Rothchilds Abandon US Dollar

Guys, I just saw this, what the fuck is happening?

The Rothchilds are selling of their stores of US dollars and investing in other currencies.

Is it happening?

if that doesn't work;

Other urls found in this thread:

Yep here it is, they are crashing the entire US economy because not even the highest kikes can see Cunton winning at all anymore

There it is. Crashing the US economy. Color me shocked.

Well, fuck.

Any one have other sources that can confirm or deny?

I just want to see everything burn…

Let's go!!!! 2016 happening!!

If they jews crash the us dollar instead of perpetually kicking the can down the road, they lose the bulk of their influential power. There is no other country in which they are so deeply ingrained as america, where they can print money out of thin air without a single bad goy questioning them. The fall of the jewdollar will happen, but it will not be the sudden earthquake people expect.

I don't think there's a lot they can do to stop the upcoming pandemonium, they're just bailing while they can.

Fucking kikes

Are we finally getting out of the International money system?

They might be able to crash our economy but that won't cause our 11 aircraft carriers and fuckhuge Navy/Airforce to stop existing.



kike detected.

selling ≠ trading

It's not happening.

I want advice.

holy shit you're retarded


so they all work for free those that man those 11 aircraft carriers and fuckhuge Navy/Airforce

I see..

If currency is going up, do we sell stocks, or buy stocks?


Chinese government bonds?

Is there going to be anything good coming out of this? Anything positive to be gained from an economic crash?


Multiple birds with one stone.
They will secure their assets from hyper inflation when all that quantitative easing comes back home.
They will also get to blame the crash on Trump and wag their fingers proclaiming "See what happens when you deny globalism, goys?".

if currency goes up

You buy other lower currencies.

Gold is going to become the standard again, but it's going to take 30 years

the major countries must have enough gold to back their economies without crashing them.

Okay, folks, here is some econ knowledge

If the US needs 6 trillion to break even. And they need to have the dollar worth a dollar in order to not run into inflationary issues with trading abroad
they need 6 trillion in gold. If they decide to back their dollar in gold. that way, someone buying US goods or US buying goods, gets a dollars worth of goods for every dollar.
Now if they only have 3 trillion in gold and decide to back their dollar. Your dollar is instantly worth 50 cents.

Do you see?

So, until the big 4 or 5 countries have enough gold, they won't back with gold.
Oil countries can still use oil to hedge inflation. But that would be the dollar i would buy into to. If you want to make money. because that dollar backed by oil, will fluctuate like fucking crazy.

We Weimar Republic now


Are they all just going to go home and not fight if there's a war on America?

i think i would have taken butter as a payout instead of money


The Fed, the ECB and the Japanese Central Bank are loosing credibility fast. Deflation isnt stopping, and no ammount of easing will stop it. Central bank leaders are scratching their heads.
Pair that together with a collapsing chinese economy, and you have a recipe for disaster that has been brewing for this past year

Short reminbi.
Buy gold (should've brought it earlier this year though)
Short dollar (?)

Will trump be our Hitler and save us?

Are the Rothschild family still relevant in any meaningful way?

For example, the top richest Rothschild on the Forbes' Billionaire List is found at spot #1011

Conspiracies about this family seem like misdirection to me.


the UK and Germany are much worse proportionally speaking.

"richest faggot in the world" lists use intentionally dishonest methodology to mask who actually runs things.

And so it begins…

well, fuck.

The USD will be the last currency to collapse.

Investment firms are constantly adjusting what assets they own.

Why is it notable that this particular investment house lowered their holdings of USD? Because a Rothschild is involved?

If they truly thought the US dollar was about to crash they would have gotten rid of their position entirely. See graph.

Holla Forums constantly embarrasses itself when it comes to financial matters. Look at any quarterly report from an investment firm and you'll see similar reductions, or increases, in assets like the US dollar.


Has Forbes ever been called out on using faulty methodology by notable figures in academia or the financial world?

"What is the collapse of the Soviet Union? For 500 Alex"

Crank racial tensions and kill the economy and you kill the majority of the military

Posse comitatus, dweeb. The Navy, Marines, and Army don't come out to fight U.S. citizens. The National Guard might, though. But, if they're not being paid, expect desertion or conscription.

This is Kek's way of saying he won't. But he's better than the alternative.

And this just after we learned 6.5 trillion dollars disappeared in the Pentagon.

Some bad shit is coming. They're pulling their assets out of things which are going to crash. There is a fuckmassive false flag coming, and this is the prelude to it.


that didn't happen dickwad

Not faulty methodology, but having a multibillion fortune does not confer anything close to the power of issuing and controlling an entire nation's money supply. If you have control of a central bank, you can manipulate the core economic variables of a country as you wish, and create unpayable debt at the core of the economy to siphon real wealth and assets to yourself in exchange for fiat that is worth less every year. The boom/bust business cycle is artificial, and economic crisis is another word for wealth transfer, nominal fiat worth isn't worth that much, not that billionaires aren't extremely powerful themselves but they are not the top of the food chain.
Pic related.

Vid related.

That pic is a thumbnail. I can't read shit.

And could you provide some evidence that the Rothschild family controls the central banks?


that article doesn't say what you think it does retard. in fact, it doesn't even say that 6.5 trillion is really in question, but rather I think 2.3 trillion. Basically, in my understanding, it just says that 6.5 trillion dollars worth of expenditures are undergoing further review by auditors because of bad record-keeping. Nowhere does it say that 6.5 trillion literally disappeared.

When people say 6.5 trillion disappear, do you really think they're saying someone put 6.5 trillion dollars in a pile and it fucking vanished?

What you said is exactly what is meant by 6.5 trillion dollars went missing. As in, 6.5 trillion dollars worth of budget is completely unaccounted for, the amount having gone unnoticed thanks to clever record keeping which disguised the inconsistencies.

You deserve this twice.

Believe it or not, crashing the US dollar economy will be the best that could happen to the country. IT will be like the Weimar Germany all over again, with high deflation, devaluation, poverty, and a Fuhrer will rise from the ashes…


Kikes can't stop the wave so they are planning to ruin as many nations as they can before exiting out for a few decades. The worst part is that they might live to do this again in another 100 years when our children's children won't have seen their dark deeds personally.

And this too.

Sorry, I didn't explain myself well. Think about it this way - this will illustrate what I'm saying. Let's say you had 10 stacks of paperwork, each 6.5 trillion. 9 of them check out. The 10th has anomalies - it might only be short by 1 million. Or, perhaps a bunch of the expenditure totals seem inflated or questionable. So, you send the 10th stack back to be reviewed, and issue a statement that 6.5 trillion in expenditures are under review. What that does NOT mean, is "we reviewed the budget and there seems to be 6.5 trillion in missing receipts"

get it? That's what I'm saying.
no, the Pentagon is wasting money left and right and its bullshit. I'm just saying that there isn't literally 6.5 trillion in missing receipts (as far as we know at this point.)

I hope I explained my understanding better this time. I apologize for the confusion. I looked through the source documents when this all happened bc I, like you, was fucking shocked. This is the conclusion I came to based upon what I could discern from the press release by the auditors.


I's okay goy, the toilet paper totally goes for $500 a roll, no need to question it. In no way is that money being pocketed.

That actually makes a lot more sense then.


Do it kikes, we want you off our back anyway. I'd prefer to live in a land we control with less success than a land where we are your serfs.

Chances are the top military brass would remain, and there would be loyalists mainly black pogs and mexicans to the government. But most of the military would remain loyal to the people. The Government would then be forced to conscript from the inner cities frum da hood and the south, as well illegals, liberals, and muslims. a lot of them would volunteer to fight 'racist white Trump supporting nazis. So you'd have a very largely white rebellion fighting the Diversity army in a civil war. You could also count on the Canadian army and mexican army getting involved to save the US Government. But that shit would fail miserablylol

t. mutt who is too white for niggers and spics and too dark for whites

this was always going to happen. the internet has awoken too many people. (((they))) want it all too burn to get rid of the evidence of their crimes.

There's many ways to help user

just join the neet suicide squads once the happening starts lad, there will be room for a brown forlorn hope to lead the charge of fat autists with mosins

We're worse than Weimar Germany




I get a very smug feeling when seeing local law enforcements haul away a spanish speaking spic after he was bragging about sending money to mexico. It's like there is a slightly brown person making calls to the INS with audio proof of them laughing about how they are ripping off the government.

Why not, I've had to yell at teammates in vidya when shit was going sideways. At least I can channel my anger and rage on an opponent who honestly deserves every bit of my rancor.

a new currency for the united states of america, hopefully
one that isn't based on debt

This is the proverbial tearing off the band aid the united states has needed to get its shit together for years.

It'll crash, and if it actually crashes they will make it work. It will wake people up and times will be tough but shit you can't put this off forever, all of our fiat currencies need to crash one day or another.


All mongrels who have helped the cause will be allowed to live out the rest of their lives in comfort while we cleanse the Earth of all non-whites and institute the white Imperium.

