Faroe Islands, White Utopia, cucked by yellow fever freaks importing thai brides



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Fuck's sake, lads. You're supposed to fuck them in Thailand. Not bring 'em back. Fuck me.

How much of that is because of all the white women leaving, because the islands can't provide them with the degenerate lifestyle they want

dig deep enough and white women are usually to blame for anything

Looking at pictures for "Faroe islands women" this doesn't make sense.

Those dubs don't lie, I was thinking feminism was probably to blame.

This is happening alot in Northern Sweden aswell (Norrland). The women don't want to live there and move to Stockholm to experience degeneracy, so the men go to Thailand to find brides. The place with most thai weddings outside of Thailand is now in Norrland..

The reasons are simple, women are leaving to accumulate student debt and be in one night stand harems.

Like the Swedefag chiming in, I can confirm this is happening in Norway too. Go out on the countryside you'll find bachelors sitting alone on their farms. The few guys out there who are not single have Asian wives as often as not.

I don't agree white women are to blame though, if anyone it's us men who have failed.

Plenty of men doing it in other places in Sweden as well. Also, you get a lot of "anti immigration" men lusting after Asian women. If they need to look for wives abroad, why not in white countries like Russia?

Yellow fever will end when White women stop being disgusting whores that want to get their pussies rammed by cock for their entire 20s.

Is she the bride for both those guys


Some of them do but they don't want to mailorder a bride.

It's usually socially awkward retards that have never had a conversation with a woman and normally works in a shitty job. The janitor that works in my building has a thai wife and a couple of children for example. Don't think any Swedish woman would have ever wanted him.

all of it.

It's not like chinks are a serious problem anyway, they are the model minority.

Look at the two guys in OP's picture. They look like crystallized beta essence.

Asian women with their extreme white-guy complex are lowest effort mode for a weak guy.

Even slav girls have more demands and backbone.

Also, most of the men that do this are in their 40's and 50's and might have had sex twice in their entire lives, it's not like the 20 year olds are the usual guys that get foreign brides..

Probably. But there are a lot of young Swedish men online who keep lusting after them. Keep writing how they're naturally hairless and never age.

Asians have same or higher IQ then whites, so it actually a good thing

get a ukie bride or something jesus christ thats depressing

That's a myth.

I'm sure there are, but most are only sex tourists.

I fucking hate weebs.

You just gotta be
>S W A G G E D O U T
then roll up on these white sluts and tell them you got the gorilla nigger dick make dyke pussies wet

Asians don't have souls.

I bet you the women they bring back were former prostitutes. The actual decent women are safeguarded by their families and are not handed over to foreigners.

What a depressing thought. You're a mean one user.

So do I


What's funny is when anti feminists bring Asian women to the West, thinking their wives and daughters will be immune to the disease.

Krongrak? What beastly race of people name their women Krongrak?

isnt their civilization show otherwise? most Chinese was literate when rabbi Yesus was tricking goatfuckers with magical show

this tbh
you just have be be hyper aggressive and dress like normie rap videos and then you will be more attractive to hive-mind drone sluts

these are jungle asians, not japs

I consider some Asians equals. They've produced their own civilization with it's high and low points, which on many levels are on par with whites. They seem to be a bit too stagnant though.

We should be allies, apart.

There are not enough women, and the few eligible ones (young, attractive, fertile) usually want to move to the cities to have their pick of successful guys, or at least to have more economic and educational opportunities. So what choices do these guys have, besides masturbation or turning gay? They have to import their brides. And why not choose an Asian woman, while you're at it? She'll be sweet, submissive, will easily accept even a 20 year difference, and will be easily smitten.

These types of race traitors are the most blue pilled idiots in the world. Don't expect them to have any form of intelligence.

They should man up a couple of notches and go for slav girls. All those things are true with them too if you manage to force yourself to produce a tiny ounce of testosterone. At least then their offspring will be somewhat stable.

SEA monkeys aren't asian


Fuck that.

Swedish food is natural repellent for gooks and jungle monkeys. We should send this to them so that they don't dare to come here in the future.

I grew up in a village with more people than the Faroe Islands, if you want to bitch about saving whites lets focus on shit that matters.

Exactly my view, although eventually we'll have to fight the asians as well.

I'm not saying women aren't petulant children who live in a dream world and do everything wrong. I'm saying it's the people who understand reality who have the responsibility to fix things.

The Faroes could be the last white enclaves left in Western Europe in some years.

Maybe. I believe that reason may still prevail in the end, and Asian aristocracy at least understand sharing. I can envision a future together.

If it comes to fighting we'll just win, so that's not any fun.

…so, those two share that brown rice or what ?

Is your mother to blame for this delusion?

Have you ever worked a farm before? They don't exactly have the leisure time to be out fixing all of society.

Perhaps they just don't want to put in so much effort and just have a companion with whom they can be themselves. I don't think it will be a big problem in the long run. European hapa kids, especially guys, aren't neurotic like their supreme gentlemen american counterparts, so they'll probably end up marrying a local woman/man and their kids will be basically white.

Except they're reproducing with Thais apparently.
Some Thais are pretty fucking hot honestly.

That's a stretch, especially considering these are stinky brown jungledwellers and not depigmented Koreans or Japanese.

That's a Nippo-White mix from Brazil.

what is wrong with you? are you inbred?

as a Slav I can assure you Slav girls become as spoiled and rotten as Americans the minute they realize they can pull such shit. aren't you aware that Feminism was big part of communism? its not western flavor of Feminism but still



Those quads deserve a short webm my man.

Why, thanks you mister Hyde.

Sure, most people like taking the easy way out. That's no reason for not calling attention to weakness.

I agree. Actually, all women are like this. The guys who get that demure submissive Asian chick to live on easy street are in for a surprise too when she gets housewarm and starts pushing him around.

It's just the courtship that's on easy mode. And that's kind of true for a lot of slav girls too for the weaklings, because many of them want a piece of the western pie.

I'm not saying it's a good thing, neither for us or for you, but at least it's better than creating very rootless people like hapas. At least slavs and westerners have a long tradition of blending a bit.

I live in a Navy town in Burgerstan. Tons of gooks from SE Asia here married to sailors.

Many gook brides are mail order brides. It's the exact same thing, except the men feel like they can control asians better.

A relative of mine married a gook. She wound up sleeping around and divorced him. Got some money and US citizenship I believe.

Keep thinking that. It doesn't last.

Gas yourselves immediately

What is the solution to the female question?

Singapore here.

Even we look down on Thais.

Hell those girls they brought back probably used to be whores.

How do you find women willing to live rural lives? Or even just small town lives?

Gas yourselves immediately

OP pics is a very dark skin Thai though, but hey, it's better than adopting Somali niggers, at worst their future generation will just look like darker Finns.

t. average white woman

you shoot yourself and hope you respawn in a different time period, but most likely you'll just insta spawn as a niglet in africa

Women have a hard time understanding what is fantasy and what is reality. Many never understand this, and for those who do it often comes as a shock.

Just so disgusting.

We need to ban all tourism to SEA to single white males.

These guys couldn't even have gotten a woman from ANYWHERE else in europe?

Even a woman from Kazakhstan would have been better, they are already part white, and it's mongrel genes would be bred out multiple generations quicker.

Didn't a feminist group in one of the Scandinavian countries attempt to do that?

No one does that. The real ones to blame are sad mansluts that push feminism hoping to get into a girls pants.

Most women and most men don't want feminism. Even in the cuckiest west countries (sweden etc) 60-70% of women want to be treated as WOMEN, with the man leading the way and controlling their lives.

But instead they had to get a squatgolem from the jungle.

I hope these hairless primates will feel alienated in the Faroes and steal their mongrel children to bring back to thailand. That's what they wanted right, little mongrel babies to show off? You got what you wanted you scheming trolls, now go back home.


Fucking blow your brains out, civic cuckold. Chinks are even more of a threat than every other non-white, because they convince mouth-breathing retards like you that importing them into our nations is a good idea
No such thing. "Minorities" shouldn't even exist in the first place. To imply that there are "good" and "bad" minorities is to imply that minorities have any legitimacy in a white nation in the first place.

So I repeat - blow your fucking brains out.

>destroying your race and lineage because >muh iq lol
You're a disgusting race-traitor. Asians are an inferior race of people whose genes threaten the inherent greatness of the European people no less than any nigger's genes. There is no "good" mongrel. Every mongrel is a repulsive half-breed stuck between to peoples and two civilisations. Slit your wrists, you interracial fetishist cuckold.

But doesn't look yellow to me, OP. She looks brown.


But why do the women have to be Thai? It might be easy enough for them to get some Poles, Ukranians, or some other nationality that would fit in better.


Stop spreading disinfo, you yellow-fever faggot. White civilisation has always been at the forefront of cultural and scientific innovation.

What a fucking cuck. You don't ally with a group that poses a bigger threat to you - you eradicate them. Asians are the only population on Earth that can compete with whites on any meaningful scale. It would be in our best interests to subjugate and destroy them before they pose any more of a significant threat. If there's anything for certain, it's that Asians do not give a single shit about the preservation of the white race, so why should we care about them?

We should settle for no less than complete global white supremacy

She's a jungle Asian from South Asia. He didn't even get himself a higher tier one.

The only thing we need to import from asia is the act of seppuku, so these traitors can end themselves. Don't bring your degeneracy here, if you can't reproduce with your own race, go live with your wife in Thailand. Better to abandon than to pollute. It will genetically cleanse the island via eugenics as well.

The only ones spared will be older men who didn't have mongrel kids and who just wanted a warm body to die with.

thats brown not even yellow

Spotted the chink. Yeah yeah, you so vely dangelous.

In reality the Asians tried to zerg rush us hundreds of years ago, and failed. Like all other races, we've beaten them consistently 1 to 10 in every conflict every time. As soon as we wanted to we steamrolled into the core of their empire and dominated them completely.

The Asian aristocrats understand perfectly well they have no chance against whites, ever. And with the rank decided, I have no problem with them coexisting with us peacefully. They produce worthwhile things now and then after all.

If anyone's a cuck here it's you with your defeatism and pathetic fear.

>creating disgusting mongrels, thus destroying the entire genetic and historical lineage of your people, tearing the ethnic roots of your nation out from the roots, and forever endangering the survival of your civilisation because >lol s00per submissive qt3.14 azn waifu XDXD

Asian threads always bring the repulsive weebs, interracial fetishists, and civic "nationalists" out of the wood works. All of you people deserve to hang for your complicity and promotion of white genocide. You disgust me.

I swear to god, you and all the kike-stooges agreeing with you need a bullet through the back of your heads. You're a disgrace to everything Holla Forums and racial pride stands for. You would destroy the entire foundations of our civilisation because you couldn't help yourself from >muh diking an inferior piss-skin. KYS


I'm white, you dumb nigger, and I think that chinks should be subjugated and destroyed just like any other non-white race. The more advanced a race of people, the more of a threat they pose to your survival and global dominance. We ought to treat chinks and every other East Asian more aggressively than low-iq niggers.

Asians are quite frankly the biggest danger to the white race, behind jews.

They are breeding with us en masse, and creating hapa monsters that terrorize our lands with school shootings.

The asian female is subversion personified. Don't let them trick you.


I see where you're coming from, but the Aryan is a strange beast. He's bred to conquer, fight, and struggle. There is no better leader, no better conqueror, innovator, warrior, what have you, on the planet. But once he no longer has anyone to struggle against, he gets soft, lazy, and indolent, or even worse, turns his energy towards his fellow Aryan.

We need someone to force us into competition. We become degenerate, weak, and stupid without a challenge. It doesn't even have to be war. Just trade, space race, tech, etc. It's because the Asian is a significant threat that we need them (I say need, but we'd find a struggle internally, which I would rather not see. Europe has seen enough of that). The rest of the subhumans, though, we can do completely without.


Then you're a coward and a cuck. As if Asians ever in any conceivable scenario could present any sort of threat towards white civilzation. It's a laughable notion without any root in history or reason at all.

The hierarchy on this planet have been decided except for one thing:

Whites in charge or whites in charge under kikes.

Look to fixing our own society before worrying about people who have never posed a threat to us in any way.

I'm growing tired and suspicious of you. Post a picture of your hand, Chen. As for your argument that Asians should simply be allowed to live on a large portion of the Earth's fertile land rather than Whites, it is without real justification.


Why do white people have such shit taste of women

I'm Colombian and I every time I see an interracial couple is a white man and an extremely ugly nigger (usually Haitian immigrants).


The ones that mate with asians are just desperate.

The ones that mate with negroids and stinkbeaners have a beastiality fetish.

There is so much Jewish propaganda, we're not allowed to have our own identity and also we're told that the only way to get a wife is by going elsewhere because the Jews have made our woman too degenerate, though we are slowly fixing the problem


Then we must focus our energy into colonising the stars. I do not want to leave any racial competitors left on this planet. Competition between groups of whites is infinitely more favourable than competition between Asians and whites. In the first scenario, we build off each other like we have done so for millennia, enriching our own civilisation through the internal struggle. In the second, our two races are stuck in a head-on conflict where only one should rise victorious, ultimately resulting in the destruction of the other.

I'm quoting him, you autistic faggot. Learn to read.

A coward for recognising that Asians pose a threat and we should eradicate them? A cuck for wanting global white hegemony and the destruction of all non-whites? You make no fucking sense. Learn what your insults mean before spouting them.
Don't underestimate your enemies, you fool. Arrogance can be our downfall. Chinks currently have the second largest economy, the second largest military budget, nuclear capabilities, a powerful manufacturing base, and a billion or so people to mobilise. China isn't the shitty feudal empire it was a century ago. We ought to treat it as it is today - a modern, nuclear-armed military and economic threat.
We fix our society first, and then we destroy our racial competitors.

Being surrounded by ugly manjawed women with penis envy does that to you.

Look, I just don't think it's healthy for a white man to fear the conquered races without any reason to back it up.

