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within a few years or even months every part of the world that matters with the exception of one country will be a steaming hole in the ground.
what i mean is dont get too worked up over niggers or their handlers just yet
theyre not even trying to hide it anymore
End game is approaching.
They see their window of opportunity to push this shit on everyone closing, and they're getting desperate. They've worked so hard to swing things their way, and in a year it's mostly been undone. They're going to get more and more desperate and obvious as time goes on.
praise kek
Are they panicking and tipping their hands now that they're faced with Trump?
Or are they panicking trying to keep the EU from collapsing?
kek confirms.
But also the endgame has changed. Thanks to the power of the internet and austism of a thousand making sure history stays alive under the bury of trivial information and controlling of context, the kikes have lost a lot of their advantages.
Both my friend. They are panicking because the white man is waking up from the daze. They are waking up to jewish antics around.
Isn't it great to see the enemy self destruct is slow motion?
I don't know why black pilled people exist, the Jews machinations always fail and they end up getting persecuted. I mean they didn't get shoahed 100 times throughout history for no reason.
they don't like populists?
isn't the european union supposed to be *buzz* DEMOCRATIC!?
denying the will of masses sure sounds like something that is NOT *buzz* DEMOCRATIC!
what are those guys, a bunch of *buzz* DEMOCRACY-HATING *buzz* PINKO *buzz* COMMUNISTS!?
I used 1 asterisk instead of 2 where I did on purpose
what do Holla Forums think normies would think when they read those excerpts that OP mentioned from the article?
All of those, and more.
Yes it is. It's amazing, it's like gamergate was just a warm up.
The icing on the cake is that again, with internet, they have left their crumbs all over the place, spilled about like mom's spaghetti. They can't easily hide or bury it, because autists will ensure their shit is brought to light.
Why does no one have the source to this webm ?
at this rate they might just start killing everyone who browses 8/pol/ and isn't a shill en-masse, maybe by using the cops and/or military to do it
There's nothing democratic about the EU. It's a giant unelected bureaucracy that over rides local democracies. Populist is just what people who hate democracy call democracy.
"democracy" is codeword for jews and niggers voting
"populism" is codeword for hard-working whites voting
jesus, where have you been!? :^)
You know it's fucking amazing that we might have been the one's to fire the first shot in the current culture war.
you want to know what the song is, or you want the webm?
God please let the seventh day come to a glroious close
Glory to the king of kings and lord of lrods
And risk making more normies curious and looking up shit themselves and becoming red pilled?
Not a chance. It's the same with disabling the internet. How do you think a normie would feel knowing that an ancient rice pudding imageboard that posts anime smug girls posed the greatest threat to the (((globalist))) political power, and that what that site was doing justified the entirety of the internet being shut down.
People would not only be pissed at kikes, but also deeply looking into and wondering why, many would mass red pill themselves.
The shit they are pulling now with killing leakers and leaving their bodies to be found is typical way of trying to leave a message. But that message they leave is retorted instead of fear with spitefulness and memes.
The kikes have lost. Last resort they will try to do is nuke all places going nationalist and proceed from there with project chimera.
sorry mixed up my jewish mistransalations
But America and Russia have like 90+% of all the Nukes.
Something must be close.
Are you forgetting Obongo's Iran nuclear deal? The pentagon suddenly losing trillions, and the facebook explosion warning shit?
caps on accident but its important too fuck it
War. They're at a point where their entire endgame hinges on being the last man standing.
they already are aware of their power waning. Why do you think they're so panicked, so sloppy, and so hastened with their agenda?
cops might actually be on our side where I am at.
Well look on the bright side lads, Jews are relatively few in number. When the governments collapse, their power collapses along with it.
which is why i'd worry they remove the foundations of the world economy if trump does win the election and/or cause some shit to make the arsenal of russia go "rogue" (i.e. the jewish duma allows their commie infiltraitors to destroy russia via false flagging them as the nuclear aggressors)
If they completely pulled out, then what kind of message would it bring to the world that Trump brought the economy within the country and it rose to a prosperous state? Just like with what Adolf did to Germany.
The kikes will never truly pull out, not only because of this, but because many are out for themselves and many will jumble up to fill the void.
You're starting to see, yes? The jews have backed themselves in between a boulder and an oven.
Holy shit they really are retarded. But this time it plays into our favor.
