
So, my father in law used to make WW2 uniforms for reenactors, movies, etc. Long story short he is no longer in the business as china beat him out with pricing and low quality. He is looking to offload his inventory and he asked me if i knew the best place to sell his German and SS regalia. Pic related.

In quality: all of the uniforms, hats, coats, etc. are made to exact specifications using actual German military clothing prints from WW2. These are not the cheap knockoffs and incorrect make that the Chinese pump out with no respect to authenticity.

Would you guys buy this stuff and if so what would be the best way to get it to you guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

Contact the Kommando Store guys.

Seconded if this is legit.

By posting here, you're asking people to dox themselves by ordering this material. Seems a little suspicious.

This i can understand. This is why i was asking what you folks thought was the best way to purchase the merch. Whether its ebay or through the Kommando store i want to get this to you and help my father in law. He is just sitting on this stuff.

Timestamp for proof of legitimacy.

Kommando store, contact them right now.

I dont want your info. I know that over the web that means nothing, but i as well as my father in law respect privacy above all.

How do i contact the Kommando store with a business proposal?

They have a phone number at the very top of the page.

Slick. Will do.

So i take it that you folks are interested?

Neat, maybe this is legit after all.

You can find their website here:

I don't see an email anywhere but there's a number at the top of their page.

how much for an SS uniform

I can tell you these will sell out faster than their tactical dresses.

BTC, obviously

Kommando will probs cut you a sweet deal because they know every larping weeb needs a nazi uniform and are willing to throw shit tons of neet bux at it. Will make logistics and payment much easier as well for both you and the customers if you decide to go that route.

Holy shit, I didn't know /k/ had a store. These prices are really cheap too, is the shipping expensive?

Na, it's completely reasonable. they even packed a grenade pin in one of my buys, some other user got a ziplock of pocket sand



Find a fucking online outlet and link us you fuck.

You might ask Rollin pretty sure that's his name from At The Front

Otherwise, Ebay is probably your best bet, or maybe Kommando Store.

do you accept bitcoin?

i'm interested in what kind of SS camo gear you got

i have btc

Where is the stuff on Kommando made? Is it Chinese?

Just spoke with Ivan. He says hes interested. Give me a few days lads. Have to go to the storage units and count inventory. When i do so ill post pics so you folks can get an eye for the merch.

It's mostly surplus.

Yes, if there's a way for a non-burger to buy it.

(I have BTC too. It's funny when you get X and a year ago you suddenly have 2X.)

Stop biting your nails fgt

Sorry bad habit. Btw the magazine pouch is WW1 repo.


It'll hurt you during WWIII when you need all the manual dexterity you can get.

Also to add to the authenticity value. These repos are historically correct all the way down to the thread count. My father in law was meticulous. it's actually the reason he was beat out by china.

They dont take the time to do the details and thus make a cheaper but gross and honestly insulting inaccurate reproduction.

Dont want it, this is why i just contacted ivan. I will also sell on ebay when i get the inventory in order.

I bet your surname ends with berg or stein too OP

Go suck a dick FBI
Or even if you arent FBI then you are a hook nosed larper

Stop playing dress up you cucks

very obvious reps tbh, Friend's gramps was NSDAP and I got to handle some hats and gloves, completely different material than pictured.
or maybe just ages incredibly well, I know they "don't make fabrics like they used to" where does he source his shit from? does he know a miller?
that being said some of the best reps I have seen, I would suggest selling them using one of the many clothing on consignment online stores and only giving the listing to Holla Forumsacks, or do what /fa/ggots do and use grailed, it protects personal info.

I have also tested Grailed and it isn't vulnerable to MiM attacks, meaning mossad won't know you're purchasing nazi regalia off a fetish website :^)

you got any Luftwaffe stuff there, OP?

It's not always about dress up, you faggot. I like to go camping and WW2 mess kits and shit like that make excellent outdoor gear.

Some war movies used paper outfits from what I've heard, or at least Kubrick was doing screen tests with them for his Napoleon movie.

I'm not interested in a full outfit but a single piece would be nice. Selling it on that store is a smart move as hopefully there are ways to buy and have it shipped privately with Ivan.

These are reps. The highest wuality outside of the real thing. It used to be my father and mother in laws business. They made it all themselves back in the 90's. They purchased the patterns and what they didnt have the patterns for they dissected real hats and uniforms to recreate the exact pattern. They were perfectionists.

You're damn right we do.

I'm interested in buying a jacket and maybe a hat. Make sure to make a new thread letting us know about where to buy if this one dies

I can just imagine yfw OP

Seconding the people saying sell through Ivan at Kommandostore. He'd be an idiot to reject you and you might actually discover a niche market to fill.


certainly looks like that, but pattern is only 50% the other is materials, are they sourced from good places?
I make traditional nipponese clothes, so I know a bit about this, sadly can't sell because they are literally made from turbofaggot tier expensive fabric and have removable insulate held in with ribbons, exact opposite of very utilitarian NSDAP shit

I actually had a subpar experience with Ivan. I might buy something if you throw your inventory to him, but other than that I hadn't intended to buy anything from him again.

