I still can't believe this is actually happening. A CGI remake of Lion King… Sounds like a joke akin to fake trailers in Tropic Thunder etc. You'd think after all the shill remakes I wouldn't be surprised at all at this point but this baffled me.

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And the worst part is - normies will eat this terrible garbage up and praise it, just like with Beauty and the beast and Jungle Book, prompting them to make more.


Why not just use the original voice actors.


How the fuck does Seth Rogen get parts? There's no way kike producers want to fuck him.

He appeals to degenerate weed smokers and other untermensch

Wonder if they'll realize that whole "introducing hyenas (refugees) as a negative" thing goes against the grain, and make Simba the villain for wanting to drive them out.




disney is already planning like 20 live action/CGI remakes of their older cartoons.
can't find the list now. should've screencapped it when I saw it

Nigger looks like Rebecca Sugar and his fake laugh reminds me of DSP.

y tho


kikes are not known for creativity
they love money tho

Because normalfags are retarded enough to see this shit, and hollywood jews think they hate any non-CGI animation. It proves more profitable than just releasing the older movies in theaters, and they can inject politics/niggers into it. What is not to like :^)

Oh no. We have to nuke Disney to stop this.

I know, and this is the one that I cannot believe is unironically being made. Seems insane and absurd.

Probably not. Much like every single one of their live-action remakes has actively doubled down on the dumb shit, the latest example being Beauty & the Beast, this one probably will too.

What a (((cohencidence))) :^)

One would assume that jews truly are of superior intelligence if their tribe alone can supply 3/4 of Hollywood actors.


Do you think they will make Scar into a corrupt globalist like President T____, to make the movie appeal to modern audiences?
