Fucking CTR trying to anti-trump the board

Don't be fooled by the correct the record attacks tonight folks. We're being raided all right, but the raid is anti trump, pro hillary, and seeking to divide us. See pic related. They're the minority, but they're loud.

Bless the God Emperor!


Hey CtR, didn't get enough material to spam so now you're just meta? K.

Just in time for the elections to happen.

Most people will argue with them, and if they aren't CTR they're just retarded as shit. No matter how much they speak people that can rub brain cells together understand the gravity of this election and why the excessive Trump shit is necessary until victory is achieved, no matter how much people discuss how he isn't full nationalist tier, as if it fucking matters.

Respectful sage. Stay vigilant folks, subversive tactics grow each day the election draws closer.

no, you're CTR faggot.
We're pro trump here.


Astroturfing Trump shills please go.


Even if Trump is talked about too much, where do you think you are exactly?

You're transparent as fuck.

Don't go all out on the bumps though man, people should be reminded but it is still sliding a lot of other shit just as much as the subversion threads.

Hey, CTR-Nigger. We aren't going to go the way of the bernouts. We will continue calling you faggots out.

Their newest meme is pretending to be long-time posters and kvetching about "trumpcucks" and how it was all so much better last year. Do not be fooled by these kikes and don't bother arguing with them, spam their threads to death, sage and report

shit cock :^)

Watch how you (1) and never come back.

Fuck you lefty pol or CTR cunts. We're going to win

Checking those organic dubs.
And yes the shills are out in force.

Gas yourself.

OP has valid points in that other thread. The fact you call it CTR shilling only serves to prove it.

(1) and done I bet

I disagree user. is right. We need to spam these D&C, pro-Hillary threads to hell. The more we do this, the more triggered they're going to get.

Also, we need to keep the other anons aware.

also notice how they now seem to have a grasp of the vernacular used here, yet still act like complete outsiders. no matter how good is your manual, you can't hide your newfag smell you fucking kikes




Hope you and all the other folks realize the gap that is being pried open between thoughts on this are more-than-likely being spearheaded by subversive parties. I don't think we need these threads but I certainly wouldn't go as far to agree that we slow the roll on Trump talk considering the election cycle draws near.

Then people should fuck up the existing threads made by said people. Holla Forums has always been attacked by retards, what's stopping us from doing that besides making more threads that completely derail the entire board? As right as you may be that's still what will happen, and when it gets derailed normally awful fucking things happen.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
For EVERYONE, this shit needs to be thought out here and now, not fought over and not spam/meme battle'd over.

You cannot forget that as November comes more and more people have been attracted to this site. Whether the CTR knows, whether the news says Chan names directly, it IS happening, and we've been hated plenty for many years.



what's the weather like in jewsreal mate?

We already know what you are, fuck off.

Now where have I seen those images before…

Actually this post smells of so much shit you've convinced me to bump.

There are literally zero jews in Trump's campaign.
Delete this.

I sent about 20 to the archive with OP replying to himself on cuckchan today, can't give details but trust me it works

This guy is fucking pathetic. Mods need to wake the fuck up and purge the shit out of all the shills running rampant today.

It's you trump cucks that are the problem. There's no CTR here and I haven't even seen a proper jew shill in days.

Who the fuck do you think you're going to fool? It's amazing to me that you and your retarded coworkers actually waste your time here. You will never turn us against Trump.

So what do you suggest in terms of American politics?


This is called a strawman. You'll see this often in purity spiral dnc shilling.


Subtlety is key Schlomo.


What's not to trust, he's basically saying he fed retards their own words and they replied to it.


Delete this.

Non-Americans should then understand this site is full of Americans, not saying there isn't Europeans here obviously but I did my fair share of shilling for Brexit and Farage on a constant basis before that came out of the water. And guess what? It's over with. So will the election once it's finished.

Sure Trump's face is everywhere but where is it not off of Holla Forums? If we shut ourselves down on that topic here then we will shut ourselves down all elsewhere.

You already did that one.

This faggot really seems to be from here, doesn't he folks?

You didn't even check my trips.
Nigger you are.

I'm gonna keep talking about Trump, and I'm gonna keep calling out kike shills and CTR shills. There is absolutely nothing they can do to stop me.

That is, unless Hillary gets elected. I bet she'd actually have us all rounded up.

All the better reason to not stop talking.

It's the same 2-4 people that are working together in the other threads. They show up every few months, pull the same stuff, then leave or are banned. Mods are being slow.

It's almost as if they don't learn every time.

There's literally nothing they can do. We all know the path no matter how many bumps.

It's not that they don't learn, it's that they believe they're actually accomplishing something when they're not.

Seems to be the general consensus, like how they're so confident Hillary is going to win because of "crowd sizes" while that's not even remotely factual.

I can't begin to fathom that level of narcissism and idiocy, and I am a controlling piece of fuck.

It's not that, they get PAID for this bullshit. They likely don't believe a goddamn word or even understand the stupid shit their (((manager))) tells them to post, but will keep doing it ad-nausea as long as the paychecks keep coming.
This is why we need to finish doxing the entirety of CTR and fucking ruin some lives

If you inspected the thread perhaps you would find the revealing content it holds.

Instead you persist to be a faggot, and an outsider at that.

Congrats on bumping though.

Nigger, you've gone through tens of shill threads and you have the gall to complain about this one?


Based mods got rid of a shill thread just as I was ridiculing the shills.

Nicely done.

One of them (and one probably related DUDE WEED LMAO) got bumplocked, and the others got nuked. It seems to have been taken care of.

Well yeah, if they're getting paid then their motive is obvious. My statement was only about the unpaid actors.


8ch /pol definitely sucks and the mods are as bad as the shills … what else to expect from a site that hosts boards like 'boy pussy' and other faggot crap. Whoever runs 8ch.net literally deserves to be stabbed in the eyes and thrown into a roaring oven.

Well then why are you here? Oh, I can guess why.

I have found that the 8ch/pol/ mods are fair and honest. They are aiming to reinforce the best of Holla Forums, and ignore or remove the worst.

All these (1)'s bumping and never replying to questions.

What a lame excuse about other boards being full of faggotry, you really do think you fit in don't you? 4chan was always like that and still is.

You smell more shitty than Hillary's pants.



and you expect anyone to believe you are? you fucking queer?

It's not CTR, it's the retarded LARPers like Sinead, Renegayde and Ropeculture. It's not the first time they do this and it won't be the last. I should have saved the 'Accelerationism' threads from March and April just to be able to post them here and tell you Oh look it's those retards coming back here.

Fits the same pattern. Always forget about the ropeculture garbage.

The thing is, the paid shills aren't phased by the doxxing of their bosses because the shills themselves have not been doxxed. They think they're safe