Black man apologizes to whites for not blaming Jews instead

"We thought they were white"
most based black man in history. Write him a polite thank-you letter and spread his website far and wide, preferably on black message boards, etc.

Other urls found in this thread: Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews.pdf

This current year is fucking wild

They still gotta go back to Africa.

2016 just continues to deliver

wtf I love niggers now

Encourage this man to spread his word, and for any ghetto anons– Spread his name far and wide as the most woke motherfucker they'll ever read.

Like how that one "Gangsta General" was redpilled on hillary and such.


It's going to have to be QUUUUUUITE an apology.

You don't have to go back to Africa, but you can't stay here…

I dunno, ship them to Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

Your post made me like this meme.

Spics hate niggers. That would be great for both parties. Kill each other off and whites come in and fix the islands as they should have been.

I reiterate that black guys like this and sleepy negro should be installed as KANGZ in their own African nations.

I can't believe this is happening.



There's a few good ones out there. Nation of Islam is pretty woke, but we'll never get along with them in any sort of alliance IRL.

Blacks need to wake themselves up. I wasted too much time myself trying to wake up black people previously.


One down, tens of millions of turbo-niggers to go (excluding the sand nigs, who will be kill on sight instead of deport)

I actually had this exact same idea. Look, niggers are going to blame someone for being failures and it's going to be another race. Why not get them to blame Jews instead?

The problem is of course that the Jews so completely own the media that if this ever got mainstream they would shut it down ASAP.

But I think that we should start using this excuse instead of the truth of genetic differences. If someone on some normie website asks why nigs have it so bad, just link this website.

No more arguing genetics, just more identity politics, which people are already primed to believe.

Remember, most niggers already hate the Jews, they just don't blame them for all of their problems. They are ready to believe this. The best part is that if this catches on, it will save white lives. Imagine nigs doing the knockout game on Jews only instead of whites?

This is some strong red pill material to push on niggers who chimp out online with that Kangz shit.


the only people I have met IRL that were privy to the protocols were darkies tbh, even your most basic street-nog knows what's up with the international jewry. most of them have read Ford in some manner aswell.


we should ship them to israel tbh or hueniggerland

Better yet, get niggers to run up behind kikes and hold torches to their clothes.

"That quim is a cunning linguist. I can discern it."

The nigranese-English translation was great.

somebody should post this on one of those rap forums that the darkies like to hang out in.


Am I dreaming? Did I go to another timeline?

What year is it?

praise kek it's a great time to be alive


I posted this website in a thread months ago but it never occurred to me to make a thread about it.
I can't remember the thread but I posted how it is so easy to steer negros to this website because of the name. and repeat it a few times so they remember. And always remind them if you like what you read make sure


Guys this is amazing. Go through the other sections, there are paragraphs upon paragraphs naming Jews

An example

Another example:

The following is a partial list of the slave ships owned by Jews:

'Abigail' owned by Aaron Lopez, Moses (((Levy))) and Jacob Franks.
'Crown' owned by Isaac (((Levy))) and Nathan Simpson.
'Nassau' owned by Moses (((Levy))).
'Four Sisters' owned by Moses (((Levy))).
'Anne & Eliza' owned by Justus Bosch and John (((Abrams))).
'Prudent Betty' owned by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix.
'Hester' owned by Mordecai and David Gomez.
'Elizabeth' owned by David and Mordecai Gomez.
'Antigua' owned by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell.
'Betsy' owned by Wm. DeWoolf.
'Pouy' owned by James DeWoolf.
'White Horse' owned by Jan de Sweevts.
'Expedition' owned by John and Jacob Rosevelt.
'Charlotte' owned by Moses and Sam (((Levy))) and Jacob Franks.
'Caracoa' owned by Moses and Sam (((Levy))).

Slave-runners, also owned by Jews, were the 'La Fortuna', the 'Hannah', the 'Sally', and the 'Venue'.

It's Holla Forums through the mouth of a black man.

Sorry for the (((echoes))), I just have my add-on on constantly.



Yet another good example

It is only 7 pages and is easy as shit to read
Perfect for Negros

Reward this nigger and encourage more.

diamond and silk have a website with comments should be easy to raid and I think there are some jews on it pushing

Imagine if niggers and mudslimes were all on our side against the Jew World Order. We could save the world. It would fuck up the entire system

this is how the master race does business. no shitty wooden ships full of disease. we give you a flight straight to liberia.

How did nogz pull this off while whites still worship Israel?
Do they hate kikes, but for the wrong reasons?


Muzzies sort of are.

Goodnight everyone. I'm going to sleep snug knowing another golem turned against the kikes.

There's many reasons to dislike jews. This one was snagged by the reason that appealed to his specific, racial interest - slave history.

Turning the niggers blame of whites for slavery towards Jews would be sweet revenge.

Send the golden ones to Barbados

Holy shit.

The fact that this exists is going to be my lullaby tonight. Goodnight, Holla Forums. I'm off to sleep well, knowing that yet another golem has turned.







I wonder if Mexicans have ever been burned by the jew.

