Why does nobody talk about Uruguay?
It's 88% white and pretty prosperous. I mean it's always nice to have a backup plan in case everything else goes tits up.
Why does nobody talk about Uruguay?
It's 88% white and pretty prosperous. I mean it's always nice to have a backup plan in case everything else goes tits up.
you planning on abandoning your nation?
Not unless there's zero hope left.
Yeah, when Drumpf will come there will be zero hope left, since all holocaust deniers and nationalist will be jailed. Remember my words.
I've been looking into moving there for several years but don't have the money sadly
I hear Brazilians regularly cuck that nation.
How long until more sudaca countries turn Venezuela and they all go south? It's already happened with argentina, ignoring the memes, walking around in Buenos Aires 30% of the people are amazonian-tier.
So those FEMA camps are for bad goys?
In live in North America as it wouldn't be much of a transition
Southern Brazil I hear is not bad. It is know as the Europe of South America.
Southern Brazil is 75% white apparently.
Brazil-tier whiteness is not exactly gold standard
Move to Brazil. (video related sent my sides to orbit).
About half of the "White" people in Southern South America are only 80-85% ethnic European.
That's a shit tier definition of White tbh.
It might be better than many US states, but don't come here yet . It is not as safe and white as you might think.
Also shitty gun restrictions
t. Argentinian
Stop posting about Uruguay. I plan on moving there and I don"t want it shitted up with spergs, autists and low energy chanfags.
To be fair American whites are actually like 97-99% white genetically.
Fuck you we're pure
Also our average IQ is 103
American whites are master race whites
I couldn't see your entire post since it was obfuscated by all the nigger dick you choke down.
We are pure white Europeans.
No one talks about it because the moment we start talking about it Jews will try to destroy it.
Truth is that counting "white havens" like Uruguay, the population of whites (european heritage) in the world rises to over 1 billion.
Can you imagine what the Jew would do if they knew this?
because South America a shit
keep telling them that, they'll stay away if they don't know that whites in SA isn't just a dank maymay
I'm pretty sure that Kikes have access to world census information m8.
World census information hides the whites there as "hispanic".
Also the kikes aren't omniscient, if they were we couldn't fight them at all.
You people are blacker than mexicans.
You cannot run forever. The jews want to wipe out all white men. If the big white countries like America fall then Urugay, a shitty of half shitskins surrounded by full shitskins and equipped with no nukes and a piss poor military will be eradicated overnight.
You either fight or die white man. There is nowhere left to run
I put that pic on purpose to show what happens when you have a libertarian economy
Welp, was going to sleep when I see a thread about my own little shithole. It's not that bad actually, but I wouldn't move here unless shit is going really, really bad over there. We have shitskins our own problems, yes, but it's still pretty white, although cucked, outside.
The problem with this country is that we're basically Soros' little sandbox. And I'm not making that up, he actually said it in an interview (can't find it now). Come here if you want to smoke pot sold by the proto-communist government with your tranny husband while teachers shit on our freemason Israeli-educated president in the classroom as a protest because, in spite of the current recession, he didn't raise their wages high enough (the fact that they're in the classroom and not in a strike is a protest in of itself).
Here, nobody gives a shit about anything. If the world collapses some day we will just say "fuck it" and make it and excuse to not go to work that day.
Also, there's a Trump tower here.
Its a third world brown reggaeton poor shithole like all of SA
Cuba looks like that too, and they are certainly not libertarian.
But I agree that unless you have a racially aware landowner or some sort of municipal agreement to keep them out of the community, you'll end up with slums and slumlords.
we are full, fuck off, no refugees welcome
Sadly most of the other 12% is African negroes.
Brazil is a violent shithole for the most part.
Is there really an area where you can live far away from niggers, mulattos and indigenous people?
Their definition of white isn't the same as ours. Those 80% of Uruguay are, at best, 50-60% European.
The average Mexican mestizo is 50-70% white. Argentinians and Uruguayans killed off all of their Injuns in the early colonial days, so there was little mixing among them.
MODS don't be niggers that shouldn't have been banned
Yes it should.
such a white heaven
There's also a Trump Tower un URgay
there are rumours that merkel bought an estate in urugay where she's going to fleet once everything collapses
This is our president, is just like any other cuck commie shit hole. We are like the Sweden of America
Its probably pretty greasy and gay compared to the real one
I live in Buenos Aires. Uruguayans are the most cucked lefties you'll ever see. They're basically Bernie supporters. It won't last white much longer.