Their primary attack was the mongol invasion, where they sent millions of zergs to die at our walls. We adapted, they didn't and were crushed.

Our primary attack was what… four ships with some rowdy buccaneers, who destabilized their entire civilization and opened it for cultural conquest and domination. We adapted, they didn't and were crushed.

As I said from the start, I don't see any reason why they should be allowed to be here. So we're on the same page there. But I also think there's enough space on this planet. They've never posed a threat, even at their most powerful and devious attempts, and they've contributed to the sum of things in their own slow way.

I just think they are no priority for concern, when we have our own fifth columnists and their overlords to worry about. Whites are the only threat to whites in my opinion.

I didn't say that. If a person attacks, he's to blame for attacking, but the attacked also has a responsibility to defend himself. And yes, men are the ones able to think. You don't blame the parent when the child acts out.

I'm getting too drunk for this.

Absolutely disgusting.

There's no excuse to miscegenate.

Yellow fever is bad enough, but South East Asians are negroid-admixed low-IQ brown people.

Even Korean farmers can't find women and import these rice niggers.


The South Korean government noticed the problem, and being relatively unencumbered by kikes, was able to pass laws to restrict mail-order brides.


Asians aren't a "conquered race" anymore. They are a growing global power and thus a threat to white hegemony. They are currently filling the vacuum in Africa left from deconolisation, and are actively infiltrating white nations like Canada through mass-immigration. To treat Asians as anything but a threat is naive and stupid.
The mongols completely fucked Europe in the ass during the mongol invasions. This was the only time other than the muslim invasions that Western Civilisation was in any real danger of being conquered.
So why are you cucking for Asians? There is no logical reason from the perspective of our own racial survival strategy to leave them alive. Why not depopulate them and colonise their lands? There will never be "enough space", because resources are finite, and populations continue to grow and expand. Conflict is inevitable and will remain a fact of reality. It would be in our best interests to destroy a competitor before they pose any serious threat.

Democracy is garbage.

Chronic loneliness

I'm not for racemixing but standards change when you haven't felt the warm touch of a woman for months or even years.

To be fair here; men are not (usually) the cause of this. As some have mentioned, the women wants to whore around in the cities, taking a degree in gender studies or something, while the men try to keep their family farm alive.

The men to female ratio is really high in most of these places, so your only chance of having a family is "importing a bride". Now add to this; our helpful (((friends))) have imported so many rapefugees now, that there are 123 men for every 100 girls in Sweden. The girls just want to have fun, and may end up marrying cool Ali because he drives a BMW.

Not saying this is right, but our society is fucked as a whole. Feminism is largely to blame, plus the steady import of men…

At least they are not niggers… it could be worse!

How to fix it? No idea, at this point. (((They))) have made sure that the demographics leave 20% of males (at least) single, or import wife.

Asian women have a much better attitude too, traditional. I think that attracts some…

Flame me, but you can't end this by telling them it is "degenerate". Rapefugees have to go back, at the very least.

I know I sound defeatist here, but it's shit like this that makes me feel like saving the white race is going to be as fruitless as trying to get the last two surviving pandas to fuck.

Holla Forums needs to do some serious brainstorming in a brainwashing/mind control thread, with an emphasis on practical application. It can't end with weird porn that's equally amusing and mystifying to the retarded mud peoples.

No. Fucking blast your brains out, your miscegenation apologist. No excuses. Stop trying to rationalise your sick perversions.

Any form of miscegenation is equally destructive. there is no "scale" of miscegenation. Once the blood is mixed, your line has been corrupted.
>creating disgusting mongrels, thus destroying the entire genetic and historical lineage of your people, tearing the ethnic roots of your nation out from the roots, and forever endangering the survival of your civilisation because >lol s00per submissive qt3.14 azn waifu XDXD
Asian threads always bring the repulsive weebs, interracial fetishists, and civic "nationalists" out of the wood works. All of you people deserve to hang for your complicity and promotion of white genocide. You disgust me.
All non-whites have to be purged. Nothing less.

Note the redditor in his natural habitat, he leaves spaces between every statement and uses ellipses to the point of exhaustion.



hold me

I just don't buy that. They're pretty much doing all our slave labour in return for worthless dollars. Ok, I understand it looks a bit scary when their aristocrats start using those dollars to buy real estate in the west and such… but seriously, as soon as whites are tired of that it's straight out. What are they doing to do when white people decide it's over? Buckle up and fight for their real estate? Be serious. Asia is basically our slave colony, and they don't even mind that much. Remember, they are extremely hierarchal and submissive in their nature.

They made a good try at it, but it didn't amount to much. They were purged from the periphery, and they didn't even reach the heartland. And remember they were like 30 times as many.

I'm not sure if not being afraid of them in any way is cucking for them. I can concede that perhaps I'm blinded by hubris, (although I don't think so,) but I can't really agree it's cucking.

I guess it boils down to that I find certain things about them worthwhile. They've produced some philosophy and culture that's ok, and I think different perspectives on things can be nice. They're a special case when it comes to races, because they're the only ones other than whites who have produced some decent things.

Why leave them alive? Why not? Why leave cats alive? They serve no real purpose after the invention of the mouse-trap? Well, cats are ok sometimes too.

If resources run out here on earth (and I think this is scaremongering, not rooted in any particular reality) then I agree with you.

That's 2d you dimwit fuck.

I have been here longer than you, newfriend.

Anyway, it seems that the point was missed. Instead of being edgy autists, you can tell me how to fix this without throwing out the rapefugees and getting demographics normal again, so 25% of men don't have to be foreveralone. You think you can convince them? Good luck.

Fuck off you female fbi Agent. There is nothing cucked about this. The only ones getting cucked are Thai ladyboy fags and western bitchy feminists. Both have themselves to blame. It's normal for white guys to want more feminine mates and hapas are hot so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should worry more about the millions of niggers pouring into Italy before you bitch about a few Asian qts. Northern Europeans already have some Asian admixture anyways.

Well I don't really care. These are the facts whether you refuse to believe them or not. Underestimating your enemy is naive and foolish. Chinks will only take advantage of your hubris and arrogance to grow stronger while you believe they're the same shitty feudal rice-farming empire they were a century ago.
And they have grown into the second largest economy because of it, set to overtake the US. In a global system where these "worthless dollars" actually have value, they have grown stronger.
This is not the only threat that the Chinese pose, mate. Open your eyes.
And we're Asia's literal colony. Canada's west coast is already being colonised by chinks. Trust me. I'm Canadian. The Chinese have grown strong and powerful while they supply us with cheap shit to fuel our degenerate consumerist societies. Don't you realise they want us to believe they're still a weak post-communist state so we underestimate their abilities until its too late?
They conquered Europe all the way to Hungary.
No, saying that they should be able to live because "there's plenty of space" is cucking for the Asians. Why shouldn't we destroy a potential competitor, even if they don't pose an immediate threat?
This is a shitty example. You can't compare two completely different species that play entirely different roles in the Animal kingdom, and which have developed a mutually beneficial relationship to two competitor populations of the same species, both of which need and want resources and living space. You're trying to compare A soccer team with a Hockey team instead of comparing the Soccer team to the competitor team playing against them.

The faeroe islands are hosts to a big degenerate music fuck fest that lasts a week.

Truly, truly, it is a white utopia.

I can use whatever D I want, and there's nothing it can do to alter my claim.

Well, your appeal to oldfaggotry reeks of not having a conclusive argument, but I'll ignore that. The only way to fix this is to throw out the rapefugees and begin to incentivize a high birthrate/hightrust society. Though I believe that will never happen until the average passive cow awakens from his altruistic, path of least resistance mindset. aka: NEVER

Holla Forums is cursed to see the collapse of society and be incapable of stopping it. But maybe one day these mistakes will be analyzed and in the Roman Empire 4.0 we finally get it right.

Also, if you had actually taken the time to research male vs. female reproductive rates, you'd know that at MOST only 40% of males pass on their genes. So this "25%" you're complaining about is probably an underestimation, and really nothing different than all of recorded history besides the times we instated a monogamous society. which again, I hope will be instated in Rome 4.0


my 2 cents

Put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger, you degenerate racial cuckold. You are enabling white genocide
Ah yes. It's always the disgusting cucks with yellow fever who try to rationalise their perversions based on >muh dik. Are you a fucking nigger? You can't even think with anything but your knobbly little cock. You're an embarrassment to the white race and deserve to hang.
How about we view them both as an equal threat, you anti-white piece of trash? Why do you fucking weebs always gotta force your sick fetishism? Get the fuck off Holla Forums
Europeans also have tiny traces of Sub-Saharan haplogroups. Does that mean we should blanda up with them? No.

Slit your wrists.

Whites are a masculine race. Therefore white women naturally lose to Asian women. Deal with it.

Exactly. Sitting here and complaining about it makes no difference, we have to fix our society. Our women are whoring out and average age of first child is 30-ish here I think. 123 males per 100 females is a recipe for disaster. Instead of complaining about "yellow fever" (which is a symptom, not the cause), start working on sending the rapefugees back, make our women women again, and rebuild our society.

With our current fucked up society, women from Asia is probably the least bad outcome.

It's fucking hopeless…

And to avoid future stupid attacks; I have a qt full Aryan from my country.

That still doesn't change anything. Now it is possible for men to avoid being foreveralone and actually have a family. Reality is; many will rate that higher than the purity of the wite race.

Still, they haven't really made any progress with anything have they? Their weapons are shitty copies, their organization is completely restructured to just do menial tasks for the west. They seem pretty similar to me.

That's not real power. That's the kike pretend power. I think you know this as well as me, that as soon as a large enough segment of whites are fed up with this shit we just toss it aside and re-implement the natural order.

What I'm trying to say is that this whole pretend system just exist by white goodwill. We could just take it all back and no one could stop us. Seriously, think about it… Every war against other races… we've always won… often 1 vs 10. Everyone pretty much knows this. Our inhibitions and fears is all cultism.

And I think (especially because all of history backs me up) this is a much healthier way to think.

That sucks. Here in Norway we're being colonized by Arabs in the same way. I'm not afraid of Arabs though, I realize fully that the problem is the degenerate whites who let themselves be corrupted by our real competing race, and brings them here.

If it came to actual fighting I wouldn't worry even if the Arabs had become a majority.

But I'd like to see things turn around way before that. For Canada too of course.

More like raided. But yeah, they made a valiant attempt. Still, even the periphery outside Hungary still stands, with no mongol admixture. I'm not saying it wasn't a real attempt, but objectively it demonstrated how much better we are.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't consider them more competition than cats or dogs.

Why don't you blast your brains out already, you race-traitor? It's going to happen eventually. You'll pay for complicity in and encouragement of white genocide.

It's the definition of cucked, child. Junglegooks breed so fast that the export of imail order junglegooks is a military tactic used by these countries for subversion and espionage. You're both a cuck and a traitor, and a failure. Sad!

Back to cuckchan where you can bludgeon your bruised weiner to some more JAV.

I bet you're a nasty little halfbreed who wants more among his ranks. Commit seppuku before dawn, scum.

Only southern euros have nigger admixture.

Sorry but I prefer feminine women. And niggers don't have a monopoly on dicks you cucked psyop victim. White men have been going native since the age of exploration. Unlike niggers Asians are fully human so there is nothing wrong with it.

And why does this matter one bit? A copied nuclear weapon is still a nuclear weapon. The Chinese are a formidable threat with a massive population to draw from. Underestimating them is a mistake.
And they have figured out a way to take advantage of the kikery going on in the West for their own benefit.
Riding on the coattails of past success can be dangerous as well. We can't rely on the memories of the "good ol' days" and forget about the here and now. We can draw from our past successes for strength and confidence, but to rely on them and close our eyes to the happenings around us is foolish.


you're a cuck

Cool. But your individual life will probably have no effect on the teeming masses unless you pull an actual Hitler.

Also agreed.

Wait for the moment in his 80's when he realizes what he's done. likely sooner

Wow, some sane anons itt

They've been going native, but they're not cucked enough to start a family with their conquered slaves. Only you are.

The main reason they can actually do shit is because they don't have the altruism of whites. The moment we actually go WW2 on their ass the inland communities will revolt against the wealthy coastline. It's happened before.

All Europeans have slight traces of sub-saharan haplogroups - probably from "genetic noise".
Nah. You prefer dirty shitskins over your own people. You are a nigger in everything but race. You have the mind of a nigger.
You don't even know what the fuck I'm referring to. "Muh dik" indicates a nigger thinking solely with his cock and not his small nigger brain. You exhibit these traits perfectly.
Keep trying to rationalise your interracial fetisihism, you disgusting traitor. No matter how many times you repeat that to yourself, it won't be any more true.
You will hang along with your disgusting mongrel child and chink wife.

You're feminine yourself, little weakling. We know you want to feel big preying on little yellow hobgoblin creatures, dirtbag.

Hope you get strangled in your sleep by your hapa maniac child. Hopefully the roasted dog your little gook slave serves you will give you brain parasites as well, so you receive the agonizing death you deserve.

Literally every northern euro has (Siberian)-Asian admixture. Funny how the most radical here are the most ignorant. FBI disinfo has been feeding your anger management issue.

Every single thread is getting spamming with this trash.

The one thing every horny male forgets is that Asian women age like shit…..
I have helped a few friends not to go down the yellow chick road with this one simple fact.

Also pretty ironic you're calling me a cuck when you're frantically trying to rationalise your interracial cuckery, you fucking weeb

Fucking faggot go get pegged since you love cock so much.

Notice she has a longer nose than he does and that it is slightly hooked…

I agree. There needs to be some balance. But thinking "my opponent is so dangerous" is also dangerous, and I think the problem is weighted towards that today.

There is so much fear going around in white men today. Many are afraid of asians and blacks and arabs and even of women.

I think it's important to remember that when you look at it objectively, whether in history or in actual case by case real life situations, the white man always comes out on top.

We really are the pinnacle of evolution, and so I find it somewhat revolting when my fellows go around thinking they are weak.

