Western confidence in democracy as a system of government at all time low


Sorry, I couldn't archive as they have some kind of anti-bot detection that prevents it.

According to a recent study, almost 25% of Americans and 15% of Europeans ages 16-24 believe that "having a democratic political system is bad or very bad way to run this country".

The proportion of those in favor of military rule has also risen notably.

Could this be a sign that a Fascist revival is on the horizon? I'm personally a bit worried that more of these 16-24 year olds want a single party socialist state instead.

Or maybe it's the colleges shitting out commies.

Requesting the webm of "why jews always promote (((democracy)))".

The increases seem to be across the board. The increase in 65+ people is about the same.

The kikes seem to have finally worked out that if we can't archive, then they can memory hole anything and everything.

If fascism is on the rise then work must be done to spread it far and wide, and make sure people don't fall into Jewish socialist claws.

Yeah, it's really worrisome. This isn't the first time it's happened to me.


Thanks, I probably should have thought to do that.

Good. Can't wait for death of all the family resemblance political positions in the 21st century.

Death of democracy. Death of liberalism. Death of journalism. Death of the common law system. Death of the smug globalist elites pushing all these things and their policies, while blaming the people for the foibles of voter aggregates.

All these things are going to be great. Can't wait till all the supporters of these positions get force fed the diversity and breakdown and social trust in the form of rape and violence that they bestowed on us.

The late night talk shows had skits about people not knowing who their representatives were. So this isn't a democracy. Instead of sensing trouble and dividing the states so no one governor or senator has control over too much tax revenue, the audience laughed and did nothing. Now we have an oligarchy. Blame that.

No system of governance can withstand the human (or (((human))) ) factor forever.

This. It's mostly people who believe democracy is standing in the way of leftism. Not us sadly.

People see democracy for what it is, a con set up by the bankers, corporatists, politicians etc. to help them. You democratically elect someone who will effectively ruin you and your community. These people are meant to have your back against the scheming and greedy (((elite))). They have grown to see what their choices are, usually sellout and corrupt Party A or sell out and corrupt Party B. One may protect the lower classes a bit more, the other may be more for taking away freedom.

Also, we're living the 21st century Weimar. Democracy and degeneracy were running rampant back then before the resurgence. Lets hope our rebirth happens soon.

Got you covered.

That's fine. Linking everything through archive.org is stupid and unnecessary anyway. The only reason to do it is to deny clicks to a website you hate (i.e. some shitlib site like Gawker, Buzzzfeed, or HuffPo), but I don't think anyone here hates AEI enough to make that necessary.

Good. Democracy is madness, a total shitshow, the worst way to run a country *including* all the others. The white man is finally waking up to the fact that we're not obligated to stick with a system that is literally a suicide pact just because some crazy 18th century Frenchmen and degenerate hypocritical Virginia planters thought it would be a good idea. Plato warned us a couple of thousand years ago that democracy led… well, exactly where we can now see it leading with our own eyes. Democracy isn't a part of our Christian tradition, either - there is exactly one example of democracy in action in the entire Bible, and that's when the crowd votes to crucify Christ. Democracy is unsuitable for the white race (or really, for any race) and the sooner we get rid of it the better.


As a German, I wouldn't want federalism. Shit's bad enough with those Bavarian half-Germanics yelling about seceding all the time.

Don't forget that's on both side of the spectrum

Remember Brexit when all the shitlibs suddenly thought democracy sucked because old people can vote and all the uninformed little englanders were voting against their indoctrination.
that's what they mean with democracy is bad.

I don't know, man. It's a fine system, so long as your populace is educated and knows what they're doing.

The problem arises when you massive groups of people in urban environments more than Dunbar's Number dealing with each other on a regular basis and those who would otherwise qualify as empty, soulless husks outnumbering the contributors.

Bavaria is the best part of Germany and always has been. Prussians can fuck off.

saupreißn pls go

Can you blame them considering how their northern have been behaving lately?

That ship has sailed. It's either dildocracy or absolute dictatorship now.

You must choose your path. Only one is pro-White.


The vote was not private. The people voted the way that would keep the rabbis from go after them like they went after Jesus.

Plato FTW

He attacked Democracy for many reasons and did not believe in it. Basically, your average person is worthless and the lowest common denominator becomes the norm.

Plato advocated for Philosopher Kings, which we could construe as Divine Monarchy, Kings who were highly advanced spiritually.

In practice, what happens in democracy is that increasing swaths of the electorate vote themselves more and more free stuff over time, thinking the welfare money and rent subsidies they receive are magicked out of thin air by government.

The electorate itself naturally expands as well. This has been demonstrated in the US, which started by allowing only white male property owners to vote. Later, the requirement to own property was dropped; then non-white men were given voting rights, then women.

Now we're at the point where Democrats in California have essentially given non-citizens the right to vote by screaming racism at anyone who wants to make sure voters are actually citizens of the country. After the shitty court ruling that struck down Prop. 187 and allowed illegal beaners to get gibsmedats and medical care, illegals getting to vote was the natural final step.

If you live in California, illegals can do literally anything a citizen can do. They'll never be deported because every city is a sanctuary city. They get driver licenses. They can get welfare by showing low income, because they usually work for cash and there's nothing recorded otherwise. Their little anchor baby brats go to US schools, and in some parts of Los Angeles the schools are taught in Spanish because there's nothing but Mexican kids there, and Mexican teachers teaching them. They can drive without insurance and if they hit your car, you're basically SOL even with Uninsured Motorist coverage, because UMC only pays for medical care.

This is the end result of allowing decisions to be made by people who only live in the country, and really have no stake in what happens to it.

I think we are nearing the time where Roman Republic was when Julius Caesar made the most significant decision of his life.

all you need to do to see the folly of democracy is go onto the streets and talk to literally anyone

Someone's going to conquer the middle east and seize force using their conquering army?

Add Australia to the list. I was listening to a radio report about 6 months ago saying only about 20-30% of Australians believed in democracy anymore.

*seize control of the US

tl;dw democracy in practice becomes plutocracy

That isn't what happens you stupid libertardian twat.

What happens is that immediately rich people start rigging the system and bribing politicians. Then they offer stuff like welfare to pacify the masses and prevent them from revolting.


Maybe they both happen, huh.

This. Democracy is a total sham. All the Politicians are on the same team. Their job is to create division in the masses. The news is nothing but scripted propaganda and staged hoaxes for the same aim. Divide and Conquer.

Except we live in a republic….. the majority only rules if the representatives vote foe what their constituents want… which rarely happens.

Republics ONLY work in homogenus societies, like durring the colonial days… now with muh diversity, its impossible for it to work.

Aristotle never fucking said that. He did say "It is always the weaker who go in search of justice and equality; the strong reck nothing of them."