Share your experience why don't you

What happened?

Im not 100% sure what the fabric is. Honestly im just trying to move the product. Let me get inventory counted and priced and i will ask my in laws about the particulars.

Also some close ups.

I want ss and soviet uniforms, how much?


I need it.

Stripper-clip pouches, belt-mount.
Got any?

I know this sounds like im a teasing whore, but i need to take inventory and set pricing. This was honestly just a shot in the dark and now that i see the intrest is there i am moving double time to get the particulars. Pleas be patient. The process also involves my inlaws as its their merch. I will keep you volks posted. This I promise.

If only this stuff woulnd't be illegal in my country…That sweet Totenkopfemblem

I had family on both sides, so yeah

Hey man, how's about some manuals for scopes.
You got any of them?

It seems like merchant-user just has repro's of field gear. You'll probably have to try surplus places for those

You're not a product of Soviet RAPE, are you?

Then if he isn't a fucking jew he should have stripper pouches.

Make a thread on /k/ too

I'm a little broke after spending around 300 on the Rhodie camo, but i can spare some for another uniform.

Sweet jesus, my dick went stiff for a second.
Eagerly waiting for avenue of sale, grimly preparing for troll.

I just found my halloween costume

Most of my family were in kiev during occupation. Fought as partisans till the push towards berlin. My great grandmother slept with a German officer for a while to keep herself from starving.

Pouches: probably
Manuals for optics: probably not

I'm going to go on record and say I don't like this jew.
This whole thread smells fishy.

This. Its CURRENT YEAR so we can pull a sam hyde and play it off ironically to the normies

I think I can be arrested for doing this. I was moonman last year but it might be too well-known to pull it off ever again.


Get an XL and stop being a fatty.

What shithole do you live in?

alright stretch the shirt out it is.

learn what your shit's made of or you won't sell it to anyone who knows what's up.

lose some fucking weight, unless you are just yoked.


I can assure you that they'd get far more business if they had 2xl shirts.

Whatever dude. He says he's going through the /k/ store, and he didn't give out or ask for any info.

I'm fine with it and might buy some shit, but your paranoia isn't unwelcome

I get the suspicion but he really hasn't given off any bad vibes yet, especially if he's going to be selling through Ivan.

That fucker that came round here a while back to make kek rings on the other hand, that guy was suspicious as all hell

So that's it? If I miss the actual sale thread, I'm going to be pissed. How much of what do you have op, rough estimate?


Strong horse, weak horse.

Kek rings? Must have missed that, what are the details?

You poor sod.

Some guy came round hoping to make some shekels by making rings with a relief of kek on them. I think there was also an attempt a year ago or so to get some infinity rings made. My memory isn't so great right now but I do remember that it was clear the guy wasn't from here because he talked like a faggot

He was also using some weird website to have a third party print the rings

You mean the drop-shipping nigger-jew?

Why the hell doesn't Holla Forums have its own store? I want a Holla Forums patch.

I dropped out of that thread pretty quickly because I could tell it was bullshit so I must have missed out on that.

Although it can serve as a good lesson to anons: If you want something like a kek ring or a black sun printed shirt, find out how to make it yourself. You can't get jewed by someone if you're involved in the process yourself.

Looks great
Looks about the same as my ATF stuff

Plenty of places will make patches if you have the vector art and can shell out some money for inventory

Lost wax casting is piss easy and he was trying to sell printed bullshit? Think I'm going to whip up a batch of silver rings with kek on em and hold a raffle or something here. would you guys rather have a 3d frog sitting on a ring or have his face set in a recess?

Recess sounds like a better option because its more subtle

That was supposed to be
Not sure how that happened.

Ive been in the market for a good SS combat uniform.

smug pepe or stoic Kek? Or maybe stoic kek with pepe's hand coming up to his chin?

ATF and the kommando store would probably be interested in those.

I'd be willing to send my own gold/silver for a ring and you can shave off scraps as payment if you're down for that

I may be wrong but these look like they are made from a different kind of felt, or at least made in a different way than the wool felt in authentic uniforms.

kek with pepe hand OR a pepe version of kek

Ok, I'll make a few variants and see what gets the best reception. What exactly would be a pepe version of kek?

Tempting, but I'm not planning not making more than a few dozen in my spare time and I don't feel comfortable taking someone's metal if I wont be getting it back to them in a timely fashion.

I guess a pepe in egyptian garb would be sufficient

buy the L then don't stop getting fit till you fit in it

Any loli sized ones, OP?