That's not to say we should underestimate other groups around us. But what I'm saying is, no one have ever shown any real threat. It's all make believe, propaganda and cultist indoctrination. It's like a giant shackled with thin strings, and the only thing holding him back is his perception of the shackles.

A much greater threat than anything else in my book.

So, the Finns and Russia constitute every northern Euro? Yet they still look and act like whites? You might want to compare pics of the Japs and a Russian, they look a little different.

Nice unprovable fact, you gonna hit me with an adhom next?


It's "women's fault", but you can't blame women for their actions just like you can't blame a dog for barking - it's in their nature. What you have to blame is (((who))) allowed women to act like this in the first place

It's called an Italian.

Asians in their 40-50 look better than whites in their 40-50.

Genetic noise isn't admixture. Northern euros don't have real African admixture.

Lol. So you by into the "spiritual race vs biological race" meme? That's pretty cucked. Are law abiding niggers who don't race mix "Aryans in everything but race"? It's also bs because in most of history whites have been the ones invading and taking the local women. Niggers are just exploiting the situation the Jews gave them.

Man, that self-deluding sentence, paired with that REALLY scientific, objective image completely BTFO of my argument. I concede, DonoSensei.

No, I'm saying you have the mentality of a fucking nigger.
How do you call anyone cucked with a straight face when you're advocating interracial fetishism? The irony is fucking palpable.
No. They're niggers who need to be purged
Yeah, look how that turned out in South America. Now we have a full continent of nasty mudbloods trying to invade white countries.
LMAO. And you're a good goy eating up Jewish interracial propaganda. You're in no place talking about cucks, kikes and niggers when you're the biggest good goy of them all.

Reminder: You will hang along with your disgusting mongrel child and chink wife.

Arigato gozaimasu.

Doubt they will stay once Europe begins to experience serious "problems".

Far better than trying to deal with white whiny bitches. 90% of white women act like in this video.

I'm going to bed now.

All interracial fetishists will get what they deserve - a bullet in the back of their fucking brains.

That's like saying Sir Dr..

No, they don't. She has a hormonal disorder. Please get to know some people IRL.

a cuck is literally someone who likes his/ his race's women getting taken not someone who fucks another race's women.

No they aren't. They actually have more estrogen. Stupid is not the same as masculine.

You cuckoldry is showing.

Can confirm. I tworked in Asia for a few years and all the beta dorks went with the Asian chicks. Any white with a degree can easily get a teaching job and get an instant social group with the guy at the enter of countless swooning students.

True. Her family most likely ran the guest house where he stayed and she waited for the "right one" that way. Probably prostituted herself on the side while posing as a nice girl for the guests. And Thais are very nice people, warm and friendly. That whole sabai sabai culture and distaste for arguing makes being around them very pleasant, compared to other Asians. Buddhist culture is also compatible with Westerners but the big problem is that their a very slutty people in general. Teens freely have routine sex with no stigma and abortions are available all over the country. Eventually she'll leave you and take at least half of everything and find herself another guy. After she gets her green card of course.

not spotting obvious irony

"Mean testosterone levels in blacks were 19% higher than in whites, and free testosterone levels were 21% higher. Both these differences were statistically significant. Adjustment by analysis of covariance for time of sampling, age, weight, alcohol use, cigarette smoking, and use of prescription drugs somewhat reduced the differences. After these adjustments were made, blacks had a 15% higher testosterone level and a 13% higher free testosterone level."


You are like a reverse Jew.

Alright, go along with your 1-in-a-million Asian waifu, just ignore cultural and racial trends.

RESULTS: After multivariable adjustment, in the 12–15-year-old males, testosterone concentration was lower in non-Hispanic blacks than whites (p = 0.043), SHBG concentration did not significantly differ between the two groups. Mexican–Americans had the highest testosterone (versus non-Hispanic black: p = 0.002) and lowest SHBG (versus non-Hispanic white: p = 0.010; versus non-Hispanic black: p = 0.047) concentrations. Estradiol concentration was lower in non-Hispanic blacks (p = 0.11) and Mexican–Americans (p = 0.033) compared with non-Hispanic whites. After multivariable adjustment, in the 16–19-year-old males, testosterone, estradiol, and SHBG concentrations did not differ between non-Hispanic blacks and whites.

And Thais are even the lowest tier Asians, except for maybe Filipinos. They could at least get some northeast asian wives if they have yellow fever, like Japs. Jungle nigger Thais are disgusting.

Yep. White women want to move to a city to binge drink and ride the cock carousel.

Ok here is the problem:
If every low-paid worker is un-desireable than we are fucked since that is a huge amount of people.
For there to be high-paid jobs there need to be low end jobs too.

This desire for everyone to be rich and prestigious is ridiculous.

In reality, large, representative US samples show minimal or no black-white differences in T. Using NHANES III data, Rohrmann et al. find elevated estrogen but not testosterone in black males. A recent reanalysis by Mazur (which Jason Malloy alerted me to), in which Mazur examines the same data but applies no sampling weights, finds slightly elevated T in blacks. Mazur, reviewing the results of his and other studies, nonetheless concludes:
Despite inconsistencies among studies, all agree that there are no major, general differences in T or SHBG (or calculated BioT) among the ethnic groups that have been studied.

I seriously don't see the appeal in Chinkesses. They have about as much beauty and personality as a piece of rice.

I think user meant social awkwardness coupled with a bad job.

Ah man, that totally refutes the massive media projection of the black male as masculine. Now I know that white women will go for those masculine white males, so you can go to Nippon and have a Japanese wife. GLHF

you control the context, you control the argument.

change the culture, incentivize good behavior and be amazed at the results

It's really sad how easily asians call pull white men.

They can still act actually feminine and proper.
Really makes it obvious what white men want in a white.

Fucking chinks, japs, all of them. They don't integrate, they just want our genes and blue eyes. Fuck them all.

High estrogen is probably why they chimp out so easily and have no emotional control.

We're the rarest after all :^)

Ok I don't see anything wrong with culturally enriching Thais but this is objectively true. Thais probably couldn't create a society as stable as Japan. Euros won't have any problem finding a gf in Japan. Maybe a little harder than in Thailand because it's not full of prostitutes, which is a good thing.

Clone women. World War 3. Make the shitskins die in mass infantry charges.

correcting me grammar

Well, those too but for some reason asians love blue eyes.

Checked. Fixing society is our job. We pay a heavy price, but somebody has got to do it.

We must exploit our influence like never before.

NE Asians do integrate. I don't know about Thais.

All this time I thought it was their low iq, but maybe they were just having bitch fits.

Degenerate white women are at fault for this like for everything else, they don´t want to date me because of female hypergamy and they are incapable of rational thought not because I am a lazy, autistic fatass with less social skills than Forrest Gump (feminism is to blame for that one too, of course).
You have no rational arguments to reject white men race-mixing with asians, pakis or even black women. Yes it is a fetish, so what? Beta males have only shaming tactics, you just hate strong, alpha men that will fucks and women regadless of their race.

It's because blue eyes are associated with super aryan Teutonic Knights, while green eyes are associated with Irish potato farmers.

Runs in my family, and we go back hundreds of years on the Rhine and Britain, but ehh



Fucking no. That is sick. The one drop rule was made for a reason. They are literal garbage and if you give them your genes you make the black race stronger. I would rather fuck a goat. Stick with Asians.

The bad part is that this post is actually doing a pretty accurate depiction… Man… Fuck… How in hell are we gonna get out of this

Sorry germanbro. I don't have anything against green eyes. It's just my theory as to why blue eyes are more popular. I don't think it makes much of a difference, since Asian girls like the white face shape more than eye or hair color. I get complimented on my nose as much as my blond hair.

Why not go for Latina girls? they're already heavily ethnically European (except central america, South america excluding Brazil is better). But the thing with any foreign bride is you DO NOT bring them back to your country, you have to stay there or move to an even poorer country. If you bring them back, you may as well have married a white club slut.

I can see why guys are doing this though, now before you call me a shill look at the female to male ratios (especially among young men/women) there are usually lots of men a not a lot of decent women. Of course if you're one fo those lucky fucks who's really good with women some of this will not apply but still be cautious as the (((media)) can easily turn your women against you.

There is also things that need to be concidered, migrant invasion has brought millions of young horny single "men" into western countries and the women that do actually come over are Muslim. The media has made white males "uncool" in the constant barrage of attacks through every channel they have, Muslim women usually will not go with a kaffir, so that excludes a chunk of young women, lesbians excludes another chunk of young women (almost all white, thanks sheckleberg), a large chunk are club sluts, another chunk are tumblrites, another chunk of women are just fat and or ugly. SO as a H'white male, you can compete in a highly competivive dating market for very unreliable/unfaithful women, convert to islam to get a hijabi (apparently their parents love converts though), date a fat tumblrite who will be even more unfaithful than the club slut, drop your standards to rock bottom, bring a foreign wife in who will fuck you over just as if not worse than the others. find a good women after tripping over a pot of jew geld at the end of a rainbow or move to another (poor) country and get married there.

Although I really hope we win this shit and crush the ideological poison and get western society sane again. But if you do find a good women, keep her close and gas anyone who tries to indoctrinate her.

Fucking degenerates.

Looks really good with red hair, too bad I'll probably never get that exact combo

Most of the euro dna comes from southern spain, where they are pretty moorish. So they are a mix of wogs and injuns not whites and injuns.

Asians are more intelligent and also sexier in my opinion.

You could also move to Japan Korea or Taiwan. Best of both worlds. If Hillary wins I am moving to Japan.

This is so fucking pathetic. I see it in Norway too. I don't know how common it is though. I just don't see how importing a wife is less trouble than just getting one at home.

If you get a SEA wife you can get confirmed virgins that will be obedient housewives.

If you go for a white chick in your own country it will be hard to get one that is wife material or virgin.

I would not wife a chick outside my race and do not condone it just stating facts.

yeah right you gullible fool.

You don't really have any knowledge of what you're talking about do you? The ones that go to cities for 'work' yes most of them are whores but they have some money. The ones that they use in this "wife finding" or whatever you want to call it they are the girls who stayed in their villages.

If you're super paranoid you can get a check done (but even that could be faked) if you read field reports of white guys that go to SEA they rack up insane notches and yes some virgins too and this is done with no p4p (pay for play) but if you wanted to know about such things you'd already know.

well….at least they arent black.

you fags better tune in friday so andre doesnt fuck everything up.

Fucking disgusting. These feminized men need to regain their masculinity and put women in their place again.

Vid related for godless chinks when they're the majority of society

They also lack a developed prefrontal cortex, and have less brain matter, and a lower IQ.

Load of bullshit, if any woman maintains fitness, hygiene and moisturizing they will look good into their early 40-50s.

You don't know any Asians irl do you?

In comparison with other Asians not non Asians.

So do you hate Finns too?
This just means there are excess girls who want to get with white men.

Easier said than done dude, Men are competing against (((Free))) and big daddy government. There is nothing objectively that western men can offer women when a nation has a "wealth redistribution" and "wealth extraction"

There are literally hundreds of hours of videos documenting how western men can't reclaim western women unless government is done away with (No more free shit) or minimized.

Kill "wealth redistribution""wealth extraction" and this shit sorts itself out.

Get out race traitor subhuman.

You've already outed yourself. Just get on with destroying your ancestors thousands of years of work already but don't bother encouraging others to join in your degeneracy like some mentally ill tranny.

That should sort itself out once the dollar collapses

Fucking newfag.

You guys seem to forget that there's an entire Country full of hapas and they are doing just fine apart from the shitskins flooding from Sweden. :^)

I lost a friend to yellow fever. The damn fool. I don't even understand how he did it. He was such a player. Out of all the women he could have chosen, he went with some old ugly scarred up chinese girl.

I wanted to shove the red pill down his throat. Tell him, "Stop! You'll lose your blue eyes and white skin," and all the other red pills. But… I saw his proposal video…

Everyone said it was cute and endearing. All I saw was a suicide note. And worst of all, I saw an edit. Right as he gets on one knee and proposes, he skipped forward to a simple text screen that said, "She said yes."

I know that's not what happened. After that screen, it shows them hugging, and then he walks towards this hidden camera.

She wasn't crying. He looked exhausted.

I know what happened. He asked, and she joked about saying no. And the damn fool turned into a beta and just took it, and edited it out of the damn video.

It's been maybe 4 months since I've talked to him. I don't wish he was dead, like OP. I just wish he had some damn white pride.

user, it's time we had a talk about the birds and the bees.


Seriously I don't know any women who would go for that retarded-looking shitbag. Maybe it's because I live in the South. Or maybe because I hate fat people, and that nigger-wannabe is overweight. Also niggers and obvious showmen come across as shitty relationship prospects and cannot relate to anything but their own bullshit.

Growing up reading Cosmo magazine and the like, I guess I can see how some, perhaps many, women could grow up believe that showmanship (being flat-out lied to and fucked with) is better than an honest, straightforward man (which, if he pops questions or intentions too early, can be creepy). Not sure. I have more male than female friends because women tend to be petty as shit, whereas the competitiveness of men, although more active and IMO annoying, is not bloodthirst or childish. On average, I'd much rather have men run things than women. Women are better for running certain kinds of organisations, though.

in b4 I only have male friends because they all want to fuck me

in b4 I'm a cunt

in b4 I think I'm "one of the guys"

in b4 you can go fuck yourself with your tendies

tits or GTFO

Maybe, I don't know.

People have been saying that global markets are about to shit themselves for years. By all rights they should have, But that's that thing about finance you can convince "people" that the building is fine and there is no fire and yet the building could be a raging inferno and the "people" will accept the lie that everything is fine for convenience and delusion.

I never said my gender, you sausage-worshipping faggot. Try again, Sir obese neckbeard alcoholic.

either way, I know you faggots will come up will some arbitrary proscription for not being a NEET faggot loner

Let's get real. Sex is important, but gender isn't even a thing.