You also have the secret relationship between blacks and jews in our arsenal.
And there is another follow up book also written by the nation of islam.
Once again easy peasy to read and negro reading level approved

nogs are not quite as ill-informed as you think. Especially in towns like NY and Hollyjew, nogs have a pretty good idea of things, though they still nignog about le whyt devil. I heard actually most of the "knock-out game" victims were actually jewish. There have been riots where nogs have specifically attacked only jewish property, like one around 1970 in DC.

You have to remember that, still, from their perspective "they all cracka opprushen" anyway. There are cities where people still identify as Italian, Greek, etc and there are even resentful "hierarchies" there and blacks are still of the perspective that "they all honkies keep dem dollas frum us dog"

GEEEEZUZ user every fucking day.
Look and see who holds all the wealth in mexico

You know what, Mr. Nigger man?

I forgive you. It's understandable. I think all dark people are niggers, too.

You still gotta go back. But perhaps you can be a king among your African settlement? We should see to it. No nation deserves to be overrun by kikes and you are able to tell now.

Good luck, based nigger!

This is fucking hilarious. Are they gonna use a racism card on a minority?


And imagine the jew response: persecution of blacks, deportation, etc.

We basically get them at each others' throats instead of at our throat.

The biggest tv station in mexico is univision.
Owned by a mexican?
Fuck no an israeli!!

No really…

This guy can be a KANG. In Africa. Of Africans.

I have no issues with giving him a crown and sending him off.

I wasn't being facetious, just bombastic.

Find the good negroes. Put them back in Africa. Give them crowns.


This site isn't new. Unfortunately getting this to go virasl would very difficult. Jewgles search engine is designed to promote Zionism and bury results of real interest.

It's a whole 7 pages. We could print out fucking flyers and post the whole of the content around town.

Excellent. Let the niggers eat the Jews. Let the Golem of Prague go after its master.

Once the dust has settled, we can exterminate them both.

Richest jew I mean mexican in mexico Carlos Slim

Fuck off. All niggers need to get the hell of rightful white land.

Did I answer your wonderment user?

I vote for giving chimps israel

trips demand this devilish plan be enacted

I have met a few blacks over the years who are smarter than the average, but I have not yet met the muslim I'd trust to watch my back.



this, even IF we were to temporarily turn the kikes pitbulls against them, i would never trust a muslim. i never liked them even before i took the redpill

thank you

user, there at least 4 muslims in my county, should I be concerned?

It's pretty obviously fake.




check those trips of truth you niggers

Praise Kek!

Is this real? No way. PLZ B REAL!

wew lad, what's going on

Now all you Holla Forumslocks don't be fucking with the dontell he is valuable.
Support him and give him some props.

Did he find out the ships that brought slaves to America & the U.S. slave trade itself was owned by jews?

niggers still being used by the jews today



This is clearly a fake person. Dontell Jackson, seriously?

Read the damn website it is nigger tier reading level.

wtf I hate niggers now (again)

Oh fug. I'm aware of at least one semi-aware nig though too bad he's a fuckin tweeker.

It could be a pseudonym. There's the possibility of real world heat for something like this – even for a black man.

I'm no expert at it, but I can't find an online occurrence of his image outside of the website. If it's fake, they must have gotten the photo from a source that's not on Google – which is good thinking, whichever one of you did this. To my eyes, it doesn't seem to be doctored, either.

I would doubt it, but it could be real.

Every time I see this, it makes me laugh that someone took the time to draw them.

Page 3 of the website you lazy little faggot.
The following is a partial list of the slave ships owned by Jews:

'Abigail' owned by Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy and Jacob Franks.
'Crown' owned by Isaac Levy and Nathan Simpson.
'Nassau' owned by Moses Levy.
'Four Sisters' owned by Moses Levy.
'Anne & Eliza' owned by Justus Bosch and John Abrams.
'Prudent Betty' owned by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix.
'Hester' owned by Mordecai and David Gomez.
'Elizabeth' owned by David and Mordecai Gomez.
'Antigua' owned by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell.
'Betsy' owned by Wm. DeWoolf.
'Pouy' owned by James DeWoolf.
'White Horse' owned by Jan de Sweevts.
'Expedition' owned by John and Jacob Rosevelt.
'Charlotte' owned by Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks.
'Caracoa' owned by Moses and Sam Levy.

Slave-runners, also owned by Jews, were the 'La Fortuna', the 'Hannah', the 'Sally', and the 'Venue'.

mein nigga just gained new meaning

imagine blacks denying the holocaust on the scale of BLM and wanting to bring national socialism with them back to africa

we must meme it so

They gotta be red pilled on slavery first, It totally fucks the jews plans of blaming whitey.
The other thing is every nigger in the world now has the tubes which is huuuuuge.
You point them in the right direction and boom.
Dey jest figures it outs themselves

Interesting. The Jews ran the slave trade in Prague for 500 years, trading in Slavic people. The antisemitism wasn't just blind hatred. They earned it and then invented another 'we innocent dindu nuffins' story tyo cover it up.

Oh holy Kek. This can't be happening!


