happened last week, how come noone is talking about this?
Iraqi diplomat's sons run down and beat a portuguese kid
Why your not gonna go out and see justice done.
Scumbags. Presumably those "diplomats" are post-Hussein, but who knows.
Diplomatic immunity is the most retarded horseshit. Let me guess, it's a kike invention isn't it?
after it happened and the portuguese president went to see the portuguese kid in the hospital, the case got a little more media atention and the embassator's sons allegedly got out of the country (some sources say through Spain).
yesterday they were in Lisbon again and gave an exclusive interview where they flip the narrative, saying they were just as victims as the kid in a coma in the hospital, since they were violently beaten by 6 guys (tho they had no visible marks/signs whatsoever) and only acted in self defense.
or as they say, self defense
You can take the Muslim out of Mudistan but you can't…
Try to get a crowd going around the embassy. Maybe fire some guns into the air idk. What else do you have to lose.
If you get arrested at least there's publicity
the sandniggers made a wrong move, never mess with an iberian
This si fucking hilarious. I just saw them on tv "defending themselves" and they essentially said "It doesn't matter who's fault it is, we're all victims of consequence!"
Oh god, they come to this country under this tense political climate, beat a boy to near death, hide under diplomatic immunity and essentially go "Heeeyy foggeddabout it!"
Muslims are a peaceful people, goyim.
Because Mudshit attacks are so common nowadays that not even Holla Forums can keep up with them.
Ain't that a kike name?
This, even my cuckservative parents were boiling with rage at these rats.
And the woman reporter on the news was trying to excuse their behaviour by "dey youffss they dindu nuffin, boys will be boys teehee". The psychologist they invited over replied to that with a "is this bitch serious?" face and said that the behaviour wasn't excusable whatsoever. They cracked the kid's skull even.
I want to know where the fuck these iraqis go to school, because I doubt they showed up again after this went public. They'd get beaten up way worse than they did to that kid where I went to.
Third world trash always attack in packs, it's subhuman mentality.
No, not unless you know something I don't.
They left already? Fuck.
Also, isn't this legitimately an act of war? They are related to the diplomat after all. We should be demanding compensation from whoever the Iraqi head of state is.
What was there motive?
Diplomatic immunity extends to the immediate family of diplomatic staff so that they can't be used as leverage by the host nation. It can be removed with the agreement of the diplomat's country.
The Iraqis are having to decide whether to throw these two to the infidels by allowing them to be prosecuted in Portugal, or swap out the ambassador. They're probably waiting to see whether the incident has legs.
Good news for the kid is he's out of the coma; bad news is Portugals govt are lefty cucks.
No more than Jonathan or David. The surnames to watch out for are Figueroa and Lopez, AFAIK.
Step 1 revoke diplomatic immunity
Step 2 jail the whole lot
Only in a timeline where justice prevails. We live in the timeline where Griffith NTRs Guts. It's a bad place to live.
Probably. I wonder if extraterritorial rights are a kike invention, too.
I've read Berserk but what is NTR?
Active female cuckolding of the male, usually from the male POV.
Saged for o/t
"Noone" isnt a word you stupid fuck
It's "no one"
is being sub-human trash not enough of a motive for kebabs anymore?
And how much of that land was filled with productive white people?
Enough to make the nogs work user
Mister Nu-nee gives exactly zero fucks.
I read your post and I honestly don't know if I should thank you for correcting the record or agree with you because I have absolutely no fucking idea what you just said.
Does green-texting make you feel like you fit in?
your life is worthless end it