Kikes shilling all over the thread

After all, the left always goes on about how such hard workers the brown people are.


See you in the mongrel squads.

That hit me a little too close to home. I think I need a break from Holla Forums for a second. I think I feel hope, fuck.

you can be the cannon fodder then.

If you see the hook-nosed rats fleeing, you know something big is happening.

they better invest in coffins. they're gonna need them before the end.

They've got whole FEMA camps worth

10 years of the entire budget or over a third of the US economy.

The real thing that happens is that the US military budget is a pyramid style from Congress, each daughter account is indxed seperate from its parent, meaning you have an automatic doubling from the congressional budget on paper, then it keeps increasing as it hits each command, then section, then project, and eventually the actual people listed on the paycheck.

Each time it grows the number from its very small relative starter. What actually is going on is that most of the stuff has been guesswork, commands pretty much just do as they please and its the bottom groups that have to penny pinch. Then there is asset depreciation and appreciation on stuff that never has a blue book value (is an Abrams hit by a TOW worth more or less than one hit by an IED?) so that in the end, the returned account sheets have a fuck if we know percent.

And this, this is why so many Holla Forumstards will larp with gold swearing it will keep them safe, all while the smart ones have shacked up with several others and are claiming all the shinies using brass. Gold only works when there is someone willing to buy it, in a happening, there is no one, post happening means you have to live to then.

Here's a clearer image.

Fuck paper money, I'm stocking up on silver (too poor to afford gold), canned food, water, sturdy clothes, medicine, and ammo. Those will be better money during American Civil War II than a rectangle of cotton.

You will be executed along with the rest of the non-whites in the race war. You are no more a friend of the white race as any other mongrel or shitskin.

sounds pretty merchant m8

Don't you niggers know that when Trump gets elected he's getting rid of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and reinstating the Republic. Also this means they are getting rid of the US Petro-Fiat-Fed-Dollar and will have to create a new currency for the Republic.







The biggest contribution they could make to the survival of the white race is offing themselves. Accepting any non-whites into our ranks is just one step away from civic cuckery.

All non-whites are a liability. They must all be removed. Every last one of them. The moment we accept a single non-white is when we open the floodgates to more later on.

Calm down, Varg.


you realize we get paper money

and most of the US Dollars do not physically exist in a vault, but in a computer database/ledger…

they pay people with worthless pieces of paper/silk

they are pretty much working for free / paper



I said it before in another thread and I'll say it again - what cities are or will experience a Jewish exodus? That will be the site of your false flag to kickstart the shitstorm

Forgot to correct the record as well

Hillary seems to be the accelerationist way to going about this, but I still couldn't rationalize voting for her.

so fight against the opposition. fight so hard that you are guaranteed death. ill respect you. we can have a drink in valhalla. doubt shitskins are allowed in though

hi intl

maybe, we'll see how it pans out. it's hard to agree right now when the only 1488 shitlord i know irl is a puerto rican. i liked the suggestion from an user in another thread that loyal mongrols get baja cali after the happenings

Everything going to plan.

Cmon, the guy is willing to fight and die for you, for white civilizationand probably would die fighting and you're acting like an autist.



No they are not.

Valhalla is reserved for those of Norse blood dying in battle fighting for something their ancestors would be proud of.

Unless you have close nordic relatives and distinguish yourself on the battlefield, no shitskins or muts.

I would look into your ancestral religion if the above isnt an option.

Since you're mixed, you probably have a few options.

Finally these fucking parasites are packing there bags to go leech somewhere else. Good ridance.
i hope their new fav currency is sheckles and they all move to israel so we can gas them all at once in the same place.

This could have been part of what hit the US dollar but money is as money does, they could start buying the USD back against the Euro and other currencies in the near term driving down gold and oil.
Current USD value may hold this approximate place for many years because it's valued relative to other currencies, the Euro and possibly many currencies from "developing" economies may be in worse position.
So the baron's and such are converting profits into gold and undervalued markets, this isn't a precedent.

You can count on osttruppen! No really, you can!

I will sacrifice you on top of the future Los Angels pyramid. Your Aryan blood will be delectable.

See what I wrote? That's exactly how you sound. Stop being such a dick and love your fellow American.

Yes of course! We need to compile a list of all happenings durring this current year and make a thread, for posterity.

Nice Hitler dubs.

Your words ring true, however we are not the ones to decide his fate. It is up to himself, his ancestors, and the old gods.

I don't make the rules lad, I just convey them.

It's possible, just unlikely.

Well who makes the rules? Some kike trying to make fellow country men hate each other?

So if we meet up in the battlefield and I'm wearing my American Balaklava, greeting you and seeing if you're not huet, and you see that I'm not white are you going to shoot to kill?

Why would we want to ally with anyone who betrays their own race? If there's one thing I find absolutely disgusting, it's a race-traitor regardless of what race they belong to I can respect a shitskin arab if he is honest about his intentions of invading and conquering the West more than I can respect a race-traitor, for the former is acting in his own racial self-interest. I can hate the former and want to genocide his entire race (which I do with a passion), but I can at least respect them for being honest to themselves and not betraying their people.
No. All this land is ours. After reclaiming our nations, we will continue on to depopulate and colonise non-white lands with our own race. There won't be a single non-white left by the end of it.

There shouldn't have been. The entire concept of an "honorary aryan" is repulsive to me. The only reason the idea of "honorary aryans" even existed was for political purposes, primarily allying with the Japanese.
The difference is the people consider mischlings in Germany were part Jew, and Jews are already full of European genetics. This is different to a part-nigger half-breed or a part-spic half-breed.
If he really wants to show his loyalty to white civilisation, he should off himself. Or at least kill a bunch of non-whites as a final hoorah.

Not habbening. Import/Export deficit too large combined with cost of maintaining infrastructure.

Also the fact that you would end up simply killing the idea of buying any large item, turning it all into an even worse thing of long term leasing for most of these plans.

Getting to finally use all the prepper supplies?


and the retarded afakesunwoman actually stickied this thread, once and for all proving that Holla Forums is dead and the mods are fucking retards

To begin world currency, you must first destroy the dollar and America with it

The average Indian is more likely to be Aryan than the average Caucasian, dunce.

Fuck off, Pajeet

I claim your stuff!

What are elites doing on Holla Forums?


Relaxing amongst you as a farmer.

The one drop rule is meant to say they're not white. This also quite obviously means most all people are not white. He is thus doing little more than condemning himself, too which I say

They pulled that shit with Brexit. It didn't work. Fuck 'em. Their days of absolute influence are over.

This is incorrect. It will take less than 15 years and it won't last a decade.
No bailout to save the top heavy financial market during the next recession.
They'll never have enough gold, they're all going broke and the central banks can buy all the debt.
Such rudimentary grasp on economics.

There's also not enough gold to succeed at this plan. Any amount you place on it gets changed pretty fast or just comes down to heavy socialist price controls as you once more get back to a stated value of the gold.
All while people ignore it in favor of some more useful thing like virtual goods.


I mean the real thing is, let's just ask, what should be the price per ounce of gold?

No, the anarcho-liberals will complete their conquest of the US and the budget will be gutted aside from the core social programs, the military will be auctioned to the highest "reputable" bidders.
This is what happens when you let white trash run your countries.

Jews in general are already incredibly European in terms of genetics after spending centuries within Europe, breeding with the local Europeans. Many kikes are even indistinguishable from regular whites. Essentially, a "mischling", (i.e. part Jew) is already basically a full blown White, while a mongrel half-breed between a nigger and a white or a spic and a white is very distinctly non-white.

So Jews are white allies now?

Snordelhans is a great narrator.

That depends on the direction that your weapon is facing.

You have to understand that this is a race and cultural war. We want to have our race and culture be great again. Nationality goes hand-in-hand with nation, as it always has in the past.

Exceptions will be made sure, that all just depends on circumstance and your accomplishments. It will be impossible to be 100% white, though that is what we must strive to achieve.

White countries will be white. Everyone else will be sent back to their ancestral land.

You can fight for the white cause, I doubt most whites would stop you if you somehow manage to survive the initial slaughter you won't. Just stay the fuck away from white women and you'll be OK.

Oh I thought they'd finally make a move.

Remember that rumored mid September crash?
Well.. here it is.

Will have to consider moving to a bit-currency when this happens.
Gold is compromised (soros sold a shit ton of it)

Pfft I'm not going to gay ass Mexico. I'm just going to pull out my lawn chair and drink pomegranate juice on my deck, maybe put some steaks on the grill. Sorry, I'm going to have to decline your offer.

no, you disingenuous nigger. Kikes are genetically already very European, thus a half-breed between a kike and a white person will be far less obtrusive than a half-breed between a white and a nigger or spic.

I think the funniest part is how they expect to integrate into asian communities.

Guess who you look like.
Guess who you just tried to genocide.

Thinking does not occur in the Jewish mind.