It's true that southern Brazil is whiter, Rio Grande do Sul is a mess at the moment though (higher crime rates than most other states, national guard being called in to fill government void, etc). Your best bet is Uruguay, Chile or Argentina (apart from Buenos Aires)
t. White southern brazilian
Nice bait.
Stop invading our countries like the very refugees you bitch about you fucking snow-niggers.
Can confirm, I'm 98.6% White, mostly Anglo and Germanic, according to 23andme
Also according to wikipeidia: "Uruguay is ranked first in Latin America in democracy, peace, lack of corruption,[7] e-government,[8] and is first in South America when it comes to press freedom, size of the middle class and prosperity.[7] On a per-capita basis, Uruguay contributes more troops to United Nations peace-keeping missions than any other country.[7] It ranks second in the region on economic freedom, income equality, per-capita income and inflows of FDI.[7] Uruguay is the third-best country on the continent in terms of HDI, GDP growth,[9] innovation and infrastructure.[7] It is regarded as a high-income country (top group) by the UN.[8] Uruguay is also the third-best ranked in the world in e-Participation.[8] Uruguay is an important global exporter of combed wool, rice, soybeans, frozen beef, malt and milk.[7]
The Economist named Uruguay "country of the year" in 2013,[10] acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing the production, sale and consumption of cannabis. Same-sex marriage and abortion are also legal, leading Uruguay to be regarded as one of the most liberal nations in the world, and one of the most socially developed, outstanding regionally,[11] and ranking highly on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion issues.[12]"
Kek help us.
Uruguaians are not spics for the most part
They're mostly south euros
We'll do that when Illegals like you keep out of America and Canada.
Also immigration looks really easy from what I can find, the biggest determent is having a proof of income.
Anybody who says "drumpf" unironically deserves to have their head stomped in.
*of South America
Jailing nationalists in the past has worked really well.
at least it was until this guy dun goofed and made a thread about it…
at least you got dubz
So country in South America is much hwhiter than US?
As a burger, I'm not even surprised.
proof of income = im definitely white
seems like sound immigration policity to me
I watched a Uruguayan movie once for a Spanish class I was taking, and it soon became clear that the main characters were Jews. It was a testament to what a hold the Jews have on the film industry. Even an indie feature made in an out-of-the-way South American country was a 100% Jewish production.
Remember, this part of the world used to be, and it still somewhat is, pretty damn European. This means that Jews have gained a big slice in the power cake here as well. If you look at Argentina, all big media and all the movies are basically purely Jewish. There's a media corporation there that's owned partly and directly by Goldman Sachs (Clarin).
They all produce the worst shit you can imagine, along with glorifying our shitskin subculture. And thanks to them, we have our own holocaust too, which is the 70s and 80s (necessary) dictatorships that killed "tens of thousands" of "innocent" people. [citation needed, of course]
Now, they have one job that they're doing really well: present what are basically neocons as the only alternative to the communists that rule South America, while judging any real opposition as lunatics that are not to be paid attention to.
Rach/Kamp pls go away
Argies didn't kill the natives, mercenaries and slaves did (niggers) in exchange for a piece of land
When that was over then they killed the blacks but many escaped north
Reason why the few natives who survived went to kill blacks for centuries (to the point of eradication from that zone), and burguoise europeans who bragged about it but those went back very quickly
Hey guys
Thinking about moving to Maine
Not abandoning my country and its 95 percent white, north as it gets.
Any Maine fags wanna tell me if shits tight?
Tell me more user, genuinely interested.
because it is jews super seekrit hq
Bush II has a ranch there as well
look into nuevo israel.
they proly fucked over argentina, there are a lot of countries in the way of the land they have marked out.
Maine is like the yankee version of West Virginia.
You will never be truly accepted and will be an outsider.
I like it, but not that much. I enjoyed Vermont a little more.
My friend's parents moved to Arizona from Maine, they like it here more. Taxes are fucking insane in the Northeast.
Land is cheap up north, self sufficient farms are not hounded out of existence, and the state is apathetic enough as to allow outright racism.
Only visit Portland, don't stay there.
Prepare for shit internet connection and tropical food, end of the supply line.
OP is a fag.
Go fuck yourself.
Do people in South America actually believe it, though?
Commies being hanged/throw from helicopters-planes/shot/buried alive/drowned in torture centres was frowned upon until many countries were getting the shaft due to communism
Argies might like or encourage those things after all those years with the K presidency, same with Peru and their Shining Path, and let's not even mention the real Venezuelans abroad and imprisioned in that hellhole, just like Brazil (might not understand due to being black)
So you can be sure half of South America hates gomies
It's not even about how "white" the country is, it's a nation in SA and that means it's incredibly unstable economically and politically.
