Don't mind me while I story time the autism of the alt-right.
Don't mind me while I story time the autism of the alt-right
To me, this is every bit as cringey as Hellcat.
Art's kinda okay I guess, would've been better if it was digital.
Most of it is traced.
You do know that every time this garbage gets posted on Holla Forums they tell the autist who makes it to fuck right off don't you ?
why did you post this
what were you thinking
Nigger, this was made before the alt-right maymay was a thing. Stop being a salty cunt.
Didn't the guy who made this also make a patreon for it? Which also led to more people telling him to fuck off.
Who the hell is enjoying this?
Cut the shit Malaysia, we know it's you
Yeah, he did.
No-one anywhere enjoys it, but for some reason the faggot author keeps posting it, wouldn't surprise me if he made this thread himself.
Where's the link to that patreon? I need to see how many dumbasses are supporting this.
Where's Sonichu? Where's Mary Lee Walsh? Why isn't it colored in?
what a fag
Does anybody have any Christ Chan porn? I want to corrupt her with my semen because I'm a big gross degenerate and I need fap material.
No, gook. No.
Fuck off with this shit comic
Holla Forums already told you to fuck off a dozen times but you just can't take a hint
No one likes it, no one wants it
Just stop
Get the fuck out of 8ch you worthless
Fun fact: The guy who makes these comics is an scamming e-begger who tries to shill his shitty comic to make easy cash on Patreon.
If you do happen to come across any of these Christ-Chan comic threads, by all means, do NOT reply to them. Don't give him any attention. Just sage, report and move on.
I bet the fuck made this very thread just to shill his comic even more.
Wow, it's like Fred Gallagher, except actually worse.
Does this sperg have an ED page yet, or is he too smalltime?
You know he's began to use "Nigger-lover" and "CTR" in lieu of "Go fuck a rat", right?