Editor-in-chief at The Mary Sue contributed to ComiCreep harassment blacklist while working at Hitfix Harpy
Editor-in-chief at The Mary Sue contributed to ComiCreep harassment blacklist while working at Hitfix Harpy
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Why does no one do angry mobs anymore? I don't mean protesting but good ol fashion pitchforks and torches angry mobs
Explain, I have no idea what I'm looking at or what is going on.
its a comics blacklist started by feminists
Oh no. Fuck. The industry will be doomed if feminists stop buying comics. Whatever will we do?
Oh, okay. Ya know what, how about we make a more interesting topic?
This is all about feminist refusing to support the work of creators who did things they don't like. Do anons here refuse to buy the work of anyone based purely on things they did or said outside of their work? If so, why, and how do you think it's different then this feminist blacklist type shit?
Obviously guys who just turn in shit work (Bendis and Millar for example) you don't have to hate on a personal level to not want to read their shit. I'd like to think I only stop giving people a chance after they'd turned in a regular amount of shitty writing or art.
you faggets have no backbone, wheres mah comicgate? c'mon, where is it?
Just skip that and make a competing comic news site from all these other places. If you take their traffic, you destroy them, simple as that. Comic "journalism" isn't even a fraction of the size of gaming journalism, for the most part all they do is repeat shit they see in Previews and manufacture minor hype or controversy due to comics not naturally having an abundance of either right now. You guys make something as simple as a comic news site that steals a few hits from these sites, at least one or two of them will shutdown in a year.
I used to call for a comicgate as well, but now I see that it would only make the comic news sites seem more important. It's a smarter, more decisive tactic to give people a better alternative, and then watch these shit sites starve to death.
I would say that putting out real information on how fucked the comic industry is right now would be useful but the only people who would listen are the people smart enough to figure it out on their own or have already figured it out. Swearing off comics from the big two and other companies completely. We won't be able to win over SJW's and other crazies that jerk off to shit comics. We can inform the general public that doesn't read comics about the problems in the industry. But what then? They don't read them. Why would they care? I feel this is a complicated issue that can't hurt to spread info about. But at the same time, maybe just waiting it out to crash and burn is the simpler option.
Who the fuck has a pitchfork nowadays?
The only time I've ever seen Holla Forums or Holla Forums boycotting something is if those tumblrfeminism worldviews ruin the product itself. If the product is good regardless of the creator's opinions, then almost no one gives a shit.
But, we don't need to. It doesn't matter if SJWs have comics, they can make all the comics they want. We need to just make sure comics that the SJW news clique doesn't approve of don't get buried or hassled without getting support. Think about just Marvel books, what deserves to be a story? Mockingbird being rightfully cancelled for being a meandering mess of a book, or the fact that A-Force was actually getting kinda interesting, but needed to end because logically all the events of Civil War 2 meant there was no way to keep that group together? Because I'd sure prefer to see more from whoever wrote A-Force than I would ever read anything from Mockingbird's shit writer ever again. Honestly, a comic new site should be talking at least about all the stuff actually enjoy talking about, and strive to push against censorship of any kind. It should be a site that considers comics an art, not something that "needs to grow up" or whatever bullshit they push these days. Fuck, I don't even check comic news sites because I can feel the bias radiating off of all of them.
People who like capeshit support the tactics and ideology of social justice, either directly or in spirit.
Spineless faggots who use SJW tactics can never win against SJWs.
I have like three in the garage, if you need to borrow one.
[Current year] gamergate is pretty cucked tho
I got advertisers for comic book resources?
I need more people to e-mail them
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Im telling them how its favorable to devin "Greb her right in the pussy" faraci
No you need to show their sponsors they don't appeal first then build shit so they can die or they will just leech off the ads
Just because people blame something for something, doesn't mean it's actually responsible for it.
Its good enough it means its a boogyman you fag
Many of these are based on accounts of people who have been the subject of harassment or assault, often someone they've worked with. That is enough for us to stop supporting an abuser's work. We believe survivors
So couldn't this be abused by ANYONE to fill up their list with fake claims for their blacklist?
Twitter screenshots always confuse me because it's not always apparent whether you should read bottom-up or top-down.
Also, creating alternative websites on ideological grounds seems pretty impractical, if only because it doesn't insure quality content Or content at all, if the people involved don't read jackshit.
forgot they got their own twitter
guess who it follows
that's such a loaded statement.
that implies everyone they talk to is a survivor.
Apparently their's now wickedness in peoples hearts to falsely accuse.
Also, why say belief (no evidence) is you know they're suvivors. It doesn't make sense
this works better as their's no assumptions
we need to wipe this meme off the face of the earth
Isn't that libel?
I'm just surprised to learn that "Sims" is in fact Chris Sims of Comics Alliance. So he got angry at one crazy chick a few years back, some how gave her PTSD over the internet and is now hated by everyone with out any more evidence of what he has done.
An SJW now being eaten by their own.
Has she turned into even more of a hysterical haranguing harpy after flipping out about an innocuous comment some years back? Also, fuckin' lol @ Tess Fowler. IIRC she once scammed someone out of money by saying she'd do art for him and then never delivering.
Art from Artist; gotta keep them separated. In that sense, here's how I handle all this:
The prime differences between the artists I dislike and artists I avoid are all in the merits. Robert DeNiro can act, and I like him in movies I already own. Did his comments during the election campaigns sour my view of him? Most certainly, and you can bet I won't be going to see any of his movies on the mere principal he's in them. But will I throw away the ones I already own or boycott his future work outright? No, if the movie's good then it's good, full stop. I'll watch it and simply judge his work since, as an actor, it is literally his job to NOT be himself when I see him at work.
Then we have comics and video games, where the mediums can't seem to manage this separation. If, and there's an emphasis on that if, political or personal views are shared by artists it almost invariably means the created work will suffer. It has gotten to the point that I don't even bother looking at what the big two are putting out anymore, and AAA dev studios get nothing from me until their work is a proven entity and already on sale for cheap. Why is that?
Because they burned that bridge. That's fucking why. It's one thing to be a shit artist, and a totally other thing to be a propagandist, but when you mix those two you just wind up in my folder labeled "Why Ideological Zealotry is BAD". Alienating your audience while simultaneously turned your craft into a podium for you to preach your views from, berating those who do not "see the light". I don't understand why, but Marvel loves to push this route with their products these days. I'm not really aware of who the market is for any of that.
I think the worst is comedy however. There's a colossal amount of pressure against even the most tame of right-leaning comedy while the most extreme of the outspoken liberals are paraded through the media as champions of a noble cause. Louis CK I don't feel can be trusted to deliver solid content, but I guess it's possible in the future. Amy Schumer, however, is (and was) poison and I do not see that changing.
I see no reason that I should spend my time or money or brain cells on entertainers who fail to entertain me.
You kinda explained my views exactly.
Actors can hide political bias because that's their fucking job (but most movies and tv are pozzed anyway so I don't watch)
Comics writers and game devs/writers, on the other hand, are fucking incapable of keeping their retarded psychosis out of muh hobbies. Haven't bought new vidya or comics in years because of these faggots
And yeah I guess I'm boycotting, "j-just like an sjw" but I don't give a fuck
These faggots don't like me? Then I guess they don't like my sweet money either. so fuck it they won't get any
People take them seriously?
Like most feminists, she's over 30 and not even married, maybe not even engaged.
You do the math.
Its like they don't know what they want anymore.
Feminism was simply the result of histrionic upper class women getting uppity because their beta husbands didn't fuck them hard or frequently enough.
No bad tactics, only bad targets, user. It's 2015!