Sahara Thread

France is making a movie about snakes next year. Does this interest you?

In French:

This looks like a Dreamworks flick for some reason.

Dropped, any movie that shills to minorities is off the list for me.
As someone who loves scorpions fuck this movie even more.

gary is pure sex

Snake…hair…Oh come on you lazy ass animators use some creativity do not sticking fucking hair on a snake. Also scorpion looks like it's from another film.

Looks shit.

Ajar is the name of the actual character. The actor, Omar Sy, is technically French, however he does have nigger blood.

hopefully it wont be nearly as cancerous


trash is where this belongs

Ajar still sounds like a Middle Eastern name, correct me if I'm wrong so I still count it as pandering.

I keep thinking of the guy who does the voice of beast boy in that pic. I guess its the hair.

Do you hear that?.. It's the sound of snakeporn being made.

Well they are set in the Sahara desert, but I don't understand why they don't just make the full cast named like that.

Have some concept art

That scorpion reminds me of the crab from the Little Mermaid. Seems fun enough like a kids movie.

This tbh
spoilered for snake porn
what the fuck did you think it was going to be?

Glorious snek…

The only good snake porn doesn't have any of these.

is good

is garbage

It seriously does. The title looks like Madagascar, and Eva looks like Viper from KFP.

We need more Xcom Rule #34.

No, we don't.


Those are venom sacs, you fucking casual.

How the fuck is she opening her vagina? Have a fucking at that abomination of a fucking tail. I don't even get off to snek porn, and this is fucking awful. Kill yourself and get some fucking taste.



Nah, fuck off cunt.


Also, if we're talking about cloacas, this 4th pic has both holes, which ruins the immersion.

Still better than any snek.



but what about boobs tho?

and butts?

no no no, a snake is just a dildo with some holes in it.


Don't belong on reptiles.

no legs = no butt

This is terrible.

snek haha lmao


you're terrible

I swear to god am I on tumblr or something ?

Anyway, for those who can't speak frog, sort of a translation of the teaser :

Ajar : Aaaah ! Pitt ! Pitt ! There's tons of people !
Pitt : Ah ! Get them out ! Get them out !
Ajar : But… how am I supposed to…
Pitt : Pretend you're a horned viper or something ! People are spooked outta their butt by vipers with horns !
Ajar… honk, honk !
Pitt … what was that supposed to be ?
Ajar : But… you're the one who said…

Looks like a film for kids, the voice acting is okay-ish. Can't expect it to be mindblowing, but the French are good at animation so perhaps we can at least expect something nice there
Also Omar Sy's a brilliant and fun actor so he should do a good job anyway

If the movi happens in Sahara, the Name is kinda on point. If anything, the other characters name are mismatching unless the scenario is something amongst the line of zoo's snakes released in Africa…

Don't really know. Trying to see if there's a pun maybe with their names in french but not hearing it.
The overall plot seems to be that Ajar and Pitt are losers who want to move to that big-ass oasis town to get Eva, that hot-ass snake gurl Ajar fell in love with. Looks like a somewhat classic story for kids or at the very least young teens.


furshit tier


I can suspend my disbelief to see humanlike cute girls instead of snakes, but that hairdo on the forth really rustles my jimmies
Even Trump's tuppe looks more real than that

It's like Disney and Dreamworks fucked, aborted their baby and this is the result.

Have some pics

I fucking swear there is no better place on earth that Holla Forums
How do you shitheads do it so fast, it's amazing
I'm not really into that kinda stuff but always impressed by OC smut user

user, those images are not from here. They have 4chan filenames.


What? No.

Sorry, but the hottest snake is Viper.

Because Eva looks like Viper and the marketing design is identical.

But I'm very sure that Dreamworks would know that making a movie completely based on snakes and scorpions (animals that are not really the most beloved ones) isn't a good idea. On the other hand… they make a friggin baby movie…


The Sahara isn't in the middle east.

Anonymouse likes snakes. Anonymouse will watch this. Anonymouse will jack his mouse dick to snake girl.

No, but Ajar isn't a middle eastern name anyway, so the first user who cried about "pandering" was being a dolt in more than one way. It's a name coming from Egypt apparently, and the Sahara's not too far from there.

I didn't know about the plot at the time of writing.

But it's on the Maghreb and thus part of the Middle East culturally.

The important question is Does the snek fuck a human man?

Finally, a snake that's a protagonist and is the hero. See this is the kind of diversity I'm looking forward to. Seriously, I love animators that take a gamble and make normally unsympathetic animals sympathetic.


Hold on a second
the second sanke is MALE?!?!?!
that's a fucking FEMALE face no matter how you look at it
Just look at that face

Maybe it's a wig.

When will it end?

Ah yes. The Allen Gregory movie.


Hply shit I posted this as a joke. You guys have literal autism.