What the fuck is this? We have standards here. You implied being a female on the internet. Tits or gtfo.

Definitely a woman, look how quickly she got mad and defensive lmoa

You only use that if it's GOTIS, retard.

That was GOTIS.

Even in the student towns/big cities they aren't interested in relationships. My city is a student city and it's swarming with attractive girls from all over the country but almost none of them are in relationships and just prefer to party 3 times a week and jump between Chad cock. Most guys living here can still not get laid precisely because of this.

Female liberation was our biggest mistake.

This is what all racemixers should get.

There are many places where it's not that bad. Student cities aren't the place to look for relationships, especially in the US.


Lady, you don't get it… tits or gtfo.


That is truly heartbreaking user. She knows she can abuse him now and will become an aggressive dragon lady in no time.

20% of men have nothing to lose?

That's a recipe for war.

Oh really? More like that's what being raised by leftists does.


I've lived in Thailand for an extended period of time (parents worked there when I was younger) and even went to school there. I can ensure you this is not the case and like 95% of Thai girls would never even consider racemixing. What you can get are the literal whores and big city Bangkok degenerate girls if you're a Chad.

You also blew you're cover with the

She's messing with you bro.

No it isn't you full of prostitutes you fag. At least not more so than Europe. Probably less.
Your arguments are sounding pretty desperate.

I'm just waiting for her to hit menopause and the regret hits her like a ton of bricks.

Oh and also all the "Thai Wives" used to be prostitutes. It's because prostitution in Thailand (atleast for foreigners) is very different from prostitution in the west. In Thailand you rent a girlfriend rather than paying for sex.

You don't go to a brothel but a bar and try to hook up with a girl there and not every girl will want you. Of course they're all still prostitutes and there's a massive surplus of girls so they will flirt with you but if you're old and fucking ugly you can't expect to get the youngest and most attractive one, but of course literally anyone could get laid from there. You hang out there for a while flirting and when you want to bring a girl you connected with home you pay the bar a small sum and take her home to fuck which you pay her for the next morning. By now you could be done with her if you want to but most times she will want to see you more and as long as you pay for the sex, she will be exclusive to you and will even spend her days with you on the beach, eating, shopping, doing whatever you do with a girlfriend (of course you pay for everything) This can go on for as long as you want as long as you don't scare her off for some reason and eventually she will stop asking for money for the sex and just act like your girlfriend.

It's not really hard seeing lonely betas falling madly in love like this.

People HERE and on cuckchan try to justify it. I got called a cuck yesterday on 4chan because I was countersignalling chinese mail-order brides.

The Faroe islands are rotting under the weight of inbreeding. Bitch all you want about "muh race", but in this specific case it's for the best. The Faroese have no future otherwise.

Isn't that just because most villagers aren't around whites very much?

More like

I am sorry for your loss. This is what these racemixing degenerate anti-whites on Holla Forums of all places are trying to promote, creating mongrels that hate they have no unified culture to hail to and belong to neither native ancestry.

I only oppose immigration from shit-tier countries.
You sound like a feminist cuck to me.


Sad, thanks for the story, user.

American trying to compensate detected.

Hence groups like the SA.

You should've posted Elliot Rodger. European-Oriental hybrids more tend to be batshit than not.

'Tis a weaboo board. Yellows are honorary aryan lol amirite? What permavigin autist weeb doesn't want the mythical hyper-submissive corpse-fuck tiger waifu? It's a myth created to satisfy pedophilic basement-dwellers. And manchildren who cannot stand taking any initiative or responsibility whatsoever. Sorry, *chans.

All shitskin (or piss-skin) women have always thrown themselves at European men. They're always the mack-daddies wherever they show up. Genetic superiority is real.

Hello, Shlomo. Not enough miscegany outside your own cult?

Bedtime. Night, faggots. Keep hating women like a good shitskin and a muh virtuous semite. Niggers.

I'm behind seven proxies :)

We'll make this very simple anti-white, will your bloodline stay as it is or become more pure by breeding with a squat, yellow goblin? If no, then you're BTFO and you can GTFO, if yes then you're a mongrel or non-white shill, so in other words GTFO anyway.

There's your choices. Choose one.

Elliot was half Jewish not half european.

You sound like a kike shill to me.

No it's because their parents strictly forbid them to mix with ANY non-Thai man and have also raised them that way. Contrary to the degeneracy fest people think of when they hear about Thailand, it's mostly a very proud and nationalistic country. The whoring cities are far from representative of the country. In fact the only prostitutes are girls from the very poorest dreg of society who prostitute themselves just so their family can survive. These are also only the parents who will be okay with their daughter bringing home a white man because white man means money and they're too poor to have any pride.

The only exception to this would be a few liberals in Bangkok but they're a minority. That's the only place you could get a Thai girl that isn't a prostitute.

Nice strawman. Now pick one of the two choices.

You forgot that NE Asians have a higher IQ, didn't you?
So a half Russian half Portuguese is pure, right? I just care about eugenics not WN fairytale purity.

No one is hating women, we just think you should show your tits or gtfo.

Reminds me of some of the travel vlogs some old white guys who are touring the philippines post on youtube. I don't know if the flips girls straight trade sex for money, but they do "date" these guys and always bring them home to their huge families where they are treated like special guests in exchange for like gifts. Buying the whole family dinner, taking the whole family to a resort, buying school supplies for the little siblings, medicine for granny, college for their "girlfriends". I could write pages about all the subtly awkward things that occur, but maybe you even more familiar than I am with all that.

Answer the question, anti-white. It's a simple yes or no.

Feminist logic.

The only way it could be a loaded question is because you know that you're encouraging the degeneration of white racial bloodlines by racemixing. Guess you lose, faggot.

This also a common phenomenon in the rest of Denmark too.

The men who do it are basically robots above the age of 40.

Happens all around the world, especially in rural areas.

I guess even the top 5% of leftist cucks secretly want a wife who takes care of their home, cooks for them and cares and not a hyper-feminist bitch CEO

Are you disinfo, a woman, or just a hopeless plebeian? The Jew doesn't want us to have allies.

Is it necessary to go to the bar? I don't like loud music.

Dammit user now I want to hate fuck a feminist bitch ceo, then tell her that her performance was below par, barely adequate in fact.

Hmm, I have a question about my Thai penpal/skype friend then. I've spoken to a Thai Doctor and a Thai Lecturer, I have picture proof of each one along with skype evidence. Is it likely that they were a prostitute if they're 27 and teaching English at a university?

You don't need to racemix to have allies, anti-white.

Lel, sex in Thailand is like water. They'll have done it 10x more than any "degenerate white woman" if you didn't nab a 14 yo from a village. If that's the case, why not find a young white girl then.

I live in London.

enjoy getting thyroid cancer bro…


It's more like Whites and Asians are going to racemix like it or not.

Thai sounds degenerate. Maybe you should pick another Asian country.

Doesn't iodine prevent that?


Imagining all the stuff I'd make my bar girlfriend do. Extremely violent films. Maybe get her to do press-up marathons. I wonder if she'll know about the alt right and Liveleak.

This fucking pisses me off. Fuck you. I don't even understand what you mean by this.
t. lonely depressed beta who is probably a literal autist and always fails to make friends despite always trying to make himself available. I am 25 and have never even kissed a white girl, despite being white myself. They are too high on the smv to be in my league I guess. I want to die.

Dress up as an SS officer with a trump hat and fuck her in a shower.

We're full blooded Mongols, you ignorant retard.


Many of the women leave for Denmark or elsewhere.

Russian women are notorious for drinking, cheating, and divorcing their beta when they get a residence permit.

Nah. Gooks like the weird fish stuff.

Then get your women from UK or Scandinavia, for fuck's sake, keep the fucking genotype European at least.

Will you fucking cucks get it through your thick skulls, just because Asians aren't as useless as niggers, that does not change the fact that their genotype is different from yours and you are committing an atrocity by looking for a woman that does not match your genotype.

No, they would be "cucked" if they wasted their lives waiting for a unicorn, i.e a White woman who doesn't have a shitty personality or other problem rendering her unsuitable for marriage.

These men are taking control of passing on their genes. Exactly the same % of the man's genes are passed on to his children whether his wife is White or Asian, so taking an Asian bride when the alternative is dying childless makes perfect, cold logical sense.

Enjoy your Darwin award.


I got so many stories mate. My dad worked embassy-related (won't say country with risk of outing myself) and we had so many cases of a complete sperg getting tricked into wasting tens of thousands on these whores for completely crazy reasons like a "sick cow" on their farm or whatever. They're so naive that it's really tragic to see it.

lel no of course not, there are regular brothels aswell but I'm just saying this is how the relationships start. But if you got social phobia you won't feel at ease there anyway, the personal space we enjoy in the west is completely foreign to them.

There is literally 0% chance that they're prostitutes then. They're probably just city liberals.

I probably won't get sex if i go our there then boooo. I'm an autist of high function, I think I'll try this bar girlfriend thing out mind as it sounds fun.

Anyone can get laid there and with that I mean that fucking Hotwheels could (and did although in Philippines). The girls don't give two shits that you're autistic as they're prostitutes. Just remember this fact, they're prostitutes. Many white guys go there and convince themselves that they're hot shit because muh white dick when they're really just being used as a walking wallet. If you're not attractive here in the west, you sure as hell aren't in Thailand.

That said go if you want but I'd prefer you find a white girl if possible. Plenty of desperate women in Eastern Europe due to the female surplus.

I haven't tried in the west tbh. I get the deal, just want to experience it.

How can one find a desperate slavic waifu?

You don't, they dump you once they can stay in your country legally.

It's the natural result of the weaponization of Feminism by the Jews to brainwash the local Aryan women into becoming insufferable man-hating cunts. Look at that ugly monkey. You think that guy wouldn't rather have an Aryan woman if he could find one that behaved like an actual woman instead of a "strong womyn that don't need no man".

As long as you don't fall in love it's great fun and you really do feel like a boss "conquering" foreign women like that. You can easily have a threesome and get them to do whatever perverted shit you want as long as you pay them well.

I'd recommend moving there for reasons this user stated. Plenty of them are okay but it will be impossible to differ them from the golddiggers. But these women still have standards as they're not prostitutes. You will have to man up, dress well and take care of yourself and not be an alcoholic. They don't judge your looks or charisma as much as western whores do but you need a career and behave masculine.

Or so I've heard, I'm no expert on these countries as I've just visited a couple of times.

South-East Asians are shit-tier monkeys with relatively low IQ due to high Negrito admixture.
Average IQ is only 81-90 for Thais, Phillipinos, Malays, etc.

I already feel like a boss with my 11 online asian gfs, some of them are nurses, cc agents. I see a lot of interesting things.
I'm going go next month for 2 months, thx lad.

I don't know. My cousin married a woman from Hungary and they've been together for 15 years now. They have two kids and seem happy enough.

Guess it depends on the guy. He's not an autist or afraid of work.

I sometimes envy him a bit, their home seems pretty mellow. I went for a Norwegian woman and she can be a fucking handful at times.

300lb NEET, reporting in. I've spent a lot of time in the manosphere whilst trying and failing to get my life together. Allow me to explain:

"Creepy" doesn't actually exist. All that's really happening is that the man's sexual desires for the woman are unrequited however, the woman can't be openly shallow and straightforwardly reject the man for being undesirable, that makes her look bad. In order to maintain a positive social image then, she accuses the man of being "creepy" so that she can maintain a facade of moral superiority. By asserting that you are creepy, that you are the one with problematic behaviour, she keeps herself clean.

Being able to gauge how quickly or how slowly to progress is going to be dependent on your social skills but nonetheless, one thing is clear: the moment your sexual intentions become undesirable is the moment you become "creepy".

The poster that you're responding to most likely genuinely believes that some behaviours are genuinely, intrinsically creepy and others genuinely are not. This is not the case at all. According to what I've read, if you can exude strength (i.e. wear tight clothing that reveals your underlying muscularity), people will perceive you to be in a position of strength and this fundamentally shifts everything. People don't really value the kindness of weak people because on some level, they believe that a weak person is simply nice by necessity. A strong person however doesn't need to be nice and so their niceness is much more valued. A weak and a strong person can both be kind to others, it's just that the weak person would get told that they're "trying too hard" whereas the strong person is perceived to just be giving gifts to people.

In your case, the fact that you're always trying to make yourself available is probably exactly why nothing's working for you. It's very clear to everyone around you that you don't value yourself or your time and so they don't value it either. If you had exerted boundaries and occasionally made yourself unavailable to people because you're genuinely preoccupied with your own hobbies, they would respect you and thus your time much more. It's in lower supply now, for starters. If you were to spend your independent time developing worthwhile skills however, your time becomes even more valuable because now you've also generated demand for it. You seem far too focused on other people. You don't need to reject others, just ensure that you're your top-most priority. I think life will play out nicely for you, you're just a bit misguided.

There's your answer, Hungarians aren't Slavs. Not to say that one is worse than the other but Hungary is not a "mail-bride" country as such and she probably never thought of it in such categories when she met your cousin.

Simple outcomes of living in human society - we are social primates and even though we are subtler about some things, same mechanism of genetic fitness, strength, reciprocity and value are in operation as between apes.
Our capacity for higher emotions, despite being more developed and more expressed, is an intellectual luxury that is trumped by the actions of your limbic system and hormones when push comes to shove and a female is involved.

I myself cannot overstate that enough - once you show that your time is valuable, people will value interactions with you more as they realize that interacting with you is worth something.
Despite internet being this great 24/7 intellectual equalizer, face to face interactions are far more crucial than a lot of people realize.

You're not far off, but remember there are many ways to be strong in this world. Confidence is key when it comes to women, nothing else. You can look like a fucking gorilla.

Also, you seem like a man who thinks about bettering yourself, so why are you still 300lb?

Get to work bro, I believe in your NEET power.

Fucking this. People give hard time to women but we should also hold men accountable.