The other thing is the music (((industry)) the jews have fucked over niggers going back to all the old blues guys.
All those niggers ended up broke and in the gutter after the jews stole all their catalog.
Maybe was just due to being nigger rich.
I could write pages and pages on it with just a speck of internet searching.


I always thought the nigs would turn on the kikes. Nigs are violent apes, you can't try to turn them into a revolutionary commie force. You just can't. As soon as nigs find out about how the jewish ownership and degradation on their neighborhoods, we're going to see some serious shit.

Satan dubs have spoken

Thats why the juice own all the media and pretend to be white when it suits them and juice when they don't need it.
When you don't take care of what goes into your mind (((someone))) will surly take care of that for you.

From my understanding, the reason why the knockout game got attention to begin with was because Jews were actually the primary victim of the game. After media attention was brought to it though, the game changed.

And then the Whites freed us black folks, and the kikes have been hatefull to them ever since. We blacks get so much from the White community, we get more wellfare than we pay in taxes. Yet the media keeps playing the black vs White story over amd over again, don't you wonder why?
It's because the media is jew owned and the jew fear the ghetto,

Stay woke my niggers.

sauce or it is an urban myth

Niggers get a choice. They go back to Africa or live on reservations like the Indians.

Hell the based negro dontell even points out the founders of the NAACP.
Those 7 pages he wrote took some time and studying I give him a solid

Wow. I don't want to raise the happening alarm, but we could be looking at the future Afroführer. Then again, someone could be impersonating him.

And I will give him the standard michael king doctorate in theology plagiarism pass

The only Muslims that are a problem are some sunnis and (((wahhabis)))

It's my experience that Holla Forums tends to dangerously underestimate niggers and women. They aren't all dumb and easily manipulated, and the ones that aren't are dangerous as fuck.

Frederick Douglass

In his time he was described by abolitionists as a living counter-example to slaveholders' arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens.[5][6] Northerners at the time found it hard to believe that such a great orator had once been a slave.[7]
Mofo got the slaves freed–or at least he was instrumental in doing so.

Ruth Lawrence
''At the age of nine, Lawrence gained an O-level in mathematics, setting a new age record (later surpassed in 2001 when Arran Fernandez successfully sat GCSE mathematics aged five).[2] Also at the age of nine she achieved a Grade A at A-level pure mathematics.[1]

In 1981 Lawrence passed the Oxford University entrance examination in mathematics, coming first out of all 530 candidates sitting the examination, and joining St Hugh's College in 1983 at the age of twelve.''
Now the Jews have her.


the chutzpah


I first heard it here on Holla Forums that it was originally antisemitic before gaining media attention and white people becoming targets instead.


This guy seems too good to be true, looks like one of us made that site and his goybook account.

Still well researched and useful to turn nogs.



Jews have earned the hatred they've received every single time. The fact that they managed to con most people into believing they were a "persecuted people" is disgusting.


Thank you negro.

You still need to go back though.

One thing I enjoyed about that NWA movie was how they portrayed their jew manager. He was a damn snake to them and they showed it.

Nation of Islam
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews vol 1 Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews.pdf

Vol 2

Here you go.
I have read them both.

Speaking of NWA

Rest of the pages:

I'm pretty sure they are the least likely, fam.

Our memes are too powerful for them to shield themselves now. With Kek and Trump with laserbeams/time machines at our back, we're overwhelming them. They're losing.

I'm actually pretty excited, but also very worried at the same time, I think we all are.

But I still hope for the best


Strange universe Trump has brought us to, I think I like it.

Skip video to 25:30 :^)

Holy shit, what have I just witnessed??

Can you actually imagine if we memed Black Nazis into existence?

It used to be a joke, not anymore.


Are you kidding me?! It's the current year + 1, or CY +1, like you haven't heard of this before, is this guy for real, your kidding me right?

Um…so did they blackmail him into appearing in Are We There Yet? and 21 & 22 Jump Street or did he find out about the Eyes Wide Shut parties and the murders and just decide to go with the flow?

It's already started: black prof fired by Jew president from Oberlin College for minor antiJew thoughtcrime:

Is he in the hospital on morphine?

Top fucking Kek.

The current year is a wild ride.

Wew what the fuck are we casting?



I died

Holy shit. Blacks are very racially aware, but I wasn't sure if they would be able to tell the difference between us and Jews easily, so I didn't really get my hopes up for this.

Well, this is good news at least. The whole pretend reason for anti-white BS in the Americas IS blaming us for slavery. I can't wait to see the kikes squirm over Muh Narrative (TM) some more.


when did this happen?
I thought they mentioned cuckchan…

I have this copy of TIME. Deffo Holla Forums, apparently here we discuss child porn freely (????)

Thank you kindly.


Double checked and hiled!

Some one should send this shit to ThommySucksakikesdickMyor

We need to spread this to blacks. Get on Twitter, get on Facebook, start spreading this. This will be good.

This. We need to spread this. This is extremely important

Actually. Anyone who knows how should probably save and replicate the site on another domain just in case that one gets shut down. The damage potential on this one is so huge that the kikes might go after it directly.