What's resulting is a perfect storm for a nazi uprising. The more you inflate a currency to prop up the economy, the bigger the crash it causes when it inevitably deflates. The harder you push the pendulum in one direction, the harder it swings back. The more you kick the hornet's nest, the more you're going to get stung.
On top of all of this, these kikes have been sending propaganda to us for generations saying "if the jews fuck your economy and your nation and you rise up as a nationalist, massive numerically impossible genocide of the jews happens" and now everyone accepts that as fact. It doesn't matter if the holocaust happened or not, the next nazis - the ones that are coming very soon - will think through the jews own propaganda that genociding the jews is the natural conclusion.
2016 isn't 1914. They don;t see another opportunity in 20 years to regain such positioning as there was in previous subversion cycles, because they've reached those eschelons of power vaunted in the protocols
I'd worry that if these reigns to slip the itnernationalists and those who work for them will get very haphazard.
Didn't Putin purge the Jewish oligarchs that went against his rule without mercy?
Also do you think that Putin doesn't have continuances? I mean this is the man that's outplaying the Jews to such a degree that NATO just completely lost control of Turkey to Russias sphere of influence.
We can only hope at this point user. I know in my heart that will eventually happen though, with or without us.
The fire rises
Just wait for Hitler brah
They're less than 0.2% of the total world population m8
Pray to god I'm wrong then, because the russian duma is as kiked as oursenate. I do not trust any government with devolved powers to literal zionists and their pawns. They will get very desperate soon enough.
It's the Soviet Union all over again.
Nationalism > Islamic Gommunism
check and mate /leftycuck/
The meek ones that will try to survive will sell the other jews out in an effort to preserve themselves and last longer. The greater elites will be crying oy vey while fighting from all sides while they are moving on a conveyor belt towards the oven. Their very own nature is self destructive because they can't think long term.
The regular populace is getting redpilled bit by bit. And the harder they try, the more they make themselves obvious, and it further redpills. If they do nothing, the populace are getting redpilled anyways.
right but they hold almost all the key positions. that's the problem
Since when does the Russian Duma have any fucking power?
Did the Senate have power in the Roman Empire?
Nice meme, last I checked Syria didn't mean the entire middle east and africa…
Months later
Lefty Logic.
I use the duma as a title for all regional politics in russia
There's a reaosn putin laments the state of corruption in local governments: because the only way to fix it is to replace them, he has no recourse with many regional governors and administrators from commie-era shit being able to hold reigns of power. Hence why russia is never able to make much legislative progres;s there's a literal anti-russian force embedded in their government.
Liuke ma certain other government.
All I say is don't look at things black and white. there are jews hiding to fuck up every "team"they hve created in ours minds
Does corrupt faggy local governments stop Putin from putting the nuclear arsenal under direct federal control?
the funniest thing is that the Left has been screaming Chicken Little about teh ries of le ebul right for several decades now, and it just intensified majorly like 6 years ago. Right at the moment that the Radical Right is really gaining steam, their "muh ebul right-wingers" rhetoric has become old and stale.
someone should tell them about crying wolf. because the wolf is here, and he's pissed. lol
I have 0 knowledge of this exactly but silo workers are still soviet-era
Is that a bad thing?
Didn't all the Jews flee from the Soviet Union and set up neoconservitism in the United States after the Doctors plot and Trotsky got wacked with an ice pick?
Didn't the Jews only gain power in Russia again after the Collapse which Putin promptly stopped after playing the good goyim to get elected?
Is my history wrong?
If we play devil's advocate, maybe they knew precisely it would cause increased nationalism? Maybe they want the world to fall apart in a nationalist upheaval so they can say SEE WE NEED GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.
Or they're literally retarded.
soviet = jew
or they're goading the West into attacking the Middle East so Israel can have some space. remember the hebes always create their own grave-diggers – its part of their dialectic.
So explain Stalin purging Jews from the government and murdering Trotsky.
Lenin and Trotsky and Marx were Kikes no doubt. Not to mention the original Soviet leadership was like 80-90% Jewish. However Stalin was absolutely a goy and the Doctors plot happened.
Of course Juncker says this, do people even realize when they cross Luxemburg when they drive on the A7?
How can Europe allow him to get away with such words?