Yeah, I guess that's true. Things weren't so bad here back then either.


I want the MGTOW to leave

The woman returns.

Haha you think all i have to do is become even more of a recluse and people will like me? I can't even get people to want to know me in the first place. Everyone I interact with on a daily basis is a stranger who has no idea that I have any free time.

So what's the problem? Are you hideously ugly? Uninteresting?

There are tons of lonely people out there who'd like someone to interact with, so what's the deal?

I am depressed and talk kind of slow and have dark circles under my eyes.

where are you at currently?

San Diego, CA. I am a white minority in a mexican neighborhood.

If the problem is in your head, fix that first. If you sit at home and moan all the time "a bloo a bloo no one wants to be friends with me", then fucking hell no wonder you are a recluse. do go and joina community of any type or sort, even if it;s a soup kitchen or volunteer group or a sports club or literally anything where you get to make acquaintances while doing a common actvity.
If you keep scowling at everyone around you for being a "normie" though, then I can't even feel for you my man because you shut yourself off fro the world.
Living and breathing alone seem like tough jobs for you, no wonder you have no time to do anything else.

if u were near london england, i'd ask you out to the park or something.

I tried joining clubs at my community college before I dropped out because they were literally all Mexican. I do meet lots of white people at work (since I drive kind of far away to work at events) but have been rejected by every girl i talk to.

This is your main problem. You have to find some solution to that. If you live a terrible place, fucking move. You have nothing to lose. Change up your persona and go different places. Depression is just a fancy word for out of control self pity.

That's a good thing. Most guys need to work hard to speak slow. What you need is to learn how to combine talking forcefully with your slowness. Practice talking from the diaphragm and breathing deeply.

Me too. Goth chicks or whatever they are called these days dig that shit.

If you just turn your depression around and pull yourself together you'll be a slayer in no time.

who does this?

I am planning on moving to the midwest but I wont have enough money saved to purchase the van ill be living in for another year or so. I guess I will just wait.

I hate that faggot ZOG servant

How do you even meet decent white women? People usually say church, but do young women even go to church anymore? I only ever see old ladies.

Also, what do you even talk about with women? I hate small talk, so that's difficult. I can't feign interest well, so if they start telling me shit I don't care about I'll look uninterested.

There's nothing wrong with caring for racial purity

Shit nigga, you are doing it wrong. You join clubs to socialize with people and spend some time in company of others and to gain friends. Women should not be your ultimate priority nor should those clubs be your way to get one only to be dropped once you have found someone.

Also, not everyone you talk to will be willing to be your friend or girlfriend, compatibility with people is a thing that takes time as you socialize with a lot of people and happen to find those that you strike a chord with.

Last but not least - realize that people need time and effort put in. That's right, if you want socializing to be a fun activity that pays off, you have to invest your attention and energy into interacting with others.

Holy fuck you nigger. Have you learned nothing from these daily fucking threads?

Yes church. Dont try to hit on girls in fucking service you mong, you meet them outside. Usually there's youth clubs you can go to. Despite what Holla Forums tells you, churches nowdays are majority female, usually about 60% women 40% men, sometimes even more women depending on denonination

You talk to them like normal. Dud e if you cant even talk to women, you're probably not going to get a wife kek

yeah no. fucking dropped. whatever autistic method they used to extrapolate that bullshit picture should be hanged.


nice D&C

The asians do very controlled measure groups, while white countries are sure to include their diversification.

aye probably not, the ones I've talked to just talk about inane shit

I don't know what kind of club to join. I have hobbies and none of them are stuff I would expect women to be involved in.


Fuck off tranny.

Nigga, what did I just tell you about clubs and women? You go there to SOCIALIZE and make FRIENDS. If you act a like a thirsty beta every time you go out to people, they will flinch away from you.
You begin to meet girls through friends and people you socialize with, not exclusively at club meetings, but again, at no point should you be doing any of it exclusively for the pussy - treat it as a hidden bonus that might happen whenever and in the meantime, enjoy company of others and get your mind of a mental hole that you dug for yourself.

I was all nogf for ages until I got my shit together and decided to visit a guy I knew online. Out of the blue,, just like that. We were good friends but I knew him only through games but I decided "fuck it" and went to Germany to meet him.
Dude organized a BBQ and got all the people he knew just to greet me and I met my first gf at that party.
Even though he is there and I am here he is one of my steady mates and we visit each other every so often.

Northeast Italians are probably the smartest subgroup of whites in the world, their average IQ goes up to 104. The north in general scores over 100+, but Italy also has a very high standard deviation in IQ because of the subhumans living in the south.

So if I go to a fishing club for example then I will get invited to parties with single women there? I really don't know how this works. I have not been invited to more than a handful of parties in my life, and those were all at least a few years ago. Why doesn't everyone have to go through this trouble? I think I might be mentally defective.

You might, you might not. You might meet a random guy through a guy in the fishing club and then he will invite you to a party. Or he might have a single frined that he will suggest to you. Or he might not.

Just understand that socializing with people is like running a path through a spider's web - not every line will run in a straight path, but might connect you to a different string that goes your way if you follow it.
It's a game of chance, pure and simple, but you increase your odds if you hang out with people more.

Because most people wnet through that during their late teens or early 20s and already have a network of peers they are acquainted with.

all women need to suffer horrific pain tbh

they've always had it good. men fight and die, women just fuck whoever comes back, be it husband or invader. it's time for them to pay, one broken bone and one shard of glass up the cunt at a time.

I tried to make friends in high school (and this was when I lived in a white neighborhood) and was rejected and became a total loner.

You know what, if you think this is simply to indulge your feels, fuck off to /r9k/. Either you are a blithering idiot or an elaborate troll, but I'm done feeding your self-pity. You either have balls or you don't, but fuck off either way.

I just don't really know where I went wrong. And to further compound the severity of my situation, everyone in their 20s in California is a university student, that leaves me a low value person in their eyes. Even when I made good money working in construction, which I eventually quit out of depression since all I did was work my ass off and come home to an empty room. And yeah I tried going out to bars and clubs and such and never managed to get a gf.

Women are shit-tier when it comes to making decisions user, especially about judging the value of partners. You need to make the decision for them. The beta workers must seize the means of reproduction by force.

What relevance does that spick have to the discussion? I should be able to get a gf like anyone else. I look better than average imo and am in good shape. I am not short, either. But for some reason I have been caught in this social rut my entire life.

how did niggers get to asia

Spaceship pyramids

Because they wuz changz

It could be worse. The men could be doing the same as the women moving to Danmark to live a degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality and coal burning.

You've misunderstood. Think about the time you're spending with people and realise this is a matter of quality vs quantity. What I'm telling you in essence is that people value quality over quantity. The only reason why you think quantity matters is because you've been conditioned by society to associate quantity with devotion and so quantity is quality however I assure you, this is simply not the case. Since your focus is on women, I think it's worth outright stating that women would rather the partial, divided attention of a a winner by being in his "soft harem" (she knows she's just one of the women that he's fooling around with) than have the full dedication of a loser.

So basically I am a loser. Got it.

You come off as very negative and pessimistic, doesn't listen to people and have a supreme gentleman feeling of entitlement without anything going for you it seems.

So basically, yes.

I already know I am a loser though. I am 25, work a minimum wage job and don't have a real social life. And I have been told before that I don't have much personality at all.

Well, you've gotten a lot of advice but it seems you don't have any faith in yourself. So who knows what can get you going?

Try amphetamines, joining a cult or an heroing.

That sounds very self-defeating. I'm happy you've accepted your current situation but do you believe in your capacity to change?

The only cure for autism is /suicide/. I for one, already accepted death.

Race mixing of any kind is evil. EVIL

Race mixing will destroy both our races. That is not a hateful statement, it is merely a statement of fact. Race mixing destroys both of the races involved. Race mixing is evil. EVIL See [vid].

FACT: The children of mixed race marriages are a psychological mess and suffer from significant identity problems. Especially male hapas and half-negroids.

Race mixing, of any kind, is evil. EVIL

Newfags, read this blog:

This thread is cancer. CTR faggots, gas yourselves.

Negritos are actually like a dwarf variant of Australoid. They've been in the region since ancient times and have heavy Denisovan admixture, but were mostly exterminated and replaced by Mongoloids, except as you get closer to Australia / Papua New Guinea and the Melanesian Islands. Hence, a lot of SEA jungle monkeys have significant Negrito / Melanesian admixture.

I am not really sure how to create a personality for myself.

I definitely fit into the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, although I try to avoid (((psychiatry))) and their assembly line style of compartmentalizing the human consciousness. Anyway, I too do not fear death, but am only waiting for the perfect opportunity to unleash maximum damage on this cursed world. Stockpile ammunition and other goodies user, we are going to need it soon :^) RWDS beta uprising


So what's the problem?

Where are all the Faroese women going?

They're leaving to get their pussies used up before they have to get married.

That's next level cuckoldry.



Guys, seriously, it's not that bad here.

The Faroese government does recognise this as a problem, and they have been taking steps to correct it. Nothing that is drastic enough to immediately fix it though, so there's that.

And even then, the SEA women aren't making a mess or being disorderly or anything like that. At least not from what I've heard anyway.

The women leaving has everything to do with the fact that the Faroes is a small country, with a population comparable to what some countries would equate with towns.

The idea that every person you see when you walk down the street is in one way or another someone who knows someone that knows you can be a bit stressful at times. You have literally no anonymity here.

What makes it even easier to emigrate is that as a natural born Faroese citizen, you immediately get Danish citizenship. Education is also desirable here, so going to Denmark for it is basically a rite of passage.

What makes it bad is that the women usually enjoy their time in Denmark, to the point where they find a job after graduating, and then basically switch to becoming full Danish citizens.

The Faroese government does subsidise students that are studying in Denmark, but recently (about 5 to 6 years now, I think) they have stopped it if the student is performing poorly or close to graduation or something like that. I don't quite remember the specifics. What they also do is that they offer a free airplane ticket back home, basically bribing anyone (not just women) to come back home.

The problem is recognized, it's being dealt with, the government actively talks about it.

Seriously guys, try getting some goddamn inside information before you jump to conclusions. You're a bunch of headless chickens with the way you're acting right now.

They are making a mess of the most important thing, the national gene pool.

Those poor women, they can't go around having anonymous sex without getting shamed. Oh woe to them, wont you all take pity on their sexual plight. They're all moonchildren and need to be free to fuck niggers from far off countries.

This guy gets it.

You have the genes for autism.


Blind experimentation.

Most people try new things together with friends so they mostly just coast off of their desire to fit in and land onto their preferred hobby but unfortunately for you, you're alone. What this means is you have no choice but to muster your will and try new things. The worst part is the fact that some hobbies don't actually get good until you attain a certain level of mastery over them so you'll have to sink quite a bit of time into each one. This is going to be really, really difficult because you don't have the situation and freedom and free time that you did when you were a teenager. This process will be extremely taxing. You're forcing yourself to suffer all of this hardship meanwhile. there's nothing to reinforce your resolve as, other than vague hopes of a brighter tomorrow, you have no real, solid reason to endure all of this suffering. It's not even a leap of faith, it's a marathon of faith. This is much easier said than done but nonetheless, I wish you all the best in your journey of self-creation/discovery.

While I'm all for keeping whites white, the blog is clearly some Holla Forumslacks fantasy creation. He might as well have said "weeaboo" when describing his father, I quit reading at the description.

I don't care what some brained damaged nigger athlete thinks. Stop spamming us with every nigger who ever expressed a right wing view ever.

This is probably the fault of an anti-white marxist education system, and also exaggerated. As far I know it doesn't apply to the ones in Asia.

to everyone in this thread who is valid: women are the least of our concerns. rank last. there is other work to do.

to everyone in this thread who is invalid:

If all even half Asians are beta, how do you explain imperial Japan or the Golden Horde?

This is one of the stupid things about Holla Forums thinking. The obsession with turning societies into perfectly rational, perfectly ordered, perfectly utopian and perfectly autistic systems where not a single thing is allowed to be out of place and deviate from the perfect plan that everything must follow. It's unrealistic and unworkable and pining after such fantasies will just prevent you from coming up with real solutions to solve real problems.

"Betaness" refers to the obedience of the Asian man. The problem of course is that the obedience of the Asian man is founded in his fear of non-conformity. Being alpha indicates that you are willing to take risks. Combine this with a society that encourages men to basically reduce themselves to disposable cogs for the corporate machinery and you get beta Asian men. Betaness made the Asians willing to throw their life away for their general on the battlefield and it makes them willing to throw their life away for their boss.

Also, I think it's worth noting that the Asians of imperial Japan and the Asians of today are not the same. The Asians of imperial Japan were of the Jomon type. They were noble warriors. Today's Jap is typically Yayoi, same kind of Asian found in China.

All of you Asian loving traitors kill yourselves, also importing slavs would still destroy them genetically, not all "white" peoples are the same.

Fanin steiki! A thread about my country!? Must post chain dance!

suck my dick cunt

i'm a half-black beta autist and i've been swimming in white pussy since middle school

black girls think i'm cute but are instantly turned off by my beta qualities, white girls like you THINK that you want something but your pussy wants the opposite

for the record i'm a beta but yea i "beat" and "rape" them ie put them in their place and get my dick wet when i want it. my girlfriend isn't gonna fuckin turn me down, fuck that "my body my choice" bullshit, you AND your body belong to me bitch

Why are you here?

It shows.

the only white guys that swim in pussy at my small university are the 6'4" + basketball players and to a lesser degree the handsome soccer players

the real big nigs on campus are the big basketball niggers and the most thugged out niggers on campus who sweat swag

why wouldn't i be? am i supposed to be offended?

whatever man, my life is just fine

Good work boyo.

I don't see anything wrong with being obedient to the god emperor.
Old pictures of samurai were not representative of all japanese. Rather the jomon type was just more common amongst samurai. I'm not sure why you think the jomon element went away. It was always lesser than the yayoi element. Also the yayoi were the successful ones not the more jomon Ainu/ emishi who were seen as barbarians.