Yeah, no shit. Everyone was going on and on about Shemitah last August so the kikes postponed it to this year.

Ultimately an ounce of gold should be either (at current dollar value) around $500 or beyond $10,000.

Gold is compromised (soros sold a shit ton of it)
Let me know when you can by a cargo ship worth of goods with your precious buttcoins.

Well they better bend the knee sooner or later.

Or the leading first name of Israel will become Mohammed.

white+spic = white-ish hybrid, often times indistiguishable from other whites depending on how much european genetic heritage the spic has
white+nigger = smarter nigger

Spics have a lot of spaniard, french and European heritage (wars) to varying degrees from individual to individual, to the point that breeding with the clearest ones would be almost inconsequential. There's a reason why propaganda pushes exclusively for black on white miscegenation.

I don't know shit user.

I have to restudy that whole sector of currencies.

Bitcoin wasn't a possibility, it was an inevitability.
Credit cards are not good enough because they track movement.

White+spic equals potentially whiter spic. The surface "whiteness" is not all that matters. It would take multiple generations of breeding with whites to bring that spic back to status of "full European".
White on spic miscegenation is no better than white on nigger

Supposedly there are 180 kilotons of gold, I wager its much less given how much is paper only, but we'll go with the official number.
For you that means:
2.88 trillion to 57.6 trillion.
So vast amounts of deflation, and prices going stupid as the smallest tenable and usable sizes of gold become things like leaf and other stupidities to just barely able to cover the M3 supply, maybe. Most certainly not.

The Shemitah doesn't come into it.

The market just looks like it's about to crash BIGTIME. I mean, this could be the worst one ever.

Strangely though, the effects will still pale in comparison to the 30's. We know how to recover a little better at the lower levels of management.

Infact.. I get a sneaking suspicion this crash will lead directly into a boom, then another crash, then a boom, etc.
With hedging, this is a good thing.


Hang on a tick.

Is Mr Rothschild up to the same old tricks as his ancestor?

Only for the first month or two until Trump takes what was crashed and repairs and rebuilds it back up, once again proving hitler wasn't all bad and how they got their shit back up and running.

But that's if all the kikes pulled out of U.S. economy.

Then what kind of message do you think would be sent to the rest of the western world that USA got out of debt and back on its feat after all the kikes left them to essentially die?

Nice resolution faggot

A new Napoleon!

Don't they run the fed already?

nice falseflag, christcuck.

Recruiting from the Deep Wouth runs into the small problems all the niggers being on lockdown, and the rntirety of the Deep South being a nogo zone for anything smaller than a brugade /regiment

Fucj Smarthphones

We know Israelis run the fed. Possibly some roths connections. The fed cannot control the cash flow though, just the amount of cash in the country.

But if you controlled the input/output of liquidity you effectively control the country. You could more accurately allocate that money and no one could complain.

They're believing the meme their ancestor started.

And the funniest part is they think this will work.

you should dress like a proper caudillo when you lead the neets

True, but they could easily build safe zones and try to escort blacks into occupied southern territory. Cities like Memphis, Atlanta, Charleston, and much of south Florida would all be pretty firmly under govt control. Of course the rural areas and appalachians would be like Vietnam and would be a no-go zone for Federal Troops in the event of a civil war.

nice dubs, friend

Actually, this is why they're calling Trump Pinochet.
One of the big things going on in Chile that led to their overthrow despite being socialist, was their decision to automate the finances of the country. THis was a basic plan that now a days we call just in time inventory, but at a national level.
Quite unsurprisingly, the kikes want it dead. Calling Trump Pinochet isn't about the deaths, its the eyes wide shut occultism that lets them keep controlling the economy.
Any attempt to get rid of the Jew means accurate and rapidly checked numbers, which many people don't think through in whom they support.

lad wait until after the war then use them as a pretext to disarm your soldiers, didn't you learn anything from warcraft 3?

Gold can't be money anymore, it ever being so was the result of trickery. Commerce isn't naturally based on gold. it's naturally based on relative value which can be denominated by a currency. All of the production capacity in the world is worth more than all of the gold in the world.

Gold is a tool, money is a medium.

We're good at that kek.

Now is the time for fear.

Actually, the reason gold was used was the ease of stamping, and relative lack of use. Gold was actually very common, as it is typically found with borax, something the Romans needed for their iron working. THey'd go for the valuable borax, cart off and turn the gold into coins and trinkets.
Much later on, people confuse the fact that borax was valuable with the gold, and the money having a face value, as being the very coins being worth carving slivers off of. At which point, suddenly gold is very valuable as like with any commodity, people decide its value.


Kek has spoken.

Autists, better than computers?
Its not as impossible as some think.

There's something about this picture, I just can't put my finger on it.

I want to though.

Too busy starving, what with trcuk drivers, barge csptains and locomotive engineers all too scared to go to work.




A book series about kikes saving the world. Also their envy of gentile dicks.

Interestingly, you can look at video game economies to see how currencies arise. One example I'm aware of was in Diablo II where there was a currency (gold), but it wasn't really useful since the best items came from random drops, not stores. People obsessively traded objects in the game, but since currency wasn't available they turned to other things. What should you use as currency?

If you have a rare item that you don't want, without currency, you have to find something with the item you want, who ALSO happens to want the item yo have. This is very rare, so you want to trade for some intermediate object. The best intermediate object would be something small, so it doesn't take up a lot of inventory space. It should be something that is easily divided up – If you have a really rare item, it would be nice to be able to trade it for 3 less-valuable items from 3 different people, so dividability is critical.

They ended up, for a period at least, using the ist rune since it was relatively common, took up minimal inventory space and people had a use for them. You could your rare item for a number of ist runes and trade those for the item you really want.

This explanation does not require a complex story that it was actually borax that was valued. Gold has an intrisic value– people want it. People like wearing it, they like it in decorations, for symbolic reasons (weddings), religious reasons, dental reasons, electronics reasons, etc. Like runes in diablo, it's easy to divide gold up and it's easy to carry around enough to buy practically whatever you want. Gold is also better than other metals because it doesn't rust or tarnish. If you try to store your life savings in rice, some mold could bankrupt you.

Gold fits all the criteria to be money without any need to invoke deception of propaganda. We see the value of gold recognized in all cultures that discovered it, and we see parallels in video games demonstrating that a substance fitting the above criteria will be adopted by a trading population.

The deception is convincing people (or forcing them as FDR did) to trade their gold for paper, not the fact that gold is an excellent currency. Paper money could work, if each piece of paper simply represents gold stored elsewhere, but when paper money is not backed by gold or something else, then it truly becomes its own animal.

Calm down Muhammed




And all those cultures also abandoned gold on their own.
If you want to keep the story, you tell it to the end.
Gold was replaced with printed money in everyone, long before the kikes showed up and had Euros enforce their will.

No resource backed currency will work, every one of them will ask why care of the backing if they don't ever see it, or as with the US, they'll establish that lovely trade in, at which point you are fucked the instant the market value goes above it. Which is actually one of the main leads, when the one ounce of gold at a stated 20 dollar certificate, came in at 4 dollars less than the market price of gold.

Going right back to your diablo, item duplication exploits.

If you're tying it to a commodity, you are agreeing that your money is going to float, which gets all sorts of fun. Look at the complaints about China and their floating "depressed" currency.
A better thing comes in a basket of resources, which is also much more honest of what your country does. But then people aren't as apt to be happy when they get told they have some very wierd options for changing their cash into, like say 10 pounds of steel per dollar, which is frankly a lot more valuable at saying the strength of your country than gold that was a bauble on somebody's ring 4 centuries ago.
And then your country craps out when the first NEA expedition finishes and drops some 30 kilotons of gold on the market in 4 years (or within 30 years from 2 years ago)

fug, I haven't seen that pic for about 10 years.

+10 internets to you, sir. made me nostalgia.

Fuck off back to Reddit.

in re:
Nostalgia wore off pretty quick didn't it? :^)

polite sage for offtopic

Sorry, does anyone have the clip of Trump one-upping an audience member listing countries that aren't in the global banking system?

I'm not sure that it is fair to use the fact that our current monetary system is controlled by central powers as an argument against the validity of past systems.The fact that the system can be corrupted doesn't mean it was wrong to begin with.

If we end fractional reserve banking and use gold-backed currency with a fixed exchange rate, then the only way the amount of money will change is (1) when people mine and refine more gold or (2) someone illegally counterfeits currency by creating extra paper or electronic digits that are not backed by gold. If the government violates (2), that doesn't mean the system failed, it means your government is corrupt and needs to be fixed.

The US did go off the gold standard when it needed to counterfeit money for war and couldn't tax people hard enough (corruption), but before the federal reserve, it returned when the war was over. Now we're indefinitely in a corrupt monetary system but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed.

I almost felt bad for a second, but then you reminded me; there's ALWAYS someone worse.

Here for ya bro

Yes it does. Design a system that can't be corrupted, or it WILL be corrupted, every time, without fail, no exceptions.