Dubs confirm. It's possible that GamerGate has a bigger impact on everything than we might think. GamerGate disregarded Holla Forums's sound advice tried and to improve its PR by disavowing misogyny and the like. The people who were attracted to that movement couldn't understand that their fight was a fight against an advance of Overton window. They thought playing by progressive rules would allow them to achieve good goy points with the media. Too late did they realize that their dissent was what SJWs found to be offensive.
If not for GamerGate, what would Trump's online support look like? When the mods of that /r/The_Donald tried to regulate it a bit more, many subscribers responded with the now-familiar, "Muh PR!" bantz. That little voice that told GamerGate to not worry about being called sexist is quite loud now.
You know, I think that might be plausible. They keep manufacturing enemies and problems to use as justification for their actions and policies so maybe we're the next one on the list. Maybe they're already got a massive private military force and enough government swing to start ww3 as soon as nationalist governments start coming up. I doubt they'll wait as long as they did with Hitler and I think the only reason why they did was because it was really close to the end of the first world war so war weariness and general anti-war sentiment was high at that time. Then while the war is going they'll have the opportunity to slaughter as many whites as they want and bomb as many white nations as they can and then behind the scenes use their intrigue to bring whatever plants they have into power around the world to consolidate their power. Then when all the nationalists and whites are dead a peace conference is formed with all the exclusively jewish leaders to form a one world government and get their wet dream of global marxist slavery.
I guess one just has to hope whatever nationalists come to power are strong enough to fight back.
We should take him up on his offer.
Contrary to Holla Forums-tier anarchism faggotry, it would be a counterintelligence and law enforcement nightmare to get rid of borders overnight. Plus the nature of the large administration, along with the welfare state, means almost certain societal and economic chaos.
Once that happens, large amounts of the political infrastructure will cease to function.
Then we can hunt down people like Juncker and his family when there is no Leviathan to protect them anymore.
Can't lock up the marauding nationalist death squads when there is no functioning police force.
There is only one good reason to open borders, and that would for the purpose of unleashing new colonialists/hunters of the non-whites.
Gamergate was the redpill the internet needed. The successes and failures taught us valuable lessons. It made us hard and unkind toward our enemies. Carry a knife gentlemen for when they try to stab you in the back you will stab them in the heart.
This seems to be the case for many aspects of the regressive left and globalist kikes. As the pendulum i starting to swing back, they're going all in and will push for totalitarianism.
If the situation gets more tense, what should we expect to see pushed? One world currency?
Smart jews = stay quiet
Strong enough? They're multi-dimensional shitpost hardened veterans. Let's face it. Kek has basically given Holla Forums supernatural powers.
How can you fight literal wizards?
Of course they're desperate! They can smell their deaths from a mile away, and the sound they'll make reeing in their cages will serve as a warning to the jews!
No goy there's no chance of that
I don't get it, why are they forcing it so much? These people should be highly cunning and intelligent, they certainly have to know, that this will cause the opposite of what they want? Maybe they are trying something like reverse psychology to invoke WW3? But what benefit do they get from a conflict of such dimensions? This is all just too weird. - saying absurd shit like:"borders were the 'worst invention ever". Strange as fuck, I don't get it.
The truth that our globalist friends don't seem to recognize is that fascism, interpreted as it can be in it's various local forms, is the last radical attempt of a civilization trying to return itself to the traditional values of that society. All societies are constructed upon a certain set of values shared by the people within, who developed it over long periods of time.
Monarchy (autocracy as it is called by the weak-spirited) is the pluperfect form of a societies moral character and optimal structure, which reaches far beyond the Enlightenment values that brought us to this place, where we the will of the people is so easily subverted by hostile parties.
Fascism realizes the impracticality of monarchy in the post-enlightenment world, or perhaps more accurately, it represents the respective volk's desire to no longer be ruled by cronies and sycophants, but instead to be pulled back into normality that despite their enemies efforts has not been scrubbed out of their minds. It is to be ruled by a strong, virtuous leader who is king in all but name; just as the Romans wished for Caesar to be crowned king, to free them from the devastated and corrupt democratic processes they were subject to at the time.
When we had kings, we were strong;
When we had kings, we were united;
When we had kings, we all knew our place in the world.
But the kings are old, and our problems are new. If we can't turn back this clock, then let's swap it out for one that still tells the right time.
There are many who would oppose this, even virtuous men. Cicero was one such man; he was such an opponent as would give a worthy fight. If only we could say the same today.
