is good publicity.

epic meme bro

This. Don't fall for the defensive, always stay on the offensive. Overwhelm the opposition so they're forced to defend themselves and unable to fight back.

funny, becasue none of the "alt-right" spokespeople advocate ethno nationalism besides jared.

also, they love jews and milo is a coal burning jew flamboyant faggot. literally everything we hate in one fucking person

The "Alt-Right" is White Nationalism.

Literally every Alt-Right commentator I've hear of advocates for White Nationalism.

Jared Taylor
Mike Enoch & the TRS guys
Richard "Implicitly White" Spencer
Greg Johnson from Counter Currents
Kevin MacDonald

thanks, y-you too.

Spencer, Damigo, Anglin, Heimbach, TRS-crowd…
Need I go on?

You're buying into the false narrative like a good goy. Milo has nothing to do with us. Everybody hates him, and his degenerate ways and views.
He's been lifted up by the (((media))) in order to invalidate the movement, and kill it's popularity.

That was actually revealed to be a pretty long troll. Check the leaked Clinton emails.


I can't believe there's naysayers (assuming they aren't all shills) in this moment.

We have never had more moment than we have in this moment, never more opportunity to swell our ranks and actually start to turn back the tide but there's faggots her screaming about purity of a movement or hiding their anime imageboard from the dreaded normies.

After tomorrow there will be more traffic here, be ready with your hatefacts, stats, studies and infographics for the coming storm.

Pop right: for chads and stacies only!

(pic related).

OP…ELI 5 to us what do we have in common with that ?

The only thing she's done recently is open a jar of pickles and answer to us.

What were you doing the year we trolled Hillary Clinton?

Man. I didn't realize how pozzed the "alt-right" was.

Also, if you value your internet anonymity, don't use windows. Seriously.

Nice red-text, newfag.

I can't find anything even hinting that. I do have my doubts about the fat bastard, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt until there's proof otherwise.

Anons are cynical and negative about everything. Sometimes it can be necessary, but those are bad qualities when you're actually trying to accomplish something real.

And I do think we need to "scream about purity", but we need to do it inside the movement. Nobody cares what some no-name yells from the sidelines.
I'd say now, more that ever, it's important to punch to the right. It's up to us to keep alt-right as nationalistic and anti-degeneracy as possible. Especially when the heat gets turned up nearing the elections.

This is not true. maybe to you it is…but to us this is not true.

We had momentum…more than now. So what ?

You mean this is the opportunity we have to take that is coming from (guess who? HRC ?

And stop calling people faggots. It homosexuals…

Why would we ?

Why do you think so ? You think no one knows about this ?

Come on…you are not the first person to find this place. Wait for her to make a speech and than we could decide to do something. If we inclined to…She is not that important.

All aboard the dub train!

i was testing

And i was trying to find some kind of script for grease monkey to use. But i could not find anything…

we are not reacting on HRC whims.

Think about it…if she is a women you would like to fuck…do you to what she wants or what you want ?

Same thing is with "alt-right" and trump. We are running the game. They will follow us.

If you let a women calling a shots then she is in control.

You get it ?

cool your ctrl-v autism you sperglord.

Remember, whatever Hillary says about Holla Forums today, our response is simple.

Holla Forums is a board of peace!
behead those who insult Holla Forums
There is no god but Kek, and we are his prophet.

That's a ridiculous assertion.

How many Christians have read the Bible? Very few.

How many Christians have listened to their priests or pastors? How many Christians have "read the Bible", meaning they read the passages recommended to them by a priest or pastor, but little more? The vast majority.


I like this idea. It should help keep the normals away.

Can I vote early goyim?????

This is literally the mindset that killed gamergate early on. In fact, I'm certain you stole a post word-for-word from the gg board in 2014.

Those turds were too concerned with "muh PR" and looking good for the enemy that they ended up completely cucking themselves and adopting all the same bullshit their SJW enemies love…except "well we aren't MEAN about it xD"

They're trying really hard to meme us into isolation.

I like that thinking. We should be memeing neocons into a subgroup and (not our subgroup either.) The right. The left and the "neocon left" or "republican left." Something like that which divides them up, not us.

This is seriously underrated; we need to be culture and not counterculture. It really reveals the level of conditioning that we're calling brainwashed facebookers "normal." they're really "abnormies." kek that's also a LOT funnier sounding and therefor more likely to go viral.

Here's your reply, but I love how nobody has responded to this yet lol.

