Is Clinton better for our movement than Trump?

Apparently, one of her speech writers has become aware of our movement, and is likely going to make it part of her campaign to attack us directly.


Which makes me think™, what are the chances she would forcibly enact Orwellian, anti-1A legislation in an attempt to silence our race realism and other uncomfortable truths her and her followers refuse to swallow?

After reading the Turner Diaries, I have to wonder, is it better to have worse things happen in order to redpill and thus trigger the masses? I feel as if Trump would just pacify us for 8 years. What would he actually get done for our movement besides building a wall? He is pro-Israel and his kids are all dating kikes, Baron too probably. Ivanka literally took a Jewish name. I'm not waiting for Hitler or the perfect candidate, but Trump is far from perfect beyond his anti-Muslim and stronger immigration platforms. I am still very unsure about what he'll do in the white house, and I think he's just going to end up pacifying the average American (who, let's be honest, is not interested in white nationalism)

Maybe I'm going about asking this the wrong way, but basically, is Clinton better for our movement? Is accelerationism the only true way forward?

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Guys, don't even bother to reply.

Trump is better for us because he'll act as a release valve for all the Alt-Right hobbyists.

I think you've phrased it wrong, and you'll probably be called a shill as a result. That said, I think our chances get better every day, and in the long run Trump or Hillary winning will help us out. Basically, it's too late for the Neocons to retake control of the Republicans and it's too late for the Democrats to recapture that feeling of rebellion that Bernie Sanders provided. A Trump presidency would give us time to consolidate our gains and make a push for legitimacy in some form. Trump himself is mostly irrelevant in this, but ideally he follows through on his immigration rhetoric and we get a temporary reprieve from mass third world immigration. You're right that Trump is 8 years of pacification, but 8 years on neutral ground gives us a lot of rope to hang the new Left with.
Getting Hillary is infinitely worse short term. Counting on giving your opponent the presidency so they can fuck it up is not a great plan. She will continue the demographic replacement, likely limit her attacks on the 1A/2A to levels that only produce low level protests, and continue America's foreign policy. It would take a significant happening to cause any real unrest during Clinton's presidency, which is possible, but unlikely. That said, we would essentially have 8 years with the ultimate lolcow as president, and, like Obama, she is a target against which we can rally people. My biggest fear would be a reenactment of the Yugoslav situation in the '90s, where we start bombing some based European country for their reaction to the migrant crisis. I doubt she could work up a proper war fervor against Hungary, but there would be shitlib college students across the country supporting her in doing so.

No. Only winning matters.

Stick your head in an oven.


This can be said about literally any candidate from any party from any perspective. Trump is Holla Forums on a silver platter. No other Holla Forums candidate has ever gotten this close. He is our victory.

Now go fuck off shill.

Chances are high.

Her surrogate after Benghazi went on meet the press and called an unrelated YouTube video an "abuse of free speech" and had it taken down and the maker arrested.


Pretty sure that was a legit probation violation on his part.

short answer is no
long answer is no

Guys, remember that TIME article where Holla Forums was positioned as the most "trolly" board? Well, normalfags who read that article are already here in huge amounts, including op.

Brace yourselves, we are going the way of cuckchans Holla Forums, just look at fucking catalog.

Thankfully post election there won't be much reason for CTR types to flood our board. Maybe we can have it back.

All of this shilling is just inreasing my resolve. Hillary must be getting really desperate, she's killing people left and right, but she still fails. Sad.

null dubs checked

How'd that work out for ya?

True, that is a big positive for Trump.

Holy shit there is intelligent life on planet Holla Forums today! You make a fair point, perhaps regardless who wins, we are still heading towards a cultural victory. Thanks for the real response. Perhaps Trump is our best option after all.

I'm not entirely sure this entire "presidency" isn't an artificial way to make people feel like they're "winning," so you go first for being an edgy fag.

Did you ever read the OP?

Trump is literally pro-Israel but okay.

I'm 99.99% sure I've been here longer than you.


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Really makes u think

when did this fucking retarded logic become so prevalent

Those trips don't lie.