The Time To Take Back Our Board Has Come
Many of you oldfags are like me sick and tired of the Trump spam that’s over taken this board and been a constant cancer for more than 12 months. It was ok fine for quite some while and the discussion stayed true to what the boars culture has always been. Not to believe everything said and to expose the jew wherever they’re seen. It then evolved into memetic magic which isn’t bad either. But around the halfway point of the primaries things got out of hand quickly and it’s been getting worse by the day from that point on. But now it’s reached a critical point where enough is enough. Outcasts from the_donald have arrived here by the boatload and no thread is by them allowed to stay clean from this Trump spam.
To top it all off any thread wanting any reasonable discussion about Trump be it about his jew ties or his softening tone and policies are spammed to hell in minutes. You can see this yourselves by looking at any thread critical of Trump. These Trump fags will sit there and sage it, spam complete nonsense in order to burry any relevant discussion. And to make matters worse it seems as if our mods are as corrupt. Just in the past few days I’ve seen the mods (when they bother to even come online) remove threads critical to Trump and to ban the OP of those threads.
If we want to ensure that the last safe haven for us who will not conform to the lowest common denominator survives we now need to take action and fight back. I suggest that you do this by partaking in a civil discussion on topics critical to towards Trump. Report the people calling anyone who doesn’t conform to this insanity “shill, jew, CTR etc”.
If we let this insanity keep on going until the elections are over there will not be anything left. All the oldfags will have left and what we’re left with is nothing. Truth is that if Trump gets into office he’ll fail all his fanboys within his first 200 days in office. They’ll then start to crawl back under the rock they came from while we’ll be left with a board that’s never going to be what it once was.
I will not sit here and hope that mods pin this thread or remove any spam from it.
Don’t let this board become another cuckchan board.