Dont buy the alt right bullshit. its a way to divide us. DIVIDE AND CONQUER. and every one that says that its for the pr are fucking retards. would you change your name to get more people to like you more? your name is your fucking name. we dont negotiate with the enemy. the moment we change is the moment they will win. you really think we could win if we deicde to abonded what we stand for? abonden what we are?

Post propaganda infographs for twitter you fucking assholes, we need to jump on this opportunity

I can't because I don't have access to my main device

Why the hell is a presidential candidate even trying to evoke hatred against supporters of the other candidate? This is a terrifying precedent. I expect her to attack Trump, but a candidate should only have positive things to say about "the people". This is disgusting.

Are you that same ding dong from that other thread that says something incredibly dumb starting with "kill yourself"? You might want to take your own advice because at no point did I slam white advocacy, just policies and attitudes that are racist towards whites.

Seriously you should be 18+ to use this board.

I agree with that but I'm not sure if other anons are on the same page with you after looking through this thread.

Will there be a livestream?

They "love" Jews that don't suck. Which isn't many of them at all when it comes to mainstream politics. When some stereotypical kike starts writing articles about how AWWWFUL and ANTI-SEEEEEMETIC the Alt-Right is, having people like Milo in it reveal the kike for what he is. Normies will see the truth.

I'm not opposed out of principle to this but I don't think its doable. Normalfags go to mainstream sites to find out what the "altright" is. All mainstream sites prop up ridiculous figureheads that we don't like and they get a certain impression regardless of what we say. I don't see how you can reclaim a label, when media defines labels, its better to go without labels. This is another mistake gamergate made. "GamerGate" was originally the scandal, the bullshit the journos got up to. Instead they allowed the media to assign that label to them and they embraced it instead of pointing out that there was only gamers individually opposed to what was going on.

Milo is around to subvert. Milo is not good. Milo promotes miscegenation and says that whites still owe blacks for slavery. If you support Milo you are anti-white.

Today, It is no time to be moderate.
There is no more concessions in today's society.

It is now ANTI-WHITES against WHITES

No compromises.

We drop the truth, hence the 'RIGHT'
We bear the truth
We are the RIGHT BEARERS if you want to call it that way

Don't associate Holla Forums with alt-right.

Alt-right is Goys Occupy Wall Streets
Alt-right is Good Goys GamerGate
Alt-right is everything that could be kike-opted

We are not kosher. Hence the name 'Incorrect, politically incorrect'

Fuck off with autistic-right and your #hashtags

I honestly do not understand what you people are complaining so much about when it comes to the Alt-Right. Everything is this article is on point:

fuck off

Enjoy being marginalized and getting absolutely nowhere in the political sphere.

This is an anime imageboard.
If you don't even read the article your opinion is less than worthless. It's counter-productive.
Grow the fuck up.

Keep posting gook cartoons, they are so nationalist and white european Please continue to embrace more japanese culture halfchan is waiting for you to comeback.

fuck off to halfchan

From the article:

"Who is the Alt-Right?

This may be an issue in the coming days. Some groups and sites mentioned will not actually be Alt-Right. Breitbart and Milo Yiannoupolis in particular are definitely not Alt-Right. Breitbart is closer to libertarianism, while Yiannoupolis is simply an individualist degenerate, both in his lifestyle and in the values he espouses.

Hating feminists and Muslims because one is a flagrant homosexual is not Alt-Right. I would classify that as not even an intellectual or ideological point of view, but a purely pheromonal one."

See? This is why Holla Forums needs to leave it's echo chamber more often.

I wonder who is counterproductive here.


"Oh wowee zowee somebody posted animu! How strange! Nobody does that here! I am so triggered. Oh golly gee, I'm such an edgy race warrior why don't people take me seriously IRL gosh"

thanks for confirming that the alt-right is full autistic weebs , please continue sperging out.

So is there a stream or what? When is it starting?

It's scheduled for 1 PM Eastern.

Here's a streaming link:


Wake up, how many people like you have made it in mainstream politics? Zero. And it's not because you're "too hardcore" or "the truth is too heavy" it's because nobody likes your attitude. It doesn't matter what truth you present, nobody is going to want to listen to you if a anime cartoon girl is enough to trigger you.

Oh but "muh PR". Ok. Go ahead. Look around you and see all the wonders that you've gained by your method. Then look at people like Trump and how much he has gained. Despite how the left likes to paint Trump, he is actually a very charming guy. If Trump did not have charisma he would get nowhere.

tl;dr maybe read this book?

