Hillary Responds To Health Allegations; Opens A Jar Of Pickles: “I Feel Like This Is An Alternate Universe”
Hillary Responds To Health Allegations; Opens A Jar Of Pickles: “I Feel Like This Is An Alternate Universe”
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I know when my mom had cancer the way the doctor checked to see if it was in remission or not was by having her open a collection of pickle jars.
By the time she got to the third jar I was in tears, what a strong woman she is.
Please Kek kill her soon.
That's the same double who came up on stage to after Obongo endorsed her at the dnc.
archive you fucking queer
It’s ZH, you fucking newfag.
Is the Mandela effect part of project blue beam?
This is cringe worthy. Notice that the seal didn't pop. Are clintonfaggots this stupid not to realize this?
I used to listen to the radio show Kimmel worked for back in the 90s. It's sad to see how much of a cuck he has become.
Click here to find out how this woman beat cancer by opening a bunch of pickle jars.
How did she dew it?!
Hillary is more of a joke every time we see her.
Dubs and she comes out in full-on clown get-up before November. Red nose and all.
She doesn't go questioning Donald's health because she doesn't want the same questions to be asked of her.
She never wears anything but pantsuits, any other clothing probably gives away her piss bag.
archiving is just about shekels kike. we aren't gaymergoy.
Good instincts, but zerohedge is fucking awesome. Go there to learn about the current state of world economics from Uncle Tyler
I hate how fake and scripted the interview is. Do normies even know that or do they think they are having this conversation on the fly?
Notice she was sitting down again.
Guess who's taking modafinil because of Parkinson's disease?
"I'm not sick because Trump isn't sick!"
If true, there's always a price to pay for injecting speed into a sick old racehorse. Literal disintegration on the approach to the finish line, for example.
Uhh, what did they do with all those open jars of pickles?
Yes I'm sure they just had an unopened jar of pickles sitting around ready for this cunt to open, who the fuck believes this garbage?
Guarantee you it was loosened up ahead of time, too
Every time
I worry that they don't, I imagine most women don't.
Hillary + pickle jar
meme it
no one watches late night shows anymore for a reason.
Throw them out.
Pickles are gross.
You're gross, you pickle-hating melon-muncher.
Owch… ya jerks hit me where I live….
rip on mom… :-(
Yeah, and the man show was pretty politically incorrect, at least compared to stuff now.
I found the pickle-eating subhuman.
I found the (1)
I found Chris-Chan.
First thing she starts blabbing about is "Trump helping the terrorists" with his rhetoric.
I thought they had dropped that? Since it's fucking ridiculous? Jesus.
Don't forget he was dating (((Sarah Silverman))) for a long time. If he wasn't inducted into Jewish servitude back then, then he at least has been brain-washed by a feminista.
This is pre-recorded bullshit.
Your name is Moonman. You are a silly ho.
if he was ever legitimately attracted to her then he was always an overcompensating faggot with micropenis. just looking at him gave me that impression but you never know until you know.
So? There are plenty of 80 year olds I knew who could open a jar of pickles, one which had at least 5 cancers at a time. Make her stanf up and stay for at least an hour, then make her walk around. Keep her in the public eye for hours and hours. Of course she would collapse before then, but sitting down and opening a jar doesn't mean shit.
The audio goes silent the moment she starts to turn the lid. It is very easy to hear that there is not pop at all.
bets on them adding a fake pop and deleting the originals.
She is trying too hard pretending to be turning it.
Off by one, ain'cha?
I'm 96 years old, and my secret to youth has always been opening pickle jars. I live on a fixed income, and most of that is actually spent on pickle jars to open. Thankfully I also use them as a makeshift toilet.
Keep opening them and I might get to dubs soon.
U lazy neets. I've done it myself. Enjoy some dank OC, anons.
Watermelon is nigger fruit. I never eat that shit. I actually look down on the Japanese for liking that stuff. Every August I have to make excuses not to eat that sugar water because they love it so much.