It's the basic principle behind Rule 34.

THere is a constant influx of new material, even gold is regularly mined. As I said, the fixed rate will always be surpassed by the market, no matter what you set, people will push over it. Which is exactly what happened in the US.

My point on the past systems is that a single commodity system does not work. Spain crashed itself on Aztec metals, China on just about everything, Britain on tea.

When you move to a basket commodity, you rapidly start mirroring your actual economy, at which point you end up again at fiat as it equals out.
Fiat currency, no matter if its gold, copper, tin, bitcoin, pepes, tire money, or expired checks, always wins out as people have no interest in dealing with the commodity end.

and this:

You only ever have time, more and less as things go.
I mean think of this part as of now, if gold is so valuable, why are they selling it to you?

Interesting. Crash the Euro and sell when the Dollar rises. Scoop up Euro (and other) depreciated stock while it's down. Buy back Dollar after it levels out cheaper.


The basic principle of rule 34 is that anything that exists can be corrupted. That doesn't negate the value of the original, non-corrupted thing.

Such a system doesn't exist. What we can do in reality is make the rules absolutely clear, so that anyone who vilates the rules will be easily outed as corrupt. This is the idea behind the bill of rights to the American Constitution. Simple, clear, plain language explaining what the government cannot do. Now we have 9 career lawyers whose job is to come up with clever ways to reinterpret these simple sentences.

Your basket idea is similar to the idea of competing currencies. Each bank or other institution would issue its own currency, backed by the contents of its own vaults (or some larger, multi-bank institution/partnership), and then people could freely decide whether one currency was more trustworthy than another. I think you can see this in gift-card exchange websites. Certain cards are universally valued while others aren't, despite all being backed by the same dollar value.

If you try to do this via government control, where a bureaucrat decides what's in the basket, we're right back to where we started with a government (or non-governmental institution) in control of the money supply.

Excellent point about gold. I personally suspect that they bought/stole a shitload of gold over the last 5 years while manipulating the market to drive the price down. Now comes part 2 of the 2-step plan, releasing an anouncement designed to drive the price back up as they sell it back again and profit.

Personally, I don't see any value in gold at all. I have no use for it… Silver is a better electrical conductor, it's too soft for anything practical… Gold is nigger-tier (Oooh, shiny!) and by far the most common usage for it is whore trinkets (JEWelery).

If the Rothschilds were seriously worried that the US dollar might fail and wanted to get into gold instead, the LAST thing they'd ever want to do is tell the entire rest of the world that.

Makes far more sense that they're doing the exact opposite of what they tell us. If they're driving the US dollar down and making it undesirable in the eyes of the masses, then I'd say the time is right to buy it up on the cheap as it drops and wait for its value to climb again.

But thats not possible because the sums of money are so large and they need someone on the other end to buy them. They also want maximum value, so dumping them all at once would be no different than holding on to everything until after the collapse happens.

Stop pretending to be a retard.


You do remember SCOTUS was part of that whole Constitution bit right?

The simple fact that people throughout history have decided it was worth acquiring gold, and the fact that people even today want gold should help you realize its value. If you were given 10 gold coins today, would you throw them away? There is no government rule stating that someone must value your gold and let you buy stuff with it. People simply value it.

There are industrial uses for gold beyond aesthetics, but gold is valuable simply because people want it, and what more is there to life than wanting things? You could use your logic to prove that sex is worthless.

"So what if people want it and are willing to fight and die over it," you would say. "It's nigger tier."

I know that feel

im not mixed. l2check id's.

are you functionally illiterate?

Also they own most of the central banks in the world. You can assume that's quite a diversified currency portfolio already. It's "do as I say, not as I do", they are probably heavily long USD via derivatives.

Niggrs reguarly fight and kill for stuff, whites at least have the decency to ask and barter first. Outside of Florida anyways.

I'm talking about war, not muggings.

Taken a peak at the Kangz lands? Or is it your interpretation that niggers can't even organize in a large enough group for it to be called war? Like as a legitimate call, anybody who meets your declaration of war, de facto is not a nigger? If so, what do you consider war, without invoking some lines using race.


so, with all this fabricated, increasing racial tension, foreboding economic forecast, the elections (and high chance of electoral fraud) and with Obama's "restructuring" of the US military meaning that we have no one who knows what they're doing with a star on their shoulder, what can we expect?
will we have a legit ideological uprising? a Hitler 2.0 rising up in our darkest hour? a military coup? balkanization? foreign invasion? Zimbabwe inflation? what would we even see once we're destabilized and the only thing keeping americans complacent, our bread and digital circuses, stop being accessible to enough to maintain the charade of worldly peace and prosperity that we've been under for the last 30 years?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Enjoy getting shot by a nigger for those Air Jordans.

I guess I don't understand what we're talking about. I will acknowledge that "niggers" like gold and are capable of waging war.

Why does that mean that non-niggers shouldn't value gold?

You clowns are fucking hilarious, I've been reading your various boards for years and the pattern of thought is laughable. You live in a constant HAPPENING that you've made up to act as a hopeful clean slate, a redemption of the world that can allow us to start again in a way that you feel would be more right.

Perhaps I'm the man in Pompeii laughing as my neighbors flee the city, but the mountain has been there for a long time, and running away won't get you far enough when it does collapse.

Here's what I think: your constant spasmatic responses to the trivia of elite wealth management makes your movement seem less legitimate and more tinfoil. But at the end of the day you can never hope for serious change without participating in your community and government, participating in your local business climate, and putting yourself in a position that you can act on your beliefs in a way that allows the "normies" to pick up on the thread in a way that doesn't scare them too much.

But at the end of the day there is no getting off the wild ride, and losing it over every minor flagellation numbs people toward what is actually going on.


The Jew fears the Sperg.

investing in lead and brass is a much, much better investment personally, you can barter with it, as it is a stable commodity, you can produce it with the right supplies, equipment and knowledge, you can defend yourself with it, it has an inherent use beyond a system meant to mediate the value of other exchangeable goods between said item. It's even less dense than gold which means it's more reliable and convenient to transport.

here's your >>(you)

Thanks man, 0,25 in my pocket.


of course friendo :^ )

Investing in lead is a good idea? Let's see… if I want to save a million dollars before I retire, how much space should I reserve for the 1.2 million pounds of lead I will be storing?

I think I'd rather save 53 pounds of gold instead. Then I won't need to also purchase a warehouse to store my retirement fund.

They'll probably form an allegiance with their arab brothers and destroy America and rule the world from the middle east. Jews are Turks so they will feel right at home again.

is this pasta?

I'm triggered.


Agreed. You also might want to figure out ID's.

regardless of how inherently worthless it will ultimately be you sound fucking retarded trying to project that onto the dollar now which is still currently exchangeable for goods and services, so no, people aren't working for free

hey oh pee
simply put you should start by buying some physical gold/silver bullion, preferably gold
- retains your purchasing power if/when paper becomes worthless
- current physical gold price is being held artificially low due to the amount of paper promises of gold being sold (
if you're in the stock market I would highly recommend selling whatever you have now and moving into hard assets (unless you've got gold stocks, those have been performing well and will skyrocket in economic chaos)

and then lurk here everyday so you're not completely out of the loop
that's my most succinct answer, if you don't get why these are good ideas right now you will after you've lurked long enough

Oh gods, you assholes need to stop being right all the time. Cheer up for fucks sake. Learn to persuade a girlfriend or three.

Jews literally made America.

Into the shithole it is today?

implying the times ahead will afford you the decency of being asked nicely


dont listen to this faggot. unless you have a couple rifles, a couple thousand rounds, are physically fit and can operate, dont waste resources buying gold and silver.

buy steel and brass. that will keep you alive, that gold and silver will just be stripped off your dead carcass


Goys, now is the time to get into Crypto.

Bitcoin is probably now Jew-owned, but it might be worth acquiring a single BTC just so that you're not left in the dust if it does become the new USD (they still cannot coin it at their will - capped at 21,000,000 million BTC).

However, the others are definitely worth buying while they're cheap. They're all easily interchangable via ShapeShift (and, anonymously, via Bitsquare when that's stable).

Look into:
- Litecoin (Basically, like Bitcoin but not run by Jews - yet. ~$4USD)
- Dash (Anonymous, Instant Payments. ~$14USD)
- Monero (Highly Anonymous. ~$5USD)
- Ethereum (Not sure what this really offers that is that great, but it does seem to be getting a lot of attention. ~$12USD)


sounds about right

Not trying to shill here, but I was watching the business news network and I saw this:

It's some sort of electronic wallet where any currency you put in is "converted into bullion" (presumably they have gold bars in reserve, and they aren't doing any fractional lending), and then you can use this to do transactions.

It caught my eye because I'd never seen anything like this on television before.

This is better for us. We'd need to hit hard times fast instead of be slowly genocided by their system. A new Hitler will need to rise and institute a new currency while telling everyone this was the Jews' doing.

