Who is the next "science" guy to go full fedora? Make your bets

Who is the next "science" guy to go full fedora? Make your bets.

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he pushed to disprove God on Mythbusters, but the network vetoed it

Not sure who is more retarded, god believers or people who believe they can disprove god.

People who believe in God don't literally believe in some bearded guy in a robe sitting on a cloud, whereas that seems to be what fedoras try to disprove, so definitely fedoras.

This makes me kind of mad. Renaissance paintings aren't the be all end all of christianity. Regardless of what you think of religion, the concepts, beings and so on are much more interesting than brown bearded guy/white beareded guy/ghost and babies with wings.

Fedoras are worse because most people with faith are humble about it, atheists routinely mock and denigrate religion and even when they act like disrespectful idiots they still pat themselves on the back for telling some old granny that there is no afterlife.

A lot of retarded christcucks circle-jerking in this thread.

Never had a fedora literally knocking on my door and telling me I'm living my life wrong.

They still believe in a bronze age fairy tail made up by desert jews. Even more retarded than a guy in a robe tbqhwy.

bwahahaha are you fucking insane? Christcucks (or any believer autists) are the most aggressive ignorant group of people you may ever encounter. They are exactly like SJWs and their ilk for they are made of the same cloth.

Put energy into it, lad. Is this really how you want to earn your (you)s?

Or stopping me on the street, fedora tightly clutched in hand, trying to espouse the word of science at me.

They got triggered by the 'fedora' in the title and didn't understand I was talking about feminism mladism and not atheism.


five, minutes later…
>bwahahaha are you fucking insane? Christcucks (or any believer autists) are the most aggressive ignorant group of people you may ever encounter. They are exactly like SJWs and their ilk for they are made of the same cloth.

Those paintings are supposed to be symbolic anyways. They didn't literally depict god and heaven in the christian sense, but were based on a lot of imagery that predated christianity.
For example The Birth of Venus. Does not depict a literal woman surrounded by christian angels but it is of the primordial star, Venus. In ancient times Venus was much hotter and had a massive coronal tail giving ot the image of a great comet.
Her flowing hair is symbolic of this great discharge of energy. This a depiction not of Heaven, but of the heavens.

The pious does it out of the goodness of his heart. He has found peace, and wants to share it with his fellow man.
The atheist just wants you to think he's smart.


Triggered christcuck. Why don't you go pray to your desert jew about it.

Or they want to free you from a harmful cult…

Why did you cut my post to strawman it? Its a very short post…

My fucking god (get it?). What, you're muslime? buddhist? kike? It's all the fucking same you dumb uneducated nigger. Literal fairy tales from ancient superstitious world when people thought that earth is literally flat. In fact you're probably flat earth supporter. Kill yourself already and go meet those 70 virgins.


Well I identify as a Fedora. You are most definitely living your life wrong.

And this is a environment made to debate those ideas and I'm fine with it. Just don't fucking knock at my door.

Go type "bwahaha" and ironic nigger memes elsewhere. Holla Forums is a Christian board.

t. butthurt atheist detected Pro tip:Jenny won


What are you a hermit?


dude seriously any derailment would be an improvment



Awwwwww, real cute! How long before you stop using diapers? Why are Christcucks so retarded bros?

Shouldn't you be off complaining about faggots and dinosaurs with your christcuck buddies?


>He thinks that was meant to be an argument Why are atheists so retarded bros? :'^)

You're riight, the actual christian ideal of heaven is much more absurd.

Fuck you, my thread is serious and glorious. You are just an uninformed cunt that doesn't know what it is about. I was talking about Adam's retarded feminist+ speech and defending "sex is a spectrum" nuttery.

Atheism doesn't promote faggotry, its just a coincidence most of them are fags.



They're so easy to troll, tho.




1 youtu.be/lfLkK-4MI2g

Dubs confirm. Case closed.