It is well know in the scientific community that opening pickle jars is one of the best cures for cancer. Your mother's doctor was a wise man.
That's some might fine OC there.
Just because niggers like watermelon does not mean its shit.
t. nigger
Did it pop or did they actually pre-open it for her?
nothing wrong with watermelon, it's tasty.
doesn't stop me from making fun of niggers&watermelons whist eating watermelon.
Watermelon is good for you, its not like the other shit nuis love to consume. If niggers never existed, we would still have watermelon and we could eat it. Are you just afraid to eat something nigs also eat?
What do you think?
Meant nigs. I fucked up, you can kill me now
Dose USA jars open without full circle?
You're right.
It's one thing to be a corrupt whore of satan but the media collusion is just the worst. MSM deserves to hang. Every single one of those traitors.
The pantsuit witch continues to show why Hollywood should be nuked.
you usually twist in like half an inch until it pops and then just pull up on it. the aluminum, or whatever they're made of, ones anyway. old ones had to be screwed all the way in and out.
Let's avoid a redo of the great spud wars.Sweet potatoes are the UberTuber
OOMG, it's dubcalypse!
Just look at those doubles!
Praise KEK!
satan called it
Satan stop this madness, what the hell is happening?
the lid starts turning while she's "struggling" with it
pickle jars do not work like this. confirmed fake
Dear God what is happening?
Trump also doesn't wear prism lenses or a catheter and doesn't have problems standing for extended periods of time.
Memes son.
Kek approves of the hillary + pickle jar meme, rev up your paint, anons.
Try 'woman with dementia' or 'woman dying from [some rare but plausible disease]' or 'seizure feminist' instead of demented woman
Is this going to be seen as a pathetic attempt by Hillary to seem healthy that no one will buy? Like the dude in the Great Escape trying to pretend his eye sight is good when he is basically blind?
Clever use of pickle jar meme to make normies think health allegations are sexist.
Like this?
Well scripted, and a jar that was opened with sound effects. And I haven't even read the article or watched the video yet. How did I do?
This answers my question. We could literally make this into a joke. She is doing the most simple task as if it proves anything. Both my grandmothers God rest their souls were able to do these things right up until they were on their death beds.
I hear a pop underneath her senile grunting at 9 seconds. It's right after Kimmel says 'oh' the second time. Are you all fucking deaf?
Thank you for correcting the record.
No sound effects, they are too incompetent for that.
nada on both.
Is this photoshopped?
No. It is a pre-opened jar. All she doing is pretending. Hey, come over to my house and will miraculously smell a bit of garlic I accidentally dropped in my kitchen.
BTW, nice use of the non-offensive "Nazi" imagery. Allow me to really trigger you.
The Mandela effect is meant to be associated with CERN I think it's bullshit, however this cult ritual there might not be. youtu.be
she used to be pretty cute, nothing ages a person like degeneracy
Why are (((they))) shilling this ritual shit?
damn that young Hillary
now with more vomit
I agree, but that was fun but I think we can agree pickles are amazing.russets are the superior tuber you heretic
That's how you know when some real shit it going on.
Holy shit. This is Jeb-tier. This is literally on the level of Jeb working the Dunkin Donuts drivethrough in NH.
Pickles are absolutely amazing, specifically half-sour half-dill pickles.How dare you pick Russets over Yukon Gold master race you utter pleb.
Best Maid or get gassed
I'm with her.
All good thread original posts now have to end with the phrase Please Clap to be considered a proper submission.
it's another classic example of how they are utterly unable to think outside of themselves. this little stunt probably went over big with the politically illiterate who are voting for her no matter what, while anyone with any degree of intelligence sees this for what it is, an almost outright admission that she might be even sicker than the "theories" claim
similar to how (((they))) tried to "own" the echoes on twitter and just end up doing the hard work for us
Had to jewgle them tbh fam. Are they a regional Texas thing? Never heard of or seen them around my parts. I get my pickles from a family owned wop deli that's been around since 1926. They have a damn fine recipe and locally source the ingredients.