Honestly, given the state of white women being basically soulless cock craving sluts these days who'd sell even their closest family members down the river (or kill them, like we've seen) for a good fuck, I'm completely open to moving to a place like that and getting with some 80%+ Euro Hispanic woman with family values intact. I become more open to the concept the more exposed I become to white womens' collective depravity. It's to the point where I can't even look at an attractive white woman without having these thoughts about them that they're depraved sub-human filth who no semblance of humanity left in them.
88% is whiter than Russia (the claimed white haven of Holla Forums), the US, UK, and Canada…
Oh, and Sweden.
I went the opposite direction AZ > PA
People here are beta as fuck tbh. I was at some ghetto shithole of a KFC the other day, a nigger got uppity with me and I told the sheboon to shut her disgusting fucking mouth. Nigger guy comes along to nigga-knight for the sheboon, I go full "White man who has dealt with crazy spics his whole life" on them and they all backed off real fucking quick.
It's funny being in a place where niggers are fucking terrified of you. I'm sure the shaved head, motorycle, and beard helps though, you guys don't have too many bikers up here.
Spics aren't white though.
Holy shit the mods are doing their job.
I live in Aurora Colorado aka Saudi Aurora aka the black plague
I just want to live where there's all white people
Im so sick of going out in public and always dealing with fucking spics and niggers. At least white people fucking act civilized for the most part in public
Go to a movie, niggers yelling, go to eat, fucking nigger family spending their welfare cash at Olive garden with their 6 kids making a fucking mess everywhere. Go to fucking fast food spics that fuck up my order and can't fucking speak English
There was a mall I used to go to when I was a kid, all white people. Many many years later, i went back (trust me i didn't have a choice) to pick up a Christmas gift from a store that only that location had
Maybe 10 white people i saw walking around. Niggers hanging outside the fucking hat store. Spic kids running around inside the Disney store making a mess knocking shit over. When i walked in people stopped and looked at me like i was a coon in the 50s. I was here fucking first and so where whites, these fuckers ruined this fucking city and this fucking state.
Once went to my doctor, nurse was helping me out, big black dude (he was cool ill give him that) and i emptied my pockets to weigh myself. He asked me why i carry a knife and I say i live in aurora
This guy fucking busts out laughing, I mean fucking doubling over like he just saw the funniest fucking thing to grace this earth.
See the 5 percent non whites in Maine, I'm welling to bet they live there and contribute to society because they don't have the majority fucking nigger cavalry to back them up. White people throw them to the curb.
Fucking can't stand it dude.
Also I prefer to live in or near a city, is Portland garbage or something
Paradise. I do that here I get 5-10 for hate crime.
No thanks friend.
Sorry. Italians and Iberians don't count as white.
I'm sorry man
So is Maine nice
Lot of white people i hope
Kind of place where degenerate scum is rampant?
wtf I love mods now
jews dont either schlomo
Well Bernie is getting near retirement and Vermont has this guy and his comfy political commentary, fam.
what's a drumpf?
Considering Bernie is nigger cock lover I can't imagine Vermont being much different
That's a damn shame. I visited a friend there in 2002, we went to an incredible Country club and there was nothing but white people. My friend did have Mexicans move in next to him though, which was odd at the time.
That's because there are so many whites who have no idea what their minority pets are really like and are idealist and naive. Grijalva is my representative, I would personally rip his underwear over his head and push him down some stairs if I could get away with it.
You are naive too. Portland is a fucking Bernie Strong Hippy Cuck wasteland with pockets of resistance.
The sad thing, is we are losing ALL of our strongholds. IN the next 5 years I am going to have to move to Northern Arizona. My friend from Phoenix just moved to Boise, Idaho this weekend for a job and to start a family, so I am anxiously waiting on a field report.
I used to live on the east coast, I removed myself to find happiness. I have been all over and am still looking and listening - but like Aurora and Southern Arizona, things change - and can change fast and change horribly.
Start traveling.
Yea but this thread is about Uruguay, not New York.
I'd rather deal with hippy liberals than niggers
I will comrade, soon I will be free from the black chains
Because no one wants to live in a place named you are gay.