Talented 10th as fuck. Based Mr. Jackson! all the subsections are archived as well

Ship to israel. They have blm there that needs their help

(((They))) created the black underclass in the 60's onwards , (((they))) fueled the black underclass with welfare and the racism of low expectations.
(((Soros))) funded the Ferguson riots and the resulting BLM dindu squads.
My sides will be going galactic if this racist nigger zombie squad turns on (((them))).

it truly will be race war now.

This is only the beginning.
We turn the Jew's pet niggers against them before deporting them back to Africa.

His facebook account is brand new.

I doubt that he's legit. But I hope he is.

What do do with US blacks?
Claim/buy some land in west Africa.
Create it as a temporary US protectorate.

Send all US blacks there.
Support the protectorate for 25 years, and let them know that is the time limit for them to create a functioning state.
Then after 25 years cut off all funding and support have it declared as a sovereign republic with a copy of the US constitution. If they fuck it up , its their fault, and they are on another continent.

Monrovia looms large as a precedent I fear.

Fairest deal I can think of.

I'm going to have so much fun showing this page to my pc friends.

They're niggers, they don't have the mental capability to run a state. States were a foreign concept to them, it was always just one rudimentary city based around Arab trade fucking over all surrounding villages within certain radius. They don't have mental capability to understand things like "trust", money or responsibility. They'll revert to tribalist clashes like everywhere else in Africa. You can't make them overcome their genetic capabilities.

Spread this shit everywhere, ESPECIALLY where dindus and nigger supremacists gather

They're US niggers, they are a bit less hopeless with a standard deviation above regular African niggers.

But indeed, they would still collapse it without some serious eugenics program.



This is very detailed and well researched. Going to send this to everyone I know maybe it will be some good bait.

Finally we need to support this.
The jew is everyone's enemy.

This ride never ends does it?

Goddamn that looks tasty
I know what I'm doing today


Jeez, this looks like another shoha, I'm not sure why this is allowed but damn.

lets roll to find out


I think many intelligent blacks, or moslem blacks, and so on, are aware of the jews, certainly more than white evangelicals.

There are many Black Men amongst us. Pastor Manning is one of the best, here is his latest video. It's about the election.


It could work if you take the very few 140 IQ+ American niggers(Much much common than pure African niggers because American Niggers are 22% white on average) and choose a Kang and get that kang to run shit.



Have memes gone too far…? Is this blog real or fake?

No. This guy has been active for a good while.

Jesus Christ, that's insane. That'd be like a 160+ IQ white man.



Jesuits were started by conversos, Jews who were just pretending to be Catholic. Jesuits need to die

they're not laughing now

yeah but it's about making those ideals mainstream.
that's where they fall short.

So for Niggers Matriarchal societies are preferable biologically?

What is it about Niggers that make them so much more different than us?

No neanderthal blood.
Asians like nips and chinks also have neanderthal blood.

It makes sence, male niggers need only be good enough to raid neighbouring trives in order to steal their resourses, Negerettes role in their society was pumpin out more children so the raids would be more effective, it makes sence that they developed to be more inteligent since they where the ones ensuring the survival of the clan while the males gathered resourses

Unlike the caucasoids in the north that had to band together in small groups in orther to survive the winter
Nogs needed larger groups to be effectives in raids wich where the only way to ensure resourses wich were always scarce in the hell hole they evolved in

Were pure Neanderthals some sort of 250 IQ Hyperborean master race?

half nig here, can confirm. jews were the most common knockout target because they were:

all they do when you hit them is whine and whimper, pretty amusing


On another note is it possible to clone the Neanderthal master race back using human women as surrogates?

Finally I can ask.
Who is the black man? What was the context of this webm?

This. I think worldstar has a forum

Nogs are just going to call him a house nigger and be done with it.
Nogs are in complete control of the liberal media, there is way to make them name the Jew.


But user, the kike IS the golem.

I know what I'm casting.

They are still around us.

its a seed, you can nurture it or let it wither. lets see how smart the white man really is

Louis Farrakhan actually supports Trump.

We need to meme the shit out of based blacks who support him. Keep this momentum going…

This website is old, it was made by someone from right here, probably OP

Look at the nogs name, looks fake too.

It's a good website, researched and thoughtful, precise and clear, broad in scope and yet concisely detailed, and is well-worth the read.

Spread it

Are you implying that Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali didn't exist?

Columbus was a Jew, as were all his crew.
What a coincidence…


there's a first time for everything


Not to our knowledge, but they were certainly more intelligent than their contemporaries.

I have a feeling this is a ruse by some white guy and that Control Jackson doesn't really exist.

Still fucking hilarious though


Either that or Dontell Jackson is some hobo they paid to attribute his name to this (page 312) (page 14)

40 percent of all Jewish families in the USA owned slaves, compared to just 8% of white families.



blacks already despise jews to begin with as the crown heights riots and all the times famous blacks who named the jew have shown.

it's significantly most humourous when you add in how blm caused massive jew butthurt when they officially adopted a fuck israel position (jewgle blm israel).


This needs to be and spread.