Val needs to be gassed.
It wouldn't be so bad if he was just some vaguely identifiable autistic user that frequently posts like the copyright faggot, but he had to go and attach an attention whore name to himself and remove all doubt when it comes to how a shit a thread will wind up being.

Every time I see this webm I wonder how painful that was for the snake.
I don't care if someone fucks something like a horse or a cow, since they wouldn't really feel anything even from the biggest of human dicks, but if someone stuck themselves into a small animal it's obviously going to cause some serious pain.

If it were hurt, it would tell him, and how.

How big are the eggs those snakes lay?

Have one small new screenshot



How come only the US is able to have decent looking cgi, the film looks completely plastic.




Post more snake porn.

Don't have anymore, but have a screenshot.

/monster/ fags btfo

What a fucking casual.


I'm not a vegan hippy weirdo, but this is wrong and should be illegal.


Didn't they try to make a scorpion mascot for 4chan?


A movie about Snakes in the Sahara

Do they all move to France and randomly attack people in the subway and then cry about not being respected or understood by locals?

Cobras are quintessentially French. Cobras have always lived in France.

Then he's not fucking French, now is he?


monsterfags are objectively better than furfags

Many of the monstergirl designs I see don't even have nudity but simply present a character design that is conceptually interesting. I never once experienced that looking at anything furry which is probably why I hate furry as much as I do. Plus the autists on /monster/ are actually funny and post some hilarious shit.

Well, most of the furry art comes from autists paying actually talented but desperate artists to make their shit for them. Even then, some furries actually have talent and their autism just helps them to accomplish incredible things.

I don't know, user, as much as I like monster girls the designs are really lazy.
Then again, I only know of MGE and MGQ.

Monster girl is preferred more because it's based on fantasy more? Or maybe because they can't be real? Maybe because my fave is slime girl type.

Monsterfags are shit.

This is one of the first posts I've seen on Holla Forums not sucking anime cock when the genre is brought up

The key goal is to purge the unclean. There are more vile and contemptible fetishes than furries, but it is only furries who tolerate the worst of the worse. Furries will accept ANYONE even if they are diaper wearing, vore fetish degenerates.

All must fucking hang. No exceptions.

cuckoldry is gas-worthy.

And from what crevice of your ass did you pull that out of?

You're talking out of your ass.Even suggesting cuckoldry on /monster/ triggers the entire thread.


You know damn well what I'm talking about. Tragedy.

That's another thing. There's so much of the shit that goes against their supposed rules within their prized works. All of the stuff they vehemently oppose gets introduced, and they fucking explode about it. Some make exceptions, and then those exception-makers get condemned by opposers. I thought your regular furfaggots were the type to bring in drama, but it seems these /monster/fags are no different, in that regard. So serious about fetishes, that they might as well write shitty fanfics about their special brand of trash, and they do.

you are a furry. deal with it.

Projection. Not an argument.


I don't give a damn what sect of degenerate this is. All I know is that you don't belong here.

Jesus Christ man, get over it.

..but then you should be saying go to /zoo/ not /furry/

Oh, now /furry/ isn't a cesspool of zoophiliacs? I have no time for your moderate degeneracy.


seems like you have plenty of time to be a fool.

No, you're definitely that same guy.
You're spouting the exact same shit, word for word.
Unless you saw him getting replies and just turned his posts into pasta or some shit, but I don't think that's likely.

Trips confirmed

OP says please stop or nuke

And Holla Forums, /a/ and /pone/

Waste of trips, and no argument, to boot.



It's a better screenshot but so far no news on the front.

That pic looks like the cover of an N64 game.

No proof of what you big silly willy?

He is french as in the nationality
If you are x country then you are x nationality

Looks gay. They have a Brad Pitt crab or whatever it is. That's homo.

Proof you aren't degenerates, when I've already made a well argument suggesting otherwise.

I was never saying furries were le degenerates
Also what well arguement did you mak other than saying >:(((((( I DONT LIKE THIS IMAGE >:(((((( DEGENERRATSIE!!!!!!!!

Nobody will lay a finger on /pone/ !

You're spreading your off-topic degeneracy about fucking animals onto other boards. Please be considerate, and cease.

Have a poster.

again, that's /zoo/ not /furry/.

This trailer looks interesting.

Now if only I could understand a damn thing they're saying.

Several French people yelling at each other in French. Good enough for me.

You do now that the movie takes place in the sahara right?

I hope its a damn wig


Still won't stop the stereotypes.

So when does it come out?


That's /pone/ get your stereotypes right shitposter.



And /horse/
centaurs is still degenerate

that place is dead

February 1, 2017 in France.

It's a wig. He isn't wearing it in the trailer.

Dark blue/black snakes gonna be the green snakes romantic interest no doubt
Green's probably her brother

So a nigger cobra wants to make eggs with a non poisonous green snake, typical.