Its pretty much a redundant question. Why am I here? To use the website. Why are you here then?

You aren't making any babies on h8chan

You are an ovenworthy son of a whore. I want to disembowel you with a katana.

Did you tip your fedora when you hit reply?

What's the problem? the place will turn into a Finland 2.0

dont cut yourself on that edge

why are you insecure?

There's nothing wrong with being obedient to the god emperor and I never implied anything of the sort. I'm just explaining betaness– an unwillingness to take a risk and to instead, conform and obey. Rather, what I wanted you to see was that not only was betaness good at a point in the past (obeying the god emperor) but rather, that the deplorable state of the asian man today is due to the same betaness that made him so respectable in the past. It's effectively an evolutionarily beneficial trait that has now, in modern society, backfired. Much like how eating lots of sugary food in the past was good for you so your body stored it as fat whereas now, in our modern society where sugary food is mass-produced, this is now a problem but of course, there's still never anything wrong with sugary food.

I'm here to make quality posts and have conversations with decent human beings, present company excluded.

Why are you on Holla Forums specifically being a half-breed I'd think this wouldn't be the place for you.

Katana aren't so bad nice low maintenance sword good cutting power and cheap cost.

I wouldn't be so quick to call Asian traits evolutionary disadvantageous in the modern world. There are far in excess of a billion of them and they show far fewer signs of decline than the white western world.

In fact in a way they are yellow-washing Europe and North America as we speak, even by way of interracial marriage, as they are essentially colonizing the decaying West.

Who is evolutionary disadvantaged? By a numerical and geographical measure it seems to be the white man, the other races are thriving in comparison.

There isn't any place for me so I make my own. You're no different than blacks to me, I have to make my company around both of you anyways

The fuck you talking about? Vietnamese women screech like banshees. Thai women are sluts. Korean women smell like shit. Chinese women will steal your shit.

Only Based Nippon women are acceptable as friends, not breeding mates.

The Jew has sold you a lie about Muh Submissive Asian Bride.

You should be disemboweled though
like it's 2006 4chum
factually correct

where is Holla Forums dating services when you need them?

tbh "redpilled" women who would post here are actually secret or former coal burner types

just being honest with you buddy, Holla Forums is a place for men, any women who would post here are hungry sluts starved of attention and deeply in need of dick

Racemixing is way worse than immigration or SJW-politics.

It's the extinction of your ancestors lineage. Imagine the amount of disrespect you show to your forefathers for giving in to your dick.

its a romantic thought but your ancestors muh dicked whatever women they could gain access to. "racism" in the modern sense is a very modern invention, which is not to say that its necessarily incorrect

Women are not to blame, it's the men who let the kikes get to them. Where there are virtuous men, there are virtuous women; where there are not, you will only find degenerate women.

Women are natural followers and prey to their instincts. You don't blame the child for his poor upbringing.

I think it's sincere. They're just pathetic redditcucks who can't take anything into their own hands or bear the weight of any responsibility.

Mixed race children are prone to mental illness and all manner of other physical aliments.

Just not worth it.

lol, in fact its this attitude right here which is part of the problem. unless by that you mean that they should be beaten and forced into submission by men, and that men are responsible for not subjugating them forcefully enough

its pretty amusing that you admit that white women basically have the culpability of an animal

Doesn't make it woman's fault either. It's the kikes who broke down our society. Abstaining from the degeneracy in quiet exile is better than participating, but it isn't admirable in any way. These men need to take up the fight and win back what was stolen from their fathers. Instead they're keeping their heads down, or even worse, settling with miscegenation.

All women.

Fuck off back to reddit

in this i agree with you. i just don't think the "muh innocent white wimmenz" attitude is beneficial to your cause


lets take this argument about women a step further.

"women are not responsible for their actions"

So if a woman commits adultery or murder, it follows that her husband should be put to death, but not her

If your dog goes and rips up the neighbors kid you go to jail for being a bad dog owner. Dog still gets put down though.

You see, contrary to what leftists might have you believe, women are not men without dicks. They don't think like you or I do. They don't reason as you or I do. They are more like children, where they do not imagine the consequences until they actually happen. They never know what they want, they are never capable of organizing or thoughts on a higher level. This is the reason why only single cases of women exist in science, philosophy and breakthrough political moments. Women really are like children. Can you blame a child if he does something wrong that later fucks him up badly?

There is a reason why women were usually staying at home and taking care of children. There is also a reason why they have to be protected - they won't ever be able to fend for themselves. They won't ever understand what they are held responsible for either. They'll see you punishing them as you being evil.

so if a woman commits adultery, you think both her and her cuck husband should be put to death. and i assume the adulterer as well. which means their families would also suffer, especially if they had children

one evildoer destroyeth much good

yes. if a child is old enough to know that they are naked, then they are culpable. thats usually around the age education begins

massive cuck detected, women like to be punished

to elaborate, beating her up makes her feel safe

don't think too hard about it

Bullshit. Next thing you'll say is that parenting has an effect on a child's behavior, and the childhood has an effect on the adult stage.

Fuck you and your fucking junglenigger mongrel, buitenlander.

Confirmed for never having met an actual asian woman before. They might put up the "traditional" act during the courtship phase, but the SECOND you have a child together is the second the beast comes out. She will rule your house, your wallet, your children, and you with an iron fist until the day you die. Prepare for the constant shrieking, abuse towards your children (who won't look like you), and having to entertain her family who most likely doesn't speak English for the rest of your life. Oh, and she'll end up looking like a swamp troll by the time she's 35. Fun!

triple dubs for an interesting post…

Scandinavia is already hapanizated for the Khans raids from the past, today is full of barely blonde happas with blue eyes like pic related.
Over the happas implied to over Scandinavia.

Better than niggers. At least South East Asians built and maintained a civilization of their own.

this tbh, SEA are the fucking bottom of the barrel

this tbh, Im a blond haired blue eyed white guy and I consider anything beyond a blue eyed brunette to be race-mixing, but if I was going to race mix it would be with a tartar or a armenian or a persian, not a nigger or a straight up montenagard dooku-deeki-dow rice nigger

bullshit, you are fucking retarded it was mostly due to internal mongol power politics that we didn't face more serious assault. also the huns were only defeated by a combined force of germanics the mongols were far more organized than the huns

Sweden is only ~2% asian due to Hunnic intermixture, and Finland ~10% due to Uralic origins, you lying shit. Hapa my ass.

grey master-race tbh

irish are more blue eyed than germans tbh


Azn chick are the cutest! It has nothing to do with white women

You'll thank me when my little Elliots dispense keks. You'll thank me.

The Scndi. German balkan line just about divide Pure Old Germanic Celtics and those mixed with Asians over the years.

It really is the gateway to Qsia.

She'll look real exotic when she grows up.

underrated comment

I can't get over their skull man. It isn't aesthetic at all.

Lurk before posting haflbreed newfag

No, a cuck is someone who willingly destroys his race and raises children who no longer look like him. Whether a nigger fucks a white girl or you fuck a chink, the result is the same - the death of the white race.

So stop trying to rationalise your disgusting fetishism and blow your fucking brains out.

All non-whites are the same in regards to their relationship with the white race. We should not favour an Asian over a nigger just because you have a hard on for some slant-eyed gook. They are both competitor races who both need to be purged.

Get a load of this interracial fetishist. We've given valid reasons this entire thread why you shouldn't destroy your bloodline and bring another disgusting half-breed into this world. No matter how much you try, you cannot justify it.
You sure showed us, Chad Thundercock. We're clearly too bigoted and racist to see the light.

Fuck off, good goy. You are complicit in white genocide and deserve to hang from the tallest tree.

All non-whites are the same in regards to their destructive effect on the white bloodline, you fucking weeb faggot. No matter how much you try, you're not going to convince anyone that you're anything more than an anti-white fetishist.
Non-whites will never be our allies, you naive fucking cuckold. Kill yourself

fucking hang yourself, interracial fetishist.

drink bleach, my man.

Not if you actually prove your worth. If you're some degenerate beta weeb like a few of the people in here sure. Then you're too inferior to even want a poor East European girl to stay with you. For them, all they'll be able to acquire is literal thai sluts because they're too lazy to change themselves.

Pinoy plz. Out of South Asia only Vietnam can take pride in not being completely miscegenated with brown denisovan pre-sapiens humanoids.

You newfags use the word like leftists use racist, that is to say: it has barely a fucking definition the way you use it but you're gonna use it anyway because you need something to browbeat your opposition with.

He's right in this one though.

I am not even Western European in the strict sense but I know out of personal experience that no fair-maiden from a rustic environment will be contempt with that lifestyle and they will seek thrill-seeking on the cock-carousel at first chance. The electric jew is the source of most evils

Find you damn confidence and throw the Jewish mental chains off of yourself. Your depression stems for your lack of self-worth. You need to build yourself up because the people around you can clearly see and probably smell your depression and lack of confidence. Hence your issue. Get your endorphins up by doing physical activity and also finding a hobby that involves movement.

Fucking pick one.

They're a group of a couple thousand people living the /r9k/ life on a completely featureless grass lump whose entire "culture" revolves around whaling and stamps. They're born 80 years old.

The Faroese are the niggers of the white race.

shut it nigger, a weaboo is someone who is overly obsessed with Jap culture and weeb is the rightful slang for that

Would you prefer to be called an Otaku, well too bad because you're not a jap retard.

Either way it's a pathetic lifestyle filled with negativity that leads to depression and staying inside a 10x10 box the rest of your life.

This. I'm southern euro with black hair and brown eyes anyway, so I don't have any recessive genes to lose anyway. Only Nips though, every other asian race is subhuman.

Then you go out and change your situation, not give up and order-in a brown jungle goblin with a smashed shovel face and fucked up teeth. Pathetic.

Asians have the highest recorded free testosterone levels while blacks have the lowest recorded free testosterone levels

Blacks have the highest recorded estrogen levels while Asians have the lowest recorded estrogen levels

However in popular culture blacks are acknowledged as primitively masculine (muh dick) and their women infamous for looking like men

How could this be? the plebeian user asks.

The answer is dihydrotestosterone. Blacks have the highest DHT levels. DHT acts as the most potent androgenic agonist on every tissue other than muscle tissue. It is also non-aromatizable.

This means that blacks have the highest DHT levels, the highest estrogen levels, and the lowest T levels; this hormonal profile is associated with extroversion, aggression, and temperamentality. In terms of physical appearance you would expect highly androgenized skeletal and soft tissue development, but with thin musculature.

For the record its DHT which acts on muh dick. Hence Asians, having the lowest levels, have the smallest dicks

Don't think so, mate.

Every time you forget who influenceable woman are, there are always these girls.

I assume you buy a lot of meme pro-hormone supplements to lose weight

Me too, user. Gonna make an army of happa sons and raise them right.
Also, Hitler would've gassed both of us according to most posters here, so I get keks from the whining in these threads.
sage because we're destroying the white race :^)

Nope, blacks have the highest amount of testosterone, hence why they chimp out so easily and their women look like men. Asians have higher estrogen than whites, as well as lower testosterone.

Are you a happa mongrel?

Testosterone is a weak hormone and its only really active in muscle tissue. It would have no effect on the brain or nervous system. DHT however does masculinize the brain and nervous system (except in utero, where estrogen does)


When your kids end up on antidepressants and no one wants them, and you look at them and can only think "why did I make supreme gentlemen, instead of fine white sons?", you will remember your days on Holla Forums, and think "why didn't I listen?"

Southern Euros are white, though. Many of them, at least. (minus many Sicilians and some Greeks)



I know plenty of well-adjusted happas. Guess what women they're fucking? hint: it'll make you mad

that pic's fake, fuck off

not that asian women care, of course. faggotry is fashionable in asia

I'm Southern Euro (balkan) just like , but definitely not brown. Still, would muh dick a decent asian woman, and it's not like I have any blue eyes to lose ;)

I associate homosexuality with judaism.

I saw your last thread, filtered ID

I change color seasonally.
Yeah, not sure why people here give a shit since they shit on anything non-nordic all day anyway.
Bet our posts will be capped for a rage thread

Jesus, no wonder hapas are so insane.

>Destroying your race because you couldn't help yourself from >muh diking an Asian like a fucking nigger
You're a disgrace to your ancestors

We don't, you disingenuous kike. Fuck off back to Reddit.

Pick one.

Mediterraneans honestly aren't white. They're better than white.

I'm gonna not fuck off to Reddit because liberals are annoying as shit. I'm gonna fuck off back to lurking because I have work to do. Does that soothe your autism, Timothy?

checked your other posts in this thread, are you oyyboy

None of that spew of diarrhea you just posted even addressed the fact that you're a disingenuous liar, claiming that Holla Forums does something it doesn't. Freechkike, I'm guessing?

Nord-cucks strike again

if this is a person than the answer is no

amazing detective work, batman, good job on noticing I mentioned oyyboy in the post you just read therefore indicating that I have some familiarity with the disingenuous network of chan posters collectively known as F.R.E.E.C.H. who have spent the last year manipulating world events by being disingenuous on the internet. Now that you caught me, I have to go back to my Jew masters and report my failings, and I am trembling in my boots about that. So fuck you. If I have to clean Rabbi's boyfucking throne of crusty, semen-soaked bagels one more time, I'm gonna have to get Serious about Trolling You. This is my creed. I will hunt you down and passionately typefuck to each and every one of your friends and extended family, until you lie awake at night, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it's a clog. BAM. A polish national kicks down your door, screaming about hermeticism. Fifty slavs rush in crying about their faces. You look around in horror, realizing you've just entered The Holla Forumstox Zone. A tall, autistic security guard rushes up to your bedside and gestures, indicating for you to follow him outdoors. You resist, so he carries you. You flail and scream as he hefts you out of your now-crowded room, past a madly giggling chinese man and a thirteen year old brazillian arguing about who's whiter. Once outside you see that your neighborhood has been clusterbombed and reduced to the smoking remnants of a home. Ah, fuck it, it was all mexicans anyway. The security guard throws you to the ground and demands that you face him. You turn around slowly. "W-wanna go around the US in my van?" he proclaims boldly. You shake your head and he becomes enraged, fleeing back in time to Holla Forums where he'll enter a ricemixing thread and make the posts that begin this series of events, forever sealing you in a Time Loop of Eternal Autism. Tears stream down your face as you contemplate this, suddenly understanding the whole situation. It's beautiful. You never have to make a decision again. And best of all, there is No Reddit. You crawl back to your bed, ignoring the jibbering of the toxizens, and fall asleep with a smile on your pasty face, failing to notice that Every Person in the Room is a Happa.