You do realize that the lead he's talking about is bullets, right? Goes along with the brass.

A couple grains of lead is all the payment someone would need to now have 53 pounds of gold.

This sounds good, I'm just nervous about any paper-token representation of precious metals as it seems that the metals themselves are never actually redeemable.

The world was never yours

I realized I was never taught about the Weimar Republic during high school. Anyone got good reads on the shit that went down?

And therein lies the problem even with "gold backed" currency if you don't even know the currency is physically there.

i think we need an edit of the suicide squad poster to be of neets doing neet things now

Here have a video to wet your whistle:

T-thanks for the info, upside down Satan.

Daily reminder that the Federal Reserve in unconstitutional

Daily reminder that the Founding Fathers envisioned something similar to Hitler's Reich Marks almost two centuries before Hitler did it

Daily reminder you could have prevented this

We metro 2033 now.
i'm actually quite ok with this

Daily reminder that Cryptocurrency is the way forward.

I have some bitbux, some funz, some farm land, a good girl, a loving family, and some loyal friends. Most importantly, I have you fuckers, as long as the internet stays up. Don't quit me now, faggots.

Now with 50% less Iran and 100% more Iraq.

Webp defense force detected.

Make sure you have a water source and stable food production which I'm sure you do since you have farmland Also, learn how to make ammunition for when you run out. Good luck

Nice, thanks.

Because the dollar is going to re-institute a partial percentage of the gold standard in order to enforce worldwide US dollar usage. Because Trump is going to fix the FED (=interest money jew). The jews are worried Trump will default on it's loans and basicly create a new currency to do away with the massive debt they have been leeching off. Because Europe (ECB) and China (CBC) have basically become the new US FEDS to do the same thing to for the next 100+ years. Parasites always swap to a more favorable host.

This is going to cause some swing in the dollars inherent value due tot he upheaval as such; jews never lose.

checked and capped for posterity

you brought a tear to my eyes user, this really hit me right in the mongrel feels

I hope I can fight with you fellow nazi frogsto liberate Constantinople as I'm not burger so no Burger War Civil War II: Shekelwitz Shoaloo for mee

They will devalue US do instead crashing bond market and bullshit economy that cannot exist without 0% interest rates. Then introduce new fiat currency, only digital, and make transactions settled in metals illegal.

Well folks, its clear the US dollar isn't based on anything and is failing.

I propose a new currency backed on labor!

this reminds me, wasn't Swedenstan the test for this shit like 2 years ago?

divine trips of truth, ARBEIT MACHT FREI

It seems this thread is turning magical, breddy gud

top kek

Currency must by based on silver, as kikes accumulated large amounts of gold and could manipulated it with ease.

Cryptocurrency mate. It already exists and is the most (although not perfectly) Jew-proof.

Then America will really be the next Natsoc Germany and 4th Reich if this is pulled off.

in short, no. They are just jewing. They make money off of currency manipulation, they always have.
Nothing is going to change tomorrow. It'll happen when we are getting hungry. Don't expect a change for normies and poor people any time in the next 20 years besides being poorer.

it's as clear as can be. when the fed raises rates in september or december it's ogre. do they do it in september so that trump gets elected and becomes a scapegoat or do they wait for december and try to get their girl elected?

Be ready for Yellen's speech on Friday!
See you in September!


Time to build some autobahns. And a wall.

Fear not.

Nationalism will save us.

Wrong again kike.

If the currency is based off of our people and the labor that is produced they cannot easily manipulate our economy.

Of course we would have to hang the union leadership because those cocksuckers are truly cancer.


Ok, then how exacly your new fiat currency is based on labor? On manhour work of ditch digger? Or bioengineer? And who will fix how much of currency unit this manhouris worth? Because human labor is not money. If I go to bank with new 100$ banknote and want this manhour it represent then what? Bank will give me 100 diggers for 1 hour, or 10 for 10 hour? Who will pay the cost of workers sitting in banks camps, waiting to provide work and not working most of the time? And how fast this currency will devalue when human work is less and less worth as mechanisation and robotisation takes more task from human labor? Now you see retardation of this muh labor based currency meme?

Gold and silver is store of value, of work.

he should know

Having a national banking system will solve everything you just whined about.

With private banking abolished and the practice of usury abolished a new era of capital will arise. Where each position that exists in the economy will be audited and will be rewarded equal to its production. The use of paper money will be used of course but credit will be much more lax for those wishing to open up their own businesses.

Basing an economy off of shiny metals is for stone age peasants. Why do that when we have the capabilities to know what each man is worth in this nation?


shoo shoo kike

Sure, just fuck our civilisation and go back to barter, end of Rome was fun.

You have no idea what you talking about.
Those "shiny pieces of metal" are money becouse they are scarce, durable, fungible and divisble, portable, proven, and have intristic value becouse we use them in industry.

Economicly illiterate socialists, please go.

Never implied that nice strawman.

ad hom

We use lithium holds intrinsic value let's just base our economy off that and if we start mining the moon we'll be the richest nation on earth!


Libertarian retard please fuck off to your ron paul shrine in your closet.

looks like the Russian predictions for a USD collapse in mid 2017 are on track.

I seriously can't believe there's a fucking shitter here who is advocating we revert back to the fucking gold standard instead of a nationalistic labor base.

Fucking retards and their shiny rocks.

It's more like, only a few people have even heard about such a system, so we don't know how it would work, or that would it even work. A book on this would be great.

We need to turn on winter-chan now

This could be relevant.

Oh my god we're going to fucking bring back greenbacks, aren't we? Trump has to know about Lincoln and Hitler's monetary policies.

My body is ready

You dont need to, it is what would happend if someone tried it.

Lets disregard expierience of 5000 years of monetary systems and double down on biggest 20th century mistakes, because my specific, perfect, entirely infalliable brand of fiat currency and central banking was never tried.

Just remember to dont buy worthles pieces of metal, so you starve to death when it collapses.

Eugenics, son.

The US still exists and still has wealth, land and people even if the dollar loses value.

you're either a shill or you got lost on your way to the normienet.

except they already prepared moving to china

If a Rothschild conspicuously ditches something, that's your cue to hang on to it. Remember what happened after Waterloo?


leather gloves

Those are likely brown leather gloves or something to that effect.

user, i need more


Finally a thread

Commencing Rottenchild dump

I haven't dumped in weeks









So you think that Islam is a cause worth fighting and dying for then? Clearly you do if you respect jihadists more than race traitors. Or maybe he's just tired of living in what has always been the Jew's playground, watching his countrymen fight each other for no other reason than some ZOGbot meddled in his politics. Our culture is objectively the best user, and there will come a time when the world will eventually have to unite so we can take on bigger projects like colonizing space. Those people will eventually have to come into our fold. Of course, a multicultural colony is a recipe for disaster. So it's either total annihilation of all other cultures, or total assimilation. The former is somewhat impractical given that new cultures will emerge anyway.






Some bonus pics i have left





US Ruling Elite to Lose Power | Jim Willie

In the following video, Elijah Johnson asks Dr. Willie the question that every single American SHOULD be asking right now, because the answer will turn out to be one of the single most important turning events in human history. Unfortunately, because of our awful education system, our corrupt political establishment, and our horribly dishonest media, most Americans don’t even understand the question, much less the answer.

The question Elijah asks Dr. Willie, is, “What will happen to the U.S. political establishment’s power once the U.S. Dollar loses World Reserve Status?” The issue Elijah brings up is one I’ve tried to bring awareness to for close to two years, because time is running out, and FAST.

As Dr. Willie explains, the power of the elite in this country, or any other really, is derived from the barrel of a gun for lack of a better way to put it. It is the awesome economic and military might from which this country gets all its strength, and the same goes for the political elites within the system.

In the video below, Dr. Willie explains that if, but WHEN the United States loses its status as the Global Reserve Currency, our government will be forced to increase its activities in an area most don’t like to talk about: its narcotic sales.

The United States government does a tremendous amount of narcotic traffic around the world, but it will be forced to do more because our economy is already in shambles, and our military still devours over $800 BILLION per year to maintain. Under Obama the economy has grown at an average of 1.5% annually, and that’s using the numbers Obama provides, which means in all likelihood, the economy has really been shrinking throughout his entire term. We all know Obama doesn’t tend to be honest about much of anything.

Some Americans might be “offended” to hear that our government would resort to even more narcotics trade to support itself, but that should be the last thing Americans are worried about. Just like Detroit was once the marvel of the manufacturing world, as Michael Snyder illustrates in the article below, so was the United States. However, once the U.S. Dollar looses it’s status, just like Detroit, all of America will become an eyesore of the West, with crime and poverty running wild.



Well, that was a YUUUGE bonus

Have a good day

Dr. Jim Willie: We Are on the Brink of World War; Americans Totally Clueless (Audio)

In the article following the interview below with Dr. Jim Willie, Michael Snyder sums up what is happening in the world right now geopolitically absolutely perfect in his opening line where he says, “War is coming, but unfortunately most Americans are completely oblivious to what is about to happen.”