Ever hear of the idea that there's ideas and theories that are so retarded that only intellectuals can believe it?
The more wealth and success they acquire the more their hubris grows and the more detached they become from reality and humanity.
youre right. any happening occurs, if jews make it to the other end theyll spread their tales of persecution. true or not. its time to make them so true, they will never be told.
inb4 that caused the rising trend of nationalism in the first place
Globalists are a blight.
They're panicking because they're twenty years behind schedule and, as we're seeing with Hillary, the senior management are now physically disintegrating.
No it would send the white societies into full chaos, something they want to do. It's all a big divide and conquer-plan. If they send our societies into chaos, they can give us an alternative to avoid starvation, thugs killing us etc with more surveillance, more control over us etc. Basically, we don't want that.
And this has to be touched upon aswell;
Come on you fucking nerds, read a bit of history. You can't be this fucking new to the movement of nationalism that you think gamergate has anything to do with it? And he's not talking about Donald Trump you morons, he's specifically talking about the various nationalist organisation in Europe and how the people don't want immigrants, across the board in most european countries. That's what he is afraid of, that he can't seize control over Europe and the people want to take their countries back.
The culture-war has been going on since 50's atleast. Heck it's an ongoing war since the 1st world war basically.
I was living with a SJW lesbian friend who enjoyed a ride on my dick every now and then.
I snorted large amounts of MFA and drank like a fish and had hours long wank and halfchan marathons.It was then that this GG kept coming up.
Now I`m clean shaven, good haircut, dressed as a hWhite man should and have my own place with a 3.14qt waifu who is going to be the mother of little Adolf.
GG set me on the path to become a UARW(Ultimate Aryan Race Warrior).
Let us go one step further by simple axiomatic extrapolation.
The fundamental cell and building block of any society is the family unit, be it extended or nuclear.
Anything that threatens the viability of family as an economic unit, a social unit or a biological unit threatens the fabric of society and the whole civilization as a result.
Cultural Marxism, economic Liberalism, Feminism and positive discrimination all hurt and endanger the family unit and as such have corrosive effect on the society as a whole.
Their seeming revulsion to nationalism and conservative values stems from the fact that these positions are able to undo decades of slippery slope with one move as their positions are immutable and call upon the natural foundation stones of the society as well as the classical order of civilization that enabled us to get to this point.
This tbh, also meme magic
It absolutely set me down the road to here, and got me to understand that sometimes you can make a real difference.
Nah, you're a fucking idiot and one of those dumbass tinfoil fags.
Wholesale chaos means they can't organize. With full blown societal breakdown, there isn't going to be people going to work, which means the entire political infrastructure will be substandard. There will be a failure of government ministries or agencies across multiple domains. The security organs (state security, police, intelligence) will be completely over run. Especially in places like Europe where they'll not only face massive amounts of crime from our diverse friends, but also the potential for a full blown Islamic insurgency. Then combine a nascent right with death squads roaming the night time, assassinating mayors, governors, councils, elders, judges, head bureaucrats, high level military officers, bankers, journalists, academics, religious leaders, etc. and you have a real problem for those in power.
The security organs – who are the first responders upon collapse, as opposed to calling the military in – will be fighting a three front war, thus being informationally overloaded with noise rather than signals. That's if the security organs don't join us when they see the writing on the wall.
With over run security organs, comes a collapsed judicial system. Another part of the political infrastructure that sets the laws to go through. This in turn means further collapsed parts of the political infrastructure: political party turmoil, election apparatuses, the fiscal system and taxes that drives their warchest. Not to mention how pissed off everyone is at the media, who at the first sign of collapse everyone will hang anyone with a big camera or microphone in the streets. Thus leading to a breakdown in information dominance and propaganda for the EU.
All this chaos and collapse means loss of political legitimacy in the eyes of the public, which only works in our favor. When African gangs in France start going full warlord on their blocks post-electrical grid collapse, then normies will kick into gear and blame the borderless-promoting elites like he fuckwit in the OP. If economic collapse also occurs, they'll also have to get into streetfights and riots with the left and antifa.
That's now a four front war. At that point they'll probably call the military in, which again, will lose political legitimacy in the eyes of the populace, leading to civil war. It's a well known empirical fact within the literature that the moment countries start using the military and violence to quell dissent, then civil war and guerillas start sprouting up everywhere in opposition. So all this works for us.