They were kosher pickles.
Pickles are good for you, user.
No evidence of hillary taking it, though. Where’s the direct link to the context?
how come the pickles at restaurants taste better than the ones in jars at the supermarket?
That;s the problem user. There's no microphone there, the pop shouldn't be audible to the viewers. Just like most audio on TV, it's added in post.
A teacher of mine back in high school told us about a friend of his, who did foley for a living. Including for porn. those hip-to-ass slapping noises you hear are chicken breasts slapping together.
Because everything tastes better when it's 4 times the store price.
Careful, niggers also breathe air.
A local brand is an acceptable alternative to best maid if it's unavailable to you.
HOW DARE I? HOW DARE YOU user! Russets are the superior potatoe, they are versatile, nutritious and highly satiating. All potatoes bow before the mighty russet!
Oh, baby, you know you want to rub me.
Modafinil is great stuff though. I'm sure it's common for the elite to fabricate medical excuses to get it prescribed while the rest of us have to resort to the black market.
Last ditch effort to spoop their enemies.
You mean I've been jacking off to chicken thigh breast noises? That's some beastiality shit right there isn't it?
Russets are superior you say? Nay, Russetfilth. Russets are peasant grade spuds. Yukon Gold is the potato of the gods, the tater of royalty. They are the Aryan Potato, gloriously luminous starchy wonders which put all others to shame. Behold their glory and savor their magnificence ye heathen and repent your Russetsins.
Chokes for air, brown underwear
"My emails are all there, i swear"
liar liar pants on fire
"I landed under sniper fire"
Donate money to my foundation,
and if I'm elected you run this nation.
Don't you see, ITS MY TURN
Thats why I had to cheat the Bern'
put a guacabowle hat on her
I don't care what type of potato they are, just as long as they were grown in Washington. Washington potatoes #1.
I needed that laugh, thanks user.
There once was a shrew named Hillary
who lived to spread lies and misery
She thought she’d never get caught
Because every judge she had bought
Until Trump cut a switch made of hickory
Why again haven't we pushed these nursery rhymes onto twitter and co. again?
because I cooked up two of those three last night and don't have a twitter. I did my part, now you do yours. Spread it like aids at a san fransisco bath house.
Shills and normalfags need to be gassed. There's no other way.
Was there even an audience? How are we to be sure it wasn't a laugh track?
Kek, Ghost is talking about this shit right now.
they're paid
Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-do
Hillary wears diapers, because pants she will poo.
Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-dee
Strapped to her leg is a bag full of pee.
What do you get when embezzle charity?
Speaking without an ounce of sincerity?
Do you not think the people would care?
Did you think you'd be safe sitting in. your . chair?
You're a monster.
It's all scripted. Everything. If there was an audience, they were definitely "instructed" how to act.
I was watching one show with various gypsies etc. trying to answer some non-trivial questions (e.g. what were Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria; one of them said something like "I could go for a pint now that you mention it"). They also have normalfags in the audience who answer the question for the watching public; almost every single time, they answer correctly instantly. The audience really are random people who bought tickets (not selected), but they definitely know they're going to be asked and how to answer.
damn straight user, yukon gold or nothing my dude
You never know what you've got until it's gone. RIP in piece Yeb.
You haven't done shit (checked) in your life unless you can go through an entire pic related in one sitting
How do we get her to come out wearing a dashiki?
Bump for CTR asshurt
Do you also drink the brine?
I do
of course
This to be tbh with you my excellent good fams. They're called KOSHER pickles for a reason.
Check this out. US. Army training slide 18 months ago…
Looks like there may be a civil war going on at the Pentagon.
Of course there is.
Despite everything the military used to be a refuge for red blooded americans.
Them being forcefully suppressed by politicians makes me wonder if the jews WANT America to have a civil war.