What a (((coincidence)))

wew lads

Hillary released an ad this morning about the "Hateful" attracted to Trump's campaign.


Have you read these books ?

Real question though, have you read my post ?

You'll understand that you are alone here, no one wants to be part of your group

Fuck off

Rumor has it that the KKK and Donald Trump both drink water as well.

she's seriously going with the "attack his supporters, not him" tactic? This could very easily be countered by showing some BLM nigs chimping out and then endorsing Hillary. This also isnt gonna do anything to win over Trump supporters, who arent going to like being thrown into the same boat as the KKK.

Underrated link

What have you accomplised, user? See, I can redpill people every now and then IRL and get away with it because people like me. But you know, I don't want to try and force you what to think, carry on.

This is our last election to attempt to shift things back in our favor. If she wins then democracy will not solve this. If Trump wins it probably still wouldn't but at least there's a small chance.

Alright, that almost made me vomit and laugh at the same time. It would seem to me that mire the dirt is released on shillcunt the more she tries to throw dirt on Trump, as if this make belief shit would some how magically make ppl to forget all the shit she has been doing for the past few decades.

Compared to our elections, yours do deliver and give a guy a bang for his buck.

Spot on m8. It's easy to forget that most powerful media figures don't understand the internet, or internet culture because they're too old to have grown up with it. More than that, I think a few of them know we're right, and they're afraid.

This is the media's chance to categorize and define the alt-right in the public mind. That's why there's been such a concerted, coordinated effort leading up to today's speech.

Whether they will succeed in making us universally hated or inadvertently redpill normies remains to be seen.


I have that book. I like that book. It's a good book.

I can't wait till she shits herself.

Do you even read what you post?

New from Omniphi: "What is the Alt-Right?"

Its not bad, he should have also shown what happens to the whites when they become a minority in a country.


Apparently Hillary's speech has been delayed another hour.

Maybe because of Trump Rally happening now.


/pol is actually waiting for start of HRC speech ?


I want to laugh at the dying twat.

Yep, falling for the controlled opposition trap. Gets them every time.

Im telling you , we needed to push the bog meme harder after the cuckchan refugees arrived. they always been heavily impressionable bunch.

(((Brett Stevens))) is such a fucking faggot. Pic related is him. Jew or not Jew?

You idiots never learn. This is a repeat of tea party, gamergoy, etc.

Gamergate all over again

These are the same autists from GamerGate. Why do you think they love Milo so much?

I think it's time to admit that moot was right and that all GamerGoyim should have been purged.

You mean controlled opposition becomes controlled opposition PRcucks at the first sign of resistance? Gee I'm shocked and appalled :^)

He doesn't. He advocates kosher nationalism and pretends that Jews aren't inbred sandniggers.

The Popular-right and Pop-right sounds like a good name imo. Judgeing by some of the screen caps seen here, the Alt-right seems to be pozzed beyond repair. If we were to adopt a new name for a movement, we should also from the beginning define some rules that straight out exclude poz and degeneracy such as milo and anti-racism. In my opinion one of the defining things about the movement should be racialism.


We should just drop "right" altogether and call ourselves "populists" like Willis Carto did.


Collin Liddell needs a hollow point lobotomy.


Fortunately nobody reads his shitty blogspot.


When did I mention ecelebs?

Yes, I think we need attention if nationalism is to be anything but a super secret club. this isn't a fucking hobby.


Yes, the bog

Did not know that. Haven't actually read the book, but I thought it was all about being a doormat to get normies to like you. If Manson recommends it maybe it is worth a read.


Tor/I2P hosted image boards and IRCs.

You're a fucking idiot. We are racist and we're not ashamed. There is literally nothing wrong with racism.

No. What we should do is agree with the libshits and then ask them to tell us exactly what is wrong with racism? reclaim the word and then force them to justify their use of it.

It's smart. Trump uses "the noisy majority." It subverts american partisanship and regroups everything into populace terms. It's important that it's framed as the majority view. It needs to be memed as the normal viewpoint and pull bandwagoners to the voting booth.

It's pretty hivemind that "Alt" is a trap to meme us away from populism and make us fringe. It makes no sense; If trump is the nominee then "alt" should be used for third party. Alt is Gary Johnson or Stein or Cruz. Also yes, Milo is fucking out.

the label has pretty much been rejected as a forced meme from our opposition. Stop trying to make fetch happen. This isn't going to be like the echos where we ironically take our enemies labels.