The elites and the Jew are fucked if things collapse. All roads lead to their defeat (but not to us winning, we have to do that ourselves). There is no way out of the delusional bullshit they've set up. They cannot hope to come back from this. There is only retreat to Israel as we gather and burn the traitors. Sure, they can ask America, but America is heading for the same diverse and tolerant scenario.
Y'all better start making lists.
Expect these commie niggers to go full totalitarian before the first national elections in europe, during 2017. They will definitely false flag more SHIT and use it as justification for total control.
They wont stop until we tear them assunder.
I want the song, I have the webm already
oligarkh - forgive us
I swear this must be the biggest faggot in all of EU. Every time there is some globalism pushing, every time someone talks about rapefugees, he is there to talk the most retarded bullshit. I fucking hate that cunt.
Uranium enriched to just under 20% is useless for nuclear weapons. All the fuzz about Irans nuclear program has never been about weapons but about the Israeli kikes being butthurt over Irans rising influence in the middle east following the US disastrous invasion of Iraq. Iran was supposed to be next after Iraq but the US armed forces blocked the neocohens from starting one.
Maybe all leftists are actually extreme right wing that decided to create the most wide-scale, extreme flase flag attack in human history?
soros is dying, hillary is the weakest candidate in centuries of american history
Man, the soviets kikes really perfected demoralization huh. In any other time, we'd have passed through democracy by now and become a new Rome, driven by the spirit of nation and people.
Thomas Sowell is a nigger.
But that quote is still correct.
he a real nigga, you feel me fam?
that's the liquor talking
based vedic dubs of godhood
Nothing slips past you, does it?
Funny little holohoax thing if Hitler really did wipe out over half of the World Jewish population. How do the Jews explain the West going through one of its most prosperous eras ending when the Jews population would in theory recover.
GG died but it succedied in 2 fronts.
1) it forced SJW to close ranks with each other becoming one solid block that people could attack. Ip untill GG, they were a loselly defined group whose existance could barely be proveen, but GG forced them to become more agressive, unmasking them before normies and keeping the spotlign on them so that everyone could see how rotten they've always been
2) GG redpilled a fuck ton of Holla Forums autist who got a bird's eye view on small scale of how cultural Marxism works, and the fall of GG also redpilled a fuck ton of weebs on what red flaggs to avoid for the next ideological battle Trump's campaign people dismissing PR faggots with "muh PR" is a direct result of lessons learned from the fall of GG.
If anything GG was one of the most succesfull of Holla Forums's OPs as it redpilled thousands of autistic weebs who then red pilled millons of unaware normies themselves
Up until GG Holla Forums had been mostly contained in frigne communities, but as soon as they leaked their ideology into pop culture shit like Vydia, Holla Forums tier ideologies began to spread like fire across all of pop culture
Now everyone online despises SJWs and kikes can no longer hide the fact that they had a hand in making SJWs
That was kind of what was intended for GamerGate, a mass redpilling operation and assault on the media. Didn't work as effectively it could have been, but it accomplished enough to get the ball rolling.
Burgers killed all our real men for muh freedumz.
Also the OC was really good. It also showed (((they))) have no idea how to deal with us. Which is why 4chan was raised but we did the unexpected we left and regrouped becoming twice as strong. This is something (((they))) had never witnessed when destroying a community. Then seeing ever single thing they try backfire on them it must have been like a holocaust.
GG seriously damaged an at the time major online media group. For our size that really was the best we could do. I think something was also created during GG an outright Hate of MSM. Anger will pass but hatred burns forever.
Congratulations man, but I feel sorry for your wife riding the same dick a cretinoid once did. Does she know?
but they know and they are afraid:
It is us who will see to that by informing all that we can who is causing and escalating this mess.
Thanks fam
Intellectuals are cancer.
They all need to go over the Wall.
U.S. calls on Americans to leave Gaxa ASAP
And to think, the rise of Donald Trump could have been prevented if that purple-haired cunt just said, "Yes, I fucked those five guys, I'm sorry."
Yes, they're perfectly aware of that. Many articles have been written on it in mainstream outlets. Their dilemma is, bringing in the mud races strengthens nationalism, but slowing or stopping the flow gives us what we want. Faced with this, they've decided to simply replace us as fast as they can in hopes that we'll never be able to undo the damage.