Truthfully, an argument could very easily be made that the world has never been in as much danger from World War III, or from nuclear annihilation as it is right now, and that includes during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Don’t expect to hear that anytime soon coming from the woefully dishonest Obama administration, or from their lackeys in the mainstream media though. If you listen to their lies long enough, you might even start believing that world peace is imminent, or that the economy is in what they refer to as a “robust” recovery.

While ignorant Americans allow themselves to be lied to, other nations are bracing themselves for what’s coming. It was reported today that the German government is preparing to issue a mandatory directive to all citizens of Germany to begin immediately stockpiling enough food and emergency supplies for their families to survive a catastrophic event that could be so awful that it threatens the Germany’s very existence. Further adding to concern in Germany, is that officials are contemplating the re-institution of compulsory military service in the German Army.

In the interview below, “End Time Newsman, Rick Wiles” interviews Dr. Jim Willie, and much of what I just mentioned is brought up in the opening minutes of the interview. When asked if the news coming out of Germany is in response to the imminent implosion of the Western banking system (and our entire civilization with it), Dr. Willie answers in the affirmative. As crazy as it sounds, the only people totally shocked by that news are Americans, an that’s because of how absurdly corrupt our media has become. The following comes from a post of mine on August 7th titled, The Real Reason Putin Hates Obama and Clinton, and Wants Trump to Win:

It’s time for the American people to WAKE UP! Obama and Hillary are both puppets of their globalist masters including the Rothschild’s and George Soros, both of whom hate Putin, and whom Putin equally despises. Our own CIA has said George Soros is the largest donor to the Hillary campaign, and Hillary’s email investigation revealed that she has close personal ties to various members of the Rothschild family as well, the same Rothschild family that happens to be the wealthiest family on the planet, and the same Rothschild family that has funded both sides of every war since before the American Revolution.

The writing is on the wall, and unlike the American people, Putin actually sees it. If Hillary Clinton gets elected President there is going to be a war, and it’s a war Putin wants no part of.

In the interview below, Dr. Willie begins by explaining how we’re very likely in the early stages of World War III right now. Unlike Michael Snyder in the article afterward, Dr. Willie explains the unfolding events from a “non-western” perspective. Snyder’s article below makes it sound as if Russia is the aggressor, but that’s only because Snyder never goes within a country mile of discussing the very real tension that exists between New World Order elites like the Rothschild’s, and Vladimir Putin, who hasn’t sold his soul to the “global banksters” the way the U.S. already has.

DO NOT MISS: Dr. Willie: U.S. Elites Are Losing All Their Power

DO NOT MISS: Dr. Jim Willie Reveals 2nd Death Threat From U.S. Government

There are numerous reasons the world is on the brink right now, but regardless of which vantage point you look from, “War is coming, and unfortunately most Americans are completely oblivious to what is about to happen.” As I’ve been saying for months, the time to begin preparing for your families is NOW. As a great starting point for where to begin, I suggest: Be Ready For Any Emergency – The Crucial Guide For Any Family’s Safety. Personally, I’ve practically worn out the screen on my iPad reading it.

Michael Snyder reported:

War is coming, but unfortunately most Americans are completely oblivious to what is about to happen. In recent weeks, tens of thousands of Russian soldiers have been massing at eight staging areas along Russia’s border with Ukraine, and some Pentagon officials believe that this could represent preparations for a full-scale invasion. But ultimately Russia has much bigger concerns than just Ukraine. At this point, the Russian people view the United States more negatively than they did even during the height of the Cold War, and their leading thinkers openly talk about the inevitability of a future conflict between the two superpowers. The Russians have been feverishly upgrading and modernizing their strategic nuclear forces in anticipation of that conflict, but unfortunately the U.S. military has not made similar strides under the Obama administration. As a result, the balance of power has shifted dramatically in favor of the Russians.

Things have been relatively calm in Ukraine for a while, but that may be about to change in a major way. According to Business Insider, Russian forces are “encircling Ukraine from the north, east, and south”…

Something big may be about to go down in Ukraine.

For the Ukrainian soldiers that are stationed on the eastern border with Russia, however, things have already escalated to a conventional conflict — for example in Shyrokyne, on the Azov Sea coast east of the port city of Mariupol, Ukrainian forces have reported being the target of over 200 rounds of mortars and artillery fire in the middle of the night from separatist forces.

And the conflict in Ukraine looks like it could be on the verge of boiling over as Russian and Russian-backed forces are encircling Ukraine from the north, east, and south.

Needless to say, these developments are deeply alarming U.S. officials. In fact, Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon says that up to 40,000 Russian soldiers stand poised to launch a full-scale invasion at this moment…

The Pentagon has identified eight staging areas in Russia where large numbers of military forces appear to be preparing for incursions into Ukraine, according to U.S. defense officials.

As many as 40,000 Russian troops, including tanks, armored vehicles, and air force units, are now arrayed along Ukraine’s eastern border with Russia.

Additionally, large numbers of Russian military forces will conduct exercises in the coming days that Pentagon officials say could be used as cover for an attack on Ukraine.

August 24th is Independence Day in Ukraine, and some analysts are pointing to that date as a time when a potential attack could occur.

thanks for dropping, gives me some hope that Holla Forums is still more than trump-posters and hillary shills

Hopefully that will not be the case, and we should remember that Russian President Vladimir Putin tends to do the unexpected. Just look at what happened in Crimea. He was able to annex the entire region without a shot hardly being fired.

When it comes to geopolitics, way too often the Russians are playing chess while the Obama administration is playing checkers.

And as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, the Russians are very much preparing for the day when there will be a military showdown between the United States and Russia.

For example, the newly developed Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (also known as the “Satan 2″) has the capability of destroying an entire region the size of Texas. Each missile has 12 independently targetable warheads, and essentially what that means is that one missile goes up and 12 nuclear warheads come down. It is a weapon of exceedingly great power, and we have no way of stopping it…

Russia is preparing to test-fire a nuclear weapon which is so powerful it could reportedly destroy a whole country in seconds.

The “Satan 2″ missile is rumoured to be the most powerful ever designed and is equipped with stealth technology to help it dodge enemy radar systems .

This terrifying doomsday weapon is likely to strike fear into the hearts of Western military chiefs, as current missile defence technology is totally incapable of stopping it.

But to me, what is even more frightening is the fleet of strategic nuclear submarines that the Russians are putting together. The following comes from a major British news source…

Vladimir Putin is assembling a secret fleet of super submarines which could topple NATO and plunge the world into war.

A report by naval experts warns that Russia already has a small but sophisticated army of subs which are capable of launching missile strikes across the globe.

These submarines can dive extremely deep and they are incredibly quiet. The advanced stealth capabilities that they possess make them an enormously powerful weapon…

Andrew Metrick, who co-wrote the report for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), said: “Russia operates a small number of very small, nuclear powered submarines that are capable of diving in excess of several thousand meters.

“You can imagine what a clandestine deployable deep submergence vehicle could be used for.”

Yes, it doesn’t take much imagination to see what these ultra-quiet subs could be used for.

Someday, a fleet of Russian nuclear submarines could come right up to our coastlines without us ever knowing that they were there. In the middle of the night they could surface, launch their missiles, and strategic targets would start being destroyed within just a couple of minutes.

And if the U.S. was even able to muster much of a response, the Russian anti-ballistic missile systems are able to destroy just about anything that we can throw at them.

To say that the balance of power has shifted from the days of the Cold War would be a massive understatement.

Meanwhile, the Russians have also been creating a “cloak” which can reportedly make units “invisible” to enemy radar…

A Russian defense company has created a “cloak,” which it says can make electronic objects invisible to enemy radar. The aim of the fiber technology, which is used in the cloak, is to make weapons invisible to prying eyes and detection systems.

The St. Petersburg-based company Roselectronics has come up with the invention and says it can make weapons that use thermal, infrared, and electromagnetic radar in targeting invisible.

“The main idea of the development is to create coverage that reduces radar visibility of the object both on the visible and microwave spectrums,” Georgy Medovnikov from Roselectronics told Ruptly, RT’s video agency.

Roselectronics believes the lightweight and flexible material can be used to protect armored vehicles, missile systems and warplanes. According to its creators, the material is unique in its ability to absorb radio-electronic signals and interfere with the distribution of electronic traces.

Here in the United States, the Obama administration has had much different priorities, and so our strategic nuclear forces are hopelessly outdated. 60 Minutes has shown that our strategic nuclear forces are still using rotary phones and the kind of eight inch floppy disks that you could literally flop around in your hand that they were using back in the 1970s.

If you follow my writing regularly, you already know that I have written extensively about a future conflict with Russia.

At one time the doctrine of “mutually assured destruction” applied, but at this point things have changed dramatically.

Russian military theorists have spent a lot of time studying how to fight and win a nuclear war, and now they have the technological edge to potentially be able to do it.

