Femdom in tv 2

Maybe some of you will remember this thread created a few months ago


I would like to bring this topic up again since I think it's still relevant but also because I see a lot of people on this site, also this board, supporting it.

Okay so in this thread I want to talk about two things, female domination in TV and people having this shit as a fetish. Why do so many people have a fetish for man getting brutally murdered and tortured by woman? For example Natalia Poklonskaya. There are threads about her in Holla Forums every once in a while but she get's posted here too and I hear a lot of people say that one of the things that make her so sexy is the fact that she killed dozens of men.

Anyway, here is one of the weird tv shows I mean:

A woman in an important government position comes to mistrust her husband. So, while she is sitting on top of him in bed, telling him to close his eyes, she suddenly puts a gun to his head. In the next scene, he is tied up (hands behind back, mouth tape-gagged), bare upper body, with a rogue female interrogator about to torture him, and a male goon watching in the bagground. The female interrogator comments: "You look pretty damn hot". She pulls a nail off one of his fingers, telling him to divulge information. The wife comes into the room, squats down in front of her husband and looks him straight in the eyes, saying: "No one is going to kill you, Russell. I know that sounds comforting, but trust me, it's not. You don't get off so easy". Once she has finished her threats, she gives him a disgusted look before getting up and walking out of the room. The female interrogator starts drilling into his knee with a drill.

Scandal US S4E20-21

It's mostly a torture orgy, but it's worthwhile just to enjoy the moments of absolute dominance between all the gore. Three ladies invite three guys back to their place. They drug their drinks, and next thing they know, the guys wake up tied in various positions. The ladies slowly kill one guy each, torturing them in various ways (cutting out tongue and eyes, tearing off nails and such), before finally making their kill. They ladies all seem intensely focused in their thrills, not uttering a word during the torture. They manage to put up a divine look on intense satisfaction on their faces, and carry themselves in a superior way that she absolutely no care for their captives. At the end, one lady knocked out her two friends and kills them as well.


How can you sit down and watch these clips? Why would the thought of your nails getting ripped off turn you on? Why would you want to watch a woman drill a guys knee? The worst is, there are a lot of people who enjoys this everywhere, this is not just a reddit fetish like cuckold, this shit exists on Holla Forums too.

Other urls found in this thread:


Never heard of it.

What is there to discuss? Talmudvision is nothing but a brainwashing tool to put satanic degeneracy into your mind.


Most people prefer gentle femdom, user.

How is it being a beta cuck?

why do people always make threads about their stupid fetishes?

Thanks for correcting the record.

while negro music videos are violent shaking backends, censors are all over some obscure japanese manga and videogames.

have something from the mra angle
Dr Elizabeth Celi talks about men's health, domestic abuse and social bias against men

how do you even cope?


saving this, just in case…

wanting to get dominated by a woman is beta, don't try to twist it. Also, claiming that woman are just as strong as man is also beta.

Idk what kind of a weak pathetic man you have to be to believe this.


There is nothing wrong with her doing something, there is something wrong with her pegging your ass.

Since when is a little bit of teasing or sucking someone's dick female domination?

Think about how many skinnyfat, wide-hipped, estrogenic weakling men you see out and about on any given day.

There is your answer

Does maledom need to consist of whip scars?

But the average male should still be able to easily beat the average female. Hell even a woman who goes to the gym daily should be no problem.

then we should maybe first define what you think femdom is.

female domination for me is everything in which the woman dominates the male. E.g. pegging, overpowering and all of that bullshit.

You're thinking of snuff mate.

Femdom can be anything between preferring the girl on top to full on cuckolding. You might as well say sex is bad because some people fuck niggers.

Who the fuck cares who tops in the bedroom. What matters is the rest.

Stop trying to reduce the sum total of a relationship down to fetishes and sexual dynamic. And for that matter, stop reducing the entirety of a male personality down to the fetishes that man enjoys. This shit is what trannies and fagfags do, reduce their entire lives down to their fetishes and identify themselves solely by them.