Italy fucking built western civilization. and chan culture

Alas, Italy is not Roma. I fear there will never again be such a place, SPQR RIP.

Go to Northern Italy and you'll see people that look like animated Grecco-Roman statues.

Sluts and whores everywhere.
Lack of father figure.
Women push the man out and abuse a system run by men to make it happen.

Everyone is to blame.

Globalism, mate. It's fucking depressing

nice copypasta, faggot. Noe go back to Freech


Girls need to be married off between 13-15

Or become lesbian nuns.


Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts every time some poor faggot makes one of these anti women or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I’ve made everyone and chuckle a bit. You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.

Sure, you’ll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it’s just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can’t really complain.

After all, we do pretty much run the show.

Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, and buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.

Got a kid with a girl? Don’t fool yourself, it’s HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she’ll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.

Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you’ll be watching, getting hard, and probably crying a tear or two because you know you’ll always be a forever alone faggot.

Uncover thy bosoms or remove thyself from this place.

1/10 bait.
Manboobs or GTFO.

As always, the biggest enemy of the white race prevails once again.

PRO TIP: Whites are the white's biggest problem. You whites bring this upon yourselves EVERY FREAKING TIME. How can you do it so systematically everywhere you go?

I wish you were wrong. Pathological altruism is the fucking curse of the white race. When the Chinese pick over our corpses, let them know what did us in.

t. MGTOW falseflag

too obvious

This gif is always so adorable.

Let me tell you: I'd rather fight and die as a good man than live as a jew or a nigger.

They have more fidelity unless we're talking westernized ones but that's a problem with the trash "our" culture is breeding (in particular Americanism).

This cancer corrupts everything but it hits whites the hardest because we apparently can sink the lowest. A nigger will stick his nose up a cow's anus to encourage it to piss on him but what I've seen some white people do is significantly more damaging and insane.

I'm not white, but c'mon, you can do better than this! I mean, why? Why would not go get a woman, or a man from, not only another race, but another freaking country to your home? This is not only altruism. Altruism would be some whites going to their country to help them build better homes, bathrooms. This is something I've seen whites from another country doing in my land. It's OK, we all learn a bit about each other, the whites go back and everything is fine. But no, whites must bring them in.
Let me tell you something whites, you can hate mudskins, gooks, dindus, whatever, as much as you like, but if you people don't get your shit together, it's over, you already lost.

too obvious m80. you realize we can tell from the way you talk that you're not femanon?? 0/10, low energy tbh.

What you retards don't get is that the entire planet looks down on you. Everyone knows the beta white male with asian gf stereotype, everyone knows you had to fly across the planet to get a stinky little yellow golem. Your coworkers laugh at you, your parents look down on you. Keep pretending it's just those evil wayciss on imageboards though.

Was actually meant for

At least trannies can't reproduce…

kek. I was gonna say. I've been arguing the whole thread against miscegenation and for purging asians

very suspicious. How many foreveralone men are there?

Why don't you post a bunch of propaganda in Tórshavn?

Do you know who the two cuckbreeders males in the OP are?

It's not possible for many of us to find a cute white woman who isn't a dumb whore. All the weightlifting and selfhelp bullshit in the world won't change that. So it's either die alone, settle with a stupid white bitch, or look elsewhere. I don't want to be this way but it's just the cold hard truth.

Its pretty easy for normal people

Not gonna lie I have fucked asian prostitutes. Even did it raw once. Felt incredible, asian pussy is the best but that all being said, I wouldn't marry one and/or have kids with one (officially). I got yellow fever real bad but not enough to infect the white gene pool at home.

Some of us are not playing in easy mode.

Wow you retards have reached a new low. You're looking for any excuse whatsoever to molest little yellow hobgoblins.

Die alone scumbag, if you honestly think you'll be validated by a flat-faced piss-skinned imp creature, i'll be laughing even harder. You might as well die alone, people respect white omegas with mail order chink brides about as much as they do a permavirgin. Popping out a neurotic little halfbreed school shooter will be the biggest failure of your life, and you'll see the disappointment in your parents eyes as they relegate you as the family failure.

According to popular opinion:

Man is known by the company he keeps. Gooks are a waste of space.

How do people condone this and then signal against TRS? I don't understand.

If this were true you would already know that caucasoid and mongoloids are two sub-species with incompatible genetics. This by definition means that to do this is dysgenic on the whole. IQ is not distilled essence.

Go find a Portuguese or a Russian.


Nice shaming language, fag OP.

The real question is, what levels of femininity do these monkeys possess that the white whores have abandoned?



One day you will realize all women are monkeys, some just trained better

I still remember the Thai prostitute I made cry (in America)

If these whores are faking it, it's really hard to tell


…Now it's time to restore balance and seek that which fulfills the soul


This thread is fucking cancer

This many of you can't be race mixing cucks surely?

I get in where I fit in, homie. If the videos I posted didn't make you cry, then there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Just because the genders have been made asexual in this modern dystopia and you have been conditioned to give in to the irrational demands of an inferior creature does not make you seemingly better. Om… Time for more sexual polarity meditation.

Ain't that cute

Weeaboo started as a non sense word that quickly came to mean anyone who rejected their own life and wished they were a nip

only in recent years have retards like yourself, the same people who unironically use nigger speak, have diluted the word to mean anyone who consumes nip shit

That is the thing.

Their whores like us.

So you will either get a decent girl that stays with you because she is decent or you get a whore that stays with you because big white cock fetishism.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

A happa woman and white man will make white sons and daughters, with few-to-no visible Asatic features. Going with submissive East Asians is allowing for loyal wives, and better disciplined children for the time being, things you will never find in increasingly degenerate, or gender-imbalanced areas of the Western world.
It's not for everyone, but stop pretending this isn't a viable solution for the continuation of white genetics.
Pic related is only half and half. Imaging a white man knocking her up. Is it gonna come out an autistic chink?

I don't know who you think you are but I would rape and enslave that after taking your head, cuck.

you guys are such mangina cucks. Bitching at these men for getting a foreign bride. Face it, white women don't want to get married and have kids, they turned on us and are about as useful as a pile of shit. Stop being cucks for women and go MGTOW.

You are either larping,autistic or live where there's no diversity whatsoever to not understand the concept that not every white man is gonna score with a white girl, especially when they go out of their way to use themselves up by the time their 30, while most East Asians that come the the West look for husbands that they will sell themselves into slavery for by their mid-20s just to have a family with a white man. If they made considerably darker, dumber kids then of course it would be a problem, but that's not the case.
Go back to your legionnaire/ conquistador
jerk-off fantasy

Any mongrel is condemned to a life of sexual slavery in my eyes, what else good are they for? Well, I do enjoy some that have made soul-touching music videos that have furthered my spiritual growth but that's about it. Really, entertainment value is all that is. Their enablers will meet their cruel fate as they hear the lamentation of their mongrel spawn getting a feel of this big white coq. That's what you get for going against natural law, baby. It's really simple. I still envy Thai culture, they don't fuck around and love to murder tourists. That place has never been colonized and maintains a very respectable warrior attitude, hence the women are also quite feminine.

What are you smoking?


I'm sure they don't get that much attention to be quite honest.

Obviously not all of them are loyal, you can never have 100 percent anything in life. The argument is that having white men pour their seed into an Asian and continuing his lineage is more worthwhile than him wasting his time and effort on trashy sluts, or being ignored entirely, and dying childless. If a loyal East Asian (Not nigger, spic or sandnigger) woman can provide all the things she's supposed to, the genetic difference will be negligible within only 2 generations.


You are impotent. Give it up.

Im white and my east asian wife wont get pregnant. weve tried for 3 years. wtf man you said this would be ok


Adopt white kids then. There's a ton of Ukrainian refugees the EU won't let it.

kys, race-mixer

How about no you little mongrel-fondler. Half breeds always side with their non-white side, and a ton of them go full on anti-white. Good luck having Bob Marley kids that hate you.

/r/hapas is the largest community of Hapas on the internet, and it's also the most anti-white. Just go there and look at all the hapa women and men that are pissed as fuck about their fathers and make it their life's goal to undermine whiteness. You're breeding guerilla mongrel combatants to the white race, the definition of a traitor aiding and abetting the enemy. Kill yourself and don't have kids, you'll be doing us a favor.

Here's another uplifting music video for this thread.
You guys ever watch Shottas? Recommended.

Man, I love this nigger degenerate. He is pretty manly. I can still blast his album Radio and get a kick out of it. This is the end of your class on ethnic role models and unwesternized behavior, kids.

I know a quarter chink three quarter white bitch, she looks perfect Aryan.

I have no problems with whites and Asians breeding, since I'm not a white nationalist. If anything im a white/asian supremacist since both races have actually accomplished much and work hard.

Got you in my sights, puta.

this is a video full of mongrels aping humans but the point stands


Memes are no longer just dreams.

It's going to come out not bone-marrow compatible.

Bone marrow and race












Marginally related blogpost.

Worked with a Westerner who was long divorced from his first wife (White) and had retired in his early 50's in good financial shape. He went to Thailand, converted to Buddhism and married a local.

He ended up getting suckered into supporting something close to a dozen extended Thai "family" members in addition to his new wife and child. And he had to go back to work full time. Was painful to listen to him tell me how great it all was.

We should assemble a ragtag Death Squad of autists to take over the island and genocide the male cucks and yellow midgets. Then we turn the remaining Faroese women into our breeding cattle. Kek wills it.

Isn't anyone else tired of the white man being disrespected world wide? What the fuck happened?

Cattlecucks may disagree but the Faroe's seem very beautiful and only a type of climate whites or maybe eskimonigs would enjoy. Do those Thais really want to be in the middle of the ocean on a 'barren' island? No, they sure don't, they're just desperate to pop out mongrel kids that are 'oh so beaudefur!'.

Imprison Thai women and use them as surrogates, using donor eggs from nordic women. These brown breeding machines will breed dozens of pure white babies before being used up and being sent back to Thailand.

That's fucking retarded. Who will raise the children then? Did our forefathers need brown chingchongs from the other side of the globe to breed? What needs to be done is to revert things to the way it used to be

While true for some Asians, it's wholly unimportant. They're not white and any children you have with an Asian will be halfbreed weirdos. Every white-asian halfie is completely nuts. Elliot and that rich girl who did facefuck porn are well known examples, and all the ones I know personally are very unstable. I'd rather the gooks keep their rich heritage and the whites do the same.

Though I'll freely admit that Asian women are in general attractive and Euro-Asian women are even more so. A spade is a spade.

his. All non-whites and race-traitors need to be shot.

We don't need filthy thai women to raise white children. We need white women to do that.

The grandmothers will raise them until they reach the age of seven, then they will be sent to camps to learn combat, camaraderie, loyalty to one's nation and other important life skills from the men of the island.

Males don't need to be babied and cuckled after the age of seven, the spartans knew that, which is why they sent them off to spartan training at that age.


pls leave

At least lady boys can't have children.

Is this a joke? With donor egg surrogacy I'm pretty sure you can't even fuck the surrogate; it's all done in a lab.

Hey there shlomo.


This. The thing the jews are afraid of most is nordics breeding with brown jungle chinks

do basically an enormous waste of resources and time with the negative side-effect of importing shitskins that do not belong in a white nation.

The guy I mentioned was a total chump. Physically he was a tough fellow and worked a hazardous trade but he let some third rate Thai farm girl and her family take him for a ride. She wasn't even marginally attractive (by gook standards) either.

I'm an oldfag, people have been discussing the SHTF and "inevitable collapse" in alternative political fields since at least the 80s.

It was obvious that collapse was imminent since about that time. Rome too slowly collapsed over many decades

There were minor rumblings about it in the late 60's and early to mid-70's but it did indeed take off in the 80's and hasn't really slowed down since then.

We'll wait until we can grow children in the wombs of cows then.

That's fucking disgusting. Fuck you for suggesting something like that even in jest.

This film on youtube is very realted. Danish bodybuilder beta lives with mother and can't find the right waifu. So he flies to Thailand and ends up getting cucked and scammed by ladyboys and prostitutes. Very entertaining and sad, here is the entire film.

I…what? If you're going to fucking racemix with an asian, why would you pick one of the lowest-tier asians you could find? They're literally the niggers of asia

Jungle asians best asians

This. It happens in every remote place in the Nordic countries.

Ask a local man what he wants to do and it's "get a stable job and a family", a woman would say "I wanna go to New York and start a design business, party and fuck around".

This always happens. It's in male nature to compete for more women, especially with his own neighbors. So the elite men get the best bitches and tell the uglier ones to "stay independent" so they can cuck the lower rank men.

A Thai girl is not gonna be white but you can get a pretty one with good bone structure and a great attitude on a low rank man's salary. It's literally been a problem since viking times.


i s-said I got that gorilla dick baby– SHIT.

No user your a nigger nothing will ever be fine for you

Not (((them)))
Not (((them)))
Not (((them)))
Not (((them)))
Not (((them)))

Any system that doesn't serve the men will fail.

Feminism is a blip in history , which unfortunately we have to experience, but since they don't have kids, it won't stay around for long. An anomaly created by nature to reduce the population the top predator that consumes too many resources. (whites)

The future belongs to those with children, and only them.