Sadly, these kinds of articles tend to get less attention than many of my other articles because people simply do not understand the threat we are facing, and by the time they do it will likely be way too late.

No, thanks to you.

It is my duty, but foremost, my pleasure.


sage to show my disgust
also this is a good thing, if the rothschilds and rockefellers and soros and other jews leave the US then that's a good thing
I'd rather the world economy crashes and kikes completely abandon their grip on the US and leave to China and India than avoid recessions but have kikes control the US

anyway this isn't exactly news, soros has been buying gold for 2 months at least and the US economy was predicted to crash in a thread here 2-3 months ago. ofc no one remembers that what with all the miserable newfag influx in the past week

Why surface to launch missiles?

Just one remark

What's the source for this? Are jews trying to make the goyim buy gold by releasing these fake articles about them abandoning paper currency or are they really buying gold en masse?

I'm gonna call bullshit on that.

If they offered to sell at a discount to the current price it would be bought up very quickly as automated systems handle most of the trading of these big firms.

That doesn't make any sense. If they're anticipating a collapse in price selling now would give them more value.

They reduced their holdings of USD from 63% to 57%. They're not betting that a collapse is coming. This type of reduction isn't unusual at all.

You do know that site is fake, right?

sage to remind you what a huge faggot you are.

The site is fake but the votes are true.

It's a copy site of the original abcnews for data mining/phishing.

Big money Jews crashing the American economy…
It's a lefty temper-tantrum, the result of Hillary being unelectable. They are revolutionaries, and can get more traction in instigating a civil war if the economy is wrecked.

Foreseen, and expected.

I don't think that globalist oligarchs should be called leftists


Probably the whole gold meme is pushed by Jews. Who owns all the gold? How do you even know what's the real amount and supply of gold in the world?
The gold fix took place at the Rothschild offices until 2004. Rio Tinto, Barrick Gold both have Rothschild involvement for example. The Jew wealth comes very much from gold historically. Who benefits from potentially even less accountable, more concentrated, scarce money supply?

Dude you need to take a step back and really do some thinking about the purpose and origins of money.

You're right.

We could call them Bafathists, but the Bafath no longer exist. So much for the power of their gods.

I won't buy it until I see a archive of the real site. Phishing sites push fake news and polls just to get clicks.

Could they be trying to induce an economic crisis in the US to punish them for supporting Trump? Just like they're trying to punish Britain for Brexit.


The US was the latest vessel to be abandoned and fucked in the ass

I was taking this seriously until this came up and I realized I was reading FSB bullshit

It's worth pointing out that, no, $6.5 trillion is not just under review. That review was completed, and this was the conclusion:

this tbh, america is going to be royally fucked by the world after the jews dump us and buddy up with russia/china and viola they are back in buisness

Kek. I love how nukes continue to be thought of by the clueless as the ultimate life eradicating weapons.

They really aren't that powerful. It could certainly disrupt a region the size of texas, which is what happens if you put a nice big hole in 12 cities, but you greatly overestimate how much a nuke can destroy. They have diminishing returns when it comes to size.

If you nuked Yellowstone you could fuck over the whole US.

Do not make the same mistakes the eternal Anglos did.

Do not sell your currency.
Do not sell your currency.
Do not sell your currency.

He's faking you out and will buy up all the fucking money for a penny once everyone throws the currency out of the window.

Do not fall for it.
Do not be an eternal anglo.


Jolly good!

Better buy land and ammo/canned food

Remember that article some time ago written by some jew saying that now is a bad time to invest in gold?

Well, now we know what they were up to.

As long as you don't weaken the dollar, all is good.

They will fucking reinstate it, even if they spin it like the dollar will die like a dog in a chinese soup kitchen.

They will buy up currency and reinstate it.

Simple fix for money system:

how do i parasitically absorb the wealth of the goyim under this system? Think a little before you post!

In other news, a new mosque has opened up to welcome our new friendly refugees that are escaping here for a better life!

Spinning news is fun!

Pick both

Good money would win eventually. Think about the free market in computers:

More on this, please.

Is it possible some of the 'ghost cities' of China are in preparation for their next exodus?

Good goy

Help me, lads. How do I cure my insatiable lust for latinas?

This. I dropped one that's otherwise wife material.

She's actually somewhere between 60-70% white but she looks brown and has spent her life identifying as such. Thanks to this haven of autistes I keep wavering on her.

I know to never marry one and that only a qt traditional white woman is the only way to go, but damn. Those thick thighs, wide hips, shapely asses and accents make for quite the temptation.

9mm aspirin or .45 paracetamol depending in the severity, fam

But how else will I give my life for the upcoming American Reich in the race war?

Also, it's probably severe enough for the .45 treatment. Just fuck my shit up.

I have the opposite of your problem so I will ask you the same question I asked her (my fiance is fairly redpilled, she is brazilian white and I'm a brown hispanic):

Do you think you can find a white woman better than she is and she treats you?

I gave her the choice to walk away with the same question and she stayed. We do both have Iberian heritage so perhaps that's what helped us, but if yours has good background, genes and education and being brown is incidental then I would think that the european in her is still present as my girl has found in me.

I never cared for those. I know one that looks like Olga Kurylenko and I just want to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my cave.

You don't want to sully the already tainted gene pool, right? Use logic not your dick

Exactly remember the "September to remember" last year?

Dear god anons take an economics course at your local community collage

You're right, user.

Shemita started last september, but lasts a year. Not enough happenings to your liking this year?

This year has been full of great happenings, I'm not saying that it's just…

We are nowhere close to a full economic breakdown and September is almost here again.

Can't these goddamn Jews just put us in gulags and be done with this shit? I mean talk about slow and painful

Remember what they did to Britain's stock market after they voted for Brexit?

They deliberately crashed it after betting against the pound. They later pointed the finger at the voters and blamed them for it.

They are likely preparing to do the same to America if Donald Trump gets elected. They are betting against the dollar and will crash the stock market and blame the American people after voting against their puppet Clinton.


Want to get rich real easy folks?

Don't do what the elites or their media say, follow what actions they take financially and do the same if you can afford to.

Hard assets! Property! Gold & silver! Firearms & ammo needed to protect your physical wealth when SHTF. Expect mass chimp outs when average folks can't afford food anymore. Stay away from the riots, stay indoors (preferably in rural or suburban areas), make sure you lock up your 'compounds' real good (remember my rants about entry point fortification?), and have enough essentials to ration as hard times come.

Hitler and his administration didn't outline this labor-based system? There has to be books somewhere


You may know guns but you don't know economics.

To be fair the way our distribution system is set up if all trucks were to stop all food in stores would run out by the end of the week, then the real collapse begins. if it's just economic like the depression then it'll end up like Cyprus and Greece.

If you have the resources consider a trip down to Argentina or Colombia, all the statistics show a healthy mix of minority-white elites that seem to have developed some of the degenerate spice you crave while maintaining gene purity.

Unless WW3 becomes a thing the only happening I foresee is an economic one, which, while shitty will still be totally survivable. Yes there will be unrest and people will die as a result but they will be a small fraction of the population.

Mixing up memes like a newfag shill would do

He has to be aiming to kill Bitcoin here.

Seriously people.

That has to be the aim.

I don't see why he would do something so drastic.
Clearly he knows bitcoin averts his own IOUs

Good call. My favourite market commentators have gone relatively silent on Twitter which always means they have real work to do adjusting their portfolios.

The Fed is running out of excuses not to raise, I think they may actually do it this time.


I think you need to look up the US's geography, and take a crash course in exactly how the food and water is distributed across the country. Many captial cities are practically speaking death traps and cities as a rule are this as well but some have absolutely no means of being able to establish a sustainable means of living because all the water and food and supplies is brought in from another source, in an economic collapse these places will effectively be cut off.


i'm gonna miss you guys

wtf i love Christianity now.

here you go bro, some WWF wrestler's daughter. sorry for off topic

gotta tell your kids the tale.
dont let them be blue-pilled

Don't worry brother, were gonna make it.




Also this

in all my life i've only ever met 5 channers
only 1 is from full/pol/ and the other is a convert neckbeard. i really hope we can code talk on the fields somehow to group up.
how fucked am i?

I've heard that a nuke wouldn't set off Yellowstone (or at least be likely) - there needs to be some % of 'eruptable' magma for that.

god I hope I never have a daughter, you have to watch them grow up from some cherubic little pure girl into what invariably is a giant embarrassment

Yeah it coming.

What kind of logic is that? And you do realize the modern day nuke is not a single blast right? There's generally multiple warheads packed on an ICBM, this Chinese one carries up to 10:

Of course in the context of this thread, dirty money is more likely to pay for it being snuck in on the ground, but Texas is huge and spaced out so to consider an area that large being disrupted 'not that powerful' is insane.


Just go and kill youself kike.
1% Jew is still Jew, remember that. There is no such thing as part Jew.

and it got a fucking sticky

gr8 board you have here, eh?

