Trump Dynasty confirmed?

Just a funny and uplifting story Holla Forums, don't sperg out on me.

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A 12 year old should have absolutely no say in any politics, ever. As for his Trump dynasty quote, he can fuck right off. This is America. We are not a fucking monarchy. Any one related to the current or past president to within 3 generations should be barred from any political office.

That's how you solve political corruption.

And this is why I warned people not to sperg out. Fucking autism.

first post is always a kike. paid shills are working overtime and will be until Trump is elected.

Kill yourself and accept our new emperor


This is a shitty meme.

Where the fuck did I say I didn't want Trump? I'm voting Trump, and with a paper ballot.

Did…Did I correct the record correctly??

I need to stop taking the bait.

I can see that system has worked so well in the past 30 years.

I can see how fair and honest the system is today with Trump :^)




Kid isn't bad, though. Barron will need a Malcador. And Malcador was incredibly badass in his own right.

Also the first faggot in the thread isn't wrong. Name one good political dynasty in modern times. We have the Clintons who are trash, and the best Kennedy was shot in the fucking chest. The rest of his family are vermin. So yeah, I'd rather see Primarch Barron dominate politics because his father taught him well, not because he gets it handed to him.

If America really is the modern Roman Republic than isn't becoming an empire an inevitability?


Didn't the Roman republic last 250 years, and then the Roman empire 250 years after that?

guess how many years the burger republic has been around

Around 270?

Also I remember the Roman Republic lasting around 500 years from 509 BC–27 BC

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the republic and empire combined.


Not to mention if you count Byzantium and the Roman Kingdom Roman civilization lasted over 2000 straight years.

>750BC-473AD extending to 1453

jesus christ what are children learning these days

It's the shit in the water making people this stupid, it has to be


Huh. So the roman monarchy lasted about 250 years, and the Republic 500 or so. Could a case be made for the early and later Republics being distinct entities?

IIRC there was almost total Patrician/1st Class domination under the Servian constitution. Buteo-Cotta reform of the Centuriate Assembly and the First Punic War (advent of Roman power projection beyond Italy) both fell in the mid 3rd century BC.

America is the late roman empire, mate…


Thank you friend for Correcting The Record! Dynasties are really, really bad! I agree! We are not a monarchy! This is why we shouldn't elect Hillary, because we already had 8 years of Clinton reign.

There is literally nothing wrong with a monarchy

Alright, as badass as Napoleon was, I think you'd agree there are no good family political dynasties within the last century or so. I could be completely wrong, but when I think about the Kennedys or Clintons all I think of is corruption.


inb4 muh FDR

reminder teddy literally wrote in his diaries about how much of a pussy FDR was

You're doing a shit job, here's your shekel.

It's definitely wrong when the government pretends that it's not a monarchy.

Teddy was our last good President.

Except maybe Nixon he fucking knew about the Jews but regrettably didn't do a fucking thing about.

You now discovered why they created wthat scandal


Hey Nixon didn't want to help those kikes in the Yom Kipper War but they threatened to use their nuclear arsenal on the Arabs so he cucked out.

It was an understandable cucking though.

Nixon did nothing wrong.

Also it's interesting that Roger Stone a guy that worked for Nixon and has a huge tatoo of Nixon on his back is a huge confidant of Trump and is very high up in his campaign.

Unofficially of course.

Hahahaha this kid fucking cold called me to work on the Trump campaign!

I wondered why a boy so young was working on the campaign.

I was really impressed with him. Still have his number in my phone. I should call him and tell him I saw the article and wish him good luck in bearing the sigil of the God Emperor.


Maybe we should have a thread on Donald Trump's favorite foods.