Christcucks truly are the most delicious cherries on the internet to troll at, and I'm one of them.


thats why you should be an apatheist and not give a shit even if god stood right in front of you trying to moralcuck you

That's agnosticism. Which is my position.

smh tbh fam

It's all bullshit dude, all of it. What we really need to do is abandon these precious little fairy tales and become Gods ourselves, we are far too advanced for storiea about flying spaghetti monsters now. It's time to claim godhood for ourselves.

That's right, I'm an atheist. I dare you to debate me.

wait, …. What did user mean by th… FAGGOT ALERT!!!!SJW ALERT!!!!RETARD ALERT!!!!FAGGOT ALERT!!!!

Who's worse Holla Forums, Jordan B. Peterson, or King Fedora Richard Dawkins?


I wish you would, then I could become an atheist and pretend you didn't exist…

Triggered as fuck.


Is there a chan for islamic people? It must be even easier and more satisfying to trigger them.

cuckchanner /r/t_d faggots off my board!


I think they are just ironical converts (who will eventually be true converts, but not yet)

Everyone point and laugh at this Christard.



It can be hard to admit we are flawed. I will pray that you gain the strength to own up to your weaknesses, no matter how hard it may be.


They don't think it be like it science, but god ain't real and the sun is on fire

Penn will come out as a feminist, and ridicule anyone against the one true science of gender spectrum, as binary gender is a religious concept and not science.

Which passage in the bible describes God as a bearded man on a cloud?


Just name the passage.

Did you really read the post you are quoting? How the fuck you wanna base your whole life view on the reading of a book if you can't even fucking read a post right?


Taking it up the ass is caused by transient hormones and nothing permanent. But gayness can't be cured, not even by drugs. And though men in women differ in brain architecture, like in height, this does not limit or enable anything.

Prove me wrong!


Gayness can't be cured because you are forever gay after having gay sex. Feelings have nothing to do with it.

No, if Pence zaps you with Force Lightning you become straight and you pray to Jesus.

Fucking newfags.

I can feel your faggotry. It give you AIDS. Makes you weaker.

what's the name of the music?

Didn't he already had a AMAZING atheist style scandle of leaked Sex photos?


They sure will tell you about on the Mongolian Cartoon Posting Board.

This. Fedoraism is a sign of stunted mental growth of an extended adolescence, it happens when someone can't wrap heir head around concepts beyond mere materialism.

It does, it also promotes infertility in general. Atheism is just a branch of Judaic progressivism aka the poison pill they've fed the West.

You lost money on a finished game, bud
Man converted time ago

the_donald is on the top of the board list, mate


You know what would help? If your church stopped screaming that in nigger ears and blocking birth control from getting into their hands. Christcucks are absolutely responsible for the population boom of the sheboons.

If there weren't any niggers here in the beginning, they would be stopping people from killing white babies instead of mostly niggers…
but oh noooo you just had to have them shekels you got from mr. veyberg didn't you?


So you are saying your church doesn't give a fuck about white people? How progressive.

And just so you know, most of its efforts to fight birth control are not in the US, they go into all of the third world countries and propagate that. The places turn into fucking shitholes and the niggers migrate to your country, thanks christcucks.

Think about it, just for a moment. It's not the negroid population that's increasing but the Christian negro population that we want to grow. If Europeans didn't reject God they would have similair growth rates and population replacement wouldn't be a thing. We're in it for the long haul and race is not nearly as important as faith, not for the Church anyway, it's only concerned with spiritual matters.

I think it's interesting that you think this aspect of Christianity is a negative when what you find disagreeable is its success. It's like a runner who gets mad at someone who runs faster and whines about his superior technique when instead you should be anxious to adopt it. Now I do worry about my dying people too but the solution in my view would be not to turn Africans into infertile homosexual dweeb golems but to strengthen my own people and return to Traditionalism.

Is there a bigger weasel word than this?
Declaring a specific time period of a specific culture to be superior to all others is the most arbitrary thing you could add an -ism to.

FYI, nobody here believes in anything, we just pretend to be religious to piss people off. If any of us had true convictions we would be living by them instead of bearing false witness on a Laotian Puppetry board.

If you're going to ignore my argument at least make your new one accurate because this is hilariously off the mark. Once again you have made a fool out of yourself, goon.