One thing it doesn't cover is the way the modern welfare state is used to keep nigs down. The narrative ends after the civil rights movement. If anyone has some good pasta/red pill links, they should send him an email. That's a hot button issue that any nigger will be intimate with and directly flip them right.

Also, I can't really tell his position on black sufferage. He recognizes it as a fully jewish lead movement, identifying jewish actors involved in everything from freedom from slavery up to the civil rights movement, as well as the initial institution of slavery and exploiting the civil war. But what exactly is his message?

Why would blacks be upset that kikes pushed the civil rights movement to D&C white america if it ultimately helped them too? Is it just to establish the narrative of them as perpetual self-interested parasites?


forgot to sage


You can get pretty much anyone you want to be friends on Facebook because 90% of the time people just blindly press "Yes" to a friend invite. It is how retards manage to have thousands of friends despite never even having met half of them. So until there is more than just being friends on Facebook, for example constant back-and-forth posts between them, it doesn't really mean anything.

Also point out the jew's tendencies to dismiss anything against them, and solidify their disdain for kikes. We don't want their hate for jews dying out.


Nope, but they were the first hominids to use tools, or make cave painting, or make primitive music instruments out of mammoth bone, while pure homo sapiens were still just biped apes and dumb as fuck. Both were primitive but Neanderthals were the most advanced subspecies at the time about 20,000 years ago.

Stop with this. It's a weak attempt at a meme. It's not true and (((artistic renderings))) are not science.

Jew York population of jews were greater than that of Israel for a long time, up until recently.

And Jew York population is 60% jews! Unless it has changed. It is basically jews and blacks. Imagine what happens if this information goes viral among blacks in Jew York!

Its changed. At one point one in every two "white" New Yorkers was a Jew, in the 1950s and 1960s. When New York turned to shit the New York Jews spilled out into other states, but they still have a huge presence. Tbh as a southerner when I think of a Northerner my mind conjures a Jew

Post this onew world star forums

Send all African-Americans to Liberia. If they agree to go peacefully then Liberia can be a territory of the US; receiving economic and military support and protection, while still retaining some sovereignty, like Puerto Rico.

That is a good idea, but make sure that the new Liberian government is ruled by mulattoes, spics, and Asians mostly, with the occasional better black up there too. I want to have all non-whites out save for Injuns on the Rez or wherever.

it's such a funny webm because all the people in it are dysfunctional for different reasons. Scott Adams taught me to see that.

You're pretty dysfunctional yourself. *tips persuasion self-help pdf*

Yea there's no way we could fit that many people in Liberia. Its already full of Africans as is. The older African-American remnant lost influence a long time ago

I learned a lot from this site.

Niggers should take Israel as reparations. Too bad they can't do organize without Soros.


They're already the enemy, why not just redirect them at a new target? If Sun Tzu ever wrote about fighting two enemies at once that'd be the first line.

QR code it, add a BLM slogan, sticker it. Just be careful, if they catch a white guy promoting it there'll be hell to pay.
Shill it online in the guise of a negro. A lot of black women want a white boyfriend, but they have BLM and the like telling them whitey is the enemy. Show them who the real enemy is whilst in the guise of an eddymacated nigger who ain't got nuffin against race-mixing.


What did he meme by this?

(Nice dubs)
lol pic looks like Brave Sir Robin

Since you are a half-nog, have you ever played whack-a-kike?

What in the actual fuck. Have we crossed dimensions again?

bump. This is the exact weapon we need to win the war against the Juden

tfw Niggers see the jew and Trump cucks don't. What a time to be alive.

yes, they're not smart though and their motivations for looking into jewry usually boils down to "dey take muh gibs an look white"

the protocols aren't exactly hard to understand, and neither is international jew.

wrong, that would be zyklon b and ben garrison

I don't think we should have given them those reservations.
they should have just learned to live in the US.

they're the weapon and the based black guy is the ammo.

Its a good read. There were several things included that I was not aware of or had forgot. He doesn't tie it all together very well, although that would be a tough task in the number of words he wrote but it is a good primer on the subject. None the less he obviously gets the big picture, which is more that I can say for most people white or black. Well done Mr. Jackson you can be an member of the alt right in my opinion.

I mean why not? we could have a civil war between blacks. BLM vs Black National Socialist.

Has anyone posted this on worldstar's forum


Probably the only guy here who recognises that character as The Hammer Man, from the old British comic Victor. The stories were actually written like that, and often in verse, too.

Anyone notice how anyone who is privy to what's going on regardless of race comes to a similar conclusion?

Too bad 'black culture' labels people like this as pariahs for being 'uppity' or whatever fucking word is used these days.


Apology accepted, now lets get ready.

this has got to be a spoof site???

The blacks in the background laughing as the kike cries will always make me smile.

All the info in the site is historically accurate even if Dontell isn't real person.

superior version

I've always feared the islamification of europe long before I took the redpill.

This is why I mention to remind niggers that hate whitey that they have only been tricked by the jews into blaming white people in general for the crimes they committed.

It's also the close proximity of the two communities in Brooklyn.

Anyone got the version with Guiles theme and the explosions/earthquakes?