That's because of the current culture. Any place, with the current culture, that's nearly all white, is going to be a Leftist shit-hole within one generation because the worthless, ignorant white kids are going to adopt nearly every mainstream cultural value. We're at a point where the only way to retain right-wing values is to surround yourself with niggers and whatnot, otherwise you become cultureless, bland societal filth, like most white people in the Western world, projecting their life experiences in a homogeneous white community onto all non-white peoples and places. We whites have our creativity and ingenuity, but man, the current state of affairs is really displaying how intellectually inferior we are as a group to others. White people don't seem to be tribalistic at all. It's sickening, and it's really making me hate white people as a group. I don't even want to make things work anymore, or fix the problems. I want things to come crumbling down. Fuck all these worthless "equality! diversity is our strength" sub-human whites. Fuck their sub-human pets. I want society to collapse so we can freely kill them. I don't even give a shit about our race anymore, just the few whites willing to stand beside me and help when the shit hits the fan. I'd gladly see half of Europe blown off the map (what good is Northern Euro intelligence if they're so blatantly inferior as a unit that they allow themselves to be bred out of existence?) so the few good can expand and populate the land. Same with the US. Let's have a damn nuclear war or some big natural disasters. Hopefully Yellowstone blows soon. That'll be fun.
Guy above said open racism is accepted in maine!
Sounds pretty good to me!
1. There is never an excuse to miscegenate, race traitor
2. Where there are virtuous men, you will find virtuous women. When you can't even take responsibility for your failure as a man, placing the blame on the victims of your own incompetency, like a father blaming his child for his poor upbringing, you obviously are not any man a virtuous women deserved.
80/20. If the niggers expand beyond 20% of the population, their little welfare setup becomes unsustainable, finally forcing their caretakers out to build up civilization once more. Then they expand like rabbits until they completely consume themselves and the in turn flee themselves, to follow the white man back into a new city where they can freeload.
At 5, 10% they can sustain their little position as the toddlers of society, but go beyond that, and you get SA with nogs using elevators as toilets and Zimbabwe with them begging the white farmers they kicked out to come back and feed them
Big words coming from the all mighty forum faggot whose never accomplished shit in his life, let alone bettering society. When you've done even a semblance of what you suppose I should be doing, get back to me. Until then, live out your fantasy of your grand importance to the world in your head, I don't care to behold your pathetic ego.
Big words coming from a self pitying post-virgin dope with a redditor's understanding of women. I hope you're aware that the best a race traitor like you is ever going to get showing up to a homogeneous country with your cut dick in hand are used up dregs from the prostitute class.
Might as well move there while it's still good then
You speak like a boy whose social skills have been honed playing dungeons and dragons with the local nerds as you boast amongst one another about how manly you all are (on a scale conceived through lack of social awareness) and how you'll get all the ladies. Basically a pathetic, out of shape loser who pictures Brock Lesnar in his head, but sees either a sagging gut, or defined ribs when he looks in the mirror. The more you build yourself up with text on Holla Forums, the more blatant it is you're societal filth the likes of which we'd all be lucky to never come across in the real world. That is if you even go outside. Keep talking to me like you have any impact on cultural and social trends, you insignificant LARPing schmuck…
Rand Paul's in favor of the TPP and TTIP. He's also a shill for Israel, meaning endless wars for Israeli security.
Visegrad 4 is the white mans land.
This is coming from the self-hating newfag sobbing about not being able to find a woman in self absorbed /r9k/ tier blogposting? Fucking kek, how insecure do you have to be to project this hard, little man?
It's a sign
Am I on YouTube right now?
More on topic, I've considered Uruguay for riding out the happening, but as an Uruguayanon posted ITT it is apparently a Marxist shithole. gg. Is New Zealand any better?
Historically, we shouldn't even exist. We are an Argentine province lost to Portugal and later made an independent state with some help from the UK. Our elite lived in the countryside and we made sure to delete every trace of injun ADN from our population since the first administration. We had a supply of European migrants, mostly Spaniards and Italians, since.
However, cuckery abounds. This has been a pseudo-socialist country for the most part of its life, while also being generally the most progressive in Latin America. The political class is all cucked and beyond redemption, and while the general population isn't afraid of expressing un-PC opinions, they are also very apolitical and apathetic, and will shun you for even showing support towards an out of the norm and anti-progressive position. Shit will never start here because people just don't care. We're basically the Greeks of the new world, but without the history and accomplishments. Even the muslim refugees and ex-Guantanamo prisoners that were brought here by the government want to go back on their own because there's just nothing going for this place. And that's a big pro, don't get me wrong.
We are an artificial state, the West's progressive experiment lab. We have always had masonry within our ranks (there's literally a territorial department called "33"). The farthest right-wing news outlet here is for feminism and has recently had a "Uruguayans are all Anti-Semites goyim what a shoah!" cover, just guess what the Trump coverage is like. Our only hope is a nationalist Argentina that kicks the kikes from Buenos Aires and Patagonia and takes us back with them. Otherwise, both of us are fucked. The unregulated state-provided 120Mbps Internet connection I cannot complain about though.