Eurofag here
Wasn't Petraeus a general during the Irak War?
Off-topic but I fucking hate the fact that you faggots share the same internet as me.
That disturbed me much more than I anticipated.
It's like nothing ever changes.
In the original case, the jews would've used the chaos as an opportunity to secure absolute power, play both sides, and cozy up to the winning side.
With recent occurrences and how slowly populace is being redpilled, the their window has closed.
enjoy your kidney stones.
Aptly named
Kidney stones are hell
She is supposed to be a lawyer, right?
It's like saying "5+5 = 11 because wood is brown".
I've recently noticed that more people on normalfag websites are becoming more open to anti-jew comments. Even some of my subtle Hitler-posting gets a positive response.
all good you can throw those in a soup for added nutrients. Recycling is an obligation.
Are you the one who keeps posting pooinloo books about drinking your own piss?
You filthy animal, have fun pissing a gold ball.
im just trying to be positive about the inevitable kidney stoned ill be shitting out of my dick head now that i learned drinking brine is very good at forming kidney stones
Nationalism is just the common next step after hundreds of years of jewish antics and shit.
That's all it takes. Ever open a pickle jar or do you have your mom do it for you?
I love this place so much.
Had the training recently, not even allowed to talk about Manning anymore because of the whole trans thing
not joking
Thank you for Correcting The Record!
It's only an occasional thing. Drinking brine every damn day would be ludicrous.
I bet you don't even use your spoon when you eat spaghetti you heathen.
No no … thank YOU for correcting the record.
.Later in the interview, Kimmel, acknowledging the continued fallout from the Democratic nominee's use of a private email server, suggested that Clinton maybe consider "FaceTime" as an alternative to email. "I think that's actually really good advice," she said with a smile. The grandmother of two often talks about how much she loves using the technology while on the road and said she would be "distraught" without it.
what the fuck, this is 100% mom from futurama
user, I may be a hillbilly, but I still have some class.
Nigger that doesn't even make sense.
Except Mom would actually win the election.
It would if you weren't a CTR newfag. Welcome to Holla Forums.
She complimented The Donald on being "healthy as a horse". Why would she all of a sudden compliment her "racist, xenophobic" opponent whom she has been attacking relentlessly?
This is an attempt to disarm through flattery and an obvious deflection.
She has? Bitch ain't been seen in public - except for $75,000 a plate fundraisers - since the DNC.
I've been an audience member for talk shows before, mostly Conan O'Brien, every single one before the show instructs the audience to applause and laugh and clap when the giant bright "applause" signs light up, failure to comply could get you removed from the audience by security. Hope that answers your question.
yeah hillary is a pretty eerie person if you think about it
Yeah. Guy was in charge of the so-called 'troop surge' counter-insurgency and handover phases of the Iraq occupation.
Ended up head of the CIA under Obama.
Disgraced over an affair with his biographer and - supposedly - security leak of classified information to her. Odds are he was on the losing side of a political power struggle.
I went to a showing for some comedian talk show guy in LA once. I don't remember who but they had a guest, Matt Smith from Doctor Who on it at the time I visited. Can confirm they instruct you like this.
It was funny because the first time he made a joke, no one realized they were supposed to laugh and there was a bit of a delay. Not sure if tough crowd or what.
Wow she can open a jar
So healthy
opening a container ment to be opened
We live in a fucked up world people.
Girlfriends mom.was crying doubled over in pain moaning we took her to the hospital and it just got worse and worse. Kidney stone, shes had two kids and says it was more painful then childbirth. Also it was a tiny atone… gl user
Wait until you learn about fluffers.
It's symbolic.
First you open a jar of pickles. Then you open the US borders.
I'll inject morphine into my dick
Honestly fluffers are less weird than "chicken breast guys"
i've gotten like 18 kidney stones because of dumb shit i was doing
you get used to them eventually
So what if she did open a jar of pickles? Can people with Parkinson's or Colostomy bags not open a jar of pickles? There's videos on YouTube of small children opening pickle jars. All Hillary has done is shown that she allegedly has the strength of a pre-teen. Is that healthy?