Your job is to cement their hate for blacks and promote redpills among the black community.

topkek I didn't know this exists, guiles theme really does go with everything

Holy shit, that map.


This site has been up for YEARS, is nothing new, and is too try-hard to be effective propaganda. Looks like some white nationalist LARPer's work. On top of that, niggers don't read.


Webm'd it and cropped the shitty notification at the beginning.

Hope you like the filename faggots.

I don't want to toot my own horn here but I think we got a thread theme boys.

Alright man

Imagine if African-Americans suddenly discovered that by dint of hard work, they could become respected and functioning members of society. It's (((their))) worst nightmare.

Ah, to have a redpilled DnD group.


I will never side with the muslims

their entire culture and religion are build on rape and conquest

their minds have been poisoned from birth

the nigs can be useful though



That explains the autism.


This + Facebook never gave you a refuse option.

Ah someone posted it already.
Here is the relevant part.

I love how he cuts out in the middle of that guy's dialogue while he's describing Protocols. That's just blatant.

It'd make me want to pinch myself.

Truly left the Bernstein Universe (so to speak)

This is up there with Multidimensional Aryan Space Jihad

I thought jews were smart?

Why the fuck doesn't he realize they aren't there to debate?

They are there for free shekels.

Not if they behave.

Most are poor, but the tiny few that make it (aside from those exploiting racial quotas) seem ok.
Furthermore, if they don't move back themselves we can always offer to "guide" their children to greatness.
by increasing their brain power .. but only at their own accord - trust me some will take it

Can't happen successfully until

and the jews are handled.

Holy fucking shit what is happening to this reality? Did we shift again?

Fucking wew lad

NOI has called for the murder of wites countless times. Aso they've aligned with Scientology and are noe teaching that shit to NOI. NOI is a terrorist group, that is all.

they are not.

they are good at creating a great cognitive elite.

but i'd say that being at the top of the food chain as long as they did, being likely the most powerful minority in the world (which for some reason doesn't stop them from crying oppression), is starting to make them sloppy.

Mandatory viewing

John Wilkes Booth was a jew so i'm not surprised

Not gonna lie, fam, it's kinda fun reading this website with this music in the background.

I just realized that says "Zyklon Ben's Personal Talmud".

Confirmed for bluepilled retardon with zero understanding of evolutionary mechanics. Ample evidence abounds that the megalithic structures at stonehenge, panther mound, several other places were done well before 20,000 years ago. Looking under sea, where before the major comet impact 12,000 years ago the shelf was exposed as dry land, we see structures, whole magnificent cities, as old or molder than 50,000 years, like off the coast of cuba.

We were clearly a global, dominant power by that time, maritime most likely, with bases in all the warm areas. We have been in our current form for likely over 200,000 years, as the pace of evolution is rather glacial, and we simply would not have had time to go from hominid-caveman-modern sophisticate in 20,000 years, more like 2,000,000 for that whole chain.


I hope that "some" includes all 70 million turkroaches.

WTF?! I actually like that stupid nigger game now?!

The fuck are you peo/pol/ doing with my mind?!


More like 180+ IQ Whites if you'd take the bell curve instead of just median difference in account.

This. Average black women usually achieve more than lazy entitled male niggers in semi-meritocratic societies.

I think the sources suggesting that are a little dodgy.


Seriously though.

It should be showed to every liberal left.


Yes, they were the original master race.


Yet Holla Forums on the whole applauds the abuse of niggers by Jews. When Cultural Marxists convince Blacks that they are being abused and held down by the White race, causing Blacks to join movements like BLM and act out of righteous indignation, Holla Forums laughs. When White cops execute unarmed Black men, Holla Forums laughs. When Black youth adopts the criminal lifestyle of "gangsta rap", a genre invented and promoted by Kikes, Holla Forums laughs.

Highly effective propaganda and social engineering conducted by Jews and spewed out through the mass-media, is only an acceptable excuse for Whites.
White women treating men like shit because of Jewish feminism?
Blacks blaming Whites for non-existent wrongs, as a result of indoctrination with Jewish social engineering from birth?

The Kike has masterfully set White against Black and vice versa, when the true enemy of both is the Kike himself.
Various "alt-right" e-celebs are part of this scheme to shield the Jew, you wonder why these people who sprang onto the scene from nowhere, are so consistent with their posting of threads and articles about "BLM"? The reason should be obvious.

BLM and in fact, most of the problems associated with Blacks, are not the result of Black genetic inferiority (which does exist) but a natural consequence of highly effective social engineering.

This is a major weakness of Holla Forums and the far-right in general. It feels good to ridicule and mock people who are not like us, whether that is a Black or a Muslim, it is also an easy, lazy solution to blame them for the destruction of White society but in reality doing so accomplishes nothing more than a waste of energy, dumping time, effort and attention into attacking a symptom which is being used to conceal a cause.

The answer to that is obvious, they do not wish to fight a united enemy. Can you imagine what would happen if Blacks and Whites accepted our differences, agreed to sort out segregated living in the future and then united to crush the root cause of both our evils?
The Jew CANNOT let that happen. Hence race-baiting fills our screens.

