This is our opportunity. Grab this lion by the ears and we can ride it to the election.
I know the alt right is a bunch of loosely coordinated, self-centered e-celeb douches but, here's how Hillary's gonna pitch this: "The alt-right are a new form of European Nationalist Style of political movement their ideology is dangerous, racist and should be ignored! Also Trump is literally Hitler don't vote for him unless you're an anti-semetic bigot who wants WW3 and Holocaust 2"
We can't let her have this narrative. It works too well on normies and Hillary can't be the one who introduces people to these new ideas.
The speech is Thursday, the dumb bitch gave us time to prepare and counter. WE HAVE THE INITIATIVE. Our strategy is four fold.
1. Roll out a twitter campaign that provides normies with a reasonable introduction to the alt right. #justaltrightthings i.e. being a pro-working class republican #justaltrightthings or protecting American sovereignty #justaltrightthings
2. Frame the story as Hillary, the establishment and the media just not getting it because they are too old and old fashioned. Ex: Using a computer to talk about politics #justaltrightthings or setting up a Gmail account instead of a personal server in my bathroom to send emails #justaltrightthings
3. It's imperative that we get media members to discuss this before her speech. We need to turn her speech from attack to advertisement. It's imperative to get traditional media involved. This speech and the media onslaught that will surely follow ir will be aimed at Normies, we have to get to them first. Sean Hannity should be a goal he's based enough to give us some positive coverage and would be open to wrecking Hillary's strategy.
4. When she invariably calls the alt right racist we need to frame this as old fashioned. EX: Alt-right is racist… yawn… heard that one before #justaltrightthings
This could be huge for garnering new support from people who are just hearing about the alt right/ alternative ideas generally for the first time. I know a lot of you think the alt right is too cucked. Maybe so, but they wouldn't be getting a speech if they weren't making an impact. We need to rally around the alt right over the next few days to wreck Hillary's narrative.
This is a huge moment in the election and could be huge to push the pendulum. You NEET cunts better do your duty.