This lady makes me laugh every fucking time.
user, if you're still in the thread, I recommend taking potassium citrate. It's supposed to help dissolve kidney stones. No joke. Look it up.
tfw I actually desperately miss the early shenanigans of this presidential race
tfw you'll never get el'ratos, robolubios, turtlemans again.
tfw I miss Yeb.
Those were better times.
Thanks I'll check it out before it's too late
At least we still have Shillary
#Do20JumpingJacks instead of opening a jar of pickles
My bet is that her pants would experience shit holocaust by the number 4 unless she was fueled by steroids and other drugs, but then we would see her drugged up
"Durr she is 68 years old user, give it a rest, she is old hurr"
You get nowhere with that line of questioning
Fool! You still cling to your blasphemy despite my trip dubs?! Disgusting gold-picker, you wouldn't know royalty if it struck you in the face! It is you who must repent!
Funny…those don't look like slices of hamburger…
Critical mass achieved.
Kek is happy of the witch making a fool of herself again.
You point out Trump is 70.
Anyone who's opened a pickle jar knows that the jar jerks when it finally lets go & allows you to unscrew it.
Look at the video carefully…the jar does not reach that point of letting go, she twists the top too smoothly off the jar.
Clearly the jar was pre-opened, with the lid just lightly replaced.
Why? Why did they have to fake this?
Is Hildabeast's strength really that far gone? Can she really NOT open a simple jar of pickles?
This video is not any kind of vindication, it is a clear indictment of the true state of her health.
They HAD to fake it because if the audience saw that she couldn't open it, someone would've posted that to twitter. It would've DESTROYED the narrative that she's fine and healthy.
So they open it ahead of time and wow look at that her ability to open a jar of pickles means her balance and neurological issues are completely debunked for the right wingalt right conspiracies they are.
Might just be so it just opens easily.
This can't be real.
I had one too big to pass. It had to be laser ablated: they shoved a laser up my dick and broke it up into small pieces. I was unconscious during this, but woke up still pretty drugged. I had a stent (a tube from my bladder to dick to help pass the fragmented stone, that I would remove after a week, taking pain pills for two weeks. Even with those pills, it was a miserable time.
It is possible to open a jar of pickles smoothly.
However me and my friends tested and only the most robust among us could manage it. We were bored that day
We are currently under a CTR raid. So I imagine this is the thread they want to slide.
So I am bumping.
Alleged CTR raider here, the quality of the board has gone down the drain and this thread along with MDE are the only tolerable ones at the moment.
I've been alive 60 years and have never owned more than 1 jar of pickles at a time. Who has 3 jars of pickles in their home?
Never change Holla Forums. I love you guys, no homo.
Actually, I do. But I garden and can, so that's why. This vacuous bint? No fucking reason at all.
Do her handlers think this sort of thing is going to be endearing?
At best it's ignored but will probably end up as some kind of meme where she stores her floating poop and urine in a pickle jar or something to keep it secret.
Yes fellow 8channer, I too am an elderly homosexual. Don't you just hate these recent homosexuals changing the quality of our social club.
Nigger, Holla Forums always has shit threads. Bump the good ones or go fuck off back to 4chan or Reddit or Gaia. Where ever your candy ass came from.
Kekus Vult
Meme it so!
Go to bed ohio.
I still can't get over what a fucking dickbag shill Kimmel has become. He even has a nu-male faggot beard to boot.
Fuck that guy and his helping of the Wicked Pickled Witch of the West
It's gotta be causing some friction between him and that lolberg Carolla, don't you think?
This stunt was because of the meme about Hillary being unfit that was spread by Cernovich and Gateway Pundit.
Fucking gross, I always assumed she's hot for some reason.
Alright everyone, how do we spin this for normies to digest?