That's were you are wrong. Looting and pillaging are not signs of righteous indignation, Tyrone.


Jamal, shouldnt you be heading to bed after than all night crack binge?

This guy knows his shit, don't take him lightly.

If he redpills BLM we're going to have fucking Armageddon.

Since when?

Because those are niggers. Noticed how civil black people want nothing to do with BLM?

Only white knights and SJWs say this. Modern women are shit, no excuses.

Again, only niggers can't overcome this.

True, and both races are slowly starting to see this now. The day when all are redpilled will be the day liberation as every fucking race on Earth will join forces in an endeavor to rid the planet of the Eternal Parasite.

BLM is 100% nigger. Smart blacks know this too (and some aren't afraid to say it, like Sotomayor).

I want to respond to the rest of your post since i get the gist of it, but you need to understand that Holla Forums is being shilled to hell and back. Don't get fooled so easily, every genuine Holla Forumsak here dreams of the day when the world rises against the jew. This black man in the OP having been woken up and actually knowing his shit is perhaps the greatest news of 2016 so far, because this man can start the fire we've longed for.


Good post

what about dem reparations? should we put an extra tax on all jews to pay for these atrocities?

Believe it or not, most hood rats are well informed about the Jews.

They just believe that whites allow the jews to get away with it.

whats the name of that other black guy who talks about the jew? he's named something something JR if i recall correctly, its the guy speaking in the vid


check this pdf, lads:

nationalism for all ethnos!

being from latin america i can say yes. all latin americans have trouble wth jews.but in my country there well hidden puppetmasters.

Black men who know about the jew speak up in public, jewboi comes along trying to SHUT IT DOWN, fails, makes a final attack by appealing to guilt and emotion with crocodile tears, fails again, black men win, jew loses.

A glorious day.

ive never understood why jews get away with so much. Europe used to hate them before world war 2. they get away with genocide and war crimes. the US pretty much suck israels cock and swallows.

Psychological warfare. Started with Germany after WWII with the 'de-Nazification' program.

Afterwards, around the 60's and 70's, they had refined it and started implementing it wherever they could, Western countries being the most susceptible.

Look up 'C. D. Jackson'. He headed the original PSYOPS.

look at white society right now…

we put up with SO MUCH SHIT yet they want us to believe that we turned on jews so harshly, seemingly out of nowhere, for no reason but perhaps jealousy?

It's not 'disgusting' it's a straight-on crime against humanity.

This is why i hope black people will wake up to Der Ewige. White people need to be driven into desperation first before they act, but black people being naturally passionate and sanguine will have no qualms bringing it to the jew any day.

And quite honestly i think the world needs a black uprising against the jew, because the jew has the world so tight in his vice grip that it will be too late for all of us when whites finally do act up.

The Orwellian nightmare is drawing closer and closer, faster and faster. We need to deploy the best we have at our disposal from all races on Earth.

Orwellian nightmare is already here man


Funny I still hate them

america niggers have a lot of white dna in them that can help

funnily enough they would need strong borders and to prevent race mixing with regular africa niggers if they want any chance of making it



Slim is lebanese
Purged jews from many companies he had, infamously in Telmex
He's a jew economically-wise, thou

Only the best magic.

Fake and gay. Even if a nigger would be this self-aware, he would be too proud to admit that he is part of a race of useful idiot baboons

So what if it has a chance of being fake? Do you deny the truth written on that website?

Mein gott.

Think you forgot your link there, brother.


American Negroes can be good people. It's every racial group's responsibility to hold themselves to Godly standards. A shame that with Negroes individuals are the exception.

I wish we actually investigated this shit. I am firmly in this camp of thinking white civilization, and civilization in general, is much older than the accepted historical standard.

They can still have their own nation. Elsewhere.

Where is that webm from?


This man is obviously above the average black IQ. Someone get him a copy of Revolt Against Civilization by Stoddard immediately.

Perhaps, but the vast majority would rather kill me for being white. Which means that it's safer to simply not care about them as a group.

Which I will admit did not happen with that cop who wrote that post I just read.

Are ghetto nigs honorary aryans now?

Simply put, (((they))) know that blacks will eventually wake up, so they started importing Muslims who will replace them. This is the beginning of phase 2.

The seeds are already sown, pretty much.

but [[[they]]] already hate jews, so what's the point?

What? You mean ⑧⑧⑧They⑧⑧⑧?

actually asians (and possibly Amerindians by extension) have the genes of a different homo species, Denisovans


The term Honorary Aryan sorta irked me the wrong way, not because it diminishes the value of the title of Aryan, but because it in a way erases their intrinsic nationality/race. Nationalism as I understand it is akin to the preservation of diversity, keeping things nice and separate so genetic lineage and ancestry can be easily traced and identified.

I know it sounds kinda identity politics-y, but that's my two cents as a spic.

The Aryans were most defined by their culture. It is a spirit in mankind that can exist within all races.

It is the force of light and life over darkness. It is defined by honour, industriousness and martial might.



Kek, this

He was trying to Muslim echo. I don't think that's a thing.

Would love to see them try.