Those dubs must be too.
I'm curious, what kind of jobs allow you to get hired easily and handle rent which makes it easy to travel from place to place like that? I always wanted to check out the PNW, mid-North and New England in the U.S. because of colder climate and it being less shitty than where I live.
South American nations rely on self reported statistics for their ethnic make up
Taxes are a lot more bearable when it's not going to funding a nigger breeding-fest.
maybe because no one wants to live in a place named "your a gay"
Wow this guy's awesome. Thanks for the link.
Go to the NW of the Denver area, pretty fucking white. I'm staring at the flatirons right now, the clouds look like pictures of Uranus or Neptune hanging over the front range.
Westminster/Broomfield seems legit but I haven't been here long, YMMV.
Problem is i wanna live near a city
Apparently Portland is garbo according to user above.
Broomfield is near Aurora and its becoming infected, basically the farther you are from Denver in any way but south gets whiter
Sling crack
Honestly dude you could probably survive as a waiter or some shit
Because it's white people you either get good white people tips or snobby cuck tier tips
Looked at places for rent
Maybe not
I guess I'm a #ModMissile now
I looked at Montevideo a couple of years ago, OP. Mainly because of a banking/financial situation. Anyway, it does have plenty going for it, but like all central and south American countries it's far from perfect. Not speaking spic is a major downside but my main concern, is when a global depression hits. The savages will be eating white SA style.
Is there any safe haven though?
Even fucking Sweden is still more "hwhite" you fucking mong.
When I graduated High School, I worked and went to Community College. I would then road trip to the colleges all my friends parent's paid for them to go to. Would team up with a couple of bros and take shifts driving and split gas money.
I would couch surf and pick up random jobs in places I liked, Seaside, NJ for a summer. Morgantown, West Virginia for a summer, Redding, California for 2 months, Renton, WA for a month and so on.
I then joined the Air Force. I pretty much had a bro in almost every state - either stationed or living that I could visit.
Idaho, Montana and Gulf Shores, Alabama are next up on my list.
How young are you? You sound like a 15 year old who has been reading too much Stormfront and you're embarrassing yourself. How many niggers are in Vermont or Connecticut? VERY VERY Few - but the property taxes are OUTRAGEOUS. The Northeast is expensive and after you travel around - you realize that the hassle just isn't worth it - unless your find a niche.
I mean, I have had incredible experiences in Arkansas and Nebraska - but it's a tough sell for what I want in life.
I have friends who are making in in Hawaii - but I can't do more than a year on a island anymore.
Build your nest eggs, learn some basic skills - food or service industry - and leave your safe spaces and go on an adventure.
I don't know if it can still be done with how brown the States have gotten in the past 20 years, unfortunately. Spics seem to have taken all the short order cook and cashier jobs that I used to travel. This makes me sad.
what the fuck have I just watched
Jesus christ, spoiler that shit
I've thought about it, but it's way too lefty for my tastes. I hate it when white countries are leftist.
he meant proof
Yeah enjoy your country getting destroyed faster than a nigger running from the cops
Im uruguayan also, Montevideo, pls lets meet i need to meet ONE like minded person before i die
Another option is the gentrified part of Denver proper, namely Downtown and "LoDo".
Don't worry. My wife is Uruguayan and I'm an American. Uruguay is our go-to place when we retire. We will be there soon enough.
We are actually sending our oldest child to a private school there this December. She's being redpilled as I write so hopefully she'll spread the word. She's going to a European-based school so I'm guessing she'll be the most un-cucked person there. I'm not too worried - she'll be living with my in-laws who are redpilled as well.
I don't need to worry about her because my father-in-law keeps a .40 caliber revolver around :). I know the gun laws aren't as free there as I would like, but .40 caliber should do the trick!
Dude fuck this state i want out
But I don't wanna leave until my family dog dies, I cant leave him…
Where will she be going? I am studying at a private college right now, the best one, won't be giving names.
You are doing a great ill or a great revelation to her, either her morale will decrease and become mongrelized to cope, either she will become aware of what mongrelization produces and stay away from the popular culture, which if you're unlucky enough, will assure your loneliness.
Uruguay is small man, I know all the schools, and you're either sending her to the German one, or the French one, choose the french one and make her study sciences.
Then get her out of here, or send her to the UM (Universidad de Montevideo) to study ingeenering.
Women in Uruguay are as fucked (and worse) than in Europe, don't be fooled. And the average is uglier than in europe.