"conspiracy theory" really is just a word they throw around to silence questioning, isn't it?
She's younger than trump and reagan by less than a year if I recall.
Too bad the term conspiracy theory triggers normal fags into discarding all critical thought.
It's being overused though, soon it will go the way of the word racist.
Maybe Kek likes the name Nuis for niggers?
Hillary's from Berenstein timeline, too, but she's not on our side. She's a manipulative sociopath in every timeline, tbh fam.
What strength, surely the leader of the (((free world))) won't go up against anything nearly as challenging as a jar of perservatives and brine.
I hope she's terrified of dogs
I don't think you can bruteforce meme magic like this.
I heard a guy pass kidney stones when I was a kid. Big tough biker guy, total badass. Saw him get stabbed and shrug it off. But he cried like a bitch passing those kidney stones. Big part of why I never drink pop.
user kek speaks through you
They'll likely give you IV hydromorphone when you get to the emergency room. Pray you don't get a nigger nurse and that they don't waste time when giving you your pain relief. They kept me waiting on the hospital bed writhing in solid 10/10 agony for over half an hour and even had the nerve to yell at me for cursing loudly from the pain.
I made a Twitter, but most of the rhymes are way too long. Need short and sweet ones. I posted it under the hashtag #hillaryrhymes
I always keep an extra jar in case i finish the first jar
10/10 idea, we should try and make this trend.
Trump should bring a jar of pickles to the debate. I just want to see how bizarre this election can get.
If we meme it, it will happen.
Post the bag of piss and mention the multiple occasions where she had to sit, along with the fact that she requested a chance to sit when debating Trump
Just the relevant part.
Obviously the pickles were opened beforehand, there is no way on Earth they would've left it to chance.
Good idea lad.
How about literal pantsuit of shit?
It's O.K., I know the feeling, most of us Americans have a parent who's had cancer.
Quit being such an actual faggot and protect what's left of your family and/or make a new one. Dude, our dead mothers won't save us during the glorious racewar.
Fuck sake, I was about to post this in the other threads about it, it's CTR spreading fake rumours to make the real rumours seem just as stupid.
jesus, that would be a perfect Insidious 4 cover
checked and kekd
my sides are rekt
This is even better than that time she barked like a dog.
jesus christ how horrifying
also saggy jew tits and dumpster fire waist
they really do put a lot of effort into making her look "passable" in media.
all you fuckers claiming it was faked are really pulling at strings.
it's not hard to open AN UNDERSIZED JAR OF PICKLES. she is legitimately struggling to open it, and the crisp pop is not what we expect it to be for that same reason.
she actually opened it, and it actually took that much effort. if anything, you should be using this as proof of her frailty. in addition, grip strength and torsion are not things that go away easily without arthritis or some serious atrophy, and it takes a lot of wrist power to delete 45,000 emails.
you might have the autism son
Have you ever opened a jar of pickles without it popping?
She didn't "genuinely struggle" to open it. That's just not a chance someone as cold and manipulative as Hillary would take. It would have been disastrous if she couldn't open it. That's not an acceptable risk. He didn't just have a random jar of pickles laying around, this was clearly prepared and scripted.
Dumb woman. She should have pulled out a 16th century Venetian stiletto out of her sleeve and deftly poked a hole in the lid.
what's wrong with berenstein through,
just because hillary is from berenstein does not mean we like her.
If she starts dhitting lightning, ill vote for hrr.
it's flavorless red mush with fructose in it
distilling watermelon essence can provide a nice flavor, but that's a different thing entirely
why is this getting thread slided
they took about that long before they gave my girls mom pain meds, they treat you like you're a skezy addict just looking for a quick high… fucking hate this gay world.
Yes I'm sure the show's producers would have allowed Hillary to fail at opening a jar of pickles on live television.
fuck that witch. she's a terrorist and an enemy of the free world.
Clinton spreads Islamist Extremism, Supports Terrorism