I know that (((Kat Dennings))) is shit, but god damn,,, MUH. DIK.
into the garbage pit he goes
You are not a slave.
Just pay taxes.
Obey our rules.
Laws we call them.
Submission you give us.
You guys ever think maybe "a rising tide of populism" is what they wanted in the first place?
Whites are too soft, maybe they are hardining us up for global bio warfare against the third world.
Its both
You mean kikes
Leftists/globalists can be utterly destroyed by their own arguments from decades ago. I submit Marcuse, a Frankfurt school champion of critical theory. frame his argument in today's paradigm.
I don't get the image, I get the last part, but explain this "gap" to me.
the guy is drunk 24/7
how he made it to the top I will never understand
it is criticism itself. between what is dominant culture and the possibility of its opposite. the left called Trump "dark" for raising criticism of the current order. leftists have been doing the very same for over a century. Marcuse would argue the (alt?) right is justified in their critique of society now, considering it a crucial function.
then again you have to assume leftists only believe themselves capable and justified in this sort of thing, right? right wingers are uneducated and racist bigots bla bla bla.
and not just in the US, i see it in Europe as well, even bubbling up in Asia in some parts. the paradigm of what life IS vs what it OUGHT to be is always to be argued over. modern decadence has closed that off a lot, though. we keep our heads down and grind through the motions for some reason other than "the good of society". but what good? where is all the good that was supposed to be generated?
Interesting, the (((elite))) and especially the left are masters of the pairs of opposites, and they invert everything.
So its typical they point at everyone else and say, "your dark" or "your a racist" when its actually them that are those things. A perfect inversion.
very few were from Syria user
So the jews will end up memeing the holocaust into reality. It's like pottery: It chimes.
what's wrong with this?
Yes, whites are actually a very soft, benevolent people. Contrary to what the left wants to be believe about muh colonialisation (hell, some of the worst shit to come out of colonialisation was due to liberal programmes) white culture tends to be slow to anger.
But when we lose our shit we do tend to go all out.
It wasn't even that. Doing nothing at all and trying to sweep everything under the rug would've been all they needed to get rid of all the bullshit, instead they try to launch a media blitzkrieg on a bunch of faggots who just won't take a "You died" screen and surrender.
And now we're wizards, Gawker is burning and we're getting our favourite candidate as the president. 2016, fellas.
Will we fully exterminate them this time?
They are so fucking stupid. If they'd increased everyone's quality of life before they made their move instead of ruining it, nobody would have fought back. People would have begged for globalism.
dont worry, we wont be able to
Bumping thred
We pretty much hit peak degeneracy in 2015. The pendulum reached its standstill - its calm before the storm - it reach the point where it stopped moving and started to swing back. And now in 2016 it has started to swing fast.
We've got a long ways to go, and it's only just begun.
I predict the election of Hofer in Austria will be the first domino. Crime in Austria will plummet with the expulsion of the rapefugees and consumer confidence will surge as a result when the Turks are expelled shortly after. Everyone will quickly follow suit.
is he jewish???
All hail the confirmation by Lord Kek!
Is this board any good? Enoch is an interesting person, Id like to learn more about him.
what a nice guy
underrated post
No, to them America is a corporation. A business, in which they are simply bringing more workers into. They want to diversify the workers as much as possible so they can control them. We have seen in the last few years especially how they have been targeting white males non stop. They hide massive, uncontrolled negro crime and then bring to the forefront any case where a white police officer shoots one of the raging negroes, then they beat it to death, in defiance of all lgic. This keeps everyone occupied and away from their real goal, which is decimating the countries around Israel, and using us, their MasterBlaster to do it. They control every means of communication so there can be nothing spoken edgewise. Any outside communications that get large enough, like POL, will be targeted. This is what you saw from Hillary the other night. The key is their strict control of all communications and media, which they have. They have everyone programmed, humans are much dumber than anyone realizes and easily controlled. All you need is one or two layers of complication and the vast majority will never see reality.
what if this was the Rosicrucians plan the whole time?
Been saying for a while now, kikes aren't as good at magic(k) as they like to think they are.
they've always believed in a spiritual hierarchy from what I can tell, so its not so unfeasible that they would support a physical one as well.
Remember Trump the phrases Trump started his campaign with
We're going to win and we're going to win and we're going to win.
So, he's calling for the destruction of tax havens?