Sound familiar? A bit like Trump supporters imo

Sound familiar? A bit like Trump supporters imo

Other urls found in this thread:

What are you trying to say?

I don't speak Taco.

He's killed 756 drug dealers as of the 23rd. His vigilante force (read: Trumpstapo) have killed 1900+ criminals. Crime is down 45~%. Seems like a great president to me.

He's a mudslime dick sucker and called Trump a son of a bitch for saying he wouldn't admit immigrants from the Philippines because of terrorism.

In all honesty, Duterte is in for his own people. He wants the best for them even if it is contrary to US benefit.



They finally have a man loyal to their nation, be happy for them user.

though I don't like how's he's fucking soft af on the religion of peace. he needs to amp up on that shit once the druggies are cleansed

it's politics and he's already elected so fuck off

Priorities are important. Focus fire on one target. Destroy that. Then move onto the next.

Getting rid of the drug dealers gives a victory to build espirit, and strengthens both the moral fibre and physical health of the nation. Duly fortified the Flips can then lay into the jihadis like they were the second coming of Magellan.

Is Mindanao still a clusterfuck of hot, sweaty jungle Islamism? I imagine it has no Hiltons, broadband, pliant boys, or similar journalistic necessities, so we hear precisely fuck all about it here in Europe.

He is dealing with multiple rebel groups in the Philippines. Going after the funding 1st, the drug lord scum who all have a hand with funding and supplying weapons to these groups.

The mudslime rebels will be next. This guy is no holds when it comes to cleaning up Flipper land 1st.


I know he's not involved with us anymore, but does HotWheels still live in the Philippines?

Curious as to what it's like for an American to be living there right now.

Is he even alive?

Naw, this is clearly a Philippine Death Squad BBS

If you got silence, what would you think?


What am I too make of this? Is the comment implying the yellow oligarch Chinese or are they talking about the Filipino elite?

Is it Jews? Do Filipinos consider Jews yellow?

You know Jews can shape-shift right? Yellow Jews are definitely a possibility. I challenge Holla Forums to prove me otherwise.

Why should he care about an American, his own people come first.

But the New York Times told me he was awful and all his people hate him! Surely they'd never lie to me, would they?

They are talking about the Chinese. Large amounts of them have ties to high business and finance in South East Asia. There are regular pogroms and riots in places like progressive and diverse Indonesia:

Chinks operate similarly to jews in terms of economic conquest - put in your own, dominate, take control. MacDonald even mentions this in Diaspora Peoples, when comparing other groups to jews.

I'm a little jealous to be honest.

My country is stuck with a literal kike who once worked for Goldman Sachs.

It's because he's partially descended from the ethnic group that is mostly muslim. That's why his solution is to simply give them more autonomy and tell them to knock their shit off. When they cross the line, they immediately get the same treatment as the drug dealers, so I have no complaints about this solution.

It still amazes me that he still has real credentials.

And? There's a specific containment board for your kind, shitskin >>>/pinoy/

Flipland threads are irrelevant to the rest of the world, stop sliding.

lol buthurt drug pusher, globalist, UN worker, cartel member detected

If you didn't notice, this is a shill created thread. The intent was to say
Generally people here like President Punisher, he actually campaigned on doing this. Secondly Trump has said nothing of the kind, so it's a false comparison. I would actually like Trump more if he was more like this. Oh well, better than corrupt elites.

you shitting on duterte harry lad? bad fucking idea

we can only hope trump is even half as based as duterte has been

Nationalism is no excuse for relativism.


Trump supporters are clearly far superior

You know a nationalist of another nation isn't going to believe in a borderless world. If every nation was nationalist we would have at most real wars and not this "freely moving" shit that's wracking the west today without a single shot fired from our own side.

He won the election and currently has a 90% approval rating among his own people. If this comparison was intended to insult Trump, it failed miserably.

Also, if anyone wants to have some fun, accuse a liberal who's kvetching about his right wing death squads of racism for trying to impose their white liberal values on a land of oppressed brown people that almost universally love the man. It pisses them off like crazy and they've got no good response to it.