Crashing the economy huh?
It won't matter, because we'll

I'm well aware of what you're talking about. NYC would last two days without resupply before the shelves would be empty. What I'm wondering is why you seem to have this idea that logistics suddenly stops being a thing in an economic collapse. Just look at the collapse in the socialist hellhole Venezuela. The food trucks are still doing their thing even in a place like that, albeit with armed guards.

Less fucked than me.

pray for me

Jesus Christ

Seize and Nationalize the Federal Reserve System

How can the necessary economic recovery be financed? It is clear that the zombie bankers cannot do this, since these banks are derelicts, bankrupted by the masses of kited derivatives they hold. The zombie banks absorb the resources, drive up the price of food and gasoline through speculation, collect exorbitant fees, and otherwise parasitize the economy. The zombie banks need to be put through Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings, with all of their derivatives wiped out in the process.

Paul Krugman and other Keynesians propose an economic recovery financed exclusively through the federal budget. Our objection to this method has nothing to do with the reactionary Republican demagogy about deficits and debt. Alexander Hamilton pointed out that a funded national debt, provided it is not excessive, is actually an advantage to a modern nation. But the measures we have already proposed, even with the help of the Wall Street sales tax, will represent a significant expansion in federal spending. A sustained economic recovery requires a source of credit which cannot be the zombie banks and which should not be the federal budget, given the urgent competing claims on the resources of the US Treasury.

The obvious source of financing for the US economic recovery is the Federal Reserve System. In the 2008 financial panic, the Federal Reserve made available approximately $27 trillion in credit. But only financial institutions were eligible for these loans. To get a 0% loan from the Fed, you had to be a bank, a money market fund, a credit card company, or some other kind of financial service. Some loans were made available as monetary stimulus, such as QE I, II, and III. Other loans were made as a credit stimulus, including the Term Auction Facility (TAF), Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), and others.

These policies have failed to create a recovery. It is now time for the Fed to stop serving the banks, and to start serving the needs of the US economy as a whole. This would take the form of a Main Street Credit Facility and a Rebuild America Infrastructure Facility.

Either through law or political pressure, the Federal Reserve must be forced to put out a tender offer to states and regional authorities like the New York-New Jersey Port Authority stating the Fed’s willingness to buy an initial $1 trillion of state bonds with the proceeds devoted exclusively to rebuilding the infrastructure of the United States. These must be century bonds, with 100 year maturities and the coupon rate must be set at 0%. Once the first tranche of $1 trillion is expended, another tranche should be offered, until the point at which full employment is reached. The states issuing the bonds can offer solid collateral of the infrastructure improvements that are being created.

These state and authority bonds will make possible the long overdue rebuilding of the entire US Interstate Highway System, including its bridges; the national passenger, freight, and commuter rail using the technology of the 21st century; the national electricity production and transmission grid; canals, ports, sewage and water systems; telecommunications; public housing; schools, hospitals, libraries, public buildings, etc.

Webster G. Tarpley Ph.D.
October 27, 2012

Only reason Hitler won was because he pandered to fear, and fear is at its highest during an economic collapse.

NSDAP 2: Auschwitz Afterparty here we go boys.

I always get autism fit when I read "antisocial". It's asocial, not antisocial! Not. The. Same. Thing. Niggers are antisocial, NEETs often asocial.

oy vey it's anudder happening

"Deutsche Bank from Germany, UBS from Switzerland, Santander from Spain, and Bank of New York Mellon have joined together to launch what they’re naming the very un-sexy “utility settlement coin”.

Like Ripple, Setl, Monetas, and several other competing technologies, Utility Settlement Coin has the potential to end the reliance on the US banking system for cross-border payments and financial transactions.

Banks will be able to send payments to one another directly without having to transit through the Wall Street financial toll plaza.

(Global consulting firm Oliver Wyman estimates that the cost of clearing and settling international financial transactions at up to $80 billion annually.)

This has enormous implications, especially for US banks.

The Federal Reserve, for example, has already warned that financial technology could pose stability risks to the US financial system.

And they’re right.

If foreign banks are able to transact directly with one another without having to go through the US banking system, then why would they need to park trillions of dollars in the United States?

They wouldn’t."

If you're half white and the other half isn't negroid, use a surrogate and an aryan egg donor to try to totally wash away the mud in the next generation. Make white passing kids without white women.

And does this not prove that what you're saying is retarded? Some jews have blonde hair and blue eyes at this point, but they're still subversive as hell and identify with their semitic tribe. You can't breed that away, same with pale negroids like Shaun King.


thanks user

people usually just mean unsocial

do you believe he's the One?

For what it's worth, there have been instances of military officials setting up shell companies and billing themselves for services rendered, effectively using their positions to bilk money out of the military for free.

I seem to recall that one was actually caught doing it, and stated that everyone was doing it during the following trial.

Trump calling it out:
Nguyen's idiot ass:

Missed that one. Sauce?


You know all that werfare those niggers and spics receive for trying to destroy the White race?

Yes? After we win the Race War it will be all yours.

You sure YOU are not the kike?

Arthas did nothing wrong!

Im a new here, please tell me,
the kikies support Hillary or Trump?


They control American politics so much that Trump, who's colluded with heebs before must still make speeches as AIPAC praising Israel. From what he's said, he's the best bet at making things greater, unlike Hillary, who's admitted herself that she's gonna be "more of the same".

It was the only place I could find work! Welding's barely in demand with how fucked everything is!

Do you know how to self-sustain, user?

I don't and I'd really like to know what you mean by that or how it could be done.

Don't let your collar be a leash, user. There's a reason Holla Forums praises the village life, and damns the city, but it's probably too late to change your mind.

I don't own any land nor do I have a cent left to my name, I really don't understand this mentality. It just simply isn't an option for me even if I wanted to.

Yeah. It's too late for you. Might as well join the forces, once shit clears up.

IMF is switching from USD according to dollar vigilante

zerohedge confirms

Is there a way to get a roth IRA into gold or something that might hold some value?

Or am I better just taking it out completely? What's the penalty?

I have no confidence that it will matter at all in the long run (be worthless or be obsolete or stolen by the gov), and it was the one thing I never bothered touching back in 2008-9.

todays captcha unrelated

See if you can, but if not I'd just take the whole thing out and eat the penalty and hoard the gold/silver.

Don't forget to have stored food, water, medicine, bullets and guns for the initial collapse phase though. It's sort of like preparing for the worst case scenario of the worst case scenario.

I have everything already except anti-biotics and a few parts I want to stock up on. I don't have enough land, but I have all that is reasonable in my area. I'm rural, have metals, guns, ammo, skills, food, 2 wells, etc. No wife/kids or enough trustworthy people involved, so I wany to try investing this stuff myselfin the next few months, hopefully to have the shekels you need to get a woman convinced to live in the middle of nowhere. Unless there's a real habbeding, then I'll own a few.

Fish antibiotics actually are the same ones that are used for humans, and they're over the counter at the pet store. You may want to look into that, pretty inexpensive as well. Stuff like FishMox and FishPen would be good, there's articles on the internet about what's safe and what it equates to. Here's only one small one:

Also, I'm sure you've already read it but the people that have gone through war in Bosnia said that one of the most important things is extra people for safety and work. Naturally being out in a rural area will be much safer but of course the more the merrier up to a certain point.

You know what to do, just giving suggestions.

Better get some antibiotics


I know about needing people. The people who I trust and who know what they are doing mostly live in the wrong direction for me. Moving near them would be moving too close to a major urban center, and the wrong side of a river.

Locally there isn't anyone trustworthy who cares about any of this stuff or who looks ahead, my oldest friends let me down and one even told people this shit behind my back.



Holy fuck this is the summer to end all summers

The jewish matrix is going to collapse this year and there is nothing you can do about it.

I'm not in here with you
You're in here with me

That's what I think too. It could get rough for a while after Trump wins.

Holy fuck this is the summer to end all summers

The jewish matrix is going to collapse this year and there is nothing you can do about it.

I'm not in here with you
You're in here with me



Pretty good story. I don't have a soundtrack for the NEEt uprising but embed will have to do.

I dunno fam. I think your dick is broke.
Why not try a ginger? It's like a budget white person. See this:

Bumping because this might be more important than we think…

Bump because the Rotschild and because I don't know if vid related has already been embed in the thread.

Yeah they're terrified that Trump revealed the biggest "bad goy" secret of them all: the world economy is resting on US securities. China holds an enormous number of T-bills and since we write the rules we don't actually need to pay them back. China devalues their currency to drag down the value of the US dollar and purchases massive numbers of T-bills to effectively "lock" the US dollar into. Lower value position. Trump floated the idea of forcing some exploitive "shareholders" to take a haircut on treasury securities because it's obvious that we can never pay them all back so we shouldn't be selling them in the first place.

Why would deflation, ie falling prices be bad?

What?? Growth fell from 7.0% to 6.9%, that's disater?

But why?

Makes sense.