Okay I see your point. Then maybe let's continue by talking of female superiority instead of femdom.

Because in the end this is what everybody has a fetish for.

tbh I would love to get chopped in half by an 3d aryan qt
t. gurofag

the jews did this

But user, what if you try going through with it, and then realize at the last second that you get off from self-inserting as the choppy qt instead?

>>>Holla Forums

Female superiority is pure fiction. Which is why it usually works the more fictional a work is.

That's why people tolerate characters like Boss, Sniper Wolf and Quiet from Metal Gear, or generic fighter girl from any anime ever. The world lends itself to it.

When you start trying to present a realistic world and have women warriors as anything but tragic figures (for example, Éowyn from Lord of the Rings), then it becomes crap.

There is a difference between being a man and being emotionally dead.

If there is one person you can emotional vulnerability to, it's your significant other. That's part of the reason why there is still the enduring idea that women are more empathic. Because generally, wives serves as an emotional stabilizer for men who had to brave the shit that was the world.

That couples dynamic, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with femdom. I have little idea why the other user brought it up.

But people are pushing this. TV tries to make this look real, woman who go to the gym really think they could handle a men even, and a shitload of people have a very strong fetish for this.

Let's take Reddit for example. reddit is a good representation of the average human beings. Everything that is popular on reddit is popular in general.

And you know what reddit says every time a terrorist sandnigger get's behaded? They say that a woman should have done the killing. Their reasons for this according to them is to humiliate them because they are misogynists. But I think the real reason for this is they have a fetish for female superiority. They probably masturbate to the thought of women beheading guys.

I blame this on tv, you got a shitload of tv shows that push this shit.

It's imo the same in gaming. I am not that much into gaming, but I visit Holla Forums every once in a while and a lot of people have this fetish there too.

If we're going to run ourselves based on what normalfags are doing, we're going to be here a long time dissecting shit.

It's best to just ignore normalfags when discussing what things are and are not.

I can show my weaknesses to my gf without having to fear that she will leave me, I don't have to control her. The biggest beta's are those who can't imagine a girl being with them without them having to exert dominance over her.

I have a bunch of strange and obscure fetishes, but I've never understood the merits of femdom

The problem is both sides like it. Female superiority is a fetish that both Holla Forums and the people outside of here have.

You can't say that about everything. Like let's take cuckolding for example. How popular is it here? I'd say basically non existing. Sure there are boards like femdom, but if you look to general places like /wx/ you can see that other stuff is way more popular.

I think the fact that femdom is popular on reddit and Holla Forums is a bad sign.

As I've already said, you can't generalize a fetish that can range between simple preferences for sexual positions to full on "me and my wife's kid" behavior.

You think it's not strange that even those who are called misogynist by normal people have a fetish for female superiority?

Aren't feminists usually into this shit? Why do so many people here like it?

I thought feminists are more into maledom, e.g. bdsm and rape and shit like that.


No? Normal people are idiots and even Holla Forumsacks going on about ending female suffrage aren't misogynists.

We don't hate women, we just hold them to higher standards than our shit society. God forbid amirite?

Nobody here has mentioned physical abuse though, besides OP

But that is what this thread is about. Femdom in TV. Woman torturing man. Have you seen the movie knock knock with keanu? These clips are just bad porn.

That movie was great.

I thought that's what most of that -dom stuff was. Is it something else?

Dude, it's just another symptom of the degenerating society due to kike/Marxist propaganda.

Your point is that even places like 8ch like it, but the difference is we aren't full beta male cucks. You'll find femdomfags here usually keep it as a fantasy or don't go full on pegging about it

No? Femdom implies female dominance, that dominance need not be physical.

For example /ss/ is usually femdom, and very rarely physical.

Do they get naked in that movie? I only saw parts of it.

I guess the guys who talk about femdom here mean things like tease and edging.

Keyword there being gentle. Gentle femdom is mostly just a chick so horny she goes crazy and fucks a guy senseless cowgirl. Abuse has no part in it.