I was going to make a proper answer, but, that is retarded and I believe you know that.

Adam's a libertarian, and a giant nerd. He'd never go full fedora. They tried to get him to back when GamerGate started, if you search there's an interview where some feminist cunt asks him about it. He basically says he has no idea what she's talking about, but women being targeted for their gender is bad, and that was all she could get out of him.

Him, Penn Jillette and the South Park guys are good friends. He's a committed libertarian, which isn't perfect, but a hell of a lot better than most of California.

Weak and I don't even know which part you even called disingenuous. Christianity and many other religions promote child rearing while atheism does the opposite. That's just a fact and in the end the atheists will die out no matter what due to the their dysfunctional leftist ideology. Furthermore Traditionalism is not at all something that just refers to Western culture. Read some books, goon.

Agnostics for sure

How so?


The South Park guys are liberal whinnies, and Penn Jillette thinks that Holla Forums is a shit board.

Or because he wants to butt his way into other people's lives. Considering how gossipy religious people are (to the point that "old church lady knows about everyone's lives" is a well-established cliche), I think I know which alternative is the right one.

I'm sure you do.

I'll pray that you find peace, friend.

Save your time and pray for yourself, my Jew-worshipping friend.

why live?

I tried to watch Bill Nye's new show, couldn't get past the 10 minute point. At the very start he said clearly "this show is not for kids, it's for the kids who grew up watching my old show, it's for smart adults". Then he went into a wacky sketch at a convenience store where a woman actually used the line "it's cuz of climate change, dawg!".
Obviously the climate is a serious problem but I'm not going to watch that pandering drivel. He also had a studio audience to laugh on cue at his bad jokes. No thanks,
Anyone taking the "Christians" seriously ITT is getting le trolled.

you got wrecked & dont know it


You're either retarded, baiting, or new. Either way your a fag, op.

there are no real atheists here, just some chums pretending to be that retarded.

You'd be surpried. If there's people stupid enough to post Jennay, there's people stupid enough to be fedoras.

The hobgoblin posting must be ironic though.

Fedoras who refuse to criticiz Pisslam are.

The factoff the matter is that dawkins already disproved god, so all you kids are just retards

Why christcucks and leftards always hate the same people, use the same tactics and so forth? Its tiring.

I don't understand how these superstars who have all the free time they want and are so successful are so dumb in common sense. They are obviously not retarded and specialized in something, but they lack common sense, basic logic.

90% of people lack basic logic. that's why governments exist.


I'm a fedora and I really want all the muslin fuckers deported back to where they were. I also realize that christianity, while still dumb, has evolved. I really hate the retards who say that christianity killed people for their beliefs and all that shit, but that was hundreds of years ago.

The retards are actually comparing the suicide bombers and beheadings from islam today, to what christianity did hundreds of years ago. NEWFLASH YOU IDIOTS, it's not 1500 anymore. Even fucking Varg hate atheists and thinks christianity is the same as islam, that's so stupid.

And by the way, that doesn't mean that I'm stupid enough to believe in religion. Sorry fags, we're just hairless apes.

Isn't most of the atheist community supporting trump?

You're confusing the faggot e-celebs like Sargon and Bananaboy for faggots like Sam Harris

That poor woman. Now she'll need a new slave.

I love this webm

What the fuck was that explosion immediately after she landed?

No one's dumb enough to be religious, it's all trolling.

fucking trumpcuck fedoras…

Dust. She landed on some sort of aluminum structure and that gave way slightly, which spared her life.

islam is a religion of peace that never harmed anyone, meanwhile christianity had the inquisition murdering innocents and hitler was a catholic, one of the main reasons he murdered six million jews. i'm a militant atheist because i'm tired of seeing innocents being murdered in the name of a make believe skydaddy.

No Jehovah's Witness has ever told me I'm living my life wrong, whereas many atheists have said things like that.


such a shame…


user, please.

Atheists are honestly the stupidest people I've ever met online.