Behind the women are the Jews, yes normies like think the redpill is about women. Redpill is about Jews manipulating women and men for their own goals.

I wish the normies would understand that a Jew lies behind everything they hate. Feminism, Usury, and multiculturalism.

Fine, we'll start with sheep then, no guarantees though.

Why aren't they just importing ukrainians or something then…

Does this include weebfags?

I personally know five people in Finland who married a Thai girl. All under 30.

Everyday I also see Finn-Thai couples around my part of town. I don't know how this is such a phenomenon around the Nordic countries.

Whites won't fuck faroe nigs. Doubt even Thais would. The ape in OP is myanmar-tier goat herder.

For Finns it's atleast not racemixing.

Ain't that the truth.

But seriously, southern Asians are fucking disgusting. They should get a tall and pale mongol qt instead. Mongolia is even poorer than Thailand, so they wouldn't need to hire a prostitute for life.

go away jew

Because Ukie girls get farmed as sex slaves for Arabs and European brothels.

Accept your true legacy.


In case some of you are retarded or just old fashioned autists, it's mostly Finns shitposting.

Some seem to think Finns being mongols meme isn't mostly pushed by Finns.

Fucking normalfags can't get anything right. Japanese grills are the only asian grills that matter.

Norwalfag here, has no problems with eurasians at all.

Should I really expect anything more from a scandicuck?

Gookettes are not exactly beautiful but they are kinda cute.

But I thought mixing White with Mongol produced turks.

Turks were just another ethnic group from the steppe like the Mongols and Uhygurs



the reasons are obvious.

You have a highly educated female society. They do not "need" men any longer.
They will fuck the most alpha of the alpha. But because that's 10 to 20% of the male population. The other 80% are sick and tired of kissing ass for pussy. That after a year or two of fucking. Your tired of anyways.

SO why not get an asian cutey. That is HAPPY you picked her. HAPPY to play the domestic role. And HAPPY to play housemaker.

Everything modern females are not happy to to.
Ask yourself this. if you meet a girl who ONLY wants to make babies and stay home. Do you consider her successful? If not, your part of the problem.

In todays modern society. If you are not successful in the work place. You are not a good female.
Why do they need you, once they have accomplished this.

What are these people, fucking dwarves?

So much for the master race lmao, can't even control your own women they want shitskin cock more than that "master race" cock


There are actual structural reasons other than oriental fetishism.

Guess what, oriental females have the behaviour that male Genetics is determiniscally designed to seek, while ocidentals will hate you for your natural maleness, can you call atraction for orientals an act of treason in an honest manner?

My wife is Chinese and we'll have Eurasian master race kids.

Thais are monkey tier but still more pleasant to be around than white girls and everyone needs some company and their kids will regress back to mean white IQs eventually.

I have a very high IQ and was always a pretty, but holohaux skinny guy. Asian girls can deal with that, white girls can't.

I moved all over Europe but was still a virgin at 24.

In the end I moved to Asia, found smart girl in China that I could actually connect to and everything has been good.

I'm respected, have plenty of opportunities to make shekels, no bad neighborhoods, no niggers and there are much more low IQ whites than low IQ Chinese. The only guys that ever start fights here are whites or one of the few niggers.

I'm 30 now and have recently been back home. I got fairly muscular, retained my pretty boy face and always look like I'm gonna kill someone cause due to all the disgusting mudslimes hanging around everywhere.

White girls totally dig me now and eye fuck me but I don't give two shits anymore. All the traits they seek encourage the destruction of the civilized world.

Top tier looks, high aggression and the most resources.

The end result? Look at Africa and their cleptocracies.

The cucked church which could've been the last bastion of sanity let it happen.

/rant and in b4 BTFO race traitor

Then how about you splatter you get the hell off Holla Forums and splatter your brains on the fucking wall, you interracial anti-white fetishist.

And stop fucking blogposting, you race-traitorous piece of filth. It will be a beautiful day when race-traitors like you will be rounded up along with your non-white partners and shot in the back of your fucking head.

Hateful much? How about convincing me to take a white girl instead?

Where the fuck do you think you are? Did you miss the turn to Reddit?
I shouldn't have to convince you not to destroy your entire bloodline by creating rootless mongrels with no racial identity of their own and who won't even fucking look like you. I can't convince you not to hate your race. Only a cuckolded self-loathing beta would throw his entire racial bloodline out the window so he could satisfy his craving for chink pussy. You're a disgrace to the thousands of ancestors that came before. You want to throw away the gift of being a member of the European racial community and being able to look upon the great civilisation our race has produced with pride. You want to deny your child this ability too no less. You are nothing but a selfish, race-traitorous cuckold doing exactly what the kikes want.

If there's one thing I find more repulsive than a non-white invading a white nation, it's a white man who willingly destroys his bloodline out of his own volition to satisfy his cock.

massive faggot

Invading a white nation HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

oh no i see a chinese person. ITS AN INVASION

Go away, piss-skin. Any non-white in a white nation should be considered an invader and expunged.

shut the fuck up, fag

massive faggot

Still inferior to grorious Nippon but good for you, you accomplished what you wanted in life and live successfully and happy free of regret, which is a lot more than you can say for the autistic LARPing neetsocks on Holla Forums

Go eat some stale rice, you slant-eyed piss-skin. All you non-whites will be exterminated soon enough

fuck off, freechkike

Haha funny larping. day of the rope praise kek

im fucking white, you moron.

Trace my lineage way back over 500 years, back to germany.
I am canadian. So, go fuck yourself, you fucking aryan brotherhood massive faggot.

He's just bitter and secretly jealous because no white woman, not to mention woman in general, will ever want to be in a relationship with a spergfest that starts screaming about the race war and the jews in public.


So stop cucking for chinks, you non-white-loving anti-white.
Congratulations! You want someone to stroke your dick for that?
As am I. Do you by any chance stick your cock in chinks? Is that why you're defending them so aggressively?
That's a lot of buzzwords in such a short sentence, matey. You sure you don't have any more?

I'd die childless before I breed with a fucking chink. My descendants being rice eating ching chongs would be a fucking nightmare. I do admit that good white girls are unicorns, but it's worth searching for that unicorn.


Maybe if you ever try talking to a real female some day, you'll develop social skills, autist.

How does it feel to impress your own flaws onto anons on the internet? Does it make you feel better at least for a little bit?

No, asian admixture in Turks is negligible. Anatolians were always shitskins, and Islam only fuels their nigger behavior even more through inbreeding.

I fuck hot girls, i don't give a fuck what nationality they are.

A hot piece of ass with a nice ass, is my kryptonite.

I don't think you know what that word means, user.
Keep trying!

Pretty sure Turks also have a lot of arab admixture, at least the eastern ones

This nigger-tier hedonism will backfire soon

So not only are you a disgusting race-traitor, you're also a loose degenerate who fucks around like a base-level animal.

At least you've confirmed my suspicions that you're some fucking transplant from Reddit or some other shitty site full of cucks such as yourself
You sound like a fucking nigger. Blow your brains out, you hedonistic rat.

Nah. I know exactly what it means. What you're doing is a prime example of projection. Project harder, freechkike

I don't think you know what that word means user, keep trying though! :)

I'm pretty sure Anatolians, at least in Western Anatolia, were largely Hellenic/Greek until the Ottomans from the East overran them and bred them into the mudskins they are today.

You and other whites with similar ideas are welcome among us east asians.
We dont follow that bullshit one drop rule here.
We know that you're not a threat anyways.
Globally your kind is a minority to begin with and even those of your kind with hot air and thorny tongues are a minority within your kind.

This guy really thinks we care how far back his lineage goes when he's tossing his future into soy sauce


Y'all are mystery meats anyways.
Do you whites know how absurd it sounds for us east asians when you folks rally around the so-called 'white' identity?
Its like listening to some gook-jap mongrel rallying for a 'pan-east asian' identity.
Do you know what we do when we hear something like that?
We laugh at the guy who spouts that crap to the door.

nice try you kike shill chaim moishe jew kike, but I'll have you know that the light color of my skin forms a bond of brotherhood with every other light colored skinned country on the planet like me. Reported, filtered, and called my mom for more tendies

So you'll call an albino negro your brother?


If theres one thing we east asians have in common is that we dont see each other as someone to form an identity with.
Why bother doing that when we always had one since the beginning of the recorded history?

oh yeah my best korean friends and south goyreans really get along! Japan doesn't think its superior to china whatsoever! Nah man, Singapore and Macau, we all get along fam. s'all good in the hood. Did you know that filipinos are the most powerful race?

You okay there buddy?
Sorry I shouldve been more specific, I meant north east asians
Those SEAmonkeys didnt even cross my mind


Now I feel doubly sorry for your future kids, they'll have a failure that also happens to be a delusional retard.

You're not fooling anyone, you're just as desperate for an identity as everyone else, especially when you zerg rush our countries and suddenly Japanese and Chinese and Koreans are a pan-Asian identity. As soon as you lose your place as another faceless drone in your home country you're scrambling to rebuild the horde elsewhere.


Asian people have the same tribal problems that white people do. Normies are too stupid or lazy to differentiate between ethnicities they don't care about.

Genetically similar groups are more likely to stick together when around other races. However when it comes to clay or whatever political belief, they won't hesitate to kill each other.

I, burgeranon prefer asians over most other neighbors as they tend to keep their business to themselves, and are industrious citizens.

They aren't on the American racial radar because they have never participated in any American atrocities. Kikes can't say anything bad about chinese people.

That said, asians would mongolize the entire western world if they were allowed to continue their innate programming.

You don't deserve dem dubs.

Those east asians in the west will either stay and go full roof korean mode or just pack up and come back home anyways.
The only ones who are in an identity crisis are the 2nd generation and beyond who were exposed to leftist/globalist education in their early formative years.

*sorry, user.*

Thai women are fucking ugly, the only remotely good-looking ones went through extensive plastic surgery to look as white as possible. They look like they've been hit in the face with a shovel one too many times.
SEA monkeys look closer to Australian abbos than other Asians

The majority of Europe is mystery meat form all the wars, border-shifts and migrations that have ocurred over thousands of years. Euroshit superiority complexes are hilariously unfounded. Most of the nations in Europe aren't even genuine ethno-states, as they are comprised of multiple ethnicities.

Oh wait. I remember your writing style. You're that gookike that gets BTFO every time he opens his little rice-filled mouth.

My fucking sides.

And thats only a recent phenomena.
We've already have begun the pushback and the marxist foe is already on the verge of defeat.

Who is this gook and why does he trigger you so much?

As it is in the West.
Top fucking kek. What world do you live in?

Yours started at least since the beginning of the cold war.
Ours started like a decade ago.
And thats being generous.

then it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better

The world where none of our exploits make it to the english media because surprise, surprise, they are controlled by the enemies who you and I fight against at this very moment.
Right now in south korea we are busting up their degenerate homosexual doujins with the police force, and doxxing those degenerate whores and report their vile deeds to their workplace and family.
Weebs here won't like what we are doing since it's also a direct assault to their degenerate subculture.

Nah our female president has fucked up so much that her very being became a giant redpill for our masses.
Basically we already had our Hillary.
Once her term is over, it's bye bye to the establishment, both the left (who are actually right wing by your american standards) and the right.

Yes but aren't most of those hapas the result of the WM/AW pairing? I think hapas that are the result of the AM/WW pairing would be mentally healthier. A white woman is still a woman. She is still hypergamous and desires a strong man and since she's white, there's no way to get additional points due to what ever race you were born as since there is nothing better than white. The asian man is therefore guaranteed to be a genuinely masculine man who can then function as a real head of the house and give his children a real father that leads and disciplines them well.

Basically, from my understanding, most hapas hate whiteness because they hate their failure of a father and the fact that the only reason why he was able to have any success at all is because he was riding off of the coattails of the superior, more successful members of his race. They are rebelling against the idea that they have to accept their father's authority and superiority purely because he's white.

Why the fuck out of all asians to have a fetish for would you pick the shit tier thais, or filipinos? Light skinned asians are the only good ones. The others usually have monkey faces.

Is it just because they're probably the easiest and these guys are low test faggots that can't court white women?

Eliot Rodgers and the reddit hapas (probably just one or two guys) aren't representative of all real world hapas.

I live in China and I have gotten to know normal, well adjusted hapas here.

The problem with self haters is that neither of their parents gives them real values or an identity or showed them both worlds.

More Asian looking hapas will do much better dating wise by default in Asia.

How to court a white woman:

If you don't look particularly good:

Become gang banger, become swole, shit tons of tats, muh dick her - ??? - profit.

If you look good:

Become "american psycho" tier wall street guy or just somehow get millions so she gets wet of the thought of pissing them away on useless shit.

You also have the option to revert back to street thug mode if things don't work out.

Everybody else is a beta that gets the scraps at 30+.

They seem have to went on a whoring vacation and there got attached to the merchandise.

I disagree. It sounds like you need to move.

The greatest threats the white race has is kike and gooks, because they're the only fucking ones who can actually challenge whites. The kikes however are few and stupid because they always get their shit pushed in eventually and will most likely be once and for all in the future but the gooks are the most numerous ants on this earth and are the only ones who can out-jew the jews. If they aren't stopped after the kikes or if they team up with kikes, we're finished.

So down the road somewhere we have brown "city" dwellers and some Asian complexion who are the farmers and control the rural production methods.

This reminds me of 800 AD. Well… that…. uh, induces a weird hope.

Also, Blonde Asians. WTF.

Heil Rassenkunde!

The world is becoming what they want, a weird Mischpoke of all places, cultures and attitudes. A gray world.

No asian is any more favourable than any other, you fucking interracial fetishist.

Holy shit just fucking kill yourself, you anti-white, race-mixing traitor. There's nothing I wish more than to see those who defile their own race die.
If racemixing induces any kind of hope then you might as well hang yourself.

Fucking swallow razor blades.

Never, ever, ever trust the yellow jew.



This man gets it