You remember how that one nigger was saying that they need to take the fight to our neighborhoods instead of their own, just point them to kike neighborhoods and the niggers will loose their minds once they see the wealth these kikes live in.

Has this happened yet? Someone needs to do this ASAP and provide screenshots.

well shit even niggers get it, we need to get them on our side.



The Black Hank Hill is right…


Speaking of slavery, does anyone have a PDF of the book White Slavery in the Mediterranean, The Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800?

this whole thing is a waste if this is not posted on worldstar.

here fuckers.

just let them leave, why would you want an apology, what are you, a fucking woman?

Niggers to Liberia, Spics to Venezuela or Brazil, Asians to Laos, Sandniggers to Israel, Nips back to their homeland because they are less of a nuisance as the other ones and kikes inside the door to hell in Turkmenistan. That way you don't fill Liberia over capacity.

The Aryans were hapas either way. Pure Whites did not speak nostratic.

Hey Georgio what was your other post?

It's the second one in the same thread.

Know what else is wise? Not robbing people.

See now I remember why I love my city.
For producing shit like this and crazy leprechauns.

This x100000

This is a golden opportunity.

We should dropping links to this website on black made Youtube videos, especially activist/ black history ones where nogs tend to congregate and ooga booga in the comments.

I think the key here is LARPing as a nog yourself. Pretend you are a concerned black man trying to set the record straight cuz WE WUZ KANGZ 'N DESERV TO KNO DA TRUFF

The only thing these people know how to do is parrot. They are an easy target for something like this.

Now that I think of it… is this Dontell Jackson guy even real? This entire website could be fake. If so… bravo you son of a bitch… bravo.


I don't mean to burst your bubbles but what you need to understand is that these are blacks in New York City. NYC blacks have intimate encounters with a large kike population on a daily basis. There is a LARGE concentration of Hassidic jews (the most vile of them all) in Brooklyn. Hassidic jews not only self-segregate but they look visibly different in their funny clothes. They don't blend in with NYC whites at all. All of their lives these blacks have been treated like shit by kikes in black outfits and curls. They are also make up the majority of landlords in the ghetto that rent to black section 8 families. In other words, these blacks have seen first hand how horrible jews are.

The rest of nogs in the USA are not this fortunate to have such enriched experiences. There are not enough kikes in places like Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit for blacks to be able to tell the difference between a jew and a white man. Therefore whitey is still enemy #1 and jews are not even on the radar.

Don't be disillusioned that all blacks think like this. P.S. I bet only one of those nogs actually read the book. He told his tuff crew about it and now they all spout the same rhetoric. I doubt they have Book Club Meetings on Fridays at 3pm to discuss this shit.

Oh yeah, that'll help,…. NOT!

Expect Liberia 2: Electric Boogaloo

You know they'd just rape it though.

We let the pedos stay to keep the normies away tbh.


people are idiots. they don't care about reason or fact, they care about muh feels

so we'll give them their feels


Spread it to every negro website

Well, jews ARE known for lying to people.

Moving foreward…

"all I have to say is that (((They))) don't really care about US."

Jews just use black people as a weapon against white people, in order to conquer nations.

Been going on since the dawn of recorded human history.

Daily reminder, the Atlantic slave trade was run by jews, who then blamed it on whites.

Just remember, guys…

Jews attack INTELLIGENT males.

It doesn't matter what color they are, they kill off our intelligent males in order to make the rest of the populations easier to deceive.

You guys remember what happens to any popular black celebrity who talks about fixing the black family, so that black children won't be raised by single women and turn to lives of crime?

They get savagely attacked by the media.

Jews don't want black people to be civil, law abiding, self sufficient, etc…

Jews want black people to be ghetto thugs forever.


Do this.

Print and mail redpills to the masses.

Where can I get the add-on?

user, people are not a blank slate. Niggers never had laws or countries because they never had in them to create those. They won't start following them because you ask them nicely, even without kike influence. They are also hardly self sufficient - basically just Bantu practiced very basic husbandry and farming. They can't even host any complex society, because they do not understand abstract concepts. Wealth or trust or promise are completely alien to them. Niggers are also genetically predisposed to be more impulsive. This goes further, niggers breed like flies. They are a potent bioweapon in human form. They are subhumans and there is only one way to rid civilization of them.

any examples?

Fuck off jew, divide and conquer oh how easy it is to promote hatred to get it off your devilish self isnt it kike?

First of all America is for all nations.
Gtfo out of Europe? Ok.
Second of all. Blacks, Whites and Yellows have all gotten plundered by your people.
Ultimately, its because of garbage like you that we can't win. Blacks are good people. Atleast here where i live. I'm not sure how they behave in america but yeah "not all" is real.



oh well I guess I'm a #NiggerMissile now

Its one of us you fucking spergs.

are the Dasrites the real jews?

Can jews only be black?

Is it true that everytime you burn a synagogue, you actually get a blessing and luck? Is it true that burning synagogues scares evil spirits away?


White Aryans have more Neanderthal blood than Khazar mutts.

Even if he didn't I have sent niggers to read it b4.
It is an excellent propaganda site and written by an upstanding negro just makes it that much better.