Skydaddy worshipping fundies all over this thread. *sighs* I thought we had gotten over this childish phase and started thinking rationally with the facts… not clinging on to some ancient traditions about an old man on a cloud. Well, next time you want to teach creationism to kids or oppress the vibrant LGBT+ community? *unsheathes uchigatana* You're gonna have to go through me. Go back to to your backwoods little trailer and boot up COD, kiddo. *readies kunai with deadly precision* Cause here on the internet, the only GOD is ME and the power only goes to my head when I let it.

in any case

says the guy that beleives a god created the world LMAO kiddo

Fencesitters who claim to be smarter than both sides imho to be tbqplgbbqtq+linuxh with you mein fam.

Holy shit why is Maisie so based bros?

Claiming to prove the non-existance of a undefined being is retarded.

See that spider in the corner of you ceiling? That is God. Can you prove it is not? Its easy to prove its not the God in the bible, sure. But can you prove its not another interpretation of God?

Oh, you squashed it? Then its another spider.

God, with a capital G, in the sense of the logically necessary creator and mover, is actually pretty easy to define in a way that effectively excludes physical beings.

The argument more or less goes like this: all energy can be divided up into action, that is what is being done right now, and potential, that is what may be done in the future but is not being done right now. All physical bodies possess both action and potential. All action must be born of potential, and potential may only formed from action by an outside body. IE, the lightbulb is glowing because energy is moving through a wire, energy is moving through a wire because a generator is working, a generator is working because coal is being burnt, coal is being burnt because millions of years ago there was a dinosaur, that dinosaur built up its mass by eating plants, those plants grew because the sun shone on them, the sun shines because billions of years ago gasses swirled, and so on, and so forth, resulting in an endless chain of action to potential to action to potential. But there must be a starting point. The only conceivable starting point from which all energy must proceed must necessarily be comprised fully of action, with no potential at all, because potential necessitates action to create that potential, which implies a starting point beforehand. This starting point is what can be referred to as "God". Logically, a being that is fully action with no potential must be

Maybe you can get away with your spider example by claiming that it's a physical manifestation of the unmoved mover known as "God", but worldviews which account only for multiple, imperfect, physical gods are pretty well ruled out, as are worldviews which account for no God. Even if such a worldview could identify the unmoved mover le god of the gaps xDD that would simply be an identification of God.


god isnt real faggot

God is the creator of reality, he's beyond real.

Pretty good impression of a fedora, 7/10. Add some autistic screeching next time to make it more believable.

Thank you, I have been looking for that image for some time now.
Do you happen to have more pictures for my tipping folder? So far, I have these.




itt: faggots not part of the agnostic masterrace.


lol drupcuxd undil de emb i c

1 youtube.com/watch?v=qXTmAkJKikI

Shouldn't have skipped arm day.

Nice try retard-kun.

Christians are Pence Patricians.


a true political compass test.

Adam Savage is hypersensitive about offending people to the point that he's apologized repeatedly for minor jokes and off-handed comments that weren't even remotely offensive.
He spent a good amount of time whinging about elitist nerds harassing stronk independent womyn who are #literallyshaking because they heard someone say the word "grapes" in a comic store and that sounds too much like "rape"
He hangs out with Rebecca Watson and has had her on his tech/nerd shit podcast on multiple occasions, despite her only expertise being in professional whining and begging for money.
He goes out of his way to glorify and celebrate mediocre, untalented people who do really basic tech and engineering shit, because they are female.
He's constantly promoting this "maker" shit to children, and goes on at length about how important it is to make little girls (and only girls) think they can be the next Einstein.

Like Bill Nye, there's a few things he actually does know.. Most of them Engineering, fabricating, weathering, mold making.. The guy can make amazing costumes and props.. But he hangs around with astronauts and professional roboticists like he's King Science and everyone should bow to him because he was on a silly TV show where he blew things up.



Nobody defended materialism and degeneracy. You are just projecting because you are a degenerate that uses God as a crutch to not go full retard in life.



Have you made your material contribution to the church this week, user?

So you worship the big bang? How do you know it's a being and not just a event or object?