That is wool, that is a winter duty hat

Wool prior post
I bet those caps have a sweet lining in them so your head don't itch and it stays warm as fuck

I had a feeling it was wool, but it doesn't appear to be woven in the same way as authentic ones.

Felt is made from wool
Wool is the curly stuff they shave off the sheeps in the spring.
I think that part is correct but I have no idea how you would test to see if it is wool.
Other than if I just held it and felt it I would "know".

I wanna buy stuff hopefully he gets it on Kommando soon


Do you ship to China?

I've always wanted one of those SS trench coats.

dem crooked swastikas

Felt is just wool that has been heated so the fibers stick together. When you wash a knit sweater and it comes out tiny and hard, and does not stretch, you have felted the sweater.

Well OK then.

Ty user for the knowledge

OP, can you just post an email for us to contact you at? Just make up a gmail for it or something. I'd rather buy directly from you right now before whatever you have sells out or I forget about this thread entirely


We should get Ivan from kommando store to post here and discuss potential merchandise, disappointed that didn't elaborate on the issues he had.

Anyone reading this can get in contact with him?

It clearly isn't, but given how fucking hard it would be to find fabrics like the ones in NSDAP I can forgive. They focused on utilitarian design back then even in the method used to weave fabric, now it's mostly woven for light wear and yes, even "outerwear" is light weave, fabric is pleb tier these days which is another reason my shit is so damn pricey to make, unless you know some granny that wove shit for the Nazi party you're working with best out there likely


You're supposed to make a tinfoil hat for Halloween and dress as a "conspiracy theorist" and drop redpills by the carton.

This is excellent.

Would I be able to buy a Jew outfit, for concentration camp re-enactments?

That would probably be an easy sell in Israel

I am interested, but this stuff is always so pricey.
I know Kommando store will jack up the prices

I'm anticipating this stuff on /k/ store.
gib me nazi stuff and relieve me of all these burdensome shekels

Was that the guy who said him and his girlfriend were gonna make us rings or some bullshit?

bump for cutting it in half and making it work

I'd totally buy one. Set up something so I can hand you my money!

I want one. Keep us posted on what goes on with the Kommando Store guys.

This stuff is really cool Op. Too bad i am poor

bump, where's my ebil natsee repro uniforms op?

You are a faggot.

That third party website, SHAPEWAYS, is not jew controlled and is a great partner for independpent artists and hobbyists.

I have a friend who has ancient bike parts made through them. I have used this to have a special pin made for my 30 year old blender. People use them to make figures for board games.

You are talking out of your ass.

That dude was making nickels on the dollar for that ring, you are a shit talking dope.

How exactly was he trying to jew you faggot? By having you actually pay money for a product? Not everyone can lost cast wax or screen print something you fucking moron.

Kill yourself merchant. How much for your ring? SHAPEWAYS offers multiple materials and metals that YOU CHOOSE, along with instant sizing for reasonably prices.

You faggots must be jews shitposting with how fucking cheap you are.

I wonder who could be behind this post

I know the nazis were pretty, but you don't need to dress up like a blond 16 year old foot soldier to show your support for radical politics

I doubt the quality of all the designs used by the Wehrmacht, simply because they're old, save for the helmets and possibly the boots.


I'll buy if it goes up on the kommando store.

Nigger cast the rings yourself or lick a dick.

Link to ring?

Is there a link to the ring you speak of?


Would be hot as fck though….

How are the boots, merchant?

I've always wanted some of those sleek shiny SS boots.

Put it on Amazon like anyone that wants to make money online.

Nevermind, I found it. Just typed "kek ring shapeways" into searchbar

Finn/pol/ here, sells some repro stuff and they seem to have a hard-on for this kind of stuff.

bump, give us a fucking update op

Don't leave us hanging.





Varusteleka would probably buy it off you (though probably on the cheap, while they sell repro they also sell the real deal. But then you're looking to offload).

Got any ROA stuff?

I'm up for sum please. Let me give you mine address:-

FBI Headquarters. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20535-0001. (202) 324-3000.

Please send nazi helmets, will pay you on receipt.

Did OP die or did he give up realizing this sting operation wasn't getting anywhere?

OP, make a thread on /k/ or go to and contact them. i want this shit.

Kek, pic reminds me of this guy.

Do you have uniforms with the unique SS lapels?
I'm looking for 7th SS specifically.

Another bump to keep ot on the board.

Hope rapidly fading that OP will return.

Wow, the dutch react just like the last time.
Nobody gives a fuck.

Wow, sorry OP but that shit looks like the most cheap lousy garbage possible.

I know that fabric. It feels like absolute shit. Its that fleece-y stringy feeling, single layer crap.

I cant even think of what its used for. Its too shitty for cheap chinese halloween costumes so they use it to clothe scarecrows and shit.

Prove me wrong.
I wish I knew the name of it so everyone would cringe away.


My last bump to this thread.

If OP doesn't come back before it sages then he won't be coming back at all.